Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FHTDAY, JUNE 27, 1913.
f ,
t 200 .'M88 of 8001 upland. Umbered,
f or.15oa- 8Peak quick. A. Rawlins.
CAUFOHNIA land excur. every Tue.
. W. T. SMITH CO 815 rity Nat. Dank.
1 ACRKS. 45 miles from Minneapolis;
one mllo from town; 120 acres cultivated;
balance meadow and pas turn; heavy soil;
fair set buildings; one good team horses;
two cows, several head of young stock:
complete f ct of machinery. chJckens, hog
nd everything on th place cvea at HO
)r acre, one-half cash.
scHWAn ultra
I"28 Plymouth Bide. Minneapolis. Minn.
WE ArtE owners of a large block of
Yellowstone County, Montana, farm land
and are prepared to offer same on close
Prices In tracts of 320 to lO.OW acres. Cor
respondence Invited. If interested, pros
pective purchasers will be shown the
land. Danaher-IIolton Co., 1303 Plymouth
Illdp., Minneapolis, Minn.
Oh the North Loup river, 2,000 acres,
best, stock and dairy country In trie state.
Abundance of teed and water, grain and
alfnlfa. C. B. Shlppen. Purdum, Neb.
1M ACHES at $5 an acre 4800. to actual
settler only; must have your filing rights;
level land, 8 miles out; rich soil; 1C0 acres
broke; all fenced with two wires; small
:ar root frame house; on mall route, near
school; only $800. J. A. Tracy. Kimball.
AltM TO RENT on a 4-year lease, 3J0
acres, half farm land; half alfalfa. Box
143, Genoa, Neb.
160 practically level, 120 in cultivation,
still adapted to most any crop, $20 per
acre, 330, over 300 creek bottom. Alfalfa
land, $33 per acre.
K00 in Texas, four mfles Oklahoma line,
$10 per acre. Alfalfa, cotton and wheat
land, low prices. Robert L. Knle. Cordell,
40 acres on Columbia river. Wash.
Splendid Improvements, complete equip
ment. Finest bearing fruit trees and
vineyard. Within one mile of three
railroads: easy shipments to four large
cities. Buberb model modern ttuit
farm; will produce this fall 60,000 boxes
prize winning fruit Owners have other
Increasing business interests. Address,
UZ Columbia building, Spokane. Wash
MONEY on hand at lowest rates for
loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha
city property in any amounts.
S23 City TIntlonal Bank 31dg.
MONEY to loan on Omaha homes. No
delay. J. II. Mlthen Co., Inc., 921 City
National Bank Bide. Douglas 121$.
In any amounts.
228 State Bank Bide
OMAHA l.-jes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715.
LOANS on farms and improved city
property, E 6tJ and 6 per cent; no delay.
J. II. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam St.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St.
$100 to $10,000 mado promptly. F. D.
Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
kiu CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
"o 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
Dolgoff id-hand store pays highest prices
for furnlturo, clothes, shoes. Web. 1G07.
SECONDHAND clothes, shoes; pay
best prices. Tel. Tyler HOC
BEST prices for furniture. Call D. 7802.
A FAMILY of adults desire to lease
a modern 9 to 10-room residence, un
furnished, in West Farnam not farther
than 40th street O 102, Omaha Bee. '
Sail every Saturday to and from
Ocean passage 7',4 days. Moderate rates.
For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to
Gen. Acts.. I". W. Randolph St. Chicago.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. X4-e Stock Commission tfexobjuna
BYER8 BROS. CO.. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg.
Bankers Confer
With President
Over Currency
WASHINGTON, June 28.-Presldent
(Wilson had about the cabinet table at
the White House tonight the members
of the senate committed on banking and
currency, democrats and republicans for
a general discussion of the currency ques
tion. Earlier In the day four members
of the American Banker's association
called at the White House.
The president said after the conference
which lasted three hours, that no changes
would be made in the administration
measure before It was introduced, but
that the proposals made by the bankers
today would be fully considered after
the bill was launched.
The bankers urged the Increase of the
federal reserve board which under the
present plan would be composed wholly
of ifven government officials to eleven
members, lour of whom would represent
tha banks. These four would be chosen
by permitting the director of each pf
the twelve regional reserve banks to nom
inate one man and from the total of
.welve the president would be empowered
o select four.
Tho bankers virtually were In accord
n the idea of Increasing the amount of
federal reserve treasury notes above
i500.00e.000, or placing no limit of the Issue
ind retiring the 1112.000,000 of currency
now secured by 2 per cent bonds within a
period of several years by refunding the
J per cent with 3 per cent bonds havjng
no connection privilege.
Coleridge Trims Randolph,
RANDOLPH, Neb., June !. (SpecUl
1 flgram.) Opportune home runs by
tcne and Gallagher won for Coleridge
-lay. Score; R.H.E.
i olerldge , 00100240 39 I
Randolph 20100102 06 10 3
Batteries: Coleridge, Hayes and Pinker
ton; Randolph, Courtney and Miller.
Home runs: Stone. Gallagher". Three-base
hit WtiRner Two-base hits- Wagner,
Miller Sacrifice hit: Chspman- Stolen
bases: Hemblln (2. Wagner (2), Stone
m Knlrh' '-'i I'lai'man t2. Strurk out
By t ouitney, 4, by Hayes, 8. Umrire
Waters. 1
Wheat Damage Reports Prove to
Have Been Highly Colored.
Rntna Bring About R. Sharp Decline
In the Tellurr Cereal nnil the
Srlllng Is Lnrjrely Over
done While it Is generally conceded that the,
spring wheat crop has Buffered deterio
ration because of the long drawn out'
dry. spell In that country, It may be
said without fear of contradiction that;
many of tho scattered reports coming
from there have been highly colored for
a purpose. This Is to be seen every year,
There were many rnorts from th spring
wheat country yesterday that were doubt
less rarfetchi-d, as they told of losses In
certain districts, but which wero denied
by more reliable sources. Rains were
reported over our own northwest, as well
as In the prairie provinces of Canada
over Tuesday night and yesterday. There
were rains also In Nebraska. Kansas,
Missouri and a large part of Illinois. The
rains west ot the Mississippi may pos
slbly Interfere with thj harvesting of
wheat, but they were timely In the
Tho lowest prices of the day were
reached early in the session and tho
selling was by scatered longs as well
as by short sellers, on the rains referred
to above. While "hedging" sales were
small, they were persistent, reflecting
an early movement of the new crop.
Cash wheat was unchanged.
There was more than enough In the
condition surrounding the corn market to
overbalance the rains in the sections
where It was claimed moisture was badly
needed. There was a sharp decline nt
tho opening, but the selling was largely
overdone, and when shorts attempted to
even up their position tho corn was not
Cash corn, ttSHic higher. The oats
market was tne leader In strength and
activity yesterday and the entire list
was quite strong. There Is no doubt
much damage has been done which can
not be repaired by rntns and on this
theory there was heavy buying.
Cash oats were Vlc higher.
Clearances of wheat and flour were
62,WJ bushels; corn, 2,000 bushels; oaU,
23,000 bushels.
The closing prices of Liverpool were:
Wheat, Ud lower to Vfcd higher; corn, ttd
to MA higher.
Prlmury wheate receipts were 677,000
bushel and shipments 428,000 bushel,
against receipts or 222,000 bushels and
shipments of 2US.000 bushels lot year.
Primary corn receipts were 871,000
bushels and shipments 752,000 bushels
against receipts of 679.000 bushels and
shipments of 365,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 1.036,000
bushels and shipments, 688,000 bushels
against receipts of 635,000 bushels and
shipments of 570.000 bushels last year.
Wneat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 124 345 265
Minneapolis 143
Duluth 143
Omaha 22 47 II
Kansas City, 43 33 4
St Louis 3 75 71
Winnipeg 23
The following cash sales were reported
Wheat: . No. 2 hard winter, 1 car. S5c;
1 car, 85c. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, Soc;
car, 84c. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, S3e;
H car, SOc. No grade hard winter, car,
78c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 84c. No. 4
spring, 1 car, 80Hc Barley: No. 4, U4
cars, 65c. Oats: Standard, 1 car, 3SV4c.
No. 3 white, 2 cars. 38c. No. 4 white, t
cars, 37?ic; 1 car, 37&c: l car, 37We. No.
3 mixed, 1H cars, 374c. Corn: No. 2
white, 1 car, 67c. No. 3 white, car,
67c No. 4 white, 1 car, 56c. No. 3 yel
low, 14 cars, 66V4c. No. 4 yellow, 2 cars,
66c; 1 car, 55&c; car (damaged), 55V4c.
No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 66Hc. No. 3 mixed, 8
cars, 56'4c; 3 cars, 66c No. 4 mixed, 2
cars, 66?c; 1 car, 654c; 1 car, 65c. No
grade, 1 car (heating), 53c; 2 cars (hot),
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2
hard, 85M85V4c; No. 3 hard, 84Qf6c; No.
4 hard. S0gS3c; NO. 3 spring. 82H83c; No.
4 spring, 090Hc: No. 2 dumm, 81g84c;
No. 3 durum, 824r83e. Corn: -No. 2
white, 67U57Hc; No. 3 white, S667,ic;
No. 4 white, Kyfc&SGc;, No. 2 yellow. 66148)
66ttc: No. 3 yellow, 6CV4c: No. 4 yellow,
65H66c; No. 2, 66Uc; No. 3, KQXISMc; No.
4. 656&Xc: no grade, 60364c. Oats: No.
2 white, 3&KXc; standard, 3SU38Hc; No.
3 white. 373Sc: No. 4 white. 37U33742c.
Barley: Malting, 6660c; No. 1 feed. 42
toe. itye: no. z, urKjtsc; no. a, bayc
Features of the Trading; and Closlasr
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, June 26. Increasing offers
of newly harvested wheat hero and south
west today gradually wore the market
down. The close, though steady, was
o to So under last night. Corn
finished at a net advance of 404e: oats
were unchanged to He lower, and pro-
viBiuua varying irom c aecune to a
gain of a shade
Kansas City reports that the 1913 crop
was being freely sold from the farms
broke the monopoly which the South
Dakota drought haa had on the attention
of the wheat trade. Enlarged purchases
of new threshings to arrive soon in
Chicago gave the situation southwest
timely emphasis. ,
Nevertheless, July wheat here was rela
tively firm on account of fears bv soma
dealers that the present small supplies
ot contract grade in this city threat
ened a little stringency.
Advice xrom tne croo experts In the
spring wheat country were conflicting.
Some dispatches Asserted that because of
additional rain, there was now enough
moisture for the region as a whole. Other
telegrams had it that relief was only in
patches, and that growth was going back
in dry spots. Cash demand was slack.
t'rlmary receipts of wheat -today were
677,000 bushels, as against. 222,000 bush
els a year ago. Export clearances of
wheat and flour equaled 629,000 bushels.
Hot winds In Kansas causing fears of
crop losses, brought about a bull turn In
corn. Speculators purchased liberally on
all the weak spots. Piling up of stocks
Of oate here acted as more than an
offset for a theory that recent rains
came too late to be of great benefit to
much of the growing crop of that cereal.
In provisions realizing sales by lead
ing longs neutralised the effect ot higher
prices tor nogs, improved call for cash
products failed to help the price of fu
tures. Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.j Tes'y.
rvt Tf7
20 77H
so es
20 70
11 15
20 75
20 80
20 60
11 10
11 30
Rib. July.
11 15
11 10
11 10
U 2T14
11 40
II 3214:
11 65
11 T2 11 es
11 77ttl 72W75
U 72-75
Oct.! 11 65 I 11 63 l U 57-COi
11 60
11 60
Chicago Cash Prices 'Wheat: No. t
red. 9S09c; No. 8 red, 9&&3c; No. I
hard, 921iS314c; No. y hard. 9100214c:
No. 1 northern, 9314096c; No. 2 northern!
92064c; No. J northern, 9109214c: No. i
spring. 9203cjNo. S spring, 91B2c; No.
4 spring. 0Dle; velvet chaff, 910c;
durum, 90096c Corn: No. 2. 1061Kc;
No. 2 white, 6162iic: No. 2 yellow
6106KC-. No. 3. Mfi061i4c; No. 3 white.
6162c; No, 3 yellow, 6106114c; No. 4,
5!$!4c: No. 4 whit. 6054061 lie; No. 4
yellow, 5906014c Oats: No. 3 white, 40lVj
4l!c, No. 4. 38c; No. 4 whlteT 14c;
standard. 4114012c. Barley: 6O0le. Rye!
No. 2, 6214c. Timothy: U7504.7& Clover;
Nominal. Pork; 330.85. Lard; I1L10.
Ribs: SU.7&312.2S.
BUTTER Lower: creameries. 24324 Vic.
EGOS Unchanged; receipts, ,15,471
POTATOES Irregular; new, $1.0001.10,
receipts, U cars; old, 26030c, recelpu, 12
POULTRY-Allve, easier; hens. 14c;
springs. 23c; turkeys, 17c
Minneapolis Grain Market,
July. rrfa'M'. eepiemoer. km, Dtctm-
1 northern, 925itiilic, No. 2 northern, 1HU J
NolV4Wuchart Montftn' "WW
KLorit- Unchanged.
CORN No. 3 yellow. BfT$7HC
OATS-No. J white. SftgJSliC
FLAX-41.32W JiSo;
Corn and Wheat nrglon Bulletin.
United States Department of ArHouI.
ture. -weather bureau, for Omaha. Neb.,
for the twenty-four hours ending at 8
a. m., 78th meridian time, Thursday, June
26, 1913:
Temp. Rain
Station. High Low. fait Sky.
Ashland, Neb.. 91 78 .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb... 93 65 .00 Clear
Broken Bow.... 93 131 .01) Clear
Columbus. Neb. 91 65 .00 Clear
CulberUon 92 73 .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neb.. 96 es .00 Clear
Valrmont, Neb. 94 69 .00 Clear
Grand Island... 96 63 .22 Clear
Hartlngton .... fS KV .08 Pt. Cloudy
Hastings, Neb. 97 6S .06 Pt Cloudy
Hcldrege. Neb.. 97 67 .00 Clear
Lincoln. Neb.... 96 6S .00 Clear
North riatte.. 90 64 .00 PC Cloudy
Oakdale, Neb... 84 68 .00 Clear
Omaha, Neb.... '."0 6S .00 Pt. Cloudy
Tekamah. Neb. 85 70 .00 Clear
Valentine 56 60 .(0 Clear
Alta, la. 89 67 .01 Clear
Carroll. la 84 6S .00 Pt. Cloudy
Sibley, Ih 90 C.4 1.27 Clear
Sioux City 86 70 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period -ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rata
District Stations. High. Low fall
Columbus, 0 18 90 CS .40
Louisville. Ky... 22 92 68 .00
Irdlanapolls 14 90 68 .60
Chicago It 86 70 .80
St. Louis 19 P0 70 .20
Des Moines 22 86 6S .10
Minneapolis 51 82 60 .90
Kansas City .... 26 91 72 .00
Omaha 17 92 6 .20
Tho weather Is slightly warmer gener
ally over the corn and wheat region.
Rains were quite general over tho north
ern portion of the region, and light and
widely scattered showers occurred In the
southern portion. Rains of one Inch Or
niore occurred at the following stations:
In South Dakota-Mitchell. 1.00; Yank
town, 2.20; Sioux Falls, 1.70. In Mlnne-sota-New
Ulm, 1.60; St. Paul, 1.10; Worth
lngton, 1.30.
Local Forecaster Weather Bureau.
New York Oeneral Market.
NEW YORK, June 26,-SUGAR-Raw,
firm; muscovado, 2.86c; centrifugal, 8.380J
molasses sugar, 2.61c. Refined, steady.
BUTTER Market weak; reoolptB, 13.627
tubs; creamery extras, 2714c; first, 2614
27c; seconds, "J5K&2614c; state dairy, fin
est, 261427c; process, extras, 2514a; firsts,
24H26c; imitation creamery, firsts, 24144
25c; factor)', firsts, 2tVWf2oc; packing
stock. No. 1, 23c
CHEESE Steady; receipts. 1,605 boxes:
state, whole milk, fresh white and pale and
colored specials. 14c; state, whale milk,
fresh -white and palo fancy, 141461414c;
skims, 33 11c.
EGOS Irregular; receipts. J4.9S3 cases;
fresh gathered extras, 22CT24c; extra
firsts. 20H2214: rirsts. 1920o; Penn
sylvania and nearby hennery whites, as
to sizes and quality, 23g26a; western
gathered whites, 20023c
POULTRY Live, Irregular; chickens.
27c; fowls, 17e; turkeys. 15c Dressed,
steady;, fresh killed western chickens,
272$c; fowls, 1601914c: turkeys, 18019c
Knnaaa City Grain and Provisions.
2 hard, 8609114c; No. 3. 8414689140; No. 2
red, 8S93c; No. 3, 85591c.
CORN-No. 2 white, lc: No. 3, 6Ofi6014c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 41Nlc.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT-July, S4c; September, S14c;
December, 8814c.
CORN-July, 69HiK)!4c; September,
60c; December, 661405Hc
OATS-July. 3914c; September, 41c;
December, 42?4c .
RYE 58c.
HAY Choice timothy, $12.50013.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 27c; firsts. 26c;
seconds, 25c; packing, 21c
EGGS Firsts, 1714c: seconds, 13c
POULTRY Hens, 1214013c; roosters, 10c;
aucKs, uc; oroners, zua-zc
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat bu 43,000 ' 25,000
Corn, bu 33,000 22,000
Oats, bu 4,000 9,000
St. I.oal General Market.
ST. LOUIE, June 26,-WHEAT-Cash
No. 2 red, 9714c: No. 2 hard. S91tM5Wc.
CORN No. 2. 6O140fllc: No. 2 white. 6H4
OATS-No. 2, 39140S?4c; No. 2 white. 41c
Closing prices:
WHEAT July, 87c: September. 88Uc.
CORN July. 69Q69!4c; September, 61H
OATS-July, 3SKc; September, HSc
RYE 61c
POULTRY Fl rm ; chicks. 1214c: springs,
21025c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 11015c; geese,
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2214027c
EGGS-Hlgher. 16c
BRAN Sacked .east track, 96c
HAY Unchinged.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl 6,000 10,000
Wheat, bu , 41,000 37.000
Corn, bu....i 30,000 40,000
Oats, bu 121,000 31,000
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 9Hd; No. 2,
7s 614d; No. 3. 7s 4d. Futures, steady:
July. 7s 614d; October, 7s B14d; December,
7s 2!4d.
CORN spot firm; American mixed,
new, kiln dried, us 6d; old, 6s; old, via
Galveston, 6s 3d; futures, easy; July, La
Plata. 4e OUd; September. La Plata, u
Htllvrnnkee Grain Market.
no. i northern. 'Jof3cj No. 2 northern,
3filM14c; No. 2 hard winter, 91092c; July,
9014c: September. Hr90!4c
CORN No. yellow, 610ll4o; No. 3
wnue, we; sso. j, umowic; July, GOHc;
September. 61ic
OATS Standard, 4104114c.
BARLEY 57066c
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, June 26. CORN No. 1 white,
61c; No. 2 yellow, 6O0i!ie; No. t yel
low, 60c.
OATS-No. 3 white. 4154c; standard,
Metal Market.
NT3W YOHK .Til n m c rtjf.v
?SvJe,S!e?fyi spot to June,
caTtlnVMl. ' '"-"V
?iTVTvWSaK,I0i.,S August. $02504175.
LEAD Steady; $4.30.
SPELTER-8teady; $5X506.15.
ANTIMONY Dull; Cookson's $8.7600X0.
IRON Quiet and unchanged.
London markets closed as follows:
COPPT3R Eaav: soot. 64; fulnri pki
7s d.
TIN Weak; spot 19S 10s; futures, 199
LEAD 20.
IRON Cleveland warrants, 54s 6d.
Coffee Market.
Futures opened steady at a decline nf 10
to It points under liquidation by some
of yesterday's buyers, and prices
gradually eased off under scattered sell.
Ins, which was supposed to be for both
accounts, -xne ciose was steaoy. July,
f.30c; September, 9.65c; October, .G3c;
December, .7Sc; January. 0.80c: March.
if Ac; May. 9.95c .
spot coiree. quiet: no. 7 Rio, Sftc;
Santos No. 4. 12c Mild, dull: Cordova.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. June 26. HAY No. 1 chnten
upland. $8.OO0.IO: No. 2. J7.O0tl8.O0: No. I. '
$5.0004.00; No. 1 choice lowland. KLOOti
7.00; No. 2, $5.0006.00; No. 3, worthless; -No.
1 choice midland. $7,600X00; No. X :
$7.0007.60; No. 2. $5.0006.00. No straw on
tne market; cnoice wneat straw la quot- I
able at $5.CO0.O. Alfalfa, one car on
the inarStet, new No. 2; No. 1 choice old.
$11X0912.00; No. 2. $8.00010.00; new alfalfa!
No. 1 choice. tJ.00010.00; No. 2. $J.W0.OO; '
No. 3. unsalable.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Juns 26--COTTON-flpot
closed quiet; middling uplands. 1t.40c:
middling R"!f. 126c Sales. MO bales.
Future closed steady. Closing bids; June.
12.03c; July. 12.06c; August. llOSe; Septem
ber. 116Sc; October, 11.49c; November.
1111c: De-ember. 11.43c; January. lL4c!
February. ILtic; March. 11.65c.
jjiet and firm- middling fair, V Zc good
ordinary, ordinary, w.JSc, sales, 6,000
London Cables Higher Range of
Prices for American Shares.
Weight ot New Flnanelnst of Market
Referred to Another DepreaaliiR
Influence U. H. Bonds
, Unchanged.
NEW YORK, June 26. London cabled
higher ranges of prices for American
stocks today and when trading began In
the home market the International Issue
responded with general gains, amounting
to a point or more for Union Pacific,
St Poul, Canadian Pacific and Amal
gamated Copper. Foreign markets were
Inclined to sag and traders looked with
some suspicion upon the rise of Americans
In Indon, which might havo been based,
It was thought, upon operations from
this side of tho water,
London came In with buying orders
for perhaps 20,000 shnres, but traders
hero wero not willing to follow tho list
up. They sold stocks Instead and open
ing gains swiftly vanished. Speculative
lenders sagged until they wero one or two
points below the earlier high prices.
The market thereafter was irregular
with slow, labored movements and a
heavy undertone. Reading, Steel, Smelt
ing, New York Central, Beet Sugar and
Louisville were depressed a point or
moro below yesterday's close.
Whllo tho tonlo effect of tho recent riso
has not been entirely lost, It wn evi
dent that sentiment was becoming more
difficult so far as concerned professional
operators, whose dealings composed the
bulk of business. There was no sign,
however, of liquidation such as upset
the market a few weeks ago. Bear trad
ers based selling on the outbreak of hos
tllltles between Bulgaria and Scrvln and
the heaviness of foreign markets. Lack
of news as to tho form of the Harrtman
dissolution plan as agreed upon served
to restrict trading. .
The weight of new financing of the
market was referred to as another de
pressing Influence. New Issues ot se
curities here this week aggregate ap
proximately $35,000,000, Including $11,600,000
of short term notes sold today by the
state of Tennessee. Although money Is
still pouring Into New York from tho
Interior, bank reserves are piling up
and the money market nominally Is
easier than was tho case a few weeks
ago. Tho actual conditions which con
front borrowers are shown by the fact
that the stato of Tennessee was com
pelled to sell Us notes at such a price
that they are offered by the under
writers to ylold 64 per cent.
Bonds yielded all around with St Louts
nnd San Francisco Issues showing es
pecial heaviness. Total sales, par vnlue,
$1,735,000. . ,
United States bonds were unchanged
on call. ... ...
Number of sales and leading quotations
of stocks today were: ......
Rl1. ItUh. Iw. C1n
AranUtmilM Corv" K.3W 4 M't 'i
Amrrlrn AKrlonuiMl ... ..... J
American nt 8uir.... m SJH U tit-.
Am.rln C.a 1.300 SIS, H H
Amor1cn Cn pfd 7S J4
Amrlrn a A F W JIH
American Cotton Oil.... 200 H V
American Ice Betrills 21
American Unictd ?
American Locomotlte ...... ,.
Amlilc.n p. a n....... 1.200 61 61 i tVi
American S. & R. ftA. 100 WT J
American EMrar TUflnlnc ..... ..... ..... 107
American Tel. & Ttl.. 200 121V. 111H 12H
American Tobacco ..... HJ
Anaconda Mining CO... 1O0 M4 !. 8M
Atchlvm W'l MVi V4 vti 200 H H M
Atlantic. Cbaat ILna HIT
naltlmore & Ohio 200 H MM 'H
nethlebera Bteel 400 2 1 27
Prooklyn Rapid Tranalt M0 I4 HH 7
Canadian Tacine i.MO 2171, lt 21'i
Central Leather 100 21 21 20ti
Cheaapea.e & Ohio.... 4,700 M t2U UM
Chicago Oreat Wettern H
CM., M. t Bt. T 2,200 10SS 101VI 10JS
Chi. 8c N. Vf 100 121 lit mu
Colorado Tuel It Iron 24
Consolidated Qli 100 IMVi 1JSH 12H
Corn Producta 200 iOM 1DH 10
Delaware a Kudaon 110
Denver & nio Urande.. ..... 16
n. a. n. a. ptd 21
Dlitlllert- Becurltlea U'.i
Krle 1.200 24 22 21'
Erlle lat ptd 204 2T 27 S4.
Erie 2d pfd 100 30 20 S,
Oeneral niectrlo 100 NI6U !Mi 1JSH
Oieat Northern prd BOO 122i 12214 122
Orrat Northern Ore ctfs COO SI 33 23
Illinois Central 1094
Interboroush-Met 600 15 K'4 lUi
Interborough-.ilet. ptd.. t.too M 6114 tOi
International Hamster.. 204 1024 103 102M,
International-Marine pfd )00 liH U, U'
International Paper H
International Pomp , ti
K. C. gouthern too USl KH 25
Laclede Oaa 9
Lehigh Vallejr 4.000 1(2 151 151U
LtulsTllla & KtahTllle. (04 21U 130 130
V., Bt, P. 8. Fte. M. 100 UtM 124U, 12J
(.. K. A T 200 2m 20't MV'j
lllssouri Pacltl ,. 704 Kit 2i4 2T4
National Dtactitt 100 111 113 111
National Lead it
S, tlr. at 11. Id ptd.. 1.200 1 4(4 14 14
New York Central 2,04 tK 7V4
K V.. O. W 200 31H 2l 21
cvr.rfolk & Western .... too jaj J03 10J
Atorth American 200 67 64 65
Paetflo -Mall 1
Pennaylranta 3,200 111U 110T4 HOT;
reoptea' Oaa 100 107 '107 107Vs
fltta.. C. C. ft Bt, L to
.'lltaburEti Coal 100 It u
Preaaed Steel Car..,,.. 200 2I4 22 22
Pnllman Talaee Car ut
neadlng 4.4S40 1IIH 114 lS7t;
IteauMIe I. S
Itepublle I. & B. pti... 100 T 75 76
(Rock Island Co M4 14 11V4 1IU
Itock leland Co. pfd.,.. J00 UM 26U 23
Pt. L. ft a r. M pfd. 100 4? iU 6
Beaboart Air Una ..... ,7W
Beaboerd Air Uae pfd. 200 42 42 42
SQoa-hernM B. a I,, 40O 24 jiu. tj
Southern JactMa 2. 209 t6 t4 6U
Bouthern Railway 1.JO0 jm 2lS
Boutham Itallwar pfo. .
Tennesaee Copper ,t
Texas & F&eine jju
Union Pacific 4l,oo jija: mu
llnlim radfle pfd 100 t m
United Htatea Realtf.. 200 41 64 JU
United BUtea Rubber ... tlU
United BUtea Rteel ... 44.000 62 62 62U
TJnlted States Btel pfd. 2,310 104 loi ,oi
Utah Copper too 42 42
Virginia-Carolina Chem. . 600 23 M jm
W'abash ,. ,.(.,.., ..... , ,
wabaah cjd ; ;;; ;JJ
Weam MarTland ion S6 lj ts
Wertlnghouae Electric 7. ... "
Wheeling ft Lake fi. . ; ; "h
Total aal for tho dar, 222.W0 aharea.
Mew York Money Market.
call, steady, lm per cent; ruling rate.
3 per cept; closing bid, 1 per cent; of
ST1 at !w?f,r,.cent- Tlme ,0n- "teady;
'-'.in , w UUXB 1'mVZ-I
per cent; six months. 5Vi06H per cent
' i.awkwn iiau rrrwi-D per
cent; eterllnr exchanca eaeler with ao-
aa vtaiinnn allJIal Ui ml OoUll
for 80 day bills and $4.8670 for demand
commercial bills, $4.83. "emana,
SILVER Bar. KXUv Ml.n j-h
4Sc. ' '
hBONDS-Ckvernraent, steady; railroad,
The doting quotations for bonds wero
as follows!
U. a rat. 2a reg..I0 K. a fl. ref. ta.. as
An ref. f rHTvm. 100 T. 0 .K ...... ....
V. . 3a rex 101 u A K. 4T.. tt
".. spob..... . t.. K. ft T. lat 4a o
V. S. 4s rag ?! 4a.. ts
u 1 coapoo . mo. racinc la ....
Pasama 2a ooapoa.lMH do coar U. nu
Am. Ait. t h v 5 fxyir.uZ
A. T. & T. cr. 4a.. 100 do deb. 4,... . ... JJ2
'An. sow. aa IJ. ft It.
Armour ft Oo. B4 er. 2a .... nu
AUMaaa gesa. 4a.... J4 N. ft w 1st a. 4a. 12
oo cr. u iinvi a w cr. 4e. 102
do cr. Is No. Pacific 4. il
At C. I tat 4a.. WW -do to au,
ft 4 O. 4a "i2f. S. I rfd. 4a 11
a fix. aauiVtifi au. ,,.7r
Br. xr. cr. a -uo con. 4a M
C. at Oa. U 102 neadlnjr irn. 64
Ch. ft O. 4a.. .. J4J4 de gtm. ta ... ... "
jt- mu . Hi. 1IU8. I. n n- . If..
C. A. 2a . A. L. adj u. .
o. & V ., iu a. jj 1 racina ool. 4a. . I74T
ia ga. 4s 21 do cr. 4a . . . kv
n u a s V a 4W 101 80 lat e
c R. i. & p. !.. najiwar u:.'.:..im3
eo rfg. as .a -ao gen 4a i
r a a. r. ft e. 4a tlVVnlon prtn. ,i. S
Del. ft Hod. r 4a as n. ta Su
D. ft R. a. nt. U.. "Hdo lat, ft r. 4a.l
Distillers (a MJJ. B. Itubber
tna jr. ilea ,... n. etaei 14 (a aa
do gen. 4a Wab. l't ft ' , i. L,
III. C, lit r. 4s.... II WeK. Mi. 4a .. .
int.-aiei. s - nw. jsi. cv. (a. leu
BIO. --oraerao.
Treasury tHatenaenJ,
WASHINGTON. June 86. The rnnrtHln,
of the United States treasury at the be
ginning of business today was: Working
1 .lance. $5S.6IS,160; In hanks and Philip.
in'ic sitranur, ni.m,u(i, ioiai or general
fond $1410411 re4pu yesterday, $,
3.,Ju, disbursements, 12,651,173. The sur
plus this rucal year. 1.W,7M, as against a
sfrplus of S9.flT7 last year. The figures
for receipts, disbursements and surplus
exclude Panama canal and publics debt
London Block Market,
IiONtON, Juno K. American securities
opened higher today, but soon turned
easier under realising. The mnrket r.
covered In the second hour under the lead
of 1'n.lon Pacific and at noon prices were
irom 10 imi nisincr man yesiertiay $
New YorK closing.
Onsets, moner . 12 U-ltlllnols Central..,. .112
do account... 73 M K. Ik T 114
Amal. Copper... ... 'N V. lntral 101
Atchison JS I'ennnjltsnU 17
Canadian Pa' III. .. Heading 21
Chicago 0. V..,,.. II Southern Pacific... 7
Jt raul IMKl'nlon Pacific 1I0.
Penter lllo O. . IT V B. Bteel IPs
Brie 11 Wabash 1
do 1st tti HH I'dlcem 11',
Orand Trunk , :i,l(and Mines t
SILVBU-Hor. quiet at M 13-16d per os.
MONKY-3U3H Per cent. , .
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills Is IH per cent; for three
months' bills, 4 6-16 per cent.
Uniik Clearing.
OMAHA, Juno W. Hank clearings for
today aro &KM.03!i.M and $2.i3.87.63 for
tho corresponding day last year.
nt'TTlCn-No. 1, Mb. carton, X8cj No.
1, RO-lb. tubs, 37V4C1 No. 2,
FISH-Whlto. frrah, lci trout, fresh,
12c; largo crapples, fresh, Ko: Spanish
mackerel, 15o; eel, 17c; haddock, 12o;
flounders, 13c; shad roe, per pair, 40o;
salmon, fresh, 16c; halibut, fresh, 9a;
buffalo, Pc; bullheads, Kc; channel cat
fish. lSe; plks, 14c: plokeret, 11c
CI I kiosk Imported Swiss. 32c; Ameri
can Swiss, Kc; block Swiss, Ilo; twins.
ISo; daisies, ISc; triplets, lsci Toung
Americas, Wo; bluo labal brick, 1714c; Urn
burger, 2-lb., 21c; l-lb J2c; New York
white, 2Pc.
POULTnr-nroIlers. iSQISo per lb.; lions.
Il4c; cooks, 124c, ducktt, IsaritOc; geesr,
l?ci. turkeys, 304126c; pigeons, per dot..
11-20; rosters. Vc; ducks, full festhcred,
lOo; geese, full feathered, 13c; squabs, No.
L l.W; No. 2, Wc.
. I1KKK CUTSNo. X ribs. 17Hc; No. f,
lfic; No. I, 154c. No. 1 loins, lfc; No, 1.
liHe; No. 3. 17c. No. 1 chucks, IlUc; No.
2. lie; No. s, 10 c. No. 1 rounds, lie; No.
2 HVio; No. 3, 14Hc No. 1 plates, Stfc;
No. f, 8c; No, i. 7V,o.
The following fruit and vegetable) rrlies
aro reported by the auinsky Fruit turn
pany: PItUlTS Hood river strawberries, por
21-quart case, $3.60: California red rasp
berries, per 24-quart caso. $1.00; California
Logan berries, per 24-quart case, $100;
California blackberries, por 34-quart case,
$3.00; apricots, per 4-basket crates, 11.73;
plun;s, per 4-baskot crate. $2.00; peaches,
per box, $1.W to $1.7&; Callfornlu black
or red cherries, per box, 12.00; California
cantaloupes, pony crates, $5.60; California
standard, per crate, $4.00; homo grown
cherries, per 24-quart case, $2.00; home
grown gooseberries, per 24-quart case,
$2.25. Oranges, Sunxlst Valenctas, 126, 233 per box, $4.00; 150, 176, 200, 218,
2C0 sixes, por box, $6.50; fancy Valencia.,
126, 2SS slses, per box, $6.00; Vulenclas,
150 sizes, per box, $5.50; Valenctas, 176, 200.
216, slses, per box, $0.00. Apples, extra
tancy Clano. circle brand, per bbl., $5,60;
extra fancy Wlnesan, por bbl., $6.60.
Evaporated cranberries, carton contain
ing 36 paakages, por carton, $1.70,
Lemons, extra fancy Sunktst, 300s and
JGOs, per box, 20.00; extra choice red ball,
300s and 180, per box, $8.60.
VKUKTA11LKS Largs new potatoes,
per bu., $1.00; 6-bag lots or moro, per
bu., Wo; rural, per bu., GOo; rod river
curly Ohio, per bu., Wc. California
crystal wax onions, per crate. $1.(0; Texas
Bermuda, per crate, $1.00. Fancy Texas
tomatoes, per 4-basket crate, $1.00; 6
crate lotfl 9&Ct
Beef cuts prices: No. 1 ribs, 17c; No. 1
ribs, lEHo; No. I ribs, isc. No. 1 loins,
ISHo; No. 2 loins, 17c; No. i loins, lGUa.
No. 1 chucks, lie; No. 2 chucks, lOWo;
No. 3 chucks, lOVic No. i rounds. 14Ho;
No. 2 rounds, licj. No. 3 rounds, lSUo.
No. 1 plates, 6c; No. 2 plates. 7ric; No. 3
plates, 7c
MISCELLANEOUS Hod now' potatoes,
per hamper, $2.1: California Jumbo
celery, per doi $2.00; cider ilott's. per
keg. $3.60; cider Nahawka, por keg. $3.2$:
asparagus, per doz., 60c; rhubarb, per
dox., 30c; onions, per dqa,, 20c; new boets,
cat rots, turnips, per doz., Wc; parsley, per
dox., 40c; radish, per doz.. 40c; htadle'tuos,
per doz., $1.00; homegrown leaf mtuco,
per dos., 40c; grrcn peppers, per basket
60c; wax or green beans, per hamper,
$4.00; hot house cucumbers, per doz., $10041
2.00; cauliflower, per crate, $160; Venetian
garlic Per lb., 12Mc: Texas new cabbage,
per lb., 2a; uggplan', per dox., $1.6002)0;
horseradish, 2 dot. j'lttles in case, per
case, $1.U0; dromedary brand dates, pky
$3.00; anchor brand dates, pkg., $2.25;
vuUnuts No. 1 .'.t ahull, per lb., 20c;
medium pecans, p.r lb., UVio; pecans
Jumbo, per lb., joc; giant pecans, Loulil.
ana paper shell, jar lb., 20c; filberts, per
lb., 16c; Drake almonds, per lb., 16a; paper
shell, 18c; Brazils, per lb., 10a; large
washed, per lb., 12c; black walnuts, rr
lb., 2Hc; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., Ctto;
jumbo peanuts, per lb., 8a; roast peanuts,
per lb, 8H0I shall bark hickory nuts, per
lb., 4c; large hickory nuts,, per :b., to;
white rice popcorn, por lb., 60; ih3krs,
per 100 pkg. caaw, $160; checkers, per 60
pkg. case, $1.75; Leaiia Usrry ooxes, qta.,
per LOOO. $2.76.
ISvapornted Apples nnd Dried Prults
DUIED KRUITS-rrunes. unsettled.
Apricots, quiet but firm. Peaches, firm.
llaUtns, quiet.
Kniisoa City Live Hlock Market.
itcceipis, z,ow nenn; marKct strong;
prime fed steers, $8.40Q.75; dressed beof
steers, $7.268.3S; western steers, $6,600
8.40.; southern steers, J5. 758.00; cows,
$4.2f07.6; heifers, $6.003.6G; stockers and
feeders, $6.75(88,00: bulls, $5.75j7.25j calves,
IIOQS Kecelpts. 6,000 head; market 6G
10c higher: bulk of sales, M.70&8.8J;
heavy, $S.C5flS.bO; packers and butchers,
$S70.82H; light, $8.7ET8.85; pigs, $7.60tP
silEEP AND LAMDS-Hecelpts, 6.000
head: market steady; lambs, $7.00118.00;
yearlings, $l.255.25; wethers, $4.60516.23;
eives. .O0gG.0O; Blockers and feeders,
Chfrairo I.Ira Slock Murkrt.
..CHICAGO, June 26.-HOaS-Ilecnlpts,
21.000 head; market strong nnd toioo
higher; bulk of sales, $8.7038.85: light.
$8.6Ggs.W; mlxeil, $8.668.00; heavy. $8.35
l.fJS; rough. $$.lrJ8.66: pigs, $6.80.60.
CATLE Hecelpts, 6,000 head; market
low and generally steady beeves, $7.2019
.00; Texas steers, $0.M33.10; western
steers, $7.10QS0; utockers and feeders,
$5.7oQ.10; cows and heifers, $3.908.60;
Calves. $iX6089.2G,
SHEEP AN1 LAMDS-rtecclots. 8.000
head; market strong; nntlve, $6.00136.10;
weaseni, o.ou((; yrariings, eS.S&ue.W;
lambs, native. $5.8070; western, $6.00
St. Louis Live Slack Market,
ceipts, 2,300 head: market steady; native
hopf ateera. i5.7EiffA.75! nnvu nnH
$4 6008.60: stockers and feeders, $5,260
7.3S; southern ataars, lo.ZQM.V); cows and
licueri, as.omtfo.Du; caiven, u.um4.r0.
HOOS Receipts. 8,000 head; market
strong; pigs and lights, 37.00SSJS5; mixed
and butchers, $8.660.&; good heavy, S.
BIIEEP AND LAMBS-rtecelpts. 6,000
head; market steady; native muttons,
ilSfftSS1 lfttnbB' V-mMQi spring lambs:
Bt .Joseph Lire Slock Slarket.
ceipts, 00 head; market strong to lOo
higher; steers, T7.Kx28.85: cows and heir.
era. $; calves. 15.tCrQf.00.
HOOS Recelpta, 11,000 haad: market
strong; top, $8.80: bulk, $8.0688.75.
SHEEP AND LAMnB-necelpts, 1,600
head; strong to 10c higher; lamb, MM
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Juna 5g r, J
atileetton of Philadelphia for th 1911 mn.
rentlon, and the election of officers, -was
the only business transact! at th after
noon session of the American Waterworks
association today. The following officers
were elected.
Preaidect, Itobert O. Thomas, Lowell,
Vlos president, Qeorgs G. Karl, Now
. : loans.
Bccretary treasurer will be chosen later
by the board of trustees.
Persistent Advertising is tbs Road to
Big Returns
Cattle Very Slow and Ten to Fifteen
Cent Lower.
Mie-p nnd Lnnilisnf All Kinds In Very
Light Supply nnd flood Ueinnnd,
trills Price Advnticlna
SOUTH OMAHA, Juno 26, 1913.
Hecelpts were. cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 2.UW t.W VI
Official Tuesday 3,151 14,068 2.W4
Official Wednesday .. 4,35) l!,x) 2.. 06
Estimate Thursday.,. $.000 13,0 1,830
Kotir days this wfok.ilTVtt 4T.TM .
Same days last week 13,810 ns,2i 10
Same tlaya 1 wks. 7U ll.Stil
Same days 3 wks, ago.U0Cti aOAOl 14,3.3
8amo days 4 wks. ftKo.12,027 I6.5M 18,;21
Samo days last year . 12,017 54,332 U8!e
Tl'e following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
llva stock market for the year to date
as compaitxl with last year.
1911 1912. Inc. Dec,
Cattle ilfl.twt 120 caJ 1.320
Hogs 1,141,764 1,804,173 962,411
Sheep J17.097 803.V13 23.1S3. ......
The following tuLie miows tho range of
prices for lions at South Omaha tor the
last tew nays, with comparisons!
Date. 11$. 111112.11911. 1910.119tS.l90S.1907.
June 13 7 76 6 7X' 8 40 7 7 i ( 3 M
June 10 8 60 6 S3 t 36 S 341
J'.HIK 17 .H 4H, 7 16, 4 71 8 21 7 $3 6 631 3 91
June 18 S 3SM 7 23 9 30 7 61 3 67 5 07
June 19 8 41H 7 23 B 91 7633C4K9J
June. 10 8 43S 7 85 $90 9 42 66 & 91
June 21 3 H 7 40 6 13 9 40 7 63 5 81
Juno 22 7 46 t 9 17 7 68 5 77 & 91
June 23 8 44U 620 P 16 746 8 96
Juno 21 8 51U 7 46 6 14 0 211 7 40, 5 02 $ 33
June 25 8 63 7 36 9 281 7 131 5 87 J SO
July 2tf; 8 62H 7 80 6 12 7 68 6 83 ttt
SOUTH OMAHA, Juno 23, 1913.
Receipts and disposition of Uvo stock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha.
Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 8
p. m. yesterday)
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ra
C. M. & SL T.. 17 1..
Wabash Railway ..2 3 .. ..
Missouri Pacific ..3 3 ..
Union Paclflo 18 27 .. ..
C. & N, V. east,, 4 18 1
C. A N. W.. west.. 23 52 i
C St P., M. & O.. 31 12
O 11. A Q.. east.. 2
C. B. A Q.. west.. 64 60 t 2
C, It. I. & P., cast. .. 12
C R. I. P., west .. 1 .. ..
Illinois Central 3 ,.
C O. W 1
Total receipts. ...129 205 6
rattle, lines. Shaao.
410 1,719
21 3,331
70S 3,59$
4.31 3,110
33 ....
343 ....
Hwlft & Co
L. P. Co
Mouth Omaha r. Co..
Saint Clair
Tlentnn. Vanaant A L..
inn & son
V. D. Iwl
L. V. Ilu
x.. ... l . n n
cruivimcr.a wssiti
H. F, Hamilton
Mo. & Kan. -Calf Co,,
Other buyers .
Totals MM 1W5 1.780
CATTLE The cattle run was fair again
today. 132 cars being reported. This
makes the total for the four dnys 13,700
head, being tho largest for a number of
weeks back and larger than a year age
by 800 head. As has been Die case all
week the receipts consisted almost on
tirely nf beet steers, many of them cattle
of good quality.
Tho market was In about as unsatls
factory condition as could well be im
agined. It was very evident that buyers
huvo been getting mors beef steers than
they had use for and wero by no means
anxious for fresh supplies this morning.
The result was that the trade was
extremely slow and dull and It was well
along toward midday before, enough cat
tle had actually changed hands to make
It possible to estimate tho condition of
the market. Many bids were fully tCc
lowor, and although the market was
generally quoted only lOQOfa lower, there
were cattle that showed considerably
more loss than that.
Cows and holfcra were extremely slow
sellers, the same us beef steers, although
receipts of that kind of cattle were light.
The fact la the market on cows and .heif
ers is being depressed Ely the break on
beef steers and they were safely 10Q16c
lower again today.
There were no stock cattle or feeders
of any consequence to maka a market,
but the feeling on that kind ot stuff
was generally steady.
Quotations on cattle Good to choice
beef steers, $$.004?3.G0; fair to good beet
steers, $7.80178.00; common to fair beef
steers, $7.267.80; good to choice heifers,
$7.004f7.00; good to choice cows, $6.0057,26;
fair to good grades, $6.4006.00: common to
fair grades, $17D4jS,40 good to choice
stockers and feeders. $5.76ff7.76: fair to
good stockors and feeders, lf.2MJ6.76: com
mon to fair stockers and feeders, $(.0Mt
0.23; stock cows and heifers, $4.60JJ3.7S;
veanciUvea, $7.6ft)j'J.W; bulls, etags, etc.
heprctcntatlve sales;
Me. At. rr. No. At. IT.
22 ,.im r t 44 ,,,.1111 I 10
I.., Ht 7 40 11 n I 10
4 1021 T 0 II 1112 1 11
20 1041 7 U t ,.1S55 8 IS
25 IMS 7 K 41 im 8 20
4 1000 7 U 40., ltso in
',. ....... ..1100 IH 7 , lt7 10
II ...Illl 7 41 HIT I 20
I ......12M 100 l....,12W 125
II 1082 t 00 12 10 4
II 1144 I 00 14 1411 I IS
tl.. ,...1140 1 00 11 1222 IH
21 11M W II 1S4I I ti
24 1211 2 06 U Ull III
12., ,..1000 110 1 1U0 I ftl
It 1127 t II 22 1142 M
............ 7M 1 S 41 Ml I CO
ta 7 71 22 171
I. .......... I I M 1 1110 Oa
1 2 to 4 00 2 ;t if
1 940 I Ot 1..... DM 1
2 IK) 4 00 4 tOft 4 il
1 720 I 10 1 IKS) 0 24
1 no i a i ue oil
1 1170 1 00 I ,...,.1JM tit
1... IM ft 0 1 120 I ft
. 1M2 M 2 tit IM
1 240 ttO 1 ,..,11W M
t lew t lo 4 tit i u
wiZ i Ta 4 ity) a u
1 20 t 2! 1 :.'t it
1 120 121 2..., MS at!
1 M t 24 I...........1IJ0 M
1.. 1090 8 10 l..,...,..Ut3 IH
1 , 170 t to !.. lift) I 3
2 11U 171 1 .,..104 Ttl
1 W IH 2.,.., U4 J It
1 1010 I 00 .... I II
i ;w w ii (U ig
7 117 I II 1 m j Z
I M7 III I ,. m Teo
I 120 I 21 1 7M i a
1 744 IN I fjo J n
1 120 4 Tl ) mo w
1 1040 $71 1 Illl ill
1 MO IM 8,...: WIS in
1 ,...120 IN 1 ,,,, Tw
2 -120 IM 11M f Ml
Iy:.:::y:.m ' ,8
u "hAute"'
iti i S i
Ji w o t n
1 , Ml I tt I ISO II OO
1 2M IN 1 (OO ii
J ,1 160 10 00
fi2 i2 '. 120 10O0
t::::::Y.t2 1 wu
S::::;;;:::;n? t
JIOOBA very liberal run howtd up
today, something like 202 cars or 18,600
head being reported In. For the wmv t
5.u ul.JK,Jilp,y t00lt up but 7'78 n4.
V..ln. btAl hp... a. ... f. . .
6 600 smaller than for the same period
last year.
W)th a generous run in algbt this morn
Ing buyrra started out with tiie avowed
Intention ot forcing prices down a few
notches. JTor nearly an I tour nothing at
all was done sonxj buyer even refusing
to make bids- (Speculator bought some
tiogs at this time at about sttady prieea.
When packers finally mad their .drat
offers tuey wer at figure that war a
nickel lower than yesterday's best time,
or just about steady with the close. These
prices were far below th expectations ot
the sellers, and they refuaed to talk
butlness as long as the buyers continued
proposing lower values. Killer buyer
bald out for a wfeiie, but after another
hour ot Inactivity they mado lomo con-
cessions In effort to tilt thr-l" orders, bids
being raised till they reached a level
that looked Just a shade lower than yes
terday's average gome droves wero
cashed at this time, but the majority oC
the salesmen held out for fully steady
money. Things went on In a rather list
less fashion, buyers picking up a fel
toada now and then, but nil tho time th
tono to the market wns strengthening.
At 10:30 all or tho killer buyers found
tl.emeelvea In need of a fw hogs ta
fill out tlwlr droves, and In the effort
to get these, values crawled up another
notch, this time reaching a fully steady
basis. Fully a half of the offerings wero
sold nt this time, and, aa the movement
on the close was fairly active, everything
had been so VI In a short time. The gen
eral market can be quoted steady to a
shado lower, and tho average of all tho
sales Is nearly nttady. Uulk of the sales
tended at $8.6098,65, and a tow loads of
beat llghta brought tho top price, $8.63.
Representative sales:
Pa, At. Sn. T. Kb. An Bh. Pt.
41 277 ... 4S ,,.2)1 no afo
M 214 ... Ill 17 21S . ICO
H. ....104 Iho MS II 242 IM Il2tt
M Ill 8 4S. II 249 . I HH
II 2U ... I 42 15 16 1W 1 tii
17 270 K I 72 221 110 I J1S
tt :l 1.1 111 II., 214 . . !I2(
la. ISO ... 141 17.. 24S to I I2H
II 21 IM I 4) 81 222 . I 6JH
41 221 ... I tlu 77 Ill 40 I 1214
, an 2 (a m, is ..J3J 10 M
! 1., Ill 10 I ITS I IM I 65
IS 21T ... 147 ..,. ...1 240 III
11 110 ... I IH, 14 210 40 I IS
SI.. ,....2 ... I 10 70 142 ID
4 214 ... V 74 211 N IM
I,., ....212 ,,. IH 72. .....227 10 I M
72 220 to g 10 IT 2J0 . . I IS
II 24 4 I t0 .0.......M4 m III
11 111 ... 110 ,,.. ...244 .. I IS
M 2K ... 8 10 72 211 tW IM
It 211 10 I 10 II ttl .. I M
It, 211 ... I 14 71., Iti . . 8 IS
211 ... I 10 M lit 40 9 IS
71 2H M I Ift 22...... m ... IIS
11 271 ... 110 11... 203 40 I
tO 2M ... I to W 207 . . 2 00
II lit 14 I 0 SI 201 190 I 10
W.......2M 10 8 la 101 211 40 I to.
"I. .. .Ill ... t 10 74 211 10 I M
Tl m 14 IH W...,,..1M 40.110
II.. 241 10 110 44. ,..,..211 19 1(0
M 2H ... I lo ? 207 . I lo
2f 22T 240 III 71. ......212 44 I to
II 273 20 I 10 Ml 200 110
II 214 ... I 10 220 200 80
I 1T0 ... I 10 II 224 40 I (O
t let ... I SO 4S 117 40 8 IS
14 210 10 I (0
8H15EP Another shortage In the sua-
ply here nnd elsewhere had tha effect
of giving a higher trend to values at
moat all markets this morning, tho Im
provement being more marked In tho
locul trade. At thin point the meager
lecelpts were all disposed of In the first
hour on a basis generally steady to 10
15o higher and, In spots, a few head of
native spring lambs sold as much aa n
quarter batter than on Wednesday. It
was practically a lamb market as no
sheep ot consequence were among, tha
arrivals. Most of the lambs offered were
shorn and changed hands quickly at a
rango ot $7.2087.60.
Five cars or 1,260 head made up tha
entire receipts which Is around SQO.ehort
of a. week ago, 1,823 short ot two weeks
ago and 1.0v0 less than a year ago. For
tho week to date the receipts foot up
some 8,188 head as against 10,636 during1
tha same time last week, 12,301 tw6 Weeks
ago and 13.848 a year ago
Trade for the week has been featured
by a keen demand for the light receipts,
resulting In a general advance ott0B76o
In prices over a week ago.
Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lrnnbs,
spring, $6.76(38.25: lambs, shorn, $6.33417 ft);
yearlings, shorn, $5.00716.25; wethers,
shorn, $4.6006.67; owes, shorn. $3.7B7jS.l0;
culls, lambs, $i. 00416.25; culls, shetrjv $2.60
33 spring lambs Bt
141 shorn lambs 80
'64 cull ewes , 81
a do
8 25
23 spring lambs .
s cull lambs
... CO- 00
1 cull lamb 80; 3 00
Sees Good Prospect;
For Dissolution
WA8HINOTON. Juno 2.-Attorney
General McReynolds nt tho conclusion of
n four hours' conference with Robert 8.
Lovett, chairman of tha board ?( tho
Union Pacific, and Paul D. Cravath,
counsel, announced today that -"there
were good prospects" ot on agreement,
for th dissolution of tha Union Foclfta
The new plan of dissolution, llkejiU tho
rtcent plans submitted, apes not, cbntem
plato disturbing th Southern Pacific's
present control of the Central Pacific.
Attorney Oeneral McReynotd ha an
nounced that ha probably would Institute
a suit as a separate proceeding to com
pel the separation of the Southern paclflo
and Central Pacific,
Department ot Justice offlctals worked
until lata today upon tho plan, but Vera
unable to state definitely just what iTould
be the government's policy In the matter.
Wreck Kills-Eight;
and Injures Score
OTTAWA, Ont., June 20. Eight? persona
were killed and mors than twenty ln
jured this afternoon In a wreck of tho
westbound Winnipeg Express pa the
Canadian Paclflo railway. The colonists'
cars, crowded with Immigrants, skidded,
d-iwn the embankment and plunged Ito
lh- Ottawa river. In these the eight
known victims, four men, three women
and a child, met death. Their bodies
were recovered and search continued for
orber. Of the Injured the condition of
m. viral is critical.
Victims of Horror
May Exceed Fifty
BUFFALO, N. T., June tl-With seven
teen known to be dead, eighteen missing
and a score in hospitals for whose re
covery no hope Is entertained, the final
total of victims of the fire and explosion
that wrecked the big plant of the Husted
Milling and Elevating company Tuesday
probably will exceed fifty. Nine of tbs
sixty token to hospitols died today.
Tha police, working with cvmpany offi
cial in checking up the list of employes,
revised their estimate of twenty-eight
inlying, reducing it to eighteen. Jt haa
been established that tbeat men Vere in
the mill nnd tha police feel certain they
perished. .
Firemen Tourd ton of -water on tho
smoldering ruins all day, and tonight It
wrm believed they will havo sufficiently
cooled by morning to permit the search.
Two bodies are visible JylntT on an ele
vated portion, but the intense beat from
the debris talked all effort to reach them
Oulls from the Wire
Curtis Qulld. who recently reslmed M
post as United States ambassador, at St.
rHrburg, waa robbed yesterday qt $1,000
in cash and a letter of credit for -360,000.
Jle js staying at a hotel In Purify
Deputy Tsauara Aynard, a .progressiva
republican, representing Lyons, died and.
denly In the French charnner of deputies
yatuertuty. mj Doctors attributed Ma
deflUl to hnrt failure irom oyerwprk.
iiunert ij. rage, i.& croese aoginoer.
who placed the stone marking the "boun
dary of Utah. Colorado. New Mexico anA
Arisen at the only place In AJnerica.
wnere tour states meet, is aeaa at 'Wash
Air. Florence E. Hanna of Lox Anrija
was elected yesterday at Nashvliu nn.
of the vice presidents of the Baraca-Phll-
tujucM vraon eon-venuon, a federation
which include bunday school pupils and.
teacher In mpre than 9,000 cltletu
With the filing In San Francisco of an
application for a permit -to construes tw
cottage, "building applications since tho
ii'"-'.: .iSTWA f approxl.
uiaicij tw.vw,vw, ma amount 01 sna rlrys-
loes of property In that disaster. '
m. T aiu.-aaiaaiaasasaassasisssiisaaal