Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha. Daily Bee
7Ie urcs Tc'l the Story.
lJr fine Photo portfiUo that
1 1. mha rising from IU tornado
wreckaRe. Send copies to jrour
filends. At The Dee office 10 centa;
by mall cents.
Gkorgia Jurist, in Address to Iowa
Blt, Criticises the Depart
ment of Justice.
Delivers Indictment with Great
Vigor and Emphasis. f
Special Inquiry Being Conducted
Into His Actions.
Representative of nnrcnu Inter
view Many Attorney nnil Secure
Affidavits from Them ns
to Jnclpce.
! .
RIOtTX CITY. Ia.. Junfrv 26. Criticism
of the Department of Justice for "arbi
trary espionage or Investigation" of fed
eral Judges by means of examiners, by
Judge Emory Speer, United States Judge
for the southern district of Georgia, was
n, feature of the annual meeting of the
Iowa State Bar association,' which met
here today.
JudgeSpccr spoke with great vigor and
emphasis,' declaring the situation as "In
tolerable." Wherefore of Ctlttclsm.
MACON, Ga., June 26.-Crltlclsm by
Federal Judge Emory 'Speer of Georgia,
In his speech to the Iowa Bar association,
of the Department of Justice Is believed
to have been actuated by the action be
Ins made by the United States district
court over which-Judge Speer presides.
For three weeks It. C. Lewie, special in
vestigator of the Department of 'Justice,
assisted by several examiners, lias been
In Macon inquiring1 Into the official po
tions of Judge Speer.
Lewis has attended sessions of the court
while Judge Speer was presiding and
made notes of proceedings. He also has
talked with many attorneys and secured
affidavits from them. He also has talked
wltli many citizens who have been liti
gants In the court.
Judge Speer had Intimated to friends
that he Intended taking the matter up tn
his address to the Iowa lawyers.
Man Charged with
Double Murder
Attempts Suicide
James L. Bacon, former representative
In the Colorado1 legislature, Is In Jail here
on 4' charge of murdering his wife and
step-daughter by blowing up the family
home, was found unconscious tn his cell
this niOrolng with deep wounds In the
abdomen. He had attempted to commit
harl-klrl with a small pocket knife, which
he had borrowed yesterday under pre
tense of wishing to trim his finger nails.
On,,May 87 the home of the Bacon family
was. blown to pieces, apparently with
dynamite. Mrs. Ida Bacon and her
daughter, Josephine, aged 6, were killed.
Bacon was desperately Injured, and' lay
unconscious two days.
JtARSHFlELD, Ore., June M. Ray
Diamond, the Glcndale bank robber, ap
peared In Gold Beach today and was
placed under arrest. He had the entire
amount taken from the bank, $3,200, In
his possession.
Diamond walked directly to the court
house, where he was placed under ar
rest. Hcsnld lie had become lost in
the hill's "where he successfully dodged
pursuit. 'for ten days. He did not' know
wheret he?, was when he reached Gold
Beach. 'He made no effort to conceal his
Identity aji'd offered 'rid' resistance. The
money was found In his shoes and tied
in rolls around his legs.
Diamond walked Into the Glendale bank
ten .days ago and forced the cashier,
sho was well acquatnteed with him. and
thought the. young, fellow -was Joking, to
hand over the money In the vault.
The Weather
Forecast tjll 1 p m. Friday:
For .Omaha Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled with probably thundershow
ers; slightly copier Friday.
Temperature at Oraxha Yesterday.
Hour, Deg.
i a a. m 76
1 ) K 8 a. m..'...!..'.'..... 79
5 9 a, m. i 83
, 6 a. m 77
Li 10 a. m &l
rp 11 a. m 86
i n. m 9i
F 3 p. m 93
n 4 p. m 95
V 6 p.m...., M
A l l J o. m i Vi
, a p. in oa
romuwrnttve fcocal ttecord.
' 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910.
lllcncflt yeileMay W .
West yesterday 76 68 s ,o
han temperature Iw.;r: J..r
.calenture and precipitation depar
u ii from the normal:
;nrml temperature "J
rxcess for -the day J;
Total excess since March 1 v.V't.
Normal precipitation
Deficiency fpr the day...'. JI!nclJ
Total rainfall since March 1. . . .13.66 Inahes
rxces Since: March 1 U inch
Belflency for cor. period. 1312.. 6.1! inches
cflclency for cor. period, 1911.. 6.05 Inches
' Report from Station at T P. SI.
StatioA and SUte Temp. High- Raln.
of Weather, Tpm. est; fall.;
Cheyenne, cloudy , B0.
Davenport, clear M W .00
Denver, vlear S6 81 .00
Dcs Moines, pt. cloudy.... SS BO .W
lUa City, clear. W M .W
Lander, pt. cloudy 68 73 .00
riMha, clear S
Pueblo, clear St iw .00
rapid City, cloudy 73 n T
Hanta Fe. clear 78 M
. he-Idan. pt ctoUdy 64 l.M
Si-mx cm. clear 92 M W
Vale r tine. Clear W M .00
f indicates ti-ace of precipitation.
U A, WELSH, Local yptecastso
Lower Water Rates Present Status
So many inquiries are coming as to the status of my suit to stop the
Water board from continuing to oharge its robber tolls that a brief
statement is necessary to answer them.
Following up The Bee's campaign for lower water rates, I made a
tender of my personal bill computed at 25 cents a thousand gallons
to exact more than which the board has officially said would be ex
tortion and when this tender was refused I procured a restraining
order from Judge English forbidding them shutting off my water, as
they threatened, until the issue is judicially determined.
Evidently afraid to come to a showdown at this time,' the Water
board, through its attorneys, consented to let the court order stand,
with the effect of a temporary injunction, pending hearing on the
I want it distinctly understood that this suit has been brought not
only for myself, but for all the water consumers of Omaha, and that if
I win out all consumers will enjoy the same benefits of lower rates
that I do, if they take the proper precautions.
Some want to know how I figured out the amount to be tendered.
A cubic foot of water is equivalent to seven and one-half gallons. My
bill was for 1,600 feet, so I multiplied by seven and one-half, which
gave the number of gallons, and then offered 25 cents for each 1,000
It is to be assumed that no one will now pay his water bill except
under protest as to all in excess of 25 cents per 1,000 gallons. In such
case the person paying should insist on having the protest noted on
the receipt, if it is desired to recover back the overcharge after the
court declares the rate excessive. VICTOR R0SEWATER.
Mr. Glass Puts Finishing Touches on
Provision for Additional Reserve
Currency in Pnt Back tn the Hill
Other Changes Are
WASHINGTON, D. C, June 26.-A
final revision of kthe administration cur
rency bill was made today by Repre
sentative Glass. The original provision
for the retirement of the present national
bank notes and their replacement by the
new federal reserve notes, In addition to
the 3500,000,000 of reserve notes authorized
by the bill, was placed. The provision
allowing country banks to deposit a part
of their reserves was revised, and the
federal regional banks were given the
authority to fix the rate of discount,
subject to the approval of the federal re
serve board.
National bank notes now outstanding
would be retired within a maximum of
twenty years. Additional reserve cur-
The reserve provision now .would re
quire country" banks to keep 6 per -cent
of their reserves In their own vaults and
5 per cent at the regional reserve bank.
The other 6 per cent, at a backer's option,
might be deposited with the regional
bank or go to a correspondent In a cen
tral reserve city with the approval of the
federal reserve board.
Chalman Glass declared no dhange In
the provision for the size and appoint
ment of the federal reserve bank would
be made. -
"The board( will consist of sven mem
bers to be appointed by the president,"
heiald," as originally proposed. I don't
think the .president would sign a bill
with any other provision In It. The fed
eral reserve board wl)l remain a gov
ernment Institution."
High Wind Causes
Damage to Crops
in Adams County
HASTINGS, Neb., June 26. (Special Tel
egram.) High wind and hall caused up
wards of 340,000 damage to crops and
farm buildings In the vicinity of Kene
saw and Pro-user last night. The storm
broke suddenly about 6 o'clock, snapping
all telegraph and telephone communica
tion with surrounding places. The dam
age Is chiefly confined 'to the destruction
of the wheat and oat crops In scattering
localities. In Kenesaw a number of barns
collapsed, some signs were torn loose and
one plate glass store window was shat
tered. About a mile of telephone poles
cast of Kenesaw were blown down. A
score or more, of windmills were over
turned. Reports received hcre'lndlcate that the
storm caused local damage In a stretch
from Gibbon to Grand Island and south
ward through Kenesaw.
Grass cutters will be used on some of
the wheat fields visited by the hailstorm,
so that the loss finally may be less than
la now estimated. Although the w'lnd
reached a high velocity, It was not a tor
nado. Crossing the Little
Sioux for Drink of
Water,..Child Drowns
CHEROKEE, la., June 28.Mlldred,
Warner, aged 12 years, was drowned In
the IJttle Sioux rjver, In the eight of
mother, sister and brother. The little
girl was wading across the stream to
secure a drink of water at a farm house.
DORCHESTER, Neb., June 26. (Special
Telegram.) The Star prlntcry. owned by
J. F. Lopkanecker, was damaged by fire
this afternoon, ' due to a gasoline tank
used for supplying power leaking and
catching fire. The interior of the press
room was burning tn an Instant and Jay
Longanecker, son of the proprietor of the
establishment, was slightly burned about
the hands and face. The Maze was ex
tinguished by means of a bucket
and a private water system operated from
a Store nearby, otherwise, with a high
wind blowing, the business section of the
town would probably have burned. The
loss will be 33,000, partially insured.
Train to Gettysburg Will Carry
Hundred and Thirty Ncbraskans.
Seven Oninhn Veterans Will Re
Aiiioiik old Soldiers Who Take
Northwestern Train Di
rect to nattlefleld.
To the reunion of the survivors of the
battle of Gettysburg, fought On Penn
sylvania soil between the troops of the
north and the squth July 1-3, 1853. Ne
braska will send at least 130 veterans,
The Northwestern railroad from Omaha
to Chicago has been declared the official
route, and up to date 128 of tho vet
erans residing n this state have secured
transportation and declared their Inten
tion of attending.
The train that will take the Ncbraskans
eastward will leave the Union station at
7:30 o'clock this evening and will consist
of nine sleeper's, a day coach and a bag
gage car. At Clinton, la., a diner will
be attached and In it breakfast will be
served. The train will reach Chicago at
8:30. Sunday morning and An hdur later
JJ.'S5 yc'r JheJke, .Shore road.
Gettysburg will Bo reached at S o'clock
Sunday morning. ' '
The Nebraska veterans who will make
(Continued on l'age Two.)
Asiatic Apricot
Picker Driven Out
of Hemet, California
RIVERSDE, Cal., Juno 26. Anti-Japanese
sentiment at Hemet. a small town
near here, was manifested today when
a party of citizens met an apricot pick
ing crew of Japanese from this city and
ordered them to leave at once. The bag
gage of the Japanese was thrown aboard
the train after them. There Is not a
Japanese In Hemet.
The Asiatics were engaged by ranchers
near Hemet. After they had been driven
out tho employing ranchers told th
'Hemet men that the Asiatics were not
Japanese, but Koreans. The exclusion
lets replied that that made no difference.
Hemet wanted neither race within Its
LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 26,-The
Japanese organization of southern Cali
fornia took. Immediate cognizance today
of the Incident at Hemet when fifteen
Asiatics were driven from the town.
H. Wakabayashl, secretary of the Jap
anese asoclatlon of Southern California,
telegraphed the facta In the case to
Y. Numano, acting consul general at
San Franclsoo.
As Korea Is a Japanese dependency,
officials of the Japanese association said
Koreans were as much entitled to pro
tection as the Japanese themselves,
Recovers Baby From
Orphans' Home After
Extended Search
MITCHELL, S. D., June 26. (Special.)
After traveling over a half dozen states
In search of an infant child, C. F- Tym,
an attorney of this city, came home yes
terday with the baby In his-possession,
which he turned over to the mother, af
ter they had been separated for about a
month. Mrs. Berry, the woman In the
case, secured a divorce from her husband.
who was alleged to be of unsound mind,
and he got away with the boy baby, and
left for his former home in fowa. Mr.
Tym was employed to hunt up the child,
and after fcllowlng the trail of the
father throush Perry, Herndon, . Ja
maica and Yale, tn that state, he visited
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois and West
Virginia. Tracing his steps back to New
Cattle, Pa., Mr. . Tym got closer track
of the child and finally located it out
side the city Unfits, confined In an or
phan's home, where It had been placed
under a false name. After showing his
authority thi baby was given Into his
custody. '
PATKRSON, N. J.. June 26. A rude
bomb, apparently hurled through a win
dow, shattered the cellar early today in
the home of Adolph Frltzle, a bss fin
isher In a dye! plant Involved In the pro
tected silk mill workers' strike. No one
was injured. More than half a dozen
bombs have been set off In the homes
of non-strikers since the start of the
- .-Hfzzpifc'. . ..
; "''"""--------------tr'i' :
Drawn for The Heo by Powell.
Such is Belief of U. P. Men Regard
ing Consolidation,
. j
Attorney General Likely to Agree to
PInn ami Ronds Will Then Re
coma Two Separate nnd
. Distinct Rnfriirlm
Union Pacific people are of the opinion
that the complete dissolution of the
merger of the Pacific roads Is closo at
hand. They feel certain that Attorney
General MoReynolds will agree to' the
exchange of SoUthen. Pacific for Bal
timore St Ohio stock by the Union Pa
cific and that the court will approve of
the transfer.
With this exchange of securities mado,
Union Pacific people see no reason why
the Southern should not at once let go
of the old Central' Pacific, turning over
complete control of the property.
In the past. Union Paclflo officials have
been of the opinion that with 1 tho un
merging of the merger tho Central Pa
clfla would become a part and parcel of
the Union Pacific. Now, however, they
have changed their minds. At this time
they express the opinion that while a
majority of the two roads will be owned
by one set of stockholders, they will bo
operated as two separate and distinct, although they will be on friendly
Union Pacific men believe that tho
Central will have Its own president and
full corpr of officers and that the gen
eral headquarters will be maintained In
San Francisco and that they will not be
subservient to the officials of any other
part of the Harrlman system of roads.
Wealthy Bachelor is
Killed by Employe,
Who Commits Suicide
QUINCY, 111., June 26. A .man, believed
to be J. W. Bennlng of Gregory, Mo.,
shot and killed Theodore Pogue, formerly
his employer, and then killed himself at
Pogue's home near West Qulncy, Mo., to
day. Pogue was a bachelor about 7fi
years of age, a veteran of the confederate
at my and owner of 1,000 acres of valuable
Missouri bottom land. No motive Is
known for the murder, though a year ago
Bennlng Is said to have threatened to
kill Pogue.
WASHINGTON. Juno 26-Half-staff
flags ever the government . buildings
were not necessary today tn sfmbollzo
the gloom that settled over the several
thousand government olerks and em
ployes when It was learned that Presi
dent Wilson had declined to grant them
a full holiday July S.
Petitions had been filed with the presi
dent, setting forth that as July 4 was a
holiday and the following day, Saturday,
inaugurated the half-holiday summer
schedule. It would be appreciated if the
chief executive would make Saturday a
complete holiday, thereby giving the
clerks three full days in which to en
joy a vacation. The president's declina
tion was due to the fact that he did not
care to establish a precedent.
The National Capital
f horlnr June 20, 1U13,
The Senate.
Met at 2 p. m.
The House.
Met at noon.
Judiciary committee failed tn cet
quorum to aet on the Kahn resolutions
for investigation of Camlnettl case and
will meet tomorrow.
I'uhllc lands committee continued hear.
Ids on Hetca Ketehy, Cat, water project.
What D'ye Know About That?
Ten Thousand Union
Men in Kansas City
May Go on Strike
KANBAS CITY, Mo., Juno 26. Agree
ment by representatives of all of the 117
tiades unions of Knnsus City to call a
general strike In compliance with the
request of the local building trades coun
cil, forcing In their conflict a lockout
At. noit. 400, members. . ?f.the . building,
trades unions was' decided on today. At
a meeting of the Industrial council Fri
day night definite action will be de
termined. If a general strike should be
called about 10,000 workmen would be af
Statement of Man that He Killed
Jones Produced in Court.
Held Him Responsible for Ijoss of
.loll, nnil Evidence Shoirs Made
, Threats Asrnlnst His
m.rcrcwOOD. Ia.. June 2B.-(Spcclnl Tel
egram.) Rapid progress haB been mado
In the Francisco Quldlce murder case on
trial hero today, Court did not convene
nii m nvw.k hncnuse of tardiness or
Vtn rniinMI ninffa contingent.
Coroner Cutler of Pottawattamie oounty
described the' wound and clothes or Jones.
Emergency Foreman C. J. Hoffman of
nr.nn. Tn.. knnw Guldlco as Henry Wiley
tt miw Wllev and Howard together on
th. niirht before the tragedy. JoneB
nrrird wilev to nut lights on his engine
Wiley refused saying It was not his place
and that he could not do It olone. Wiley's
work was to supply engines. Wiley
worked from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m.
On tho following night Wiley asked
who "turned me In." Hoffman answered.
"I do not know." When Wiley said, "I
am solne to find out."
Hoffman saw Vflley around the round
house five or six times after May 13.
Attorney J. J. Hess, In' cross-examination,
brought out many of the names of
ltnllnn rmnloyes for the first time.
W. W. Kennedy saw Jones after he
was woUnded. He. Jones, asked ror nis
mother and fr water. Jones lived about
twenty or thirty minutes.
James Kogle, Northwestern machinist,
recalled the story of the quarrel between
Guldlco and Jones. Wiley was put on
an'other Job, but refused to accept It.
Sheriff Rock of Logan told of Wiley
being broughth to Logan in Harrison
county and lodged In Jail to escape the
mob. Wiley requested him to send for
Harry Capell, prosecuting attorney, say
ing ho wanted to toll Ithe truth regard
ing the killing of Howard Jones. Ho
said he wont from the Majestlo theater
to the roundhouse and hid behind a
wood pile. When Jones came along he
cut him with a rasor.
Sheriff Rock called up Cappell and got
him after 6 o'clock. Cappell and' North
western Detective Htewart came about
10 o'clock. Mr. Cvppoll asked him If he
wanted to make a statement and said.
"Henry. I can promise you nothing."
Confession Introduced,
The statement was reduced to wrltlnr.
signed by Guldlce and Is exhibit No. 8
In the records. Gujdlce's statement was
read to the Jury by Assistant Prosecutor
C. T. Genung.
Deputy Bherlff Meyers of Harrison
ivrnniv hnnrd tho statement made bv
Wiley, heard It read to him, saw him
sign It and when other offlcors were hav
ing lunoh In the Jail dining room carried
the statement to Wiley at his request to
have It read.
Wllov tald: "That Is all riant." Meveiu
heard Cappell say; "Henry I can mak)
no promises.
Mrs. Krancls Coffman said she saw
(Continued on Pm Two.)
Representatives of Sooialist Organ
ization Promise Trouble.
Htnrt Speeches mid Hold Tnlks at
Jefferson Square nnd Are Conne
quentlr Arrested nnd Then
Released tr Judge,
t-W.. i'. i.i.i-.t...l., ' -
"The war Is on.' so declared repre
sentative df tbo Industrial tfbfk'ers of
the World when they were brought to
the police station Wednesday night.
About fifteen nen . were arrested be
tween tho hpurs of and 0 p. m. for
taking part In factional conversation and
speech making In front of their head
quarters at 1120 Jackson streiit. One ar
rest at Jefferson square ended the pro
ceedings In that direction.
Tho campaign Is now triangular tho
Industrial Workers, determined to exer
cise their right of free speech, are on
ono side! Judge Kostor, In upholding them
In this respect, Is on the other, and Chief
ot Police Dunn and his subordinates, to
quell any Industrial Workers' demonstra
tion whatsoever, as tho third faction.
Not Aiiulnst flnverniuent,
"Wo are not making any talk against
the principles of tho government, blit are
merely seeking; to better the conditions
ot tho worklngmnn, a .plan to obtain the
wages duo labor nnd a protection ot this
branch pf the world's work, as a whole.
Wednesday one of our men, James Alex
ander Hamilton, sought to elucidate his
theories at Jefferson square and was
careful before starting )o caution his
audience to keep from blocking the side
walk. Sergeant Cook approached and
told him if litj spoke he would bo placed
under arrest. Hamilton expressed his In
tention of doing so and was brought to
tho station. One thousand ot our order
are expected from Peoria in the next few
days and we will speak If they have to
leck us all up," this from one of the men
under arrest.
Defying; thn In,
"This band of men are defying the law
and order ot tho city, making a Joko
of police protection, blockading the trafflo
and In other ways annoying the peaceful
citizen. No matter what the ruling ot
the police court may be, each mm con
cerned will be arrested at every offense
he commits," declares Chief Dunn.
The arresting officers, seeking to hold
the men for another day In Jail, moved
frcm the courtroom as the case was
brought 'up, but Judge Poster tried them
without the officers' testimony, discharg
ing all concerned and denying a recom
mendation fom City Prosecutor Anheuser
that they bo held till Friday.
Hays He's ftrnndson.
James Alexander Hamilton, who In
sisted upon speaking at Jefferson square,
positively asserts that tho above is his
name and he Is a great-great grandson of
the original Alexander Hamilton. His
home Is Albany, N. V., where he Informed
Judge Foster, substantiation of his as
sertion could be obtained by dropping a
line to tho mayor.
Thomas Jefferson admitted that his
was a fictitious name, but refused to give
any other.
John Adams told the court his right
namo was Arthur Drawer.
As the fifteen workers left the court
room and descended the stairs to thai
street, Captain Dempsey, Chief ot De
tectives Maloney and several assistants'
compelled them to line up along the wall !
while a thorough comparison' of each
man's face was made to a booklet ot
rogues' gallery photographs In hopes of
securing a wanted character. Two men
were singled 'out of the crowd, but wen
later released through lack of evidence.
Ilnrn at Ashland Uurns.
ASHLAND, Neb.. June S.-(Spoclat.)-Durlng
the heavy rainstorm about )3
o'clook Tuesday night lightning struck
the alfalfa shed on the farm of George
S. Smith at the north edge of tho city
limits, burning .the structure nearly down.
Loss 1300, with no insurance
California Resents Insinuation that
Ex-District Attorney is Seek
ing Notoriety,
Investigation Will Not Bo Dropped
Because of Order.
Minority Leader Flays Attorney Gen
eral in Speech.
Defendants fllnd to Proceed, N'ott
thnt Blen Who Secured the EtI
denee Are Out of th
Cnse. JJPJ
WASHINGTON. Juno 26.-Thomas J.
Hayden and Mat L. Sullivan, were chosen
by the administration late today to
tprosecutn the (amtnettl-Dtggs and
Western Fuel company cases. Francis
J. Heney. whose namo has been men
tioned In this connection, was not so
lectett as ono ot the prosecutors.
WASHINGTON, Juno :s.-Reprcsenta
live Kahn's resolutions to have congress
Investigate why Attorney General Mc
Rcynotds ordered the delays tn the now
celebrated Dlggs-Camlnettl whltfe1 slaVo
cases and the Western Fuel company
prosecutions at San Francisco, were not
tnken up today by the house Judiciary
committee, because ot tho absence of a,
quorum. Another meeting Is to be held
tomorrow. Mr. Kahn declares President
Wilson's direction that the prosecution!)
be immediately resumed will not deter
him from pressing his resolution and h
expects them reported out to the house)
for action.
Representative Kahn made a statement
of the history ot the reputed casts to
thoso members who attended today's)
meeting and declared tho committee owed
It to the country to make public all thn
correspondence which resulted In tho
"Then you don't think tho explanation
made by Secretary Wilson was satlsfscw
toryT" asked Representative Webb.
"No. I don't," said Mr. Kahn.
"It Is my opinion," said Mr. Webb,
"that United States Attorney McNab has
Inen wrong In his actions. It looks' to
me ns If he were rushing Into print and
seeking a little cheap notoriety."
"I .don't think thst Is. true,," ald Mr,
Kahn, . .. , .
Kahn agreed to a suggested., amendment
to his resolutions that w6uld coriflne ths
request for papers to those which bear on
the postponement of the cases and would
not Involve all of thn voluminous corres
pondence relating to the evidence tn tho
Representative Hlnebaugh said today
that he would not press his resolution be
bore the rules committee to direct the
Judiciary committee to lnvcsttgatq tho
entire matter.
President Wilson and Attorney General
MeReynolds still want Francis J. Heney
for a special prosecutor. Tho offer will
be mado formally as soon as Washing-?
ton can get Into touch with the lawyer
who had been traveling from here to Sat
Francisco. r
Mnnn ChnrKes Hypocrnoy. f
Minority Leader Mann vrougtn the caja
up In the house and attacked the courfa
of the president and attorney general.
He declared, that the "chief magistrate
of this country" had permitted lilmielfitoi
be used in the postponement. f
Tile administration rebuking MeOfab
and subsequently ordering a speedy trial
had acted with hypocrisy and "had run
to cover like frightened rabbits," he ds
John D. Phelan, former mayor of $an
Francisco, today discussed with the 'at
torney general several Callfornlans for
the position for speclsl prosecutors, In
cluding JUdgo J. A. Coonan of Eureka
and Frank II. Gould, Thomas J. Haydn,
J. V. Costello and Matthew L Bulllvan
of Ban Francisco.
Mr. Mann decla.'od that the "manliness
he expected from the Christian gentle
man at the White House" would novo
led him (Mr. Mann) to expect a dtf
ferent course of action.
"I suspect," he added, "that the elder
Camlnettl and perhaps the Junior Cam
lnettl would like to have the cases come
to a speedy trial when the two men
who worked up- the cases haver been
fired out of the service."
Criticizing the attorney general for
(Continued on Page Two.)
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