THUi UUiiS: UMAHA, MUftJIAY, Jib 11113. Before deciding on your Insur ance 'phono O. 1175, and ask about the new low cost, alt guaranteed pol icies, all plans. Life, Limited Payments, En dowmentv. Joint or Part- rtAr.tiln fin... poratlon ana Monthly incon. or Pen elon Policies. sua IPrndentlal Xns. Co. of America w "So' Co- by Nw Jersey For Nebraska nnrl nn..iT7i.. 1 U9-22 city KaVl nkT BiaVr Omaha THE Union Central Life Ins. Go. OP CINCINNATI, OHIO HARRY O. STEEL Oeaorai Agent, 11-313 Basics Blag. Phons o 2103 OVER $4,000,000.00 ASSETS 'A constant, never-failing increase in . the accumulated assets THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY OP OMAHA One of the oldest of Nebraska Life Companies. A com pany of great financial strength. Doing more busi-ness-now than ever before Policy contracts, that ap peal to 'all classes of men. : A DISTINCTIVE COMPANY, The new Insurance codo goes Into effect July 17, 191S, In part It wilt nbt be until July 1st, 1915, that all of Its provisions become operative. But whenever they do become tho law the Midwest Life will continue to do business without any material change In Its methods or forms of policies. Its agency force wilt not be compelled to make long explanations why certain policies cannot bo Issued longer for tho reason that It Is not now issuing policies which later will come under tho ban of tho law. This com pany has opening for six or eight good, high-class men, with or without ex perience, to sell insurance in Nebraska, Why not como with It If you believe that business honesty and integrity constitute an asset of a company? THE MIDWEST L-.IF'fc: W. S. SWEX.I., President. A Kebraska Company Home Offices t rirst Rational Bank Hollaing-, Lincoln. OEOafJE CBOCKEK ana F. A. PlHHB'r, General Agents, Booms 1313-1314 City national Bank Bnliaing. Omaha, Webraska. Agencies organizing In Iowu, Nebraska and South Dakota now. Splendid opportunities for both agents and managers in every county. For further information, address CHARLES HALL JOHNSTON", Manager Ih GERMANIA LIFE Company 1210 City National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. Eqtiitable Life Assurance Society U. S 4iiipOOTj,0O01(ia Policy holdersrer $815,000,000. : J." .' A.x as uu., manager -M - - If. D. -STEELY ' , JOE KLEIN E. H. MOICARD 'i'1-.V 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. -INSURANCE- . FIKE TORNADO AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS BOILEB BUKGLAItV HEALTH and ACCIDENT ALFRED C. KENNEDY 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg; Phone Douglas 722. Vrm i isi.j. '"I hi i i in i ii i ii in ( BALD RICE-MADDEN CO. GENERAL INSURANCE Phone Doug. 300. THE TEST Il0W we,e your tornado losses settled promptly and fairly? . That la exactly what our patrons ara pleased about promptness and fairness, 3M At IVf eisrter GENER INSURANCE 1313-14 CXTT XATIOITAL BA9TX BOT&DXXa. JPhOBs Bong. 1703. ' WAiTX' A. TO ITS SIC B. L. BALDWIN & CO. Established '1B31. GKKJ1KA& ZSSJTBAWCB 609-10 First National Wheeler & 8E&XAS&S tsjl Doigs Strset SECOND ONLY. TO PANAMA. Knulneerlnp Triumph. In Drlnjrlns Mountain Water to Jfevr Yorlc City- That the waters of the Atlantic and the'Paciflo may be wedded , at Panama ind that tho commerce of the world may thereafter keep up continually increasing' triumphal procession through the canal, the people of the entire United Suites WJll pay out something like J400.000.000. IhNew York, within a sone centering at , city hal, with a radius of. fifteen miles, the citizens of Greater JNew York are going to pay out mprs than J2W,0C0.000 that their cup may bo fufl of mountain watSr. - Thtf'jfear of disease even moro than the immediate need of an adequate sup ply of water compelled' the board of water supply to go ninety miles up state, as the crow files, to the Catsklll water shed and Just seven yr-ars ago the pre liminaries of the work were agreed upon and the first active operations begun. Sines -that beginning work has gone on with tireless energy tho' aqueduct ad vances ranging weekly from LOOf) feet to more than 7,000 'feet of construction in one-form or another as It traveled along th surface of the earth. Jmrrowed tbrpugh an outlying mountain or dived headilng down hundreds ot feet until It could straighten out upon a horizontal course way below a river bed. The entire operative army has reached Northwestern Mutual Lite Insurance Company OF MILWAUKEE MANN & JUNOD General Agents B38-8-I4 llrontlcls Building. OMAHA Savings Bank Life Policy Have You Seen It? G. W. NOBLE, Central Agent. CKABXB3 X.. XtOVFSlt, Bpselal Agtnt. a SXTGHMAN, Special Agent. orrzossi G33-043 Brandtls DlAjf. Omaha, of W. Z.XKOT WILCOX Telephone J0Ug. 271. Wei pt on Co. rSSUKAXKC PSone Bonglas A8& a maximum of tollers of all grades of more than 17,000 during the open months of the year and a minimum of 000. nut tho latter .figure has been several tiroes greater when the men could keep steadily at their below Krounl the year through without the hindrance of frost or snow. Tho aqueduct Js being built to bring down from the mountains a dally sup ply of tC0.000.QCO gallons, hut this will be about double tho capacity of tho K so pus watershed which can bo counted upon during a series ot dry years. Today New York is consuming an aver age of 0,000,000 gallons of water every twenty-four hours, and the Croton sys tem la normally equal -to the dally de mand of 320,000, so you se? Just how much the tapping ot the Ashokan reser voir will add to the city abundance and guard It against both the perils of a water famine and that of a great con flagration. As the division of duty is now assigned, the Croton watershed will send Its trlbutemalnly to the inhabitants of the island of Manhattan, while tho new source-of supply wlty'taKp care of the needs of the associate boroughs. Even so, the life-giving flood from the Catsklll foothills will be three days on Its Journey ere It comes to rest at tho Bllvcr lake terminal reservoir on Staten Island. New York Time., Tho Persistent and Ju&icrous Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to BuslnesJ Success News From the Insurance Field Fire Insurance Deadlock in Missouri is Growing Tighter Tho tiro insurance deadlock In Missouri has not been altered by the ruling of the state supreme court on the right of the slate to prosecute tho companies tpt com bining to cease (Joint: business In the stato. Thirty days nro allowed the com panies to make 'answer to the court's order clearing the boards for trial on 1 the Irsue, which Is to bo argued at the October term. Meanwhile the fire com panies nro enjoined from cancelling ex isting policies, 1 Tho temper of the companies la re flected In their answer to the citation of State' Insurance Superintendent Re veille to show cause by July 1 why their licenses should not be revoked. Ono hundred and fifty companies made an swer stating that under existing condi tions they did not intend to resume writ ing insurance In the state. They deny that they have suspended bunlncrs In order to Impair the crodit of the state or damage tho property of the public, or that they have coerced any other In surance compnnlos to leave tho state. They admit' that they suspended busi ness bocauso of provisions" of the On law. Thoy admit that tho state has the right to cancel their licenses, and hold that In turn they have an eouat right to 1 suspend .writing business at will, either j in whole or in part. If the state makes I a demand that they surrender their licenses they offer to do eo without tost or contest and without nny dcnlat of their obligations Under existing contracts. The answer closed as follows: "The companies earnestly deny all the acts of wrongdoing charged and all the wrongful purposes Imputed to them In the citation, and respectfully stato that they have no plan, purpose, - motlvo or design other than to ceaso writing in surance in Missouri,' because, In their judgment, present conditions do not tier. mlt that to be dono with either safety or pront," Meanwhllo th'e few companies that nro still writing business In Missouri aro cnargmg higher rates than tho exiled companies did, having a practical monop ojy of the field. A .solution of tho deadlock, workable lor me better class of Insurance risks, is offered by the Bt. Louis nepublle, Which, whilo friendly tp the companies. ivums mem mat they aro pursuing wrong tactics In fighting that part of the Orr law which prohibits the use df rating cards. Tho Republic suggests that the companies "take from their agents tho power to name rates, lodging that in a central office-say in St. Louis. The agent. In getting business, would simply collect the facts regarding the individual risk and forward them to this office, which would then namo the rate, Under such an arrangement no company could bo put In peril by tho acts of ttq agents. The expense would have to bq met by the policyholder, f courso, and the in convenience likewise would . bo chiefly his. At the samo tlmo well-doing citizens wauid not bo deprived of-Insurance pro IOWA WILL DEFEND THE LAW State to Take Part in Test of Webb liquor Act. C0SS0N ANNOyNCES INTENT Iovra BnAliiirna Blen'a Temperance ' Association PreiinrlnR Case Which , Will Urine the Act Up for Determination (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, la., July C (Special Tel egram.) The stato of Iowa IS expected soon to take part lp a test case of tho Wcbb-Kcnyon liquor law. Attorney Gen eral Cosson has announced that he will assist any county authorities In the trial of a case where it .is believed the new law controlling Interstate Shipment 6f liquors has been violated. In the meantime the Iowa Business Men's Temperance association Is prepar ing to test the .law. They claltn to have evidence of liquor being shipped into dry towns in . violation ot the federal statute, A field worker for the associa tion is now working up a test case. . To tJo AcrrinM Indian Lands. Authority to condemn land for right-of-way for an electric transmlssiort lln across Indian lands in Tama county was granted by the railway commission to day. The Indians had protested against allowing this right-of-way and the United States attorney had filed a4 opinion to the effect that the state could not condemn land belonging to Indians, The commis sion found that the lands were accepted on condition that the stats reserved Its right of eminent domain. Tho authority to condemn Is granted under tho new Iowa law on behalf of tho Iowa Rail way and Light company of Marshall town. ., t The Rock Island Railway company was directed by the railway commission to begin within ten days', tho construction ot a depot and station facilities at Rltter. A hearing was had on this case soma time time ago on behalf of the patrons. Audltor'n Ilrport I" Oat. The annual report of State Auditor Bleakly ' on fire insurance In Iowa has been printed and Is ready for distribu tion. There were in 1912 a total of m companies doing a fir business In Iowa, of whljrti l&t wero county mutuals, twenty state mutuals, ten Iowa stock companies and threo Jowa mutuals. There wero seventy engaged In casualty business. Curing the last ten years the Insurance department received In fees from insur ance companies $&37,S97.7 and in taxes foi the stato J3,1S,JX,7. The fees In 19U amounted to t7,7CT-& and the takes to l39C.ftS.00. Will Start Bxnmlners, State Auditor Bleakly expects next week to start put a corp of special ex aminers for counties. Those selected are; James Parker, Pes Moines; C C Colcio. Carroll; C. C. Hunt,Mpntsuma; F. d. Luke, Hampton; J. X, Israel, Keokuk; J. M. Matthews, Council Bluffs; B. V, Rehkopf, Indianola; C. B. EJIIs, Onawa. The assistants or helpers In thft account Ing work aro as follows; E. F. Whitney, Oes Moines; E. P. Carlson. Madrid; A, C. dustafson. Rud Oak; E. W. Woodruff; Des Moines; C. E. Davey, Baxter; A, j'amleson, Jefferson; R. 0-. Mulkey, Knoxvillt. Mrs. Charles Wclgle of Elkhart, mother of four small children, may b tho first tectum ana tho companies would not .be PUln the i position -of. attempting to coeca;,the?sate:iV. , H ' K . tS. & &R Travelers Opens Branch Office for Liability Business Because ot tho new workmen's com pensation law, which goes Into effect the lhh of this month, the Travelers' Insurance company has Just opened an exclusive branch office In Omnha to handle the liability and workmen's com pensation business. This is the first branch ot Its kind to bo Installed In this city. William Sutehall Is In chsrge ot the new branch. He Is a special representa tive of the company and Has had ex perience In this, lino In Michigan ana Massachusetts under similar laws. Ac cording to Mr. 8utehall, the purpose of this now office Is to provide expert art- vice and Immedlato adjustment to. agents and policyholders of the company on this olftrs of Insurance. The new branch Is to bo locatod In tho suite occupied by tho Travelers tn Ihe City Nations! Bank building, which suite has been enlarged to accommoaate u. The Love-Haskell company is to con tlnuo In Its representation ot the Travel ers In the same capacity as heretofore. D, L, Hollub Joins National Cotnpany navM l. HollUb. formerly with th Massachusetts nondlng company of Chi cago, has Joined tho forces of the na tional Fidelity and Casualty company, having taken charge of their accioeni nnA hr-alth department, which will now be strongly" developed along conservative lines. Mr. Hollub'a insurance experience Is very cxtonslvo. ho having spent twenty-five years In this work, starting as office boy with tho Pacltlo Mutual Llfo Insurance company, and at the time he left he handled their railroad depart ment, and his success In this lino ws very marked, a fact which speaks well for his ability as there Is no department of Insurance which requires more care ful and skillful underwriting to be suc cessfully handled than contracts cover ing railroad employes. After arriving In Omaha, Mr. Holiuu went to view the scene ot tho tornado, and ho was very" much struck by the vigorous way the damage which was done n hainir reolaced. and ventured the opinion that Omaha was almost entitled to as much credit as San Francisco for the rapid rehabilitation, which had been made In tho face of tho great disaster. He was also much struck with the great progress wh'.-sh this city has mado in the last ten years,- and particularly by the splendid dtflco hulldlnga and dry good stores ot which Omaha is Justly proud. . Lowes Hnmlleit Jointly The "fire losses ih tho thiyton flood werh handled conjointly by a committee of field men. representing all the com panies interested. Its report hos Just been issued, showing 1R3 loss claims, with 136 companies. Interested under 631 policies. The sound ,vahie of tho property was tl.422.08t, wtih. insurance- involved rot 9J4.poo..,a loss to tne assured 01 i.w,.ii, aniiiajioaa- td .theJcomphlcs. Tpf J78i9i to jsecuje a widow's pension in Iowa. Although the new law onl went into effect yesterday, Mrs, Welgle's applica tion was also filed then. Frank A Shankland, father of the bill In Iowa, presented tha claim. Mrs, Wclgle Is asking .00 per week for tho support of her children. Her husband, she says, died May, 1907, In BonduranC -Courts on tlnnrrclxomenens, '' - The Iowa courts disagree on what it Is that goos to mako up a reputation for being quarrelsome. The supreme court, this week reversed a manslaughter case partly on this account. In the cose ot the state against McCasky at Waterloo, the lower court had instructed the Jury, n effect, that repeated quarrels of tho deceased victim of tho homicide would show that he was quarrelsome, provjued it was also shown that in each case he was the aggressor. Tha supreme court refused to stand for this theory an held that a quarrelsome disposition mtghtfbe shown no matter who, started the fuss each time. Error in regard to this 'ono matter had an effect on the pica of self defense'1 entered in the case. Roml Work on Wrmiff H""ds. The fact has Just come to the atten tion of state officials that in Pes Moines the city administration is entirely Ignor ing the roads which lead into the city Joining the county road system and'ls doing all the road work on other roads In the suburbs. The city has about 111,003 to spend annually on these rural roads. It has been put up to the highway com mission and attorney general to compel the city administration at least not, to entirely ignore the county road system in the working ot the. roads. This mis understanding of the law is said to bo a cause for the complaint that the worst roads of the state are hero In Pes Moines, NATIONAL SWEDISH HOME DEDICATED FREE OF DEBT BOONE, Ia July 6-(Special.)-The Nr tlpnal Swedish Old People's home, a new structure just dedicated In this city, is now free from debt. The homo was made Possible by the Commercial association donating $5,000 and by the untiring1 work or Rev. J. H. Hedstronf of this city, who solicited and worked even as far west as California. lie has Just returned from the national conference In Minneapolis and thero the last of the Indebtedness was raised, news of which was received with Joy by the people of this city. The home is an Ideal place, elegantly ur ntshed, splendidly ventilated, with a treat colonial porch on the front Everything has been arranged for the convenience of the old pi-opts and nothing Is being left undone to make their declining years pleasant and harpy. Iowb SWS Notts. LOGAN Fire of unknown orlrrln stroyed the Fred Seeley farm-house, ono and one-half miles south Df Woodbln. last evening. According to reporls but llttU was saved. , k STORM LAKE J. A. Woodruff, for tha tour run cnunix lupcnmrnurni 01 schools In Bucna Vista county, has, re signed to accept a position as state rural scnoois- inspector. STORM LAKT-Rev. R. Lv Barackman, u. u., ot aac uity. nas ueen cnosen presi dent of the board pf trustees of Buena Vista college. At the annual meeting Rev. W. M. Hamilton, P. P., of Sioux City, was named, but he declined to serve, WEBSTER CITY-C. A. BrennecR. a well known Pioneer resident of Webster iitr, nas jusi presented ins city wun tour elegant DUDDiing fountains. Tney Three Members of "Arson Trust" Are Convicted in Chicago Tho trial of Edward and Paul Covlts, wootcn merchants, and Joseph Clarke, In surance adjuster, on the chargo ot ar son, resulted in their conviction by a Jury in a Chicago court last week. The defendants were charged with hav ing tired the building at 18-50 Pouth Fifth avenue, Chicago,, occupied by the Covltx brothers, Tho blaso occurred on Novem ber 8, last. John Dantes, confessed firebug, who apparently Is ono ot tho leaders of the or ganization, was the state's stnr witness. His story on tho witness stand, reciting tho perils that attend the life of the pro fessional "'torch." was ono ot tho most dramatto Incidents ot the trial. Ho told .the court how ho had saturated the goods with gasoline, how ho had been overcome by the fumes, and how, when tho explo sion finally occurred, his clothing was fired, and he ran fainting from tho build Ing. According to his statements, ho was to receive fc'OO for the Job, with a bonus 'of $200 It ho mado a "clean sweep." tn-inrnnp Notrs nml Pergonals, Frank B. Martin ot Martin Bros, com pany Is back from his vacation spent in tho east, but he has returned sin and tho attending physician fear that a case ot typhoid fever Is likely to de velop. Mr. Martin lays the troublo to a dip in the ocean at Atlantic City. Vice , President Lulkart of the Lion Bonding company Is In Minneapolis nnl other Minnesota cities this week, estab lishing agencies and getting tho agents started. Tho Lion Bonding company entered Minnesota hut a fow weoks ago and ever slnco has been doing a flatter ing business tnrougnout tho state. General Acent Mann of the North western Mutual Life, who Is spending hl vacation In northern Wisconsin, writes home that he Is having sumo rare sport fishing In the lakes and streams, Ho ftnvs that slnco hn itot saunred for busi ness that there has boon hardly a day when he haa not caught the limit on plko and bass. The 150 employes of the Columbia Flro Underwriters' association had rea son to bo thankful last week. Thumday noon when thoy quit work, they woro Informed by Manager Talmage that thero wnnld lm nnthlne ilnlncr until this morn ing nnd all on account of the fact that he proposed a nouany vacation tor every body from office boy up to assistant manager. Fred L, Gray, general manager of the London auurantce ana Acciucn; com pany, spent a couple of days In Omnha lnut week, ennforrlnfr with Foster A Barker, the Nebraska agents. This In one ot tho companies that Is affected by the workmen's compensation law that goes Into effect July 17 n& Mr. Gray wns anxious to gain some Information relative to what It will do to tho ac cident business, A level Increase of B0 per cent on all employers' liability rates, effective Sep tember 1. has" been ordered In Iowa by the workmen's compensation service bureau at a recent meeting In Now ork. Insurance Commissioner Done of Utah has asked nil the llfo Insurance com panies In that state to prepare n state ment of surplus to be apportioned at the end of the fifth policy year on all de ferrrt dividend policies Issued after April 12, 1909. Flro losses In Missouri aro heavier than they wero immediately after tho Com panies suspended writing. In sddltlon to the loss ot ncnrlv tsr.O.OOO at BprlngMeld tho losses In Kansas City have been .imnlHi. htltvanii (Yin unit I7K CM n wnlW t lor inrao iimn iui, wwn Quent In St. Louis jtnd In smallpr tbwps, will be nlnced In the business district Brennccke Is an old-timer hero and until recently owned a targe block of property in the business district ot tne city, C0NSCIENGE NOT BIG FACTOR Fear of flrttlnu; Caught ivlth the Goods ICreps Men Straight. There is a notion that the slings, tho "scorpion whips" ot conscience,' constl tute tho most frightful and agonising pun Ishment which tho human evil-doer can suffer. This notion is taught almost exclu slvely In the old-time books on religion and morality, in tho hopo that it would deter men and women from tho commis sion of sins with threats uf futura spirit ual punishment to back It up. But it Is not too much to say that we have reached a point in human develop ment when the stings of conscience and tho fear of future punishment havo very little effect upon the deliberate and In tcntlonal perpetrators of serious crimes, This Is seen In the tact. Instances ot which aro mado manifest every day, that public1 officials and private persons business of various sorts whose lives are secretly long -courses of crime, but who, until finally they aro exposed, llv in the odor ot the highest respectability political, social nnd financial who prob ably never felt a twinge of conscience, but are crushed with the shame and' humiliation of having their black lives mads public. Good men, upright and honorable In their live, but who either In self-defense or purely by accident have taken a human life, have been mado to undergo extreme suffering by lashings of con science and the stings ot regret, while the really bad man fears nothing but exposure, nnd until he is called to ac count Is noted for his cheerful disposi tion and his happy and free-from-cara frame of mind. It has come about that conscience and fear of spiritual misery only operate on the good, whllo the secretly wicked and criminal can only bo mado to suffer for their sins hy having them brought to light, with the result of pouring out upon them the shame and humiliation which alone they had reason to dread. Therefore, punishment for crime ought' to Invoke as much publicity and humilia tion as possible, whereas It seems to be the object In the administration of Justlc to- subject the criminal to as little exposure as possible, and if ono should happen to get a term ot imprison ment he I saved as much as possible from the hardships of prison life and from the degradation ot wearing the "stripes," the badge of tho criminal. It is only the shame and humiliation of exposure that make the real punish ment for such criminals and If the pun ishment has been as free from degrad ing conditions as possible, when be re ceives his pardon ho will feel that the worst that happened to him Is the toss of time spent in prison, and whether he shall havo reformed or not. he de termines not to be "found out" again. The real punishment for such- criminals is complete exposure and humiliation, and if these are mado as light as possible there Is no retribution, New Orleans Picayune Persistent Advertising is the Boad to .Big Ueturns Have You ocn Our Now AK-SAR-BEN POLICY? Unquestionably tho moat liberal $25.00 policy on tho nlnrkot. A Policy Contract Years Ahead of tho Times. Wo nro looking for a cooil aalna man to Bpecinllzo on this policy. To mo man wno can flollvor tho gooda tu mil nuuuui n very uoorni propo sition. Fidelity & Casualty Company 2th nnd Fnriuim Sts., Omnha Jay D. Foster Foster-Barker Company Succossors to H. E. Palmer Son & Co. Accident Health Insurance LIBERAL CONTRACTS i , Losses adjusted hy lis right here in Omaha. Brandeis Bldgt Seek no Further LION HEALTH and ACCIDENT policies cannot be ex celled. Its UNLIMITED policies can be issued in any amount desired by the Business and Professional man. Smaller policies are issued in all classes. There are none better ask the man who has ono. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. 9th Floor W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Douglas 678. Let the Buyer Beware bsb us ssroKS ztmva another so&xtnr xs Airs bx&kph OI" ISOURAKOS. GALLAGHER & General Agint MARTIN BROS. & CO. Workmen's Compensation Insurance BARKER BLK. TEL. DOUG. 735 TOM KELLY r BOOST 70S OXJHCA Ths Columbia Fre Underwriters OV OMAHA tlonts Offices Entire Third 2? low Merchants national Bank Building. SbonsJUonglas 451. 3, O. TalniBge, Ktanasrsr. VL Tt. X.e&as, Assistant SZanager. V- , 1 Pa pc el ADVERTISEMENTS Wit, -r icrm J. H. Mitiien Co. INC 021-1 CITY NATIONATj DANK DLDQ, Surety Bonds, Kmploycrs' Lia bility, Automnhllo Liability, Unrglnry, Plato Glass. INSURANCE ju.ujlslijl-ua r "State Mutual Life" OF WORCESTER, MASS. ONE OF THE OLDEST-69 YEARS and Best Companies on Earth. W. H. INDOE General Agent 052 Hco Jlllilillnu, OMAHA. Joseph Barker Phone Doug, 29 NELSON 8 anflsJs Hldg. Illinois bursty Co. LIFE IN8UKANOE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Elgtoy.flvo Millions Assots. "Tl InsuriM Mm" reoxB Dotmx.A sei. n - The parcel postmalcos It easy to reach country buyers. Tho city mer chant can send small or ders so fast that distnrtce no longor hinders traao with tho people out In the state. Let them know what you can send them by parcel poBt and you will .Improve your busi ness. Small Bee want ads will effect the desired re sults. Ilea Want Ad Department Tyler 1000 Trie Baa Engraving Ja partmcnt will make drawing and cut like this for 13.50, 1 I J