Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1913, Image 6

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    THE BEE: mrH, T RTD T, jr.vrc T, ITO
Tub Omaha daily bee
Entered at Omaha, postofflcs a second-
ciass utialter.
TRttiviH np armsntlPTtON!
Sunday Bee. one year IfJ?
Saturday Bee, one- year -JJ
Datly Bee. without Sunday, one year. 4.JJJ
Dotty Bee, end Sunday, one year.... &w
Evenlrtr and Sunday, per month. .....wc
, Evening, without Sunday, per
Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo.6.o
Dally Bee. without Sunday, per ,mo.J5o
Address all complaints of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Rerfilt by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The ttJee Publishing company.
Only I-cent stamps received In payment
of small accounts. Persohal checKs, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Bee building.
Bouta Omaha f31S N Street.
Cooncll Bluffs-H North Main street.
Llncoln-a Little bulldlrifr. .
Chfcapo-Ml Hearst building.
New York-Room 11M. 2S0 KlflhAve.
St. JTouls-Ba-New Bank of Commerce.
TVashlngton-TSS Fourteenth St.. N. w.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter nhnuld bo nddressoO
Oroaha, Bee, Editorial department
State of Nebraska, County ot Douglas, ss!
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of The Bee Publishing company being
ddly sworn, says that the average dally'
circulation for the month of Mar. 1913,
Circulation ' Manager,
Subscribed In' my presenco and sworn
to before me this ,th day of June, 191S.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
' Subscribers lenrlnn the city
temporarily should, hare The life
mnlled to them. Address trill
chanRCd 'am often ns refinested.
Thq weather won la surely good
to tho picnickers.
Hounding the homo stretch now
in tho Juno hrldrr f rco-f or-all,
Dr. .Stuck reached tho top of Mt.
McKiriloy in epltp of: his name.
Water base ball is becoming popu
lar tn'sonio places, night in tho
Bwlrrj all the tlmo.
Some day old Doc Cook may admit
thatt was a cold doal'lio handed
ub In nls Polarfako, -
Cboyenno, whoro tHo 'women voto,
has lust como Into tho commission
planjot city government class, Dut
whyjso tardy? "
GojSrgo Thatchortho .famous mlns
Etrolr s dead. It overy ono who
laugfipd with him wept at his, grave
there would be rivers pf,.brlno.
..I... -i-
H J those mllltan, EngttB'h suff ra
gettefe road .the papbrs - thoy must
havo.bqcn Interested In tho way tho
Illinois women-rgof7the-(balot
Llfo Is Just ono llttlo swatting of
tho fiy.idlBElng ot tho dandelion and
bolliig'of tho water, after another,
and gull It is a glorious institution,
ChaUnoey Depew'a idea, of national, de
fense llto talk the enemy to death.
Boston Transcript,
Then j our defense should be Im
pregnable." If wo aro not careful In our diplo
matic reading wo will get our pages
mixed between V, H. for the Court
of St. James and Thomas Nelson for
"Lcjve Makes tho Homo Look
Coiy' Is tho title of a storiotte,
Yes jind. it At jlatho-. Toal.Jttuffji1
does more" than? merely mako it look
that -ay.
Without assuming to question '.so.
great in authority as Dr, Sorviss wo.
reaimoct not appreciate wn.atilno
cays about "tho gradual loss of heat
by the' nun."
Mr. (Bryan and Mr. Carricglcuad.
wlre kaiser bb a peace advocate,
but tljoi.kajsor believes. ,ln, Keeping.
ma peace uy unaiuug wim prepara
tions" ior wax.
A St, Louis nowapapox offers 9100
In casjfor the beat ten reusons'why
a person should; mdro from another
state. "$tv Missouri. They will' ' be
Jfrorth tho mdnoy.1
The postal laws' prohibit sending
threatening 'duns' -vn postal caffdB.
But. of courBo, that was not Intended
to apply to our Wator board, which
la above' all' Jaw.
The reappointment ot Chief
Brtggs to head 'South Omaha's police
department is another; triumph of
common sense and. 'efficiency over
political ple-huqtingjj"
Tho consensus of opinion is "that
it our 'city jail Vrero'oonducted. as a
summer resort, dopendlng upon its
attractions! to draw boarders, it
would be a flat-failure. ;
All the patriotism that, an unsafe
and Insane Fourth, ot July can ex-press-docs
not equal, tho fourth part
of a iommon sense celebration that
taker account of life and limb.
In rconolderlng prances J, Honey
lor apodal prosecutor in' the Cal
ifornia cases from vhilch McNab, rei
tJres President Wlfsorf evldentlyi;!.
tendsrto keep up the excitement to
the last.
"Wtgit Is it our amiable democratic
contemporary IsjtryJng 'tQ do? Shoo
the tty Jail pawners un to the
counts Jail so the. reform democratic
1 sheriff can try tou.colIect 50 cents
per head per day for their ,'bord,
( "which at the city Jail costs only 17
uwtUa day?
Budgets and Fork Barrels.
Party spoils and peanut politics
have again triumphed over tho bud
get plan in tho democratic Iioubo
caucus, but the result is not wholly
discouraging, slnco Speaker Clark,
Chairman Underwood and Congress
man Fitzgerald, thrco party loaders,
championed tho budget system.
This BConiB to Indicate ultimate suc
cess ot tho plan, cvon in a demo
cratic congress,, as against tho old,
pernicious pork barrel graft. Tho
strong fight made for tho budget
system by President Taft and tho
illuminating arguments ho set forth,
conclusively rovcaled tho indefen
sible weaknesses of the old method.
The differenco between the budget
and pork barrel Is simply tho dif
ference, theoretically, at least, bo
tweon tho grab bag nnd business
methods. Tho budget plan of for
mulating appropriations fs tho one
which largo private Institutions as
well as all other great national gov
ernments except the United States
operate, so that the principle Is not
new or lacking in demonstration,
Tell it to the Marines.
Nobody now bollovos what Mr. McNab
charged lit his resignation, that tho In
fluenco of wealth, friendship or poslUon
can away that administration, or any ot
Its departments, contrary to th demands
ot justice or tho dictates ot honor.
In tho languago of Mayor "Jim,"
"Toll It to tho marines."
It there is any ono thlni; that
stands out as cloarly proved, it is
that it was tho lnfluonco ot friend
ship, politics nnd pull that procured
tho order to McNab to defer prose
cution, an ordor so contrary to tho
doniunds of Justlco that tho presi
dent forthwith revoked it.
A Point-of Agreement.
It should be. noted that in Blgnlng
tho sundry civil appropriations bill
President Wilson, explains, that , ho
wpul4,have vetoed bno clause If it
could, have been divorced from tho
rcst.ot tho measure, and passed on
Prosldqnt Taft votqod tho bill that
camo to him with this labor union
exemption, in tho faco of similar
appeals as, camo to President Wil
son. Prosldont Taft did not be
lieve in tho Jogal soundness or Jus
tlco ot tho exemption and bluntly
saldj bo. With, his slncorlty ot pur
poso and courage of conviction no
labor man, however much ho con
demned his., vlowpolnt, could find
faujC, Now, before, tho democrats
Book to capitalize this action Into
campaign thundor to catch tho.labor
voto, lot it bo clearly understood
that Mr. Wilson. 1b in precise agreo
mojitwlth Mr. Taft and that ho defi
nitely stated in signing tho bill
that ho foU.ho dld-itiot' Bacritlco n,
principle slnco ho stood willing and
even anxious to voto tho oxomption
ctauso Jt only, ho could extract It
from the context.
It is drawing no uufalr conclusion,
thon, to pay that Mr. Wilson showed
thajt,JioJ&qkod tho. con
viction, which Mr, Taft displayed.
The Voice on the 'Phone.
The story told by Chairman Lov-
ott of the Union Pacific about tho
volco on tho phono purporting to bo
that of a congressman advising him
to hlro somo ono to "greaso tho
wheels," suggosts that tho noxt big
invention demanded in tho interest
of-publlc- safety-is a dovico to iden
tify a speaker at tho other end of
tho wiro. v
It.haa beonkBaldthat bankers pre
fer a tolophonlo iendorscmont'to ono
in writing or ;at least i regard tho
volco Just as reliable as tho auto
graph signature,,.. ThlBi will not ap
ply, however, to. ,thar .communicants
It thoy arp not personally1 acquainted
or familiar with ono anothor's con
versation, i
Tho mischief tthe. mysterious volco
ont tho phono- might. , do,, and tho
manlfdld ivays ln which it might 'got
folka Into trouble... are beyond cal
culation. ''An unescapablo system of
telephonic ldontlfJcaUon is clearly
tho calPof-tho hour.
Bullies5 in Congress.
Thft COllRtlllltlnn mnnnritn Irahnsa
rib"prora(um on rowdyism when it
provided Immunity from; arrest to
senators and representatives "in
alii cases except . treason, folonv.
and broach o peace." Tho privi
leges thua vouchsafed dl.d not in
elude the right of a Texas con crass.
man with an exaggerate idea ot his
own importance to snash a street
caf window and thou pummel the
conductor for remonstrating with
him. Tho immunity was intended.
no for bullies, but membora whoso
conduct entitled thorn to It.
Tho constitution, therefore, could
havo no quarrel with holding tho
Hon. Martin Dies as strictly ac
countable for what Is reported to
have been an uncalled-for assault
upon a street car conductor trying
to protect the property of hla em
ployer the some as any ordinary
street bully, Jf accurately described,
tuo episode clearly Indicates a
"breach of -'peace,." as well as an en
tire lack of appreciation of his of
ficial position.
Congressman Barton Is going to
have congrcaa appropriate 'money to'
supplement the states' appropria
tions to take tho surviving Gettys
burg veterans back to the battle
field tor the semi-centennial celo-
bration. The congressman's Inten
tions are good, only he did not wake
up until after the train had started.
Lookino' Backward
000 i JI7XK 27.
Thirty Years Ar
After tho rehearsal of Thomas chorus.
the loader, Sir. Dlakeley, was presented
with a handsome baton.
A paper received by John Baumer
from Hamburg, Germany, shows that
Henry EUohe, and party, accompanying
him as commissioner from Nebraska to
the Berlin exposition, were given a grand
reception on their arrival.
George 3. Sternsdorf of the Union
Pacific freight department, has returned
from a trip to the Rocky mountains.
Hugh FlUpatrlck. has been sent to
the pest house as assistant steward.
.JIIss L. V. Loomls will open a sum
mer school at 1914 Webster street, begin
ning Monday, July 2. Terms: 14 for young
children, and $5 for advanced pupils.
John Carroll, night porter at tho
Grand Pacific will be married Sunday to
Miss Anlo Knox of Indianapolis.
Mrs. J. H, Mumaugh has gone to
Michigan to visit during the summer
Mrs. ' J. W Paddock and Miss Emma
Paddock, went to tho west to spond
thes ummer at Fort Robinson.
Miss Margie Hembrlght has returned
from a pleasant visit to Grand Island,
whero she spent several weeks. She
was accompanied by Misses Annie and
Maggie Howard, who will stay over tho
Fourth In Omaha.
Tho Her Hose Cart club has challenged
Boyd's club to play a game of baso ball.
Crelghton college commencement exer
cises taxed the capacity of the hall.
Among tho prlzo winners announced by
Bishop O'Connor were; John A, Mc
Crcary, Robert E. Donoagh, John Toner,
William A. Flartnlgan, Peter R. Sher
lock nnd John H. O'Nolll.
Twenty Years Ago -
President 8. II. II, Clark of tho Union
aclflo left for the cast in his private
Hon, James E. North of Columbus was
at, the Paxton hotelj where lh tho even
ing he held a "Columbian" reception.
Harry-C. Miller came down' from Blair
and spent tho day In Omahaj
J, A. Tuthlll left for Memphis, Kansas
City nnd St. Louis, to engage horses for
the running meet on July 4-0.
Victor Blerbower, attorney lor the
Union Pacific at Pocatello, Idaho, for
merly of Omaha, was in the1 city, visiting
his brother, E. L. Blerbower, prior to a
visit ntuho World's fair in Chicago.
CleorgS Francis Train "Citizen Train,
as ho called himself a globe trotter and
pioneer in tho early development of
Omaha, arrived Itt the city as the guest
of his cousin, Mayor George P. Bemls.
The Omaha , club was In a peck ot
trouble, running behind in Its bills and
a .meeting . ot the1 directors was called
to consider the expediency of closing
down the grill room, which was proving
a heavy draft.
Eroatus Young denounced as ' me
height of. folly" the report, that tho
itiiinn "PApifio had taken oft trains
because of th maximum freight rnln
law, ii
with t
lo said It was simply to conform
ho demands of business.
Ten Years Aco -
Tho Omahd Commercial- club mapped
out its itinerary for a considerable tour
ot some Nebraska and Iowa towns, com
prising about three days' time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Myron L. Learned toolc ft
coaching party to thof aturday races.
M.,iitmi,i,rn nnd other railroads, fol-
w-inir h load of the Union Pacific and
Burlington, filed Injunction suits' to pro-
vent, Tax Commissioner . leimng anu,
City Treasurer llonnlngs from collecting
taxes on the basis ot valuations maae Dy
tho city authorities at an Increased; rate.
Th rnmnletn nroeram for the National
Editorial association's convention was
announced. It was to pen at the or
nhmim theater on July 7. nnd bring to the
city. It was expected, 1.000 people. Dr,
George L. Miller, veteran editor or mo
old Herald, was selected to open tho con
TCdward Rosewater of The Bee,
O. M. Hitchcock of the World-Hcrald and
V. W. Kellogg ot the Dally News wero
down for addresses.
An announcement was made' ofrarr ar
rangement by all" railroads west" of the
nfi...nitt, ,f .in AinnmrA ihei norln ticket
luin.viu. t v . - - - - - - r
'and adopt ''an interchangeable. mileage
book Instead, to be 2.000 miles denomin
ation. People Tallied Atout
According to tho latest statistics 13.4J7
plutocrats tn Missouri' will be touched by
the" Income tax.
Tho stork visited the homo of Nathan
Valono. a Pittsburgh merchant, recently
and left a baby girl weighing 14 pounds.
This is th twenty-sixth child born to
Modistes are rallying to the assistance
of a New York Judge by handing him a
negatlvo answer to tho question: "Can a
"Venus clothe herself on 35 f- week?"
Twenty-two drownings reported last
Sunday 1 And the fool who; rocks the
boat hasn't yet got his hand In.
A Chicago officeholder who has been
quartered on the payroll for sixteen
years, .performed tho monthly task of
drawing his pay so unobtrusively that
when he applied for a vacation his boss
required him to be identified,"
Mrs. Hatoyama, & Japanese woman
who was educated In this country, states
In an" eastern paper that Japan has. ho
old.inlda and, therefore, no suffrage
question. f.
MUs Julia It fiommer. "lecturer Jr
scientific thcosophy." tells . us. 'that . any
girl can marry the man she wants by
holdlnsfchls image in her mlrd.
Miss .Jessie Ackerman, the champion
woman globe-trotter, has Just arrived tn
New Tork on an eight-year tour around
thetworld,- She has encircled tho gobe
eight times within the last twenty years.
For a woman traveler Miss Ackerman
has broken the record, with SS1.000 miles
to her credit.
One hundred and eight years of lite
have wreathed, up from the pipe ot Maria
Tom; ancient of ancients among the
eynsy tribes of Georgia, It the pipe
escapes breaking, she sees no obstacle to
Indefinite life. 8he Is engaged now upon
smoking herself" Into as many years as
the prophet lived-
Brigadier General Robert II. Carna
h'an, who organized a' regiment at Fair
bury, III. .during the civil war and com
manded it at the battle ot Pea Ridge
and through to the Red river campaign.
Is dead at tho National Soldiers' home
In Danville. III. General Carnaban also
saw service Id western Indian cam-palm.
Twice Told Tales
From a Scotch Collection,
Sandy and his lass, had been sitting
together about half an hour in silence.
"Maggie," he tald at length, "wasna I
here on the Rawbath nlcht?"
"Aye? Sandy, I daur say you were."
"An1 wasna I here on Monday nlchtf'
"Aye, so you were."
"An' I was here on Tuesday, nlcht, an'
Wednesday nlcht, an' Thursday nlcht, an'
Friday nlcht"
"Aye, I'm thtnkln' that's so."
"An' this is Saturday nlcht, an' I'm
here again.'
"Well, what for no?"
"I'm sure ye're very welcome."
Sandy (desperately): "Maggie, woman,
dae yo no begin to smell a rat?"
nrnalvK Hpelllnsr,
Prof. Alfred E. Stearns, principal of the
Phillips Andover academi'. said at a re.
cent alumni dinner in New Tork:
Tho easiest way In raising funds, as in
other thlnffft. Is th wmn, wav r --
member a man and his easy spelling rulo.
in orange In my childhood I once com
plained of "the difficulties of -.polling. I
said that 'el' and 'ie' In such words as
'believe' nnd 'receive' always stumped me.
"Then this man patted mo on the1 head
and smiled and said;
'My boy, I will give you an Infallible
rule of 'el and 'le' a rule that In fortv.
seven years has never failed me.'
I expressed my delight and waited. The
man resumed;
" 'Tho rule Is slmnlv (his; Writ
T and 'o' exdct'ly alike and put youi- dot
exactly Detween them.' "
Trick I n r Her.'
The editor of a great magazine sent for
a certain author who had submitted an
unsolicited manuscript.
"I am glad to make your acquaintance,
sir,' said the editor, enthusiastically.
"Tho story you sent us Is perfedtlyf splen
did. But why use a nom de pltlme? Let
us publish It over yoUr own name, and It
Will' make you famous."
"I'm not after fame," objected the au
thor. "It's' motley I want."
"But you'll get Just as much money in
cither case. '
"No. I won't If I publish It ovr my
own name, my wife will get the money."
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
NclBhliorly Nerve.
Mr. Wllklns was near tho exploding
point when his neighbor met him on tho
"That man Tompkins," he burst out,
niw mora nervo man anyone I ever
"Why?" askod hia neighbor, curiously,
"He came over to my house last even
ing and borrowed my gun to kill a dog"
mat kept him awako nights."
"Well, what of that?"
"Why," shouted Mr. Wllklns.- "It was
iriy dog ho killed." Ladles' Home Jour
Editorial Snapshots
Boston Transcript: Secretary Bryan is
carrying his lunch to the State depart
ment In a shoe box, but he, will not
transport grape Juice In one of those dark
and sinister looking flasks.
Springfield Republican: To be precise,
Senator Lodge's frank saved to tho beet
sugarinca tho sum ot KS.000 In noetnee.
circulating -''Sugar at a Olanqe,"' These
figures have gone Into tho official record,
Cleveland - Plain. Dealer: The1 Depart
ment bf AgrlcultUro. 'whlch'drafa only in
seVen-flguro quantities, declarer the
American farmer"la'"loslng J45$.0OO be
cause ot bad egg's. t This Is enough to
mako' any eelf-re'spcctlng 'hen 'fiuit tho
Itoustbn P6st: President Wilsori 'has
not commissioned us as' his spokesman.
qui wo icei mat me senators ana repre
sentatives ought to knoW the early enact
ment of the tariff and, .currency -'bills Is
a- key that will unlock" the door to the
po counter.
New York World: Four tons of nold.
silver and , glassware have.' been' shipped
from Franco to tho French embassy In
London to bo used In the , state banquet
to bo given by the president ,ot Franco
to the King and qUccn of England. The
old feudal story nf "the field f cloth ot
gold in Frolssart no longer reads so
strange when compared with modern
French republican simplicity In the mat
ter of royal entertainment.
Pittsburgh Dlspatch: Mr. Oxnard's tes
timony that for many years ho spent
120,000 to Insure the presentation to con
gress ot corroct tariff, views Srqn the
beet sugar standpoint is calculated to.
evoke pointed questions. One is, how.
much of the JiO.Ctyi was used In those fa
mous protests, first that Cuban reciprocity
would ruin the beet sugar industry and
next that Philippine reciprocity would do
the same thing? Perhaps If that class of
propaganda had been curtailed tho beet
sugar protests would get a little more
attention. ,
Grand Forks.1 N. D., will establish a
municipal electric light plant.
Ogden, Utah.' has equipped Its tire de
partment with auto .apparatus.
A St. Louis doctor tho other day ampu
tated" the broken 'leg of a woman's pet
canary bird.
Ban Francisco Is to have a new twenty
story buUding on tho north bide ot Mar
ket, opposite-Second street.
Portland, Ore.. Is to "have 's, great out
door recreation' prgarUrati&n to be known
as the Municipal Athletlo association
Reformers are agitating (he. suppression
of tobaeco smoking pn surface and elot
vated trains in New York City. Tho
movement hasn't passed the hot air
Two rival gas companies in Indian,
apolls have been permitted to merge by
the Public Utilities commission.., Tho
maximum price ot gas Is fixed at. SO cents,
with a large -opening for reductions as
earthings, warrant.
Judges of the courts ot New York City
have protested against the proposed,
round' court house -as unfitted forthe"
purpose intended.' The Roman coliseum
idea gets another knock by the announce
ment' that tho cost must- not exceed
An 'Uxrtnipl of Thrift.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Tho ex-president ot Cuba seems to have
done the oustomary thing In sailing to
Europe In 17.000 suite on a palatial
ship. .In ther countries below us the comi
mbn peopleudo not-have to bother about
what to. do .with their ox-presldents. The
presidents attend to the .problem befqro
they become an ex.
TIiq Bees LellerB
Medical Fallacies.
CASPER, Wyo., June 24. -To the Edi
tor 0t Tho Bee: I have Just read your
brief article under the caption "Possibili
ties, of, Typhoid Numerous on .Vacation
Trips," and the alleged recommendation
Oft Dr. R. W. Connell, and though late,
I ask spaed to call' attention to the fal
lacy of this.
(Somb years ago I studied medicine until
I found out the urisclentlflo nature or
Its theories and' consequent methods ot
healing. ' I then promptly gaVe It up.
Dr. Connell , Is represented as urging
upon Omaha pleasure seekers to ask for
"ImmtlhW'lng doses of typhoid bacterln"
before setting out for their vacation.
Atsumlng this recommendation to bo cor
rect, I. do not hesitate' to declare It a
deltislqn, and Indirectly a decided menace
tJ the public health.
Serums and vaccine therapy belong to
the superstition of r the dork ages, simply
modernized by a mpro refined. technique.
The theory of tho serum treatment Is
that there ore certain .organisms lq the
body which have the power ot, rendering
It Immune from disease germs, but that
sometimes those protective .organisms
are weak and unable to overcome tho
pathologic or disease Kcrrns, th,e .serums
are then supposed ,to aid tho feeble pro.-,
tecttve. organisms .by, uniting, (htlr forces,
so throwing off the .threatened, Invasion,
This theory ma3f bft true Jq. tho labora-i
tory amongst guinea , pigs and. , tortured,
dogs, put ha,vo never seen jjrqvod to be,
a particle of value as a protective In the
living human body,, ,
Tho, typhoid serum fad was. tried upon
a few dozen Individuals, and. forsooth, ber
cause they did not contract typhoid after
drinking a llttlo dirty water, the medi
cals at once cried "Eureka." .Everybody
With a ray of Intelligence knows, that
fruch, artificial experimenting ptovee noth
Conditions are similar In connection
so, we aro assured of a "sure cure" for
that condlUon. At-present there are some
thirty sure cures, such' as creasote, mer
cury, iodln, the bromides, etc., ad Infln.
Dr. Frledmann had the very last "euro"
and succeeded In deluding hundreds ot
Door creatures with his turtle soup. Tu
berculosis Is, a rare disease; but, medicals
brand ' all forms of lung disease os tu
berculosis. They, nro pot.. Death, however,-Is
hastened by stupid, treatment, es
pecially the "death formula," "eat all the
gcod .nourishing food you can .get,"
whether. It can,. be digested or. not, .
' It Is to be .hoped that tho Omaha vaca
tionists will display their intelligence- by
avoiding polluting their bodies with filthy
terurhs, and at tbo same time save
their money. If Dr. Connell had
really desired the health of the peo
ple, ho would have cautioned against
tho drinking of well or cistern water
except as " to tea or - coffee, but to
drink milk, and especially avoid consti
pation, living- largely on Juicy fruits. But
then, there would be no fees In that ad
vice. Should 'you take the "immunizing
(7) dose" you will lose your money and
very likely get typhoid all the same, as
you will be under tlie false impression
tha't you will' bo really secure frpm con
tracting the disease, and so be careless
as to tho water you drink. Should you
get tho disease after you aro "Immu
nised."., the medicals will at once bavp
a reason ready '.'cut aqd dried," napiply,
you did not take a sufficiently large
"shot." F. JOHNSON.
rien for the Little FuIIott. .
OMAHA, June 2?. To tho Editor, of
The Bee;. I am pleased,.. at your stand on
tho loWer water problem..
You do not go as far as I see you think
you should go, , .
I think your .idea ot lower rates for the
little fellow Is good,
What would you think ot changing tho
entire rating and give the little fellow tho
lowest rata , and let the well-to-do and
rich pay. the high and, highest rate.. .The
basjs the water Is now figured on. woa the
make-up of ft private company. The city
should inaugurate a new scale based
upon the greatest good for the poorest
people who are In greatest number, com
mensurate with good business.
I also desire to call your attention to
the paid claim of Jackson & McKenzio
of about $i0,0dQ. -There aro a score or more
ot small storekeepers, teamsters and
artisans who are Buttering for lack of
this money. They have been after it in
season and out of season, but were told
tho the war lord they could not get it
until two leaks were fixed, then they
would be settled Instanter. These were
fixed. Then the roads must be polished
off. This was . done. Then his high
mightiness said his duties were so numer
ous he .would turn it over to the board's
attorney, John L. Webster, and he has
riot time to attend to It after eight
For common shirks, the .present board
beats them all. They talk big, but cannot
afford tlmo to settle an account., the non
payment of which hurts a great many
people. Why can not these people be set
tled with? They are not -rich contractors
and were trying, to get, up .in, the. .worlcLI
but the war lord liaa got It In for. them
and, he la revengeful at any who doubt or
dispute hla auuiqtffy,. Ask, hla help and
they wilt tell you so, J sign myself, , ,
Here anci'Tfiere
General Humidity Is worklnr on the
supposition that . humanity hankers for
a Turkish bath.
The. -association .for .the .Promqtlonj at.
Political,;! qbs, flourishing ia.WasWjigtQn,
threatens .to go on a hupgerstrike un-,
less thft administration gives .some. at
tention -tq the needs ot the faithful,
The,. Illinois legislature. Just, adjourned l
failed to put over a salary, grab of J1.J00
in addition to the regular salary of $2,000
for the term. The rallrpad anti-pass,;
bill perished In the house because the
senate swathed the salary Tab. Jack
pot statesmen saved the pass.
Tbo statement ot ,a, fassa,cmuietta
mill girl, in court, that she , wprkod, tor,
U a.iwcek, on -further.. 1lnyetIgation dei,
veloped. tho fact that aho gayo her pay
envelope unopenad,, tqher father and.
the latter swiped all the en velope con.
tamed,- js,. juuwrecoraa .spowea inat
she had been receiving from ft to a
Approximately ten tons of feathers
plucked from birds by poachers four or
five years ago In the Hawaiian and Mid
way islands have been burned by tbo
government In Honolulu.
A Pennsylvania statistician, calculates
that- In the last year 120.000.000 tons ot
water wero pumped out of the, mines .of
ono compaany lo tho anthracite region.
Mr Oldbatch You say your wife Is n
suffragette. What's your fad?
Mr Llttleshrlmp-iMe? Oh. I'm Just her
partnerette. Boston Globe
"I undestand the -text all right." re
marked Aunt Ann Peebles, after the ear
mon was over; "but the preacher's ex
planation of It- puzzled mo a good deal'
Chicago Tribune.
"Tightwad says that he owes his suc
cess as a money getter to his wife.'
posed to pay her anything on account. '
ed to
D6ctor-.My dear,- sir,- you must give
your Wife, somarfchanger.
Husband Good heavens, doctor, how.
can I do that , when she goes through
my Pockets -regularly every night. Balti
more American.
rabher. for she continued the habit of tho
office In their home."
"HOW SO?" ,-!., ,
, "When he starts to dictate she takes
him down."' London Tlt-Blts.
. ... ( - ,
"Como to our . suffragette house
"Whoso house ,oro you going to burn?"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Why don't you try to make your con
stituents understand problems of govern
ment;" - - -f,
"That's what I havo done," replied
Senator Sorghum. "I have teen too thor
ough about It. A lot of . them how think
that they, can give Advice. Instead of tak
ing It." Washington Star.
','Oh. anama.Xaaivuladdj'lodayand. he.
of Bee!
Ii .You:
I V' Hem
I : Ml
. . for
spend top much'money in Jfnqaf it's the
in jour nign ,cosi oi living, cut your meal
two-thirds and substitute Faust Spaghetti ,
awhile. ..AlfJ-cent. oackanc contains 'as
much nutrition as
If 'J, JBJlUaSv X li
mide Irani Durum
ucrneir ncn in rimcn, ine protein that makes
muscle, oone ana
mancn savory.
mcai. rrce recipe,
Spaghetti can be
the palate.
t all tncTtlSc
I .
To' Reduce Fricaidh
tie secret of Motor Car Economy ;
The FrosPancf
Reduces friction to the minimum. It is ;
not thinned out by heat ; neveicldgs, in
the feed pips,' and leaves , practidally'iio
Ask your dealer about quantity ,
discounts and iron barrels f or; ' Btor&gef
Re ftfom Motof Gasoline is Best
STANbiiRD Oil C6many
ChariW Yoiii-' Latftude
QQ NQB-Tir to keep cool spend the summer
at Minnesptn's lakes and', woods whore " tho
average "temperature ia rom 8 to 12 degrees'
coolor than in "Nebraska and where fiay lever
is,praQtcrajy unkn'oW. There arp a thous
and sandj'-beach lalcqs ' in linnespta, with;.'
timbered shores. afl,dranng from , big faaKt
ionabl(3 Resorts "Uh jmlatiaj h.oteIs "to.uie ;
ouoMhe-cj'ow(i .pla'ca-vhere fashion and
conventions needn't worryou In' Minne
sota you can bathe, nahbe, mptor boa?, ' ail,
golf, and such fishing!) f Minnesota is the
home . of . "the musklunge, pike, basfTand"
Drop la,pr, write and. let us plonMln
DeJ9i IfiS!,on" We. can give you complete",detJ41eo;l
Information abou rpund trip fares. cierfulejeL,hotelt.T
barjWK. house, cottasre rates, ,aod. all tb
resorjtvand Bupplyyau ..with froe .Utorature.;, CalL orl
wrtt today, we may be able to give you tho very lde
you want.
P. P.,Bonordon.
a p. & r. a. d. p. a.
1S23 Fanuun Street, Omaha.
Phone Doug. SCO.
as with a ery beautiful lady, who was
molding to his arm "
Dear mal I -wish I. had asked -for
twice as much alimony as 1 did. Chi
cago Record-Herald. - - .
a day ik ttrtrfi.'
James Russell- Lowell -
And what Is eoa-are as a-day- In. Juno?
Then, if ever, come perfect 'days;
Then heaven tries earth If it bo In tune.
And over-It softly her warm,-ear lays;
Whether we look, or whetherwo listen,
Wo hear life murmur, or see It .glisten.
Every clod feels, a stir -of might,-, .
An Instinct within It that reaches and
And groping blindly aboVoJt for light.
Climbs to a soul In grass and' flowers.
The flush of life maytye". be seen
. Thrilling back over .hills and valleys:
The, cowslip startles lq meadows gren, .
Tho buttercup ' catches the sun in Its
chalice, ',."
And there's never a leaf nor a blade too
mean, ,
To be somo happy creature's palace.
The little bird sits at Its door In the sun,
I Atllt ilike ia, blossom among, tho leaves,
And lets his Illumined being o'errun-
With theideluge of summer It receives.
His matc feels the eggs beneath her
-. i wlngB,f ,, ..i. , , , . . ,
And the heArt In -her, dumb breast flutters
and. sings? 1
He sings to the wide -world, and she to
her nest
the beat?
Now ,1s the high tide ot the ,year,.
And whatever of life' hath ebbed"laway
Comes flooding back with a' ripply cheer
Into every bare Inlet and -creek, and. bay.,
Now the heart Is so full that a drop over
tills It-
, We, arc. happy now because .Geq, wills It.
inAFoor Vaim
.i . .i
4 lbs. of becf.
wheal, lh nrril fhitu ft.
liesrc. raunspacneui
rciisnaDic nutritious
cooked to tickle
and 10c packatu
St. Loots. Mo.
Carbon Proof Oil
: J - , - ..
.Mas. -
M. K. Simmons,
. it