Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1913, Image 7

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    i in , "i ... i7.. r
ked all
Saturday the last and best day of the Greatest
CV nines Irises enrnmon riM ml. --. rift ntmat
prices which will make this the biggest defy of all I
pre-mventory bargain sale Omaha ever saw
Store Open Saturday
Evening Till 9 O'clock
Store Open Saturday
Evening Till 9 O'clock
a. a isMszrmvma 1 r
Uool Mfminery
Suits worth
Kill a trnrlt.
I a --... ' . ....
Pj 11 Suits worth
II Gala tifAtWl.
Suits worth
"MHO tlUllJl
Hints worth
Suits worth
jnena sample Trousers,
$4.00 to $6.00 values
Remarkable Savings Evident in These
Splendid Quality Men's Furnishing Bargains Saturday
Men's Summer Shirts, flno mad
ras and mercerized fabrics, In
new spring colorings and pat
terns, up to $2.50 values,
at S1.45 and 98
JW.00 and 81.25 Overshlrts
made with or without collars,
all sizes and colors 49b
Lisle and Mercerized Socks, 2GC
to 50c values, In all colore; on
sale at .... .25J and 12Vi
' ITour-ln-Ilund Tics 12
.,SllJc Four-ln-Hands, .wottE to
'Hso; on Bale.. .45 and'25
Men's $2.00 Union Suits, cotton
i or lisle; on sale at. .... 98b
j$3.00 Silk Llslo Union Suits, in
l 'white, pink or blue, short or
long sleeves; on sale Saturday
at S1.45
Read Hayden's Big
For Saturday a Saving of 25 per cent to 50 per cent on your
Housekeeping Expenses.
23 lbs. best granulated sugar ..$1.00
No strings. C O. D. or telephone
orders filled.
48-lb. sack best high grade Diamond
H family flour, nothing flper for
bread, pies or cakes, sack . .... 81.00
10 barn Beat 'Era All, Diamond C or
Lenox soap , .o5o
10 bars Laundry Queen White Laun
dry soap 35o
7 bars Haskln Bros. Electric Spark
soap .SSSo
3 cakes fancy bath or toilet soap 10o
S lbs. fancy Japan rice, 10c quality,
at 25o
1-lb, cans assorted soups . :....VHo
The best domestic elbow or straight
macaroni, vermicelli or .spaghetti,
package ............. 7Mo
Advo Jell, lco cream powder,. Jellycon
or jello, pkg. , 7Ho
18 ox. condensed milk, per can Sl-3o
8 cans oil or mustard sardines . .SSo
Tall cans Alaska salmon lOo
Grape-Nuts, package lo
E. C. Corn FlakcH, package ...... .60
The best domestic cornstarch, pkg. 4o
The best bulk peanut butter, lb. iaV4o
Large bottles Worcester sauce, pure
tomato catsup or pickles, assorted
kinds, bottle . 81-3o
Pancy large, J nicy Iomoni, dozen
at 30o, 35o, 45o
Large bottle wild cherry phosphate
or root peer, 1 bottle makes S gal
lons 10o
Tho beit Creamery Butter, lb. ....30o
Tha best Cqoutry Butter, lb. 38o
The oeHt Dairy Table Butter, lb. aso
Full Cream Cheese, lb I80
Neufchatel Cheese, lb '. ... . . .3a
Imported Swiss or uoquerort ineese
"lb; ' 35a
Tho best fresh eggs, dozen lBo
Eleotrlo tans Burgoss-Qranden Co.
rifltlity Storage & Von Co, Doug. 1616
Hav Boot Print It Now Beacon
Pi tit.
How Is tha tiaa to can lgan berries;
V Ihey ,UI be no cheapen
' Tns vPatiron Omaiia'fc nigh grade
family. tjotol. Seventeenth and 3$.
Marys-avenUo, A few transient rooms.
viual you take yoar vacation lsava
your sllvervrare, etc.. In Omaha" Safe U
poelt qo.'s burglar proof vault.. lQ8Far
i nam. JlW month for good lx?d package
OnUd Goes to Okobojl J. M. QuIJd.
commissioner of the Commercial club,
boa gone to ke Okobojl to spend the
Fourth of July.
O'Connor .to Seattle County Commls.
olpner . O'Connor has gone 16 'Beanie;
Vabh.ftQ represent Douglas, county at
-the National Convention of Charities
and Correction.
Inspects Bummer BcHdol FranV Boyn-
ton, superintendent of schools Qf Ithaca,
N. Y.. Inspected the sumpier vacation
school here today. He Is on his way to
the meeting ot the National Educational
assoolatlon In Salt Lake City.
B till t yrant Tornado BooksRequests
are, constantly oomlng to the Commercial
club from all parts qt the United State
and even abroad, for copies ot The Bee's
tornado booklet. 'Omaha Destroyed In
a Night Rebuilt in a Day." The club
choice of any
Man's Fancv
J) In Our Immense Stock all
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Finest clothes Included: best quality:
best styles; choicest fabrics that tho
market affords; all new fresh goods
boucl.t for spring and summer. 191S.
$18.00. . ,
On nn
- " nn a, f ,
enrr r.rv . ,
ilMl.UII. .
30.00. . ,
'8.15.00. . ,
J6.00 Children's Suits, all sizes.
milkers' samples , 82.60
6 oo and J7.C0 Children's Suits,
nil sites, makers' samples
at . 93 AO
351 DBcouni
On Any Man's Straw or
Panama &at in Oiir Stock
$10.00 Panamas $6.75
$5.00 Panamas $3.35
$4.00 Panamas $2.65
$3.00 Straws $2.00
.$1.50 Straws $1.00
50c Straws 35c
' "Etc.. Etc'.
$1.00 and $1.50 Union Suits
athletic, flno nainsook or lisle,
at 69Vi and 49b
Men's Qalbtiggnn Undenvfltu -shirts
Or drawers, 50c to $1.00
values; ot..25, 35, 45,
Iiigfitwelght Wool Underwear
shirts or drawers, very special
values S1.50 and 98b
$2.50 and $3.00 Auto Gloves, In
black or tan, at 151.45
$1.00, jajtd, $l,25f .Nightshirts, all J
sizes, cnoico. ana 49b
Nightshirts and Pajamas, up to
$2.50 values, S1.45 and 98b
$1:25 Pajamas at -49b
Firemen's Uniform Shirts, tho
popular Signal brand, now
stock, now on sale,
Special Grocery Sale
xs.E3n racTTs And veoetabiiEs
6 bunches fresh Radishes or Onions
'or so
4 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or
Turnips 60
4 Heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 60
5 neads -fresh Head Lettuce So
Fresh Feas, quart 60
t bunches fresh Parsley 60
New Potatoes, lb........ 3U0
.2 large Or ten Peppers , Bo
Fresh Wax or Green Beans. lb...7o
New Cal-bage, per head ... Co
3 large Cucumbers for...,., 100
Fancy Rlp- Tomatoes, lb 7Wo
Large baskets Blue or Red Plums 45o
Large bni-kcts fancy Apricots.. . ,48c
Hood. River Strawberries, box.,.15o
Anything you want In IVult or
Vajf tables, wo liars It.
Saturday Specials In Meat
9 lbs. best leaf lard 81.00
No. 1 hindquarters first quality mut
ton, lb , lSHe
'No. 1 forequartera first quality mut
ton, lb. , 80
No. 1 mutton atew. first quality, lb., '
, at j. Bo
No.' 1 whole pork shoulder, lb. HV4o
No. 1 regular Rex hams, lb. ..loo
N01 1 Tegular picnic hams, lb.' , .14o
No. 1 breakfast bacon, lb. 85c, 83o
Good breakfast bacon, lb. . .lBo, aoo
Fresh dressed chickens at whole
sale Saturday.
has a good supply pf the booklets, -which
are sent out when information regarding
the effect of the tornado is asked. The
stock, however, is rapidly depleting.
Outing for Hewsboys Arthur L.
Palmer of Louisville, Neb., who gradu-,
nted this yeor from the Harvard Law
school, has taken charge of Camp Hale,
on Squam lake. New Hampshire, where
seventy-five nowsboys of Boston oro be
ing given a summer outing. He has done
much work in the lost few years at
Hale house. In Boston, an establishment
noted among settlement worker, which
was founded by Edward Everett Hale.
Mrs. Annie Vlo Dates Visiting- Kara
Mrs. Annlp VJo Gates, who has achieved
distinction as one ot Nebraska's womeu
journalltts, has let It be known that sh
has given up her connection with the
Blair Tribune, which she has heretofore
been managing. Mrs. Gates Is vlsjtlng
in Omaha, this time on a vacation, and
expects to get back Into Journalistic fir
literary work when., a proper opening
Batlroad Promoter Sir Captain
William Patterson of San Francisco,
who has been starting some unterurbau
railroads In Oklahoma, Is in the city Jn
the Interests pf those roads. He has been
jn session with some of the Ipeal capital
ists. Surveys have been completed of
the new toad and right-of-way secured
and the captain says, he expects o have
the dirt flying eooA. He Is stopping at
the Loyal. ;
Key to the 81tuatlon-Be Advertising-
Tremendous Stock of Dainty Summer Dresses
Nearly 5,000 oft them made to sell at $fii9J)98Jft95
$5.00 up to $15, on sale in three lots " &r
LOT 1 Pretty Summer
Dresses in ginghams,
lawns, percales, chnm
brays and fancies, all col
ors and sizes for ladies,
missoB and juniors, made
to sell up to $5.00, at
1,000 Beautiful Summer
Waists, in fine lawns, linger
ies and marquisettes, lace
insertion and embroidery
trimmed, choice designs,
$2.50 and $3.00 values, 95 C
Children's Summer Dresses,
pretty styles 4ind fabrics
regular values to 50c, all
sizes 1 to 6 years, on sale,
choice 19 C
Dressing Sacques
at Half
$1.00 values ...50c
$1.50 values . . .75c
$2.00 values, $1.00
$2.50 valAes, $1.25
$3.00 values. $1.50
Specials in
Domestic Room
Lonsdale Muslin, 36 Inches wide, lOo
Huck or Turktsh Towels, eood slw
and weight, 12 Mo values . . . -10b
Bleached Tablo Damask, 58 Inches
wide, assorted patterns, 50o values
for S9b
Lawns, pretty patterns, 10c value 5
White Crepe or PUeso Cloth for un
derwear, 15c values ...... . -10b
Clearance Sale Bed
Spreads Saturday
Imported . Marseilles Bod Spreads
scalloped, extra sire, worth $7.60
Saturday S5.00
Cut cornered, Bcallopcd, full size
Bed Spreads, $4.00 regularly; Sat
urday, each . . , : $2.75
Fringed and hemmed Bed SpreadB,
extra value, assorted, $2.00 values,
e&ch SI. 50
I Saturday Stioe Sale i
At Pre-lnventory Sale Prices which
mean a big saving to you.
Men's Shoes, values up to $3.00 and
$3.50, in this sale $1.98
"Women's Oxfords, Pumps and Shoes,
values up to $4.00, sale price . .$1.98
Barefoot Sandals 50c
Try HAYDEN'S First
Only Neoenary to Swear They Were
Born in This Country.
While Many Men Who Are Now Good
Cltlsena Have Breu Disfranchised
the Chlnaiuun Gets Uml?r
the Wire Easily.
Although scores of honorable men of
foreign ancestry In Omaha, many of
them substantial businessmen, have been
disfranchised by strict provisions In re
gard to proof of citizenship of tho so
called BoitHIon system of rr glsterlns
voters, a Chinaman may register and
vote by merely swearing that he was
born in the United States.
The election commissioner has declared
that he would accept the affidavit of a
Chinaman that he was born in this coun
try and is a citizen without further proof.
A Chinaman born elsewhere can neither
be naturalized nor vote.
Men born in Great Britain, Germany.
Italy. Scandinavia or any of the pther
countries from which the United Statoi
has derived a large portion of Its best
citizenship have not been allowed to reg
ister on their own first naturalization
papers or tbelr father's second papers,
without producing In "blank and white,"
Two Chinamen who claim to have been
LOT 3 A remarkably beautiful assortment
of Summer Dresses, in silk eolines and foul
ards, fine marquisettes, embroidered rat
etc., come in colors and white,
made to sell at $10.00 to
$15.00, all in one big lot
Pre-lnventory Clearance
Snaps For Saturday
Ribbon Clearance
Plain Taffeta Blbbons, regular 2b
to 26c yard values, on sale at
lo, so, 4Uo, 7lo, 100 ana ....lBHo
rancy Silk Slbbotw, regular ISc to
l yard values, on sale, yard
at lso, 8o, rata ana Mo
Hash Ribbons that sold at SL26 to
$1.75 yard, In two Jots ..7to onft So
Xiadles1 Ban&keTeUfs, regular val
ues from 5c to S5c Jn five lots
at . .f. aV4o, MiO. Oo. TH6 o lfo
ladles' Kcckwsar, choice pf fine lace
and Swiss embroidered col lam, col
lar and cuff sets, yokes, guimps.
Jabots, ruffs, eta, Jfc to J1.T5 val
ues, at 190, 85o, 4e, 80
STovelty Fleatlnga In the very newest
designs, 25c to fiOo values
yard IDs, 19o nd '350
83.00 Wash Patterns 75o Beautifully
hand embroidered on fine voile and
marquisette cloUis. patterns made
to sell to 13.00, choice fba
ladles' Hand Sags, values, from 60c
up to 13.50, special bargains Satur
day at 35o, 4o. BSa, S1.8S ana LS
32.00 Thermos Bottles at .88e
10c Soniury Drinking Cups Bo
25c Shoe Lasts, pnlr ..lOo
35c Shopping Bags, at ..Me
Misses' and Child's Slippers and Shoos,
at $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00
"Women's "White ShoeB, $2.50 value
at , $1.50
White Nubuck Shoes for women, high r low
heels, $4.00 and $3.E0 values $2,50
For this hot weather wear CJItOVER shoes
ior tender feet and get that ABSOLUTE COM
FORT which this shoo will give you.
born In California, registered Saturday.
The question was put to the election com
mlssloner as to whether they were quail
fled voters, Mr, Moorhcad held that they
were, but afterward -was Inclined 4 to
change his mind. John M. Gurnett of St
Louts, federal Immigration agent, who
was in Omaha, Issued a statement that
the election commissioner had no option
in the matter that Chinamen or Japanese
who could provo they were born in the
United States roust be allowed to voto
under tho constitution, but that the gov
ernment was not concerned with regard
to the proof required of them.
Motorcycle Officers Emery and Wheeler
arrested four speeding autolsts yesterday
morning. Each pleaded guilty and- was
fined 110 and costs. Those who were
flntd were: U. Conlon, 1027 South Twenty
sixth street; Charles Storz, 1901 Wirt
street-, D. W. Cose, 4U North Twenty
fourth street; Charles Levlck. Eleventh
and Seward streets. W. C. ParpeT, E.
T. Dunn and P. B. Kloth were arrested
for having their mufflers open and dis
charged. Edward Martin was discharged
on the complaint ot running an auto
mobile without a license.
TJir Yellow Peril
J&jndlce malaria biliousness, vanish
when Dr. King's New Life Pjlls are
taken. Easy, aufe, guaranteed. (Sc. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co"-A4verUement.
LOT 2 Dainty Summer
Dresses, mndo to sell at
$7.50, como in lawns, lin
ons, lingerie, chrtllies,
gingliams and fancies, coK
ors and white, nil sizes 14
to 44, choice
300 Beautiful Sample
Dresses, clevor distinctive
designs, made to sell nt $25
and $35, choice, ...$14.95
Children's Summer Dresses,
inado to soil nt $1.50 and $2,
most wanted fabrics in all
sizes 4 to 14 years, your
choico .79c
Summer Coats
Pretty Linen Coats,
in long and medium
length, $7-50 to $10
values, in one lot, go
on sale at, your
choico $5.00
Why Pay More lor Vour Drugs,
Toilet Goods and Drug Sun
dries? Extra Special
Sale for Saturday.
Two bars of Williams' shaving soap,
special do
All brands of 10c and 15c talcum pow
der go at So
91 bottle of guaranteed pure hydrogen
peroxide for ..8o
25c elre Hires root bear extract, makes
S ealloiB, for 1&H0
lOo Shlnota, shoe polish, epeclal . ,,.8o
10c and 16c a bar toilet soaps, assorted
standard brands, including Palm Olive
and Jap Hose, at 3 bars for 1(4
60c Btillmnn'a freckle troam or Sempra
Govlne for ... ..........Mo
60c Java lllce r Poxxonl's face powder
for ......... . tfto
60c slut bottle of pure bay rum, about
'It ounces, for 19o
SOo site toilet waters, all bdors, go
at ..3to
91 box La Trefle or Aiura face ponder
for 7J50
11 worth. 1 ounce of Asurea or La
Trefle perfume 88o
2(o Wie uromo Seltter or Hal Hepntlca
for IBa
One liundrcd Dr. llinkle's cascara tab
lets for ,...,,8Ce
60c else van sodium phosphate for 85o
76c rubber sloves, at the pair ...... 80o
11.60 genuine Ideal hair brushes at 7Sa
11 fountain oyringes or hot water bot
tlea for
75c and II bathing caps all go at ..60o
Only 157 Tornado-Wrecked Homes
Yet Out of Repar.
Has Acted Upon Slzty.geven Mora
Cases, Lravlngr Onr fflnety Yet
lo Be Given Assistance
fn Itebnlldlnsr.
One hundred and nine days hav now
elapsed since the Easter tornado cut Its
devastating path through Omaha, yet
to go over the stricken area today the
destruction wrought would hardly be
conceivable. Out of the 1,200 homes dam
aged, only Ml still remain out of repair
and sixty-seven of these will be under
reconstruction within a week. That will
leave Just ninety more for th reconstruc
tion committee to act upon, many of
which are being financed by building and
loan companies and as the details of
mortgages are worked out and decided
upon, they win also be stricken from
the Inactive list.
The percentage of homts that wjl)
never be rebuilt dwindles down to an
incontlderable figure. Several cases have
been noted where property owners next
door have purchased the lot of a neighbor
who did not care to rebuild. But In prac
tically every instants wutre rebuilding
$5.00 Panamas, $3.98
Your choice Saturday
Panamas bur own importations. Como in tho best
Panama blocks.
Coque Breasts, $1.44
The proper mid-summer trimming, 27 dnohes, long
white, pink and light hluo.
American Beauty Roses, tOo
Values to 75c; ono, two and ithreo an a spray with
buds and foilago.
Great Special Purchase! Men's, Women fx CHiJirxti's
Women's Furnishings ni Underwear
Dainty skirts, Oowtjb &S Ctm
blnattea Suits, fine laee and
embroidery trima, to
.sell np to $4.00; your choice
at ........ ....... SX.M$
PrtucaM SUM. ffklrlc, Oivm h&
Combination Salt, value te
IS.66, beairtifHTly trlM
t jlg ws 1,45
Gowns, BVlrt7Trlnce 81ip ami
Cosabltimttem Salts, m4 to
ta 2.00: your chBtoe Wl
Marclla Drawers. Canst Cevera.
Gown and Combination Bultt,
tnaeeto eeii at; Baturcay
t 4
Italian Bilk Vest, made to awll
to $8.60, pink or -white, beauti
fully embroidered,
at .Ht.tirS ai S1.45
Ladle' TilIe yents, laco trimmed
regular values to GOo; on sale
at, each .IfteS
Child ren'a Mtuita ThbXb, "looa
trimmed, 26c values, in Satur
day's p&lo at JO And SlS14
Clilldren'B 'Mntlin CJowns, tace
and embroidery trlmaefi, very
epeclal values at , .40j
Special Sale
Electric Iron ake the Ireslas a
pleasure Instead of torture thte
hot -weather. Only the bottom
of the Iron It heated and the
heat of a stove is llaateL
WilUama JEleeU-Jc Xreac) ayeclal
We Are eHstritmtet ef vrtmeti
Om Tress.
Medium size, heavy Kalranlsea
tuba 49
Large size heavy galvanised tuba
for....... ............504
Largest heavy f&lvnauMdl tub
Any silo heavy galvanised wmb
boiler, with etotlonery wood
handles, heavy cover
unerry K toners Kollman pattern.
at ........ .....
Enterprise pattern
In Fruit Cans,
1 quart Index top Tin
per doxen 20
will not take place it has feaen because
the owner so selected.
Work Is Tboroaff'.
The work of the restoration COrn
jntttee bas been thorough ana, neces
sarily, therefore, stop by step. The men
who Jnav given their time and patleno
tb help out thok in need have worked
with an Impersonal Interest and ths re
sult has been one of the most remarkabla
rejuvenations that any storro-ravaffei
area ever experienced.
It Is history now the way Tom. Dick
and Harry threw aside alt individual
selfishness and went to the aid of each
other, but the memory ot the occasion
will live on and on throughout the
generation. Omaha's recoVery from a
calamity that aroused the sympathy tt
the world, has been truly American,
truly characteristic of a now nation
blended'by the beat qualities of tha best
races en earth.
Diarrhoea. Qulcbly Cored,
'T was taken with dburbota and Mr.
Yorbs, the merchant bore, persuaded aa
to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cotle.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. After
taking one doss of it I was cured. It
also cured others that X gave It to," writes
M. K Gebhart Oriole. Pi. That is not
at all unusual. An ordinary attack ot
diarrhoea can almost Invariably be cured
by one or two doses of this remedy. Tpt
sol by all drugtUta, Advertlstment.
The Perplstrnt and Judicious Us t
Newspaper AdrettUfug Is the Road to
Business Success.
Hot Weather Wear
WMie Chip
Shapes, 69c
Twelve new, up-to-the-minute
' sliapeB, five-end
chips, elastic finish, $i;5Q.
of our regular 1&5.00 Trofdity !j
Onyx Brand Hosiery
Jino lislos, mercerized and silkl
Maok, t&m, 'white and nil j
coIdtb all pexfoct goods,
nearly 1,000 dozen in tlio lot;
mad to-sell at 125c np lbi$lib0 iii
pair; all.Sn 3 big lota HhnrSdayt,
X' WSk Hh, 41X0 tsraari-
ties, in Kayeer or mvon,,. spe
cial In BzXKraay'a smie &t.rttK
ChlMren's Ltole Union Sit 4
-qrwrih '7?c; w Oo at. . k
Phoenix Silk Beet Hoae, .every.
pwr meraHteefl iwrtect, eacee-.
TaJRefl-Kfj te Sc; a vale fcatiiT-
Oar Mitt Srwfte Brobago c m&;
rasvlof irtc jk S7-S0, all oo).
Ml0O H. O. Corscte, broken
seed jstyJee; on aalC Satar-
ay t ........f4J
Boiled Ocweta, Valaos to .00.
ytrar tholeo -Saturday, 1 &i
tUt 11.00 valu.
16-button length, 8n whit. Mack
nd poiiffs, 11 slaee; m vole a
acayat? llt tora, guaranteed ln
r tips, tonYbroltlery top und
toarr $iaek. beat valneo tor jiale
t jalr.,.-;.....LOO eaaij3
OhamoipttB Oflovetij nil colors, i-tjk
button length, pair ,8Qo
Electric Irons
Any also narHweed green crees
door Bftj
Any else luariweod fan,ey tie
finish 4eer Mi fMH
AQjuetaoie Qcreens. up Zrpat
Must Diepose ot Our "En fire
IlemalBlss Steele to Make Hoom
te 3'all Goods.
Any s-tade mower In tho hoase;
worth up to .... '.2Ltf
Any 4-blade ball oearlnjr.lgh
wheel -mower, worth to $S.?r
Any size S-hladn "Ch
Mower, yorth to D.50, ;i.f;O
Warrahtea ItutTber Hose, &
mow YOU F
Mads strong and
wen 1n a few days
without surgical
operatlos or less of
time. Our work Is
guaranteed, call or
writ for particulars.
Drs. Wroy Math
ny. W Bee Vldg,