7 rr- Harking Back Moths and Flames s.rrta. By Nell Brinkley Too "Nintimate" Copyright, 1911, Internatl6nal THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913. age X By JAMES J. MONTAGUE. Ypung JuxtuxlwaB an Aztec, and a lad of nerve and mottlo, Who resided 'neathtbo shadow of Mount Popocatepetl, And one day when the volcano, which was prone to bo abrupt, Rumbled sullen Indications of Its purpose to erupt, Young Juxtuxt cried, "I'll stop It!" and a half an hour lator Folks observed him, scowling grimly, as ho sat upon the crater. Fragments of htm 'now are floating down the shining milky way, - For this early Aztec hero was the Murphy of his day. King Canute, from whose top story rocks would harmlessly rebound, Noticed how his subjects hustled whon he ordered them around; Till at last ho grew to fancy that so powerful was he His commands would be respected by- the sun and winds and sea. So he stood beside the ocean on a sultry summer day, And In stern and awful accents told tho tide to run away. When tho tide came in thoy fished him out, and loft him thero to rage, For tho ivory-teaded monarch was the Murphy of his age. When Chief Bone-Dome, the Apacho, saw a whizzing railroad train Dashing like a desert dust storm over mesa, butte and plain, lie decided he would stop it, and his warriors, scowling black, Helped him draw a four-ply cow-rope taut across the Iron track. When tho engine hit that cow-rope, sundry braves, by leaps and bounds, Took an unexpected Journey to the Happy Hunting Grounds. They were gifted, were those redskins, with an Ignorance sublime, Which was quite to be expected of the Murphys of their time. rr THE CAREER OF By DOROTHY DIX In speaking to 300 women .graduate who hid trained themselves "for different profession, President Edward J. James of the University of Illinois ealdt "Thp woman who chooses the career of marriage when the opportunity of fers ltbelf, or when she mnkes It for Ut'rself, as every woman can, Is choosing a high way io social serv ice -'irhlch is far ahead of all teach ing, or legal of medical service she can -possibly render to society." That- Is as may be, Jtr.T C o U e g e PrtBK3r)U If you r w.era woman you ' wouldT" know that tho opportunity to marry th,o, kind, of a man you would like t6 nava'tfor'aV'huaband and for the father of your children doesn't always present Itself. Likewise that there are tens ot thousands ot women who have not been ab)e to capture a husband ot any sort, although they have done their level best.' Also, If you are honest, you must admit that there are many, many women mar. rled who had no business to get married, and whose marriages are a crime against society. It Is the custom to pet maudllnly drunk on sentimentality when you talk to girls, and to advise them to marry, and to maunder on about the beauty and the glory of wifehood and motherhood, but all of us In our sober senses know that whethef wifehood or motherhood Is beau tiful and glorious depends altogether on how a woman Is fitted for the Job, and how she pulls It off. Undoubtedly a good wife and mother Is the noblest work of God, and such a one. performs great service to society. On. the4 other hand, a mean wife and mother ,1s the devil's first lieutenant, and the harm that such a one does to the world le incalculable, If we-had motHers who have given us a George Washington and an Abraham Lincoln, let us also reflect that we have mothers who have given us our Gyp the Bloods and Leyt Louies, so there's no use In raising any monuments to mother, hood Until we find out wnat sort of a product It has turned out. Certainly tho mothers of the hundreds of grafters, blackmailers, thieves and white slavers In the world Have done no service to so ciety for which the balance of us need be granted to them. A for there being anything particularly meritorious In a woman marrying, that also depends upon the spirit In Which she does It. and the sort of a wife she makes. The woman who marries a man for lovo and because she feels that he Is her real mate, and who bends her every energy ot mind and body to loving service to him. and to making him happy, un doubtedly fills the highest and happiest carter fate can allpt tq a woman, one makes a home that adds to the sweet ness and light of the world. But what of the yourig ilrl who marries an old man for his money, who sells her self for the finery he can give her? What of the woman who marries because It la easier to work a husband than to work a typewriter? What of the woman who marries to escape being an old maid? yhat of the woman who marries a mart to curse him with her extravagance, her temper, her nagifng tongueT Is anything noble In such marriages? Anything worthyt Isn't the honest little working Slrl who earns her own bread and butter a million times higher type of woman than the one who marries Just for a living? Isn't a home that Is a place or discord a plague spot In the world that Infects every Ufa that touches ttt As a router of fact there are no two other things on earth that need reform I tig so much as wifehood and mother hood, and instead of handing out Whole sale advice to girl to get married we Should be counselling them to go slow about It, to consider whether they are fit to be wives and mothers, and If they are going to be better wives and mothers than the present generation of women are. Our asylums are crowded with the In. sane and the ne'urotto that never should have been born. Our penitentiaries are overflowing with criminals who arc. there because they had not the proper 1.1 MARRIAGE Whether Marriage is a Blessing er t Crime Defends Entirely ta The Kind of Marriage rearing. Qur streets are full of hood lum boys and wayward girl who have had no restraining home Influence ex ercised over them. What we need Is not more mothers, but better mothers, mother' who won't think It is enough just to bear children, but who feel their sacred responsibility to rear them Into good cltlxens. No one Is more filled with reverence for a good mother than I am, but I see too many women bringing up their children to be curses to the world to shed any tears over flub-dub sentiments over ab. strict motherhood. Also I have seen too many men thankfully paying tbelr wives' expenses In Reno to look upon wifehood as a grand career unless a woman makes it noble by her unsetrish devotion. In the meantime, while We concecd the worth to society ot the good wife and mother, why Ignore the service that has been done by unmarried women? Has any woman done more fbr her fellow creatures than Jane Addarhs; who has mothered, a ety irijtead of a brood of nrr owni .Are noi miss iieien uouia s philanthropies apt to be lessened Instead of Increased by her marriage? Had Dorothea tlx and Florence Night ingale and Clara Barton and their many old maid associates married and stayed Ir. their own homes, might not the In sane still be chained to the floors and the sick and wounded be not properly rared for? And In private life Is it not almost always.' the unmarried daughter who takes care ot the old parents and helps educate the nieces and nephews? It Is not the unmarried wpmen In every community who are at the head and front of every good work? Who can Judge of the rela tive value of their service and that ot the shiftless mother ot 'commonplace children? The truth Is that whether mtrrlago Is a blessing or a crime depends altogether upon the sort of a marriage It Is, and whether a girl renders a social service to her day and generation by wifehood and motherhood depends altogether on .how she acquits herself in those two dif ficult roles. rr' Vs By BEATRICE FAIRFAX "Perplexed." who seems to have a distorted notion of the' valuation of man's love, wishes to know )f she and a friend whole woe Is of the same texture shall change their dispositions and win the love of man, or remain as they are and stay single. In this matter she describes her plight: Both girls are good looking, they are agreeable, as well educated as other girts, and dress better than many, yet no man comes wooing. "We do not allow men to hug and kiss us," Perplexed writes, "because We know they hug and kiss' other girls snl talk vilely about them afterward, ana we don't want to be talked about In that way. For the' reason that we are reserved and do not chatter senselessly, run after the men, and act craty about them, wa are left severely alone. We would 1IH to go to dances, parties and theater with the boys, but they don't seent to care to take us. Should we change our dispositions, or remain the same as we are and stay single?" Remain as you are, Perplexed, and don't get the notion Into your foolls'.t I little head that that necessarily means you will remain single. The girl who has many lovers seldom marries, Tho glr) who goes with this boy today and another boy tomorrow, proving by the number pf men who dangle around that she possess a certain kind ot popularity,' Is never the girl who marries first, and seldom the girl who marries well. The man. worth while, my dear, may seek a magpie for an evening's amuse ment, but he Will look elsewhere when seeking a partner for life. He never marries a girl who give him a kiss for the mere asking, and who, he knows, kissed A .yesterday and 3 the day be fore, and left some mark of affection ton every letter In the alphabet. You did not state your age, but I am sure you are extremely young, for only the youthful look at life so darkly. At 14 you consider yourself a hopeless By EDEN 15. GREVILLK. Poor silly moth, you flutter to your doom; Ho does not seek your lovo, he does not care; Ho but allows you, during evening' gloom, To hold his hand, or elso to stroko his hair. Tho lake, the night, tho beauty of tho scene, Tho tenderness with which you play your part, Leave him quite calm, untroubled nnd throne; His vanity is touched, but not his heart. You seek to bind him closely to your side With benefits and favors givon free; A maiden's duty and n. maiden's prldo -Should ever guard her heart and liberty. When ho returns to business and to life. You'll bo but one who lightly crossed his path; You'll have no part in nil tho daily strife, No placo within hlB home or on his hearth. Then rouse yourself before it is too late; Others may sympathize, but you must bleed In battle to escapes your deadly fate; 1 Do not forget that you yourself must lead. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX.. The man with a surplus of wealth and Idle time, and the . too-otten attending poverty of heart, brain nnd soul, awakens to manhood with the, discovery that he hold In one hand a, candle and In the Other hand matches, called pride, van ity, passion, power and self, with which to light St. The devil la generous with his equip ment, and never partial. The young man with the unllghted candle looks around and sees that many other men are simil arly equlppedi- They have lighted their candles and aro- making merry with the moths' that are attracted by the flame. ' They shout with triumph as moth after moth circles too near the flame, Is burned and drops to the floor. And the man with the greatest number of moths around hla candle shouts tho loudest, for Is he not the greatest hero among mankind? Some day, perhaps, these candles will burn to their sockets, and before they ex pire a tiny flame will shoot forth from every candle, burning the hand ot tho man who holds it. But that Is a long time, away, and many men are never burned, so why fret the merry present wth thoughts of a troubled future? So all light their candles and mora moths flutter soft and white and grace ful, A snowflake falling from heaven seemed never sweeter. 1 And the snowflake after It has fallen to the ground and become a part of the mire Is as a symbol of what happens to the moth. Theso silly moths see many things. In the flames that were never there. They see love, warmth of heart and soul, caresses, ease, luxury and fine raiment, and all of these little alluring, blinding, dazslfng lights shot out from the flames Stay the Same spinster, and when you are 23 you will be less alarmed both at your years and ypur pending fate. Neither will you call that pending fate a "doom," as you do now, finding mora reason every day you live that you did not make a choice when too young to choose wisely and that your happy girl hood has been prolonged. To talk of changing your disposition In the hope of attracting a lover Idiocy. ' You are as the Lord and your mother made you, and I am glad that the product of their efforts Is something natural and sane. It Is a Joy to know of two girls who do not strut and .ogle and flirt and paint and powder and preen their feathers to attract the men. It is pleasant to learn there exists two young women who do not walk out as f dressed for market, and who do not Impress all sane beholders with the opinion that they aro making a very rr'- Asarrt Yourself, Dear Miss Fairfax: Before marriage my wife said I must give up my profes sion and all my friends. In doing this I was forced to leave my people. I hav been the main support of her brother, mother and self for nearly two years. Now she Is growing; very cold and seems dissatisfied. Do you think It advisable for me to go away? She does not care tor me in any way, dui mat i am a useful article. 8, A. P. You must, first of all, refuse to support thokts of her family wno are able-bodied. You owe that much to them and to yourself. If your wife continues to be dissatis fied have a fair understanding with her about the terms, and then separate. But you mult attempt no concealment or evasion of responsibility. Her unfairness will never excuse yours. Certainly Not. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been keep ing company with a young man one year my senior for the last four year. Ever since i met him I have shown that I love ff t y "'. . ' none Had aa great power ttr attract as- the light that promises fine raiment. The moths aro soft, pretty, silly, brain less things. Bo brainless they would sell their souls for fine clothes and think they got the best ot the bargain. Every flut ter of their wings that brings them nearer the flames tell of his Intention. Poor little things) If they sold only their souls the price would not bo dear enough, but this world has a way ot re fusing to leave all punishment to the next, and they sell more than their souls. They sell their peace and happiness In this lire aa well as all hope tor the next. There Is no garment so fine that it Is great display of very Inferior wares. My dears, be Just as you arel Go to the theaters with your mothers. It will Increase your pleasure In the play to know you are giving pleasure to her. There are dances to which you can go and have a good time, though only girls attend. There are no bars to any good, wholesome amusement to keep out women unless some male escort at tends. Don't mope because your lover Is long on the way. and don't shed any tears If he never comes, finding consolation In the remembrance that many to whom a lover has come would change places with you If they could. It Is finer and better, my dears, to remain single, because the right man failed to appear than to know the plight of the millions of women whose terror of splnsterhood was so great they mar ried the wrong oiie. Advice to the Lovelorn him In every way, but never has here turned any affection for me. Although we are on good terms he never more than greets me when he sees me. I am much taller than he and believe that may be the reason he does not care for me. Do you think It would be proper for me to tell him of my love for him straight up and down. KOBE 8. You have transgressed the borders of good taste In showing that you love him. Don't add to your humiliation by telling It "straight up and down." Your height has nothing to do with It He makes no effort to win your love btcause you have foolishly thrown it at his feet You Are Not Ro Old. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 20, end net a young man several years my senior, and we love each other dearly. At present this young man has no trade upon which he can depend, but he is promised some thing better. I have told him I would wait until he Is In a position to marry. Do you think It advisable to watt? My parents are very much against this, for they say at my present age I cannot af- i Worth the price paid for it In the moth- and-candla market, fltormtossed, drag gled, beaten, oppressed, abandoned and' dishonored, the soft, satiny raiment with which the moth has attired herself makes poor protection against the elements whose wrath her vanity has Invoked. The satisfaction of vanity Is the short' est lived of all sentiments; the moth soon finds that attire can be never so tlno that a happy, contented heart beats un der the scarlet letter of shame pinned on the breast. No girl ever enjoyed a luxury that was not won honestly that the world did not find It out. No girt ever picked fine rai The Manicure Lady By WILLIAM F. KIRK "Brother Wilfred got the first real piece of change yesterday that he ever got from his writings," said the Manicure Lady. "lie used to come home with a five-dollar check once In a while that ha got from the editor of the Flour and Feed Gazette or the Bronx Monitor, but yesterday he came home and flashed a hundred-dollar note that he had Just got for a song of which he wrote the words of. Even father warmed up to fhe poor boy when he seen the yellow C In Wll fred's trembling mitt, and you can bet the old gent wasn't In no mood to warm up until the money got In front of hla eagle glance." "Was It a ragtime song?" asked the Head Barber. "It must be, though. That's the only, kind of songs that are getting the doug'h now." "No, It ain't a ragtime aong." replied the Manicure Lady. "It's a sad ballad, George. I was sure that It was going to be liked the minute Wilfred showed It 1 to me, before he showed It to anybody M J ford to waste my time In waiting, for I can't tell how long ft will take. DOWNHEARTED. If you love the man you can afford to wait a year or two, long enough to find If he is trying to make good. Long en gagements are very unfair to a girl, and I hope you will not enter Into one. But you owe it to the man you love to give him a chance. Don't Do It. Dear Miss Fairfax: A few months agg I was taken 111 and the treatment of a doctor was necessary. This man is single and only has greeted me with friendly smiles the few times w have met. Do you think It Is proper to send this doctor a ticket to attend a certain entertain ment, not as an escort, but only to en Joy the entertainment, where I cjuld be come better acquainted? RAE. His friendly smiles are strictly profes sional? If he cares for you ha will take the Initiative. Don't put yourself In a position where you can be accused of "running after" him. ment out of the flames of a candle held out to. her by a young man that the world did not know It "I was too young," a poor girl will plead, "to know I was doing wrong," "No girl," replies tho world, 'Is ever so young that she is not old enough to know better." It saw no soft, alluring lights In the flames It saw only dishonor and degre datlon. It neither forglvAa nor forgets tbn girl. It may condemn the man, but It never punishes him. It Is always on the breast of a woman that tho scarlet letter burns. It Is always the woman who pays. elee. I wish he hadn't made It quite so sad, though. Goodness knows there is enough weeping In this world without making up new songs with sobs in them. Btlll, I suppose what the public wants nowadays is extreme In songs, either something so comlo that It would make a snail snicker or something sad and pensive like dreary rain falling on weep ing willows. That's tits kind of a song Wilfred has wrote, George, and I'll bet you that when it Is tapg with slides the folks wilt take on something terrible, This Is the way It goes. I wish I could remember the tune, but It sounds some thing like this: " 'GONE BEYOND RECALL. " 'A handsome married couple In a city far away, r Was sitting in their parlor at the .close ot one sad day. The couple had been scrapping for . . the first time In their fife, And each hard word they uttered cut A the other like a knife. At last the wife could stand no more, and Just at 6 o'clock, She broke a china platter on her husband noble block. Her husband saw the shattered dish , and felt his battered head. Then facing his impetuous wife, these sad words he then said: - " 'CHORUS! "The dish is gone beyond recalls we ne'er shall sea it more. We cannot get one like It at the . , five and ten cent store. I little dreamed of such coarse work when vowing I'd be true. The dish Is gone beyond recallso is my love tor your Ain't there a second verse?" aake'over XTncl1 l put 11 coating of the Head Barber after a brief pause, "A ballad ought to have two verses and tell some kind of a story. That's what Charley Harris always said, anyhow." "There is a second verse, all right." said the Manicure Lady. "I don't know JUst how it goes, but it tells how the husband went eraxy from tho blow on his head and was all the time wanting to play spin the platter with the keeper at the Insane asylum. The wife died of a broken heart, Juat like eh broke the china platter, and Just before she died she heard her husband, In a dream, saying them ad words that I told you In the chorus." It ought to be a good seller If they want sad songs now," said the Head Barber. "It's certainly sad enough." "It seems kind of Improbable, though," declared the Manicure Lady. "No lady ought to bean a gent with a platter when dishes Is so high-" i By WINIFRED BLACK, They've quarreled, the two "lntlmata friends." No, I don't mean "Intlmato" I mean "nintimate" that's what they call each other. One's ten and one s nine, and they've been playing dolls together tor weeks. I told Ten-year-old that she had bet ter play with some one else for a whtlo. "You and Nine- year-old will quar rel as sure as fate," said I, oh so wisely. Quarrel, my 'nin timate friend and IT' cried Ten-year- old In horror. "Oh, how could we ever do such a thing? Why, she's the sweetest girl In the world. I wisn my hair was the color of hers and my eyes too, to we could wear the same colored. ribbons, and, oh, can't we both hava linen hats, the same shade anynowT tin thav had linen hats tne samo anaue. and the new kind ot heelltss shoes tha same shape, and Brown Eyes tied on a pink ribbon and so Blue Eyes nad to tie on a pink ribbon, too. But now they've quarreled, quarreiea hfidiv. It bean over the aous. ino year-old wanted the dolls to gd to school nl iv their seven times, ana old wanted to send them to tho mountains or to the seashore or somewhere. "Isn't It bad enough to say our o-r M tun times and eight times over ana over," said Ten-year-old, "without making per--e-C-i aiaves oi m yvu.j dolls?" "I'm not a slave," said Nlne-year-olCt nnd I'd thank you not to call me one." "Why, said Ten-year-old, "I didn't, I .aid" "I know what you said," ald Nlne year-old. "I can hear all right" only she said "hyear." "Well, then," cried Ten-year-old, "why don't you talk all right?" F-t-t-t-tho trouble began "right then dolls went home ribbons came of f hats were thrown in the closet-out of the hated sight. "I'll never play with her again," sobbed Ten-year-old. "I hate the sight of hor," quavered Nine-year-old, and so the day woa cloudid. What mattered how gayly the sun shone, what mattered bow aweetly tho flowering bush at the back gate beckoned -who cared what tho robin tried to say. Gone to smithereens-one long, happy happy day. Gone never to come baok again alas, alas, what & sinful waste, and all because the "nintimate" friends, were Just a shade too "nintimate," that'a all. The young couple next door how dead in love they are; she walks to tho corner every night to meot htm, and he turn nround three or four tlmos to wave her' good-byo in the mornings. And the other night, when one of his friends dropped in tor a pleasant evening, she pouted; I could see it by the very turn of her shoulders. She didn't want a soul around but him. And Sunday, when her sister came over ntter church, he went Upstairs and sulked. I could see his shadow on tho blind. They won't admit now that there Is any gulf at all, oh, no, Thoy'ra one, you know; didn't they say eo before the par son and all the church full ot smiling friends. Ope-fwhlch one, I wonder? Will she give up her Individuality tho one thing that called him to het or wilt he bo Just an echo of her? Onel Which one? I always wonder. How much better it Is when you Bet to understand that two human helntra mean two every time, and not one at all; the man Is a man, and not a copy of a woman, and the woman is a woman, not an eoho of the man; each' must 11 vo hla and her own separata lite,, and tho sooner they begin to do it the sooner they'll be happy, "And then where did you goT" aaya the young wife when husband is a fovr minutes late to 'dinner. Young husband's brow clouds. After all, must he be watched like a, criminal? "Oh, then I camo home." ho says, and doesn't tell the young wlfo that ho stopped to chat with old BlIo from Yalo a mlnuto or so, an tha next day the young wife meets old BlUlo from Yale and he says: "Had a fine talk with Jimmy yesterday," and there's troublo In store for husband when he gets horns that night 'Too nintimate," that'a all, :itoo nlntU mate," that actually all that's the mat ter! Your husband's heart la yours, not hla brain and his soul, too. Your wife is faithful, loving, devoted, that's enough for you to know, young man. Don't be too 'Intimate" either of you or you "won't speak" , before six months Is gone. Oh, yes, ifa a pretty fiction, "two hearts that beat as one, two souls with but m single thought." etc. a pretty fiction thank goodness, it isn't a bit true. What a bore It would be to live with a twin, wouldn't it? THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Ths best way to protect the faoa from tan and sunburn la to apply cold cream. powder. If one is careful to wp oft the excess cream and to rub tho powder Into the skin smoothly, t will not show. A good, cheap, tooth-paste may be made from one cupful of pure salt, one. cupful of soot, balf a cupful ot carbollo soap, half a cupful of bicarbonate of soda mixed with salt Melt the eo?p In an enameled saucepan, and when boiling stir In the soot and salts. When thoroughly mixed, set aside till cool. To clean old straw hata, procure from thi chemist's a small quantity of perox-, Ide of hydrogen. Dip a toothbrush into, this and scrub the hat, then Place Jn tha open air to dry. This Vrill clean tha hat and make It beautifully white, and Is fan better than salts of lemin or pxallc acid. Half an ounce of peroxide will bo suffi cient for an ordinary hat. To remove grease from wall Paper, ruH the spot over once or twice With a piece of flannel dampened with alcohol. 1 t.. it A t tt 11 Jt a o m i t'- .i ta i 3 1.' Qr