i TL THE BEE: OMAHA, ERIDAY, JULY 1913. V 10c Palm OHyc Saap, 4 cakes, 25c Peroxide, 1 17 Jergen's Talcum, b BOo slxe....C 1-lb.can. S6dslxolc llerplclde Hair A7 sP,r Powder, 1()c Tc,l8l 07C rar.. Pebeco Tooth jq- j,ira cold in. Paste. SOcsHto Cream. 60c slo.UMU New Store Hours During July and August, Htoro Opens Dally 8 A. M. Storo Close Dally 5 P. 31. Saturday, 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. Women's $1 GLOVES, 68c QPITI A I W o m o n b long Ol XjislilLil pure auk gloves, extra quality, doublo y g KODAK and KODAK SUPPLIES Premoette Jr., with I J-A Folding Brownie double lens. CA 7ft Camera, post C1Q 7.00 value.. u,w card slse.. v l.tli nurUncrn I Card Mounts ' 1 Dint meas- I Pi tlppod fingers, IC-button IBtfP Inntrth. worth S1. nnlr . Wi Acid IK. any also, fi uring 10- Hypo. . . w I 1 nvan w I trin . . CHOICE-OF-THE HOUSE SALE i 111 MEN'S SUITS! Whether the Prices Were $20.00, $22.50. $25.00. $27.50. $30.00 and Even $55.00. Saturday at $15.50. HERE'S the bluest "Hit" of the season. The great est clothing buying opportunity offered by any store in Omaha. There are other so-called clothing sales advertised in this paper today, but none of them will compare with this in real value giving. It's assuredly the chance of a lifetime to economize on your summer suit purchases. Every suit is of this season's manufacture. GUAE ANTEEB the same as if you paid the regular price the product of twelve of the foremost clothing man ufacturers in the country. All the favored materials, including Blue Serges, Plain Blacks and a truly magnificent assortment of plain and fancy worsteds, cheviots and cassi- merei. ALL SIZES to fit every build of man, and whats more, if the suit is not everything we claim for it after you get it homo, bring it back and two will refund your money. That's how well wo think of the proposition we are offering you Saturday. H Orkin Bros. Your Homo Store.; iOrkin Bros. Your Home Store.; i it VThr-e- o cie vBee-HiVe By MKLLITIOIA. OTriday, July 4, 1913. KM c Hsfl ELBDRATINQ the Day of Independence on the ocean will be the Interesting experlenco of quite a large auinber of Omaha iopto this yean lt1 the cuatom on most of the big liners to keeorate tke boats -vltu' American flags and red, white aad blue busting ma srve a speclal41aar with extra decorations and favora for the holliay. AU holidays are duly celebrated and much attention la given la the way bt t fror and aouvonlrii. esneclally on tho American and German liners. Mrs. Charles Kountio and children and Mrs. Ward Burgess an cb.IT- ,dreo are spending the Fourth on the steamer Carmanla and will land this week In England. Mrs. R. S. Halt and Miss Dorothy Hall aro on the 1 steamer Lapland. ' Dr. and Mrs. John D. Potttf, who aro on their wedding trip, sailed yes ''''terday on tho steamer Arabic. Miss Sullivan of the high school faculty and Mrs. Ida M. Hanchett are ' on the Orotic and will go aohoro for an excursion on tho Axoro Islands for a "the Fourth and then continue to Gibraltar. v Df. LoRoy Crummer, Dr. Dunn and Philip Motx, who sailed on the Kal ti.(ee WUhelm II., expect to land on Gorman soil in Umo to celebrate, tho J, crarth. !t At the Country Club. I At the rield Club. ' . An alaborate display of fireworks will The Fourth will be celebrated at the t be riven at the Country club thU even- , Field .club with a concert at 4 o'clock In I Inx and About 360 members ot the club! L ... , - a i 'win aim mere. Popular Matron Will Celebrate at Sea Mr. and Mrs. D, g!aum wllljhave at their table: missee ft Mime, AMtldred R( XjrLHce Carter, idred Rogers, leu Carter. yaatliwJtourke, garter "Belcher, KiYsivter'BdSc V Mr. iml kra. D. A. Baum. Margaret Oreer Baum. John Htewart. George Flack. t lira. Warren Jtogera. Srrand Mrs, Frederick II. Davis will have as their gueata: Kr. and Mrs, Walter D, Koberta. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas U Davla. , Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prltchett will en tertain at dinner for Mliaea Elisabeth r Jaad Menlo Davie, who leave Monday to !sead tha summer at the aeaishore, Thoeo .preant' will i: jBUsabSth Davis. .Meale lavi BCatherlne Beeaon, Mildred Butler, Meaara. Ware Hall. Cuthbert letter. IHobert Burn. tfe.ck'Wfebater, Mlaaos Elisabeth Bruce, BKirothy Mores ii, Bonnie Do Weese. Measrs. . tWUUam Dick ot Waihlngton, Ralph Peters. rou. John Caldwe! Mr. and Mm. Harold ITltchetU Mr. and Mra. M. A. Hall will have aa their guests at dinner: Ur anit Mm. EL O. McQUlon. Mr. and Mra, Charles McDonald, Mtes Eleanor McOllton. Mlvc Charlotte McDonald. Master Robert Hall. Other dinner parties will be given by i Sirs. Voaa, who will have twelve guests; Ijl 3. Love, ttve; W T. Burns, twelys: r T. f. CowfHt txi F. B. Hoehtuiter, sis: i K. M. Vnhaler, alxs F. fi. Connerj : .miae: V. B. Caldwell, ats; R. O, Howe, alxj H. Ijoomfe, twelves O. C. R.edlck, six; Ij, A. MhaB -eleven; F. A Brogan. ttlVlx; X C FrWeh: fours C. E. YoU elxj I.e. N. Diets, four; J. U Faxton. four; I rp V. Hamilton, four: Dr. Fred tke, V ttri . 'XX. Barkalow, tour;' J. T. 8tew- Mii, fws C. F. MaOrew, four; J. R. web- aster, two; My Diets, six; II. u. Moor- mu, Jira; mi jserrmni, lureu; j. micivvn, -Xer. Df. end Mrs. J. & Rummers will enter tain at dlBaer Saturday evening at the ICountry club, when they win havp fit teen gitets, - - - ? M(. and Mrs, is. uswixe, ur. ana Mm. W. J. Hynw, M&ittr William Hynes. Jaaater Kt4dn Updike aad Mr. and Mr. & -AlcMAder Ptakeaa ot Hastlnga left fThunMkfty ta mtor to' Fort Dodge, and Xaxb Ofeitej. TMy plan to returp horot --t Mr- and Mrs. David A. Baum. Miaa fjt Mwwfft and Mla Alice Cartel Witt Wave Meaday lo netor to Denver lasay. fj , J Jm Imm Wiederaaa, Mia Hltdred OhsireWa, Dr. C. T Urea and C. 8. f SUtht wotorod Thursday to SfeHr, Keb., t e. hsmo Ut yttrth as the M4mKs of Dr. the afternoon, followed by table d'hoto dinner and dance. Entertaining at din ner this evening at the club wilt be: Mr. J, B, P6rter, who will have eight guests; W. R, Cahlll,.four; Faul Burleigh, four u, t, Wright, two; W, II. Murray, six; N. P. Felt., fourteen; Robert Manley, three; Fred Kern, two; F. N. Qoodell, four; B, r- Kemper, three; J. B. Ltndsey, four; Jack Hughes, four; Charles E. Fos ter, three; E. B. Carrigan, five; II. A. Cameron, two; It. D, Neely, stx; H.- W. Dunn, two; Lee Hordman, eight; II. C. Nicholson, four; E. J, MoVann, four; Dr. Abbott, two; J. A. Russell, three: J. II. Conrad, seven; W. A. Smith, three. At Garter Lake. Many reservations- are made at the Carter Lftke club for the dinner dance this evening. Those who will have gueata are: J. F, Creeden, who will entertain ten guests: Dr. J. I). Flckts, fouf; A. M. rinto, seven; W. A. Nplaon, fours Duron Hart, four; C. A. Welle, four; W. I Hamond, four; Roy regau, two; Ro Frankem. four; Roy Owens, fours W. F. Bruett, five, and A. J, Pearsons, five. At Happy Hollow. Mr. and Mrs, C O. MoDonald will en tertain at dinner Saturday evening at Happy Hollow cub. Among those giving dinner parties this evening at nappy Hollow club will be H. K. Burke t, -who will liava four guests, Walter O. Bilver. six; J. W. Robblns, nine; W. A. Piel. two; XL R. Durkee, two, Alfred Elllck, two; Harry Marsh, four, F. J. Wolfe, five; C. W. Russell, four, w. M. Bpence, six. In and Oat of the Bee. Hive. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. W. Yotrr. Mra. Voss and Master George Vosswlll leavt raturaay ror xaxe Louise in the Cana dian Rockies for a week'a stay bifor, ratling from Seattle for a trip to Alaska to visit Mr. and Mrs. Yates, a daughter, Mrs. Charles Allen, and Captain Alien. Mr. and Mr. N. II. Loorata, MIjs Mar garet Hanna of Washington, D. Cs Mr. Otrald Evarts ot Windsor and Messrs. John, Alexander and Robert Loomls wilt leave Mouday for Dome Lake. Wye. Mist Edith Tobttt' has returned' from tho east, where she attended the conven tion of the National Library association at CaUklll. Jf- V. Mr. and Mrs. Benttey McCloud ot Chi' cago have, arrived to spend tha Fourth of July with Mr. McCloud'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, X II. Olmsted, at Florence. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hilton Fonda, Jr., leave this week wlth thelr two children for a trip through Tellowatone park, Mr- and Mrs. George Qllmore, Mr. and Mrs. WIlHam Bowman, Dr. and Mra, J M. Aiken. Miss Gertrude Aiken, Miss iHenrletta Qllmore, Mr. ESUot QDniore and Mr, O. W, Wtekersltam motored to iassss sssssnsss. SssHsBsssassKr MICHAELSENJO BE HEARD Commissioners Suspend Eleotrioian , , and Set Sate for Hearing. mCHAELSEN WIHS ONE BOUND 'JndKC English Rnlea that Commla- alon Cnnnot DIschnrKc Him Withont Flrat GlTlngr Illm a Ilenrlngr. MS.CF. the state fish hatcheries at Louisville to spend the Fourth. f leuAst Surprise Party, a aurprise party was given In honor of Miss Irene Keuchel Wednesday evening at her residence, 1701 Dorcas street. The evening waa spent In music, dancing and singing. Those present wero: f Misses Misses Armella Schinkcr Margaret Schtnker Klisabeth vð Ai-nos Hartung Theresa Knobl . Julia Movlan Katherine' Bchlriker Anna Bchlnker Cecilia cnieborau ltne Keuchel Messra Messrs. .useoh Kohle Henrv Bawatski Frank Zeth. F:ed Oross Edward Bchlnkor Gcorgo Qerhnrdt Aloys iveucnci Stephen Keucnei. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Miss Ruth Arnstcln enetertalned at an Informal dancing party last evening at the Seymour Lake Country club in honor ot her house guest, Miss Selma Oreistag ot Chicago After dancing supper waa served About seventy-five gueata were present In and Out of the Bee Hive.' Mr. and Mrs, Thomas J. Kelly will leave Saturday for Montreal, from where they Will sail July t on the Laurentto to spend the summer In Europe.. ACTING MAYOR ORDERS A SAFE AND SANE POUETH. v JP - ' Charges of misconduct. Insubordination and attempts to bring his superior of ficer into "disrepute and contempt" were filed against City Electrician 'Mlchaelsen by City Commissioners. C. H. Wlthnell and John J. Ryder. Mlchaelsen was then peremptorily suspended without pay until July 15, when he will bo given a hearing on the charges. The hearing wilt be held at 3 o'clock In .the afternoon before the city commission. Commissioners Butler and McQovern voted against the suspension. Mayor DahlmarCvho has voted with Butler and McQovern, to give Mlchaelsen a hearing, was absent. , The resolution suspending the elec trician directs the assistant electrician and the head of the department of flr6 protection and water supply to perform his duties until the hearing Is had. Mlchaelsen was dismissed by the city commission upon complaint ot Wlthnell, his superior. The charges tiled enumer ate the reasons for the discharge. The fact that Mlchaelsen slipped a requisi tion for an automobile post his superior and then declared he "could get Wlth nell to sign anything" is set forth. Mlchaelsen did not appear at the city halt. Wlthnell did not discuss the charges. lie had stated that regardless of tho suit brought by the electrician to restrain the commissioners from dis charging him, ho would give htm a hearing. DAN B. BUTLER. BECOMES INVOLVED OVER DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE William Baldteldt. 1T06 Cunton street, became Involved with Peter Nelson, one ot hla neighbors, over the disposal ot re fuse. Saldteldt had been ordered by Judge Foster to make sewer connections on hU property, but Saldfeldt dlircgarded tlu order. Upon being summoned by tha court he. attempted to relate the family troubles and when told to restrain hlm helf to the subject, he made derogatory remarks concerning the Judge. He wai allowed to remain in eustody for several hours, after which the Judge reprimanded him for contempt of court, giving hhn a month to connect with the sewer. FORMER OFFICIALS HAVE BIG CONSTRUCTION PLANS Peter Elsasser, former pounty com missioner, has started the construction ot a one-story fireproof storo building ut the southeast corner ot Fortieth and Farnam atreeta. It wilt contain ' three stores, one ot which already has 'enn leased to a plumber. John Lynch, present county Commla aloner, la building an apartment house at Twenty-second and Leavenworth atreeta. It will conUln four apartments and cost 111,000. Key to tha Situation Bee Advertising. Acting Mayor Has Ordered a Safe and Sane Fourth Here Order for a sate and sane, Fourth of July have been Issued from the mayor's office, and has gone out from the office ot the police commissioner to the city po lice force Mayor James p. Dahlman Is out ot the city, s but Acting Mayor Dan B. Butler Issued the orders. Butler not only colls for a safe and sane celebration, but ha has Instructed the police force, and the fire warden has received similar orders, to prevent tre imtiKflrlmtnfttit Rain of fireworks. "I understand at least one big transient dealer haa set up here and has an ex elusive right to certain fireworks," said Butler. "We are Investigating, and It he is found to be a transient the license Inspector will force him to take out a $35-a-day license under tho law or get out ot towp ' Byrne and Kelley May Be Put on the Board of Governors T. C. Byrne and George H. Kelley are being talked of as the successors to W. L.'Yctter and Charles R. Courtney, who have- resigned from tho board of gov ernors of the Knights ot Ak-Sar-Ben. Yetter resigned from tho board three weeks ago because of poor health and Courtney left tho board at the last meeting becauso of more urgent duties In his private business. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IS STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY Persistent Advertising is the' Road to Big Returns. Q corse W. Shaw, manager of the Bur lington telegraph office at the' head quarters building, was stricken with apo plexy at 6 o'clock yesterday and taken to the Wise Memorial hospital.' His condition Is critical and little hope for his recovery Is entertained. He was at the .office in charge of work all Wednes day and when he went to his rooms, 2S37 Davenport street, at night, appeared to be In tho best of health. Yesterday morning, when dressing, he fell to tho floor. Immediately becoming unconscious and has since remained In that condition. Mr. Bhaw Is a single man, hU w.fe having died many years ago. He Is closo to 70 years of ago and has held his prss ent position with the Burlington fcrty years. Prior to that he was a telegraph operator and at one time (took thj jjress report tor The Bee. He was one -f the first operators In the country to rtls-:atd the tape and register and recelvo mes sages by sound. Entire East Has Its Eyes on Nebraska Crops, Says Hayden "No, the east is not worrying about th currency legislation slnco Secretary ot the Treasury McAdoo made the statement that In case of stringency he would Is. sue ffMO.COO.OOO," said Joseph Hayden oe returning from a week's stay In New York. "That statement of McAdoo's had s great effect." ' Mr,. Hayden says business conditions Ic New York aro gpod- and that everyo'ni la optimistic in view ot the favorable advance -crop reports from all over the country: - "Tho advance crop reports from No. brasko, for example," said Mr. Hayden, "was never better, and New York bust ness. watches all these .reports very closely." Tho. thing that .New Yorkers are watch ing with the keenest Interest at .present, according to Mr. Hayden, Is (he lobby In vestigation and some of the sensational disclosures that aro being made. Most Wonderful IIealna After suffering many years with a sore, Amos' King, Port Byron, N. Y., was cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM The Unequaled Beiutlfltr USED AND ENDORSED DY THOUSANDS Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, liver spots, etc. Extreme cases about twenty days. Rids pores and tissues of impurities. Leaves tho skin clear, soft, healthy. Two .sizes, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet counters or mall. MiOTOMAC TOILET COMPANY. Parii. Tim. Bold bv Sherman & McConnell Drug Co;, Owl Drug Co.. Loyal Pharmacy; Th Harvard and. others. Work on New IlulldlnsT. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July l.-Spe-cll.) Work on tha new Young Men's Christian association building Is In ac tive progrec. The contract for' the building runs a little over ttCOOO. The sum of 175.000 Is subscribed tor building aad equlpmect XT A Itl AG- Saturday J. J.jn.lVrU Monday A Great July Clea Including 52 new and used Pianos, all well known makes all in Al condition, ail sold with our absolute satisfaction guarantee. All priced at less than you were ever offered such instruments before in any sale Every one of them go within the next few days before stock taking is complete ' Here's a Few of the Many Snaps 1 Stoinway .., $275 1 Chickoring & Son; .S125 1 Steger & Son , .$150 1 Emerson at $150 1 Mueller, at $125 1 Sterling at -. ...$100 1 Peck & Co $ 75 1 Vose & Son $125 1 Bradford at . . . . . .$100 1 Hardman at . . , . . . . .$125 1 Peerless at ..... .,:;....$ 90 1 Bo Decker at . , . '. . . . . . -$140 1 Arion at .., $ 75 1 Behning at $ 75 I We Will Arrange Terras of Payment to Suit Your Convenience. Piano Buyers Will Do Well to Take Immediate Action. HAYDEN BROS.