8 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, J-ULY 5, 1913. SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Introducing New Evidence Copyright, 1813, International News Service SN&PSHcX OFeJUMtAV'3 0A- A capf ovules. ?vr up L HlA WJMOR OM WAV TO TUG COOLGR. 7TWJJ TO AvfOlO PMOTOG-fcAPHQU PHOTO OP AMO rJOWJ A07 4 u b. o. r & aaaBBBBBi wa- 3?. ?WiL..s jtohw Fbgr& rxe weiXKow BALL pt-AViTR OP DAVSrDG wHO JAvw RUMmv w0 TUftOR WO "7 AT A OAnCC Ar COU.E Q-E poiwT. WANT ADS Want nds received at any time, bnt to insure proper classification must bo presented before 12 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. nt. for tlie morning and Sun day editions. Want ads received utter such hours will have tlieir first iBicrtion under the heading, "Too Lata to Classlfjr." OAn RATES FOH WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive lnscr tlosa x b cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. Two or more consecutive Inscr Hobs 0 cents per lino. One line per month $1.80. JVentjr cento a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons hnvln accounts are measured by the line, not by the word. NOTE The Beo will not be ro asKHttlble for moro than one wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the 10th of the following nwnth. An advertisement inserted to be rnn-nntll forbidden must bo i lopped by Written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. CIIARGKRATES Six words to the line. Que insertion 12 cents per lino. Two or more consecutive inser tion 9 cents per line. Ot line per month $1,80. . Twenty cents a minimum charge. AdrerttseAMmts charged to patrons having accounts are measured by the Ua, at ay th word. ;JMBATH AH V US HH Ah NOTICE8. T ORAHAM-Catherino Ellrabeth, age 47s . Jaly uc a Funeral from family residence, 3003 14.. eiflc, aaturday 8:39 a. m., to St. Peter's fcure; t w m. Interment Holy Se-puicher emctery. I'lewte -omit flowers. SPELLKRBERd Kdwartl, aged "8 years, t July Z , Funeral from residence of daughter, Mrs. Gust Weckbach, 817 South Twentieth t street, Saturday, 8:30 a. m. to St. Mary Magdalene's church at 9 a. m. Interment ,; German Catholic cemetery. The deceased Is survived by three daughters. Mrs. Gust . Weckbach of Omaha. Mrs, William Dyor and Mrs. Joe Hoffman of South' Omaha, and one brother, Mr. "William Spcllcrbari; of Omaha. H1RTUH AHU DEATHS. . Births H, Lyle and Anna Johnson, SS1I ' Huggles, boy; Louie and Lena Hansen, 18 C&stellar, girl; Jacob and Hattle Crohan, 4005 North Twenty-sixth, girlt Xarl and Amlda Ludernian, S33, South Ilfty-flrst, boy Sam and Myrtle Moore, Il Nprth Tventy-tUlrd, boy; J. T, and Frances Mulligan, Uospltsl, girl; John una . Dawn Ohlmut, 20M, California, boy; L. It, and M. u: Simmon. 1563 Corby, boy; O. - X. and Carrie Oakes, Ut South Thirtieth. alri. Deaths Martha W. Woods, J7 yeam, im Dvnport; S. C. Standger, 1 year, tr 9HB South Seventh; .Mrs. Catherine Gra ' aaw, 47 years, hospital; Thomas lleoley, 8t years. 348 Lincoln boulevard. . 2IAKK1AUU LlCliNKUS, a VtMt following couples were licensed to 4 Ksjh a4 Heskkncc Age. - ftryat Moore. Lincln. JW r- Jsanl Glassman, Omaha... 23 ., Jaroslaus Remar. South Omaha....;..... 24 " Smllia llolecek, South Omaha ... 23 t XnMS ' Walder, Omaha....,,,. 25 v ChrtfUne C, Andersen, Omaha.... , 21 Sarmond E. Hensman, Omaha.,..,..... 2i ' Mabel L, Holdeter, Omaha 19 " " John Vllson. Silver Creek It Wyrtls atorj. "JTorl? , it J George W. lAmoureux, Cmaha, .,. 30 .Harriet 33. Parker, Omaha.... 3) vN'ormon "W. Porter. DecMotnes. ....... SS Margaret Ratiilff. Wlntersct, .la.. Carls T, Zm Llnderud, Omaha..... & i ChrtUno A. Jorgensen. Omaha 13 SaVla K. Collins. Omaha , 71 ' Minnie Nelson. Omaha lit lit South Forty-fourth, 4lK North Thirty- ixttt. us XMortn tsignteentn, 4e Jackson, SSK Hiondo. frame dwellings, total cost. SjMLttOj I Askerman, HOT Douglas, brick. yvm. SOELP WANTKD- FEMALK. KARCOPIlAGUa AKata sad Saleswomen. , STKKO-bilURg, enperieneed; 2 Elllott- Tlwer operators; experienced cigar girl: Open until 1 p. to., July 4, Commercial : Jtf. 4k Surety Co., m ware block. LAD1B8. tit to S8 a day. somethlas new. make others work tor you. w. B, nam saa. m WewrtUea BMc. Pes Moines. Is. Kuckn9icn una Uuateatlus- THE HKRVANT GIRL PROBLEM ., SOLVXD the Bee will run a Servant Otrl Waatsd Ad frbx until you get the . ire4 rseultB. This applies to residents 1 at Owiaia. South Omaha and Council Bluffs, Brior your a4 to The Bea offlce WAXTKD-A girl for general house ' wont Mir jm. o. is e ruuti), aparuncm u The Ksmamtr. Park Ave. and Pacific. Tin, naray aatw COMPSTKKT Kiel for general house- NlKtc HQ waHilfif. TeL Har. W7, 3SS4 general housework. wsull teem snwy ft pr week, private room ac Mta. m s. asta at WA mUDX ss444le acl weroan or tsssM for svfl hease wok rr three MMUU. u . nn SK. TeL 11, ssw. WANjfriVA Busageteat airl for Kn 4 aaaat wjtk. tm. lw: suae 3m W, Mary's Ava. 5oOD irtri fVr sMoaral Housework. Ap tr H. H4ra. m (K7 JSHh t Har. Sfe. ML fir ''aanti ' aauiswWk. aouta .' f HELP WANTED FEMALE. SARCOPHAGUS. JluiiaeUceiler nnil Domcatlc. GIRL for general housework: small family; wages, 86 per week. Inquire 2521 Capitol Ave WANTED Housekeeper for middle ntrcd man And 4 children, In town. Ad ores uw ia Htapieton, wcu. x. WANTED Exnerlenced irlrl for trenrril houseworki Small family; Rood wages. Inquire 2108 Blnnoy St WANTED Experienced white second girl; hlgheet wages ror good help, 420 N. th Bt. Harney Ks2. WANTED Qlrl for general housework. Phono Harney 2256. WANTED Nurse girl. ferred. fall Harney m. colored pre- 6-ROOM all modern flat. Field cIud district 917 Ho. 33d. $23. II. 13(1. WANTED A laundress . Telephone Harney G23. VnlTNn irlrl tn hcln wltli hmi.n nnil telephone. Apply 218 Uce Illdg.. 11 a. m. mill, for cencrnl hnuiework. II. 3D 15. SSS S. 31th. MUuvllauvuac, Y0UNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers aru invited to visit tlia Younrf Women's Christian assoolation bulldlnw at tit. Mary's Ave. and 17th tit., wlioro they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. WOMEN, get government Jobs. Uig pay. "Pull" unnecessary- Ust of posi tions Obtainable free. Franklin Institute, Dept. U IS. Rochester, N. Y. Q1HL.8 for cuff press and sleeve troner Johnson laundry. UELP WAimiD MAMS Aueuts, sitlcatueu uud ttuilauurc, WANTED Energetic salesmani with some knowledge of automobiles. Splendid future for good man. Must have refer ences. Call II. C. Cobb, Rome Hotel, Thursday evening between 7 and 9 p. m., or Friday morning from 8 to 11 a. rn. WANTED, Agent. In svery town in Iowa and Nc t.raska. Good character and not afraid of work; fi0, to 1W par month.- WASHINGTON APPAREL CO., 1011 Farnam Bt. WANTED-4 young men ot good ap pearancel high school education pre ferred to sollr-lt advertising. Good prop osition for the men that make good. Ad dress 8. 171 Bee. , j ' REPRESENTATIVES .and salesmen for, t iwin.,ut. ,lnr. flvtnrA tin I'nmllfttltlhnr good proposition, Buckley Specialty, Com pany ot Nebraska, 83J Brandeis Theater Building. Omaha PHYSICIAN wanted, registered tu Iowa, to travel with medicine, company. I pay state license. Address Wm. Vur- plllnt. Pen. Del., Dubuque. Ia. 11? vnu enn null ndverlislns and want to make money during the summer, ad dress N 103, cars Boe. REAL estate nalesman wno Is stenographer. Address F 214, Bee. also WAK'TRD Tmln nows auents. U. W. Baker, 1114 P, Broadway, Council Bluffs. Clerlcnt and Offtoe. BOOKKEEPER. I6S. Address L 108, Bee. Factory nnil Trades. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOBT We have one wotting for you. You can qualify for it in a few snort montns at uuxL.ua COLLEGE OFFlCLL UNION PACIFIC II. It. TRAININU SUliOUOIx We Will supply you with a place to work for board while attending ana ireo tratiiportatiou to your post when your course Is coin- Jleted. fiend for out cutalogue today. IOYLE8 COLLEGE. iM ilarney tit., Omaha, Neb. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men, between ages ot It and S3, cltlsens ot United States, ot good character ana temperate, nanus, who can sneak, read nnd write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, Army Bldg., l&th and Dougo Hts., omans, Neo.; ws t'ourtn at., sioux city, ta.; uo n. wtn bt,, Lincoln, rseo. JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Get the sales. Largo profits and still sold at a price below any other. The best carpet sweeper type cleaner on the market. Vc havo the live salesmen with us, and aru selling to the quantity men Why not to youT Jaeger Mfg., Co.. 607 iiranoeis m neater uiug., umana, neo,, or GHT Into the most nrotltabla business of today, the automobile business, and be come Independent. Our large, well equipped shops, offer the opportunities ot learning tile buatneM oy actual ex perience on tdlfterent makes of cars. Our terms are moderatt. Write or call National Auto Tramline association, ziu M. Bt.. unimia. tu., nnone w. uu XTTRWII Iho HK311T SfMIOOl J.tril. est. best equipped school and repair shop In entire west, Price no more than any ot the so-csuea sonoois. Kqutpmeni ana faculty not to be compared In any par ticular. NFJ9RABICA AUTOMOBU.K SCHOOL. HV DotUce. Phone Doug. SOU. WANTED Gas fitters comixtent to do gas company's work. Wages S3 per nine- nour oay. jn repiy srivo reiyrin,s. Henry H. Hyde, manager, Belt Ow Co., Deadwood, B. D. irnitn vouni men to sail advcrtlslnc during the summer; good proposition; ex periepco unnecessary. Address A-Ul, care urn. wantkd Quarry mn at Nehawka. Neb. Van Court Stone Co., 150S Howard St WANTED A barber. 14U Main Bt, Florence. J. C. Itennlnger. Drug storv fcnupsi lobi KoeUt Vi Bldg. HBLP-Call Omaba Employment Bureau. Mtsccllaaeoaa. WANTKU At cmce. a number ona aood laundryman to take charge of plsnl doing HI5 per week. Good wages to the right man. iToy uiunary, rerrr. ir tVANTED A slngte man for general farm work, steady employment Call at 3ft Board of Trade Bldg., Saturday, between I and O'clock p. m. , HBLP In our flnUhtng rooms. Per manent position for hustlers, ',The Rob- ert uerapster uo.. un i amam.- VVAKTBD Names ot men.. 1ft to 4ft wishing to become Omaha man carriers. Commence, 367 month. Address X ITS. Be. KKLt WANTED MALK ANII VKMA1.K GOVERNMENT Jnbs open to nvui and wowisn. Thousands ot appointments. Write for Ut of propositions. Fmnklln inauime. utpi n- r.. siovneKer. m s. MRS . REAOV TO w-COMe ALGCKTHAN-DEr? HOME ArTETJ. rue fiecerAJT cpo su lies HELP WANTED. SAUCOI'IrAUJia. rAI,I3 AND I'KMATuK. KXPEItlKNCED maker on shirts. 14th St.. 2d floot band butturi hoi Albert Calm. Hi a WANTED OITUATIONS EXPEIUENCED elazler and one handy with paint brush, w.ould like work. Call at W9 Pierce, or phono Burlington, Doug- laS 25S0 and ask branch exchange operator for "one ring" No. "8, WANTED A position as Janitor; house cleaning In general: yard work; anything which 12 years' experience would cover In that work. Tel. Harney 2002. WANTED-Posltlon as garage or private family. 2M Hcaron, Neb. chauffeur in Address box COIjORED laundress Reference. Web. 47QX wishes work. YOUNG girl It years of age wishes a position no nurso girl. Doug. 2272. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gibson's Buffet 22 South ISth St. WEAR A DIAMOND J5 A YEAR. We redeem any etone bought from us at 10 per cent discount within a year; a $50 diamond redeemed for J 15 after 12 months' use; "At the Sign of the Crown Up tho Golden Stairs." Fred Brodcgaard Jewelry Co., lth and Douglas. HAZEL. L.EAF PILE CONISU-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud tng piles; 0c postpaid; samples fretv Sherman e McConnell Drug Co!, Omaha P. 8. Griffith, wig ir.fr. 13 Frenter Wlk. Wddliig itnnuunctraopu. uoug. Ptg. Co. TTRACTIONrr-" Omaha film exch., Kth and Doug. Mo tluu imuurw nittChlnH m,J nun bjrualns. 3 aeroplanes, now booking, third soa- son, somo open time. Write at once ot call ' Douglas 3S3I. Loch-Coleman Avla- tlon Co.. 313 Bo. 17th St., Onmho. AlTTOMOIItLES DRUMMOND'S Ulg iiw uuiugu ut 'iitli and Fhrnanv FUliE UOOR.J SEAT COVERS. Will lam unci til til: dltlun. Call SlQ Bee, uoug. iM. liXl'iSUT and auaiantved reiuiir work on. all kinds Ot cunt battery charging and magneto repairs; castings weiuedi bargains in Uked tiara. liUA'i'iirt Mcii'ini CAR CO.. 1415 Dodge. BEST AUTO PAlNTIN'n Fnrn rinnrn. slip covers, hew tops and bodies built to uraer. vm, rjusaravisu CAKlllAUiJ Works, 25th Ave; &. Lciivenworth. D. CM. NEW -PassenKer UU uartercnr: xl.toj takes It, Cost 1,7C0. One -h. p. Thor motorcycle lii. Leuron Klectria Worka. U.H. Utll. DAY stoiuue: itood aarvlno! nnllt ut. tenddnts; autos washed and polished at tho Down Town Garage. Ms Howard bu DON'T Day rent. Own vour own imp. age. Neat, inexpensive, fireproof. Kirk, w...w..w i uun uiub, iq ill?. GENTLEMAN'S roadster cheup. Qet a car With a record. Qooi! eondltinn. Ail. dress li. L. Cnssman, 2U24 l'arnam. 10o reward tor any mauneiu wvcan ire pair. Coll repairing. Baykdorter. 210 N. Uth. Motorcycles. POPE MORTORCYCLE8, powerful, spicdy and ot graceful design; proven magnificent Kill climbers; four models. (166 to t- u proposition for sub. agents. PltlCE on Model 11 for. shun .ii clutch and spring ssatpost, i...... prepaid, 313S. "Pope quality has iio.h- baon questioned." Write tor catalogue or call for demonstration. THE DIEltti CYCLERY, 300 N. tltlt St., South Omaha. UUB-AUENTS wanted tor tne Yal motoicycle til nearby territory. Also bar gains in all makes used motorcycles. Vic. tor H, Boos, "the Motorcycle Man." Har. ley-Davidson and Yale motorcycles. ;?01 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES, MICKELB' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 11TH AND HARNEY. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL saoritice my 40-horsepowr run about: never been used. Address A 42, care Bee. 'businesIdhancS1 TO get In ur out of business. GANQKBTAD. 404 Bee Bids. cull on D. un. FOR BALK New laundry plant doing ua per wees uusiness in a growing town. wiu sen ai cosu -.troy Laundry, Perry, 33.000 first mortsaKe secured bv. writ Improved ISO-acre Iowa farm; Interest 4 per cent; due three years. Address L 209. cars Ilea. TO set In or out ot buunau or tn null or buy real estate, call at 409 Paxton lilocK. i-none uuug. 4318. WE HAVE SAFE INVESTMENT WITH GOOD. PAYING POSITION FOR K1UUT PARTY. ADUUBSg A-205 BEE. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. Hooinlnir Houses for' Sale, TWELVE-ROOM roomln hous. 1M1 Dodge. Call llann. Douglas 4265, BUSINESS "PERSONALS? Bnrbera. tv.ti.fcy ....a -i . .r. .Han oi.u iiwii Knave, 8 cents shine. KUasser's. 1617 Farnam St Chjropsdlata. DR. ROY. 3B93 Farnam. Douglas 7. Builders anil Contractors. Howard M. Laubach Co., excavating, concrete foundation, sidewalks. D. 6103. 008 Bee Bldg. Carpenters, builders. Shop 27U N. 2trt figure wun J. e. wuson a wo. w. isss. Chiropractor. J. C Lawrence. P. C. im Howard. D. 84tL & DILLINGHAM. Crelghtori Blkl UV760S7 Crcniurrlc", Dalrle nnd Supplies. DAVID CCLW CREAM BP. Y COMPANY. UrcsniuuUluK, Terry Dressmkg. college, seth & Farnam. Electric Coupe '"at 'onfiiUiiid or iu vuluo lor uusu. llallr. Inf ' irll raliitn niiti.i 1 cu J0G6 PAMlEU sjSBBBjBsjB-BBBBwnr- 1 1 J I J fat UMrV CU UUWV" -jwi-wr- - 4 1 TT I Tl n. . I jSaVsaTsTM I mm II I sf f ...lm .iii i I i evit)Ewce op C4eooepvess om me pA-p.r- of- tJUOOe p.UAHA.UiE'P- SARCOPHAGUS. A. B. C. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity & econ omy. 310 S. 13th. middle of block, 2d floor. For 11.00 per week clothes the entire family. 1417 Douglas. nM. II I M l I w - p - H rYl'Tir'OOO J - l 1 1 jJJL COO ANY SEAT 10c. ANY TIME KERR Abstract Co.. 303 a 17th St, Better be sate than sorry. Have NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's" 16th and Hnrney. Douglas 1C62. t ii rnf" rcpn'r- e,l needles, partJ w. ... miniiiK III11CI11I1CB. PARQUETTE 'floors. Now, is the . me to have your old floors reflnlshed, like new. Parquette floors contracted. Hansen. Tel. Red E782 V ACUUM C eaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In the home Sanitary Service Co. Tel,' Doup. 2004 Vacation Hints i-vIT? .l the Y. M. U. A; park on Carter m1".."!1"1"1" nn(1 reducet the cost of high living, a postal from you ad dressed to the Y. M. C. A. Will bring full Information. Tel. Tyler ,1000. OLD SAXON INN, MILLARD, NEB. " Auto tourists' hcadq'ters. I'aved roads from omaha, freo auto sheds, waiting rooms, ladles and gentlemen. Slors beet that made Mllwaukeo Jealous on draught. Fred Msrodc, Prop., Bell Phono Millard S. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Detective. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. .Evl- m.-iico nycurcu in an cases. Tyier use. Omaha Sec. Ser. Agcy. 428 Paxton. p; I3i5! L. W.-LONQNECKER. 617 Karbach'Blk DruKM, pntJGS nt cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Kvei-ythlnur for Women,' . TURiCI3H bath, 1S02 Fnrniim, D6S9X Florlntn. C. Edorer. florist 2904 Bristol. "Web. 1783. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. Doug.' 100L HESS & BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam .St, L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D.'IZSS. Furniture Ilvpairc. . MUSES' Piano and Furniture hospital. 2C22 Leavenworth. D, C462. First-class work lint Cleaners. WE 'clean, dye and reblock all ladles' nnd gents' hats. New York shine parlor, 105 S. 16th. opposlto Hayden'a. IiiMurnnce. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Tvlr 1024-O'Nelirs. 150C Farnam St INSURANCE, Fire, Tornado. Auto. Dsn R. Smith. 320 Bee Bldg, Tel. D, 970. Laundries. Omaha Lace Curtain LaUndry. D. 7214. NEW Frencr. laundry: trv it for eood satisfactory hand work; fancy suit and lace curtains a sDcclaltv. 1913 Vinton ki Tel. D. 3SG8. Nurseries nnd Seeds. STEWART'S BEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Onteopnths. Alice Johnson. 30S-1) Brandels The. Bldg. Paper 1 In niter. Use Snowflake Paste. Omaha Paste Co. Patents. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HIRAM A. STURGES, patent lawyer. C4 Brandels Theater Bid?. Doug. 3169. Prtnttntr. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CENTRAL PRINTING CQ. Doug. S751. W ATE RS-BARNHA RT Ptg. Co.. qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. Tho Raber Printing Co. Jil BEKBLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. McGatfln (MAC), the PRINTER. D. 2S3S. Sheet Idetal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Store nnd Ofrloe fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelf. Inc. etc. We buy, we sell Omaha Fixture ana supply ua, 4H-ig-u t. ixth. D, 2744. Trunks nnd Suitcases. FRETJNG & 8TEINLE. 1S0S Farnam Bt Wines nnd Liquors. VIRGINIA DARK wine. CSc a large bot tie. Klein Liquor House. 528 N. 16th Bt WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 13th St 'j-aui! urr EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For tree catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1813 Far nam Bt., Omsha. Neb. BOTLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT 8CHOPL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses tn Business, Book keeping; Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call write or phone for It Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha. Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. Founded in ISM. Stenography only. Pa tronised by the educated and experienced. Individual attention. EVERY graduate succeeds. Catalogue ready. Omaha. Neb. Danctnir Academies. Sperisl summer rates at Msckle'a. Even ins? & afternoon classes, 1816 Harney. D.344V 00OOt-fc JUflOp. WO T at A(re oF TWO iMOWTMr. jhe c hap Geo lTH vOTIJCr AG-ff-iT KAWN tE CAUSE Of RUMfw ItCDlI m Trie LIVE STOCK FOR DALE SARCOPHAGUS. Horxca nnd Vehicles. T T n -rt nmm nt nil ltn ,1,n lnrf( mtnete In the city nt attractive prices. Johnson Danfnrth, 10th and Jones LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons h.ivlne lost nmn nrtlclo would do well to call up tho offlco of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tho street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tho comcinv Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 45. LOST Wednesday evening between 45th and Ersktne and 40th and HamllOn, a lady's gold watch. Call H 42; I3ST Fox terrier don; harness nnd collar on, with tag Nc. 174. H. 431. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and. examination tree. 210 South 14th Street. Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surglc.il operation. Cure guaranteed and nc money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Beo Bldg.. Omuhi. MONEY TO LOAN Money furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheati rates, easy payments. D. H. Tolman. 333 Board ot Trade building. OPFEREI l?OR RENT. Auartmrnta and rials. Gordon VinCo. StomRL. 219 N. 11th St. or 10 S. 17th St, Tel. D, 3H. 5 rooms and bath, first floor Harlan apartments, 2301 Sherman Ave. Living room ana aining room in oak, paneieo ceilings, paneled walls and plate rail In dining room, oiik floors .throughout; press brick mantel and sub log; mirror door, bedrooms and beth room in whito uriamel; mahogany doors; bath room tllo Moor; all walls artistically decorated. We furnish refrigerator, gas range, window phddes and rods; not and cold water; Janitor service and heat. Laundry room; locker space; screens and awnings. Everything throughout the best Albo havo basement ppartment, as complete as upstairs apartments, at a material reduction In rent Keys and further par ticulars at our office. SCOTT & HILL. 307 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1009. FOUR APARTMENTS FOR RENT Six rooms, also sun room and conserva tory; all large rooms, with beamed ceil ings and elaborate lighting fixtures; bultt-ln buffet and bookcase In pedestal. We have attempted to make these the most elaborate, and at the same time have them hometllke. apartments In the city. Call us and we will show them. T?eil 4721. TRAVER BROS. M 705 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phones: Red 1721; Residence. Web. 4835. THE OROC. New four and five-room apartments, all modern conveniences. Gas stoves and refrigerators Installed, modern laundry In basement, storage rooms tor free use of tenants. Sleeping porches. On beautiful Forest hill, 9th St and Forest Ave. Walking distance. Al'PlY to Omaha Realty Owners' Corporation, 1203 W. O. W. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 465a APARTMENT In tho Maewood, 2511 Harney; particularly desirable for sum mer, large windows, living room with dis appearing bed, large closet with full size mirror; kitchen with gas range and lco box; flno bath room, pknty of hot water; storage room In basement; summer rate only 130. See Janitor at building. APARTMENT in the Maewood, 23U Harney; particularly desirable for sum mer; large windows; living room with dis appearing bed, large closet with full site mirror; kitchen with gas range and Ice box; fine bath room, plenty of hot water; storage room In basement; summer rate only 330. See Janitor at building. COOL APARTMENT In the Georgia ut 10 X) Georgia Ave.. 5 rooms, everythlnc; up to snutf, 3(0. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam St. Douglas S9S. 1507 FARNAM a rooms, completely modern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co.. 4SS Ramst D. "IO. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS, Modern 3 and 4-room apartments, rent from 120 to 325. See today. Wright Block. 318 N. Wth St. K.rtnoM anartmant In the Sherman. will decorate to suit Phone Websted 8765, or call at building. 7-ROOM new brick flat, 2C16 Dodse, JW. Douglas 440. SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 8. 11th. ilo4 Mnil llounis. ROOM and board In family of three. 8S03 N. 24th. Phone Webster 991. MERRIAM 3 or -r.. private bath; also n. ne: l or 2 single. BOARD and room. 187 a 24th. South Omaha. Furnlebed Ituomi. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat IWS Jackson Kt xyier itm. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat 17CS Jackson St Tyler ira. NEAT, nicely furnished rooms; bath. 207 No. 20th. wen. ia- NICELY furnished rooms. 201 8. Central boulevard, ilarney itiz.- irurnlsucd llunscs- PARTIALLY furnished new bungalow. terson Block FnrnUned llouaekeeiilnsr tluome. 4 VERY desirable strictly clean, mod- rn rooms in privaia noiuei luriusneu mnl.i. fit. lli-lil hnunrkeeDlliJC suit able for two adults; nice yard. Webster lisn. W9B . win ou LIGHT HCIiaiJKEKi'tftG rooms, S. 2h. No children. W7 (EXTRA) fine, cool housekeeping rooms. 9018 HOWARD. OFFERED FOR RENT. SARCOPHAGUS. JioU-U uud Aintrtiilfllla. COOL, modern apartments near Post office, 318 and upwards. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chlcaco. DODGE HOTEL Modern. ranable. HnuHCM Jinil Cottniceo. T-VrT-T"T TTVT XStoraEe n JL X ISJUlX X J-nTovedr paektl shipped. lGth & Jackson Sts. Doug, lolfi. 9-r., 1614 Emmet St., oxccllebt condition; garage; largo shady lot, 345. 8-r 621 Park Ave., all modern, fine, $40. 8-r., 4216 Farnam St., modern, close to car, 8-r.. 1617 N. 37th St., mod. ex. heat, 314. 7-r., 2S17 N. 27th St.,' mod, ex. heat, -16. C-r, 2516 N. 31st, mod. ex. heat, $14. 5-r., 821 S. 22d. St., cottage, 317.50. 3-r., lia N. 17th St., mod. ex. heat, 312.50. 3-r., 40th and Hamilton. 2d floor, 37.50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam St. Douglas 833. FOR RENT Large 12-room modern nodse at 110 S. 26th Ave. Ideal for high grade boarding or rooming business; 8 bedrooms. Less than one block from tho new apartment house center at 26th and Douglas Sts. Seo M'CAGUE INVESTMENT COM PANY for price. 1000 Dodge St, Phone Doug. 415. 4107 Dodge, 6-r., modern, 330.00. 2231 So. Cth St., 6-r.. city water. 312.00. 2514 Reese, 4-r-, city water, 33.00. 31K) Franklin, 6-r., city water, 310.00. 3206 tlaple, 4-r., city water. 38.50. 3U2 Evans, -6-r., well, 33.00. 21)22 BlondO, 5-r., city water, 36.00. CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. S03 Bee Bldg. 15U So. 29th Ave. 9-r all modern fac ing park, 335. 5-room apartment on West Farnam street, 335. 1)33 No. 27th Ave. (room city water and tolet, $15. S. P. BOSTWICK 218 So Kth St 8-R ALL MODERN Brick, close In; roomers. 343. Fine home; car ilne; on hill, 335. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715." A COMPLETE list ot all vacant houses apartments and 'flats that are for rent- This Is a list complied dally and can bt teen free of charge at 309 South 17th Si OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 2024 Maple. 7-r.k all modr, 324. 2423 Maple, 8-r., all mod,. 327.60. 1006 S. 22d St. G-r. mod. ex, heat, 315. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee. Building. Doug. 4754. 6 ROOMS, MODERN, 2720 Ames Ave.; new, all modern, hard wood finish, 30. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1554 N. 20, 4 rooms, owner pays water, 311 71? N. 22. 7 rooms, mod. brick. $35. 526 N. 32, G rooms, mod., 317.50. RINGWALT. Brandels Theater Brdg. TWO-STORY brick flat on 25th. near California. Crelghton University. Doug. las 2320. 2745 S. 13th. new G-room house, bath. hot and cold water, lurse porch: full sized cellar; price right. Tel. Harney 3620. UXBRAIID VAN AND 8TOUAOE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods ana pianos, uougias FOR RENT 7-rooin house, all modern n, 9Sh nnrt T'nrltor Wi IMS. STRICTLY modern (J-room house. 2333 S. 31st St Tel. Harney 1913. CALL and see 6-room cottage. Modern except heat 3932 N. 23d St. 329. 'Phono CENTRAL, nil mod. 4 and 7-r. flats and houses unequalled. Tlzard. 220 N. 23d. JC! "Rnorl Kxp. Co., furniture moving. . kj, xieeuTwo wen( ,j hour w. 4 Hnncoa In all parts of the city. S ROOMS, modern. J12 N. 26th. D. 2717. 6-ROOM house. 624 S. ISth, $25 a month. s euros and orrsces. 616 8. 13TH ST.. store room, 22x0; water, sewer, J15.00. UIllKETT & UUilfAW r, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754, LARGE storeroom, Swedish Auditorium, 1611 Chicago. lino location for goon business. See Supt. of Bldg.. or Tel. 2857. OFFERED FOR SALE. Kami StortKngea. FARM MORTGAGES. VYir r-.iln 12.L0Q first farm mortgage, due on or before 5 years. 6 per cent annual In- terext Address J 1U7, care uee. Musical metruincnta, ELECTRIC Piano. 3125. 119 N. ISth. 3TleTvrUera. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer, visible, late model,' back space key guaranteed A-l machine L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1819 Far nam Phone Douglas 2213. Remember this is new location. rtENT an Oliver typewriter 3 month. 31. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Uougias 3919. n - V. . .1 1 . . . .... ..M. ........ terms. Butts Typew'er Ex., 1805 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. 33 CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Utsuelluueuu. fffin fiAT.&348ir una aeondhanA carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys ana accessories; oar rix. tures ot all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balks Collender Co., 407-tc a ieth st LARGE slxe safe, 2d hand; must be In good condition. Address F. Bee Office, ftiuth Omaha. FIVE carloads of beer bottles for sale, quarts nnd pints. Nathan Stlcnberg, 1019 Harney street Miscellaneous, EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Be Publishing Co.. 17th nd Farnam Sts. , SAFES Overstocked: second-hand; all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam HALL'S sates, new and 2d-nand. Corey & McKnxte Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D. 2644. 8x8 air compressor, tg B. lth. 8AFEH td-hand. American Supply Co. Lumber Sit to'316 m; Gross Wrecking Co. PERSONAL. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, tlec treat D- 863. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy, 12tli and Dode, MANICURING Fact, scalp and mag netic treatment Miss Debar. 204 B. ISth. J. 0- LINE, write to your son at once. 1 mportant WIS KOAJOP-AT iPCTMCfjG- ACOclAiT?AJCE "LAW tmp. PERSONAL SARCOPHAGUS. YOUNG women comlmt to Omaha, as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building nt Kth and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable bpnrdln places or otherwise ass.Bted. Look for our travelers aid at the Union Station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We -collect, repair and Sell at 131 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthy, poor. Tel. Dcuglas. 4l5 and wagon will call. - Tr A SQ A fill' Swedish movement 413 uiiiuuiiuu Bee Dlug. Dduglas X371 MASSAGE MRS. RtTTENHOUSR, 308 Boston Store. Eve. and ' Sun. appoint'. MAGNETIC . HALlNG'r-lsa- VINTON. Massage, 1st fL,r.6, 1723 Dodge.. Mrs. Steele. Spondylo Therapy Massage. 1913 'Farnam. WANTED Thi address ot John K. Done gnn, 49 years of age; butcher hy trade. Pleaso address Phil ponegnn. Waukegan, 111. SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. ' FOR SALE Spirit Lake .garage, all modern equipments; modern 12-room house, hot water heat, centrally located; three well furnished cottages .on south shore of Spirit lake. Must dispose Ot property because of poor health and change of climate necessary. Either cash or trade. A. F. Bergman, Spirit Lake, Iowa. ' Want 160 acre farm, clear of encum brance In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa for equity in - eleven houses' In Omaha renting for 32,883 a year, subject to loan of 319.200. Value of.proterty 339, 200. All houses are in first class condi tion, five are new. HASTING & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St, FOR sale or trade, four small gasoline delivery wagons, will trade tor larger on. For sale, three dellvek-y wneons. For sale. 9,000 feet ot two-Inch lumber. To anyone who wants a bargain In ttui liner call at 213 W. Bdwav. Co; Bluffs. REAL ESTATE AHSTrtACs n Ofr- Ti'i-LU REED Abstract C.i . oldest abstract of flee' In Nebrsskn. 206 IlraruMs Theater CITV I'Utll'KltrV i-'tlll SAL.K. . Brick Stucco - Residence West Farnam This Is a well-built, attractively de signed residence, located right tn the West Farnam District The large living room, with brick fire place opening. Into the dining "room, with Its pannelled wainscoting and wide win dow seat, makes a very convenient and attractive arrangement for both daljy use and entertaining. The socond floor has three bedrooms, large bath room and sleeping porh. Third floor, servants quarters, storv room and bath. The finish of the first floor Is oak. with White enamel on the second, i Large grounds with beautiful shade trtes. George & Company . Tel. Doug. 756. 902-12 City Na. Bk. Bldg. I 1 ' 1 Dundee Houses 34,900 Full two-story and attic, with living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen on ttrst tloor; four bed rooms and enclosed sleeping porch on second floor; oak floors thioughout; well ar ranged and In excellent condition. 5. 000-M13 Capitol Ave., very attractive 0-roora house, bungalow style, with large living room; fireplace; beam celling; oak finish; tinted walls; handy to car and sphool. 25,200 GOth and Davenport Sts., up-to-date bungalow, with one bed room on first floor, with bullc-ln disappearing bed; 3 bed rooms on second floor; hot water heat; oak finish nnd excellent ar rangement; well built and nicely finished. f5,500-(XM Chicago St. 8 rooms, fully modern, with 4 bed rooms and sleeping Porch second floor; reception hall, llvlnsf room, dining room, kltchr'n and den first floor; oak finish first floor; cak floors throughout Must sell at once at this figure. 15,600-4813 Douglas 6t. nonresident owner has Just instructed cutting price for this dandy home; S rooms, with largo living room; fireplace; hot water. 10.000 Stucco house. 5140 Burt St.; ex- eel lent 8-room, all modern home, with living ro.,m arrangement; fireplace, bookcases; narrow oak floor, with oak finish; 4 nice bed rooms and large bath room and sleeping porch; hot water heat; large attic end full basement; south front lot 50x135, with excellent view; ce ment driveway; 35,000 cash will handle it Glover & Spain 919-SQ City National Bank Bldg;. v Douglas 3962. Bargain Home Fruit and Flowers 3316 Ruggles St. 6 dandy rooms, south fiont larse lot 0x130. with 7 fine lilrire shade trees and 8 tine cherry and plum trees bearing fruit right now; nice lawn, beautiful view, rose bushes, furnace, city water and gas. House newly painted on tne ouisiae, mo coats, ana. eacn room newly papered Inside. Owner's wife In bad health; must leave Omaha. This little property Is a "world heater." and you can buy It on very easv term. Go out and look at It right away. Take the Dodge or Ames avenue car. -rne owner home all day July 4. and will be glad to show you through. Bargains like this are mlahty few. Payne & Slater Co., r.M Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.' West Farnam Snap $400 Cash Balance In monthly payments like r.nt buys a swell 7-room, an ' modern home right In the heart or the West Farnam district; comer lot payed streets, close to car line and Columbian school; house Is only 5 years old and looks like new; It Is much better bunt than the average. Price 83.850. Immediate action necessary tn set this bargUn. The Byron Reed Co. Tel. Uougias ot. i s FOR SALS. Subsiai. jai -ivtiui u , being remodelled, completely modem. 2&il Decatur. 33.150. Bargila,- Easy terms. Phon D 513 or H 2758. i: .4.: MAJtCOPItAGUH. T SARCOPHAGUS. SARCOPHAGUS, SARCOPHAGUS. SARCOPHAGUS. SAF.COPHAGU6.