HIE BEEt OMAHA, THTTtSDAY, .TTOB 26, 1013. BRIEF CITY NEWS Electrlo rns Burg-ess-Qrandcn Co. ridslltjr Btorsf. fc Van Co. Doup. t Have Boot Print It Now Deacon Prist. Whtn yon taka yonr vacation leava your silverware, etc., In Omaha Safe De posit Co.'i burglar proof vault. HIS Far. pam. $1 per month for good slied pacta. Clnb to Entertain Governor Governor Morphea's and, his secretary, A. M. Mor fltey, will bo the guests of the Rotary club this evenlnc- They will be en tertalned with a banquet at the Field club In the evening. ranilly Disturbance Mrs. Emma rieteher. 611 Xorth Forty-first street, filed a complaint In police court against her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Jess Fletcher, and daughter, Fannie, for disturbing the peace. . Hew Ziloense Beoord A record for rnarrlage licenses Issued In tho new court house was made Tuesday when twenty one permits to marry wero distributed to brides and bridegrooms. That number Is a dosen less than provlous records at tained in the old courthouse. Bart Slotros to Denver Tho Burlington Is handling a special train of eleven cars from Chicago to Denver, carrying dele gates ofjthe Serb (Jlogo Fraternae that holds Its annual national convention In the Ia"st named city. Omaha does not send a delegate to the convention. Jiove aits rine Cattle Over tho Bur lington, A. J. Love has brought from the east a car of pedigreed cattle for his ranch at West Lawn, Just west of the city. The animals came In a palace stock csr and wero given as much attention as high olass passengers on standard trains. Sew Company locates Here A new concern with $100,000 capital, the Talmer Forced Draft Furnace company, will es tablish' headquarters In Omaha and main tain a foundry and assembling shop at a local foundry. The home factory of the company is located at Fort Scott, Kan., but the Omaha, office will be dependent of that. II. V. nice Is president and J. F. aillpatrlck Is vice president of tho com pany. Murphy Settles Case Andrew Murphy will pay $100 to Oenevlove and Watter breen. minors, In settlement for the In juries received by them when a buggy in which they were riding was struck by a car taken from his automobile re pair shop by Joy riders. Judge Craw ford of 'the county court gave their guardian authority to accept this sum in settlement. Hustler to Play Oolf Tho member ship comAlttee of the Commercial club will play golf at the Happy Hollow club Tuesday afternoon. July 8. Guy Cramer and Al Gordon have been named cap tains of the "two teams, which will start out on the links at 1:0 o'clock and play jto decide which team shall ,pay for .the dinner In the evening. J. 'F. Prentiss and D. 'Williams aro In charge of the arrangements for tho entertainment. The membership committee has adjourned for the summer. Jtoyal Aroanum Union Pacific coun cil No. 100, Royal Arcanum, will hold a dancing party Thursday evening at Happy, Hollow club for tta members and, ladles." Union Pacific council gives one or two parties each summer at the club, and during the winter they are held at Chambers. A special feature for those who do not care to dance will be mo tion pictures. Seats will be provided on the spacious varanda-and tha members may sit there In the cool breezes and en Joy the pictures, which will be thrown on a screen placed out on the green syvard. Omaha Autoists to y . Work With Owners of Oars from Iowa George W. Loomls, assistant general manager of the Burlington railroad, was greatly peeved a few days ago when a fanner near Honey ' Creek, la., turned the ho on him and his family as they passed In an automobile. Loomls found another autoists who had received the eamo treatment at the hand of tho play ful farmer and decided that the nuisance was greater than a personal matter. Ha reported the affair, therefore ,to the Omaha Automobile club and the club In turn has taken the question up with the authorities of Pottawattamlo county to see If something can't be done to take the spirit out of the practical joker, Tho automobile club directors dis cussed the situation at a meeting at the Commercial club Wednesday noon. They also decided to combine with the Commercial club and Automobile club of Council Bluffs to get the street railway company to fix up the Douglas street bridge, which they say is In bad repair for motoring. It was reported at the meeting that sixty-five signs had been placed on posts between .Omaha and the Dodge county line, marking that portion of the trans continental highway. " Letters are going to be sent to mem bers or the club urging them to assist In enforcing the traffic laws, by report ing speeders to the club und the city authorities as well as other violators of traffic rules.. Married because they say , they needed each other Valentine F. TVarren, aged 69, a wld. ower, who married MUs Pearl Jf. Howell of Albla, la., aged S5, Tuesday, said yes terday there was no romance about the marriage: that he needed help 'at his rooming house, 11KS North Sixteenth street, and that the young woman needed a home, so they decided to become hus band and wife. ; "Bhe Is a good girl and I knew it," fald Warren, "and she thinks that she got a good man, and I am going to do my best to keep her thinking (hat way." The couple was married by Justice Leedtr. FIRST ROUND PLAYED IN TENfjIS TOURNAMENT Four matches have been played In the opening round of the Happy Hollow tennis tournament. One other match went by default The courts were In fast condition and a largo gallery was pres ent to watch the players. A. Klopp defeated W. Brown, 6-J, J-T, Richard PeUr won from H. A. Hatha way by default. ' L. McCague defeated C. Norton, i-t, (-1, (-2. E. a Folsom defeated C. E, Becker, J-3. 6-2. . John Mcague defeated J. Burkee, t-4, W. ' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr and Mrs. F. R. Mandeville of Grand Island are at the Merchants for a lew cay Erhard-Ryder Wedding Party After the Ceremony f . Who Put"U" in Blues? YOURSELF; In other words, your my llvrr. You Imve Jjocn overlondlnK tho stomach, and thus clogging tlio bowel. You can easily stir these organs to healthy activity hy tho dally use of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters SELLING OUTJLD WHEAT Omaha Qrain Dealers Getting Beady for This Year's Crop. ABE AFTER NEBRASKA GRAIN Superior Uunllty of the Yielu U Leadline Ensteru Millers to Take Entire l!nrV-dt for Grad ing: Purposes. With tho new wheat crop almost ready for market, there Is a hustling effort among the Omaha grain dealers to get the old stock out of the elevators before July 1. Last year some old wheat' was held over and sold on September delivery, but Indications now are that when July rolls around the stocks In the 'Omaha elevators will be denned out. As a result of this activity, there Is a little shortage of grain cars, but the supply Is about equal to the demand and during the balance of the week the eastern movement will be heavy. Anticipating an Immense crop of new wheat, which will begin to arrive the- last of next week, grain men have commenced to place orders for cars. Already the Bock Island has orders for 160 cars for July and several of tho other Omaha-Chicago roads have com menced 'taking orders., Af this time everything In the way of grain is moving toward Minneapolis and Chicago, the wheat going there for mill ing purposes. It is not thought that the southern movement for the gulf ports will be as heavy this year as last, though the roads running in that direction will make a strenuous effort to get the busi ness. Need Nebraska Wheat. The prospective movement of wheat to the south and thence for export is said to be due to the fact that the millers of the north and east are preparing to take the entire surplus from Nebraska, having realized that they must have It to grade the wheat of the other states to the point whereby their flour will be made mer chantable. Oraln men say that while Nebraska wheat for September haB not been quoted on the board, they anticipate that owing to the superior quality this year. It will sell higher than the old grain, but how much, they are unable to say. They add, however, that If prices ore not fairly high, they will not be any large quan tity offered, for the farmers of the state are so well off, as a rule, that this year they will not have to sell their products If the prices are not right. It is con tended that this will also apply to corn. Northwestern Agent Tells of Remarkable 1 Crops in These Parts Jake Gable, traveling agent of the Northwestern, )s In from a trip of several days spent In Cass, Otee, Richardson, Nemaha, Johnson, Page and Pawnee counties In the southeast cbrner of the state, and he tells a story of wonderful ci ops In this section. "All through the counties I visited," said Mr. Gable, "farmers are In the midst of thAlr wheat harvest and it ha been years since there has been such a crop. The berry is plump and the heads are filled to the very tips. While thresh ing haa not commenced, farmers are talking twenty-five Bushels to the acre and there are many fields where a yield of twenty-eight and thirty Ib predicted. Oats are equally ns good and corn Is making a most remarkable growth. "While the ground has been dry, none of the crops has suffered In tho least and with the recent rains, corn and roof srops are certain to yield beyond all ex. ptctatlons. It has been the best year that the farmers have ever experienced and land this fall will take another Jump of from $10 to lfi per acre. "The .fruit crop l! going to be a bumper. The counties through which I traveled constitute a portion of the best of the apple belt of the United States. This year the tres are loaded end as scientific methods have been adopted by the orchardlsts they are going ito profit largely. I saw some orchards where the estimated yield is placed at W0 bushels per acre and in many instances I was told that the fruit on the trees would bo contracted for at U per bushel." OBJECTS TO MANNER OF DUN J. 0. Hcit Kicks on Threats Being Made on Postal Card. SATS LETTER MIGHT BE USED Does Not Mke to Be "nnrrleil Ont" lr nn Open Postal Cnnl When Ilia Water 11111 U Al ready Paid. No Sabatltnte Could Do This. No Inferior substitute, but only the gen ulne Foley Kidney Pills could have rid J. F. Walllch, Bartlett. Neb., of hi kid. ney trouble. He says: "I was bothered with backache, and the pain would run up to the back of my head, and I had spells of dullness. I took. Foley Kidney Pills and they did the work and I am now entirely rid of kidney trouble. My father-in-law, now past 93 years, has taken them and they have added years to his life." For sale by ill dealers everywhere. Advertisement. A postal card dun from the Water beard, received by J. C. Holt, 3027 Man derson street, stating that his water rent was past due, ha Incensed Mr. Holt In view of the fact that the wator rent was paid before he received the dun. He admits that as the bill was paid and the receipt was given h'm the samo day the dun was mailed It was ponslbto that the error could have been made, but what he objects to Is the sending of duns on postal cards, which, he contends, Is an offense against tho statutes of the United Statos. On June S3 Mr. Holt went to the Water bonrd office and paid the bill somo threo days after he had re ceived tho pmo. The same day In the mall he got tho dun reading! "You aro hereby notified that the water rent amounting to 11 Is past dun on your piemlses. Provlous notice has brought no response and unless the bill ts paid In twenty-four hours It will bo assumed that payment Is refused and tho water will bo turned off." Mr. Holt holds that even If It were true, which It s not, that his water rent was past duo, the Wator obard hus no right to "bawl out" any man In that way on an open postal card, GETS THOUSAND-DOLLAR VERDICT FOR DAMAGES A Jury in Judge Bears' district court decided that the Omaha Dally News must pay J1.000 to William D. Ilulo for printing an nrtloln about him which, ho alleges, was untrue nnd Injured his reputation. He sued for $5,000 damages. Going from Home ', to the Sea Shore, make your headquarters at THE PLAZA NEW YORK Fifth Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street I Delightfully located opposite Central Parki assuring peace and quiet. Summer Terrace Restaurant, f The coolest Hotel in New York." Convenient to theatres and shopping distriot. Special Rates during the Summer Season FRED STERRY f.'f . Managing Director CUT OUT THE RAW MILK Mcdlcnl Authority HolMn n Warn Iiir Slunnl Against llavlue Tudilr. t rASTEURIZIil) MILK IS ONIjV SAFE MIIjK In view of tho fuct that Innumerable essays, discussions In medtaal and lay societies, monographs and other literature on the purification of milk havo nppoored during tho last twenty years. It becomes matter for surprise If not concern to bo Informed by so reliable an authority as( the Boston Medical nnd Surgical Journal In Us last Issuo that epldomlcs of milk borno diseases are on tho Increase. It Is stated that SW caseM of scarlet fever and l,O0 cases of tonsllltls were reported In Boston three years.ago, and that typbotd fever has visited that city and Its en virons five times In as mnny months, and two epidemics of dangerous soro throat In two years. It Is a mntter of record that all these epidemics wero traced to rav or Imper fectly pastcurUotl milk, and that tho dls. eases ceased or- diminished when the Board of Health discovered this fact and safeguarded the milk supply by pasteur ization. It was ascertained that Inspec tion alone was Ineffective, one Inspector of largo oxpcrlcncq having stated that If every dairy farm wero guarded by an in spector ho would not guarantee safo milk. When Nathan Straus made a similar statement many years ago and pointed , out that In officially guarded pasteurisa tion alone lay security against milk-borne diseases, it waB opposed by eminent au thority. An Intelligent layman penetrated a scientific problem and .clearly saw its solution. His philanthropic Insight di rected him to demonstrate the truth by actual practice rather than to waste precious death-laden moments In discus sion. An n result New York, Chicago and ' Washington Insist upon certified milk or proper pasteurisation. And the National Commission on Milk Standards has de creed that all milk muni be subjected to a temperature of Its degrees Fahrenheit for thirty minutes. There Is no record of a disease being traced to milk that haa been so exposed to this temperature There are numerous records of epidemics being chocked or removed by subjecting the milk supply to proper pasteurisation. Now York Sun. Tho Only tioncern Selling Guar anteed Pasteurized Milk, is the Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co., 1822 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 41J. In your summer homera Victrola will add greatly to your enjoyment The following Omaha and Council Uluifs dealers carry com? pleto lines of VICTOR VICTROLAS, nnd all of tho late Victor Records ns fast as issued. You nro cordially Invited to inspect the stocks at any of these establishments: Schmoller Mueller PIANO CO. 311-1315 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb, Victor Department on Plain Floor Branch n!t"" " "J . Hear your favorite music on the Victrola at any Victor dealer's. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $500. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. iVJctor-Victrola.VI, Oak Nebraska 334 BROADWAY Council Bluffs Cor. lth and Harney, Omaha Geo. E. Mlckel, Mgr. Cycle Co 0 Brandeis Stores Talking Machine Department in the Pompeian Room w- A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, and 407 West Broadway. .... Council Bluffs Orkin Bros. Victor Department Third Floor Cor. 16th and Harney Sis, iVIctor-Victrola IX, V' Mahogany or osic