Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Satitflty we offer aspecial group
Men's Shirts
in Neglige end Outing Stylos
A Big Bargain Feature Q2ft
of Our July Sales, at. . . vlit
You can choose hero from almost unlimited
rango of patterns in high grndo shirts of
well known makes. Many shirts with de
tached soft collars to match some with
collnrB attached or neckband style. Supply
.U. J. .... . 1- J
your vacation wants anu
meet vour entire summer
nectls-:$1.50 and oven up
to $2W values, at
u siyie. wuppiy
Simple and Broken Lots 0! Our
78c and $1 Shirts at 59c
Shirts in all tho most desirable stylos, all
new patterns and excellent workmanship,
Quito the best Shirt ynluo wo 1?
havo pffercd you this season 0
Broken lots of men's lisle union suits, short
and long sleeves, knea and ankle
lengths, in white, ecru and flesh JtlJ
color value up to $1.50, at, . . . "w
Men's Ribbed Union Suits In plain jp ft
colors, short or lmg sleeves ff-fill ft
ular 75c vsiues, Saturday at Uw V
Mfca's Lisle and Balbrifgan Undershirts
attd Drawers just the right summer
weifkts yalmes up to UmJiik
$1.00 old sUre, at. . . . A, . . ,w
Mfea's, 2Kc hhc? JSB? mik. and Lisle Hose at lfr
Men's Lkle Hose, accoitda of asc grade, nt 12$i
Men'H.egc and 7Bc Negligee and Golf Shirts 4fet
Mcn'g jggc Bilk Washable yoar-ln-Hands, at 12"lfi
Men's Hattying BultA, cotton and wool, worth to
at ."y.SOc "d. 7Srf
Stores Open
9 P.M.
Other Days
Until 5
P. M.
Next Mon
day a Sale
of Em
broideries that will Be
the Talk of
tho Town.
Watch the
2,000 Pairs of Men's Sample Pants
Boufht from Kosenwald ft W eil of Chicago and oilier famous makers
On Sale Saturday at Saving of $1 to $ 2 on every pair
No higher grade
or bettor pantfe
Selected wor-
aro made in
America than
these samples
from tho famous
house of Kosen
wald & WoTT.
Every pair- is
properly sized
and well tailor
ed. Pants for out
ing and mid:
summer wear as
well as business
trousers in con
sojryativo pat--
All the Menfo gfflipio.
Pants -that are, worth '
upi to $3, will .go!at
steds, serges and
flannels. Sonio
with cuff bot
toms and some
plain half peg
top or conserva
tive cut. Light or
dark s,
stripes and mix
tures Every
size for men and
yourig men. It is
emphatically the
biggest bargain
event in men's
trousers that we
hay over offered
Saturday, a Special Offer of
Our Men's Suits
in 3 Big Lots .i
$1012.5O and $15
Positively the biggest clothing bargains ia
town are In these throe lota Saturday. Every suit
Is a make o'f .Well known excellence.
400 Men's Medium and Light Weight ,
Kbits, now jnftdfels tliat wo have boon
selling at $18.00, will go ats ..... .
OOO Men's Hand-Tailored Stilts In
tho cleverest styles, have been selling
up to $20.00; will go M
800 Men's BnUs of tho best known
makes in America that wo have been
selling up to $25.00 special at. . . .
All the Men's Sample
Pants that are worth
up to $4, will go at.
AH the Men's Sample
Pants that are worth
up to $6.50, will go at.
Saturday One Day Only
Any Man's Straw Hat
in our EntirStock'foraSc
This offer Includes all our flno Mllans, sennets,
split braids and Porto Rlcan straws In tho sailor,
yacht and soft brim styles. Also all our genuine
Panama hats Included. Small sizes only.
AVn hnvn hncn selHrif them at 82.00. mm A, $3.00, $3.50 and sonvo even
$4.00 and $5.00 jour choice at. . . .
All Our Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Straw
Hats In onp big lot Saturday at. . .
All tho Men's BOc Straw Hats, special for. . . .25
All tho Boys' fl.00 and. S1.5(T Straw Hats at 506
All Boys' and Children's 25c Straw Hats at 10
. :im New Yerk Bsjtr Skurta st t f rest
' Clameiii Tfcat WmiM
Wash Dresses
Wit Litri, Voik .jy,
Colvrd Ginghams, Latito und'Raiiim.
X4ry siw in tk'M dainty frocks, so MMf rtly
trimmd with flM lc, aat embrldry
Mlt atrii'p. Many tlm lArii ad
lirrtfily flgUred wldWMr dMigBi.
$7.80, $8AQ,
and Evn $10
Values, Saturday,
1 " 1 " " 1 i l U I II I
Wren's Wash Skirts sciafs
Widest varieties of reps, linens, cordeline and
ratine cloth plain tailored, and trimmed styles
all sltea and all desirabta .lengths are hero.
$1, ViSa. U9M2.5Q. $3.98 ai $5
Any Woman's Hat
Hn Our Entire Stock '
"v '
(Panamas Excepted)
Wletker tlio Former Selling Price
Was $10, 15, am, or Even
Up to -Oho J)ay Only,
AH the EYCfiing Hats AU the Dress
Hats All the Street Hals All the
Black Hats All the Ostrich and Fancy
Feather Trimmed Hats, at Fire-Dollars.
Fine White Lawn Dresses
Beautifully trimmed with daintiest of
laces, embroideries and tucks,
mo sues are 6 up to 14 years,
and the values are up to 160
each; Saturday, second floor.
69 c
Wish Dresses in Tailored Effects
Finest of Lawns, ginghams and linens in white and
colors; styles a&t diiior from ordinary chll-
dren's garmentr--beautlfully made and m
o-- up to $3, special for.
Chlldrcn's-fl.TS Dressoa at.dSc tawns,
Klnchams. norcaleti. ch'ambriivnJ nlntn
colors, stripes, checks and fancy figures; siseB r
6 to 14 years and values ub to $ 1.75, at. . . . 5OC
Boys' $2.50 Manhattan Wash Suits at $1.50
Best make and tailored from high grado (materials.
400 Boys' Cadet Make Wash Suits at $1
Popular beach style, also plain models; regular
1 2 values, Special offer .Saturday.
Manhattan Rompers for
boys, now styles, $1.50
and $3 values. ..... SI
nys' $1 Blouses, pbfi
geo and other fabrics,
military collar . . .45jj
at her Bags
t $1.98 and 93c
Real, eeal and walrus leather bags
latest styles la. black and fancy colors
T-w.QrthjHfc tOf?5 special for Satur
day, pa main floor, at, , ; ,
Hfl Xiakt? Seal Bg, assortel styles
and faney frames -worth to $.1 -js-reiitial
Talues nt
each. .....,,......,.,.,..,.
White Hll Barettei, fa nrlth . rlilntMoata, worth
:i.&t J.'. . . . . . . . ...... . . . ... . .f . . .TTTyuw
Child rtaV Impcrtttd Parasoli 2to valueg, t7each717o
H German iTlver Meh Bag'(unSfeaaible inch),
ti to it 8te)ta Qgltf" HTnga,f tncy meuntlniVT. .".l7&0
aT .-. TrTrrrrTTsis
OcM lit& Braeeltts,' warranted ten year, worth 10
lUd .W.l
Silk Gloves, 6c Pair
Bxtra quality pure
silk, double tipped,
jMousquetalre style,
black and white.
V.Mt.nU 12-hHitwi
Ul k bilk Ulsyti
Pur. silk. With
double tipped flu
gen. saousquetture
style, black and
Whits, good quality,
yrsr tb oa- t&lrd
at, r... 50C
IS a l-lwtMm Uagta s8ie eaas3itte and
ffftSHto mh tm, swuptM, guavuitfted waaikie
vfy cmior Wortii f i plr--lB a w
neor teargata Kuar, at, plr - HOX
Sale 30,000 Pairs 6i Hosiery f" Women Children
This, was a special
purchase by our New
York buyer. The val
ues are wonderful,
Wntnor-N tittra thread
Wtk Hosiery, w.ds
tlkitf liHH lut IUt
double hoIoi, high
pltced heels and too
black, tan, whits
and fancY Cd
colors, pair,. . . 9w
sW BW H ft
w mmw Jl.1 sWirMM
131g birgaitt squares
on our main floor, new
store, piled with hos
iery greatly undjj-prlccd.
Woon'a Pure Tlutiad Silk Boot Hosiery, wide
mwrceriaed lisle garter tops, lisle double soles,
be fine mercerised Halo thread;
many full fashioned; regular and
OHt siMs; black, white and tan, jialr
Women's Pure Tliresd Silk Booe Hosiery, lisle
double soles, llgh spliced heels and toes, full
fashioned, regular made; black, 'tan
and white; worth up to 8Sc per pair,
on. main floor, at, pair.
Women's cur threkrt
8Hk Htulerj'. heavy
and medium welghta,
all silk lim. lisle
double soles, . htcrh
spliced, lieels utid toes
black, tan and 1
whlfft. nair V 1.
Women's &c Meyrcried Llslo and Cotton Hos-
gauzo and medium weight, double soles,
hjgh spliced hocls and toes; also
children's ribbed hose; bltfck, tan
and white; per pair .ai.
Unusual Savings. On Women's Union Suits and Suiter Vests
brella knoo styles, including tho famous
Cumfy-Cnt stylo j regular and ex- ft
tra sizes; values up to $1, per suit. . . .4uu
SUITS Cuff and umbrella knee styles;
regular and extra 8tes? xoonh up or
to G5c, Special Saturfaix at eaoh 00 0
famous Cumfy-cut stylo; rogular and ex
tra bizcs; up to 25c values; Sat- f1
urdny, at eaoh ,2
Hoys' and Qlrl'e 50o "M" Knit Union Suit S3o
Any Hammock
In Our Entire Stock
AU stylos of high class ft
hammocks that wo J
have peon Belling from
$2.98 to $7.00; in one lot
m basement and 3d floor
Frrsti Itemomade Cotoanut Qfikm Iten
Ka, lb. . s SSo
FVeah Hememada Cream Peahut StUrae.
each it
FomMUn Chocolate Hitter tjweets
Bwiac lllk fhecatatM lb aic
Unmtmiiiu Mple Con? tic-. ii ' s
S5o "ii" Knit WalaU for slrls sna boys, each. .XSHa
Women's Oxfords Specially Priced
Button and laco With round tdos, riiedium hoels, Good
year welted soles; 'plrtok and tnn calfskin; mrt ry
$3.48 and $4.00 values; 'in nil sizos at 8.0f
Grey and brown sufido'ih button styles with too caps,
medium heels, wolted soles; all sizes;
$3.50 values, for Saturday only, at
Chiff and umbreUa knle styles regular and
extra sizes up to 9 j1 35c values, inft
at Suit.........:;...: SoG
Regular and eastra Vtees; actual jff.
$5q values; Saturddi at each. . . . k
with dainty laco yokes; values up to 39c;
on main floor, bargain square, jjj"
Saturday, at each. fcOG
lso Sleeveless Vests and Umbrella Pants for sirU. So
Women's Pumps .
English Pumps with ox
txnunelv low heels, with
out tips; triramod with
wide silk bow, mt) QQ
l vulu, at.. . WbaUtf
Men's Oxfords
Button and blucher in tan.
and Black calfskin leather
English lasts; $-1.00 val
ues; special on ft ft ftp
main floor, at. . -$u3
Hair Goads
Latest and most fashionable styles. In
hair goods of dependable quality at re
ntarkably low .prices.
30-lnch Natural Wavy Hair, U2 vol., S5.03
36-lnch Natural Wavy Hair
Switches. P values, 83.98
24-inch Natural Wavy Hair
Switches, M values, 81.85
20-lnch Natural Wavy Hair
Switches, 2 values,... 75
Transformations that go all
around tho head, S3,fi0 val
ues, at .81.88
Hair Qood'a Parlors, Sec
ond Floor and Pompelaa
Wofflen'i Attb Ic Street Coats
Fine reps,'lineng and mohairs, with combi
nation trifiimed collars and cuffs, belted or
semi-fitted, effects, and full (tgM A O
length styles; ; all isizeS for V xO'
women itnd misses; regular $4, - g
-$5 and sj( coats; Saturday. at. ... , ,,'
Muslin Underwear
Women's nightgowns, slipovers, combi
nation suits,' drawers and petticoats,
trimmed with tucks and fine embroidery
worth as high as ?1 a garment, at
W.bmen's white and colored crepe
or cambric .gowns, ellpovers, com-
blnatlons, prlncoBa -gllpa and petti
coats, worth as high as 11.25, at....
Women's Li&erie and Crepe Undcrmuslias
Carefully sited, and simply or more elab
orately trimmed; made to sell at $1.60
to 22, on our second floor, at ,
Women's Summer Waists
White lawn, lingerie and voile waists, trimmed
with fine laces and embroideries, frilled Ar
.fronts, etc., short sleeve and low neck U P'
waists, worth un to S1.7B. at fJ
Women's Lingerie and Voile Waists BeauUfully
trimmed with laces, embroideries and A g
tucKB, wortn up to 1 3, uk
Norfolk Jackets and Balkan Blouses
Extra quality Qaletea cloth, trimmed with combi
nation colored collar and cuffs and leather m t
belt, regular $1.25 values; women's and Up
misses' sizes at ................ '
4 Specials in Bargain Basement
Jlen's nalbrlggr'y and Lisle Undershirts r
and Drawers, worth 5t)c, at OOC
Men's Shirts, broken lota and camples, reg- a r?
ular 75c values, at... 45 C
Men's Uaibrlggan Shirts and Drawers, f
worth 35c, at X C
Men's Well Made Summer Suits that tn rir"
foeea selllBg up to 12.JJO, for 3U,70