THE BEBs OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1013. &ATINE CREPE Tho most popular wash fabric of the season. Cool bocauso loosely woven. Oomfortablo bocauso soft and pliable. Serviceable becauso non-cniBhnulo and fast color. Ideal wasb fabric? because it doos not require ironing. Large assortment of neat stripesprlccs, 19c and 25c per yard. Remnants of wash goods at greatly reduced prices. Wash Goods Section, Basement. Ml' I 11 1 Comfortable Footwear . The onlv Panacea for tender, tortured feet is tlo Thousands ot pleased wearers can tostify to the truth of this state ment Tho construction of tho SOBOSIS SHOE gives tho wearer almost immediate relief. Tho stylo of these shoos is faultless, and tho material tho best. S0RQ5IS Special Sale of Waists, 25c Tailored waists made from good quality of madras and linoweave, slightly mussed and soiled, values to $1,25, Friday pnly u . . . . . .25c each , ' . BASEMENT. . Women's Summer Suits at Clearaway Salo Prices. ' All tho now and stylish Fronch Linen Buits, Batino and ' Ep6ngQ..suits, at. .$8.50 and $1Q.50. Values up to $19.50 Hand Tailored Suits All oqivtlnost hand tailored suits aro being cleared out At clear away prices; all Elton now; every eutt a bargain. Silk Coats, Satin Coats, Scrco Coftte; "all at 'CloarSWay Bale Prices. - " ' Dainty Waists The Famous "Lenox" make at reduced prices. H&fffmD AMD JATKKNT FIRE PIGHTERSARE HOPEFUL Blaze on Mount Twnalpai is Partly Under Control. STYE SOLDIERS BURN TO DEATH Hair Dosen Hamlets n Grovo ot GUnt Tree In Mai Wao Are Jmlcle the Dam arer Xeae. AN l4uNC18CO, July W.-A still, etemUeas dawn brought hop to Mill Vatyey, Certemaiera and larkspur today the before night fell the freet Area on Mount Tamalpals would be so thor ough) beaten out that the afternoon trade w1h4 weuld not fan them to aew danger, as they feavo for tho last three 4a's.v Faint eelumns of thick cm&Ke from thb beds of tho canyons showed that four fires Vera still smoldering. Mill Valley waa still in danger. Communication With the MuJr -woods; a Krovo of slant sequoias, was allli broken thia morning, One newspaper man, who made the trip on foot, brought back word' that although sixteen Cot tages on' the edge of the forest had been destroyed, io biff trees" were untouched and seemed to be out of danger. All authorities agreed that nothing but lack ot wind had saved the forest and the town, Before noon 1,000 militiamen were seeted to oome to the aid ot the tired Midlers and volunteer t(ro fighters who had been up all night Five soldier aro reported burnod to RAIL APPRAISERS CHOSEH'Plan to Form a Society for Commerce Commission Acoepts Aid of States' Committee. FIFTEEN MEN ABE SELECTED Coimnlaal'nner GInrke ot Nebraska on Comtnlttee Which Will Aid In Making .Physical Vnlnn lion of nnllrond. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINOTON, JULiT 10.-Bpectal Tel e gram.) A valuation committee of, fif teen state railroad commissioners headed I tee for the purpose ot establishing a per- Better Schools Superintendent James B. Delsell of Lincoln, chairman ot the Nebraska state organizing committee of the Fourth In ternational Congress on Bchool Hygiene, which Is to bo held at Buffalo the last week In August, has received a letter from Dr. Thomas A. Storey of the Col lege of the City ot New York and secretary-general of the congress, suggest ing the continuance of the state commit by Clifford Thome ot the Iowa commis sion waa selected today by the executive committee of the National Association ot Btato Hallway Commissioners to co operate with 'the Interstate Commerco commission In making a physical valua tion of railroads. Commissioners from fifteen state were manent organisation Jn Uie Interest ot better school hygiene. In hla letter Dr. Storey writes "The various state organising commit tees are serving a useful and Important purpose in their relation to the progress and success of this congress. But It would be a pity for these committees to named on the committee, Commissioner I K0 0U( 0f existence aa soon as this con Clarke of Nebraska being among io gre becomes a thing of history. The number. The following states are repro- flervieo thcV render this International en- sented on tho committee; Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Virginia, Cali fornia, Oregon, South Carolina, Michi gan, Wisconsin Illinois, Ohio, Massa chusetts, New York and Oklahoma. Tho Interstate Commerce commission met the state railroad commissioners half way with respect to co-operation between the state and commercial com missions In the physical valuation plans. In addition to the valuation committee, the commissioners agreed to keep In touch with the state commissioner through a member of the executive com mittee of the state commission associa tion who la to act for that body. Charles S. Staples of Minnesota waa selected to act In this capacity. The state commissioners say that In making the valuations they realize that proper rate making Is the real object of the Valuation and that they wish to do terprlso la small In comparison with the service they might render society In gen eral If. they were to effect a permanent organisation In the interest of bettor hygienic conditions In all the schools ot our country. Let hie Urge you then to use your committee aa the nucleus ot a ntate organization whose object shall, be the acquisition and conservation of the health of the school child." In response to this letter the members of tho state organizing committees are now In correspondence with; the various boards of education, boards of health, school superlrifehileht, .sendot- improve ment associations, mothers' . clubs, par ents' associations", teachers' -associations, charity societies, tuberculosis leagues, I visiting nurse;! .associations, boards of trade, and women's clubs, wjth a view of seeing what can bo done Jn tho -way Plot to Assassinate Cuban Secretary is' Discovered HAVANA, July 10,-The Cuban secret police report the discovery of. a conspira cy anions: the adherents of ttovirnor As- bert'td assassinate1 Colonel Aurelli ttevla. secretary ot theimrlor, whom -they ac cuse ot attempting to disrupt their party by ordering the late General Arm ado Rlya, chief ot tho Cuban national police, to raid the Asbert club on Monday night. This action aparently precipitated the tragedy on the Prado In which General Ttlva waa mortally wounded. No arrests ave been made, but the suspects are closely . watched. Ilevla Is strongl guarded, . Apprehension was felt that trouble might attend the passage of the funeral procession ot General Iliva. through thb city this afternoon. Detachments ot Infantry, cavalry and artillery escorted the body, while other troops and police lined the route of the procession. tui in nthtt, h ! in mule I of Dennanent' -co-operative organisation. use ot the power given them by the Mln- All the foregoing organisations ard also neaota rate case decision to regulate being urged to send delegates to the Buf atste rates. The Stabs commissioners In falo congress The congress .IS dperi Jo Washington today expressed great satis- all persons interested jn improving wo faction over the fact that the Interstate health and efficiency Of school children. Commorco commission welcomed . so . aUon yofthrSlrPoadns.0f C0PratUm ,B AdmitS MlirderS . eomntteaxqjars US I HEN) BURN ED SvWtwIdWftwt Up Nights and Cry. Head Bart ia Spots. Cured En tirely in Six WM-ks hyCutlcura, Sotp snd Gutlcura. Ointment. Roekford. )i.-"Mr Utile girt had a bard cruet form oaber head. Her head had a rh on lb and It itched, apd burned so she would wake up night and cry. Then it formed Into sores and then It turned into a dry crust, 'aad when I combed her hair greet IoeV would coma out. Iter bead was bare of half la apbU. "Then X seed CnUoura Soap and Oint ment and they cured feet- entirely in alx weeks and her hat came In lovely. At that - -ttski aha waa about-tm years eld and new. she U twe&ty-ux and ban 'never bad any : more trouble," Wgaed) Mrs, If. J, Wadey, Dec, 14, 102. PAINFUL ITCHING AND BURNING X W) Jackfon St., MuwsuScmi.WU. "My 7 tratibJo befsn with small speckle on ay cheit, arms asd lege, UVer lt took the form of IltUa butter which earned painful itch lag and bwslitg. In the day Z was tor masted by the clothing whlea Irritated tit eruption and In the night I lost rest from the Itching. I used Cuttcura Soap and Otattaaa finding relief m the first day of . trmteaeat. In ce week I nu weU." 6iaed) Joseph. Ceaeoae, Not. SO, 1012. Far treaUat poor $eapxlon. red. rough , laaade. asd dry. this and f auras hair, OutU enra Bean and CutJewa Ointment hava beet; , the world's favorite for mora than a gen- , eratten. Sold everywhere. liberal sample of jBiliad free, wlvfc 3J-p. SVla, Hook- Ad- ? poctei "CaUowa, Dtpt. T, Boa,'' arim whe share aadahampoo wOi Ou tim Soap wta find H best tor akw asd eealp, IHPTU1E WWrVYOURIBU I death and half a dozen little hamlets and towns at the foot of Mount Tamalpois await their salvation or doom from the morning breeze today, whllo the flro which swept the mountain for threo days la reaching toward tho pleasant plains and vineyards and the Mulr woods na tional park on the south. Every nvollable eoldlar from the San Kranclsco Presidio and Port Winfletd Scott on this side ot the bay And Forts Baker and Barry across tho Golden GatQ Is righting the fire, side by atdo with olvlllans and sailors. Probably 6,000 men are on the fire .lines, seeking to beat back or wear out a blaze which burst out with iricredlfele fury lata yetserday ani .ex tended early thla morning over a ten mile sweep. Breaks Qui Saddewlr. The resurglng ot the tire caroo like lightning. In the lata afternoon the town of Mill Valley lay hot , and quiet between the big ridges which radiate like asokea from Mount Tamalpals. A smoulder over one of these ridges showed where the fire waa being fought into apparent submission on the north slope ot the mountain,, white the slope toward the Mulr woods showed never a amVidge, In front of Mulr Wood Inn, a company of soldiers went through a desultery roll call and Inspection. ' Art hour later thete troop were, tight? lng Apparently without hope against a flro which burst down upon them from West Point, three-fourths of the way utf Mount Tamalpals, and was eating at the edges ot tba great Boquloaa. The elouda of ampke obscured the sun, bring mg twiught to the peninsula, ana n force ot civilians started digging (Ire trenches along the rioeo which separate ine wooas from miii yaney, Tnia town waa already In more imminent danger irom anoiner ure, raging aiong the riage which divides it from the villages of larkspur and Corte Madera. Thousands ot residents seised what valuables they could and ilea, Kami Men Not Allow te Hel. Captain Charlea P. Flunkett. command lng tha cruiser South Dakota, marched or w men from the Mill - Valley station up to the border of the tire In Cascade canyon early this morning, took a loots at lbs fire, and marched them cacic again. They entrained for Sou talito. In the presence of Mayor Klvce. Colonel vu ana a. nunarea citizens, Captain nunaeti eaioi "It would take all the people In Call fornla to put out that tire. Let It burn out I have expert) em Dointers among my me worm apiece to the gov ernment I am not going to risk their jives in aavmg a U,WQ bouse for Private citizen." ouowmg captain. Plunketfa retreat m me re una, aiajor oonn p. Ilalnet. yniiea Btaus army, directed Captalh Armajrons or tne natjonal guard. In !Mll3Pt;w com.mlairy, jo, iWu,np rations to men who were not active In uuhu( iua lira, NEW GROUP OF SPOTS DISCOVERED ON SUN SANTA CLATIA. Cat.. Julv lftTvni t A. Newlin, ot the observatory of Santa Clara university, announoed onight that a new group ot solar spots has appeared ticeauie today at latitude, twenty-four ticeawe waay at latitude ?l degrees north . M ..-A .1.. . . 1 uuu vn w uim va.mi jwiroiin. A. PHOIO grapn ot the sua waa taken at noon. Tvrentr Thoasand Damuae h Ifatl IDA GROVE, la., July 14,-Speoiai) The presence of adjusters here develona the fact that the damage done here "by the hall storm last week was very heavy in spots. For Instance. Frank West had ISO acre ot eropa completely wiped out and his damage Is total. AU this acre age was In small grain and he Immedl ateiy plowed It up and sowed It to millet and cane. Allen Joaltn, one of the heavl est sufferera In Logan township, took out hla hall Insurance the day the storm came. The total lose In the county, t arouna fso.wa, Activities of Lamar May Be Brought to Attention of Jury m TitmT.TNOTON. Kan.. July .ia Fuller Shellenberger, who has been confined In tho county Jail hero for two weeks, has confessed, the authorities said tonight, that he was the wayer oi two. men in. Nebraska. In his alleged confession, he; said ha killed one man at Nebraska City) NEJW YOItK, July 10,-Deputy United fltates District Attorney Marshall ad mitted tpday that he was investigating vlaw to bringing them to the nttenUon ten years ago, And another rhan.tweivo of th. ,r. tt it., miles south ot that city two years later. Amn h. tAra .i. ,t,i,, i. Ho said ho waa tired of being a fugitive sudylng In connection with the case Is md wanted to return to Nebraska for section iniriy-iwa oi ino xeaerai criminal i code, which provides a tlno of $1,003 or three years Imprisonment for "whoever with Intent to defraud, cither the united (Hates or any person,, shall falsely, as sume or Ptetend to bo an officer or em ploye acting unqor the authority or tno United States, or any department or any officer ot the government thereof and shall take upon himself to act as such. or shall in such pretended character de mand or obtain from any officer ot the government thereof or any person, any money, any papers, documents or any dcmanl, 'VVe have, sought tojfdo this by "-' ......o. rniftinine ino communion piiw o beiflni' ori the'Wue'ston whether con- gre'iftmairi ottlMr 'bt-" the govern- merit; 'the' deputy "unearthed an opinion given" by United States Attorney Benja min Harris DreWater In issi. which read: Unquestionably a member ot congress IS a public of fleet1 in a broad and gen eral way, ana ina incumoent ot, euon office- must be considered aa an officer of tho government." Mat attoftg aa4 wrtt w a tew days wHheut a atfnEteal oMratlea w loss ef new. Our work if gvaraaUeeV OaU e wrHa for patejewlars. lovrm, He via Notes, IRA GROVE: Under charter from th Grand lodge ot Iowa, a new lodite of Masons waa formed at Arthur, Ida eoumr. ine loage win oe Known aa Ben Ilur lodge. No. ell. The graad roaster ot Iowa waa .unable to be present and C. V Seeoro of Ida Grove waa appointed as pedal grand master to hold tha first wwwon iuiu iiuiHia jj, rSfl TTa ltlled aa roaster and G. Fredell as senior warden. E. n. Flaher, sheriff at Nebraska city, has wired the local officers requesting that Shellenberger be held. CHARTER IS SIGNED! WRITERS ADJOURN (Continued Trom fag one. ment fully accountable and directly re- aponslve, to every wH founded popular Endeavorers Open International Meet IXMJ ANGBIiBS. Cal., July 10Wlth ncnrlv lDJOO deleiratas attending' from all Twrta ot tho. ChristlnnUed vto,tA. the mariied ,cacn.oiattter ana toia wnai-ne rntMntnc tho commlsaion Plan or gov ernment, with, m'bre centered respo'rfrflb'tl1 ity, and oy providing an enecuve -con trol by initiative, referendum, recall and impeachment, at the some time reducinB the play ot polities py means of non partisan nominations and merit appoint ments and promotions under vu aerv Ice. While steadfastly guided by the prln clDle of home rule, we have also Kept In View tho Greater Omaha ot the neat future, sure t o tnoludethe adjoining city of South Omaha and other Suburban territory, and tho merger so far as tea- alblo ot corresponding city and county offices," " Could Not HrIco It Drief, In the synopsis the chairman . sum1 twenty-sixth International Christian Hv dravof convention 'osned In Is Angelet tonight. Weeks of preparation had culminated In the erection of a gigantic canvas audi torium Where the multitude attending the gathering 'was seated amid serai- troplo scenesr-a .rtpltco. ot southern Call. fornla out ot doors carried bodily Instdo. Paltn .trcq vlstaa served -for aisles, vines GOUceaieq mo supporting pmars anu at top of tho auditorium was as gay as k big circus tent with tho flags ot the many nations represented by the dele gates. Conspicuous everywhere In the decorations waa the convention motto i "Take Unto You the hole Armor ot God.' the president of the organisation, who because pf hts initials is known as "rather. JSndeavor," presided, and Prot. Percy S. roster, also of Washington, con ducted the musical numbers ot the pro gram. A chorus of wo voices, accompanied b, an orcnestra o. sixiy pieces, joineu in an opening eervlce ot praise. Greetings were presented to the conven tion from President Woodrow Wilson, Stcretary ot State Bryan s Dr. L. Kovata, acting vice president ot the Hungarian Christian Endeavor union, and Akalko Akana, president of tba Enijeavorers ot Hawaii. LOUIS HENSLINQ DIES; RICH LAND OWNER HELI.WOOD Neb., July J0.-6peeial Telegram.)-Ixuls Hensllng, wealthy land owner and capitalist, died here today after undergoing an operation for appen oicius. Mr. Hensllng, who waa bora lu Peoria. III., and who still had much money In. vested in Illinois, owned large tracts ot believed, were the changes fortiTtbettStt He said tha desire to moke.- a short chat ter waa me.t by the fact that many ot tho provisions ofthe old charter had un dergone the tests of the courts and that It seemed preferable to sacrifice brevity rather than to take needleee risks .ot omlsslohs . arid lriylte litigation? Con cluding he- said: - . "Hoaljxlng lht no charjer caffbeper fect, we yet submit this draft as a dis tinct improvement; upon 6ur preeeding charters, as a charter makln gthe peo ple of the lty directly responsible for the character of their government and governing officials, freeing the. managed ment ot city affair from partisan. politics as far as possible, and giving the people of Omaha Whet they so long have de mandedreal ,h0m rule." ' ' I" 1 V 1 '-' 1 - ' SIOUX CITY LOSES FIQHT FOR LOWER GRAIN RATES SIOUX CITY, a., July J6.-The- fight by Sioux City to obtain more favorable grain rates has failed. B6pea at secur ing proportional rates, batwh Chicago and 'Sioux City and Sioux City and other . market to establish a primary grain market here have been doshed by an ad verse decision ot the Interstate com merce commission made, today in Washington. The decision, handed down In the case of the Sioux City Terminal Elevator- company egnlmiHho -Chicago. Milwaukee A St Paul and other railroads. la to the effect that Ihe railroads are not ub- Jectlng Sioux City shippers to undue iu advantage by falling to tstannsn-propor-tlonal rates. DEATH. RECORD, Elk Party Narrowly Escapes Plunge Into Biver from Bridge JIOCIIESTER, N. Y. July 10. Thirty Elks, attending the grand lodge reunion here, narrowly escaped a drop of 175 feet Into the Genesee river tonight when a sightseeing car on which they were pas sengers crashed through a bridge, rait ing; At jthe hlBhest point tho bridge is hi feet -above, the river. " ' Tho accident was duo to the .attempt of the chauffeur to avert a collision with a runabout driven by a woman, When tho big machine hit tho bridge rolling ten feet ot the guard craahed into the river. The right front wheel of the ftlg'htaeelng rriachinb hung over the bridge and the' car had" to bo jacked up before the party, could, go on. ' HEAVY SELLING ifcAUsES. BREAK IN COFFEE PRICES NEW YORK, July lO.-rThere was a break ol fully hdJt.'a: cfcnl trt'eoffee to day, the culmination. pf Keivy selling Which, has bj?en,in- pjrojjrrts for-several months and Whicn has causea a decline nf E cent, a pound In cotfeo since last October. The break '.wiU f pldwed by a sharp rally, nut cosing prices -snowea a loss ot 11 to 21 points compared with yes terday's quotations. Pronounced Wcakneea 1ftithe European market, .lower tjuntatlmjs fftjn tJrtieU and r ports or a canunuoa-jiri u-auimana contributed to. thp; brsalj, fch wa eupponed to reflect the liquidation- ot old ln'nna In advance 'of competition and new crop coffee, which la how beginning to move In some volume. HYMENEAL Ansen-ArAer. PAlMrmTi Neb.. July 'lft-tSbeclal.) Thomas Aasen arid Mlea dhrls'Una Amer, two," pbplar'alrbufy!yjuBgpeoJle, were married'at tne-i'resoyceEian parsonage oy Bey. 0,'E. Mejav.They'wiere 'attended by D. A. Arner and itrsIsna. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Aasen will go housekeeping here at once. Persistent Advertising lei the Road to Big,' Returns. r' :,.', f AMERICANS WIN IN TENNIS Mofonghlin and Williams Defeat Germans in Singles, CANADIANS DEFEAT BELGIANS Indention ihnt Tram from North America Will Meet In Flnofa..- In riay for the Davla Cup. NOTTINGHAM, 'England. July 10. Maurice B. McLoughiln and u. Noma Williams, both won their lawn tennia matches today from the Germans, Otto Froltzhelm and Oscar Kreutter, and placed the United 8tates team In a fa vorable ponttlon for winning the semi final round of the Davis cup preliminary, It Is is only now necessary for tho Amer ican players to win one more match of the three still to- be played in order to advance into the final, where they will meet either Canada or Belgium. McLoughiln. had tha more difficult task He lost hla first two sets to Froltshetm, then won three straight and the match by his superior staying power. The Qer- ntan crack as It waa won , twenty-one games in the five sets to the twenty-five of McLoughllrt. Williams ' won from Kreutzer, three 'sets to one.' Ha' scored twenty-two games to the German's thir teen. Rain was falling heavily when Williams and Kreutser went out to atart. the. first match ot the-, series; but-. the- weather cleared before the Warming up was over. Makeup of Tenuis. The United States team Is composed of Maurice B. McLoughiln bf Sanlfrahcfsco, IU Norrls Williams of Philadelphia and Harvard university, Harold H. Hackett of New Tork and Wallace P. Johnson of Philadelphia as reserve. The German team consists bf Otto Froltshelm, Oscar Kreutzer, Frledrich Wilhelm Itahe and Helnrlch Klelnschroth. and It la regarded . 'by experts "as much stronger than the team whloH defeated the French players In the preliminaries at Wiesbaden oh June 4 and 5. The German, FroUzhcim, won the first set of hts singles match against MaurlC)) E. MoLoughlln, whom he defeated by seven games to five. Froltshetm won the second set from McLoughiln by plx games to two. McLoughiln won the third set from FrolUhetm by six' games td four, jMcLoughlin won the fourth "and seta by 6-2 and 0-V ' ThW gave him tha match by three seta to FroluhetnVs two. Tho scores' "were U-T, t-fl, 6-4, 6-J,. 6-2. Williams wort the first set In" his match against Kreutzer by' alx games to four, Williams wdn the second sot by six games to two. . Kreutzer beat Williamson, ha jtljlrfl.' six games to four, . Williams beat Kreut zer in the fourth set by plx games to one, thus winning the match three sets to one. The scores were 6. 6"" rnii1n Wfna Trro Matches. FOLKESTONE. England, July Ik- Canada finished with two matches in hand tho first day' jay In the semi final ot the. . Davis cup preliminaries agatnst Belg)um. ith every' prospeftt ot meeting In the'flnaTrouna if "Wimbledon the winners of the United States series against Germany at Nottingham. It B. Powell, the Canadian captain, and fl. P. Schwengers, the Canadian champion, won their "matches a gainst1 P. pe Borman and A. G. Watitohv respect ively, without th'e'losa of a alnglo set. ' 7U' . I announce tlteir legitimate s Jiily SaJe pf Ready-tb-1 . : Wfat Apparel . forJfen : rJ -r bai Childrenor,r;;.r; V J . . , .. ;;: .JSteP Reductions.-; -j5S$g Windows; - eft f f SALE NOW ON Powell wlnnlrfg by . 6-2. 6-1, 6-L ano, Schwengers by 6-i, 6-0. The match bftween Bchwengcra ane. Watson was keenly contested In the firs I ... -TtTnlann Ittil ilnul W KriHf lnii. nm the Canadian eventually secured an ad- Vantage, maintained it and outplayed hit opponent throughout the rest ot the match. Powell and Schwengers tpmprrow meet A. O. Watson and W. It. bit Vivler In tho double's. " ' "Personal Purity" ' v Courses Scheduled CHICAGO, July 10. Instruction- In sex hygieno will be given in tha schools here with the beginning Ot the next term- This was determined today when the Board of Education adopted a recommendation Ot the school manage- ment committee. 1 The course will be known as "personal purity 'Instruction .and for the first year will be confined to the high schools. The board decided., that children . whose parents oppose ine innovation may ca y GILLETTE MAYOR, BEATEN UP BY RIVAL, RESIGNS SHERIDAN, Wyo.. July lft-Special.) 'Montgomery of Gillette, newspaper owner, politician and saloonkeeper to over throw a reform administration and ren atatn himself in political power! MaVol' Shields, while attempting to enforce .or dinances prohibiting slot machines, was assaulted by his , rival and severely beaten. TYie .sheriff came to. 1)1? 'assist ance and was told .'to BP jb ft frarmor climate when ho tried to deputize, a party to aatlst in the cleanup. Mayor Shields resigned later in the day and the council 'elected Montgomery mayor. A Ton ot' GpJff could..' buy nothing better for female weaknesses, lame" b'acli and' Ttjdney trouble than Eleatrlc, Bittors. Qnly Wc For sale by Beaton Drug Co.-;AdvertlBe-tnent. rr- AWUSEMBfiTPr AMUSEMENTS Office For Rent The large room on ' ground floor" of Bee Building, -occupied by the .Havens - White Coal Co. 'Jflicp Fanai, street front age.' -!4bpnt;'i,5'0'0 -square fet of floor, space . with -l&rge vault. Etra "en trance, from court of tho btiadiiig; ; : " . , "Fine' "off ibe. fixtures aro offered for Bale.;:. ( Appy to N. P. FEIL, Bee office. JJ AMOSEKETS. 3xiU&U AU Summtv it 1 y Perfect Prntcetlan n? OMAHA'S IEST teVKRY BAY IS Feature bat Picture ChaageaSaUy IUV (Seat Wooa to 11 7. X. tikl MQVIES Tim -r' BRAKDEIS THEATER EyA LANG 4 WaBKS' SXSAOSXBITS JTeit Week, Beginning 8 am Bye. TJCS EASIEST WAT VJaaa rMn BLtM. aa Vnw tVWf UUi WV iTwm trm m ww Xattaeea Wednesday and Saturday Count Tadaan Ilarah, TOKIO, July 10,Count Tadasu Kaya- ahl. one ot the leading statesmen of Nebraska land and was well known In Japan, died today at the age of W after the atate. He was born In IS) and had a surgical operation rendered necessary lived in Nebraska thirty-five years, by Injuries that be suffered In a Jlnrlksba Death occurred at his home here. No accident. He was at one time minister funeral arrangements have been an- of foreign affairs under Premier Balonlt nouneed. and In the laat cabinet, Which resigned In December, lsu, ne was mmiwr oi fEI EORATE VlrrrnnY nC communications. He had a long dlplo VUUUUI.r.1 - ' M "Ml w. V,.vln.r h..n mln!tr to PERRY WITH A PARADE China and to Russia and ambassador to the court of BU James. KRISL Pa,. July io.-Move man rs. J. x,. mim. oldiera of the Pennsylvania National 1 COLOUADO BPuINQB, Colo,, jyiy io- onird. commanded by Jlrlgadler Ocneral 1 Mrs. J. U Smith of Kansaa City, widow Y.nffnrt. and a number pf Independent mill-1 of a former atorney general of Missouri, tary organisation today marcnea ne died last nlgnt or n?art oisease ai xne .ilMWMMMaaHaNManMaaMeaMwaaav hind Governor Tener ana his atatf through Erie's streets as another tm portent number In the week's program for the commemoration of the centennial of Perrre victory at iPut-m-Bay. Tomorrow Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels la expeeted trom Waah lngton to review the naval parade and deliver aa addrM home ot Mr. 3. K Carrathenu to which she had been admitted a short time b- fora when suddenly seised ltn Illness. "Died of Pavumsala" la i never written of those who cure coogha and colda with Dr. King's NeW Discovery. Ouaranteed. wo ana sj. salo by Beaton Drug Co Advertlsemant. You Can This Eccentric Bund Reader at LAKE MANAWA Whin he aii his "IikI Vcrii" if 35 artists give soxcerts until July 2Sth9 tvery aftiriooa ni veaiii at 2:39, 4:30, 8:15 aai 11:80 p. n. RESERVED SEATS - - 10c You'll Miss a Treat Bf You Don't Seo Sig. Francesco CREATORE - And Haar His Famous and Incompbla Band OTHER ATTRACTIONS: lalTIIMI (Ntw lath Naisa aii Fin Itaek,) 10AT1K6. DANCING, (MtoHmvi EvMiils) ROLLEt SWTIM, IILLER CMSTEI, MERIY (0 iaXf, Hle1 Yur PIte lit Manawi Fin Plcnte Orounda