Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Council Bluffs
ttew Arrangement Made at Confer
ence of Officials.
New Lair CrentlnR Fifth Judge for
District Brought AJtont by Con
Rested Condition of Docket
In Conncll Jllnffs,
A conference tasting neany Ml day was
held yesterday by the live district court
Judges' of the Fifteenth .judicial district
for the purpose of arranging the new
schedulo -required by the addition of the
fifth Judge, J. B. BockafclloW Of, Atlantic.
The JiidgesVresent wero A; B. Thornelt,
E. n. .WoodVuff. O. V. Wheeler, Thomas
Arthur and' J. B. Rockatellow.
In addition to the new schedule fixing
1 the dates and length of the, court terms
In the various' counties, which Is required
by the Increase of the number of Judges,
It was decided to make a complete re
vision of the rules." The matter Of most
local Interest, however, was the selection
Of the Judge who Is to be designated as
the resident Judge at Council Bluffs. By
the unanimous approval of the other
Judges. Judge Wheeler will hold court
hcrefcontlnuoualv far the nrrnont nt IkjiiI.
This arrangement will continue until "7 w "
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Council Staffs Ofrioe of
The Use la l At 14 HOBTH
Main 8t. Telephone 40, .
Davis, drugs.
Vlctrola, 15 A. lospe Co.
Damon Electric company. Fans.
Bradley Eleotrlo Co, Phone 333.
Corrlgans, -undertakers. Phone 1(3.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. 339.
Blank book work, Morehouse & Co.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Phone 7.
, The highest grade optlsat work In the
city Is done at Letfert's.
We do all kind's of laupdry work.
Phone 567, Home Laundry.
See Bprwlok for wall paper and paint
ing. and ax S. Malnti street.
Scientific watch repair work, tho Hind
that is appreciated, nt Letfert'e.
Mutual Bldg. & Loan Asa'n, 1 Pearl.
BUDWEISER on draught-The Grand.
Budwelser In bottles at all Hrst-class bars.
Your winter suit snould ho cleaned be
fore putting It away. Send It along wltti
your sailor straw bat Cook. 5 Croaa
way. Miss Teresa Jensen ot Weston Is visit
ing Miss Uernadette Wlckham.
Misses Bernadette and Mary McCarthy
ot Missouri Valley,' who hava ueen guesu
at the James1 P. Wlckhmn homestead tor
autumn, but there Is little doubt that It
will become, permanent.
i for tho district was brought about by the ! Mar ,, , . v . .
" 'ponirMi mnfliHnn v.f- ih rit i Mi John Wlckham Is honte for a brief va
' ). cUy,sKnlch Is now more than two years
Sister M. Patience of lies Moines and
Sister M. Georgia of Wichita, Kan., are.
In. the city visiting relatives. They a. a
sisters in tne oruer or tne Blessed Virgin
In arrears. -The selection of .Tudce
Wh'eeler came as a natural .result of his
personal knowledge of much of the lltlga
"t!on that is now under way here,, which
materially adds to His qualifications for
the permanent place. He wll have entire
' charge of all of the .probate.butitiieBs here
, and will '.thus, be able much more quickly
; to brlngj about, the settlement of estate
' Ka will hold court continuously, prob
ably' Upfpg the south court rojm, while
Other, Judges -are . holding court" n the
: 'liofth room, so that hereafter there will
'fceT two branches, of the. district court In
; continuous session. The, other Judges
will each' preside here nt one term every
year, making the usual, four terms a
- 'yeprt " - '
The new arrangement has made peces.
rary. a complete change In tile schedule
In. all of the other cbunttes, A tentative
; schedule wag agreed upon yesterday, but
It was not nearly enough completed to be
' given, to the public. Tho rearrangement
will permit longer, terms In all of the
'Other bounties, In many of which there
bos arisen a congested condition. There
wllLTti, some change In the dates for
holding -tlje various te,rme. bu he dates
wfil' generally conform to the" present
schedule, '
A. number of Important changes in the
rules were agreed, upon, all tending to,
expedite, court business. The work ot'
finishing; the schedule and drafting the
changes Jo he made In the rules was dele-'
gated, to Judge WhceJer, eind It will be
'completed without another meeting of
the Judges., Judge "Wheeler will s'end tho
dra'tt'o the other Judges, and. the work
wlU oil be f corrsp6ndene6. Ittortokers. The first one he lichted .
Lrestjlttn In .two bad blisters Iri th? calm
hot 'WaleTt 'hand. While he was having-
ino Damage repaired nnotner male mem
ber of the family tried the same experi
ment with the same result Mr. Schmidt
then took the packaa-e qf firecrackers and
rarcfully deposited It In a pail or water,
Both Injuries were painful, but not seri
ous, George 11. Negus, ESQ West Wath'ngton
avenue, secured the season ticket to the
Nicholas theater sent up In n ba'loon on
tho night of the Fourth. Tho ticket was
returned last night nod an annual pass
tor Mr- .Negus, wife and little son ws
Issuod by Assistant Manager Paul
Rchroeder, good until July 4 nex year.
Some practlcnl Joker attached a big
manlll. card to onJther balloon upon
which had been written an order for an
annual pass to the theater and sent t up.
A few minute1 after the genutno order
had been brounht In the other wan nn.
nented by a woman who tool? It from a,
balloon that descended on her lawn. The
V. Is, txpcclfd tfmt this Will' ell be Johq
. .UWlf hlntlerpfr Wekof -two-aneV'th
8che"dtfl0,,tanfl'",reylsed ule .printed'.! and?
ready for publication In bar dockets byH
.. in? -Mia ox .uiy.. ,
:Siinday Services
at Bluffs Churches
cation from his work In Montana, whero
ho is assisting Barnard Wlckham and
Thomas Bowman In directing tho wor
In connection with tho largo railroad con
struction contracts there. He arrived In
time to be at home on the Fourth. He
reports that thu usual success Is attend'
lng the execution of the Wlckham work
The cleaners and dyers' business Is an
nrt bV Itself. Wfl run tnnka. a iMnnn
Hook really beautiful because clothes.
nine tiirfes out of ten, make tho man or
woman who wear them. Wo know hoW
to ubo the art of making your clothes
neat and clean. Next time your clothes
need attention send them to our clean
ing nnd Pressing department and let us
please you. Bluff City Laundry. Clean
ers and Dyers. Phone 2SH.
Burning soot In a ohlmney that nad
been set going from a. flro in the kitchen
started a blae, In the roof of tho reiU
denee of Sam Rose, colored, at 1330 Ninth
avenue yesterday afternoon that would
feXS, ,?e.strD'. ihP bouse Jf the auto
mobile truck had not been able to get
there with the usual speed. The damaoro
Was canfinftri tn n fw hiri nt
Jiiit exceed 15. The house Is owned by
Mr. Rose, and the members of tho family
wcio uamio wun iear mat it would b
destroyed. It Is a two-story building
Worth several thousand dollars.
Nlpk Poulous. a coach fcloaner In the
employ ot the Northwestern railroad, was
placed under arrest yesterday afternoon
by Special Officer Qillasple on the charge
of stealing sljverwaro and other stuff
from the railroad coaches. He was room
ing at the home of Mrs. Goldberry on
Avenue D and when officers went there
f.r,d searched his trunk they found a
Inme quantity of silverware, napkin
dollies and other dining car furnishings.
Pdulotis was arraigned before Justice
Josepji and sent to the county jail pend
ing k hearing.
Martin Pi Schmidt, local head of the
Milwaukee yard force, announced "yester
day that he would never again attempt
to make a noise In ,hls effort to observe
tho Fourth of July anniversary. On thu
afUvnoon of the Fourth he started to
make It lively In his neighborhood with
a tmnch of legal-slsed dynamite fire.
Only morning services will be htld In
tho Council "Bluffs churches today, and
. there, vein be no especially attractive sub
Jeit8 'presented In either. In three of the
churches there Will be no preaching serv
ices, the. Flint, Congregational, the First
Methodist and the Dodge Memorial, the
pastors of these, churches' being away on
the summer vacations. The congregation
tot tne First Coiigregatlonal church will
attend, seryfees ot the First Presbyterian
chureh where" the pastor, Rev.' Dr. 'Mc
CJure. will consider the theme, "The HU-
man Problem."
Tho- First Presbyterian church, Rev,
Marcus P. McCIure, p, D minister. Wil
low avenue and South Seventh street.
Bible school at 9:30 a. m. Morn-
. lng worehlp at 10 S0 o'clock! theme. "The
:Human Problem." Young folks hour at
7 p', m., Leslie, Loomis, leader. This serv
ice win be hew out of doors, near Myn
ster Springs. Meet- at the church at
q;30. There, will -he. no evening preaching
service. .
St. Paul's ehUrcb. Sixth street, pear
Fifth avenue. Rev, A, G, A. Buxton, rec
tor Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Holy
companion at 8 a. .m. Sunday school at ,
9:50 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon !
at 10:15. ;
All Saints' chapel, Third avenue and
Eighteenth street, Rev. A. o. A, Buxton,
"rector. R. W Delbert, assistant. In I
cnarec. tunaay scnooi at iv a, m. Morn
ing prayer and sermon at It.
Broadway; Methodist church, Rev, J. M.
"WijfUms, pastor. G. J. M. Bourictu,.
chgrlster. Sabbath services: Class, meet
ing at 10 a. m., C, W. Senlft will lead.
Morning worship at 10:3a prelude (Ros
sini); hymn 48. prayer, gloria, lesson,
solo, "Callest Thou Thus, O Master"
(Mtettke), Mr. Bourlclus; offertory
(Qhopln)t hymn 701. sermon by Dr. C. L.
Baxter, district superintendent; tloxology.
benpdiction, postiude (Verdi); Sunday
ichool session at U:ff a. m., Prof. J. E.
Marshall, superintendent! Epworth league
session at 7 p. m.j topic, "Opportunities
.and perils of Vacations," leader, C W.
Senlft; prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at S.
First Baptist 'church, Frank A. Case,
.i.avUu-. The .deaeonVi servW la held nt
10:15 o'clock. Morning worship at 10:10.
Theme. '"A Vacation." The Bible school
meets at noon. Lesson, Ex, llsj. The
-BapUat Vovr.g People's union t.crv!ce l
held t .7 o m, ToUc, "The Opportunities
nnd Perils, of YacjUon," Loader. Mla
Edtla Blakeslcy. Evening worship at 8.
.Thtroe, "Marks ot Ntttlonal Decline."
7he pastor will speak both morning and
. evening. A. .cordial Invitation Is ex
' tended to all to worship with us. We
.have good music, plenty of fans, and
mn are asked to remove their coats 'and
.ho comfortable. These services are
planned for your Physical, mental and
FlrltuaI benefit .
. . First Church of Christ Scientist, will
. hold aervtca today In Masonlp temple
it 10; a. m. Subject. "God' Sunday
' nchool after -church. Free publlo Chris-
in Science reading room on ieond.
pas was to have been carried u In n
lwrtve-fpot bfllloon. hut the torch pro
vldfid for It did not afford KufftrJent hat
q imiato II. uasotmc was useo to m
crease' the pressure, shd Just as the bit
bag was pulling hard to get owy an
exolqslon occurred that blw out the
whole- Another lare slsed bs'loon wan
secured, but It cnught fire erl In the
process of Inflation. A smell fh'e-fnot
rnper bag "was then procured nnd ient
un with the ticket. It traveled onlv a few
blocks until It felj on the Negus lawn.
The royal circle . of Oakleaf caniP
Council Bluffs
meats Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
J. A. Grimes, ITJS Sixth avenue.
Only one marriage license wad Issuod
testerday. It waa taken by Albert Han
orf, axed M. and A. W. rctersori. 21.
both of this city.
The 4-year-old son oft Mr. and Mrs.
Ollff . Hough, who accompanied his pare
Lnwton. okl.. was taken
mundson hospital Yesterday sufferln
ents In their TGO-mlle automobile trip from
to tne. ku
from appendicitis and Is to be operated
E. J. Imcev. tSO North "(Eighth street:
roported to the police yesterday that he
had been held up and robbed iiy two
eunmen while dn his way home at 1:30
o'clock: yesterdav morning. Ho was at
North Eighth street and Washington ave
nue when two young men halted him.
both armed with revolvers. They made
him put up his hands while one of them
searched his pockets, finding all ot the
money .he had, $t One of the young
thugs was tat and lean, and the other
was short and fatr Both are believed to
be local youngsters who took that method
of recouping their Fourth of July ex
pendltures. " .
Arch Bltitard, who claims to be tire
eon of a wealthy man In Indianapolis,
was In police court yesterday morning,
charged with attempting to obtain money
under false pretenses, lie attempted to
get cashed at several local stores a $10
draft purporting to bo Issued by the
Commercial National bank ot this city
and made out In his name. When arj
rested two drafts tor the some amount
and otherwise Identical were found In
his packets, in police court yes crday
he was held under .,bond tor i tarthor
examination on Monday. He wl)l prob
ably be charged with forgery,
The Council Bluffs Athletle assocla
tlon. after the unpleasant Incidents that
happened at AthleUo park July In tho
Merchants-Imperlal game, In wnc2
fights occurred both on the Inside and
the outside of tho fence and personal
remarks passed from fans In the grand
stand to th players, arranged to have
ample police protection In the future and
have made a few rules so that In the
future no matter be the party a Mer
chant player, a visiting player or a fan
In the grandstand If ho utter any re
marks that would have b, tendency to
arouse the Ire of the person or persons
directed at the said party will be ejected
from the grounds and a ban will be put
on the said party and orders will be.
given to never allow sftld party entering,
the gates of Athletic park during tfny
ball game or any ojher athletic exhi
bition. Council Bluffs enjoyed a double,, dls-
Unction on the Fourth. The map of the
weather bureau showed It to be the hot
test spot In the United States, whtch was
a rather .undesirable distinction, but off
set to a degree by the second distinction
celebration of tho polsy anniversary
practically without an accident and a
fire loss of less than S2S. There was only
one other place where the temperature
arpse to a corresponding height, and that
was down at Phoenix, Arls. The tem
perature In both' places reached the 100
mark,, with Phoenix showing a little bit
hotter "minimum. The lowest tempera
ture at Council Bluffs during the twenty-four
hour' perlor was 72 degrees, while
at Phoenix It was 76. It Is a little In
teresting to know that the Fourth of
July heat reached the exact degree In
dicated by astronomical computations
made more than a year ago. The same
computations fix the maximum heated
period of ' the summer at about July 12
with, extreme heat of 101 In this vicinity.
An effort to hold a mass meeting of
cltlsans to boost publlo sentiment In fa
vor of concrete 'street pavement failed
to produce visible results last night. The
meetlna was called to ba held Iri the
eouncll chamber In tho city building, but
only six men stopped in front of the
building and tarried for an hour around
the street entrance. , Mayor Maloney waa.
there to open the chamber If It was de-
ft publlo demonstration It failed entirely.
sired and enjoyed a pleasant halt, hou
chatting with those wh
o were willing to
brave me neat tq me extent tney am.
There Is, however, a strong sentiment
In favor of trying oUt conereto pavement
on some of the resldenoe streets. One p
tha utroncr advocates or u is t. A. wick
nam provwea cuou pans granue ua
in piaoe oi.-crusnpa' iimoion n"-.,
has pointed out that limestone, sucn as
Is used In ordinary concrete work, Is too
soft for paving material and advises the
use of the hardest material available,
either tho Sioux Falls stone or Sherman
hill gravel, either of which, he says, will
Insure a durable pavement for the first
experiment and establish thfr practica
bility of the .material.
Sheriff Undsey and County Attorney
Capell left -last evening for TOpeka,
Kan., with requisitions frqm the gov
error of Iowa for the return of two men
Indicted by the grand Jury here, One of
them Is M. J. Slocum, who Is accused
of robbing the otfloei ot the German
Doctors In this city on December 7 last.
He 1s now under arrest at Emporia. The
other man Is Pete Wlenlch, who I ac
cused of embcsstlng S71.Z1 from W, .T,
Petetsqn, a Fifth avenue grocer. Wlen
lch was the head Ot a camp of Greek
railroad laborers, who contributed,
equally to the expense .of setting the
table. All of the money was given to
Wienlch and he had been buying all ot
the stuff required, For a long time the
trade was given to Peterson and the bills
were promptly paid at the end of tho
monthr At Jhe end of May, however,, he
slipped out of town after making tne
regular collections from the Greek labor
ers. He was traced to Kansas Qlty.
Kari., attd placed under arrest after his
Indictment by the last gra.nd Jury.
County Attorney Capell expects to be
back In time Monday to take up tho trial
fioor (Of .Masonic temple, open dally ex
3 IS
rrndtnK room.
Jnday from B:S0 to 2:20. The
puouo is cordially invited to attend all
services of the church and to visit the
St. John'j. English Lutheran church.
jorner Willow avenue and South Seventh '
street Rev, H. J. Albrccht minister, j
"Sunday school at 9: a. m. Morning I
worship at 11 o'clock sharp. Sermon
theme. 'Tho Overcacerpein Pf the
Servants of Sin a Rousing Example for'
thf Servants of Righteousness." A I
hearty welcome is extended to all. Seats '
Bethany Presbyterian church. Eight
eenth avenue, J E. Cumlnns. pas'or t
rrpucning io:jg. a. nt "Christ's Will
tp. i V I Communion tervtce. Sabbath
school at U: o'clock, j E. Bch'ott
jupMtendent; Christian Endeavor at 7
prk underthe auspices oPthe brother"
hoodj Frank Gladwin In charge. j I
Handle Limited
Solid Train
To New York
All-Steel Sleeping Cars1 and All-Steel
Coach through to. New York, also
parlor and Dining Car Service over
Zcavea Chicago Daily 1:45 p, m, (Central luse)
Arrives New York 4:35 ? m, (Eastern Time) ,
New schjedule permits hour and 25
jtiinutes mprq time h Chicago
Peniisylvania trains run Into PenniylvnnJa tB
tha, Next Door to Pverythng (a New Yprk.
Eleven Daily Train
Chicago to New York
at Cqnveinienl; $ou
TTca( Puipir As est,
n-22S pit, Nftiowl 9n3t BMc,
Previa, ebfatlui
Council Bluffs
of the rioters, which will begin MondRy
morning. Assistant County Attorney
are will conduct the cases alone until
Mr. Capell returns.
Auto Club Meeting
On Tuesday Night
A very Important meeting of the Coun
cil Bluffs Automobile aeaootntlpn to oe
held on Tuesday evening at the Commer
cial club rooms. The meeting Is so Im
portant tha? the- salvation of the asso
ciation will- come pretty nearly depend
ing upon It During the hot weather It
has beert very difficult to tnduco many
of tho large number ot automobile Owners
who haVo signed' the membership rdrts
to attend any of the meetings. '
Several have been called with such slfm
attendance that a quorum was not pres
ent Work in connection with the per'
tectlng of the constitution and by-laws Is
to bo done nt the meeting on Tuesday
night, and for this reason a large attend
ance Is necessary.
Secretary acorga Qerner has sont writ
ten notices to all members pointing out
tho Importance of the meeting and urging
them to forget everything lso and bo
M. It and C. W. Bells, teamsters,
strangers In Council Bluffs and unem
ployed, wore In police court yesterday
morning charged with larceny. Tho
complaining witness was John William
son, of Stewart Neb. ife came to the
city to srend a quiet Fourth and In tho
evening took a room In a rooming house
located at S1SH Broadway. Owing to the'
Intense hoot he left tho door of his
room open when ho retired for the night
Later In the evening the Sella brothers
came In nnd were given a room nearby.
He heard tho men come fn. but dropped
Into a light sleep while they were talk
ing. A, few minutes later he was dis
turbed by hearing someone moving about
In his room in the darkness.
He heard the sound of the stealthy
footsteps as the man left the room, and
heard him enter the adjoining room.
Williamson tHen made an csamlnntton of
his trousers, which ho hUng at the head
of his bed. He discovered that nil of his
money, $15, was missing. Ho (lstened
Intently and heard some remarks In the
adjoining room that confirmed his.
Slipping on his clothes he 'went to the
police station, less than a block away,
and told his story. When officers went
to the rooming house both of the Sells
wre asleep. A search of their .clothln
revealed the missing money In tho
pocket of the trousers belonging to M. It.
Bells. Both were taken to the station,
but at 'tho hearing In police court yes
terday morning a W, Sells was dl.
charge, as there was no evidence that
he had' nnyvhlrig to do wllh the theft.
The brother w;ns sent to the county Jail
for thirty days. Among his papers was
found .an honorable discharge from the
regular army after six years of service.
Bells said It was his first lapse and that
he wa out of money and without em
ployment and had become desperate.
M Pur the" Prrlfjht
On nil lumber, mtltwork, hardware
paint nnd building supplies for your
niw'hoise or barn, at your nearest sta
tion, C. Hater Lumber company. Do
you Intend to bulldT
Lawn Swings at Less
Than Cost to Make
I3.K buys a regular $0, heavy 4-passen'
ger lawn, awing eight feet high, eight-foot
base, five and a halt feet wide, thirty-one-Inch
seat, well made, wH bolted,
well braced, painted red. H50 buys "V
porch or low lawn swing; can be used on
either porch or lawn, base tour nnd a
half by ' five feet standards and bare
made of' heavy wood, painted red, ell
boiled; srats and back made of onk,
natural flplsh, seats thirty-one Inches
wide. Hither of these swings can bet set
up In a few minutes. Mall us your older
with shlrp'Bg Instruction. J. 7. Her Mer
cantile Co., ido-ioa-lW-iW Broadway.
Merchants Will Play
the Advos Today.
The Merchants will play' tha Advos ot
Omiha this afternoon, the game to be
called at i:30. The Advos are one of the
fust clasl A teams nt nmh nnA (,..
won nil but three or tour of thelf games
this season. Baker and Coe will be the
battery Tor the Advos and Probst and
Cavnnaugh for the Merchants.
1 - -.
BUT BINDING TWINE and fenca now,
so-rod spools galvanised heavy barb wire,
12.38 M-lnoh,' 6-lneh mesh hog fenee, U
cents a rod, Standard binding twine,
Lawn strings, (J.M, e(a J, Zolter Mer
cantile company. 1
NIOW IDEA gnu rangss, Brlea tit up,
I. C, De Vol Hardware company,
Well regulated, scientific methods
must always result in Rure, clean
and sanitary products. Exactly so!
Blatz possesses all of the to-be-expected- virtue
of good beer. Back of, which are its peculiarly
distinctive, time-honored qualities. There's a deli
cate, hut pronounced flavor or hops that in ltselr
captivates the particular beer drinker.
By all means have a case
of Blatx in your home.
802-810 Douglas Street Omaha, Nfc.
Ptiortu Dcuglai 9803 '
' H.
G.rocrs Liiis.6
Full Value for Your
"THEY are glad to ,f ind
on your order.
They know that the BIG pack
age gives you 12 more than
any other cereal food for 10c
Experience has shown them
that once you try these delic
ious golden corn flakes you are
sure to come hack for more.
Of all the wholesome foods
prepared from com WASH
INGTON CRISPS is one of the
most nutritious and strength-
giving. Eat it every day andC
you will soon feel the iiri
made from the choicest grains
of the finest white corn, thor- '.
oughly steam-cooked and
toasted golden-brown.
The purity of WASHINGTON
CRISPS is beyond question.
They are prepared in spotlessly
clean mills by automatic
machinery untouched by
human hands.
Why not order a package of this sensible food today? jhs 0
whole family will like it better than any cereal they ever tasted
snd they'll feel better top, Ypur grocer will be glad to send it
Washington CRISPS
10c BIG PacIta8e of Toasted Corn Flakes "Qq