6 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1913. FOURTH OF JULY A4 ST The Pri$e of the Inter -State Si is Measured by Honest Worth , in GIANT Tl ALL THE MA3 til KRUG PARK MOST ATTRACTIVE AND IIEAUTIFUL AMUSEMENT PARK IN TUB STATE. IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND A SANE FOURTH OP JULY, Afternoon $ f jr -r ., 4 Af toraoon i tincillo s Famous Band E,re. World Wlilo Itopntation 85 ARTISTS World Wido Reputation Assisted by Mmo. Fnrlnelli and Other Fwoub Sololst Krug Park has a utateldo reputation for Its 'npacloiis and ubndy picnic sroundaVcry beat Omaha people hold Weekly pldnlca hero. PLENTY OF.OTHER ATTRACTIONS TO AMUSE YQU Dwclii (Afternpoft and Evening 'Roller Coasters, Old Mill, Carry. Us-All, Peajr Arcane, 'JFWrU ,Whee4, MIitHro Ral-oad, Shootlag Gal leriMfad many others tftatspace won't permit us to raenUoa. , TAKE KKHJG PARK, BENSON OR DEAF IKSTITUTEiOARS. FJKST CLASS CAFE. REASONABLE PRICKS. iiKES' Wo can cut "ih dpat of your' tour by sayihg you 30 to 4bfo on your Tiros and Tubes. pTORE OPEN JUJjY 4th ' 1205 Farnam t. V Hhone 130 Douglas. $2750; r. v ' V$. $2750 .IK, .7 d3ix Cylinder, 45 H. P., 132-in, Wheel Base, Electrically Started and Lighted THlB ancccBS of nny automobile organization depends upon scientific ' manufacturing, methods, based upon logical and successful design. Thero is n certain dmtOiint in production nt which is reached tho minimum of cost and atdr'hich there is no saving in the purchase or manufacture- of ony larger qqanfifap, wjjethof itb'6 raV steel, magnetos; tires or anyw other inotor car, elements. s ' ' -.. It 'is the aim of tho Intor-State .ongineers tobuild cars in such quanti ties as will secure the utmost economy, but at the same time permit 'of ' ' , that element if personal supervision that distinguishes any highly refined " product front the purely mechanical machine work of immense volume; Just as'.'naturo, in her productions sjow, a spires tby slow degrees to reach perfection's height," so. too,. are Inter-State cars, by carefulattention to . 'r,-,,'lrinfinito detail, stamped with tho perfection of individual refinement. . . v. The factory, itself an example of modern scientific factory construo V i tiopj )& near the center of population of the United States. Here cars aro. . V -! built not assembled, nor ground out of a hopper and the constantly growing numbor of Intcr-Stato owners is avoidance of the satisfaction tho t cars aro giving; 30 per cent of the output during this last year was taken . ' iy- tfy. motorists whoso preceding Inter-States had rendered satisfactory service. Intor-State dealers and service stations are located at stategic point all V. ' y.over the country, tho name qf tho factory representative in your locality 'r.. Will be gladly furnished upon request. ; ' liL 1 1. . ut,,, wherever and under whatever circumstances your Inter-State car ifi purchased, you may be certain that it is the product of a conscientious, '. v j. highly developed factory, and that you and your car will always be faith- $ fully jBOrved, Intet-State Automobile Co. A 31t. South;:. Eighteenth St., Omahii, Nf h. & WmVMj Tp wnsend Gun Co. 1814 FAKNAN STREET ' FIREWORKS Fresh, First Quality Fireworks at Bottom Prices Lawn Assortments,. $2100 to $20.00. Ladies' Bathing Suits at 25f0' Off. Men's Bathing1 Suits, a largo lino of sample suits, sizes 38 and 40, at ya Price. Largest lino of Hammocks in tho city. ft PffONE BR7a.7i' 'Mint i wsmnjumrt.i. . . A'.jm.r.- TfNT&AWNINIt 111 For Your Outing.. Tents of all kinds, in all sizes CBflete Camf Oatfitters Omaha 1H 301 mm 40 Minutes Ride Frera Omaka THOUSANDS TAKE THE THOULEY TRAIL TO 40 Miiutes Ride From Omaha "afiFr". HIOST BEAUTIFUL PARK IN THE MIDDLE WEST DON PHILIPPINI'S GRANP SYMPHONY BAND SSty Assisted by lVf rne Suxanno Lehrnann, Soprano Soloist - - m m m mm u nvitwK I nfi m I V LAKE MANAWA MOST BEAUTIFUL PARK IN THE MIDDLE WEST t Admlsalon To Park Fre Every Afternoon andLKVfttilne Until Jluly 5. Reserved Seat at Eaqh Concert, 10o HU1IBEEDS EHJOY THE BATHIHG EACH DAY Seducei Rif0 ' Round Trip Tickets m SHIEST lowntown 8ruz Stint and Cigar Sferes - fiOULTS, 25c CHILDREN, 15c Admission T PARK FREE . OTHER ATTRAOT!ONS; Bathing (New Bath Hqusc) Roller Coaster Boating Mtnature Railroad DMbing Motion Pictures ', ."Ideal Picnic Grounds Fine Beach Abundance of Shade Also Fine Cafe SPEND YOUR SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS at BEAUTIFUL MANAWA COOL CLEAN REFRESHING don wnuppisi nnd blaster MME, SUZANNE WmASS Soprano Soloist aat i