Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1913.
J i
r Ratine Crepe
Dninty stripos in blue, pink,
lavender, green, gray and tan.
J??Tliis materinl is fast colored
.rgand docg not requiro ironing
after washing. Price, 19c-25o
' ja yard.
v - Basement.
Remnants of
Are accumulating too rapidly,
Guaranteed for 6 months' wear Silk
' Messaline Petticoats $2.48
If thiB pot'ticoat does not give perfect satisfaction for six
months' of continuous wear we will replace it free of charge,
providedttho wearing is not at the. bottom or caused by pinning.
' All popular shndes, American Beauty, Emerald, Black, Navy,
'-."White, Ciel, Pink, Gray and Champagne.
A Special Price, 2.48 Basement.
() rtUrgid by Congressman t Hire Some-
5 body to"Greate Wheels."
Declares Before Senate CommUtte
lie Believes Conspiracy Rsleted
to Create Sentiment Against
llarrlman Lines.
WASHINGTON. June S.-IlObert Scott
2 1 lAvtlu chairman of the Hoard ot dl
g rectors ot the Union raclflc Ilsllroad
2 . i company, told the senate "lobby" In
a 3 vestieatlnK committee tonight that a long
i 5 continued and determines eupri nna
3 I been made to have Edward Lauterbach,
I a New York lawyer, retained by his com
J 1 : pany "to grease the whels" In Wash
g J J Inston and prevent unpleasant agitation
H 5 2 of the Union Paclflc-Bouthern raclfle
j 3 systcms, ordered by the supreme court
S 5 Sand now before the Department of Justice,
gig Judge Lovett mado no charge that any
t 1 corrupt methods had been used to secure
Sjj-the employment of He did
tr 3 swear, however, that some one purporting
to be Congressmen Itlordan ot New
gEE York had urged over the telephone the
E22&tntlon Of the New Yorker and had
ZMggeated the likelihood of difficulty In
congress, which might be averted by his
u---employment Jt 'counsel. A similar tele
phone conversation hod occurred, he said,
between a man also representing himself
as Mr. niorJjyand Maxwell' Evarts,
counsel for thwuthrn Paclflo.
Otto II. Kam of Kuhn, Xoeb and com
pany, a NewrdrK banking house, Inter
ested In UnlOnifclflc, the witness said,
had several. Conversations with Mr.
Lauterbach.'plrkdnally, In which the
lawyer'tafcrreili to what might be
riastpected fro.m the '"'radical element" In:
j. congress In 'relation to the dissolution
'I plane of the tjvd roads.
,i "Mr. Kah'n"reported to me," says Judge
j Lovett, "hl .Mr, 'Lauterbach had said
1 In fcubttancojihat a motion was about to
be made, I;t51hft, In. the house of repre
tentative, to" oppose this proposed die.
solution, or the disposition of the stock
it the Southern Pacific, which Is now
held by the Union Paclflo and that it
probably would also Involve a reopening
t the money trust Inquiry, I think, and.
to'rne other matters that had been more
it less discussed.
'"Ho said that the radical party, as he
qlltd them, or the radical 'faction, were
about to commence these efforts and that,
hkj t Eoing 10 maae a point about,
common banking control. He mentioned
0me ot the congressmen who would lead
In this and indicated that he might be
very helpful In the matter and that his
yrvrcee wre available If. desired."
- . U,l,v Va,ln.,
Did he state what, congressmen the
weren', a?KKl. Chairman Overman.
"Congreisniaa. Henry of Texas wa
ntlone4.'M aald. the witness, "aa the1
leader or the radical faction, as be called.
It I should like to state in that connec
tion, however, that 4 have known Mr,
Henry for a great many years, and I
never believed for a moment that there
yas any connection between, this gentle
ihan and Congressman Henry."
; ilt. Lovett said he had made no effort
t6 determine whether It wa actually
Congressman Rlordan who had tele-
pnonea to mm and to Mr. Evarts. He
bad hot .lniiht. it ha :L
learned recently that many Wall street
s asa sreuua uai&ii If5
tinanctai men naa been called up re
peatedly by men who falsely represented.
t&emselves to bo congressmen.
,. "I have now many serious doubts that,
It waa Congressman Rlordan who talked,
with tne over the telephone," ho added.'
. Questioned by the committee, Mr.
. Lovett said. "Lewis Cass Ledyard. a-New
Yrk attorney, ha- been ealled up by a
. man purporting to be a congressman, but
that Mr Ledyard Investigated and found
that he waa not
"The Impersonator." he said, "was
setting to have some other person em
Convinces! ot Conspiracy,
udge Lovett said he Ignored the ef.
forts to have Lauterbach employed until
; 5 became convinced that a conspiracy
Mi14- formed that might succeed In
5 i-;i?mw up the Union Paelflc-Southetn
i ;J"aactne dissolution plans until after July.
S ,f,""l believe lhere was a. conspiracy hers."
-aald Judts Lovett. ' ''to trv tn fnru ,,.
: 3fi employ aerae one we did not want to
Bipjoy and that the conspirators, after
? dining various mettjods, .were about to go
into the, newspapers and create opposition
in congress to the plan for dissolution
that; was about to be carried out"
.Joage' Lovett was asktd who he be-
svm t.9 conspirators wjere. He named
ir- JUattterbaeh and the. man who rpr-
IWntSaft htmaailf tn Ha. rjln.r...rah mta.
Site 1 ,
taMeve. and my. associates on the
executive eotnmlttee believe, that there
f another Individual la New Yoric
rko Was the watt active agent, la It
but I did not oo me In contact with him
ir d4 any other oil the executive com
gT irltt
iir. Lovett did not give this maa'
Egyptian Tissues
Just arrived, a new lot of
neat stripes and checks, in
bluo, Nile, pink, lavender, tan
and gray. They are scarco.
Oomo while thoy last, 25c a
Wash Goods
hence the great reduction in
name and the committee did not ask
for it.
Judge Lovett told the committee that
he made public his charges against
alleged lobbyists because he was con
vinced that these "conspirators" wera
securing the publication ot inspired
statements designed to show that the
Karrimaft 'roads' were seeking to brine
about an Improper control through cer
tain banking Interests not only ot the
Union and Southern Pacifies, but the.
Pennsylvania and Dsltlmore and Ohio
After mentioning Representative IUor-
din's name, Mr. Lovett said:
"In ' mentioning this congressman'
name I want to make the statement I
had never met the gentleman. I did
not know his voice, I do not know
whether he was a congressman or not,
but he 'represented himself as Congress.
man niordan ot New York, I was told
on the- telephone that congress
Rlordan wanted to apeak to me. He
Mentioned tho name of Edward Lauter
bach, one of the members of the New
York bar, and I terminated the conver
sation rather shortly, I told him that we
had all the counsel we needed and was
rather abrupt, I think, In closing the
Interview. That Is the last communica
tion I had with Congressman niordan
If It was Congressman Itlordan."
Tells ot Radical Element.
Stto H. Kahn, a partner In Kuhn, Loen
d company, came to him later Mr.
Lovett said, and told him that Mr.
Lauterbach had called on him, assured
him "that the radical element" in con
gress was prepared to obstruct the dis
solution, investigate' the Chicago St
Alton refinancing of several years ago
and take up several other matters.
Mr, Lauterbach proposed employment.
according to Mr. Kahn's statement, but
waa refused.
Maxwell B. Evarts, general' counsel for
the Southern Pacific, next told him, said
Judge Lovett, ot a telephone application,
also purporting to come from Congress
man Rlordan, for the employment ot
Lauterbach. The witness added that Paul
D. Cravath ot New York, one of the at
torneys for Kuhn, Loeb and company.
also was mysteriously called by telephone
by a man who wanted to talk with him
about employing1 counsel "who would be
very helpful at Washington." Cravath had
another call of the same character, said
JUdge Lovett, and In that case he be
lieved the name ot Mr, Lauterbach had
been mentioned.
flellevra Articles Inspired,
Judge Lovett said the first publication
which convinced him that efforts were
being made to misrepresent the Harrl
man roads In the dissolution was In a
financial sheet of nl&b standing in New
York. He said the character ot the or.
tide convinced him that a systematic ef
fort was being made to inspire articles
that would rouse the desired opposition
in congress.
"You believed that the uim. nrti..
. who Were thus endeavoring to force the
employment you speak about had caused
these stories to be circulated for the pur
pose of arousing hostility towards your
asked Senator Walsh.
... W 1 1 a .... . v - .
ucuuvou nm. ana r. Kahn was
very positive of that." said Mr. Lovett,
mm mis newspaper publication tq
which I referred was Inspired by the
same parties who were seeking to force
relations with us In this matter."
"You have not been approached by any
wunB.ti.amnn or ex-congrtssman directly
or inoireciiyi- asKed Senator Overmnn.
"Not by any congressman or ex.con.
-";-."" r5uy. so tar
I Hnata wuaa a tu -
mentioned," answered the witness.
The committee will call Lewis Cass !!.
yaro. me jew York lawyer referred to
tonight by Judge Lovett as havin r.
celved a telephone message from a pseudo
Mr. Ledyard Is said to have innM h-
.uc.nuy oi me interviewer.
DBNYER, Colq,. June Ja-Offle. e
the allied commercial organisations ot
Denver today employed counsel to apply
m mo Qisinci court for an Injunction to
retrain me district attorney's office
from enforcing Its order to compel the
closing of saloons at midnight
The order Issued by the district at
torney's office also notified all restau
rants and hotels that they would not be
allowed to sell liquor after midnight
The action taken by the commercial of
tlcials today. It-waa explained, was to
prevent any Interference with the fi.
Mtita Incident -to the thlrty-flrst bundea
lurniesi oi inq worm .American Gym
nastic uilon, now meeting here.
Movements or Oeean Stea&tcra.
Pcnts. ArriTtd: ' "lUIM.
MATTUe Mltwtsou
NEW YORK -, r. AtrOrooM....
NEW YORK... Luctsov
BHat!ARD..CmBU, ,
BOCTOK., Ctll....
SM ... KOI
L'sU4fiUtM. ..
. lUmburf
tlMlt', . .,
- 1 $!w voSk
K Wlttuln IL 1
I Ikhi
New York Justice Will Be Appointed
Ambassador to Germany.
itamber of Other Diplomatic Ap
pointment Are Announced
IVomlnntlnn of Metcalfe la
Sent to the Senate.
WASHINGTON, June M.-Justlcc James
W. Gerard of the New York state su
preme court, has been selected by Presi
dent Wilson to be ambassador to Ger
many. Justice Gerard was originally
slated for Spain.
Just what occasioned the change has
not been cxplalnel. but It Is said to have
been the desire of President Wilson to
fill the most Important European postn at
The president has decided to nominate
former Governor Denton McMIIIln of Ten
nessee for minister to Peru. An Impor
tant post, not In the diplomatic service.
Is soon to be offered to Augustus Thomas,
playwright, according to present plans.
Thcro Is also talk ot Maurice Fronds
Egan, minister to Denmark, being trans
ferred to Spain, but no confirmation was
forthcoming today.
The embassy to France Is still being
held open for William F. McCombs, the
democratic national chairman. It was re
iterated today that, within a yea r, Charles
n. Crane of Chicago, would become am
bassador to Russia. Practically the only
European posts which havo not been
filled, or for which no choice has been
made are Lisbon, Constantinople and the
Dalltan states.
Joseph E. Willard. former lieutenant
governor of Virginia, now Is slated for
Madrid. Recently he had been selected
for Belgium. It has not been decided
on who will take his place on tho list for
Justice Gerard sailed from New York
yesterday without knowing ho had been
transferred on the president's list from
Madrid to Berlin. A(ter a short trip
abroad, however, he Is expected to re
turn to Washington before finally taking
up residence In Berlin.
President Wilson today made the fol
lowing nominations:
Member of the Isthmian canal com
mission, Richard Lee Metcalfe, Lincoln,,
Minister. AlhArt CI. 'flatim1,mnnii nt
Wisconsin, to Norway, Benton McMlUliv
ui 4 t'liiivaaru, iu reru,
n Consul at Milan, Italy, Nathaniel B.
Stewart of Georgia.
Secretary of embassy, Rio d Janlero.
Bri.r.11, J. Dutlcr Wright of Wyoming.
Secretary of legation, Brussells Fedd
Morris Dearlng of Missouri.
United States attorney for New Mexico,
Summers Burklmrt of New Mexlcp.
To bo commissioners of the District ot
Columbia, Oliver P. Newman, formerly
of Dcs MotncH, la.: F. L. Slddons ot the
District of Columbia.
Members of the commission on Indus,
trial relations, Frank P. Walsh of Kan
sas City, Mo.: John R. Commons of Wis
ronstn, Mrs. J. Borden Harrlman ot New
York, Frederick A. Delano of Chicago,
Harris Welnstock of California, S. Thurs
ton Ballard ot Kentucky, John B, Lennon
of Illnols, James O'Connell of Washing
ton. D. C: Austin B. Garretson ot Iowa.
Commissioner of immigration at San
Juan, Porto Rico. Lawsoo K. Evans of
Register of the land office at Harrison,
Ark., Brlce B. Hudgln.
Tne cnairman ot tho industrial com
mission is to be Mr. Walsh, and his
associates named to represent tho gen
oral public .were Mr. Commons and Mrs.
Harrlman.. Messrs. Delano, Welnstock
and Ballard represent the employers,
while Messrs. Lennon, O'Connell and
Garretson are the representatives of
(Continued from Page One,)
postponing the Camlnettl case on a tele
phone message from Secretary Wilson
and the Western Fuel case on another
representation, Mr. Mann concluded:
"If the democratic administration In
tends to proceed on the theory that when
cabinet officer telephones the attor
ney general, or someone walks into tho
office of the attorney general. It Is suf
ficient reason to postpone, there will
not be many democrats administrations
in the next .hundred years."
Special Agent "Who Demanded Re
moval of Superior Is Suspended.
WASHINOTON, June 21-Clayton Har
rington, special agent ot the Depart
ment ot Justice at Ban Francisco, who
sent President Wilson a telegram Sun
day night, asking tor the removal
from office of Attorney General McRey
nolds his official superior because of
the circumstances ot the resignation of
United States Attorney McN&b, waa sus
pended without pay tonight by A. Bruce
Bellskl, chief of the bureau ot lnvestl
gallon of the Deparment pt Justice.
This action, It Is said, Is to give Her
rington an opportunity to explain his
telegram.. If the explanation Is not satis
factory, oincials declare that the special
agent probably will be summarily dealt
Herrington Is a former Judge and Is tn
charge of the federal government's bu
reau of Investigation at San Francisco.
He helped District Attorney McNah to
prepare the evidence In tho Digge-
Camlnettl white slave cases, the post
ponement ot the trial ot which resulted
tn MeNab's resignation and his sensa
tional charges against the attorney gen'
Orlr ot Suspension.
The order ot suspension was as follows
"Am advised that a telegram ,hns been
received by the president of the United
States from you severely reflecting upon
the integrity of the attorney general
You are hereby suspended from duty
without pay. pending receipt of any ex
planation you may care to make.'
President Wilson recommended . today
to Attorney General McReynolds th
names of Francis J. ileney, Matt L.
Sullivan, Thomas Hayden and others for
appointments as special prosecutors in
the Camlnettl-Dlggs white slave cases
and the Western Fuel company cool
customs cases. No final Selections were'
i.e, wnoie suoject was deferred on
account ot the congested engagement list
ot the president, practically every mo
ment pf his time from early mornlne
until, late, tonight being occupied with
conferences on currency and deiart
mental matters. It la expected that the
attorney general . and the president will
confer .earfy tomorrow, however, and Set-!
itlo finally n( two and . poslb)y . threa;
men o conduct, the prpsecutlon of th
No o,ther. comrocat was forthcoming
from the White House or the Depart
ment of Justice on- the statements of
former United Slates District Attorney"
Jchn L. McNab, whose resignation waa
1 accepted yesterday by the president.
Wire President Altai.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 36. Just prior
to rccelvlnff the notice of his suspension
without pay because ot his telegram to
President Wilson, demanding the removal
of his official superior. Attorney General
MoReynolds, Clayton Herrington, spedal
agent Of tho Department ot Justice, dis
patched tho following night letter to
President Wilson:
"As a citizen ot California I charge that
officials In the Department of Justice and
of Commerce and Labor, In disregard of
Judgments of the courts and In violation
ot law, have prevented the deportation ot
French prostitutes In this state. I de
mand an investigation ot these matters,
complete Information aa to which la on
tho files at Washington. On March 14
Secretary Wilson wos informed about
some ot these cases."
In a public statement Issued tonight
Mr. Herrington said:
"Tho president approves, In words, the
way McReynolds had dealt with the
Dlggs-Camlncttl and Western Fuel Com
pany cases. He disapproves in deeds by
ordering the immediate 'trial of all the
defendants, Including those McReynolds
tried to save. He ought, therefore, to dis
miss McReynolds and retain McNab.
Itnmlllntlnir Kvaslon.
"To sustain a Washington official whose
decision he overrules and blame another
for doing what he himself now orders
done Is not only Inconsistent and unjust,
but Is a humiliating evasion of tho re
sponsibilities of his high station.
"McReynolds explanation Is even more
pitiable. He protcnta that he is 'pro
foundly conscious that his actions were
free from unworthy motives.' So was
Lord Bacon, who accepted bribe money
because It would not influence him. There
are Influences other than financial ones.
"McReynolds' excuso is that the "Facts
were not fresh In his memory,' and he
blames McNab for not Jogging It a sec
ond time. McReynolds needs- a better
memory, aa much as tho president needs
a better attorney general. However, my
object has been accomplished. The at
torney general has been compelled to er.
der these cases to trial forthwith and the
sinister influences to which ho had yielded
have been frustrated." ,
Chnrches Protest.
The San Francisco church federation
sent the following. telegram to President
Wilson last night:
"Wo urgently request spoedy trial ot
the Dlggs-Camlnettl and . Western Fuel
company. cases"hero. ' If tho Indicted men
aro Innocent they -should have their In
nocence speedily determined by the courta
11 guuty, let punishment follow. We be
lieve all should stand up before the law
regardless ot wealth, social position or
political prominence."
TION." "JOHN STEPHENS. President."
Action Follows Indictment of Dlflrsrs
nnd Camlnettl.
SACRAMENTO, Cat, Juno 26. Bench
warrants were Issued In the superior
court of this county today for the arrest
of Mausy I. Dlggs and Drew Camlnettl
on indictments found by the county grand
Jury under the stata law for the aban
donment of their children when they
eloped to. Reno with two young, women
of thla city, Up to a late hour tonight
the sheriff and his deputies had been un
able to locate Camlnettl. Dlggs was un
derstood to bo with his parents In Berke
ley, Cat - ' 1
Camlnettl was seen in a hotel in this
city today shortly before the Issuance of
the warrants. Then he disappeared. It
Is not believed that he has fled. It Is
thought he Is seeking to arrange ball be
fore he submits to arrest
No effort was mado today to arrest
Dlggs on, the new Indictment but he will
be taken Into custody tomorrow.
Accused Mnn Given Bond to AuSTver
State Charge.
SACRAMENTO, Cat, June 24-F. Drew
Comlnett, son of Immigration Com
nitssloner A. Camlnettl, whose elopement
escapade has becomo a national affair,
was. arrested today on a bench warrant
Issued yesterday after his Indictment
on a charge ot having deserted his
minor children. He gave bond in the
sum of sa.soo.
Black Hills Banker
Convicted by Jury
STURQIS, S. D.. June 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry E- Perkins, formerly
director ot the defunct Meade County
bank, was found guilty by a Jury after a
trial lasting seventeen days, to re
ceiving deposits knowing the bank
to be insolvent Notice of motion for
appeal was given at once, A special
venire of thlrty-slx men was summoned
today for July 7, at which time D, A.
McPherson or Frank M. Stewart will be
tried on the same charge.
FRIEND, Neb.. June 26, (Special.)
Alvln Hayes of Lincoln and Miss Carrie
Roebl were married at the home ot the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Roohl, In the presence of Immediate
relatives of the contracting parties, by
Rev. Edwin F. Wright Tho newly mar
ried couple left on the evening train for
a ten days' wedding trip In Colorado,
after which they will be at home to their
many friends in Lincoln.
YORK, Neb., June ,-(8peclat) Dr.
John Newman ot Aurora and Miss Mar
garet Green were married yesterday
morning at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Green.
Rev. F. F. B. Smith officiated.
Miss Evelyn F. Bchafer, daughter ot
Edward Schaefer, ot Squth Omaha, and
Edward Bom were married by Rev.
Charles W. Savldge at his residence on
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. They
were accompanied by the groom's sister.
Miss Haiel Born, and Michael! Carter.
Mlts Fannie P. Wiseman, daughter ot
Rufus Wiseman, and Charles F. Preston
were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldge
at his residence on Wednesday evenlpg at
3:S0 o'clock. They were accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller.
LA CROSSE. Wis,. June SS.-M1M
Emma Ound, daughter ot Henry Qund,
several times a millionaire, was mar
ried here last night to Albert Edward
Plats ot Billings, Mont. - t
LOGAN, la., June SU-Spec!al. Miss
Retule'" A- Strong was married to Clar
ence XL flllgen here yesterday. The bride
and groom will be at home a( Moorehead,
July L
Key "to the Situation See Advertising.
Commerce Commission Will
Into Eastern Case.
Three Member File Dissenting
Opinions, Itoldlnsr' that Commis
sion la Without Author
ity to Act.
WASHINOTON, June 26.-An amended
order In lieu of that rescinded last Sat
urday waa Issued today by the Interstate
Commerce commission ror an Investiga
tion Into an increase ot freight rates by
the eastern railroads. It differs In
phraseology, but not In principle, from
that rescinded.
The decision to Investigate was reached
by a mere majority three ot tho body,
Commissioners Clements, Marble and
McChord dissenting. Each -ilssentcr
wrote a brief opinion holding, In the
main, that the commission having noth
ing concrete before It was without au
thority to establish minimum rates.
In connection with the Issuance of the
order the commission makes two obser
vations: "First The fact that we have decided t
further to Investigate thla subject must
not be taken as an Intimation that the
commission has reached the conclusion
that revenues are inadequate or that
rates should be alvanced. On this ques
tion no opinion has been formed.
"Second That -the Statute gives to any
party the right to attack by complaint
any rate, and no general conclusion
which the commission may reach and
announce in this Investigation can effect
that right"
' In the preface to this order the com
mission says that, "being ot the opinion
from a consideration of the allegations
of the petitions that tho need of and
Justification tor additional revenue
should be at the present time further ex
amined," an inquiry Is ordered Into these
"Da the present rates of transportation
yield adequate revenues to common car
riers by -railroads operating In official
clssslflcatlon territory?" s
"If not what general course may car
riers pursue to meet tho situation?"
Opinion of Dissenters.
In dlsfeentlng from the decision of the
majority to make the Investigation, Com
missioner Clements said:
"Nowhere In the law is the commission
authorized to fix absolute or minimum
rates. It Is authorised to suspend pend
ing Investigation rates proposed by the
carriers before they become effective,
only when such proposed rates have been
tiled pursuant to the requirements of Sec
tion 4 of the act the provisions of which
demand specific statement of the rates
Commissioner Marble could not agree
that the Investigation should be made
prior to the format filing of the proposed
Commissioned McChord agreed to the
general propositions as stated by Com
missioners Clements and Marble, although
he expressed the opinion that it was the
duty of the commission to make the In
vestigation. "I, think." said he, "we should brush
aside all technicalities and take advan
tage of the opportunity to go Into all
these matters thoroughly, as to what
shall be said or done after the commission
has been. fully advised, Is a 'question re
served for future determination.' "
No time Is fixed for the beginning of
the, investigation, but It Is unofficially
understood that no formal proceedings
will be undertaken before next autumn.
Ambassador Page
Finds Small House
LONDON, June 26. It Is understood
that Walter Hlnes Page, tho new am
bassador from America, has practically
solved the problem of an appropriate
residence In London, and tho negotiations
will be closed In a few days for the
rental of the town residence of the duke
of Manchester, 5 Orosvenor square.
The house has been on the market tor
two years and Is now offered for about
$10,000 a year, with option of purchase.
I Tho house is rather small very small
In comparison with the Dorchester house
ot the late Ambassador Reld but It la
situated In a most exclusive part of what
Is known as the embassy section.
Two Men Injuded
as Engine Hits Rig
LOGAN, la., June 2S. (Special Tele
gram.) W, H. Ball sustained internal In
juries and a broken leg and Harold Gam
bols a broken arm and scalp wounds when
their conveyance was struck by an engine
at Missouri Valley today.
(Continued from Page One-)
Gutdlce at her home and- saw him next
at the Majestla theater. She saw him
last at about 10 o'clock on the night ot
the tragedy.
"Wiley and I wera to meet on Sixth
street" she said, but she went home with
Mrs. Lane.
Wiley told her he did not want to kilt
Jones, but ha had lost him his Job and
he would mark, him for life.
She tried to get word to Jones to tell
htm he had .better look, out She tried to
get a note to him.
wm. Porcne, an engine cleaner, saw
Wiley near the wood pile on the night
ot the tragedy. He said, "Wiley said.
Jones made me loss ' my Job and I am
going to kill him." Porch saw him
carry a rasor, he saw tho rasor at the
house that night The rasor was pro
duced by Sheriff Llndaey, still blood.
stained and was passed around by the
Porche'a testimony, Interpreted by
Mann Quso of Omaha svas unfinished
when court adjourned at i o'clock until
9, o'clock tomorrow morning.
William, Burke.
FRIEND. Neb.. June 7.-(Special)-William
Burke, ot the grain firm ot
Burke & MulUn, died at a hospital In
Lincoln at an early hour yesterday of
lieart trouble. Mr. Burke was one of
our oldest and most prominent business
men. He came to Nebraska In UTS and
settled on a homestead, aod- In 1ST started
In the grain business In Friend, which
business he continued up to the time of
his death. He was mayor of Friend for
about seventeen years and was always
ready with hla Influence and money to
push anything that was for the better
roent of, the town. He was also quits
prominent In Masonic circles In this
state The funeral will be held from St
Joseph's Catholic church tn this city
Friday morning.
(Continued from PAge One.)
the trip and the places from which they
come are as follows:
Omahs, George W. Lower, P. J. Frlt
choff. Jerome Potter. William McLean,
E. W. Johnson. Joseph Malllson, F. W.
8outh Omaha, Charles Cummlngs. John
Mclntyre, J. H Heasley, J. W. Cress.
Lincoln, J. II. Parker, M. T. RJne, H.
O. Fritts, W. B. FRIcld. J. B. Dlnsmore.'.P'..A' Pottygrovo. W. V. Banta.
William Mullen.
Tecumseh. O. A. Corbln. James Henry,
F. A. Que, J. L. Young. It P. Farrls, J.
A. Dillon, C II. Halsted.
w Shelton, W. C. Allison. Henry Wood,
Henry Willey.
Havelock, Ellas Arner, O. Perbough, N.
Grand Island, John E. Haywood, George
F. Ryan, A. W. Ryan, J. A. Richardson.
Juniata, J. S. McCartney, J. D. McPar
ron. Guide Rock, O. W. Hagen, W. R. Ryker,
E. H. Woodward.
Hastings, A. C. Albright. W. Ealer,
William Kress, H. M. Carpenter, J. A.
Bowles, Mortimer Kress, P. O'Brien, Jo
seph. Meyer.
Hayes Center, Judge Loomts, H. R.
Central City, Wesley Raser, L. I
t raser.
WIsnor. Jasner Randolph. R obert
Scotia. Henry Perring. Frank Griffith,
Joseph Conway, D. W. Greenfield.
TeKaman, uaniei msner, tu js. emu...
, K. Hancock.
Falls City. John Nitaetl. S. P. Redwood,
E. P. Cllnes.
Republican City, H. Brandt, Kiias rear.
Superior. James Edenburn.
Heartwell, Isaac Fountalne.
Albion, Job E. Green.
Palmyra, John O. Moore.
Wahoo, Jacob Ort.
Nelson. D. W. Burd.
Kenesaw, Henry Shlck.
Hubbell, L. T. Luce.
West Point. J. W. Shearer.
Basset John C. Rupert.
Waverley-H. H. BeechelL
Dixon J. J. Wyant
8tonton William Buckley.
Bennett J. S. Barker.
Odell Jacob Bdwers.
Bethany Reuben Burgess.
Stromsburg- M. F. Barber.
Arcadia G. L. Butterfleld.
Broken Bow J. 8. Benjamin. '
Oak George Kaley.
Chester W. W. Camerin.
Schuyler C. C. Cannon.
North Loup John Currle.
May wood J. J. Chavlleer.
Huntley J. F. David.
Nebraska City F. A. Dummann- ,
Dorchester Zack. Dillon, M. P. Ryan.
Burkett E. J. Develnny.
Fairfleld-O. W. Guiding.
Elgin C. E. Card.
DeWlttr-T. C. Harnam.
Hebron John Hughes.
Oreonwodd David Hokenshell.
Raven C C. Irwin.
Dickens A. F. Morsman.
Orleans Rudolph Esslck.
Greeley J. D. Fenton.
DunnlngJ. D. Gage.
Anoka Charles Hasklns.
Burkett Charles McKlbben.
Beatrice T. E. Hutching.
Spauldlng W. 8. Horner.
Plattsmouth S. H. Morrison.
Waho G. J. Putney.
Brownvllle J. W, Ponn.
Mlnden W. Y. Stevens.
Benkleman R. D. Stotler.
Orleans Marlon Vosburg.
Scotts Bluff B. M. Wlllsey.
North Platte Lecelster Walker.
Wabash M. V. Wood.
Superior-Charles Watson.
Madison R. Wagner,
Kearney W. J. Perklus.
Ncllgh-Daniel Poling.
St Edwards William Park.
Benson P. A, Trlen.
Pawnee City Jacob- Weber.
Ralston Peter WJtney.
Scale-on Forehead and Scalp, Face
Burned and (tched. Eyes Swelled
Shut, Ears Cracked Open, Used
Cuticura Soap and Ointment
Trouble Gone,
838 E. 70th St., CToreland. Ohio. "I
had a very bad white seal on my forehead
and scalp. I first noticed trouble with my
race wnca it always got very
red spotted whsstsTwr I
washed. My foot burned
and itchtd end I cocta hard
ly keep ay hands off of It.
IS got red ana inflamed In a
small plaoe and my eyes
swelled shut for tfarea days.
Tfass thla trotyl treat tn
mybatr. It earn fat a hard
scale est the scalp aod Itefaea terribly and
wjisn J scratched th water cease out of the
scalp and toado my hair an wet. Tkeatsvs
h&ir foil out la hindfuls. until I -rrsji vtry bald
la spots. After a wbSo my ears got a scaie
on them and they cracked open unUl the
blood came tret
"Then I got a sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment and purchasad soma more. 1
had used the Cuticura Soap for some time,
but not the Cuticura Ointment. X had the
trouble about six Weeks before I received Hie
sample of Cuticura Soap sad Ointment, but
the trouble was all gone fa toss than three
weeks after. Now I am all right." (Signed)
Mrs. Mary Orowell. Aug. ft, 1012.
Cuticura Soap2te.andOttticura Oiatcaent
W&arasold by druggists and dealers overr
where. A single set is often suffldeot whoa
ll elsQ fails, liberal sample of each mailed
.ftce. With 82-p. Bkla Book. Address post
card "Cuticura, OepV T. Boston."
AVTcader-faced men should un Cuticurs
Soap Sharing fltlcfc. 25c. Sample fr
Imposifcle to bs weH. Tfec foe to good
health. Correct at ce. Ayer'sPUls.
On .4 betkUas, SoJd for 60 yean.
A Yw Deder. iSJtnfc
Assisted by Mme. Sux&nna Lehmann, Soprano Soloist
Lake Manawa
Poor Concerts; Dally (Until July 5th) at 2:80, 4)30, 8:18, and
10:00 p. m.
Reserved Seats at each Copcert 10 cents.
HaUrCXKe, (Afternoons ana Srealnrs), BOATXBTO, uim COASTS.
MaOAY-tte-XOUarB. sad toaay other attractions.
3taaoe4 tat roaad trip tickets to Manawa for sale at down-town draff
stores aaa cit stores Adults aso, cnUdrea 16c
To relieve almost' Instantly sunburn,
heat rash, prickly heat, summer ecxema.
Ivy or oak poisoning, chaflngs. Insect
bites, and other summer skin irritations,
bathe' Ihe affected parts with Rcslnol
Soap and apply a little Rcslnol Oint
ment. Tho soothing, healing Reslnol
balsams strlko rleht Into 'the surface,
stop smarting, burning and itching at
once, allay Inflammation, and quickly
give that cool, delightful feeling of per
fect skin health.
Nothing docs so much to prevenl
these distressing troubles and to main
tain skin comfort during hot weather aa
tho regular use ot Reslnol Soap for tho
toilet and bath, while Its clean, re
freshing odor Is a delight In Itself. Resl
nol Soap Is especially necessary for
baby's delicate, easily irritated skin.
For 18 years Reslnol has been a doc
tot's prescription and hqtjsehold remedy
for eczema, ringworm, pimples, dandruff,
wounds, burns, sores and piles. Reslnol
Every Good Grocer
knows this BIG box ahd
will- gladly sec that you get
it. Tell him you want
Washington CRISPS
in.-ThcBI0 P-cksgec
XUC. Touted Com FlWlUCe
Every Afternoon nnd Evening
Until July 13th
of Clovclnml, Ohio,
(35 Artists)
Assisted by Madamo Farinelll
and Other Solosist.
Admission to Park Always 10c.
Sbe Oriclnsl "Always Open" Tbeatec
jOU&jU AH Summer
Pictures Cka&ffsd Bally RHV Seat
Kooa to 11 V. VL "iJ I Time
Rourko Park
roans a7 ss 39,
-Xridsy Sua 27 X,adles Say.
Car I-eara 16th and rarnam at 3145.
GAUSS CAT.T.BD AT 3 1. 3d.
We at ot tho KRUG t
all druggists, tot sample or eacn, wun
booklets, write to Dept. 47-S, Reslnol,
Baltimore, aiu.
I yourself to an extra pair I
of $7.00 Pants.
with your summer suit H
at Omaha's real tailor I
Dundee Woolen Mills 1
N. W. Oor. 15th and I
Harney Sts. m
T 4 '