Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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5 1. M.
Sat. 0
l M.)
3 P. M.
Sept, 1,
day 0
P. M.
We Bought 28,000 Yards of
cmanoncaas , BdMannninMwanBii' ptBnBmBBnn gnnnnnMaHii MBm
Wash Goods
Ficom a Western Jobber Who Sacrificed His Entire
Stock on Hand of Sheer Imported and Domestic Wash
fabrics and White Goods. Sale Begins Tuesday.
Pine quality Carlnola Organdie for hot weather
lingerie drewes dainty florals. Oriental Persian
and sldo band effects In all thl3 season's newest
Ideas. Fresh, new goods In full
bolte. Every 'yard worth 25c, and
30 Inches wide. Basement Tucs
day, at, per yard
White Embroidered Ratine Cropo In fine pin
dots and coin dots. This fabric Is much In de
mand for soft llngcrlo dresses. We secured a
large quantity of these fine orepea
at big reduction. They would ro
tall regularly at 40c a yard, 27
Inches wide, at, per yard
Best Grade 27 inch Homespun Crash Suiting, Natural color, worth 25c a yard at 10c
All the fancy figured, floral spray, dotted,
checked and striped Victoria batistes that sell
at 10 & c and 12 He a yard. In light, medium
and dark colorings, will bo sold
In one big special lot on base
ment Jbargnln square, at, yawl
All tlio fancy printed summer lawns, largo
rango of choice styles and colorings, sonio of tho
most desirable fabrics In tlio entire purchase aro
here. From the bolt on
basement bargain square,
at, per yard
A special lot of double
ply, extra heavy bath
towels. These are sec
onds of the 19c qual
ity, and aro
good values,
Extra heavy red bord
er huck towels, size 20
x32 All aro first qual
ity, and sell regularly
at loc. it is
very good val
ue, Tues., each ,
Your unrestricted
choice of any woman's
trimmed hat In our en
tire basement millin
ery section, no
matter whether
the price was 3,
ti or 15, Tuenday
Scores of white and col
ored midsummer wash
frocks In "nil popular
styles and colors. All
Sizes for women and
misses. Worth up to H.
This enlo is the result of n fortunate purchase of our New York Ijj
buyers. There are hundreds of good quality, serviceable pants for
dress or outing. All sizes for men and young men are included.
Medium and light weight worsteds in light and dark
stripes; also light weight outing pants with ouff bottoms,
semi peg top styles or the more conservative models.
Men's $2.50 Pants
Men's $3.00 Panls
Men's $3.50 Pants
Your Choice Tuesday
Old Store, Main Floor
All fine '-leather suit cases and
nravelintr bags, well & A Q ff
made; ?8.60 Values at Pf7 O
""Women's blabk, tan and colored
lisle hose, also silk boot E
hdso, worth 35c, at, pair OC
Electric Fans at $9.50 up.
Vacuum Ico SO50 $50
Cream Freezers and O
All tho now style ideas for mid
summer,- snort sleeves,
broldered fronts, roll
collars, $1.25 values..
Women's, Midsummer Waists
and Blouses All are samples
but slightly mussed some dain
tily hand embroid
ered, worth to $4,
All new stylos and patterns, mad
ras, percales, mercerized cloths,
etc., coat style, French euffs, soft
collars or neckband stylos, QQ6
worth up to $1.75 at .... OOr
Imitation Fourth of July Fire Works
flro crackers,. torpedoes, etc., made
of pure candy; at, each. . . .60 and lOo
Orders for Ice cream taken and de
livered to all parts of the city.
Snow riake MarshmaUows The kind
to toast, lb. ,...,i9o
Defeat of Phillies in Ten-Inning
Game Gives Them Lead.
Btnrked by Numerous nits of Bad
. riayliiK and by Many Brilliant
Catches and Stops Sbnfei;
Is Benched.
PHIIiADEkPHIA, June SO. New York
won the openlnsr game of the series here
today In ten Innings by 11 to 10 and
thereby captured first place in the Na
tional league race. The contest was
filled with exciting. Incidents, being
marked by numerous bits of bad nlsylng
and a number of brilliant catches and
stops. .
Tho errors of the homo players were
more cosUy than those of tho visitors.
A -muff by Magee and a fumble by Pas
kert In the fourth Inning contributed
three runs to New York, and Doolan
made tfhree of his four errors In the
fifth and seventh sessions, which assisted
the visitors to some of their seven runs
in these periods. Four of Philadelphia's
runs were largely the result of mlsplaya
on the part of the visiting fielders.
Phillies TnUe kead.
Philadelphia took a lead of S to 0 In
tho first three Innings by piling up six
hits with a fumble by Snodgrass. The
home Players made two . errors. In tho
first, hut Beaton got out of trouble by
striking -out Doyle and .Merkle. . In tho
fourth. Mage$ mutt, three hits
paskerfs fumble ga'Ve the. vlsltnrp three
runs McCormlck, acting as a pinch hit
ter drove In two of tho tallies. WUe
went to the. rubher; , the. fourth. New
York took the lead In the. .fifth on two
passes, a single, by Fletcher. Murray"
error by r&51an,TKhomer eam tled
tho score lnhmhiKvon-Lobert's In
field slnglew15.tb0,8na Lo-bert-.
st ers and
Snodgrass, -ar-pilr ot-passes and two-er-rors
by DooUjl gave .-tfe,w, York four
more runs. n th&. seventh. The home
team scorediffr&Mnithe same sen
,lon on a fumblypoxle. Magee'. sin
gle and Cravathdwb. Mathewson
then took Wlttse'shlcST Cravath scored
from second base when the plate was left
uncovered afteF"Mjfkle got Doolan' s
grounder and beat runner to .first
fase. t
Shafer Benched.
Shftfer was benched' la the eighth In
ning, which was pitched by Chalmers,
for dUpuUngrftUionjftjecond.base.
His place waj!J"?12 Alex."
A.r nithd the last two Inning. In
the tenth Snodgrass beat out infield.
grounder, took second on uurnr out
and scored the winning run on Herzog's
single to left field. Score:
IJurni. rf...
Bhater, 3b.. 1
lienor; Jb. . 1
Doyla, lb... 4
Merkle, lb.. 1
Murray. It. i
Merer, c. .
Snodirm, ct 5
lecreau, p.. z
W1IU. p... I
MfttheVn, p 1
"McCormlck 1
0 2 0 OPatkert, ct. S I S
Z 0 2 OKnabe. 2b... 4 10
1 .2 0 OLobert, St).. 5 2 0
10 1 IMagee. If... I 2 1
0 11 ICravath, rf. S 1 1
0 19 0 OLuflemi, lb. 4 0 11
0 2 0 ODoolan, .. 4 0 5
18 2 OKIMifer, c. 6
4 S 0 lSeaton, p... t
0 0 1 OChatmaro, p 0
0 0 1 lAlexander, p 0
0 0 1 0Miller .... 1
10 0 O'Dolm 0
... 1
... 0
cTtala 42 12 10 tWlih
Totals 42 13 30 IT T
Batted for Tesreau In the fourth.
Batted for Chalmers In the eighth.
Ran for Miller In the eighth.
Batted for Doolan In the tenth.
Batted for Alexander In' the tenth.
Ran for Walsh In tho tenth.
New Yorki 0 00330400 111
Philadelphia ,..1 0 4 0 1 0 3 1 0 0-10
Two.base hltsi Schafer, Myers, Cravath,
Three-base hit: Paskert. Hits: Off Tes
reau, 6 Inn three Innings; off "VVIltse, 6
In three lnnlncs: (none' out In seventh).
off Mathewson, 1 In four Innings; off
eeaion, w in seven innings; or uiiuimers,
nono In one Inning; off Alexander, 2 In
two. Innings. Sacrifice hit: Knabe. Sac
rifice flies: Murray. Luderus. Stolen
bases; Fletcher, Snodgrass, Herzoff,
Knabe. Lobert. Dnlan. Left nn haxn!
New York. 7:' Philadelphia, 6. First baso
pn nans: urr Tesreau, j; ort .Heaton, j
off Chalmers, 1. First base on errors;
New York, 3; Philadelphia, 2. Struck out:
By Tesreau. S; by WIHse. 3; by Mathew
son, 3; by Beaton. 4; by Chalmers. 1.
Wild pitch: Beaton. Time 2:S5, Umpires:
Klem and Orth.
Rucker -Batted Out of Box.
BROOKLYN. June 30.-The return of
the Urooklvns after a month'. nhnf-
drew out a big crowd, but was otherwise
uusuppoinung. ine uostons knocked
Rucker out of-the box In the fourth In.
nlng and was getting to Wagner when
Callahan was sent in to bat for him.
Allen was hit hard In the eighth, when
two doubles, two singles, a pass and a
wild pitch sent over three runs. Six hits
sent Rucker to the club house In the
fourth, the visitors piling up five runs.
Perdue was effective. Score:
An. II. OA. E. AD.U.O.A.E.
Kirut'le. M S 2 1 4 flMorm,' rf.. 4 1 1 0 O
Ifetlln, 3U. 4 2 1 CCuUbtw, 2b 3 1 2 8 0
Lora. If.... 2 1 1 0 liStectrel, el. 4 1 4 0 0
tfftlilioUjr. If I 8 2 0 tWbut. If... 4 0 t O 0
T!W, rf..., 2 110 lDiubtrt, lb. 4 2 3 0 0
Bveaer.2b 4 2 2 2 CHmltb, 3b... 4 1 0 3 0
Jlvjtri, 4b.. t 1 0 Ollummtl, M 4 0 1 4 0
IUrldtn, p.. t 1 T 0 OFIjher, c... 10 4 10
Mud, c... I 1 1 0 Ollacker, p.. 1 0 0 0 0
.Cerdue, p. I (i 0.0 OWtpier; p. 1 0 0 0 0
Calllhtn ...1 0 0 0 0
ToUU 4)1127 t lAUen. p... 0 0 0 0 0
, TlD(llng . 1 0 0 0 0
ToUI 25 7 27, U 0
Batted for Wagner In seventh.
Batted for Allen In ninth.
Boston m 1 0 0 S 0 0 0 3 09
Brooklyn 0 0100000 0-1
Left on bases: Boston, 11; Brooklyn. 8.
Two-bate hits: Devlin. Sweeney, Smith.
Three-base hit: Devlin. Sacrifice fly;
Titus. Flrsfr base on errors: Brooklyn, 1.
Stolen base: Cutshaw. - Double play;
Smith to Fisher to Daubert. Bases on
bills: Off Rucker, 1; off Wagner, 1; off
Alltn. 5; off Perdue. 1. Struck out: By
IRucJfer. U by Wagner.-1; by Perdue. 6.
Hit by pitched" ball: Titus by Wagner.
Wild pitch: Allen. Passed ball: Miller.
tut: uii uucKcr, in inrre ana one
turd innings; off Wagner. -a in three and
tmras inning; on Alien, in two
Innings. Time: 1:65. Umpires: Rlgler
and Byron.
Reds Iiose to Cards.
CINCINNATI. Juno 30.-8t. Louis
knocked Packard out of the box In the
second Inning and scored enough runs
nff him tn win t V. . . . l'
' ' . ' . saints ui. ino
series from Cincinnati today. 7 to 4. John-
S ..' . u iuweeMu f-ncKara, pucnea ralr
ball, but was taken out to allow -Devore
to run fftr him In t.n i i
Harter yielded only one hit In the two
innings no was in me Dox, Bailee pitched
gilt-edge ball In all but one Inning. This
was In the seventh, when Cincinnati made
four hltfa turn nf ih.M Fn. . U . V.
and scored three rune. Cincinnati mado
iwejiiy-unu asaiBis.
Magee was ordered out of tho game by
Umpire Brennan in the fourth Inning f6r
(Mamltlnf. a Wl.u - . . . . .
" " ' " ' " uwv.o.w... i.tbii tu II1C11 UUl
and fiugglns on first base. Magee hit to
center tor what, appeared to be a certain
iridic. nuKfiins camo an ine way nome.
hilt In rmlnrlfnir i.fnnri tl.m. n., .u.-.
- .---n V.UQLV Ub OHUI
the bag. He was tagged out after he
icutuiu iiuru unu urennan reiuaea to
allow Hugglns' run to count. Magee ex
postulated so violently that Brennan or
dered him to the club house. Score;
AD.H.O.A.K. AD. 11.0 A.R.
Hsilm, 2b.. 4 1 2 3 OVf teller. If. 4 0 1 0 1
MtiM, If... 2 1 2 0 OBttet, rf.. 3 2 0 0 0
Enni. rf... 2 110 0Almeld. ct 1 0 0 0 0
0Ve, cf... 4 3 2 0" 0M'rs"n,ef.rf 4 1 1 1 :o
Mowrer, 3b 4.0 1 1 OTInker,, u,. 4 1 0 tie I I 10 0 4 2 IS 1 0
B'hk'd. rf-lf 4 0 2 0 ODodse, lb., u I I 0
O'Letrr. tt, 4 1 1 4 OOroh. 2b.... 4 13 8-0
IWnto, 21 0ClrV, 2 0 1 0 0
Bailee, p.... 2 10 1 0Pckrd. p.. 0 0 0 1 0
. . - Johnion, p. o 0 2 '. 0
Total 3( 11 27 10 0 Harter, p.. 0 0 0 2 fr
' Derore .... 0 0 0' 0"0
Ran for Johnston In seventh.
fit. Louis 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 07
Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0-4
Two-baso hits: Hugglns. Oakes. Three
base hits: Konetchy. Tinker, Dodge.
Qroh. Hits: Off Packard. 5 In one and
one-third Innings; off Johnston. 6 In two
and two-thirds Innings; off Harter. 1 in
two Innings. Sacrifice hits: Magee.
Bailee, Mowrey. Sacrifice fly: Clark.
Stolen bases: Oakes. Wingo. Left oo
bases: St. Louis, 7; Cincinnati. 4. Bases
on balls: Off Bailee. 1: off Johnston. 1;
off Harter. 1. Struck' Out: By Bailee, 4;
byL Johnston. J. Tims: 2:03. Umpires;
Brennan and Eason.
Cnbs Defeat Pirates.
CHICAGO, June SO.-JImmy Lavender
was almost Invincible today and held
Pittsburgh to three hlts,v only two of
which were clean and bunohedj- and Chi
cago won, 12 to 2. Chloagd pounded
Camnllr so hard that he- waforced to
retire In favor of Cooper, v who was
equally as easy for Mho locals, and he
gave way to Fred Kysrs, a recruit pitcher
from Brown urtlverrlty. who made his
debut In the big league today. . He pitched
a fairly good game and rontrlbuted the
final hit for the visitor.. Score:
Batted for Couper In fifth.
Chicago .1 0 3 6 1 0 1 0 13
Pittsburgh 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Evers, Bchulte, Zimmer
man. Three-base hit,' W. Miller. Home
run: Schulte. Hits:. Off Campltz. 9 'hi
three Innlngalnone out In fourth; Cooper,
three lnlngs (none out In fourth): off
Cooper 4 In one Inning; off Kayers, B
In four Innings. Sacrifice hit! Brid
well. Stolen base; Zimmerman; Double,
play: Byrne to Miller. Uett on laits:
Chicago, 8: Pittsburgh. 6. First base
on balls: Off Lavender.' 4r off Camnltz,
2; off JJayrs, 6. Hit by. Bitched" ballt
Lavender (Byrne). Struck out By 'Lav
ender, 4; by Camnltz, 1; by Eayhs, -4-Time:
2:05. Umpires: Qulgley and Emalio.
r-, t
n.l. finT .TimirtAII. TT.. a
Alio ... .. u w v.. .
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to I
nuilneu Success. '
Dividend Announcement
of the
Bankers Realty Investment
" r ' ; -
It .V V t;
Our Semi-Annual Dividend for the peribid enin June
30th, 1913, at the Annual Rate of 8 . ill;be)ready for
distribution on Monday, July 7th. v ,V
All Omaha Stockholders r
Will kindly call at our office, on Monday, July. 7th,. to re,;
ceive dividend checks; otherwise we will mail your check
to you at your last known address on Tuesday, July. 8.
All Stockholders Who Live Outside of Omaha
Will receive their dividend checks shortly after July 7th,
as we will mail these checks from this office on that date.
An 820
Shows that this company is making wonderful progress
and when you stop to realize that this dividend is be
ing paid to Omaha and Nebraska people it should set
you thinking and ' investigating for your own benefit.
Price of This Stock is Now $115 Per Share
Will Soon Advance To $1.25 Per Share
Better investigate this Today and Save the Advance.
Bankers Realty
7. .
Investment ompany
4I4-419 City National Baik Bitfe, Omaha, Nek
Telephone Douglas 8318
We Have
Never Paid
Less Than 8
Judge Moore Wins
Two More Firsts
IjONDON, June 80. Judge W. H. Moore
of NeW York todajr won the champlo'n
hip of. the International Hone show (it
Olympla for pairs of harnee horaea ex
ceeding fifteen handi when he carried off
the Louisville trophy In class U with
Lord and'LadV Beaton. With is Durco
maater and llobln Hood Judge. Sloore
lso took first prize In the class 43 fur
pairs of horses shown to a mall, demt
matl, stanhope or spider phaeton.
kofeky. Umpires; Rich and Davis, North
Scotia won from Arcadia on their
grounds, 4 to 2. Daterjes: Scotia, Soutter
and Ammerman; Arcadia, Duryea and
These three teams play two games at
Scotia, July 4, for a $200 purse.
Johnny Oouton
is m Hospital
CHICAGO, Juno 30. Johnny Coulon,
bantam- weight champion of the world,
was taken, to a hospital today, suffering
from severe stomach trouble. It Is said
that tho battering he received tn his bat
tie with Frankle Burns "at Kenosha' last
week aggravated his Illness, the exact
nature of which has not been ascertained.
aoriTTA. Neb.. June 80. (Special.)
Scotia won two more games, defeating
the Grand -Island woioacns nere
day. Scotia had the game apparently
till thn ninth, when Bpeetzen hit
a home run with three on, giving a lead
o ftwo. Scotia camo right bacK with hits
by Selp and Ammerman and Miller's two.
bagger, whloh scored on an overthrow
with nono' down. Batting honors fell to
Miller and (J rob oaky, each getting a home
run. Bcores R.H.E.
Bcotla 0J1 000 1 0J-7 7 3
Wolbachs OIOO000&- 14
roan; Wolbaths, Wolb, Wright and Schlr-
rrnmlnrnl Ilorncmnn Ilrnil.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 19. Nicholas
W. Hubblnrer. for years widely known In
grand circuit racing circles, and especially
throughout the west as an owner of fast
trotting horses, Is dead here from tuber,
A Frightful Experience
with biliousness, malaria and constipa
tion, la quickly overcome by taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Only 25c. For
sale by Deaton Drug Co. Advertisement
Quickly Rids Faco o!
Tired, Careworn Look
fFYom The Home Doctor.)
Fear, worry, anger, pain, pleasure, all
emotions, mean work for the facial mus
cles and the myriad of sensitive mrves
about them. These muscles.and nerves
are never at rest, even during sleep.
Many faces as, a consequence are con
stantly tired and look It Yet few take
proper care of this condition, so Import
ant to one's appearance and comfort.
It's easy to put a tired face to rest, and
remarkable benefits result. Good parafled
plastold Jelly, found tn any drug store,
works real wonders when spread over the
face and allowed to dry. It holds the
muscles Immovable, at the same time
stimulating clculatlon In the tired tissue.
Flabby muscles while resting are being
strengthened. A natural pink glow, more
youthful expression. Improved facial con
tour, are immediately observed. The re
Juvenal. d appearance lasts for many
hour', ideally, the results are permanent
to an xtvnt, and are added to with each
successive treatment. Parafled plas'told
Jelly ' pe-fectly harmless and may
theref'jro be used as often as delslred. , It
shouK be kept on about IS minutes to an
hour. Ihen removed with cold water. The feeling of test and relief Is
iru' wonderful. Adv,
'Two hundred yards straight down
tho course" and down a course that
calls for tho best golf you know.
TAw'jo vacation foryou a week; oa tho
wonderful links that nestle down among tho
gigantic peaks of tho Canadian Rockies at
Banff Springs Hotel- Days out-o'-doors
Rolling, flshinff, drivingandrldinpr. Nightr
in a hotel that rivals anything in Chicago
Springs Hotel
in the Canadian Rockies
Then, in-between times, fUhtngfn Bow Riv
er drivea to Bulphnr Mountain-rides tm Tun
nel Mountain ;-viIU to plcture&qua Buffalo
l'trk nd ncjepd of memorable scenery.
Go to tho Canadian Rockies this summer.
Vitlt Banff. Loko Loulae, Field. Glacier and
Victoria, via the Canadian Pacific. I'll suggest
soma attractive itineraries and mall you
' Pacific Coast Tours" if you writs
224 3. dark Street . CWcaso
ThftiPjfrcSctnnf Tnrl i ninns TIra of Nowsniincr AnVnvtisinc
I is tho-Boad to Business Success.