6 1 i s THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1913. FOURTH OF JULY The Price of the Inter -State Six is Measured by Honest Worth KRUG PARK MOST ATTRACTIVE A'I) BEAUTIFUL AMUSEMKNT PARK, JN TIIJ3 STATE. IDEAL TLACE TO SPEND A SANE FOURTH OF JULY. Arte moon fe ?f f -r -r Afternoon zu tiricillo s Famous Band r... World WMo Rcputntlon IJ5 ARTISTS World WIcl6 Reputation AalBted by:Mmo..FArinoni and Other. Famous SoIoUta. ' Krujf Park bos a alatwsvldo reputation for Its spacloua and ehady picalo grounds Very best Omaha people hold weekly picnics hero. PLENTY OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS TO AMUSE YOU Dancing (AtUjrnoon and Evening), Roller Coasters,. Old Mill',' Carry. Us-AH, PeHBy Arcde, Ferris Wheel, Sllnlaturo Railroad, Shooting Gal xlerles, jmd many otlirs that spce .won't permit us to mention. TAKE KRUO PARK, BENSON OR DEAF INSTITUTE CARS. FIRST CLASS CAFE REASONABLE PRICES. $2750 "ALL THE MAKES' We can cut the cost of, your tour by saving you 30 to 40 on your Tires and Tubes. STORE OPEN tfULY 4th 1205 Farnam St. Phone 1300 Douglas. msssgsa it El Six Cylinder, 46 H. P., 132-in. Wheel Base, Electrically Started and Lighted rB success of any automobile organization depends upon scientific . ) manufacturing methods, based upon logical and successful design. "- There is a certain definite point in production at -which is reached the minimum of cost and after -which there is no saving in the purchase or mamifacturo of any larger quantities, whether it be raw steel, magnetoB, tires or any other motor car elements. It is the ain of the Inter-State engineers to build cars in such quanti ties as will secure the utmost economy, but at the same time permit' of that element of personal supervision that distinguishes any highly refined product from the purely mcluurical machine work of immense volume. (! Just as "nature, in her productions slow, aspires by slow dogrees to 'reach perfection's height," so, too, are Inter-State cars, by careful attention to infinite detail, stamped with the perfection of individual refinement. The factory, itself an example of modern scientific factory construc tion is near the center of population of the United States. Here cars aro 7 built not assembled, nor ground out of a hopper and the constantly growing number of Inter-State owners is evidence of the satisfaction tho cars aro giving; 30 per cent of the output during this last year was taken by motorists whose preceding Inter-States had rendered satisfactory service. T j i jwiwowmj uuurciH uuu uurviuu uuitiuua aro luuuieu at BiaieglC point au over me. comixry; tne name oi tne iactory representative in your .locality , , Vill be'gladly furnished upon request, . ,( But, wherever and under whatever circumstances your Inter-State. car ' is purchased, you may be certain that it is the product of a conscientious, highly, developed factory, and that you and your car will always be faith fully served. ' ' Inter-State Automobile Co. . ;31 ?ojitlfEighttntlitOmiJi, Neb Townsend Gun Co. 1S14 FARNAM STREET FIREWORKS Fresh, First Quality Fireworks at Bottom Prices Lawn -Assortments, $2.00 to $20.00. Ladies' Bathing Suits at 25f0 Off, Men's Bathing Suits, n largo lino of samplo suits, sizes 33 and 40, at ya Price. Largest lino of Hhramooks in tho city. r BaB&BBaflaH M NONE rrr t M AHA IENT & AWN I N & Vu For Your Outing.. Tents of all kinds, in all sizs Cospktc Citti Ottiitters an , 4& Mkutes . t Ride From Omaha THOUSANDS TAKE THE TROLLEY TRAIL TO AKE MAN AW A 40 Minites Rid From OioaHa Arfmlaolon To Park Frl7 MOST BEAUTIFUL Piil?ir IN rue Minni e uubct Admiwion to. - aaBi hiiwImIm IWbtfl Park Free Forty DON PNILIPPIISII ARAiyri cvmbuaiiiv nitiym or - .nw w i IV i iiwi 1 kffIllf Artists Assisted by Mme. Suzanne Lehmann, Soprano Soloist Every Afternoon and Evonlnf; Until July 5. Reserved Seat qi Each Concert, 10c OTHER ATTRACTIONS: Bathing (Niw Bath Hdusi) Roller Coaster Boating Minature Railroad Dancing Cl5SSKBM) Motion Pictures Ideal Picnic Grounds Fine Beach 1 Abundance of Shade Also Fine Cafe HUNDREDS J5NJOY THE BATHING EACH DAY Reduced 6at Round Trip Tickets. FOR-SALE AT Downtown Brag SieriV and Cigar, Stores . ADULTS, 25c CHILDREN, 15c Admission To PARK FR SPEND YOUR SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS at BEAUTIFUL MANAWA COOL ' CLEAN REFRESHING DON PUIWPPINI Band plaster miE. SUZANNE LE1I5IANN Soprano Soloist