Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 10-B, Image 20

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Ancient Jericho, the Jordan Valley
and Mountains of Moab.
Knriy Morning1 Illde ThrousjU
Smitten Jordan "Vatley Snnriso
on (he Famous Monntntns
at Palestine.
Xtabbl M. X Merrltt of ISvansvllle, lnd.,
a ton of OmaJi. who has made an ox
tended tour of the Holy Land, In ft letter
to his parents In this city, tells of the
last and most difficult camping trip In
Palestine. The tour ai a whole occupied
two months and was more extenstvs ftnn
thorough than the averaxm tourist underr
take, "Ot course," says the rabbi, "this
required the acceptance of considerable
hardship and the deprivation of many
comforts In tho camping expeditions that
took ub horseback through the roadie
and brldeetess .sections ot She , country,
Many a lima I was tltankful Uhol J Was
young, strong and vleorcus, artd'capabU
ot tbe gruelling ten or twel?o hours -In
tha saddle under an oriental sUrT that
Mated down on the shadolea 'hills and,
mountains and plain over which w
pushed our beasts."
Concerning tho trip In laieitine, the
hardert of all, the rabbi writes a fol
"I took In Palestine beyond the con
fines of the Jordan to the h'clshU ot Pk
rah and Nebn, sanctified by he last
dura of the ereat Jaw giver. That Is a
trip that I shall never fort-el. I starteo
out atone; that Is, with no company but
my Mohamffledatt draKoman to 'guard mb
In the unknown country, and a 'mUkarl'
or muleteer 10 care tor our Dorse on
tho way. Our trip led through the most
dannerou and robber Infested section
of Palestine, and throughout the flv
slays' horseback 1 carried my Ravage
revolver1 In my bolster, wJth mngasln
chambers full, ready for instant use,
My dptBom.iu and mukarl were fully!
armed, too, and with the formidable ar
senal that we' carried we went through
the Bedouin country beyond tho Jordan
without any untoward Incident. In Part
ot I'nlestlno tho unarmed man merely
Invites molestation,, while the cowardly,
robber merely takes, a good look at a
traveler' revolver and gives' him a. wide
In Ancient Jericho.
"I shall have some interesting things
to tell you of my encounters with the
totlvca when T return. For one thine X
-was very glad, and that Is that J carried
Xd's gatllng sun Into foreign parts. Our
Touta to the trans-Jordan country parried
Us through the ancient Jericho, where
Joshua led his army Wind tho walls
until the doom that was pronounced upon
the beleaguered city wus accomplished
nd the victorious Joshua led his forces
over the ruined walls Into the first
stronghold to capitulate to the Hebrew
Invaders ot tho land,
'The Germans have been carrying on
erne very Interesting excavations In this
jwlghborhood and have laid, bare the old
'walls of Joshua's day. Many marks
KOve that tMy belong -to the early
Cahaanlte period of the time of Joshua's
Oorwuest. Great sections still remain In
fact even after these thousands of years,
Jarfce, kisgui'ar, uncut etones mortared
Into wall about twenty feet Wa and
formidable enouh In thow days when
tho lefenders entrenched behind tbem
eutd throw thlr Jvellns ami shoot their
arrows down on the heads of the assault
ins: forces below LooWn at these
ancient walls brought to ltt,ht again
After all these eetrturtes, tw onjure up
in imagination the! fierce. scenes that were
enacted round them, tho savage assault
of the desert hosts fighting' for a foot
hold In the land that had been promised
to their fathers, tho despairing defense
f !m inhabitants trusting In these solid
rarnnitrts to ward off the doom that In
t,n. rtutant days wao the portion -ot
the conquered. Through the gaping
breaches that the eye may measure In
' the circuit the Invading armyipfureil ; st
last and it Is yell that boilf the Bible
and the past draw a, v over the scenes
of carnage and bloodshed that must have
i unent the night at Jericho an
n'Mnefe in the morning with tho
'tars still ehlnlng In ill hsavens and the
noon hanging high. I started-out to
ora the Rim Jordan and the great
-aln m which. R flows to reath the
mountains of Miab on th other side.
M tM aeaion ot the year It Is bo
dreadfully hot In the valley of thefJor.
dan, which is 1,387 feet below the level
that the 'travelers' ride hy
Dlaht acrot tb fifteen, miles ,t Valley
that strtech between Jericho and the
foothills of Moab, What a glorious and
usiforgetRble ride that -was, through -the
uleepins city of Jericho and out over the
fcsvftt Main that leads down through
htlU fantastically carved by the
fltMwf.wntfra nt the Jordan, to the banks
of that Witorlo stream.- We crossed the
Jordan by an old wooden bridge and
as we rode out of the trees that fringe
the "banks, the sun was sending his
Si tra id before n along the huge
Wek rampart of the mountains of Moab
that rpie like an unbroSien wall before
m across the plain.. A pink flush lay
Aing the fob of that lofty range that
rtf from the Jordan plain and runs
north and smith 'for some eighty miles.
And aa we rede toward the mountain
that pink flush .gave way .before an
orange light. Then suddenly a red
lir burned and crackled along the maun
(dir. top and the sun thrust hinwelf up
n imperial majesty over tho Jofty rldga
as ttve PealraUt says, "like as a bride.
g oom cometh forth to meet his love,'
With the sun up I soon begun to ex j
portence tho trcmendoua heat that !
gathers In this valley, sunk far below
the level ot the sea.
'Fortunately, we had started so earlr
that before tho sun was high We were
already in the lower spurs of the Mdhb
motiotnJns, climbing suadlly upward to
ward the towering peak of Fit&ih. At
noon we-had ridden our hotter lo the
gorge ot the Springs ot Mose. 1600 feet
above the sea level, to the rock that Is
nupposed lo be the traditional stone Moses
Hmolo with his md to give drink to his
thirsty followers In Ihe wilderncus.
Mprlnff ot Moses,
filers a lovely sprlne breaks from tho
rticks fifty feet nbnre the gorge, just
abWe a rocky platform, and foils In a
beautiful twin falls, stilaxhine with a
tinJiblng sound into the ahys below. We
wcro-as thirsty as Moses' followers when
we camo Jn sight of this lovely spring
and' drs-nk our fill at the fnmnus waters,
wniie wo ato our lunch In Hie great elett
In the, rocks supposed to hav been
opened by Moses' rod. Fronr here we
made (the ascenfot Mount Plsgah, leaving
our horses -behind and climbing on foot
the remaining 1.000 feet to the lofty
summit where Modes stood 'to view the
landscape o'er of that land ot promise
Into which he. was forbidden to enter. I
wish X bad the time and ability to de
scribe the wonderful view that unfolds be
neath tha eye tram this magnlclfe'nt and
unexampled outlook. The dull blue surface
of the Dead sea lay directly below Us.
South and north of us on the Moablte
SldOf the hills rose in brown and yellow
Jumbled masses, on the tops of which
we looked down from our point of van
tage. Beneath v, too, rolled the yellow
valley of tho Jordan, tho thin 'green
stream of the river winding through JU
middle, But across the plain On the
other side we looked out and down lipon
a view that' In superb detail has few
equals In th world-rthe land of Israel,
with all Its jumbled hills and mountains,
Its wrinkled, rumpled cliffs. Its wooded
valleys, Its Icrfty peaks, Its barren yellow
wlldnces of denuded hills, Its shadowy
gullies, tho sun, falling gray on the
lime-Impregnated walls and glistening
white on the solid limestone ledges of the
hlUs and mountains. From the' tar south
ot the Dead ea with a-huge sweep of.
mo vyo you can lane in tne wnole land
to whero a misty veil In the far north,
tne giwteniiw peak of Mount Ilermon.
lifts Its cool, refreshing, snowy fop. tlere
Moses stood for his grand View of the
land tor which he had borne so much , at
the hands of his followers.
'Here the great lawgiver feasted his
eyes upon the her'tage of Israel before
he turned to tako lila way to Nebo's top,
there to be be gathered to his fathers.
Nebo Is a twin peak of Pisgah. Promi
Plsgah X looked down upon It, the placs
of the great loader's end, and a fitting
place in its grandeur and Its Isolation for !
ono who stands, too, Isolated among the
great souls of all time.
I'lattrnn of Mnnb,
Prom' Pisgah end Nebo I rode east-
Ward 'across tho great rolling plateau, ot
Moab,, across which Israel-marched from
the desert to the banks of the Jordan.
For two days and nights I rode through
this great plain, putting lip one night at
a "Latin monastery in tho old city ot
Modaha tnd the second night at the
house of a Circassian Moslem In tho old
Ammonite capital of Onman. These two
nlafhts X shall never- forget The fleas,
mosquitoes snd bedbugs almeet devoured
me alive and X spent the two nights
practically fighting for my life. Never
again will X put up at a native's house.
In thta country on the other side of the
Jordaft there are no Inns, no public
houses,' Bathing hut ft few native villages,
and t!ie sifcty miles apart, The. vast
majority of the Inhabitants are Bedouins,
living Jn black goat's hair tents and
roaming here and there to spots that
offer the beat water and pasture for
their flocks.
'1 had, a unique exportence at Onmari,
where my Moslem iruldo got me an In
vitation to the tent ot a great Arab
sheik, who treated me most hospitably.
The tent was spacious and handsomely
furnished, especially the guests apart
ment. We sat cross-legged on the
ground before a bowl containing a mix
ture o. rice ftnd finely cut mutton. A
thin piece of tough bread was given to
each ot us, which we rolled tip and
dipped Into the common bowl, catohlng
our rice In' tho hollow of the bread and
sq eating our meat, in era are no Knives
er forks In JJedottln tents. The fingers
art st,IH cJslo instruments of the
meal hour. 3ut of these Interesting de
tails X shali -leU you more when I gel
home. My. troubles with the fit as ,and
bedbugs led me to out my Moab trip.
Kw Way t Correct
Btjggy Chttkv jutd Ckln
A quick disposal of all present summer stocks, a
powerful demonstration of value giving is the order here for
July. Thrifty buyers will appreciate Monday underpricings.
(From Herald f IlsaUh.)
tMRng ehks and double chin are re
gttrM as fjwafun tiers of old. age. With.
little care thes hated sign may b
wrrvclfi. The kln looefllt 1 due to
txHing nutrition ut underlying tissues,
causing ifccif shrinkage. Tha nature!
thing to d Ut to nourish and Uulid up
the underlying tissues.
An effective treatment Is to coat the
favfl 'with a perfectly harmless substance
knon as paraSed plastoid JeUy, whloh
lianter.s'lqto a, mask and brings a good
J Plily t reh. nourishing blood to the
imrfaw- Tho mak "draws In' the flab.
"v ijiwhm, jtoMuig mem nrtn and taut,
an. I recta them sasrtMfuUy. A nettemLUe
VijtiVMiaMo appears at once and Pr
initnent IxMiaflM scra with aeh appli
cation. ParaHed pltM JeMy, oWtatn
We at ay drosr stece. Is tssexeeastve.
tit paefcasw bMf m amnie that eti
traataMut eoVe hut a tew eMI. Keep
it on trw ftfWMi Mtnutea to an Jtow.
WfS 9m Jetty M rwvved (with vM
waxari, ict taee moms ysars ytHmger.
pnneiceusy io ivw rett anq mreu
k-i ibukcih unAfmsam. resuiung in a
mx ytoful oontowr im a bsaithy.
ahort by two days and you,my ho w
that a bath, clean Hnon wid tna, qoa.
ftiod of mv .Terusslem hotel WftS a: we4-.
come expertence at the 'end of tll ff:
daya trip into mo imunis ox, ina, neaouw.
"I. am 70W tauno oj. onmy wayio
Rents in Germany
Show Big Advance
BBIUjIN. July B.-nsntls on apart
ments nnd housco tn ho principal cities
of Germany are- rising faster than in
somes, and as a result ihe percentage ot
houts owners is steadily decreasing, ;A
hundred year ago 30 per cent ot all
Berlfners owned their own homes now
only IS per cent do so. Tho average num
ber ot persons dwelling In one house In
Berlin Is seventy-seven, as against eight
tn XiOndon. Of all Germany's Important
oltlea, only Lubeck and JJrcmen still
cling to the one-tsmlly .house, xayery
where else the apartmnt house haa be
come tha rule.
In llts. residents ot Ifamburg with tn-
cornea from 36 to WW a year paid SO.
per ent of the total Tor rent; they now
pay more than per cent. Tha pro
portion of Tent to Income haa risen In
Breslan to St per cent among persons
with Incomes ot 1 1,000, It is not at alt
uncommon to find persons who pay more
Jhan a third of their entire tncomo for
rent alone, and In some oases the per
eentage reaches forty. It Is doubtful If
any othr nation In the world pays such
a hgh percentage of its Income, for hous
ing. X Barlln authority estimates at 3U
the average percentage paid for rent by
those Inhabitants of Schonelberg, a divi
sion, ot Berlin, whose Incomes do not
exceed (MS a year.
Choice Weaves in Summer Silks at
Most Attractive Bargain Prices Monday
$100 Dress Silks 48c Over
3,000 yards of 36-in. wido
all silk MoBsaliijes, Taffe
tas and Pongees, in a fine
line of colors, 85 and $1
a yard ?yalues; on snlo at,
yard';.... 48c
85c and $1-00 Silks at 28c
24x24-inch all Silk Ohifi
fons and Marquisettes, in
checks, stripes and border
styles; broken lines to
close Monday, per yai'd,
at 28q
59o Habutia Tub Silks 27 inches wide; in neat stripeji
and cnecKS, lignt ana aaric snaaes: on saie to cioso air
per.yaro . oou
Black Ohiffon Taffetas
Regular 85c quality, all
36-inch wido, fine soft
-.'finally; snap at, yd. 58c
Black Dress Messaline and
and Peau do. Soie, 36-inch
wido: on sale Monday . at,
per yard 68c
DISCOUNT on all remnants of Fine Wool Dress
" Fabrics Mondayblack and cream included. .
Rousing Specials
Was h Dress Fabrics
18o DJmltles, at yard . . .
26c mixed Bilk-Novelties
39c mixed Bilk Novelties
50c mixed Silk Novelties
39o Silk Strlpo Voiles
13 6
39c Bulgarian 40-ln. VoIIea 25J
26o Bulgarian 40-ln. Voiles X8d
25c French OrgandieB ....18ti
2 Bo Lorralno Egyptian Tissues,
at --18d
. Many Other Sncclaln Shown,
Your choice of all the Men's
Fancy fiuits H. S. & M,
Clothes included
18 to $35 values,
Magnificent Embroidery Bargains ET
A vast assortment of beautiful embroideries, divided
into seven great lots for Monday's selling at prices less
than balf actual retail worth.
1st Lot 5c and lOo
Embroideries, 2c yd.
The majority of this lot aro
bandings and headings.
2d Lot 10c and 15c
Embroideries, 40 yd.
Big assortment, ' including 5,
and 6-yard loom strips, edges,
galloons, bands and insertings.
3d Lot 20c and 25o
. Embroideries, 7c yd.
Including a big assortment ot
pretty Flounclngs, all tho way
from 9 to 18 inches wide.
4th Lot 35c
Embroideries, 15c yd
A beautiful lino of 27-lnch
Flounclngs on fine sheer fabric;
exceptional bargains.
5th Lot 75c
Embroideries, 25c yd.
Both 21 and 45-inch Flounc
lngs in very fine material, also a
big line of fancy bandB.
6th Lot-$3.00
Embroideries, 98o yd.
A wonderful assortment of
our very finest Flounclngs and
Embroideries Jn this lot.
7th Lot 35c to 50c Embroideries at 22l2o Yard
A choice lino of 18-inch Flounclngs and Corset Cover Embroideries,
35c to 50c yard Values, yard 2S2d
Monday Snaps
Rug Department
27x54, Volvot Ituga OSJ
3 6x7 21 Velvet Hugs .S2.49
Wool Fibro Rugs, size 8-3x10-6
all colors S6.9S
A big lino of Rag Rugs, splen
did values, in Monday's sale,
At 986 p
Xmco Curtain Stretchers, made
of baoswood,. will not warp,
at 80d
Water Color Window Shades,
beat quality, 7 ft. long, .on
sale at 30
Steel Carpet Sweepers, guaran
tee d( special at .... SI. 49
Let us measure your bouse
for shades: all work and mater
ial guaranteed..
..issihiini ii ssss ssssspssss as mi in.ii I si!
Domestic Room
Unbleached MuBlin, 36-in.
wide, 8V2C values .-.BysC
Fanners Choice, 36-inch
half, bleached Muslin, lOo
values ...7C
Rcachdale 9,4 bleached
Sheeting, 25c values
&j; ( t , , , ,190
MjdV Sli&ets, 72x90, 50c
VRhKa 39C
Bleached Table Damask,
k 68-in. Iride, 39o values,,
at 25C
Turkish Kijit "Wash Caps,
'5c values, 2 for ...... 5c
Rttft,Dry Towels, regular
"39c.: 25c
White Crepo or Pllsse, tor un
defwoar. lBo values' ...10J
Brown and blue Ginghams, 7c
values t......5d
Mikado Cr,epe, good patterns,
18o values , .12
Tlssuofi, fancy plaids, 25o val
ues 186
Sorpentlne Cropo, 18c vaTuoB,
at w06
Coatumo Crepes, 2 Bo values,
at ,.. . ... i 18
Tremendous Assortment ot Correct Summer Apparel for
Women Priced at. a Small Fraction of Their Retail Worth
Sweeping reductions throughout all our immense stock of Spring and Summer Suits
and Dresses to choose now is not only easy on account of splendid variety but pric
ings are much below cost to make, on near
ly tho entire" stock.
$7.50 Dresses $3,75 $15.00 Dresses $7.50
$10.00 Dresses $5.00 $20.00 Dresses $10.00
Olevor designs in the most desirable
summer fabrics and colorings which offers
tho most exacting buyer satisfaction.
$15.00 Suits $7.50 $25.00 Suits $12.50
$20.00 Suits $10.00 $30.00 Suits $15.00
And all others at corresponding prices.
$10 and $12.50 Silk
Dresses In pretty
eoliones and foul
ards, in new styles
and most desirable
Linen Suits Fifty
sample garments
made to sell $12.50
to $20, at $10.00
Summer Dresses
500 of them that sold
up to $5.00, lawns,
ginghams, etc.,. plain
and fancy colors; on
sale Monday in one
big lot; your choice,
at ...$1.95
Silk Slip Long
messaline and Jap
silk slips, $5.00 val
ues, at $2.95
colorings; splendid "
assortment to choose
from, at . . . .$5.00
Silk Waists To $5
values, in all colors
and white; on- sale
nir t i t 145
Gingham Aprons
big lot of regular
values to 50c; on
sale at, choice,- 19 c
Monday Soaps
Drapery ' Dept.
Nottingham Iace ur tains,
2 yards long, pair ..75J
3 yards long, pair.. . T.S1.25
J0o Colored Scrims, iull 36 in.
"wide, on sale .'JiA6
Hlonks' Cloth for couc'a covers
and portieres, 50 in. wido,
Bale price, yard 69
OO-inch Sunproof Madras, in all
colors, at yard ....... 76
25c Reversible Scrims, 3G-inch
wide, on sale, yard . . . .X56
25c Burlaps at 18c All colors,
extra heavy.
Sunfast Portieres, regular
? 6.50 values, special '$4.95
$3.75 Rope Portieres, full sisto,
good colors, at $2.25
Several Other Specials.
Limn Specials for Monday
Grass bleaohed Irish and Scotch Satin Da
mask, full width, worth $2.25 yarft $1.50
Puro Linen Belfast Satin Damask, grass,
bleaohed, worth $1.50 yard $1.00
Extra large hemmed Huck Towels, plain
white or colored borders, 15b values, at,
each ... IOC
Elegant line Bath Mats reduced in price, ,
White Goods Spe'ls Monday
White Ratine, $1.25 values, yard 85c
Plain White Voiles, .$1.00 values, yd., 59c
White Bengalines and Piques, $1.00 values,
yard , 45c
White Embroidered. Voiles,:'40 inches wide,
worth $1.50 a yard $1.00
White Goods, in plains and dots, 39c values
at, yard 25c
tColored Dress Linens, pure flax, '$1.50 value, yd, $1
Mid-Summer Sale of
Real Laces
The most complete collection
in Omaha, as flno an assort
ment as you'll find in the most
exclusive dry goods establish
ments of the east; all qualities
from the narrow machine made
to the most elaborate hand
made laces.
Specials for Monday.
$1.00 LACES at, yard 4!Q
A beautiful Una of genuine
Quaker Shadow Jjacee, in
flounclngs, bands and all
overs, also a big assortment
of high grade wash laces in
filet and La Bohome designs
for your selections.
Real Laces
88)$ Discount
From Regular Retail Prices.
75c Real Laces at .....Q06
11.50 Real Laces at . -Sl.OO
fS.OO Real Laces ai . .$2.00
$6.00 Real Laces at ..$4,00
112.00 Real Laces at $8.00
All others and all slightly
soiled Real Lace Neckwear at
Same Discount Monday.
Votes by Machine
JNDON, July 5.The president ot
die Austrian i.-n&moer or Deputies has
decided to make a trial ot an electric
Voting maeb! for use In the house.
Steh rnewter wilt have two eleetrjo
buttons on, his desk, one marked MPrq''
and the other "Contra." On the wait
oppoetie tha prMeiU' ohnlr "an ImiL
cainr is flxaa, onLllnjr at S1J irfuw tbi
Cutting Prices on Furniture
Go-Carts, ono motion collapsible with hood,
rubber tires, green leathqrotto, price $6,
on sale Monday .$3.95
Reed Rockers, roll arm, liigh back, extra,
largo V. ; $1.50
Fibre Rush Rockers,,
roll arm, oxtra large,
green or brown, Bold
usually for $3.75 on
sale for one day only
at ..2.50
Wooden Porch Swings,
complete with chains,
ftti. . . . , . , $2.50
Nursery Chairs, reed,
well made, on sale Q56
Arm Rockors, genuine
.oak,- odd patterns
at $2.50
Odd Keekers. 75c. 81.00
aht:l.&0 to close out.
Taborettes, solid oak,
'Early English finish,
one toot square, 2d ins.
high,, worth 65o each,
on sale for ..... .15i
Kitchen Tables . with,
drawer 3 feet long,
U $1.75
L&rso Hall Treca with
mirror, on sale $5.00
Odd patterns large Pil
IoVb, different colored
ticking, each . . . - 756
H8-lb. Sack Best High Grade Diamond U Flour, Monday $i
10 bars Beat-'Em-AlI; Diamond C
or Lenox Boap ............... 8o
10 bars' Laundry Queen white laun
dry soap ., .........35o
T bars of Haskln Bros. Electrlo
Spark Soap .Mo
6 cans I.u Lu Scouring-Polish. ,'a5s
Advo Jell. Ice Cream Powder, Jello
or Jellycon, pke. ..-,7H
Tho beat Domestic. Elbow. or
Straight Macaroni, Vermicelli or
Spaghetti, pkjr. 7o
Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo
10 lbs, best White or Yellow Corn
meal ...... .....a... ....171 Vie
10 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat
meal .-.. ....... .35o,
S lbs, fancy Japan nice. 10a quality
ror 330
lS-os .cana Carnation, Pat, Colum
bia or Every Day MI1K can..8V4o
8 cans. oil or Mustard Sardines 9So
2-lb. cana fancy Sweat Sugar Corn
ror .,...,.,.. A 8o
llb. cans issorted Soups ,...7Ho
Extra fancy Queen Olives, qt, 35q
Larso bbttloa Worcester Sauce.
Iuro Tomato Catsup or Pickles,
assorted' kinds; bottle , Otto
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. lao
All kinds Potted Meats, per can 40
suttxx sevrir xaxxx
The best creamery butter, lb.. .9o
Tho best country creamery, lb. 37o
The beat dairy table butter, lb. SSo
Tho beat Fresh Esss, dozen,.,. lo
Tho best Full Cream Cheese, Itv lBo
Trssh Train aaa .TfaM
6 hunches fresh Xtadlshcs or Onions
for ........ ...... ..So
4 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or
Turnips ., ......Bo
4 headd fesh Leaf Lettuce So
3 heads fresh Head Lettuce.... .So
Fresh Peas, quart So
.3 bunches fresh Parsley .......So
Neiv Potatoes, lb ..,..30
2. largo Oreen Peppers So
Fresh Wax or Oreen Beans lb. 7H
New Cabbage, per head. , ....... .-So
3 large Cucumbers for lOo
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb.. ... .730
Larso baslccta Bluo or Red Plums
for ..'. .,4Sq
Larse baskets fancy Apricots ,.43o
Hool River Strawberries, box. ,16o
Anything' yon want In Fruit or
TcffsStables, w bav it.
Ruby Sewing Machines
A 5 D. D. H., automatic lift, dark oak
case, ball bearing, has a full size head,
large shuttle and bobbins, and has a per
fect tension.
This Sewing Machine sold by agents $35.00
Wo save you .$10.00
Our pric Js2i,00
Will sew as-'good as any first class Sew
ing MachineTand is Warranted . by the Now
Home Sewing Machine company.
FREE 1 Complete Set of Attachments;
1 Bottle Oil; 1 Oil Can; 12 Needles.
We sell Needles, Oil and Repairs for all
makes of Sewing Machines.
Extra, Special Sale Drugs for Monday
VAT for Tour SKUQS, XOH.SX uuuDB ana SBuo suzirxest
TWo bars Witt lams'
Shavlnff Soap, spool So
All brands ut lOo and
lBo Talcum Powder 50
, at ...
il bottle of jjuaranteed
put Hydrogen I'eros
ida for .......... .8M
S6 . also litres' Root
Beer Extract, mskes 5
gallons, for ....who
lOo Shlnola tjhoo Polish,
special ...... ...v,8?
10 can lEo a bur Toilet
Heaps', assorted stand
ard brands, including
Palm Olive and Jap
Hose, at X bars for ISA
R0e Btlilman's f ruckle
oream or Sempro Oov
lno for .30o
EOo Java lltce or Fox
xont's Face Powder SSo
DOa size bottla of pure
Bay Rum, about 13
ounces, for ....... lso
tOc alia Toilet Waters,
all odors, so at....39o
f 1 , box La Trefle or
Asura Faco Powder
for ........ ..... ,7So
11.00 worth. 1 ounce ot
Asturca or La Trefle
Iertume .... ....880
JSc size nromo Beltier
or Hal lIepatlca.,.lSo
One hundred Dr. Hln-
klo's Cascara Tablets
for ...... ........SSo
60c slxs puro Sodium
Phosphate, for ....SSo
75c Rubber Olovesj at,
the pair RSo
11,60 renulno Ideal Hair
Brushes at 760
31 Fountain Syringe or
Hot Water Bottles 8O0
76o and tl Bathlns Caps
all go at ..SCo
Rubber Hose Big Special Sale Monday, Reduced Prices
10c "Magnet" 4-ply H-lnch Hose. .8a
13Jicy,Mcgnef 4.piy H-lnch Hose So
ISq "Rosebud" E-pJy red H-tnch Hose
for ...lOHo
Ho "Rosehu4" 6-oly red ?4-lnch Hose
for.:v ,.,;.llKo
lfp "Buck" 6-ply H-lnch Hbea lSHo
16o "Buck" S-ply -lnch Hose. 13 Ho
18o "Uberty" T-ply H-tneh Hoso Mo
lTo "Liberty" 7-ply li-inch Hoso lSo
19o best H-Inoh Moulded Hoso made
for., ............... .lSo
Hose Reels ............. ....... SSo
It Tstfaar UIVRFII t"lfi
Pays iry nftiucn 9 nrciHys
S0o beat -lnch Moulded Hoso made
for l7o
(So Genuine "Fountain" solid brass
circular Lawn Sprays ........ .49o
Boston pattern Hose pozzies..... SSo
&&.w acowssts vmsv s saxo
Wi Knot BCsJca SKoom for XnooaUas;
7aU Stocks '
Your choice of any S-blade mower in
the store, worth up to 3.7S at 3SU19
Your choice of any 4-blade. high
wheel, ball bearing mower worth
up to 33.50 94.9S
Your choice of any size 5-blade
Champion high wheel ball bearing
mower, worth up to $9.50. for 88.50
Screen Doors at Bargain Xrtos
Any Blxe hardwood, green finish,
door ........ ................ .880
Any size hardwood, fancy pattern
oiled finish ..81.39
Adjustable- screens, up from SSo
Our entire Una at greaUy xednotA
prloss JConoay, Wo tm have a goo.l
assortment of alsss and styles, ana
w are offering the best bargalna
poaslbU to find at this Urns.
W ara distrttmtorB of Oar land
Gas Xaages.
lets, numbered t to 8W. These tAwets
are normally dark, out wnen a
taken each shows either a white llgh?
for "Pro" or a red ltybt for "Contra."
Each member has a number correiuiw
ng to ono on the poa,rfl. ana can
ore personally check the accuracy of hts
yote. An automatic apparatus wiuv c
votoj and the totals are .shown on an
other Indicator. If name aro requjjw
they are shown on the glasa tablets In
either white or red letters. In -case of a
secret voto the glass tablet Indlcatpr is
switched off and only the counting ap
paratus remains active.
- ;
It'a'si BurjtlBtr Shame
not to have Bueklea's Arnica Salvo to
cure busBB, eotema. holt, sores, Piles,
cuts, bruises, wounds niidVuScra. S6c
Vor aie by Beaton Drug Co. Advertlse-
Germany's Growth
m Twenty-1 ive Years
BERLIN, July 5. Germany has roads
Prodigious strides In commerce and In.
dustry since 1S8S, and much statistical In
formation showing theso Increases has
been published In connection with the
celebration of Emperor Wltliam'a quar
tr century on (ho1 throne. It Is now
claimed that Germany Is ahead of Eng.
land as a producer ot merchandise.
In the, last twenty-fiva years Germany's
imports havo risen from 31!,Oce,0OQ to
JU.6t!.(O0.0Ct. and Its exports from STO,
000,000 to t,lM,Q00,O&- ThU foreign trai
nees affected shipping as follows: Ton
nago movement In 1368, 47.000,000 tons, in
UXt, .137.000,000, Losl. Including lignite
was produced In 1SS8 to tho ejttent ot
St.000,000 tons! in 1013 the figures showed
3fi0.OOO.Oua tons. Crude Iron produced in
1SSS, 4.300,009 tons; In .1913, 17.800,000 tons.
Imports of raw cotton" show equally In
teresting figures; 613,000 bales tn 1S88, .as
against tre.060 bales last year. Ger
many's great electrical industry has al
most been created during the last twen.
ty-five years, and the leading electrical
roanufactUngj' company pf the country
has Increased Ita capital strength roore
than twenty-foja .since 1SSS.
Tho general naehlntry trade has Wn
revolutionised. Its product enormously In
creased, and the efficiency of all the
leading Industries ot tho country haa
been multiplied aevera! times over by
tha. Introduction in the last twenty-fivo
years of improved machinery. While tha
efficiency of tha Individual workman has
been greatly enhanced "by machinery, the
nuratKW of working men and women also
haa been largely Increased, as Is evident
from a gain of about 19,000,000 in tho pop
ulation of the empire since 1883-
LONDON, July 6. The recent attack
on Prime Minister "Asqulth in the "House
t Commons, when a young man asso
ciated with the suffragettes threw a bag
of flour at him, haa again drawn atten
tion to the awkward situation of the
house in dealing -with s.ueh Interruptions.
Ths HoUss ot Commons can . summon
to the bar and examine and cross-examine
those who offend against Its rules,
hut any proceedings of this kind must
hays the formalities ot a trial and would
Involve the right to deliver to tho house
a speech in defense. In the view of tha
government, a defensive address thus
delivered wpuld bo too biff an advertise
ment for the cause, so any action along
this line has been avoided. Of course,
Mr. Asqulth could takq out a summons
for assault, 'but as he would then havo
to appear as a witness in a police court
and would be s.ubject to cross-examlna-1
tlon, tbcra Is no possibility ot his taking!
this step. The outcome, especially If
there appears any danger ot a repetition
of the disorder. Is likely to be the closing
ot the strangers' gallery, as was dons
last year,
Tho government some . years ago gavo
the house, an opportunity of Increasing
Its powers to deal with such offenders,
but probably for fear that it might in
t erf ere with demonstrations by members
themselvf h proposal voted down-