Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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Mayr't AVoiuterfuJ Btomach Remedy
la Recommended nnd Praised
by Thousands Who Havo
Been Restored.
'1 'WftS 11 sir V man fur
about throe months
c a u a o d from Clall
Stones of the Liver
and was. told by three
lof our most nrnmlnpnt
(Physicians that I would
I have to submit to an
operation to sot relief,
, but heard of your
wonderful Slo m a o h
Remedy and secured a
full treatment-and took
It according "to direc
tions and Tuutscd hun-
. , . dreds of tlall Stones,
falnee taklnjr your medicine I work reg
ularly and don't feel any 111 effects. I
am praising your remedy to nil my
Trlonds. I think It's worthy ot the highest
praise. B Ji. UOOI.EY, Boanoks. Va."
Sufferers of Stomach, Liver and Intes
tinal Ailments are not asked to take
Mayr Wonderful Btomaoa Remedy for
weeks and moths before they feel bene
fited. Just try one dose which should
make you fool better In health, convince
you that you will soon be well and
stronjr, free you from pain and suffering
and give you a solind and healthy Stom
ach, aa it-has dona tn thousands of othrr
cases. . Wherever It Is taken you will
hear nothing but the highest praise. Oo
to your druggist ask him about the
great results -it has been accomplishing
in cases nf people ho knows or send to
Geo. II? MajT, Mfg. Chemist, 164-156
Whiting St., Chicago, III., fpr a free book
on -Stomach Ailments and many grateful
letters from people who have been re
stored. For salo in Omaha by Sherman & Mc
Connoll, Drugirlsts, 16th and Dodge Sts.,
18th and Harney Sts., 24th and Farnam
Bts., and Loynl Hotel.
1 Full Quart
xvy it At uur Expense
Note our proposition, remit
u JS.45 and we will at once
hip you by Bxpress Charges
Prepaid, 8 lull Quarts ol our
Famous 3 Star Wbltkey and
an additional Full Quart Free
for Trial Purpose. Or remit
us $2.93 and we will Express
Charges Prepaid. 4 Full
Quarts ot our 3 Star whiskey
and a Test Bottle Free (or
Trial Purposes. Also Free with
eaen oraer.coia Tipped Glass
ana ratent corictcrew.
Alter using the Free Bottle
it youarenotsausneatnat
you nave received me
nest wniscey value ob
tainable at the price,
keep the Free Bottle
(or your trouble, pack
remalnderot ship
ment, return st our ex
pense and we will at
once cheerfully refund
every cent paid us.
In case you can use
a larger quantity than
ob'ered above, our
f rlce (or a 5 Gallon Keg
sonly 12 JO Freight
Charges Prepaid.
Address orders and
make remittances
payable "to A. Fels,
Mgr., or
Fels Distilling Co.
155 Fels Dldifo
Kansas City. Mo.
0 t f)n !l
8 vim
C7 wr-
in the
kOver 400 Ships
World's vI.rrost Ship, Will
r Ban irom new yoxz
Satu'idfcy..:Jttly 18, 10 JL M. '
. . ... j 1 . jr
p mua , . UU 9, A.
Vk.Hfvriav. .Jll,r. 30. ft A. ftT
and evoiy T weeks Thereafter.
Wi'iU'iui tuMun lo ' urn If la
ONlK)rt amfrAMS .oa. .slxta , anj
It 1IXMUUK0 a aarcath ui.
UJoka now span lor huiii.
lraxori...JUly 19) 1 p. m.
j?xes. urani, juiy it,, . a. m.
;Iiuyrator. . .July U, 10 a. in.
kuierUa, July 83. a a.m.
Vrt. Siinooln, July a, 12 rn.
tlnnsylv(vnla July 31, 3 p.m.
iials'a .ug vio, Aug. K. 9 tumi
iliayerator, August 9, 11 a.m.
tjifamoia.. August 9, 12 noon
Amertka ..Aug. 01, 11 a. m.
txnd Cabin only vlll call at
Boulogne, tNew. tHamburg
tjTS. 8. PennirWanla b4 S. 8. Pra
tljrla sail Irom Haw War loot Hi St.,
South Brooklyn. All other sailings n
ttl terTlco Irom our Moboaan yitra,
aibraltar, naples and Genoa,
tTAIl teamars In this aerrleo Unt
irom MW PlElt. Hi Bt.. fctouU
Ilrooktra. Ta Uh St. rrrr.
S. S. Moltka (12.500 tons)
July 13, X p. m.
0. B. Kamburg lil.OUO tons)
luff t. 10 n m.
S. S. Uoltka, Aug. .30. 11a. m.
BJ3Jfambnrg Sept. 17, 10 a.m.
CHTJIBE3 Around the World
Through the Manama uan,
January vi, io
Now Open.
Owr TourUt Department arranjaa
j-oere or ......
tTHVn w
jtaiiiDurK-fivi linn
i-MrKO. 111., or j& -M
Ceapagnio Qenorelo TransatlanHque
The Day Routs
Direct Routt lo Cwrtlntn!
New. larto, fast, turbine,
quadruple and twin sorow
mall ateamara
From Haw York, Thursday
'Ml Jul J. Juir II. Aug M, ilept lt
-i-.iue. lI 10 Auu 7. (Vt I, Jfo
Pr Titi'eJul J. Au It. np4. JlfpJJ
' w (new) -Jul li. Abc II. Bep 11. i J
Williams' Triple with Bases Full
Qives Washington Game,
lintrrtntr I,nat Frame Score la Knur
to Three In Favor of Iloaton Sox
Flnnl Score Scren to Konr
ARitlnat Them.
BOSTON. Julv 1 Wllllnma' trlnln with
the baaes full made effective Washing
ton's ninth Inning today and the Sen
ators won. 7 to 1. Manager Griffith called
seventeen men Into play for Washington.
Entering the ninth inning the score was
4 to 3 agalnBt Washington. Bhanka lient
out an infield hit and raced to second ori
Leonards wild throw to catch him
napping off first McOrlde was passed
and Schaefer bunted safely, filling the
bases. Williams came up. Ills triple
followed, tending I nthree runs and a
Earcidco fly by Milan scored Wllllnma
also. Washington cheeked a rally by
Boston In Its half of the ninth by a
speedy double play, Qandll throwing to
Mcia-Ide, who rotuxned the ball to
Orandll. Score:
, I) 11 n 1 .....-. .
Mller, rt 1 1 tTerkea. Ib.. 4 110
Oedeon. If,. 1 0 0 0 OHooper, tt,.l lilt
A (nil a IP ti A A A As...t... a a. a
rotttr, Sbt. I S 2 1 01wM, If... t 0 0 0 0
MlUn. cf U 1 0 0Or1nrf Sb 0 I 1 0
.. lb., i 10 1 Cttncle, lb... 117 0 0
Morgan, 2b. 5 0 I OWicntr u. I 3 15 0
i," " ,7 " T ? ? w vvrrna, c w t V U
v itcru iru a, p, V U V
enrr, c... J 0 4 0 OUnrt. pi 0 o 0 X
w ... K v v v Vlllj, p..e. U V V Q 0
MuUlii, p.. l o 0 0 Onllanrtkao., 1 0 0 0 0
Williams. CJ1100 ! J. J! J. J.
Mueheksl n AAA n.a.i.
cXaeler' . 1 1 0 6 o
Cairo 0 e 0 0 0
Laporte ..11000
Totals JT II 17 11 "o
Batted for Mullln In the ninth.
15.". fir Moeller In the fifth.
Batted for Hal n th ninth.
Washington 0 0 0 1 t 0 0 0 47
'Boston I. ..!..! 0 0 S 0 rt O 0
TWo-basa hltn- Dnniin MVnr4,t. Hft.
ler, Engle, Wagner. Threc-base hits:
Mlllam Hooper. Hits: Off Kngel, R In
four Innings: off Mullln, 2 In four ln
nlng.; .?ff Hughes, none In one Inning;
off Bedlent, C Tn four and two-thirds In
n.!nBS'.0 Leonard, 3 In three and one
i"1 Jnnlnga (none out. In ninth): off
Hall, 3 In one Inning. Stolen bases: -roster,
Milan. Hooper. Double plavsr Mc
Brfdo, Morgan and Oandll: Qandll, Mo
Brlde and Oandll. Sacrifice flloa: Milan,
Speaker. Left on bases: Boston, 7: Wash
ington, 7. Bases on balls: Off Bedlent,
l; off Leonard, 2; off Engel, 4; off Mullln,
1; off Hughes, 1. Struck out: By Engel.
i;,ent. 4; by Ieonard, 1 Time:
2:12, Umpires: Connolly and McQreevy.
Sox Take Second.
DETROIT. Mlfth.. .Tnlv 1 Thlrnrn tfc
tho second of the series from Detroit, 3
to 2, today, though outhlt by the hoiio
club two to one. Clcotte yielded seven
hits in six Innings and retired In favor
ot Scott after the Tigers found him for
xour ot mo seven in tne sixth period.
Scott kept the game will in hand three
innings ho pitched. Wlllett, on the mouml
for Detroit, pitched an excellent game,
though he was unfortunate In the
In the third Inning Clcotte walked and
took third on Beall'a single. Ttath forced
Beall, Clcotte scoring. An error by Lou
den allowed Rath to reach second, and
after ho had stolen third. Lord's double
sent .him home. The deciding run came
In tno eighth, when Lord doubled, took,
third on Loudon's error and tallied on
Collins' sacrifice fly.
ueiroivs two came in tne sixtn as tne
result of singles by Crawford and Cobb,
an Infield out and PIpp's timely safety.
Cobb Injured his knee sliding to second
in tho eighth Inning, High replacing him
in center field. Score:
Beall, cf.... 1 1 4 0 0 AB.H.O.A.E.
Rath, :b....l 0 0 1 OOati, as 5 114 1
Lorrl. lb.... 4 10 0 OVItt lb I 1 4 1
Ctuae. lb... 4 1 ( Ocrawford, rt 4 1 0 0 0
COIIIne, it. 1 0 4 0 OCobtj, cf.... 4 110 0
Dodle, If... 10 10 OHIth. cf.... 0 0 0 0 0
Schalk. o... 1 0 I. 1 OVeech. It... 11110
Wearer, St. 1 0 4 1 OPIpp. lb..,.. 4 1 II 1 0
Clcotte, p... 110 1 OMcKea, ... 4 1 t I 0
scoct, p.... 0 O 0 a oixtuden, lb.. 10 14 1
T.tterlr .. 1 0 0 0 OWlllett, p.. 1 0 0 I 0
Morlirtr .. 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 S2I I 0Oalaer .... 1 0 0 0 0
Total .85 To 17 24 "7
.Batted fof, 'Clcptte In. tfeVehth:-'''
Vltt-outnlt - by 'batted' blU '.
'Ran for McKse In ninth.
Batted for Wlllett In ninth.
Chicago 0 020000 1 0-3
Detroit , 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-9 02
Two-base hits: Bush, Chase, Lord (2).
Three-base hit: Veaoh. Hits: Off Clcotte.
7 In alx Innings; Off Scott, 3 in three
innings, saennce hits: Collins, uodle,
Weaver. .Saorlfieo fly: Collins. Stolen
oases:, uusn, jtionariy, itam. on
bases: Chicago. 5: Detroit 8. Pint.-base
on balls: Off Wlllett, 8; ,ofC Clcotte, It
off Scott, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Wlllett. Beall. Struck put: By Clcotte.
2; by Scott. 2. Time: 2:00. Umpires:
Evans 'and Sheridan.
Chance Proteatn Game,
NEW YORK. July 1. Frank Chance
protested today's game which Philadel
phia won irom New xorx, i to i, ine
New York manager basing his protest on
Umpire Dlneen's ruling in the fourth in
ning, when he sent Borton back to bat
after he had made a scratch single and
Barry had hit Umpire Dlneen on the
head In rolavlnc the ball to first base
after Collins' stop. Hartzell crossed the
I'jato ana uouon reaenra Kecanu wnen
tho ball bounced away, but both men
were sent hack, Hartzell to second base
and Borton tp the plate. Catches by
Murphy and Oldring and Cree's batting
'were tno feature. Score:
AD.H.O.A.E. AD.1I.O.A.E.
E.Murphr.rf 4 0 10 ODanlele, rt. 1 0 0 O'O
o uwouer. cr. i u i u v
I OCree. If 4
1 IBweener, e. 4
Oldrlnr. If 4 1 2
Collins, lb.. I 0 1
IMker. lb... 4 1 1
Mclnnli, lb. 4 1 11 0 OlUrttell, lb 1
Stumk, et.
Darrr, at. . .
Schanf, e..
Lapp, e
Buth, p
liouck, p. .
Daler 0
1 2
0 1 1
Ot 0
0 11
0 0 2
0 0 1
0 0 0
OPeck.. M... 4
ODorton. lb.. 1
OMIdklff, lb. 4
OFlsher. P... 1
OMcoddcII, p 1 0 0 0
0 Totals.." 5 S7 17 T
1 1
0 1
1 1
0 T
0 II
10 0
8 1 4
Raw, larre,quadrupU and twin sore w,
on class (II), cabin atsamers. 8uih
rlor aarvloo. Popular ari.
Pram New York, Saturdaym.
'rbintx.u--Jut J, Aua II, fep M. Ott II
hleaio A( 1, Aos 10, fep 27. Oct JI
ftra tiep n, Oct 11. Nor . De
donirssl Quebsi titri
6fi Class (II) Cabin Steamsrs),
fatustotutcrs la Cinnllta tneeaitonrin strrs
" lire Jul II. AU. li.
I TvacapolMMnckataaaKraliUe Baa. WT
Urn leltfraeh. Kboartirf ban aUaale aai enq
auaara ealcty n".
SUorle "W. Zosxalnssi (ta. TTM
sn A-t 139 X4. Cearbora m
oadoac tm suay Uoal Ajaaa. .
Totals II I II 11 1
Batted for Bush In fifth.
Batted for Fisher In seventh.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3
New York 0 0 0 I 0 0 0.0 Ol
Three-base hit: Baker. Sacrifice Jilt:
Daley. Stolen base: Murphy. First on
errors: Philadelphia, 3; New York, 1.
Left on bases: Philadelphia. 7; New
York, 9. Double plays: Bush to Barry
to Mclnnlb. Struck out; By Houck, 2;
by Fisher. 1. Bases on balls: Off Bush.
3; off Houck. 4; off Fisher, 3. Hltv: Otf
Bush, 4 In four Innings; off Houck, 1
In five Innings; off FJsher, S In seven
innings. Time: z:zi. umpires: tsgan ana
Doust Will Meet
, McLoughlin in Finals
WIMBLEDON", July l.-Stanley N
Doust, the Australasian Davit team
captain, today beat Oscar Kreutxer, the
German champion, ln the semi-final
round of the all-England gentlemen's
singles championship lawn tennis tourna
ment by three straight sets, 6-3, C-2, 6-3.
Doust will, therefore, meet Maurice E.
McLoughlin, the American, champion, In
the final round to decide who Is to play
A F. Wilding for the title.
McLoughlin, deefated Doust In the
Davis cup singles played In New York
on June 9, by three straight sets, the
core being 6-4, 64, 6-2.
Chicago Crack Loses on Field Club
Course, 2 Up and 1 to Go.
In Afternoon at Country Clnlt Stance
and Iledlok Lone to iaTns nnil
Lee In Fast Match, Four to
"Chick" Evans, who was defeated by
George Simpson, professional at the
Omaha Country club, on Monday, lost tvn
elghteen-holo match to Sam Reynolds un
the Field club course yesterday mornliw.
2 up nnd 1 to go. In the afternoon In a
foursome match Evans and Howard Leo
beat Jerome Magee and John Redlck, 4
up and 3 to go.
Evans was in poor shape In the morning
play and missed easy putts time after
time. Reynolds on the other hand played
good consistent golf, turning In a card
of 77 for the Field club course, while
Evans turned In a "9. Whllo Reynolds
was trimming Evans, Albert Cahn wan
losing to Howard Lee of Chicago, 3 down.
Hughes and I.lndaity Lose.
Fraser Hale and Jnarnh T. nun
trimmed Jack Hughes and J, B. Lindsay
In a best-ball foursome. Hale turning In
a card ot 76 whtch was the lowest nt th
morning games.
Evans seemed to be tired and wnrnmir
from over-play and failed to make the
drives of the day previous, and was evan
off on his approaches.!
In the afternoon match, which ma a
best-ball foursome between Rvnn. T
Magee and Redlck, Evans was low, turn
ing In a card for the Count
of 72, onehlgher than that turned In by
ueorge Bimpson on the day before. Evans
made the outside in the afternoon pUy
in 3S, which Is two under bogey, and tho
inside in 33, six less than bogey.
JtSrnn Beirlna Poorly.
Evans started out alow in h ..
noon matches, making the first throe
holes In five each, being the high man
for the four. On the Inside course no
picked up and was nlavlne nr,rtt msir
on the last few holes.
Fraser, Hale and Joe nun hiri ,
bettor of the best-ball foursome match
with Blaine Young and Francis Oalnes in
the afternoon at the Country club, win
ning 1 up. The score was evened up on
me sevenicentn nole when Gaines made
a bogey, B In three, but on the last hole
Halewon the match,' making the eight
eenth In two. His drive landed him on
tho green and with a pretty put he went
Into the cup, winning the match.
Following are the scores of the after
noon play:
Out K XRillvA.
; s : t ; 7 ; j
......... ....a a iv x a
Out ....
uut ....
uut ....
Le Duc
Out ....
uut ....
uut ....
.4 4
..4 4
3 0 4 6 3 6
3 3 3 5 3 6
S 39
.4 4 4
.3 3 4
..5 4
..3 4
...i5 4
.,.3 4
8 5 4 6 440
S C 4 4 3-55-75
5 5
6 '3
..6 4 4
,.4 5 6
.6 5 6
I i
S 4
fi 5
6 840
5 3-3575
5 4-41
4 237-78
6 3-42
4 3-3J-S1
5 6-41
4 840-81
8 818-79
At noon the vlatrnrn waf kti i . ,1.
Field club at a luncheon held In the grill
room of the clubhouse, after which they
were taken to the Country club In auto-
mooiies. Eighteen holes were played In
fast time and follnwlncr th it..
players were hustled into waiting ma
chines and taken to the depot, where
tney lcrt or Chicago at 6.45.
LA BOULIE. France. Julv 1. BVnnr
today won the International cnif mntrh
between teams of professionals repre
sentlng France and the United States.
The Frenchmen beat the American play
era In all of the four single matches,
thus, with yesterday's two wins In four
can games, scoring six out of the pos
sible six points.
Arnaud Masey beat Tom McNamara.
the metropolitan open title holder, by
2 up and 1 to play. Louis Telller beat
Alec Smith 6f Wykagll, the American
captain. 6 UD and 4 to nlav. .Imn Dan.
siatt beat Michael J, Brady of Wollaston,
5 up and 3 to ploy. Pierre Laffltte beat
John J, McDermott, United States na
tional champion, 4 up and 2 to play,
nilsre Moore Wins Attain.
LONDON, July l.-Judge W. H. Moore
of New York won another champion
ship today at the international horse
show at Olympla, when he won the
Forest King trophy for ponies not ex
ceeding fourteen hands, which had taken
a first or second prize In the single har
ness race during the show. The winner
was his Lady Beaton.
Stanton Losrn Fast One,
STANTON. Neb.. July I.-8pealai.)-Sunday
afternoon Stanton was defeated
by the fast Battle Creek team by thu
aeore of 4 to 3.
Death 'trout Illimd Poison
was prevented by G. W. Cloyd, Plunk,
Ma, who healed his dangerous wound
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Only tic.
i For sale by Beaton Drug Co.-AdvertUe-ment
Americans Lose In Golf,
LA BOULIE, France, June 30. The In
ternational golf match between teams ot
professionals representing France and the
united States openod here today with
two four-ball games, John J, McDermott,
the national champion, and Tom Mc
Namara, metropolitan open title holder,
were beaten by the Frenchmen, Louis
Teller and Arnaud Massy, by 8 tip and 2
to play. Michael J, Brady of Wollaston
and Alec Smith of Wykagll, the Ameri
can captain, were beaten by Jean Gas
slat and Pierre Lafltte by a similar score.
Pox Given Player.
CINCINNATI. O,. June 30.-Chalrman
Atierust Herrmann i or the National Base
Ball commission handed down a finding
today in which he awarded the services
or 1'iayer W. u. iatnrop, a student of
iiuirr wuuin uiiiv-' ni, io me unicago
American league club.
Lathrop slvned to play with the Chi
cago Americans at the end of his college
work. He then sltned to play with the
Mew xorx nationals.
Hooper Easy for Hawaiian.
HOOPER, Neb.. July l.-(BpeClal Tele
gram.) Green's Hawallans easily de
feated the Hooper club today by the
score of 10 to 1.
Gift ord Wffl Take
Balloon Trip Then
Settle to Business
Ward C. Clifford's resignation as as
sistant commissioner of the Commercial
club took effect yesterday and he left
on the Burlington train In the afternoon
for his home In Kansas City.
G If ord has been engaged by the Kan
sas City Post to accompany Captain H.
E. Honeywell on a balloon trip In the
national race vrhlch starts from Kansat
City July 4. The race will be an ellmlna
tlon contest for the International flight
to be held this fall.
After covering the assignment GIfford
will launch an original motion picture
advertising business, with, headquarters
at Kansas City. Before his departure he
was presented with a traveling bag by
tils fellow workers In the1 CorrimarcUl
immnmimimmmm SkaiaaaMWMHMaaHakaaiBMBaai(aaisasasBMaaaaHsaa(MBWBaaaa
Golden Opportunities Await You Here
the Great Non-Irrigated Grain Producing Country
No Hot Winds No Excessive Hc:t Abundant Moisture Low Prices Easy Terms Ideal Conditions
Special Inducements Offered in New. Tract Now
Being Opened for Settlement. Read, Reflect, Act
Tho following news ltom appearing In Iho Clieycnno Dally Stato
Loader of Juno 3d, explains ltBolf: .
"An Important salo of land was consummated yesterday by R. S.
Van Tasael), whereby lio sold several thousand ncroj of bis largo ranch
northwest of Cheyenne to The Federal Land and Securities company..
This tract Ilea from ono to fh'u miles east ot tho now' station ot
Federal on tho Colorado & Southorn railroad and from 16, to, 20 miles
northwest of Cheyenne,
It Is a beautiful smooth tract of prairie Ublo land wlthn shel
tering rnngo ot mountains lying adjacent to tho west and northwest.
Adjoining It on tho oast and sQUth is the' well known Highland colony
whoro tho Federal company has locatod a largo eottldnlon't of thrifty
farmers within tho past two yoars.
This flno new tract will bo offored for sale to farmers by tho
Foderal Land and Securities company in tracts of from 160 to 640
acres on that company's usual
attractivo terms.
They are now rccolvlng a
great number ot Inquiries
from eastern prospective buy
ers and oxpect a rush of land
BMikers this summer and fall.
Tho farmers In tQ High
land colony aro enthusiastic
over tholr prosent crop pros.
poctB, which promise a repeti
tion ot last sonBon's bountiful
crops, and which domonetrato
tho wonderful fortuity of tho
soil In that locality. It Is con
tldently prodtctod by tbo Fod-
eral pooplo that every aero pf this new purchaso will be sold to actual
settlors thin soason.
This will make tho Highland colony one ot tho most destrablo
farm communities In tho state; lying, as It, does (closo to a railroad
, station nnd easy ot access to tho grain and produce markets of -Cheyenne
and Fbrt D. A. Kussoll.
. , It is very ovident that this now settlement is going to bo ti repe
tition of tho development of tbfr'dlstrlct' oast of Cnoyenno, known as
stho' Gulden Prafrlo, whloh Is now filled with Improvod and. highly
productive farms and thickly sottlod with prosperous farmers."
And,' so, looking you straight In: tho faco, Is tho opportunity for
you to get a choice fnrm homo' In a splendid community, close to a
thriving, growing city, with good neighbors, convenient schools and
land that will produco in ono year enough to pay for it.
Land wo Bold throo years ago In tho original Golden Pralrio Dis
trict at $15.00 per aero Is re
selling now at 930.00 per aero.
Land you can now buy at
Jlfi.OO per aero In the how
tract will soon doublo in
valuo. Will you dolay longer
or will you drop evorythlng
else nnd grasp this oppor
tunity? Romomber that wo guaran
tee every representation wo
make to bo true, and rotor you
to nny bank In Cnoyenno and
to our hundreds of natlBflod
customers, Wo are owners,
not agents.
This Is a Plotur of a Tiald ot Oats Grown In th Bsason of 1818 In the Highland
Colony o&' a Bcotlon Adjoining tha Ksw Porohais of 7h rsdsral
I, and and Eonrltis Company.
Horo aro statements of three rellablo sottlers. We could furnish hundreds ot letters like thesol from formor renters In tho central
states who aro now Independent farm owners hero. We hold In our otflco tho signed originals ot theso letters whoro they may bo Inspected
by anyone Interested. These mon aro not Interested In any way In tho sale of lands. They havo mado good here and want to let others
know how much hotter It Is to be owners ot their own farms In tbo Golden Pralrio District rather than tenants on high priced 4astern land.
Effbert, Wyoming-, Juno H, 163.
Tha Federal luid and Securities Co.,
Cheyenne, Wyo.
In answer to your inquiry as to the yield
of my crops since I have been in Wyoming;
and how I like the country will say that I
came to Wyoming from Monmouth, Illinois on
the 19th day of March, 1013. My oats yielded
40 bushels per aero on sod whtch I broke after
I arrived here. My corn made 30 bushels per
acre and my potatoes 90 bushels, all on sod
breaking. All the cropn I have had mado me
enough net to pay for the land It grew on. I
have in ISO acres of crop this year with the
best of prospects for a good yield. I am,
Yours truly. .
(Signed) F.. C Dowdcll.
Mr. Dowdell owns" and resides upon .the
N. W. U of Sec. tl, Ttvp. 14, It, 61, J -mile
east of tho town of Egbert.
rine muffs, Wyoming, June 13, 1913.
The Federal Land, and Securities Company,
Choyonne, Wyo,
In 1912 I had in crop 200 acres in all. 20 acres
of macaroni wheat yielded 24 bushels per acre. One
piece of Swedish aeleot oats yielded 75 bushels per
acre. Another piece made 45 bushels, 60 acros of
National oats mads 65 bushels per acre. This Is our
fourth crop and we havo had good crops and. have
always) raised an abundance of vegetables and gar
den. I farmed In Ohio, Illinois and Iowa and I con
sider this the best small grain country I have ever
lived In. I find the same horses and labor will farm
twice tho same amount of ground that It will any
place I have lived. My alfalfa, which I sowed a
year ago last May, will be ready to cut in about
ten days. Yours truly,
(Blgped) D. K. McFnrland
Mr. MoFarland owns and occupies a flno half
section farm In Sections S3 and 20. In Twp. 14, It.
61, C miles east of Egbert and 6 tnlle west of Pine
muffs. He Is one Of the most successful farmers In
the district.
Carpenter, Wyoming, Juno IS, 1913.
Tho Federal Land and Securities Co.,
Cnoyenno, Wyo.
I camo to Wyoming tn December, 1007,
and havo farmed each year since. My crops
aa a rule havo been good and 1 have had no
failure. Last year I threshed 1,300 bushels of
wheat and spelts. My wheat made 26 bushels
per acre and spelts made 35 bushels. I farmed
in Iowa 25 years and find I can raise anything
here that I could In Iowa and with much less
labor. One team will farm double tho amount
of ground that it can In Iowa.
My family has had much better hoalth
than before we came here.
Youra truly,
(Signed) It D, Wnterbury.
Mr. Waterbury owns and Uvea on tho
Wost U of Sec 8, Twp. 13, It. 63, about 6 ,
miles North of Carpenter and same distance
south ot Durns.
Note tho very low excursion rates now In effect from all points
In tho contral states to Cheyenne and return, as shown In tablo on
this page, .
Fill out and mall us tho Coupon on this pago.and wo will sand
you, tree, a beautiful illustrated souvenir showing farm scones 'In tho
Golden Pralrio District and eoctlonal map ot iho district.
Special Excursion Rates to Cheyenne, Wyoming
Beginning Juno 1, 1913 and ending September 30th .a very low round trip excursion ticket from points in the central states to Cheyenne,, Wyoming,
may be purchased. The return limit on this ticket Is 'October .31,. 1913, and very. liberal stop-over privileges are allowed. Tho ticket may bo purchased
nnA atari' rnnrl on -.nv.davrnf thn waaV. find IIia fara. im munh 1nwi than fnr thj. Jnnil hcaIc Am' tln.kAt RnM
' to other-points in' tHo west. The following table will give an idea of tho cost of the ticket from any part
nf fh Antral MttktAN. .
Tho Federal Land & Securities Co.,
JL03 West Seventeenth Street,
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Gentlemen; Please sand mo at oneo.
Pictorial Souvenir and full particu
lars of the Goldon Pralrio District.'
If suited, I would want to buy About
of the central states,
Qaleago, HI. ,.$33.80
miwanket, Wis. k . . , m.90
Vsori. m. .,,i,
Rt. X,ouls, Xo S8.00
Das Molnss, la. B1.3B
St. Xanl and Minneapolis.
Minn 38.90
Btonx City, Sows. ..,...,,. in.90
If your local agent Is not
you tho desired Information. r
Xansas City and St, Jossph,
Mo. ,
Oonnoll Bluffs and Omaha.,
Cedar Rapid and Waterloo,
uws ,
Uarshalltown, Xa,
Albert Sea, SUnn.
XiaOrosse, wl
able to quoto you rates from
Sl'kton, S, S ,
Absrdeen, S,
4,,nuuiHi a aw, ...
Trsmont. Web. . .
Orand Island, 2Tb.
norrouc, rtno.
Kearney, Web.
jrargo, h. v. ........
station, write us and we will
The Federal Land & Securities Company
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
State Editors Will Get Oat Special
Editions on Resources.
Thronah Co-Opmitlona rrlth Com
mercial Club There Will Do n
General Xnrrntlre Dls-einlnnteil.
Nebraska will be advertised- to the
world the third week In September when
nearly 300 newspapers of the state will
publish special booster editions and eaOh
of them send out not less than 1,000 coptotf
to polntsc outside the state.
The executive committee of the N
braska Tress association has decided on
the third week of September as the tlmu
for publishing the special editions and a
committee of three hits been appointed
to plan the campaign.
K. V. Parrlsh, manager of the publicity
bureau of the Commercial club; C. C.
Johns, secretary of the Nebraska Press
association, and Ross Hammond, presi
dent of the State Association of Com
mercial clubs, are the committeemen wh
will engineer, the campaign. Ross Ham
mond has pledged the support of the com
mercial clubs of the state to the move
ment and will assist in gathering the
necessary data.
The publicity bureau will furnish a
uniform standard story on Nebraska to
the papers who enter Into the campaign
and eaoh of them will be requested also
to publish stories on their respective
towns and counties. AH the stories will
be matter of fact description of the re
sources of the state, the towns and the
counties, There will be no elaborate
essaya or exaggerated statements of any
kind, according to the rules of the Campaign-More
than 200 newspapers of the state
have notified the committee from the
press association thnt they will partici
pate In the movement. The number may
be raised almost to the full quota of the
state's newspapers by the time for tho
editions to be Issued.
Treasurer Ure Has
Big Day's Business
Yesterday was the last day on which
city taxes for U13 could be paid without
Interest penalty and nearly 3400,000 cams
forth from property owners to Treasurer
Ure. The Union Pacific railroad paid
ftv,000 and the street railway company
From Start To Finish
Your engine runs like a watch when lubricated with ,
The friction-killing oil for all makes of cars.
Speed from every drop of fuel.
Red Crown Gasoline is the Best Fuel
' M 1 : ; , ' 1
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Standard Oil Company