Modern Home-Builders and Home-Furnishers of Omaha l Beautiful Dwelling of Popular Type Store Your Household 1 Only One Day Left in which to buy Homo Builders Guaranteed Preferred Shares at $1.05 and participates in tho surplus of the last six months. On Tuesday, July 1st, the prico will bo advanced according to the actual cash valuo as shown by our books. Home Builders' Books Always Open to the Investor Thoy show consistent GROWTH for tho past year in assets ot over 20: number of shareholders nearly 50: numbor of houses gum I built over 60 tho direct result of Homo Builders' Plnn, which is fully explained in our booklets, "The New Way" and "The Houso Beautiful" (in colors), freo for tho asking. Our New "Plan Book" published by Home Builders, will be ready In ten days, showing views and floor plans of moro than fifty modern, attractivo homes of tho latent styles and features. Get one of these books beforo you decido upon plans for your now home prlco fifty cents, postago prepaid. Let Home Builders build and flnanco a dwelling for you. We furnish free of cost to you, complete working plans drawn by our architect You solect the lot and chooso tho stylo of houso you want. We build to suit you. Consultation welcomod at any time. HOME BUILDERS (Inc.) Amerloan Eocarlty Company, Xlseal Afftnts. Srandsls Theater Bldff., around Tloor, 8. W. Cor. 17th and Dong-las Bts. Bouflss 6013. Phone Douglas 394. LASS for the FOURTH Flags for the porch. Flagi for poles, 6 feet and up. Wool Flags, many sizes. Flags fr the children. Flags for everybody. rfcone your order. Bonglas 338 or Douglas 883. Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co. & v - Successors to Scott Tont & Awning Co. and Omaha Tont & Awning Co. 8m us for Aiming, Poroh Curtains, Conch Swings and OomploU Camping Outfits. DEI .. r Hi ' T iiJ.SBBBBBBBBSBlBW'k S 3 lilt S l'! Kllf o.,aijBBaB-,,f sT ,h ' Mi w . . ' .J ,11 .1 HI i 'i, i ( i.l Hi MB u L J ' oo I Goods With Us STATE BONDED WAREHOUSE "We furnisli you without cost, state protection1 for tho ultimate safe delivery of your effects. Phone us our estimator will call and offer you valuable information ' about the preparation of your goods necessary for storing. ' r hMifi ir i . t r i StortYoirlomthold Goods With a Rf spowsihle Cowpmy, Tho Fldollty Storage & Van Company is a responsible utorago company and has strong financial backing. Our warehouse is largo and roomy, 1b well ventllatod and is free from moths, mice, etc. Lowost Insurance rates, quick sorvlco, moderato atorago and moving rates. TELEPHONE: Douglas Flfteen-slxtecn. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. 16TH AND JACKSON STREETS. WATER BOARD STOPS HUMMEL Park Commissioner Wants to Put In Boulevard and is Held Up. TO CONSTRUCT IT, ANYWAY City Official Declares that the II lab way Will Be Pat In and Then Maintained In Necessary Way by the City. The house wired for electricity is the one that gives the tenant entire satisfaction If your house does not have elec tricity let us move you at once into one that does. We give complete satisfaction in our moving, and dis patch work with care to every ar ticle and without damage to the most fragile piece of furniture. Moving, Storing and Packing Modern Equipment Store your goods with us this summer in Fireproof, Ratproof gnd Dirtproof Vaults The Best Storage in the West. Omaha Van & Storage Company Joe B, Hummel, park commissioner, rises to Inquire why the Water board has violated certain promlsos to him and steadfastly refuses to permit him to con struct a boulovard over property owned by the board between Thirty-ninth and Nicholas and Thirty-eighth and Hamil ton streets. Hummel has bought or leased all other property needed to ex tend tho boulevard from Rlvervlew park through Kontenelle park to Forty-fifth and Grant streeets. "I went before the "Water board and asked for permission to continue tho boulevard through this property," sold Hummel, "and wns given permission, but when my contractors went tc work they were ordered off the Job by Water Com missioner Howell. That was six months ego and although I have appeared before the Water board and naked for soma reason for tho board's action, have been unable to secure any.' Hummel said he would butld the boule-' vard and maintain It subject to the ac tion of the Water board. The Water board Is contemplating the erection ot a' reservoir on the property, but the reser. voir Is very problematical and Hummel has agreod to vacate the land whenever the board saw fit to construct the reser voir. In the meantime the Water board Is holding up a $15,000 Improvement and prof-. fers no excuse. Hummel la Incensed, but will appeal again to the Judgment ot the board. J Trade Excursion is Being Planned to ! the South Platte i Plans are being made by the trade ex tension committee of the Commercial club for a trade excursion through the south Platte country this fall. The trade ex tension trip was abandoned last year because ot objections from Omaha Job bers. An Investigation has been made this year and all ot Omaha's rivals have been found making trado extension trips or planning to make them. The com mittee has decided that something must be done to meet this competition, which has coma Into Omaha's trade territory on all aides. BUILDING LOANS Money to loan to build houses, to improve business property or to pay existing loans. Borrowers may pay from 10 to SO per cent on loans tin interest dates. Interest ceases on amounts when paid. Lans closed promptly. Tour business solicited W. H. THOMAS &. SON Douglas 1048. 20 state Bank Bid, DR. ELMER PORTER USES REPUBLIC TIRES ON RUN The recent run made by Dr. Porter In his big new Cadlllao has attracted much Most Pood Is Poison to me ayspepuc. taectrio Hitters soon relievo dyspepsia, liver and kidney com plaints and debility. Price 60c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Service Given by Trust Company It has long been customary for cor porations of ono sort and another desir ing to Issue bonds or stocks, to enlist thfe services of a trust company either as trustee under the mortgage securing the bonds or as transfer agent or registrar of the stock Issue. In recent years, however, trust companies have gone further than this and have established special departments for the certification of municipal and public service bonds. Such departments attend to all the de tails In connection with municipal issues for example, they examine into the legality of the issue, attend to the en graving and safekeeping of the plates from which such bonds are printed, guard against forgery and overissue. This service has become so Invaluable that In many Instances savings banks and Individual Investors will not pur chase any municipal offerings which do not bear the certification of some trust company. There has also been much discussion during the last political campaign re garding agricultural education and the extension of better credit facilities In behalf of farmers. Attention was called in the various party platforms to the excellent land credit and mortgage (bank systems In operation In Germany and France. It was shown that farmers In remote communities were compelled to pay exorbitant rates on loans and In executing mortgages. While ex-Presldent Toft waa elaborating a plan with the aid of the consular system ot securing Information on these subjects, a trust company was organized In Illinois which embodied In Its management all the boat features of the German and French land credit extension banks. From time to time there have been an nouncements of commercial and mercan tile failures Involving big losses to banks and purchasers of commercial paper. In a recent Chicago failure many hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of com mercial paper of the defunct establish ment were held by banks Which had 'ac cepted the paper as security for loans. The American Bankers' association some years ago appointed a special committee to devise a plan, with the assistance ot the various clearing house associations, to have commercial paper registered. This was found to be Impracticable. Then, recently, one of the enterprising trust companies In New Tork City mode the announcement that a special depart ment had been opened for the registra tion of commercial paper. The trust company keeps a complete record of all the paper and note obligations of the corporation, and thus acts as a pre ventive agent In the overextension of credits. attention. The trip was to Minneapolis and return and was made In record time. Before starting on the trip Dr. Porter had his car equipped with Republic tires and experienced absolutely no tire trouble on his Journey. ROLLER GETS AGENCY FOR PNEUMATIC GEAR SHAFT W. W. Koller of Omaha has secured the agency for Nebraska and the western two tiers of Iowa counties tor the Gray pneumatic, gear shift. The company which controls It advertised for agents and got 10,000 replies. Naturally, most ot the would-be agents were disappointed. Mr. Koller was one ot the lucky ones.. The Omy pneumatlo gear shift elimi nates the necessity for levers on a car; a touch ot (he finger shifts the gears, a push of the foot starts the motor. 'Tie appliance furnishes air for tires, air for the starter and air for cleaning. It can be attched to any car. Warehouse Company Goes to Front With Progressive Heads One example ot the ever-Increasing) business Is that shown by the Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van company. It has come to be one of the largest con cerns of Its kind In this section ot the country, and has done so In a very short time. Its storage house Is one ot the best, and Is now being used to store tho household goods ot hundreds ot Omaha families. Tho concern Is progressive, the reason for this being, of course, that Its officers are leaders In their line. W. A. Gordon is president; B. C. McDowell, treasurer, and W. W. Coller, general manager. These men look after the In terests of this company, and to them Is due the substantial character ot the firm today. OUPON Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 219 North 11th St. Leave your baggage checks at our Branch Office 216 So. 16th St., and they will receive prompt attention. MOVING PACKING PIANO MOVING, ETC. Awnings. Tents. Flags, Camp Cots and Stools, Canvas Porch Curtains, Eto. Of top-notch quality, and that no better can bo made is evidenced by our phenomenal growth since 1889. Havo us estimate on your work. Our prices aro right. Workmanship guaranteed. WOLF BROS. TENT & AWNING 60. PHORS.DOUQDAB C04. 1313 HOWARD ST. FLAGS! FLAGS! ALL SIZES-MANY PBICES Be patriotic buy flags for the children to wave on the Fourth. Decorate your home with them. Just phone the size, kind and number, and we'll send them out. Gate City Tent & Awning Co. 314-1 S South 12th St. Telephone Douglas 8845 Peters Trust Company Established 1886. Organized for the performance of Fiduciary Work under the Statutes of the State of Nebraska This trust company is organized to act in the following fiduciary capacities: 1 AflAdmlnifltrator of Estates or as Executor or Trustee under 2 As Trustee under Agreements in writing, Including trust deeds securing the issuance of corporate bonds. 3 Ab Quardian of Estates of Minors or incompetent Persons. 4 As Trustee under Life Insurance Policies. 5 As Custodian of Securities, with or without control and in vestment 6 As Treasurer or as Agent for the Treasuror of Charitable and other Similar Associations. 7 As Manager of Estates during the temporary or permanent absence of the owners; or for persons who are unable for any reason to give personal attention to their property, collecting Income, interest, dividends, coupons, bonds, mort gages, keeping the funds invested, paying taxes, etc. 8 As Registrar and Transfer Agent for Corporation Stocks and Bonds. Ib known all over the West for its Character, Strength, Responsi bility and Efficiency. CAPITAL $200,000.08 s mi SURPLUS $200,090.00 1""- 'WAM STRFFT I Konry B. SXoDonald Awnings Porch Curtains Anti-Trust Kits Traphagan Auto Covers Camp Furniture Living Prices We are at your service. Why not havo us give you prices on your rteedaT It places you under no obltgaatlon to buy. Phone for our sales man to call. NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING COMPANY JPhone Bonglas 3341. 1701 Leavenworth. Y0DR Face Brick Problem U"V TFV DDirV Ash For Our Can Be Solved With . . . Hydraulic Press Brick Co. BooHett 1302-3 W. O. W.BLDG. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Vases and Flower Boxes of Cement. Do not crack or crumble. We have a variety of designs, colors and sizes. Visit Oar Display Xooms, 1708 Oomlnr St. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. Pbons Douglas 4438. rrank Barker AX. O. Barker Cfoorff Barker. Jr. Josspb Barker, ad Barker Brothers Paint Co. WHOLESALE Aim RETAIL Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes PRATT & LAMBERT VARNISHES, KEYSTONA, BRUSHES AND GLASS 1609 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 4750. (MIIMIWisMM