Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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- i
virrnu unsntWATRR. EDITOR.
faBB ntrilmtfo. fTunam amp mil.
Kntered at Omaha postofflce as SeCOnd
claSS matter.
Sunday n, one w ....ot
Baturday Ue. one rr w
Xlly Bee. without Sunday, one mr. J-W
pally Bee, and Sunday, one year.... o"
Kvenlntc and Sunday, per mn--y,viE
Bvenln. without Sunday, per monin.jw
Dally Uee. lnuludlns Sunday, per rno.w
Dalty Bee, without Sunday, per
Address all complaints of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
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rayable to Tho Boe Publishing company
Only J-cent stamps received In payment
ot small accounts. Personal ohecka, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange,, not
Omaha-The Bee bulldlnir.
Eouth Omaha 8318 N Street
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Uncoln-88 Uttlo bulldlnff.
ChlcnKO-iWl Hearst building.
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CommunlcatlonsreiatlnB to. news and
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee. , KdltQrlal department.
' jcnV. circulation. .
Elate ot Nebraihn. County of DourIss, ss:
Wight Williams, circulation manager
K5?J n2. Diit.iiihtnir 'enmninr. be nK
duly sworn, says that ihot uvermm
MreulaUin for the month of June. 1913,
-was ciroulaUdn Manager.
Subscribed In my prepense and (sworn
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(Seal.) Notary Public
Subscribers leaving iho ctir
ietniiorarltr sUotitil lmve The Ilee
mnllca to them. Address will bo
changed tt often tv rettuctu"
" T . ,
Well, has ho nil of his fingers loft?
Heat waves aro tlopreanlig, bi t not,
cn tho thermometer.
Did baso ball got tho squoozo play
from Undo John D.?
King Caucus.
, Undor "Tho Now Freedom" ush
orod In by democratic ascendancy at
Washington, King Caucus reigns bu
prorao with tnoro autocratic rulo and
moro ot an Iron hand than over be
fore. Tho Httlo walkout of our
United j5tos. soriatbr.lconuKbcaska
from .pio domocratlo Caucus only, em
phasizes that. Tho senator explained
)t ovor anil oror again that ho is not
bolting his caucus' or splitting with
hls party.-butineroly- making a dem
onstration for the sake of tho pub
licity. Dut what was it he craved
as a boon from his domocratlo col
leagues? Morely .tho privilege- to of
fer In open sesslpn 11 foredoomed
amendmont which the caucus had re
jected. To secure the desired per
mission he was roady to pledge himself-to
swallow' tho caucus concoc
tion and vote for tho caucus bill and
all ho even claims to have accom
plished by his walkout Is ayoldanco
of compulsory ngrbemont .to voto
against ovcry amendment' not sanc
tioned by tho 'caucus,
Lot tho 'people rule;- '
As an adopt in sitting on tho lid,
Mr. Bryah is ah unqualified success,
Oh, how hard it is for thoso water
boardors to come down oft their
proud perch.
j , I., j
Perhaps after all Julian Haw
thorno'fl prison ltfo poetry Is no
worse than tho prison llfo.
A Chicago lako broezo that blows
tfio mercury up to 1,02 ulust figure
in tho nickname "Windy Oliy."
"A successful . politician is usually
machine made," says tho Chicago
News. With statesmen it may bo
Baiting Publio Utility Cohoerns.
f No one familiar with tho facts will
deny that halting 'public utility cor
porations is 'a common prncllco
'among a coftaln class ot politicians
Keeking or holding office. 1 But wliy
do tho corporations continue to act
as iho fish and swallow the bait? The
utility concerns have -It. In. thulr
powor successfully to resist theue
subtleties. That is tho power of pub
licity established through", a candid,
fl'pen relationship wJthTha pooplo
whom they servo. U Is always nl
their dlsp0B.1l. Why do they not
avail themselves of It and put an end
to tho porntclous' halting :bustneHt
Until thoy do, tho corporation's can
not ontlrely absplvo themselves of
blame and responsibility for existing
evils, Happily tho day has dawned
when many iar-slghtod corporation
managers are embracing this hotter
means, conscious from actual dam-
nstratlon, that It Is tho only method
thnt will pay In tho end. Had It
boon employed consistently trpm the
fit st, would thoro owr have bwn
tiny considerable domand for public
ownership of thoso utilities? Remove
tho reaspn tor demanding public
ownership and the problem Is solved,
flood service and open-handed deal
ing with the people would satisfy tho
uvcrago demand, Anything olso Is
Looking BacWard
lUtis Dav in Omaha
t ' v .
000 C JULY 0. P. OCoh
Thirty Years Au
C. c. rjeiqs, the well-known ana popu
lar Cumin' street drUf?g(st. left for Chi
ngo. whtfro he will stop for abodt la
The Ooldea Rule goes Into full
eel Ipsa on the eve of Fourth ot July
and slays there till the .. pandorao-
IWR Is ever.
Thorn eztortloHate water rates are
falling and the' drop will not stop
tilt all tho water la wrung out ot tho
rate schedule.
Some ot tho storlos rolatod In
"Washington during tho week havo
that "como - across - or - I'll - squeal"
tound to them.
With Editors Bryan and Panlels
In his cabinet, President Wilson
ought to be able to land a scoop
every now. and then.
1 War talk is negligible. Exchango
It is, eh? Then, does that mean
that alt this jingo talk" dooju't
amount to anything?
Now tlmVthii Hirrroan merger Is
rllv trulv unmerKfid. of course
'everyWiy leolaHlae beneficent effect
and the country is saved once moro.
Whatever elso.TQRy or may not bo
''municipal Jome rulo" tor Omaha,
it is a .ete'ek that government by ap
jK)lnte ot a non-resident state ot
fleer ;t Lincoln Is not,
fCha jChlWdaknoBB iu,", (h$ Boy
gou movement is tile appdlreht lnob
the necessity of tho hotno dclcgat
dils,'anx wore xsi ita uncMobs and
responsibilities -to outside shoulders
Mr. Bacon, a former associate ot
Mr, Morgan, testltlod that the latter
organized the steel trust to prevent
monopoly, Byt ho can never fion
vlnce tho public that a man of Mr
Morgana' organlslug geulus couid
came as far as that from., the mark
st which ho aimed.
Wo listen to hear why und how
it it is H flagrant violation or the
principle ot "homo rule" lo let
state utilities commission regulate,
our local 'public service corporations
the janagement ot. purely cty elec
tions, Jjy a non-resident. oy,enor lo-
'homa rale" ' ,
Strengthening the lErdman Act,
On tho whole the Erdman act hai
proved vory helpful in preventing
strikes on railways, In fact in tho
last five or six years In ovory appli
cation except oho prior to tho exist
enco ot a strike, this act, it Is said,
has prevented a strike or lockout and
thp mediation ensuing under tho act
hn. hhMiia nMnntltf' t
"Could thoro bo a stronger, en
dorsomcnt for tho prlnciplo .of gov-
crnmont intervention In Industrial
disputes?" asks Hon. W. L. Man
Konzlo King, former Canadian m!n
inter ot labor.
Tho principle having been demon
stratod, why confine its application
to one class ot labor, namely, rail
way service? Why not extend It so as
to apply to all trades and occupa
tions? That is one ot the points to
be couslderod by congress In
strengthening the aot; Another (3
provision tor making the finding of
tho arbitration board or commission
binding upon both parties. It is no
longer a matter of vory. general doubt
that- compulsory arbitration ot in
dustrial disputes Is tho thing and
yet tho principle is riot much in
vogue. It la Bometlmes believed to
bo In Cahft(lR, wh.ose fltrlko proven
Uon method extends to all' lines ot
Industry, but as a matter of tact does
not bind tho parties to accept tho
award except as they may stipulate
potweqn tnomaoivoa. Tfto uanar.ian
law says: "The parties may agree in
writing at any time before or after
the board reports to be bound by the
recommendation," otc. Wo might
do well, then, to take this stop in
advance of Canada.
fcionth. LJ .
j John T. IJell of the real'estate f"rrn ot
Shrlver & Hell, has tone to St Wflls,
George A. Joslyn left for IJes Moines.
M. Ilctlman is baolc from a trip to the
Vic Blerbowcr goes to Sidney , for
H6spe has a new wagdnfor hauling
pianos so arranged thftj the Instrument
can be fastened down to it, so as not to
let the piano or organ fall out. He Is
fnoVlng- a great many instruments and
supervlslhg the work hlmsoir.
J. Chittenden, tho auditor of the Brad-
street Company, hits been here from New
York looUlnff ovor tho company's new
quarters and Compliments Mr. Taylor, In
nt ,Iia Inn-It ntftlfi.
"fitler ninety days of rain, flood and
Jntid Tfio' lion has'oome to tho.sUrfaCa
airain And will continue td roar for
Moore's harness and saddlery."
An announcement of tho First National
bank shows these officers and directors:
President, Herman KoUnUe; vice presi
dents, John "A. Crefghton and Augustus
ICountz; cashier, F. II. Davis; assistant
cashlor, W. H. McQulro; A. J. PoppUton,
City aerk Jewett Is. advertising for
bids (or lighting the city of Omaha by
electricity. ..the lamps to be of not less
than 1.000 candlo power and to burn from
twilight to 12 o'clock midnight every
night; also for gas lamps with five-foot
burners, to bo lighted tho same hours.
TAvcnty YcaVa Ag;
Int.. '
J I1U ..IllUi 1 1.1, ra -
tetnth and Dode stroets, went Into
voluntnry llauldstlort. asKlng tho statu
Banking board to wind up Its affairs.
State Bank Examiner OF. McQrew.was
on hand to look after the caso and Chdrlrs
W. Balnoy was appointed receiver.
Charles Mown was at the Paxton, whero
ht returned from Bordeaux, Neb., having
nddresed tho Nebraska sailors and sol
diers in reunion there
Kdwln Haney, depot master at Union
station, went to Chicago to keep tab on
the White City for a few days.
John E. Bennett, father of Sheriff ZVn-
nett, returned to his homo at Chatham.
Ont. after visiting his son
' Owing to Illness Mrs. F. B. Millar was
unable to appear In the benefit at tho
Boyd In behalf of Mrs. Cox, widow of the
fireman killed in tho Bhlverlck fire,
Miss Elizabeth Van Sant, stenographer
for City Attorney Connell, left for Mlrtn-
apolls for a month's Vacation visit with
Tho search for tho body of Joseph May.
field, alias Hay Ksler, the young aroo-
n&ut, who fell front his balloon which
collapsed into' the- river at Courtland
Beach, was still being carried on Without
a trace of It
Ten Tears Aro
Omaha, wnicli was last In tho western
league pennant race, finally won
game after, suffering a. long train of
dofeats at home and abroad. It boat
Des Moines. 10 to 4.. Frank acnlns, In
tlvo time up mado four of the eleven
hits for the hme team, 1
Dennis XV. O'NeUt. '"years ' of age,
JUd. at his. home. 1M7 North 19th.jitroot
' vjyfletu.t.uacKus, posioruco inspector nt
MHdliJtmi WH returned to that, city after
Visiting with his family .in Omaha tor
n, couple of days.
Moses Kunsclnian, 413 North Sixteenth
street, felt oft a Cbunoll Blufs car at
Thirteenth and Douglas streets on hi
way baplc from Manawa, and was. sqv
erely bruised -on tho top of his he&d
lln little daughter was with him. HI
Injuries wero thought to be serious.
"The rewards of a "Christian life aro in
accordance with the Investment," said
IteV. Thomas Anderson at Calvary Bap.
tint church, preaching on "Godliness is.
Ipuac It. Beisol, It was announced, would
assume the -duties of deputy city treas
urer under A. II. Hennlnes, succeeding
D. C. Bryant. Mr. Belsel, who resided
at 224 North Nineteenth street, had for
some years been bookkeeper for II. Q,
Strelsht & Co.
Seelnir Thins;.
Mrs. Arthur Wentworth Balfour, the
western Audubonlst, prslsed, in an ad
dress In Taooma, the action df congress
In forbidding the Importation of alt" feath
ers sav thoso ot the ostrloh and tho do
mestic fowl.
'Feathers, anyhow," she said, "asldt
from the cruelty of then, make so for
anlty, don't thcyT
"I know a man who sat at the opera.
one night, behind n lady with an eight-
Mr. Hearst has finally discovered
something to commend in Ptesldent
Wlhton, na&ely, bringing thai money
QttestloB ?&fore the c'ouht'ry 'in the
form pta onrrency bill, whlflh, by
the way, went in only after receiving
ISecretary Bryan's 6. K. 13it evl
dcatlv Mr, Hearst has not as yet
found any th lag la our Mr. Ijryan to
, comjHad.
TwicB Told Tales
In Other Lands
Hammer Taps
Wnrrlnjr Ilnlkan State.
When the foxy Abdul Hamld ruled the
Ottoman empire he maintained peace- In
European Turkey by preventing a union
of the Balkan states. "Once united," the
sultan Is quoted in his recent Mio- Tl . t b hanov
biography, "the rule of the prophet in I t cost any mo ! P hFpy
7. , .. r ih. than miserable. That's the reasfcn most
War Justified the foresight of
It Is all right to be a .good loser.
some guys make a habit out of it!
Reform can make more noise arid
produce less results than anything ever
Hamtd. ( 01 Ul1 BO arouna nuniins
I A man will toe. liberal aboutothtrthlns
but he won't throw away a one-Inch cigar
stump when he gets on atreet cat. TJ
Many a man who used to pay 'za a
But there Is some danger of destroying
the fruits ot the union which in Uttlo
more than a year drove the followers of
con-Inch white aigrette In her hair. The (the prophet back to the gates ot Con-
man craned to the right, he craned to .tantlnople. Originally the area of terrt-: ' lessons In poker kicks because
i.d ....v, .u.v, "-iiory in umpmc ireinrai mo Hanhtr wiuitl 1! to Day for Piano
erb aigrette was always in his way. victors was ten miles wlds and forty long. j " ' t a . ' k
"At last, desperate, he bent forward exclusive of Salbnlki, which the Bulgars , y J;,. . Ji '. ..4
and whispered: - ,eem to think" Is too much of a good wnen ine eugen ";
" 'Madam, I paid 19 for this seat It thing for the Greeks. Heports of ex- vogue, win parents nave o
was In order to see.' tensive flKhtlnir between the BUlgars' on.ycar'ings ana appiy to a n -
" 'And I. sir.' the lady answered, hauch- .irt. ih Rorhi, and Qreeks on he . mission for permits to name m,ir -eur-
tlly, 'paid tea for this aigrette. It was in other, come from various sources, eVen'""
order to b seen.'
-Washington Btar.
t. JVetT Ilncojtlnn Theory.
Two Tfarmers down In Georgia were sit
ting on n. rail fence discussing the great-
irom the capitals of tho former allies,
Indicating la situation approaching actual
war. Back of the greed for Turkish
territory lies the more uncontrollable
factor In fratricidal strife race and re-
ness'of tlhlted States Senator A. O. Ba-i!C0us antagonisms. Macedonia seethes'
con 'of thatlate. They were In entire wjth race fcn(j religious rancor. Kach !
accoru on me pnstcai, mutual aim um- i racial faction or group aesires ine toib
torlcai supremaoy of Bacon over any I their resDectlvo governments, and aro
other man that ever lived. In the midst doubtless energitlcally assisting In pljlns
of their talk a stranger drove up. UD fUei for on Internal conflagration,
xou seem to rcgara oenaior uacon aa
a very Brrni man, ' e rcmarneu. n-iii.i. iniiM.
"He-s tho greatest man in tne nistory . animiv of oninlon re
of tho world," the Georgians declared In garQtnlr the early doom of tffe Asqulth.
cnorua. ' la taflArlA" in Utters of Lion-
'You don't think ho's greater than an, correepoaehts of American news-
.- I . ( .. ... .... n MAM.An, n r-A fink
of the twelve apostles, do your
the traveler. .
"Well, maybe not," replied one of them
but, you see, Bacon is young yet"
ropular Magazine.
wrtleLfVl'sltlng'L'ln tho south recently a
traveler' chanced s upon a resident ot a
sleepy lmmtet In Tennessee.
vanced for the' output of gloomy predic
tions. The eo-calfed Marconi BCandal,
(opposition to workmen's Insurance, re
ligious antagonism td Welsh church disr
establishment and Ulster's defl against
tiome rule, form tho chief basis of prom
ised ministerial disaster. Simitar argu
ments have been turned .out of the ton'
"Are you a native Of this toW7" asked I Tv". ,,' " ho7d on w th
mo traveler. ,L. xf.rnl
"Am I a whatr languidly asRed th, wr u "''"'" 7"-T'
man as he ros to a sitting posture,
..... ..... . ..I... . t. I . lAHItt"
5 '""3. S " " ministry tell ft dlfferont story. "Cheer-
- - w r i n i i iihi I i
"i aiked You whether you were a na- fulness," write. T. P. O'Connor, M. P..
ve of this Placer' cabling to the Chicago Tribune, "has al-
BUddenly there appeared at the open most completely returned to the liberals
door of tho cabin the man's wife, tall. no long . ram ,n.
gaunt and sallow. After carefully acru- scandal, and st ast one if not two
tlnlzing the Intruder she said: yews more are given by U political
"Ain't ou cot no sense a-tall, ir&7 propnoia 10 me
He means was yo' llvln' heah when you majority ot 1.000 or the liberal candt
..... -i v..v, Ant In Leicester was hailed by all sup-
was ooun ur.itt u "'" i --- -.
gun UVlK' 'heah. Now answer hlm," porters ot the government as a splendid
National Food Magazine. victory ana a great raws niui.
L , i itne tremenuous auuuuiuco ui v..,v-
Nlnnnrrt tantbaslnst. cornered fight" The ins aro the opti-
Tetllhg of his visit to Niagara Falls -uu. the outs tho pessimists,
nev. Dcrnara vaugnau oi wrouon ,oii
an anecdoto of an Italian, who, on being L,. r.ini Entente.
asked by a aneo wnai no inousni vi vUlt ot pregiaent F.omcaire 01
the raiw, was npi vory appreuiauvo, unu Franco to London and his coraiai rccei,
InnUIrcd. "Where's your Vesuvlust" T,he tlon by tho r,COple is regarded by the in
Yankea repneo. . W naven goi any ,nlred uress ot both countries as an ox;
Vesuvius, but, It wo had I- guess Niagara hlb(t!on ot the solidity t, the triple en
would, put it "out hi a,'spit." A visitor tent0. The rapprochement between Great
from South Africa, on "being asked for Britain and France brought about by tha
his opinion of the ,fallst Inquired ot tho iate King Edward appears to grow in
ouettloner. in his turn. "What do you .treneth and Influence as the force Of ne-
think ot Victoria rlls, compared with cesslty stimulates the roots. The peace
Nlagaraf The 'Yankee reply was, "Vic- ful sentiments voiced at the kaiser's
torla Falls compared with Niagara?- jubljee a few weeks ago wero echoed and
nere. frontal perspiration." re-ecboed in Lonaon, ana wwn ucn
inmnite suavltv as to rob editorial war
Prefer vintr Yotfa. . j rlors bt a chanca to kick. Words were
Dr Lyman' AbVott. "at 'a luncheon at nftvr fashloned .tntC mora graceful Tcri-
tho Colony cjub in Now York, was good- od8 0j p8aee than were the Berlin and
humorcdiy arguing tno suirrago question London utterances,- But even tne emi
with a prominent suffragette. nent peace promoter, Andrew Carnegie,
"Now, doctor," said tho suffragette, wouid Search in vain fbr a note sugjtest-
"thero's ono thing you must admit, A jnR a check on armaments or a decrease
woman doesn't grow warped and hide- tn the working forces of gun factories,
bound eb quickly as a man. Her mind ye, London ipeettnK, of rulers, howevoi-,
keeos younger.' fresher," KV h reaarded as- a ncace Incident.
"Wejh no wonder," far. Abbott retorted. I eVen though It does not reach the military
l.t ..1. 1 Af,.U .Via Aknhlrj,. AtV ,. . . . ,
. When a man reads of a modern miracle
happening In Europe, .he rparvels at the
wonders of science. But tt the miracle
happens in his home town he knows it Is
a darn fake.
There are 71,425.009 places In the world
where' your wife might be when- you are
standing on a corner making a hit with a
pretty girl, but your wife simply has to
pass that comeri
A haughty princess will pin what looks
like an old lace curtain around her form
and start downtown. And stle Has nerve
enough to. assume' a- "What-a-nasty-brute!"
expression every .time a man
look at her. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Oddities of Life
At the funeral services for Mrs. Kath
erlne Stohllng In -Milwaukee her four sons
officiated as clergymen.
Mrs. Jessie Young of Webb City, Ma.
has had three husbands, but only onti
mother-in-law. All' her husbands wero
Frankfurters ot the good old "get 'em
while they're sizzling" kind, have been
banished from the fashionable front of
Asbury Iark, N. Y.
In addition to being the oldest barber
In Maine, John M. Todd, 92 years 61d, bt
Portland, has the distinction of belnt?
the oldest best man at a wedding; for a
number of .years. He acted as best man
St the wedding of John Foster Pearson
of Boston and Miss Grace Evelyn Arris
or Portland, who were mamea recently.
Joseph 8. A. Bertasso of Albany 'claims
that he has more than doubled tha record
of any "One" or "small" Writer in th
world. Bertasso, who Is, furthermore,
considered the Italian champion of north'
eastern New York tn the lOO and iM-yanl
dashes, has a record of 7,100 words, writ
ten with an ordinary pen, on the back of
an ordinary postcard, in 7 hours and 15
"Whit' that book vnu are atudvlnK no
"collection or rube stories," tepnea
Farmer ComtoRael. "Mother thinks I
ought to talk a little dialect to amuse
the cummer boarders." Washington Star
Maud They say that Jack has wooed
and proposed to no fewer than teit' girls.
Mnei Yes. and he s breathed the: same
Vows over and over until thev arif thor.
oughly vitiated.-Boston- Tranfcript
'Was anybody killed "or mnliried In
that last automobile racef
"Not a soul." . .
j "Then If they are going to turn races
into safe and sane affairs, where Is there
going to be any funT" Baltimore Amer
jcan. '
"Money went a whole lot further in
the old days than It does now," said
the Old Fogey.
"Thafs because It didn't eo so fast."
explained the Wise .Guy. Cincinnati En
"Pa. what does .It mean when a man
Is discharged 'for the good of the
servicer "
'Ordinarily, my boy. that means that
the administration has a friend it -wants
to place (n his job, and there's no other
real reason for letting him go," Chicago
"See that clrl asleep over there in
that hammocl7 I'll bet you a liver I
can sneak un beside her. kiss her on tha
chetk' and1 not wake' her up.' '-
- vvau; let me see wno it is iirsi.
You're pretty smart, but .you aren't go
ing to ring me In on. one of your sure
thing waBers."--St. Louis Qepubllo,
The Clergyman I had no idea profan
ity was so prevalent till I began to drive
a car. .
HIS Wife DJi vou hear much of It on
the roadT
xnoisrgyrnan vvny, nearly everyone
I 'bump into" 'wears frightfully! Puck.
"Brown has a wonderful .nervo."
"Has her'
"Yes. Went to sleep In a taxlcab.
Woke up two hours later and had tho
nerve to look the meter in 'the face
without winking."
"Yes, he told me about that. Said he
didn't care a whoop what the b'amo
thing registered he waa dead .broke."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The sun shines hot on the pavement.
Bums hot Into office and halt;
And tollers swelter and languish
.And somo by the wayside fa. I:
But out where tho breezes are blowing
Cool and fresh Is a' winding path
That leads to a pool In the forest
Where tho wood-thrush Is taking bit
The atr In the stores is stuffy
And most unbearably warm.
But there la A. sale on dresses.
And oh, how tho' shoppers swarm I
But down In the glades of the marshei
A' wonderful nest Is hung.
And there tn the coo) green shadows
A redwing is feeding his young.
The hot winds are blowing and bl6wlns
Away an my nign aspiration.
Reducing my soul and my body
Way off where the trees brush the sky,
To a state ot profuse liquidation:
But off where the forest is deepott
On tho bow of an elm mother grosbeak
is teaching ner oanies .to iiy.
Editorial Snapshots
People Talked About
Almost b tally dsstiroyed by the earth
j8ke of OeeineV'X, 1MB. the hi-tye city
C M I today a prosperlar exam
Hie, of the Inilunjttat'la spirit Ol! wan
TaeeiMt Ledger. ;
But, according-to reports, cm a
bw and entirely different elti). Tha
lsuIanltaMa uhlvAt -.nt men Ma in
hsyA hen too wile to attempt the)
city' recttnioUflR en the oA !
How We Do Smoke and Prink.
After all tho distinguished repu
dlatlons of tho highball, tho cocktail
end tho mint Julop, tho knockout ot
the army canteen and tho general
advance ot the cause ot tuinperance,
Americans aro drinking and omoklng
moro than over. According to tho
government's figures our total inter
nal revenue rocelpU for the- last f la
cal year, which Is art Index: to our
Indulgences, amounted to $300,478,
Q00, or 116,600.000 moro than In
What proportion of this stupcn,
doUB sum, -went tor ainoking and
what tor drinking, wo do not know,
hut the report eaya wa broke the
records in both. Yet are wo-not
nation ot topers. Ordinarily wo dd
not even stacger under our load. It
drunkenness is not on the incroasg,
what then can this enlarged con
tempt ion ot liquor mean but that its
use has spread to ft largor number,
And It this Is true, might it not fol
low that temperancenot total ab
ptlnenceia on tho Increase? Even
the most extreme advocates of sump
tuary laws should find some conno
i;itlcn In this supposition, howover
far from ideal It. might como, One
thing aeems very certaior&ud that
is a very old thltig rpaniely, that tho
Indulgences ot weak humanity do
not gtoatly vary, on tha whole, from
one generation to another. Always
and ever, though, the fight should
jia on fpr temperance and sobriety.
Some members of congress koep cool
with a palm leaf tan, others require a
rctary air blower. 1
Miss Irtonora Cawker, .although an' heir
ess In her own right, Is tho official dog
catcher of tho city of Milwaukee.
Vice President Marshall Is tired ot ho
tel life and wants a house with a rent
limit of W,m Tho V. P. ehould try the
want ad column.
MUs E. I C, Watson, X.I A, hns lust
rtached London safe and sound after an
adventurous 2,000-mllo trip on a motor
cycle from the-Cape to Pretoria.
A New York njan who achieved a write-
up by penning 7,100 words on a posts
card didn't glvo a -hint as to what his
wife did to keep the family supplied.
with grub.
Julia Brier, a member of tho famous
Jayhawker party of thirty-five members
who lefr- anlesburg, in., on April &. uu.
for the gold fields of. California and were
twenty-two days practically without food.
died. In Iodi, Col, aged K years.
8lrangn things nro happening in New
Jersey wlnoq the schoolmaster moved to,
tho District of Columbia. A Newark'
man baa refused a legacy of 4100,000 bsi
cause the pile might tompt him to quit
Mrs. A. A. A- Brooks, president of tho
Gotham club ot New York, has been
interesting hef fellow members la an ct.
fort to bring pressure to bear for legis
lation compelllns manufacturing chem
ists to use a special mold for poisonous
Mrs. Walter Morrison of Chicago gava
up a fortune of sw,O00 to marry a man
ot Columbus, O. She Is 40 years ot age
and says love Is the only thing worth
while to a woman of any age, but that
10 Is the age to love. "For. she says.
"at that ago a woman has Just found out
what love really means.''
In ono of his spells vt fatherly sym
pathy the president's secretary. Joseph
P. Tumulty, told one of his ul children,
feloniously attacked by the mumps, thai
he would give a dollar for 'a swelling on
one side and U for two swellings. The
MfveUiig camo oh the' other side all right
and tbo double reward was paid, auc
cesslvely five nt the six children swelled
up on both sides and the financial cura
tive was applied In each cote. Should th
sixth ohlld come up to the cashier's
wicket an emergenoy appropriation win
be rushed through.
budgets. It Is a proclamation ot unity
of the two powers dominating western
Europe and a suggestive hint to the triple
alliance to keep within its boundaries and
avoid trouble on land and .water.
Chicago Tribune: Tut, tut. Mr. Preal- compromise has been reached by ther
dent! Evon when you piay goir use not DU(jcet committee ot the German Beichs-
vain repetitions,. as ths heathen do. I aff on the incomo tax measure, designed
Washington Post: About the only con- to produce tho extraordinary approprla-
solution some benedicts get out of the Uon ot $250,000,000 which the government
statement that married people nve longer desires lor tn$ increasea army ana navy
than slnclo ones Is that It la better to be I and equipment The plan agreed to by
married than dead. party leaders makes Incomes under 500
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The Depart- marks and accumulations ot under w,oop t
" ... .. I i. lStMM e Wl Mswtra tin. I
mnnt nf AWltulture flnos the Declaration auinvh "wv w,
of Independence win keep longer It placed ward tho acajlng ot Incomes begins. Up
lh Valium. Horn Anv one of these 10 wmwu marna incomes win ue rawwuifu
science sharps will discover -that he can by multiplying by eight; Incomes of from
T . V . . . . .. I ,w MVI . WV1 IYW n.a.1,. will lm Willi Inllft.l I
keep his clothes dry by gome m wnen n -vv,wv -..w-
rajn8 , by ten, and those ot over 200,000 marku
T,u.,'.J.,t.,. t .-.. r,..m....r wl be mulUplIed by twelve for the same
"77"'" 7J "I. Vn w. h Purpose. For example, a man w(th 20,000
eral Burleson la going about his bust- rr ' " OMllm,atlB
55? tJS' would b'iread uder nw
lotter-dlstrlbiuing Industry ,slnco March
tb lU IIIWItlJIIVVl mrj iS "V" iuwi
On this sum his contribution will be lov-
4. What a fine thing It would be It prpg-
inuianupoua ew, m me ugii- ,nnrW w v, nirv,tnH-
ment proceeas it appears mat mo iuuux
Is really more Insidious than was at nrsr
suspected, No wonder soma ot the sen
not know what lobbyist was. The lob- - ' . '
ovists were too insiaious xor law un-
Jnpattese Cittscnshtp,
The Japan Advertiser of June 1 quotes 1
suspecting natures.
Baltimore American:
The recommends-
by Mr. Hattorl, a member- ot the Japan'
ese Parliament, to Japanese residing un
der the American flag In Hawaii. "I
want you to remember," .lie, said, "that
Go North
Jib Keep Cool
. Change yout latitude Bpend the summer
fiehing and' loafing in- the lakes,and woods of
Minheso'ttt vhere the average temperature is
from 8 to 12 degrees cooler than in Nebraska
and where hay-fever is practically unknown.
There are a thousand standy-beach lakes in
, Minnesota, with timbered shores and rang
ing from big fashionable resorts with palatial
hotels to quiet out-of-the-crowd places where
.fashions and conventions needn't worry you.
In Minnesota you can bathe, canoe, motor,
and such fishing! Minnesota is the HOME
of the Muskellunge, pike, bass and crappie!
Drop in or write and let us help you. plan
your vacatidn. "Wo can give you, complete
detailed information about. round trip, fares,
schedules, hotel, boarding-house, cottage or
camp rates and all the resorts, and supply
you with free literature. Call or write today,
we may be able to give you tho very idea you V
want, ...
P, F. Bosordcn, O. P. A T. A, Mr 15 Simmons, D. P, A.
t Friituu Street, Omaha.
Phono loug. 200.
tlon at Gettysburg Of the erection ot a vn tM.nt. nf , ' ...... w
memorial to the women at the civil war , fc Ucad No roattM
:"ir'::"";h.;: :z may haPPen t b., how pro.-
who actually passed through the fiery
trouble of the terrible time can appreci
ate the work dons on both sides "by
herolo and self-devoted women to the
cause ot humanity,
perous we have waxed In a new land,
we must always remember that we are
bearers ot tha lUnrUe flag, patriotic fol
lowers of the mikado." In .commenting
upon this speech the Advertiser says:
"Wo shall not accuse Mr. Hattorl ot de
liberate Inconsistency, but we do think
VM foe .tho Blor Bhorr.
Indianapolis News,
Not the laast Interesting development his attitude characteristic of a tendency
ot tho lobby Investigation Is tha Informs- Widely prevalent. In Japan to overlook
tlon that Is- belni: brought out In regard th fact that It is roily to uemana ins
to the property holdings of various sen- right of naturalisation and at the same
ators. There may. b no reason why any- tlnto to uphold the doctrine that all Jap-
bodr should suscect that such senators anesv, ' wherever they be and whatever
aro Influenced lm their legislative 'action they do, must remain wyai to ine mutaao
by such things, but a good many people in other words, to ignore ins universal
htVe long held', such a suspicion, never- condition of naturalisation, tho forswear-
theless. Now those senators will havo a ins of allegiance to one's native country.
splendid chance to vindicate their official It Is a tendency that goes to the root ot
probity. When legislation having; a more I the whole problem.
or less direct effeet on their property is
up for consideration they can show tol jKllllona In It
the eager,, watchers-rand there w.tll be Chicago Tribune.
plenty ofxthenv-lhftt thelr own Interests I A thoughtful cltlsen comes forward
are tha last ' thlni they think' of when! with the suggestion that same Inventor
they ar bulldlns: laws for the benefit ot might benefit his lenow oeings ano. mam
the plain people, Walt for the big show! a gooa tning oui or it niroeeu oy aevising
an ice cara mat win arop auiomaucaur
An Unequal kirnsvi. from the front window of a dwelling
New York Sun. I house after the man with the Ice wagon
The casualties of the American troops j has been along.
In the operations against the Mom
stronghold 'ot Mount B assay, twelve
killed and seventeen wounded, seem
light In terms of modern warfare, but
they signify to army men who have
Movin tip to the Ideal,
Indianapolis News.
WUh the steel mills working to full
capacity, and unab'.e to keep up with
served in Mindanao that ths undtscl- tbelr orders, -maybe the country' will get
pllned tribesmen with nu artillery made to be a good place for sotntbody's chll
a fanatical resistance and literally died dren to 4l In, tn spite of Mr. Perkln'
In heaps tor the causa ot their sultan. I efforts.
An Hotel of Distinction
with Moderate Charges
Mew York's ideal Hotel for the Somme?
Visitor. Cooled with artificially chilled air,
600 rooms, each with hath.
Summer Rates in effect uatH September let