I THE BEE, OMAHA, THURSDAY, Jl'LY 3, 1013. TO STOP POLICE COURT GRAFT S, RIVERS WOODS Eastern Excursion Fares VIA i. nofls SumuiQF excursion tiokets on sale daily tp many points in the Eastern States nt greatly . reduced fares. Return limit, sixty days ota. date of sale as follows: f Niagara Fallu, N. Y. .$33.50 Yprk oity: , t , , j ; ; ; ; Atlantic Oity, Nv Jf , ,., . , . . J ; ; ; IHjgQ Boston,....;;;.;.; ; ; ; rftlllS " Mpntreal, P. Q... , , s . . , , $36.50 Buffalo, N. Y, , , ...S83.50 PDtroit, 1l,..,, ,,.,,,.,....$75Q Toronto, Ont. $31.10 Low rutdf also to many qtbor point. Attractive tour? Tin the Oreat Lakes, the St, Lawrence River npd Thousand Islands. Llt oral Stopovora en rputd. Retailed Information and ratoa at City Ticket Office, 407 Bouth 10th Street, Omahn. Phon6 nonplus 2" ' "Lake Louise, the Wonderful," they cal It-rani no one who has ever looked upon the, grandou? of the Canadian Rockies as they fiip rotnd Chateau Lake Louise, asljswhy, .For here, the, heautyof the Canadian Rockies reaches Its height, Turn this way or tbatr ft new scenic beauty meets' your sight. And from your window In the delightful than li panorama tht not ,vsa bxltrln4 o&a riru. It'i the mpt wqadprf plsee In Am.rtoi for a tacatpi. From aaa.up you're onto'-doon-walklng, tiding sr lrrlns, lkt LouIm, ins Ltke in the Cloud., YloWrU lulcr, Abbott I'm. hundred fuotnitlne pot ttmpt rem. Anil at iudm ypa go back to the oorufcru of a metropolian UoVlMt 4fwn. in the Canadian Rockies io to the p aelflo Oout thro' th CanadUa licmklw.. Vl.li Banff, rirld. OUcfer nd Victoria. tI the Canadian Pioko. GEORGE A. WALTON Qf neral As'fnt 224 S. Clark Street. CHICAGO THE SHORT WAV liiiL The WABASH is the Short and Rest ay to St, Louis?. TVp fast through trains daily, leaving Omaha at 7:02 a, m. and 6 10 p. in., reaching St. Louis, Q5Q p. m. and 7i9a.m, Electrio lighted sleeping car, cafe car and coach on night train. Through car service from Chicago to Detroit, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal, New York and Boston. x Find out about the low excursion fares to the east, via Agent for all tho Steamship Lines. Ticketaail South 14th Street, W. 0. W. Building, H. 0, Shields, Q. A, P. D., Omaha, Neb. ftctwammMmi6mmf mnm wmmmm ummM'imwf. Gleaners and Dyers Have Much Business : for the Convention Trie program for tne convention of the National .Association pf Cleaners and Dyers, which will be held In Omaha. Jul 7 to 10, has been completed and will ' b off tho presses readx for distribution tn a few days. The association Is looklnr forward to the most successful conven tion the -association has had since the 'organisation In August. 1307. The enter' talHment program affords amusement for the1 delegates from first to last, but a Kobd business program will be 'carried through at the convention headquarters nt the Aqdltorlum. The delegates will be entertained at the Ak-8ar-Ben den on Monday night 0,0. D, Parcel Post Goes Into Effect Two C. O, D, packages were sent out by the Omaha postofflce Tuesday under that branoh of the parcel post whlen went Into effect on July t One package was received at the local'postofflce to. day on which the carrier roust oollect 110. Postmaster Wharton believes that the C. O, p. feature of the parcel post will prove very satisfactory to all 'persons concerned and that Omaha merchants will take advantage pf it Work of Petty Attoraoys and Politi cians to Bo Cat Off, SAVE MONEY "OR, THE BOARD CJilnf Moloney Afucrti Their Old Method, Which lln Cost School noafd nt eruit $20,000, Mtrnt Stop, Chief of Detectives Steve Moloney served notice at the hearing of appaxl pases from polios, court In Judge-Leslie's district court, that what he called "tho graft of petty attorneys and politicians';; of securing release of offenders on appeal bonds and consequent voicing of tho bonds op various pretexts, would be stopped by him "now, at once. Immedi ately," "Twenty thousand dollars a year has been lost to the school fund In the past by these practices," said Maloney. "Wo arc going to savo that amount." Judge Leslie sustained Moloney's posi tion when hp deolared the bonds of two offenders forfeited In spite of vociferous protests by the bondsmen that Chfr? Maloney had ordered their m.en out t;f town and had promised to have the bonds est aside. "That Is the way it Is worked," said Maloney, afterward. "A lawyer frets $50 ft-om the man friend of a woman Picked up by the police or from, any other of fender sentenced In police court, for getr ting the person out of Jail on appeal bepd. Tho offender nsver shows up In district pourt and the lawyer prevents collection, of the bond by pttadng that I ordered the person to leave town or some other pretext, or else the offender appears for a hearing and Is dismissed fpr lack of evldspce. There Is1 no good re.ason why the city prosecutor should not have the evidence " Would Keep evidence. Chelf Malopey said that In the future he would see that evldenoe nganst those Who appeal from police court sentences would b ready and that he would have a representative on hand with It. Judge Leslie announced that he no lenger would dismiss such oases on the mere statement Of City Prosecutor An heuser that evidence was lacking, but woqld Inquire into the reasons therefor. The Judge has eliminated one resource of the bopdsmen In avoiding payment by havlpg the nams of all those offenders who have failed tP appear called out of court on the last day of each term, thereby preventing jetault qf the cases. Chief Maloney asked County Attorney Magney to Institute proceedings at once to 'collect, bonds forfeited ,by Judge Leslie yesterday apd today Auto Muffler Law Goes. Into Effects Two Arrests Made Tho new law ItsWdlnK tl mufflers on automobiles went Into effect Tuesday and two warrants were sworn out by evening charging violation. The first was fop i, D. Langdon, Slxty.fltth and Dodge , street, and the other for P. B, Wallace, JOS WPPlworth avenue. The former ap- ', pc-arcd lh police court yesterday and . was fined JJ-W and costs upon a plea i Of guilty) the latfer has not yet had his 1 heating. CROWDS ARE DRAWN TO THE OUTDOOR PARKS With the Increasing hot weather, Omahms are spending their evenings put In the-open and in, the parks, where closely,bullt houses' and buildings 3 not deflect the evening fyreetes. A popular amusement resort, for both residents and putrof-towp people, Is lrtlg park- Since the reopening under the"pew management the park has been filled with the vast crowds who com out reg ularly to enjoy the benefits of tht con cessions and picnic grounds. Every kind of mechanical concession afford diversion for the ypungcr persons, who demand exoltement during thes amusement, while the cool ptcnta grounds and the beautiful rest grounds, replete wth rope and roller swings and see-saws for" the Uftte ones, satisfy the more sedate, The band concerts are added Induce ments to all manner of amusement hun ters, Every night slpce the engagement of Slgnor Salvator Clrlcllla and his con cert band the section of the park In the Immediate vicinity of the hand stand Ij crowded with music lovers, who listen to every note the famous band plays. The hand plays every afternoon from 3 to 5:30 and every evening from 8;15 to 10;5. The arena In front of the stand Is fully protected from the. afternoon sun and different selections are played at each concert. A special program will be given July , when patriotic selections will be rendered, In addition to several classical and popular pieces. BAD nil DOWN STAIRS, BREAKS ARM l TWO PLACES, Mrs. Harry Stafford, JTC? Lincoln v boulevard, suffered a compound fracture of her left arm this morning when she stumbled over a .chair that she bad placed last night at the head of the stairs to keep the baby from falling down. Mrs, Stafford had forgotten about the obstruction when she started down stairs, and after losing her balance fell the entire distance to the 'floor, below. ; She was also painfully bruled. , j ASSISTANT INTERNAL I COLLECTOR IS NAMED P. A. Plckler of Ottumwa. la., Is as. signed to the Omaha division of the in ternal revenue Office as an assistant agent to the collector. II has arrlve.l and will enter upon his duties as assistant agent st one Mr. Plckler was formerly postmaster at ottumwa and later mayor. his Is a COLORADO Year Nearly everybody you meet asks you when you are going to startu It is more like a gold rush than a summer vacation. For the people? who live in the valleys are wild for the mountain tops. Everybody knows Colorado. There is no use trying to describe it One cannot paint the Ely, This is tho land whoro. tho greon of tho oarth roaches up to tho sky; -whoro whito-cappod peaks and white-cappod clouds lio asleop n an aauro sea, It's Eugene Field's land of wonder-wander the land whoro dreams come true. Of courso you aro goinc. Qno is almost ashamed not to go. The question is hpw to get there. If you. want to travel liko a prinoo take tho y Union Pacific ' STANDARD IIOAB OP THE WEST It costp lip more than any other way, but, if you want to mako your going as pleasant aa your stay, it is the road to travel. rou go as straight as a pigoon flies. (It is only an overnight trip on the Union Pacific.) You sloop one night in a homo-like bed, You stroll out into tho observation and glance up at thoso sleepless semaphores that guard you. You sit in tho open and ride out-of'doors-for tho road is ballasted with dustless Sher man gravql all tho way; and remember, tho Union Pncifiq has the only double-track lino to Colorado. And then, actually before you realize it, , you aro sitting by a window in Denver, or in the shadows on Long's Peak ordering Bpeqkjqd brook trout for dinner. Of ooursq you aro going to Colpraclo, now that wo havo men tioned tho trout. And, of courso you '11 go Union Pacific, Stand ard Road, of the West, as you certainly want to go right. rrom Omdha mad Retard GMe rKc is 4m ptw mi Jbwt to YiMwrstewi Wrtinsinl Fw. l. mamxmtr, t. a, 13M Fmrmm Stre, ObsbJs, Kfe Parlor Car Observation Service Day Train Observation Service on Night Train to Kansas City VIA THE IVfissoori Facific Lcayo Omaha. , . , , . 11;1B p. m, Arrive Kansas City , ,7ll0 ft. m. New Fast Daily Train To Kansas City Lcnvo Omnhn , 11(80 a, m. Arrive Kansas City 0:05 p. m. .... Modern equipment, Observation, Parlor Car, Drawing Room Sleeping Car. Chair par, and our own unsurpassed Pining' Car. Service (meals a la carlo), ALSO Leave Omalm ,,,0100 a, m, Arrive Kansas City ,.,,,!; 00 p. m. Latest patterns of Coaches. Chair Cars. Making all stops, All abovo trains mako direct connections In Kansas City with Missouri Pacific trains South and West. Tho routo of this now service Is along: the Missouri River for a large part of the iO,'H3 way, tnus afiaramg a most enjoyauio, picturesque aayjigm inp. Pf For reservations and any information, phono or see TOM HUGHES, Trnv. Pass Aft, P, flODFKBY, Pna. and Ticket Agd 1423 Farnnm St. Phono Douc. 10-1. Looking THE OMAHA BEE UrflOTOEHGRAVINGDEP'T OMAHA Prlco of Drawing like thlajtso. Use This Office Freely For Information Many tlmaa In planning your vacation, trip ques tions win arise which you cannot answer roadlly. We are equipped tp give you thq best of information service; wo can tell you not only about tho fashion able resorts but also about the quiet out-of-the-crowd places where you can get away from fashions and conventions. Wo can plan sight-seeing trips of great est interest where scarcely a mile of your Journey need be repeated. Low round trip summer tourist fares to all Min nesota and Northern Wisconsin resorts, Winnipeg, North Pacific Coast, Yellowstone and QJacler Park via St, Paul, Come In and talk it over, or If you prefer drop mo a lino or phone. P. P. BONOIIDI3N, C. P. T. AH 1023 Parnara Street. Omaha, Phone Douglas 'MO, Baa aH 1 USU BBS JTW . ST-TWaW JLioaiaVta -ILiM T IfMrii ENNSYLV; ID 4 at ITT i mm LINES "Tho Call of tho Eat" in Summer attracts tourists to Seashore Resorts and numerous points of interest in and around New York where Vacation Out ings are one round of enjoyment 30-Day Round Trip Tickets to New York, Atlantic City and Other Seashore Resorts Sold Daily June 1 to September 30 Inclusiro Direct Route, or BaltlmoreWathington Stop-over Variable Route Tickets to New York and Boston on ssIq during same period. All-rail direct, or via Baltimore, Washington and Norfolk, Rail and Steameri via Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Montreal and other duos. Choice of routes go one way return another, liberal stop-overs. 60-day return limit. These monsr-saYina- fares mar ba t&Jcen artv&n. tas of if travelers ask Ticket Agents of Western Hal Ways for tickets via Pennsylvania. Lines or by addressing W, H. RO WlzANH aS4-aa City Rational Bank Blflg., Omaha, Wsh, ' J