4 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JITLY 7, 1913. The Omaha daily bee . FOl'NDBD BY KDWAttD HOSKWAtMi PKg ihilLIJtNa, FAriHA AD lrfll. tcnttd nt ilmfthA. Dottorflpe as second ?cim matter. ' .. . : 5 5 TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: 3 Sunday Beei on yr J-2? IS Dally Hee. without Sunday, one year. M I'ftily Boo. nd HuiiWi one year.-.. ? DHLilVKUfiD ifVCA KH1KR. Evening and Sunday, .par month...... Jg Evening without Sunday, per month. JUsiiy lice. including Bunday, per mo sc Dally Dec. without Bunday. Pr tno.WO Address all complaints of regularities In delivery to City, Circulation Dept. . WiMirtANClS. ..... Remit by dratt.oxpreM or PostaT order, payable t6 The fiefr Pub Khlmt company. Only 2-cetit utaipps received In, payment cept'oftOtnahr and eastern exchange, not ac4pto'. - . . ;" offices: . OninhThe Be PUUdlJMS. . &mth PmaHa18 N Street. : Coungll rHlulfswuU North Main Street Lincoln-: Ltufr bulking. ChieailJIb4Tt.buiinK. New York-Room llO& SM Fifth Ave. St. Loul-S03 New Bank ot Commerce. Viuihlngton-7 Fourteenth St., N. W. I Communication relating to new; and editorial matter should bo addressed Omahax Pep. Kdltorlal department. ! JUNE CIRCULATION. 50,401 , fltat ot Nebraska. County of DoUgUa. sst Dwlght Williams, circulation manager , of Tho Bed Publishing company, being S duly a worn, says that the average- dally circulation for the month of June, 1MJ, wa 60,401. DWIGHT WILLIAMS, ' Clrculstlon Manager, f Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me 0tBT (geai.) Notary Public. Si1ierllor leaving the chy tewpwrnrlly sUonlil, hav The Bee mulled to then. Addr rrlU be ennmred n ottea as reiineeted. H; And don't -forgot to. hand , tho fly what is corning to him. Tho rain gods have beon lotting ? the sunny imps pu,t It Allovor them a It -would oom that vacant, lot.. gar Is dosing is 'not; strong end'ugh to'su S vivo ''tho ., fid oWo. -, -jv.: 1 . ; $ Doo. Frledmann tnuBt havo con J! eluded that all Americana, lived In or came, from Missouri. . . The gong to greet the returning g veterans: "When Johnny Comes Marching Home, Again.' , , It you doubt progress, ot the safe t and sana Fourth, compare the QettynburgB of 18(13 and 1918. i , , I. . : g D,f. Van DyJce, our mlnlater-elect hut J. Ham Lewis the whisker. .; - What wouia you do to a man who you Botke thee day that it wm tine to lay in your wints? coal? 'ntne wlfrlan "Wauhtr tlweks All is quiet along the . Balkans tonight .usat a&ut!i IM III I I I WiJ ;thlr wk1c there my he 'mim 4hSBTr . ' I 0$ wy;.,t'o, ,tdp tha rigsrous suine . oit putting torsedoea, on fipar tracks Is to get the one who 5do it. The Fourth of. J.uly. mefne taora to Johnny null incaa Mrs. Ponk hurst fired oft her first giant crcitar. A let of folks are still .debating whethr Secretary Bryan's endorse ment of the currency bill is .a knock cr a boost. ' " ' Qoloal Muihall at aay rate did a fa" bt ta help tha prsMet te make good on kts "inridioas lobby" deoiarattoB. By the Way,. feve alt tha daiada nitons bn dHg jsurwaat to that or "dlaance made and provided is such earn by our honorable city council? David 'is often Quoted as saying vall i faH liars." by. those wan foTgul '6f tfe 1A know1 that" David s"waa offBrBjiif an tipology 'for a hasty tetterauce. ' Hoflvelf, it seetne. consists n not taH JK a reraoaal -Interest in JeKisUttve 'mittfrra. J(reit Free Press. Ob, no, in taking a personal financial Interest in them. I Uamambar, whatever cornea of Wtl3. WASeyoJds-McNah case that 8srtary-dltor Bryan (a his Cobs wonejo has exonerated and Weill !3ted, tker Attorney ge'a.aral, Our two saw FagaaUa'Amerleah tipleaiaey walte-r IT.- an"d ThopTSs Kelson, -will always he read with z'diealntshad interest as compared &wm 8ereUry Aryan's grape Jttlce g cbaptar. JKote how judge of our, 'auprem i. wcp hare decasspad for different I vmsatlpa ad recreation grounds and BY - . wj raln a. Judicial dserta.that then? will at e general stata alec Jt will not Make inttafc difference - . wlKdhar feu.datoliifer ta A ta tlia i.. saaHTiUika Mr lakes, for after you ara thart Ja taeo-oae shot wnicuKn win iry yp hi use yop. Wisn H ware at tae enter puce. Yl .. - I. . n . . , ML. ' , lows (fa A -uatun. in Ur bU tsoMk with pred&te ry trust t0&toL'm." Mr. JiBy, txdttf ob ot U eouHtry' (peat vcufruM' mm, will w sfeak, Unmasked. Water board management ot our Waterworks has so far given water users little, It anything, they wo-o j runilced in th6 Way tit lowor rates nnd better service, but It has one slgniil achlovomeht to Ha credit the tin masking ot certain hypocri tes. The lako reform organs that Wore so loud with demands when they knew compliance was out of reach and to apologetic when the same de mand wore refused by recreant of ficials In position to meet them, havo been thoroughly exposed, One of thoto' fakers for weoks ran redink "primers" to impress people that Omaha was paying for' water from four to olght tiroes whit mu nicipal plantn In other cities charge and tc mhko bellovo Omaha could and would do tho same the moment It secured possession of tho. plant. Dut tlnce the water board took hold it has been unanimously eating its words and defending a little 3 cent reduction as moro than anyo'no had n right to ask. Moro brazen yet, It hns tho gall to upbraid, tho char ter convention for writing Into tho nharter the 25-cont maximum water rate for which it onco pretonded to te fighting. , Anothor gallery play now oxplodqd Is the promise of extensions held out by the water boarders as bait to.' the credulous. Tho old water company wus rightly excoriated for not build in ti needod mains into now territory, yet although over 11,030,000 in bonds was voted tor this purjioso, nq extensions havo been forthcoming and the mockery ot it all. comes back upon those who perpetrated tho false issues., The only opott question is' to what extent ihtelHgont people will let (linmnolves continue to be fooled by Iho mendacious hypocrites. Ex-Members as Lobbyists. Tho report that as a result of tha Muihall Confession congress may en act a law preventing former mem bers from engaging in the business of lobbying, doubtless has reference to a determination to deny the privi leges of the floor to such former sen ators and representatives as may bo come lobbyists, tor that is the most that congress can do. Of course, it could not assume to say what occu pation an QX-mombor might engage in and probably tho plan contem plates nothing of that sort. Con gress owes it to Itself end the publlo interests, though to take action hat will stop the shameful, abuses Boma men havo made ot their privileges as former members. If such action will strike a telling Mow ftt the root of inttdtQH lehfeywg at tha. satlena) capital, then so much the better. In the suMuttlMe, It may be hut ialr tp hear the other slda of the Muihall case, from those utea whom he has .threw, hie hlaetKaf. KM u tag "aeuia oaeiruot a ihh, revaiaiteB oi the facts. ' . . Cocktails and HKftBails. Comes how Martin -M. Muihall, termer chief lawmaker at Washing ton for the National Association of Manufacturers, saying ho'saw1 for mer Congressman James, tJ.-Watson of Indiana drink six cocktails in one eYfmlng. J'A, wicked diabolical lie," declares Watson, who deniea'the whole ktory in languago as yigoroua as evor was denied, tha drinking of a .highball by anyone ever accused of that hein ous offonso. Of course, Mr. "Wat 8oh was , talking without equivoca tion or reservation. Yet even though it be proved that he drank a deeea cocklell or whisky sours, or. mint Juleps, or evea the straight, UnadultKftta stuff 6 his doctor's prescription as a pain killer or even, a mental or nervous bracer, then ti i wholly a horse ot another color, and he may recover damages in court from his slanderer. The polioy of our watr boarders it'ehis to be t? figure out, not how much they are i warranted in doing fcr water users, but how little they can do and have folks believe they are doing, something. In other words, although running a water plant bought by and belonging tottte people, the water boarder are pro ceeding just as if it belonged to some plvate profit-making company. Nebraska taxpayers aro beingras sured that they will lose nothing by reason of investment a few years ago of permanent school funds n Ten Hossee state bonds. Mow matured with ho money in sight to pay them. J net put this (Jown that no Nebraska raoney would (iter hajfa been planted in Tennessee bonas unless someone with a pul) was getting a coianitsilon or te rake-off. ; There is Just oaa sura way o put the management ot city affairs out ot polities, and that la to aakeja few officers elective by x nonpartisan ballot, and feme up as mmfyt the otner employee as possible behind c.vtl service rules. ' ' Presideat Wilson has received two or three compliments upon his Qet tysburg address, hut 3t will hardly pay htm to engage a press clipping bureau to gather and compile tho plaudits. Kuiairtir Out tlupr. St Louis Olebe-DemocraL The fast tliat the bit nacklna concerns at the United States are warring with these of Australia and Argentina may make It possible ter the averaxe Amer ican t? renew shi acquaintance with tresh BacWard liOOKUU IhisD t 1 inuraana COMPlLfcfl rROM dbb rites Thirty Ycnrn Att A compilation completed by County Clerk Baumer shows the total assessed valuation of Douglas county to be $10. 913.724. of which Is rent estate and $3.sw,(fi9 personal property. John Kerr, far four years with ftt. Hell man ft Co., left for Portland, Ore., and expects to so Into the business of raising Sheep. Pamuel Avery, proprietor of the flna horticultural irardenS near Fort Omaha, left at this office a sample box ot "tur ner" raspberries. The fruit was delicious, and no finer can )e raised onywherov Hon. James E. Boyd received a cable gram from Liverpool announcing the safe arrival of .tho steamer Wisconsin, having on board Misses Klenora nnd Margaret Boyd, Mr, and Mis. a B. Caldwell and Mr- nich and daughter. Itev. Dr. Salter, pastor of tho First Con arcRatlonat church ot Dps Moines, and his wife aro auests ot James Morton, Dr. Stone has returned from Dakota. The Industrial school of Trinity ca thedral closed Its sessions, filvlne the girls, 101 tn number, a picnic Iri Ifansebm ' park, ltcclplents of prUes awarded were! Itulh Blumbtiry, Oertle Pngsley, for punctuality: Mary Johnson, Sophie Liner, Matilda Oleson, for sc.wlntf; Julia Lar son, Laura Toussr, ror nemm:ns; wmo Onllallne, for gathering. The Woodman Linseed Oil works is running again with capacity for sixty barrols per day, and employing forty mn. The Union Pacifies received what It called a caltlmlnlng rrom tha Grand Ave- . . . .... . . . . ' . m m - n nues oi bu uowa, wun a score oi o i v. Twenty 1'cara Ago John Francis, general, passenger agent of the B. Sc. M., and E. L. Lorn ax ot the Union Paclflo were tn Chicago on official business. Julius Schauss, a soldier on A furlough, member of Company II. Eighth Infantry, stationed at Fort McKlnney, Wyo., fell off a motor car on Leavenworth, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, at midnight and was killed. He had been standing on the platform conversing with Conductor J. It. Ileed when suddenly he lost his footing and went down. Mrs. Dave rtowe left for Chicago to visit the World's fair and, a sister, after whleh she expected to go xo Denver, be tween whleh city and Omaha sho was casting lot In her own mind as a resi dence. Joseph 8. Hartley, stats treasurer, Sat In thn cool evening breexe tanning guests ; in front ot the Millard hotel and respond ing to the reportoriat pump for A few In teresting remarks, observed! "t believe I do not state it too strongly When I say that nine but ot every ten people In Lin coln Would have been better pleased to have seen C. W, Mosher, permitted to pay to the bank reoelver the, $150,000 his friends proposed to pay than to have sent him," to. Mr. Bartley congratu lated himself on having practically no state funds In banks that had failed. Father Patrick F. McCarthy, for seven years pastor ot Bt. Phllomena's cathedral, resigned and sold ho Intended going to Ten years Ago aye Lewis, better known as WllUSnl Lawle, 1(24 North. Nineteenth street, lost his life In? a runaway Accldoot at Four teenth and Farnam streets at 4:90 p. m. The team Lewis was driving started to rtln. He did not have hold the reins and stepped down on the tongue to get them. Tho wagon hit a curbing and threw Lewis to the ground tn time for the rear wheel to pass over his htad, fracturing his skull. He was picked up Insensible and died later. By a happy combination of the weather and the typical Omaha spirit of hospitality the city was able to slvo the National Editorial association a hot re ception. Dr. Qeorge L. Miller, a veteran Omaha editor ot other days, made tho address of welcome when the convention opened and Mayor Frank E. Moores, Ed ward Uosewater, O, M. Hitchcock, John L. Webster and others followed, and the visiting editors admitted they wero duly and cordially welcomed. Omaha managed tq Win a game off old Pop Eyler, the. Denver' pitcher, who held such a consummate hoodoo over the team. The Rourkea pounded him for thirteen hits and won the game, .7 to E. Ilarry Cartan returned from the Pacific coast, Following a meeting of Western , league magnate In Dmahs, Pa Itourks ant nounced changes In hts lineup, which Were regarded as strengthening. He said E1dle Hlckey and Job Dolan would bo supplantod -at third and short, respec tively, by Frank. aenlns and a new man, Raiclltfe, He had bought a pitcher from St. Louis called "War" Sanders and Dusty Mltler fpr th outfield. Joa Dolan, It was said had shown an Indisposition alt season to sot Into form. People Talked About Mrs. , Catherine Waiigh McCulloch of Chicago, former justice ot the peace, has been tendered th position of dean, 'of law in its relation to women at the Chi cago College of Law. Dr. J. J. Muliowney of Philadelphia ty money spent Hi missionary work In China is money thrown away. Heresy! Fifty lk aro to bo turned loose In the woods ot Minnesota. They come from the Yellowstone region. Most of h later-day OQijimtntatora on th battle of Gettysburg agree In clos ing1 It as a fierce struggle, but It wasn't hear as "'fierce" as th poetry provoked py the fiftieth anniversary of the fracas. Dona JUana itesa de Edward, the rich est woman. In Chill. Is dead. She was noted as a phtUnthroptst One ot her grandson Is the Chilian minister at London. A year ago. Samuel Williams, Jndtsna cllUen, township trustee, bachelor, aged M years. Was fishing In the Ohio. H fished out bottle containing the ad dress of Lelah Frttslar of Brookburs, ad year. Now she's Mrs. Williams. Clyde, the )&-year-ol& son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael b-tUlne, near Linden. Pa., has plowed between five and six asres of lde.h!ll. surface last spring, and heIs row (sa'ching thre-months-4l4 Jersey calf to take him about the farm In his express wagSn.' Th calf is proving an apt pupil Mrs. Franklin IC Lane, wife of th Secretary of th interior, finds so many women faddists that ehe think It would be a aod Idea, for society women to Wear tags that Indicate what pctal fad they ar Interested In. Then, as they pasted, they could easily find a. subject tor ;pn vrrsatlen. And W two having tn same HA need bore one another. 1.1. Twice Told Tals ' 'Profits Kt Dale- Bnlt. "Well, dear,", asHed the ball player's wife, "who won the game, this after noon?" "We did," said the star batsman of the home team, "and I tell you 1 had a mighty profitable afternoon. I was at nat four time. The first tlm up X made would have been over the fence: but as a . ,-.T. cigarettes sign square on th! right tusk, ZVA". " "te 1,W cork- "Fihel" "JTes, and the second time up I hit the fence aaln, this time right In the middle of the Big Bed can that advertises Bi ble's Pure Food soup., That helted me 7S m6re." Brooklyn Times. ' E very hod r W Happy. A wealthy yourfg woman from out, west, was recently wedded to, a member the nobility of England, and tHe ceremony occurred Irt the tpnst fashionable f Lon don churches-St. George's, Hnnoyer square. Among th guests wa the mui, n't tha bride, as sturdy an American oi canf0"1 h nevr Btt rnad at me and be Imagined. He gave an Interestlmr ' threatens", to send ma to hell bocauro I summary or the wedding when asked by a friend whether the marriage Was A happy one. "Unppy7 I should say It was' said tho cousin, "The br'lds was happy, the mother wa overjoyed) Lord Stlckjelgh, the groom. Was n ecstasies, and th Creditors, r Understand, Were in a state Of absolute bllss;"-Llpplncdtt's Magai-' sine. - . On (he WronK Side. Dean C, Worcester, secretary of the Phillpplnp CQnynlsslon, smiled gleefully the, other atte'rnoon, when ha heard sev eral of the brethren boastfully telling each other who ruled the" domestlo roOsu He was reminded, he said, of the keen perception- ot llttlo. Willie. One day. according to thi story told by Mr. Worcester, Wi)ti grandmother, who lived a thousand mites In the beau tiful distance, come for an extended visit It was- the llrst time that Willi had ever seen her, and naturally Ms ex amination ot the elderly one wa long and critical. "And so you are honestly and truly my grandmother?" finally remarked the youngster, going closer 'to tho visitor. "Yes, my dear," was the fond.- re- JOlndor of the-old lady, "on youjrfather's Side." "Well, thaV where. yoU're In -bad to begin with," was the startling response ot Willie, ."you're on th wrong slde." Phlladelphla Telegraph. An ininrrsslv Trnth. At the booksellers' recent annual con vention In NeW York, . Irvln 8. Cobb pointed out the great help to bookselltrur that advertising affords. "A book," he said, '.'gets a good review the author,, perhaps. Is called a genius. That review of Itself, sells, perhaps, 100 copies. But that review, quoted a Kocd, big advertisement, might easily sell J0.CW copies," Mr, Cobb paused, then added impres sively: ' ' . "The tempi .of .commerce, gentlemen, Is supported ,Tj columns ot advertising.'' Springfield Republican: Til Zeppelin company thinks that by 15 the. dirigible will be so perfected that a flight across the Atlantlq may be attempted, without risk. But It will be safer tot wait and see how many airship have., blown up by that time. Chicago Record-Hralfl Professor Will lam Howard Taft tells us, that be has lost forty-one pounds since he left the White House, which would seem to indi cate that teaching the young idea. 1 ?les. of a sinecure than running a government ot a hundred million people. - .,- . Philadelphia Ledger: Mr. 'Me'tcalfo should, make a reasonably, successful civil governor of Panama. H never had nn trouble disciplining tha office, force ot the. Commoner, both member ot which are.. unanimous In, .their approval of, tlis, appointment) tq-wlj, Mr.. Rryan and Mr. Metcalfe. . Baltimore. American: Japan active in. Mexico: Japan .active In Hawaii Japan active In the Philippines,, In shQrt. It seem to b Japan's busy time all over the world. Also, that Japanese war debt Is activeand is drawing more, interest than th little brown kingdom carl con veniently pay. IndtankpOlls News.: By cutting out naval salutes, -motorcycle-outriders, uni formed aid and the like, the president is rapidly getting thing down to a basis where the. plain, but sometinres sarcastic, citUth -will nor ftv Ukeviaghlrfg when he feaOa aiut tits ohttf 'executive's movements. Pittsburgh Dispatch: When Mr. Bryan uses hts editorship td declata that Attor ney . General itotceyhoWo'iWpstponoment of the ccrtunohwedlth' coedMo -please Sec retary Wilson was a proper comWIane with a reasonable requast, he illustrates how a position on the insld can tarn th ttorCest reformer.' , , a New Inventions An Omaha mechanic ha patented and sold a moveable devto carrying- Water whleh It feed lata -hot Journals while a train Is In motion- Photographic paper that can be printed on both sides has been Invented for copy ing document and publid reeords, Harness to hold a fishing pqle so as to leave a fisherman's hands free to manage his bait or catch 1 an English Invention. A new printing, gumming and perforat ing mashlna in th burtau ot engraving and printing at Washington turns out a mil of finished postage stamps every ftvs minutes. By equipping an orchard heater with a reservoir to hold additional oil and feed It to th burner slowly a Kansas farmer invented a device thaV would bum all night without attenMeii; ; L On , French inventor is shaugng the oyllnSW of his aeroplane c'ikrtia bfow ike h;tt tp aid stability, while another' ta tryiBgou,t a propeller wKb ttws.es. Instead Of the two commonly used. An electric signal light that pierce a fog batter than anything yet tried, tho invention of a Caltfornlan. draws the carbons apart periodically to stretch th are. giving out brittlant flashes. For washing dishes without selling th hand a Nw York woman has invented a fQUAtalfi mop, to which water la ted by rubber tVtW to h' eeaaeetjsd with a kitchen sink fauest - ' 1 HieBeesfeifetKox A CohtcMltth of FSlU 81LVBII CltBEK. Neb.. July 6.-T0 the Editor of The Bee: Ahd now comes Trftnk C. Shaw of Hnrian. la., bringing .with him a great bufrtp of curiosity! He warn. tA Irnnw t.a mamI 1 'hlnnflr td.' , merits from) 'how mari! gods ther are'l a. .... I.. . v . .r t --T, a t-.ikAJ , -. V -ua. rri ri i ss i rum i nun maiiv huui isivso ri s J.jth lhttt with that Sod. I wiM you would ess. Mr. I wish you would ease Mr. Shaw's mind by telling, him that I don't "belong" to afy creed and that, so far as I know, no. creed "belongs" tp, ms; that 1 think the Bible l .mostly aiworK of miscellane ous fiction and not the place to go .to 'flrjd argUmcntpi.'that ,1 don't know ho .many gods , th"er"4 are., nover having counted therry though I think there ara ( about HOWOOO of 'them ot which C,hrls- , tians, ,lko "Mr. Shaw, hav'i barely throe; J that, to the best ot my knowledge and be'lef 1 belong, to a wooden god, but don't exactly knpw whloh one. and that T think I stand Wry well with that' god, , Which ever he may bo. for tho reason find myself unable to perform soma Im possible stunt. ', . Tell him further, please,, that I am sure I don't belong 'td ha God. For I love children and I have no ure tor a God that .would ,ehd out from the wood hungry boars to chew th6m Up simply because they ihade fun of an old mart) with a.,bold -head I -hope J . have some regard for maidenly virtue, and I hate and detplsa a God that would give lata tho hands 'of a ruthless soldiery for fhclr own use the Innocent girts of a whole nation or tribe,, after having first butchered their fathers and mothers; I take 'no' stock whatever.' In a Ood, who, to satisfy his 'Justice," would kill his own , son Who' had dope no wrong, and then let the devil, who ought to have been killed long' ago, roam at largo "seek ing whom h may . devour,", and I utterly .abhor a God who would Create untold, millions of men and then burn them forever In hell. After you have told the Iowa gentleman all this, I think ho will feel betfer In hie mind,- Of the Supreme Architect of the "Uni verse.' I know nothfng, Abtolutcly nothing". When at dead of nljfht standing Jn His presence, I lp6k out on whnt I know to,bc but a faint .glimmer of an llllmtt. able array of ahlnlng worlds and' try to fathom the Infinite depth of space, f am awed and dumb! I realise that I am only an Infinitely Insignificant part of that vast whole, ji'ot attaining even t4 the dignity of .a ripple on a boundless sea, and am quite content Jto plod my way until 1 shall drop back Urio that boundless reservoir of force and matter from whence ' I tame. Mr. Bhaw has'KlSo a biimp'of crcdjllty blifger than a" goose egg. H thinks every Alleged fact recorded in history Is true. It were Worse than' use'tees ' further to bandy words with such'hlahk igporance and' childlike faith. It Is of such material that' Christians are made, Mr. Sh&w, goodbye-IXriL'5g8,WOOBT151l. J''P- Pt Kn she Open, . OMAHA. July B. To the Editor of Tha Be:, Before this symposium I closed I desire' to sum. up briefly. Tp. ibegln-with, . I malntaiaed-that wen-should not llv natural lives.- for by naturS we ara prone to evir, and the "naVUral' mon'knowoth, pot the thlhgs or God." I said (hat -a man was1 by nature esnvajre apd pr-: sented tho proof In th forin bf a syllo gism. An opponent reverted the syllo gism dna pretended to destroy It Validity by working1 It as he said)" up and down and sideways, etc. His theory was to show how easy any and all theories could be provcrTby tht process. But h under estimates the Value of the. siiloglstto method. Now a correct and valid argu ment 'stated in the fdfrn bta syjtosism admits of no plausible objections, but If the argument rests on false premises, or the conclusion falls to agree with the premises admitted to be true, the syllo. cicm Is Vicious and must be rejected. 3?o false doctrine can b proven by legitimate, methods, -and If such appears to be th case, It Is only 'because of Invalid assump tion ortjirobema.ti'cal. Judgments. The "dog-leg" proposition laid down by the yam opponent, nnd which h pleased tp coil a syllogism, Is pot a syjto sism at all Mahan says: "There must bo In such an argument, when stated at length and in full, threo, and no more, and no. less, prpposlttons-, two called pre mises,. In. one ot. which, one, and' in th other tho remaining extreme. Is compared with th middle term, and tha conclusion or lnferenc"in"whlch'4he"rclation'of th two terms is affirmed.'' . A syllogism, when valid, must not bs compared to a piece of dog-leg nonsense; th polpt Is to show It Invalid by pointing; out the flawh and. fallacies, if such ther ra,s i j. , S , 1 see that Mr. Wooster hug a Baptist On hands at present, so X will pass oh to Horace P. Holmes. 4 The gentleman should hav signed his full name and let us kpow whnt th vpr signifies. Now, Horace,, 1 believe (you understand my languago better than :you pretend to, and what' Is th us to waste valuable time and spac with all this motk-lgnoranco about tn "turkey trot" and tho "lap -dogs." And you surety do know that there' is a religion ot the head called "positivism;" this' Is the celebrated philosophy of Mr. Comto. Itrad th dis cussion between Mr. Huxley and Mr. Harrison "oh this 'subject Now, Horace. , yqu aro some word-splitter H rlRhtryouJ saw a chance tin butt lrt" and try four luck, but unless, you get stronger than you are now, you are not likely to do much damage. If you eaanot tak either side of th question, read up and gee posted, but don't quibble and fuss with word's, for a Juggler always keeps every thing In th air. Let us knqw in your next letter whose disciple you are. E. O. M INTOSH. Masonic Heading Roomlnours 19 to s, In Justice to RJtndUon Land. CiMAILV July .-To th Edttor ot The Bee: In July 4'a Be I saw an Item from Madison, Neb., In which selling prlocs of Madison county land were' quoted vwtth on .mltUUe. Th 100-acre' trcLt, lind'ieoli. by7fMorrl Qroea to Adolgh PlSgrsTwaji ,ey0 jjistoad of $14. OW aaj merttfonea. MORRIS GB.088, i. lVVpprcU'l.onki FOtLERTON, Neb,. July 8. To th Edttor ot Th Be: Ther recently ap peared tn The. Be rdltorlal department a communication frosa a reader who ob ject to the artonypious contributions to thj letter box, espeelslly those ot E. O. M. The letters of this gentleman which have come to my notice hav contained sound philosophy and truths, and the dis senting subscriber woujd do well to read thtm. It he had read the previous ones he would understand the connection be-! tween thfr different eehtences lrt the quoted paragraphs appearing In ,hls let ter. The clause, "I may eventually be reduced trt silence," he reference to the fact that ome contributor had attempted to refute somo ot his statements about man in his natural state. It E. 0. M. were to expose his Identity he would be annoyed by communications from read ers who, not fully comprehending the depth of his statements, take Issue with him abrtuf Various passages. As for my self, when i 'tufn to the letter ot the editorial pnge l-.flret- seek a contribution from E. O. St. Aa he has attacked no man's character, there is no occasion for th publication of his identity. It him c&htmua to enrich the letter b6x with his communications. ' ArpJiEpiATpn of adoD philoso- PHt. Here arid There By holding up reduced freight and Pas senger rat laWs for thrto years a Mis trurl statistician Calculates the people ot the state ps Id 17.233,811 In excess rates. Minneapolis broke the Jbnft bride record with a list of W. Out of a tout ot 197 applicants for law yers' certificates In Missouri, 170 passed the state examination hd were given permits to break Into tha firing itn ot trouble. H ' Tho Pennsylvania legislature has Im posed a tonnage-tak on the, output ot herd Coal which Is expected to yield' $,(W,0C() a ' year. The consumers" will get Iti The National "Onion of Women Clerks, founded twehtyine years ago In Berlin, U one bf tho best organised unions in Germany, numbering over 25,000 members, Tho distinction of having th best paid one-room country school-teacher In tha United States Is claimed by Logan county, Illinois, which pays its teaoher $110 per month for a term of nno months. In consequence of tho scarcity and high price of labor, particularly farm workers, ------rTffcf Going from Home, to the Sea Shore, make? your headquarter1 at THE PLAZA J r NEW YORK Fifth Avenues and Ftfty-nirith Street- " Delightfully located opposite Central Park -' assuring peace ana quiec oummer terrace Kestauranu The- coolest Hotel in to theatres and shopping district. SptUtl Rmtt during (ft Little Stones and Ttlks About Advertising (Copyright, J.913, by Harry. Scherman), How Restaurants Ought to Advertise Tho first principle which the good ad-writer follows is to make his advertising CREATE A DESIRE for what he is trying to sell. And tho trouble with much adver tising is fliat it is not calculated to create desire. A glaring instance (and many such Instances -will be cited la those talks) is restaurant advertising. Now and then a restaurant will advertise, but that's abput aa far as most of them get. They put their names and addresses in -the paper, and then the proprietor alts around and HOPES - tho advertising will bo effective. It it la not, he la apt, like usany. peo ple, td call advertising a bunco game. , v But suppose Instead ot a card ho puts his menu in this paper every day? Supposo he makes a point of tailing you dally about something particularly appetlring that Monsieur tho Chef has pre pared for luncheon? Or, occasionally let him suggest a lusoious" "plank steak to you, or something else that piquea tho appetite and opens wide the salivary gland's AND YOU'LL BE MUCH MORE LIKELY TO DROIf AEOUNDI ' Especially if ho continues to RdUSE YOUR APPE TITE THAT WAY every day. ' Very often advertising is. not effective in creating desire because it is written by the business man himself. Now abuily principle for a business man to follow is not to -write his advertising himself. , Why? Because, even It ho la a good writer, he Is .generally to CLOSE to his business. It Is always wise to get a fresh, outside point of view, td call in an expert ad-wrlter. If you haven't one on the Job In your business, It will pay you to Institute a bunt for one. - - & representative of The Bee will .bo glad to call and give advice and assistance to Intending advertisers. Phono Tyler 1000. Eastern Canada Round TrJp Fares Fro,m Chicago Montreal, $20.00 Ottawa, - $20.00 Quebec, - $24.00 Write totjay for fre com prehensive beautiful illus-' trated guide-book describ ing the three Interesting cities la Canada. Historical; legendary. Tales ot ad venture, exploration and conquest Citadels, cathe drals, shrines, battle grounds and battlements. Oet th books. Olmply address J. D. McDonald, Assistant Uen oral Pasngr Agent, Grand Trunk Railway liystem, 12 West Adams Strret, Chicago, lit. In the province ot Qubec. Canada, during 1113, employers hav endeavored to at tract part ot the emigration from Eng land. . Satnrntloi i'tint tn Arttnrnobtle. Springfield Republican. The "automobile saturatldn point" is a Phrase used In the trad discussion;. as to how many new automobiles this, country can buy In a year without exhausting the possible market This year the num ber Ot new cars turned out Is estimated at som over 400,o0o. as against 810,000 last year. It only those people ar considered who can afford to buy and keep care, the "saturation point" must have bom reached long ago. Trnnnltlrtu of rnrrtnrAtlon Lawyers. Brooklyn Eagle. Fifteen years ago a corporation- lawyer who pulled tho strings for promoters Was a man of 'power, and today he Is a goat, loaded with scorn by the men he served Well. Tha law business has its severs limitations. . i THE COMING MAUDE. T W. Jackson. In Judge.( Maude Muller. one day, eatlhg' fudge. Cooked Up and saw the couhty Judge. Maude was n pretty girl, all right: -His honor fell In lqve at night And, when about n month had. tied,. Maude promised that the judge she'd wed. Then o'er the Judge's pathway cam A wealthy, proud and stately dame. The Judge, then, for ambition's 's&ke, Poor little .Maude resolved to shake. An ardent suffragette was Mauds', Chairwoman, of the county Hoard. " "I'll get square," MaUde said, "without fall." So told her party her sad. tale., Judge had elected been In fatl'' In spring they voted his recall. The haughty dame refused to wed. "You are no longer judge," ah said. This lesson sad he learned, you bet: "Don't monkey with a suffracettel" New York Convenient thi 5mmr Smn St. Lawrence River Trip Via Kingston only $150 extra, Ip reaching easUrn Canada th Grand -Trunk offers atr optional, rout down aid Ht Lawrsnc Hlver through the Thousand Is land and Le.chine Kapld from either Toronto or Kingston. Through Pullman Sleeping car llnea ar also maintained from Montreal to Portland, Boston. Old Orchard Beach and New London. Conn., with Inexpensive v-ircle tours by ocean to New York and return via "Niaxora Falls, U IU1 i