THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913. For Tomorrow, SATURDAY LONG SILK GLOVE SALE 89c A PAIR Jnst 250 pnirs of -these long, white, Silk Gloves left. It will be yout Inst clianoo - to purchase this Qxcollcnt quality of white silk glove with Paris point embroidery; worth $1.25, for 89o a pair. WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR ' Women's Gauze Vests, low neck, sleeveless 12o Women's Gauze Lisle Vests, plain or fancy top; . 3Bo Women's Gnuzo Union Suits, low neok, knee length, a nice garmont , S5o Children's Fine Bibbed Gauze Union Suits, all aizes 000 ThMnmHtieiii HOWARD SERYIA WILUMjAKE WAR Hoitilltisi Agsintt Bulgaria Will Be Proclaimed at Uikup, HXJtCX HOHTDCQ COITIinJES Official Re-eH from Hath Si Tell t SrM( Yhsterle T- Men KlKert an LONJoVi July 1-War l ts fee e claret r by Servla acalnet afciWarW t tfrtutS fCHp wWfhrC r- change Telegraph company, xna premier Will state that r'vU na beth 'Ptf voked h' Bulgaria to declare war. Accounts of the fighting; between the former Balkan alile In Macedonia corn ing from the vartou capital of the ma tiena concerned are confllctlnjr. The 8er vtans and dreeka are issu'lny' reports of the defeat of the Bulgarian troops, white the latter t&te juat a emphatically that they are Kdranclns toward Balohtkl, which !e in possession of tho Qreeka nd st the same time asatnst the Servian along the whol line. Hn!art"na TtTtc Defrated. BEIX3RADE, Bnrta. July 8, 8rvtn reports of the fluhttn on Tuwday be twrtn the Duifurldn and Servian armlts etate that the Bulgarians abandoned ceverat entire b(ittc'ris of te& guns, many rtflts and much ammunition. One thousand Bulgarian prisoners are Kl to have been taken by the (Servians, ho declare that tho Bulgarian iot MS dead and wounded. VIetmry ter the Greeks. tAIX)NIKT, July i-Th battle between the Greek and Bulgarian troops, which hegmn on AVednnsd'ay, resulted In a com t'ttta victory for the Greeks, eccordtnr itti otfictal reports. The Oretk artillery V . 1 . J . I Bucnvvt um -ouisanan (una una inb Greek infantry then pierced the Bui arian lines at PftUdll. The Dulrarlan troops were eventually driven away from the plain of Kllklth, Thaasaada Killed and Woanded. "GENEVA, Swltxtrland, July 8.-.Tho casualties during the fighting in Mace, between the Servians and n gtrtans and the Greeks and Bulgarians have been much heavier than the pup. lUhed figures would, indicate, according U the Bervlan Red Cross society. Th6 society telegraphed today to the Sw4 Bed Cross soelety Akng . It to 1ejl doctors to the scene of fighting. Tlia Message stated -that 3,000 wounded had been already brought from the front and that fighting continued. Uuljrnra OlAfnt Vtotory, SOFIA. Bulgaria, July J.-The authori ties here absolutely denied all statements received In 'Belgrade as to the success of Servian troop. An official statement sent out today r the Betgart&n troops repulsed the Bervtans and captured numbe? ot villages pn the, banks of tbe Zlatnevirtta riyer In Macedonia. ' After ward Ardera were given to the Bulgariwis to fti fire and they returned to tnelr formtr olt!ons. The Servians are said to have suffered heavy iossta, HYMENEAL Brraefc-Mnralne. HUIMW. S. D.,- Jul l-Spcial.)-Al. torney Jame hymts ,and Ml ilary O. Mumine. both of this elty, wr united in rriare this morning by Father Dee. od of St Martin's Catholic church. Mr, Br men U a., member of the law firm of C A. Kelley ie James Byrne, and Js been engaged in practice here for oe year. Miss MuraJne was county superintendent of -aehoele at the time ot her jnarrijtjge. They will make their two here. DEATH JREC0HD Vew Xarr K. Croaae. FpftT tXHXW, Jr.. JhV i-ppetal 1lttm.h-M. Mr . Cmm, a rwt Meai f Iowa fat(Mvt re, ts deaa mt her liewe )t CMm 8he leaves her biMbana aad k eMMren. Mrs. a Crouse wabora or a Hum wur Wlw4r m w am. Children's Rompers Children's Rompers, white and colors, 2 to 6 years, 50c, 60c, 85c, 51.00 and $1.50. Children's Colored Dresses with Bloomers; tan or blue, low 'nock, short sleoves, $1.25. On lot of light percale Dresses with Bloomers, 2 to. 6 years; ?egi Inr $1.50 quality, 98b. Third Floor. AND SIXTEENTH TfREET Roosevelt Speaks for Industrial and Social Jjuatiqe NEWPORT, TV X., July l-r-Tha demand made in. the first national platform of the progreeeive party for regulation of corporations and combination's to "insure their doing justico to their rivals, to their customers And to their employee" has been emphasised. Theodore rtooieVplt de flared yesterday Afternoon at the clsm. whjch opened the national confer ence of the progressive party, by what has iHourre .aUc. election lrt..tho ffin( -Vlfgitila bltumirto- coal fieidB. -t velt pointed to the progressive platform upon which he ran for the Dresldency latr fall as a document which upholders ef eooiai ana industrial justice In the lutura will recognize an pne of .the' erwit flpcu tnents of American political history. Front it he cited two demands the first that the national government undertake on a glguntlo scale the work ot harness Intr the flood waefa of the Ohio and Mltslsiitpp! rlvcrs.'uslng for that purpose tho outfit that has been used in the con. eiructlon of the Panama canal. The sec ond demand, already . referred to, Colonel noosevelt dwelt upon at comlderable lengths He cu'ottd trohi court decisions and declared that he wished he oould make ,th mn of. property understand that in fignting tuch dedsiona and such conditions as in West Virginia he was. lighting ajrath aharcljy n favor ot law! and order and for property. "The utter futility ofIn plan of actlpn, or rather non-action, advocated in l)ot!i the republican and democratlo platforms last year, and christened by president fWlleon with magniloquent -vaguenM Tfid New Freedom,' has been strikingly shown by what has thUs'occUl-red (n West Virginia," Colonel Roosevalt declared. The. New .Freedom' Is nothing what ever but the right ct the strong to prey on the weak, ot the big men. to crush the little men and to shield their Ipiqulty beneath the cry that they are exercising freodonl. "There Is but one way to interfere with freedom to inflict slavery on others, and that Is by invoking the supervisory, tho regulatory, the controlling and directing pofer cf the government pfftjeisely as the progressive last year demanded in their platform and as X and others Ufce. tae de manded In our speeches." Denison Banker Gets Black Hand Letter DBNI80N. IsS. JuTv !LflnclnU George Neave, vice president of the Crawford County state bank, ta (n re ceipt of two letters demanding that he leave the sum Of 13S6 under a tree tiwft tnlles. east of this city, He communicated tne nemana to the local authorities ami the postoffice detectives. He visited- tho place, leaving a nackaare of and the sheriff and others made a close watch, but to no avail. Mr. Neave wiw o much wrought up over the matter tht he had officers ceretd at his home, fearing nn attack. A postal Inspector wsa here yesterday and believes he naa information which will catch the lettor writer REMAINS OF MAN LOST - 4 FIFTEEN YEARS AGO FOUND VAMJEZ, Alaska, July t-parta ot a human skeleton, found four da Valdes glacier within eight mile of this the body ot Dr. txgan, a vhyslclan who was lost in a storm on- th uUcler In the winter ot 1eM-'9, A watch, letters and a diary found with the bone Indicate that they are those of the lost physician. When scurvy attacked the prospectors In the Upper Copper river, early in 143, Dr Loan went over the snow trail into the Interior to administer to the suffer, era asd while assisting them .to come out to the coast, perished In a great stsrm, which swept the glacier, over which the party was erosMng. twU!enV lAdyertHJng Is the Road to IH4 Jtnturjja ' Daintv, Cool Summer Dresses Dresses whose evorj' trimming and line suggest coolness and comfort. $4175 $5.50 $6.75 $9.50 .Saturday All our high grade WASH . NECKWEAR will be sold Saturday. $35c, 3 for $1 A complete range of colors GUN TOTING MR THE BAN Even ?olice Offloeri May Not Carry Weapons Today. DAYHGXT, $moi LAW, ALSO Oremtk WttI tint trmm Friday Ntht Until HatarWir Mvralnsr Ne-rf IskVaafmeNi. OemBnr Act Aiea yjffeetiTe. ,,(rfe a Waif Correspondent) DK3 MOINES, la,, July .-&pec!al Telegram.)Even the police officers and 'iMl.bfl'UftwbioM-etally 'tit cljm'rmvnfrmi ki. ill provide e..j?lank.fp.r;, ga joj. Tho new IdwrortMrlt carrylrlg concealed iveani;ex'W!t by. persons having; per rlt from' sherlir or chief of polios. , . A no- blanks have yet' been- provided for the permits, none has bean Issued and anyone found with a wtwtlvr . morrow, oven a peace officer, will be suDject to prosecution. Neither may any store sell any weapon fdr the same reason- . One of the most important new lawa la that providing for daylight saloons. Under this- law the tlwta fflntlAt Mian until 7 o'clock in the morning and must ciose at o ciocit in. tne evening. Saloons' may not open on holidays, hence' there will be a. drouth' from 10 n'rWW (nnivkt iintll 7 a. m. Saturday, The most Important laws which en intA effect this week provide: ror daylight saloons. For mlllsge, tax -yielding t,ee0,) fpr extension and Improvement of capltol grounds. For pensions' for widowed mothers with children under 14 years ot age. Far regulation ot investment com panics, - For the sanitation of grocery stored and all places whert foods Vre made o? sold. For workmen's compensation and fix ing employer' llsblllty. For the arbitration of disputes between capital Rnd labor. For the working of certain prisoners on the highways and public works In the slate. For executive council m&klng investl. gatlon ot properties to determine value tor assessment purposes. For. state examination of county records. For nonpartisan Judiciary, ceietratotf by primary lection, I CrosjilnKi whera neceusry. I Vim. halt v a. A . vi anil ius iiTv j ?.: or I rvt fi r-ri irv ant a 9 inaltintUMa Ik. board of heftltU, ror reort5&nis&t!on of tht bord of health. opathy at the state unlvsrslty. j-uj- uwiu in Hwry or siaie oinciais. For establishing rules ot the road tor uuwinuuua immu 01 mo Utt. BURGLARS LOCK SAFE FOR FORT DQDGE GROCER FOIIT DODQE. Is... Julv Riulnl - Although the safA In the Cpnway gro rery. wa lert uniocKea last night, bur Slurs were unable to procure any ot th money deposited there because' they locked It when trying to open It. The proprietor of the store remembered after he Went to bed that ha hurt fnrffnn ir. lock the sate. The Incident gave him mucn worry au night, and he hurries to the (tore in the moraine to see it all was discovered a window screen aiyl glass nan neen broken and entrance ys the store had been nulned in this viv. 11 found the till of the cash drawer which he had emptied, open. Hurrying to the wuo nc no una u locxea wnen ne opened it the money was intact. Th htirrinm had begun to fool with the lock, thinking Is. . a a a i 1 k n 100HC0, ana ipereoy oiCKea it, They were then unuccesful in finding tho combination. mt Celebration tn Malvern, MALVERN. Ja,, July l.-Speclal.)-Eugene Hetle will make two or more flights tomorrow n a Beachy 'military; biplane at the Independence day celebra tion at Mills county fair grounds, .Af rangementa have alio been made for two ball game, several motorcycle race and a large number of other free atimntioMa. A. band concert and free moving "pic tures at nignt win top oft on. ot th most extensive celebrations ever held In the state. Special I FINISH FRANfiHISR RRCTION.nsw assistant at the -com Charter Workers Through with One Portion of Their, Labors. HX BATES ON WATER AND OAS ChnrRea Provided for Are Belotr the Minimum Jtorr Exacted br Vnter Donrd and the Lighting Companies. What the Charter Writer Franehlc rh.m.r Knni.i adopted. ' v .". otion jo reconsider section calling spe elal election .to till yacanctee. whlcn at- city comptroller, tailed by vote of to 7. rictty fixed At 26 cents perl.COO gallon. fi j'or.j.wv cuDig anu u coma per hlownf, reapcctivtly. AWenflment adopted to franchise sec won Rivlngr tna.1 carrier, poJccman, hJttlH tiffin Art Art A nrrt.M lVt m cMt v v wii jtfi.tcv wai ntma uu uui Convention adjourned to Monday after noon at 'i o'clock. With at least twenty amendments ofi fored and rejected, and'wlth ideas as to details widely diverging, tho home rub charter writers wotfnd up a three-hour session yesterday afternoon by adopting the franchise section of the Charter iprac tlcally as it came from the general com mlttee ot five. Fourteen amendments ot the twenty originally proposed by the Economic league met with a persistent volley of 'noes" and were alt defeated. Secretary Dan Horrigan, steady under the aucces- Ive defeats, read on until the last amend ment was finished. Some of the ideas advanced by the Economic league had been embodied in the charter. This franchise chapter of. the charter prpvldes fpr a teny-oRe-year franchise, ten.year contracts' with resrara to rates arid fixes maximum rates. below tho ex isting mlnlmumhargei.,Giu!, electricity find water chargea ehall not under this chapter exceed the following: . water. SS cents car 1.000 eallons! jra. tl per 1,600 cubic fcot; electrlcljy, li cent per kllowat. , An amendment offered by Chairman Victor Bosewater providing that the street car company carry policemen, firemen, mall carriers and health officers free to and- from their homes, while on duty, met with the unanimous approval of the con vention. - (senator uonn iieagan Biartea tne mtetlhB with a motion, to reconsider the Section which calls a special election to flU vacancies within sixty days after the Adoption ot the charter. Health Com- rntssloner R. V. Connvll and City Camp trailer C. B. McDonald are affected. The Motion lost Lobbying; oY No Aval). Prior to the convention Considerable .lobbying wa done by tho E. Holovtclilner and. ft.' W. Connelt factions and the lat ter declared thur motion to Teconoidor would carry with a tfote, '10 to B. ' ti was lost by a vote Ot 8 to 7. Chairman It os a water, Fairfield, Bennett. Horrigan, McCaffrey, Reagan and Shamp voted in the minority. .. Connelt wee fighting, through his sup porters; to continue-his term ot office i n tj 1 it closes, two years hence. Hole--vtchlner'a friends sought to oust Con r4H at the earlltfit date. The tuf gestldns 'oh amending the fran chiee chapter Itattedtwtth Fairfield; who Bejved to striker ottt- 'the reference to axImiJW rMWantf .substitute' 'reaon- abla ratse"' tbercf or.'--The defeatiof. .tho" 'same wa nearly unnnlmou. . Jlarry -Hockett movadi ta amend-thi; same Bubatltutins-.S5 -cents for ti ijas. This -Was voted -down.- Ha moved to substitute 7 cents tor It cents in the electricity rate. This, too. went down. Undeterred, Haehett rose for. his hard est battle, He asked that the maximum water rate be reduced to 12 cents per 1.003 gallon and made uniform. Shamp stood with hihi in this fight. Wnnt'Htm AoVrcr ilateir. ; "Why should there not be-a universal ratot" Inquired HocKett. "It has b6en demonstrated that 'the Water board can furnish water at a profltlo big consumers at 12 cents ami they ought to be com pelled to supply the little fellow- with th9 same service at the name price. The present rate I outrageous. Their mini mum Charge ia outrageous." " "It ceuainl yls," eald Shamp, "and wVen the people wak"up to the fact that If? the "Water board's fautt they Will1 elect a different set at mon. We are charging ourselves more for water' than the old water company would " Tmve charged " Even W. J. Klerstead stood with Hack. tt and strongly urged tti universal uni form rate. The amendment,' -however, waa lost. ' Reagan declared the general committee' had "just guessed' at the maximum rates' ana Jotted' them down. Chairman Itoiiewater took exception to the' statement .and said' Je' for Jnno' made a -thorouRh Investigation and some -other member brVfc'e general committee had ,done-ltke,we . -Metcalte- '6t?4' .ra.siit thrnifgh ' for Hackett'a 7!ent .electricity and Jp-Cn gas, but bis "pmgreslvu" ,ltne o.f talk stopped when Hackett urged .the unl- wers'at water rate, . and, back-pedalling, he voted against If- . UralnK 7-snt electricity. Hackett said he was certain the electric light company could at n profit, at that rate. . "Yes, at 6 cents," Rhouted Shamp. "We are not denying that." said Chair man Ilosewater. "It may bo true, but what we want is to fix a rate we can get and one that will reduce the nost of gas, electricity and water. We know U cents la not confiscatory and that a maximum rate of U cents will stand. The council will etlll have power, to contract 'for lower rates." Pcrstatent Advertising Ttoad to nig lUturn. , Swift's Profits Fifteen Per Cent Upon Its Capital BOSTON. July 8. (Special Telegrams Swift & company are showing some gain la gross sates over last , year when thfc aggregate topped the. J300,aw,COO mark for the first time in the company's history. For the first three-quarters ot the year ended yesterday, net profits have been running at the rate of 14 per cent oh its T75,000,o stock, or from It 000.05) to M.GG0,OQ larger than during the twelve, months to September 30. )ll .Qaln in gross sales so far this year baa been due largely to enlarged sales of by. products, specialties and to higher price. In actual pounds of beef, pork end other food products, it is probable that this year will tall 15 to 10 per cent behind last year. Beef sales will certainly show a decrease ot fully that amount The poultry department, however, ts ahead IsaaaBWaaBKrHpBI 'LaK aaaaaaaaaaam. ' f;itk W. A. ELLIS. He Succeeds Ward Qlfford as Assistant to Commissioner Guild. CITY RUNHINGJCE PLANTS Seven Faotories Seized by Cincinnati Board-of Health. . STRIKERS PLACED IN CHARGE fllea Ordered Back by Union otflclale Vnder nn Affre'ment with the Mayor Compnnr Scelta Injnnotton. CINCINNATI. ice plants aelced yesterday- by order q -.or onry x. Hunt were being oper ated today by the Bpard of Health in an effort o relieve the suffering caused by the atrlkn nt .itiHn.... i . and helpers. The plants are' in chars- of striking englneera and firemen who were Ordered w mum 10 worx ny union officials under nn agreement ,mnde with the mayor. 'No-ice was mnii" k... it is Expected that a limited quantity will ,v uui iuni(iiii op tomorrow and that It will be sold to the public. It Is no the Intontlon t6 deliver Ice, but any one can oDiain t ny applying at the plat forms of the Ice companies or at the fire nouses. The Cincinnati Ice comnnnv fr.i .n plied to Judge Spiegel In common plea court for nh Injunction1 to retin th city "from trespassing further on the property 01. the company," PLANS FORTOURTH- OF ' JULY Continued frbm Page One.) low n fireworks to be exploded which can-Jnjjany way injure of destroy prop erty. 2 For the Older nersnnx. 4hn hnv ru,A the daV' of, firecrackers, capa, canes and, nigger cnasers." tnero will he plenty of amusement and entertainment. At tttol various theaters In Omaha mil w4x-fKt-!i.-.ViVt;:i. ill 'L.i as also has the Hipp, Empress and other jnvuun 1'iciure nurses. , ; The parka -arc all In splendid, condition fqr picnics. Concerts wit be given at Krug and Manawfi "barks. - Danelnir ami all other features such as abound In amusement parks wilt be taxed to the limit At HdnbCom tfark, Oeorge Green Will Jtlve a-condert In th nftimnnn Fnr'th. 1nl..r n ball manaEement hh t-ranc-.i ,wn ,.tr games, both with Josh Clarke's fcloux City inaians. Tne first game will be played in the mornintf at IOjSO o'clock 'and the pec ond at S In the afternoon. Folhvwlnc- th. afternoon game th drill team ot the wonyer kiks, stopping over- en route to ino nauqnai rounion at Rochester, wjll give an exhibition. The thrown open to. the 'ptfblic to witness the drill. - - - At the Carter Lake clUb, Seymour s-vuiivu uiuug mowing association ana xoung Men's Christian association park will be given aquatic prorrams. The city tennis tournamant turn y.i .u- Omaha Field club at 10; o'clock in the morning. A Jaok.rabblt shoot will be held all day long at the Omaha Qun club's grounds. Just east ot the Douglas street bridge, r, u ""iT for Chliarea. Ferhapsthe biggest celebration of the day will be at the Prairie park associa tion. The program will burin t irt nvii. with a parade for the children. Following wju come a cniidren's fancy drees drill and then the tennis championship .bivuvo. m men r e uigies and doubles. At 1 o'clock a. band concert will begin In the pavilion. From 1: until 4:M will b races, tennis matcher and general celebrating of alt kinds. . The grand historic parade will begin at o'clock with Major A, A. Wcdemeyer marshal of the day. The line ot march will be Twenty-sixth And Meredith ave. nue to Ames avenue, east to Twentieth, north to Grand avenue, west to Twenty four,, south to Ames avenue, west to Twenty-seventh, north to Fowler avenue, east to -Twenty-sixth, where it will dis band. At 7:30 o'clock In the evening a pa trlotlc address will be made by Joseph O, Cannon (some J. O. Cannon), one hour later a fireworks display will hold forth nt TWenty-flfth avenue between Fowler and Meredith avenues. The rest of the evening will be spent In dancing. FORT PODGE WILL FIGHT RAISE IN TELEPHONE RATES FORT DODGE:. Ia.. Jm iq-.. cal.)-BecaUse the Fort Dodga' Tele phone company, the only telephone service company in thj city, has in nounecd a large raise in rates effective July 1, the city council haa notified the company that it has violate rvi-itM,.. 2 passed July , 1893 which says "the price of telephone rental ahalr not ex. ceed tH a year for business and tU a year for residence telephones. The new schedule makes business service tlx. IXTS and W.S, according ta .service, and residence telephone J1.2S. LTS and according tn service, with M wr fu.n discounts if bills ate paid before the fifteenth ot the month The announce ment of the company has created greet agitation and litigation promises to be the outcome. The city already warns it w(li get a restraining order. The Peralstent en-i judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising It the oad to Business Success ' WATER BOARD BLOCKS CDT Reduction in Insurance Rates Waits on New Main, . COMMITTEE FINISHES WORK On Its Ileport Will Depend Larsrely the Insurance Itate to ue Charged -la- Omaha In Fatarc. "Until the new water main I accepted by the city and that wrangle Is .stopped, It is not likely that there wilt be a re duction in the fire Insurance rates in Omaha." eal'd' A, O. Beesoh, manager ot the-"Nebraska rate Inspection bureau, when asked about the possible reduction in fire Insurance rates In the City. - A committee ot five from the National Board of Underwriters has worked some two mbntha in Omaha making investiga tion of the fire protection facilities, the water pressure and many other phases of the make up ot Omaha in general with a view to ascertaining tilt general has ards here and the risk assumed by in surnnce companies in insuring property here. This cdmmlttee has completed Its work In the city and has gone, but IU report has not yet reached Omaha. They make their reports'' to headquarters In the east, after which the report Is seni to the bureau of rates In Omaha. They make no Recommendation with regard ta changes in rates, but the rate bureau bases any changes on the-tact Contained in tho report concerning haxards, etc, consulting at the same- time, the rules ot the national board as to when and Under just whdt 'specific circumstances' the rales may be changed. This Investigation and the report that wl come from it will be the first made here since 1907. Many insurance men are Jookjpg. for a reduction in rates to be the result ot the recent thorough Ihapectlnn of the city by the committee, while of course there' la always the possibility that a city may be eVen "penalised," in the language ot the insurance -men, that is, have tho rutea even raised after an Investigation of this kind. This only Occurs, however, where water pressure Is poor, water fa cilities bad, fire department inadequate, building ton congested, or other cohdl-. tlohs that Increase tho hazard. DAVID LAMAR DREW RESOLUTION ASKING STEEL TRUST PROBE , (Continued from Fagje One.) Bride of this city w&a treasurer and Her man Schultels, alao of Washington, was counsel. At one time the "league" de- pended on Attorney General Monett ot Ohio for legal advice, he sold. Martin declined to give names ot the league's" members because they would autfer 'the anger of tho great trus.U; who would ruin, blacklist them and se cure their discharge from employment" Martin also declined to disclose the ex psndlture ot about 150,000 by the "league" on the same grounds, Martin gavo the members of the legislative committee ot 'the ' "league" as himself. Ijockwood, Sehultels, Monett. Bride a,nd "W", B, Flem ing of Kentucky, C. J. Van Vorhls ot ia jfcjjfette rvffSSSaZJ'Day, .ot .New York JUid WL.Cwiot.Nebraska. " He cTaTmed Ifiaf Tie nadbresente3 td" tha secretary of the navy evidence of frauds in armor plate contracts arid that' he had given Information to other goverrt- msnt officials regarding violations of law by the "railroad trust, "coal, trust, ste.rt trust, harvester" trust and elevator trust' at a cost of more than $1P,0M. He claimed to have drawn many bills for tntroduo lion in congress, had helped to prepare for an investigation of the "armor trust" and wa "very active" in the preparation of resolutions for the- money and steel. trust investigations, Snrn Lovctt In Lobbyist. The committee wanted to know, what Martin knew about lobbies In Washing. ton. He declared that when Chairman t,ovett of the Union Pacific board and Paxil O. uravAtn or counsel had been to the De partment of Justice to dlsouta the Union Paclfio dissolution with Attorney GentrM McReynolds they had "lobbied" the de partment. A. C. Dinkey of the Carnegie Stoel company, Vice Preeldent Johnson of the Bethlehem Steel company and Vice President Feme of the Mtdvale Steel company had beep In Washington in March lobbying for armor plate con tracts, Martin declared. "An active part ot that lobby Is the Navy league," he added. J, V. Morgan, Jr., and Herbert Satterlea ot Morgan & Co. ho named a interested in the Navy league, Their lobbying- haa resulted in the United States paying hundreds of mil-, lions, for obsolete ships and useless ar mor," said Martin, At the close of Martin's testimony the committee took a recess until 4:30 a m.. When O.- Harold Powell ot 'the California Fruit Growers' association will be ex atnlned. Senator kejnyon's opinion Mnlaall Confirms Wfaat People FORT DODGE. Ia.. Julv S. fln.H.f Tlegram.)-8nator W. B. fcenyon de clared today that Muihall' confession simply confirm What people have believed, of which they have had n& nrnof. tta' retrained from comment on th West Virginia strike case because the commit-, tee ts sitting In a quasi Judicial way. He saldi "The insidious lobby 1 a part ot invisible, government. The Inveatlga tlon is the best thing in years and wilt enable people to know what lntiunp have been at work for the jest ten year 10 paca committee ana slide leglsla tion." Japanese Note is. ' Delivered to Bryan WASIUNOTON, July J.-The latest Japanese note supplementary to the re joinder of' Juna t on the California alien land law protest was delivered today to Secretary Bryan by Ambaasador Chinda, Th not ts simply an elaboration of some of the points contained Jp the re joinder. NO CLUE TO MYSTERY OF MURDERED WOMAN CHICAG-O. Juiyi-.TWttve hour after finding the bodyot a" well dressed, un identified woman with her throat cut. the police admitted tonight that they had been unable to Identify her Or gnd any clue to a murderer. Twice during the day It wa announced that the body had been identified, only to be contradicted later. Tne body was found in hi) alley at 701 West Madison street The -woman had beeh"stabbtd in the neck with a knife, severing tho Jugular vein. Several pieces of Jewelry were found on the body, Indicating that robbery had not lnscired the murder. 1 Especially at Night. At Times Got No Sleep At All. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. 400 South Hermitage Ave., Chicago; HI,, " I was attacked with a breaking out' on . the lq.tlde of my arms, 16 was a rmkU rash1 or pimple and It Itched and burned, espe cially at night, so that before X kne.wjtrr.:. had made myself sore. I had to wear the .finest kind of cotton underwear, no woolen at all, because the least thing irritated It and made It much worse. The rash Itched and smarted until at times I got no sleep at all. " I had this trouble and took treatments for about one year, but they only gave ma relief while taking thorn. Then I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I , got relief right away. I-made a good strong lather of Cuticura Soap and washed myself every night and morning, drying myself with a good toft towel, and then applkfel. the Cuticura Ointment , In three months-t was a well man again." (Signed) 2. ' FOley. Nor. 8, 1913. . ' :--'' TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent dry, thin and falling hair, allay itching and Irritation, and promote the growth and beauty of tho hair, frequent shampoo with Cuticura Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura-Qlnt-foent, afford a most effective and economical . ' treatment A single sot is often sufficient. Cuticura Soap (35a) and Cuticura Oint ment (90c.) are sold by druggists and dealer everywhere. liberal sample of each rolled free, With 33-p. Skin Book. Address post, card "Cuticura, Dept, T. Poston." -Mcawho shave sad shampoo with Cu ticura Soap will find for akin and seal p. Sizes Front 8 la. 2 for 25c Baeklft.n Th?.,,S3 J Bewett'aBa, as yet, !itto4wMa sweesiag front effcet-tao ,ww ommek seuoats eow-sug. sMua la bo ether auk. An. -r-riv - no Attn HlVin of rti, SHilrta 'l 50516 SO. 16 ill! Tho. Kilpatrick & Co. AMUSEMENTS. Manawa Park Lake Malawi SON PHILIPPINI'S SYMPHONY BAHI of 40 Artists, Assisted by Mmo. Suzanna Lehmann, Soprano Soloist. Tho Muslrnl TTIf f' th C... . - v . u uum,. Rmt.urd.V- .Tulv Ktl, T.. u. n.. . -r Can't Afford to Miss Hearing This Great Iinnd. Concert each day at 2:30, 4:30. 8:15 and 10:Q0 p. m. BATHING, BOATING, DANCING. ana many other attractions. Cqmelngr July Cth to 26th. Fran. cesco Creatore'a Famnna itnn Symphony Banda Verdi. " 1 I Park Ideal Place to Spend tho Fourth Many Special Features Concerts Afternoon and Even ing uy Ciricillo's Famous Band I (88 Artists) Dancing, Holler Coaster Old Ited Mill, Carry-Us-All, i-cnny Areaae, kic. 5 CAK FARE. BASE BALL OMAHA ?t. SlftUX CITY ROUItKE PARK JTJT.T 3, 4, Two eaatss July 4th. ' Xoraiag Same Oalted 10 tM. IfblBflau 'AamA el. 11. A "1 ts m Cars Ir-v 16U ana Xarnam'si-ts. Vaa Original "Always opa Tbeate wxiuvXU All Summer EVERY DAY . CUE OMAHA'S unuiro IS rem' j day BEST muiico lotura CaaageABaily IUU Seat VU ARMS tched 0 BURNED - n I Krug Koea to SI y, X. JU! 1 Vina