The Omaha Daily Bee THE TIKE'S Daily Sport Extra THE WEATHER. Fair BEST OF A tiL VOL. XLUI-NO. 7. OMAHA. TlirHSDAY MOKX1NH, .7UNK L(?. 1!1,T TVKL K PA(JKS. S1NHLK COPY TWO CENTS. CHURCH SECONDSPROTESTOF Body Indicting Men Whose Trial At torney General Delayed Sends Scathing Message. USURPATION OF AUTHORITY Rnme TCvitfonnn Acroinst "Pnvnrprl De- i ... . .fti.. ntu HEAD OF M'NAB IS LOPPED OFF President Accepts Resignation and Hands Bureau Chief Bouquet. PROSECUTIONS TO BE BEGUN Kxecntlve linn Francis J. lleney. Sun Francisco Graft Prosecutor, In Mind km Mnu to lie Put In I'linrnr. SAN FRANCISCO, June 35,-The San Francisco church federation sent the following telegram to President Wilson last night: "We urgently request speedy trial ot the Dlggs-Caminettl and Western Fuel company cases here. If the Indicted men ore Innocent they should have their In nocenco speedily determined by the courts. If guilty, let punishment follow. We -believe all should stand up before the law regardless of wealth, social position or political prominence." "SAN FRANCISCO CHURCH FEDERA TION." "JOHN STEPHENS, President." Twenty-three members of the grand Jury which returned the original nillctments. against the Western Fuel company di rectors, Including Robert Bruco and Sid ney V. Smith, tlio .postponement of whose cases ordered by Attorney General James McReynolds was among the causes of District Attorney John L. McNab's resig nation, met hero last night and drafted u telegram to President Wilson protesting against "Usurpation of power by the at torney general of the United States." The telegram, which was signed by the Xormer grand Jurymen, .follows: "Ab the grand Jury which returned the original Indictments against the Western Ful directors, wo most respectfully but strongly and vigorously protest against the usurpation of power by the attorney general ot the United States In giving ear to tho private appeals of certain defend ants and then ordering that those de fendants be relieved from prosecution. Suiiie evidence Afralnst All. "The defendants, who have been .thus selected by the attorney general as marks of his .peculiar favor, were Indicted on tho HUTnr-evhleneo Introduced against all other defendants. For an administrative office thus to single out curtain defend ants and not permit them to be tried Is to overthrow all established precedent and law; It As a public attempt to free favored defendants after the exercise of lnfluenco in the privacy o.f the attorney general's office In the absence of evi dence and In violation of Justice; It Is an attempt to subvert tho power of the fed eral grand Jury, to make the attorney general the substitute for tho courts and to destroy thb usefulness of the United States attorney's office. "Any attorney gencral-who can thus de clare men Innocent can In tho sirnio way declare, them guilty and inevitable cor ruption and flagrant Injustice will result. L'nrloiiH to Know. "If these men were Innocent, why did they not Insist on immediate vindication before the trial Jury, Instead of seeking I ... ,., i ,,,.'.,,.,,.. .n -i. , o. . - ... "After tho presentation or the evidence leading to these. Indictments our duty was Plain. To have, avoided It would have been to exhibit cowardice. We cannot refrain from expressing our protest that after ten da-s of earnest lanor devoted to the consideration of evidence against these defendants our work is swept away by the autocratic act of an administra tion official. Fnlth In I'rrnlilent. "This grand Jury, repuMng tho highest faith In your rectitude of purpose, ap peals to you publicly to discountenance the action thus taken and to uphold the hands of tho United States attorney in a vigorous prosecution ot all the defend ants without fear or favor. "This grand Jury, which for four months was In almost dally contact with the United States attorney, John L. Jlc Nab, while he was engaged In the active performance of his duty, wishes to de clare that It reposes the most implicit confidence In him both as a lawyer and a man In all his official actions." Statement - MvNnb. Late tonight Mr. McNab gave out a formal statement as follows: "The president has accepted my resig nation and the Incident Is closed. Even the eminent respectability of the presi dent and his fulsome, but necessarily certificate of character ot his attorney general cannot changu the facts. The t torney general states that his leasons for continuing the Camlnettl-Diggs cases was that the secretary of labor desired the presence of Jlr. Caminettl, the father of one of the defendants. Why. then, did he Insist upon continuing the case against the defendant Dlggs, which had absolutely nothing to do with the case of Caminettl, who was separately indited 7 "Why waa It necessary for Caminettl lo be present at the trial In San Francisco when he was not a witness and when his son was represented by seven eminent members of the California bar, one of whom, has since been Indicted for con spiracy to suborn perjury In the same case to save his cllont? Kxcune nf MfHe j nold. "The excuse given for the continuance of the trial of the Western Fuel de fendants Is that the attorney general, who had had a secret and private con ference with these defendants and their attorney, was fearful that they might be convicted, and that posilbly they might b Innocent. If they were Innocent, they should have Insisted upon being tried. If the attorney general can thus declare Ben Innocent In spite of overwhelming (Continued on rage Two.) FRISCO GRANDJURY BIG CAMP READY FOR YETS Soldiers of Two Armies Are Arriving on Gettysburg Field. AUDITORIUM TENT IS RAISED Fourteen lltirrnn of Information Will MnUe It Possible for (he Veterans to Flnil 1'nch lllhrr Kiip.II. GETTYSBURG, Pa., June rnnc-empnts cnmnleted in U nns' camp to.lay. If will bi the old soldiers of the north MRTt to jxt week find each other nt Gettysburg" 'lth csc if the person Is anywhere In the camp. Under the direction of the officers in charge, fourteen information bureaus will ( be established at various parts of the . camps. The location ot every command I will be known here and a small army of j boy scouts will conduct the veterans to the tent where their quest will bo satis fied. Every day sees old soldiers coming In for the celebration and today, among the arrivals was Lieutenant W. H. Wright, who walked the entire distance from Win chester, Va., since June 9. Many others are known to be walking here for the celebration. The tent to be used as nh auditorium was raised today Immediately south of the big tent, and tho placing of the seats will be started tomorrow. Tier upon tier of seats will be built and n seating ca pacity of 10,000 will he reached after all Is completed. In orded to prevent oincomrort from a possible cold period over tho time of the anniversary, the War department yesterday pui chased 10,000 more blankets, entailing an additional expense of $100, 000. A slmlal amount was expended originally when It was decided to allow but one blanket to each veteran. No persons selling souvenirs or other goods will be permitted In tho camp, an order having gone torth that "fakirs" shall be barred without exception. The local office of the National Park com mission, however, received more than 1.200 requests for such privileges on the bat tlefield, but all were refused. . Tho telephone system now under con struction by the United States signal corps Is to be connected with one of the big systems, so that from tho camp an old soldier may telephone to his own residence, hundreds of miles away. Al ready sixty miles of wire have been strung In the camp Itself. Mint Makes New Low Record in Wastage of Bullion Coined PHILADELPHIA, June 25.Interesttng figures are given In a statement Just Is sued covering the operation of the Phila delphia mint from August 2S, 1912, to date of the. JaAUsotUcmcnt' up to Juno 15. Dur ing that pctiod that coining department operated on 1.7.T7.5fiS ounces of gold bullion producing therefrom gold coin valued at ! $15,835,227. The legal wastage allowance I ... . on tnis amount 16 ht.UjS, while the actual wastago was $1R2 cnairman oi me union i-ai-mu uumu, mm During the same period 1,48.998 ounces I,ft"1 D Cravath. counsel presented new of silver were operated on. coin produced 1 or modified plans for disposing of the of the value of $1,979,015. on which there 1 lM.00M Southern Pacific stock held was a wastage of 4.64 ounces, of tlm'by " Unlon Pnolflc- """l""1" the pro- value of $2.69. The legal allowance on this amount is JS3I. During the fiscal year ending Juno SO, tho mint coined $19,678,227 In gold; $1,936,199 In silver; $2,126,368 In nickel and $957,483 In 1 cent bronze pieces, making a total of $24,758,279 or 151,453,871 pieces In domestic coinage. In addition there was made for the gov ernment of Costa Rica S93.34S S and' 10 centlmos, of the value of $42,848 In United States subsidiary coin. Tno loss"a I" 'ho manufacture of the or the mint. Pollard of Omaha Chosen Member of Dartmouth Council HANOVER, N. H., June 24.-(Speclal Telegram.) Results f the vote among the Dartmouth college alumni for mem bers of the newly established alumni council wcro announced here today at the annual meeting of the Dartmouth Alumni association. Dr. Charles W. Pollard, '95, of Omaha, was elected a member for two years to represent the western states sec tion. Over 16.0O votes were cast by Dart mouth graduates. Brazilian Minister Visits Pike's Peak COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.. June 25. Dr. Lauro Muller, Rrazlllan minister of foreign affairs, today for a few hours found a respite from his continued ob servance and study of Industrial and agricultural problems since he left the Atlantic coast several days ago on h tour of the United States. Today ho visited points of scenic and legendemy In this vicinity before his departure for San Francisco and the Pacific coast. According to request no formal enter tainment was given here today. After an automobile drive through the Oardi-n of the Gods park, the party was taken to Manltou, where it boarded a train for a trip up the cog railroad to the summit of Pike's peak. This was followed by a ride over moun tain roads and through canons to Seven folia nnri a raiiirn tn Mia nltr ik.iu j w g strattotI ,mrk. At 11:45 a. m. Dr. Muller and party boarded a Denver & Rio Grande train for the west. This afternoon the party will pass through the royal gorge and across tho hanging bridge above which tower the sheer walls more than a mile. No stop is scheduled before reaching the coast. DARTMOUTH GRADUATES TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT HANOVER. N. H.. June . Dart mouth eollegp celebrated Its Hlth com mencement today by graduating 208 men. The honorary degrees Including: Doctor of laws. Alexander Graham Roll. In ventor of the telephone, doctor of science, Walter Sydney Adams. dlre tor of the Mount WlUun observatory. OPPOSE THE CHILD' L Proposed Rider to Underwood Tariff Bill Objected to by Majority Leaders. mm k. CONSIDERS TARIFF Foreign Goods Made by Person's Under Fourteen Barred. PROVISION TERMED TOO DRASTIC Most Extremely Protective Measure Anyone Could Ask For. HIGHER THAN ANY TARIFF WALL Dcinoorntlo Senators Thlnll thnt It Would Uxeltide Product thnt American MnnnfHCtnrera AVnnt Kxc Itiilrrl, I WASHINGTON. June 26. Two fav- ! reaching amendments to tho administra tive provisions of tho tariff bill aroused opposition in the democratic caifcus today. One was that prohibiting importation of any goods, except immediate products of agllculturc. forests and fisheries, wholly or In part manufactured by chil dren under H years ot ago. That pro vision was declared by many senators to be the most drastic protective measure any manufacturer could ask for greater as a protection against foreign compc tltlon than high tariff rates. The amendment to grant tho United States court of appeals concurrent Juris diction In customs cases Involving more than $100 with tho customs' court, nlso aroused attention. Some- democrats thought the proposal nn entering wedge toward elimination of tho customs court. Scnntor Ransdcll resumed debate against free sugar when tho caucus opened, while Senator James was ready to support the schedule. Discussion of both the wool and sugar schedules was to end at 4 p. m., when a vote was to be taken. With those ques tions settled, administration leaders ex pect the bill to bo reported to tho senate early next week. Lovett Will Testify Before Senate Lobby Committee Tonight! WASHINGTON, June 25. Robert S. Lovett, chairman of tho board of the Union Pacific ral.road, will testify be fore the senate lobby commlttco at 8 o'clock tonight regarding alleged efforts of "lobbyists' to secure employment from him to Influence official action at Wash ington ,on, ,ho Union' Pacific merger rtls solution. ' '" ' egoiaiions wiin miorncy uu,ie.. McReynolds for dissolving the Union Pacific-Southern Pacific merger, wore n.ntlnlli. Iiaia rnr!nl TTfttlnrt S. zVVrtt. " ( posal to exchange $38,000,000 of the Union j Pacific's holdings In Southern Paciric for the Pennsylvania's Interest In Balti more & Ohio. Unless a plan satisfactory to the United States court for tho Eighth circuit is submitted before July 1, the dissolution, under the supreme court's mandate, must be accomplished by receivers. Insanity Due to High Pressure of Life in the Cities CHICAGO. Juno 25.-Tho strenuous, high pressure life of people of tho cities accounts to some extent for Insanity In this country, according to Dr. John A. Ivewls of Reno, Nov.. who addressed tho meeting of alienists hero today. "Take a ruBtlc who Is mentally deficient and let him drift along In tho simple llfo of the country and nothing unusual will be observed in him." said Dr. Lewis. "Place him In the hurly burly of tho city and tho dormant elements of insanity will develop rapidly." A resolution calling on tho state legis lature to make sterilization of the feeble minded, epileptics and criminally Insane compulsory was adopted. The resolution was Introduced by Dr. H. F. Williams 'of Lincoln, Neb. Double Murder and Suicide Follows Suit for Divorce CIRCLE VILLE. Kan.. Juno 25. Angered because his wife had begun suit for divorce. Frank Payne today went to the home of a neighbor and shot and 1 killed both his wife and Mrs. Oro Kby, ' the neighbor who had sheltered her. He , then returned to his homo a mllo away and committed suicide. His body was . found by tho sheriff who went to arrest him. Jealous Ute Kills Squaw and Himself VERNAL, Utah. June 36. Crazed with , Jealousy, while the sun dance, the great- i est of Ute Indian festivals, waa In pro- gross yesterday, Tim Inchwltch, shot and ' killed his squaw and then fired a bullet Into his own head. As the braves wero dancing esterday afternoon. Inchwltch' i rquaw approached the pole around which j thev, were holding their festivities and : plaeed a bundle ot sweets at Its foot. A young brave bent over ag If to take 1 sonm nf the sweets, greatly enraging j Inchwltch. The squaw notieed his anger ! and ran away, ltvohwltoli followed and hp flaurl Th. felrllun tvleloH nn 1.1m ' dead bquaw, carried her to his tejee and then kill's himself. Several white per sons witnessing the dance became alarmed MX the tragedy and hurriedly left the reservation fearing that the In dians would rise against intra- Drawn for Tho Bee by Powell. RATES REDUCED ON JULY 1 President Nash of Light Company Makes Announcement. WIRES DATE FROM NEW YORK Reduction to lie from Fourteen tu Twelve Cent ler KllnnnH Hour on the Prlnmr. Itntc Hcc i lulu ry llnte trie Siintc. If- ANrbIi. president of the Omaha IIeEtflc'LTchl'ntlil fntopr rnitli:niv ln, ielographou' Mayor James C. Dahlmun that the proposed cut In elcctrlo light rates will become effective July 1. The reduction Is from 14 to 12 cents per kilowatt hour on tho primary rate Of flclals of the company say this will mean a total reduction to all consumers of more than $50,000. Nosh haB been In New York for sev cial days negotiating for the cut, which hh announced June 16, when tho supreme court held that tho elctrlc light com pany had a perpetual franchise. He will return to Omaha Monday. The telegram to the mayor was Very brief and stated simply that the proposed reduction would go Into effect July 1. The office force of the company has re ceived no word from President Nash re garding the reduction. The present rate Is 14 cents per kilowatt hour primarily, with a secondary rate of fi cents. Tho secondary rate remains tho same. This latter rate Is charged when electricity equivalent to ono and a half kilowatts haB been used by tho consumer for each slxtecn-candlepower lamp. Would Extend the Terms of Councilmen to One Year More The general committee of five .of the city charter commission will recommend that tho terms of elty commissioners bo Increased from threo to four years anil that half of thn commissioners be chosen at alternate elections, so that at least three with experionco will Imj In offlco all tho time. ThlB recommendation p'rob ably will bo made to the convention at tho meeting Thursday afternoon. There will be no change In tho number of city commissioners, the general com mittee recommending that seven be loft as tho proper number to manago tho sev eral departmnts of city govrnmont. Of these seven, three are to bo elected at the first election to serve threo years and four to servo four. At the end of end of the two years tho threo commis sioners will be succeeded by four-year termers. No agreement has betn reached by the general committee on the question of salaries of elty commissioners, but Indi cations are that the salaries will remain the same. The salary of the commissioner under tho present, law Is $4,G0t) a year, except tho mayor, who recclvoB $3,0H0. JAPANESE STATESMAN CALLS UPON MR. BRYAN WASHINGTON, June .-KulJlrn Oka zako, the Japanese parliamentarian, here studying sentiment, particularly In thn eastern and middle states, regarding tho California antl-allen land law. was pre sented to Secretary Hryan today by Am bassador Chlndn. Secretary Hryan said the call was purely social and that It was not his purpose to discuss the inter national situation with his visitor. The National Capital WeilnrsriH', June 1 1) lit. The Neiinte, Not in session; meets Thursday. Democratic caucus continued work on the tariff bill. Indiana appropriation bill agreed to hv conferees Not In srtsiou. mVts Thursda Democratic caucus took up budget plan. Again That Troublesome Lad OMAHA MAN IS NAMED ON THE DARTMOUTH ALUMNI COUNCIL. .'GOVERNOR ARRAIGNS UNIONS Georgia Executive Says They Form Most Exacting Trust in Nation. DEMAND OWN PRICE FOR LABOR ! I'liiiilereil tn 1 I'n 1 1 1 Iclii n n llernnse itt Vol I ii k: Potter, llei'lnres llrntrn In Fn ret ell Men(e ii I.rulaln t ore. ATLANTA, (5a., Juno An urmlKii nient of labor unions, In wlilrh It is charged that they form the "must wide spread and aggressively exacting trust ir. America," Is contained In the farewell message of oGvornnr Joseph M, Hrown, presonted to tho Georgia legislature to day. Governor Hrown's criticism, Is mitdo In connection witli his argument for tho epiictment of laws requiring' compulsory arbitration of differences between em ployes and employciB. "Tho trend of tho laws of tho present day Is to suppress combinations or trusts In restraint of trade," states tho mes sage. "Yet. while It Is a matter of pub lic note that tho labor trust Is the most widespread and aggressively exnctlng trust In Amotion, politicians pander to It because of Its voting power. "The labor unions, by. combination, which they work thiough stiikcH anil kindled methods, are aifgrehslvely levy ing a toll on all tho other elements of our citizenship. They have organized a Hunt and demand that all other people buy labor at whatever price they choose tn put on It. And contemporaneously they are trying to force from employ- , ment al similar workmen who don't Join their orders." Thn governor slates he doc not do clare that nil of the immibsrs of the lubor unions are wilful violators of the law. "Vet they are the victims of a hyhtem which Is breeding anarchy." he hays Salt Lake City Man Kills Officer Who Had Arrested Him SALT LAKE CITY, June IS.-Pollceman Thomas II. Griffiths was shut and killed by a foreign lultorer In the wholesale district tyre today, after he had placed tho man under arrest. The slayer es caped, firing at thiMw who attempted to pursu him Simith before noon the man was still at laige with a crowd in pur suit and a battle imminent SmBi DR C W. POLLARD. ALL THE RAIN THAT IS NEEDED Splendid Downpour Covers the En tire State of Nebraska. NO SECTION IS PASSED BY I'nur Inches Is Recorded iv Home of tho Tnivns Jnnt AVhnt In Needed to FluUlt Up it lluniper Crop. LoNqw It Is conceded that Nebraska has all the rain that Is needed lot carry the crop of corn well along to inaturlty. It came Tuesday night and It was general and, according to grain men, It was Just the thing for finishing off to perfection tho biggest crop of winter wheat that has ever been harvested In the state. For this purpose. It was not needed in the south half, for down thero the harvest Is well under way, but north of a lino drawn through the center of tho state from the east to the west, whoro the berry of thn wheat is Just In the dough, It came in a most opportune time. Tho ruin was ono that went down to tho roots of tho corn, and then some. It swept the state from north to south nnd from tho Missouri river to the east line of Colorado nnd Wyoming and then tho surplus went over and fell upon the grain fields of those two states, a goodly supply extending down ns far as central I Kansas ! Tho storm came up slowly, having i started out In tho mountains, seemingly increasing Its precipitation ns it trav eled eastward. The heaviest downpour was in tho vicinity of Wllbcr, on the Rurllngton, wliero the precipitation, ac cording to tho agent there, measured an even four Inches, and covered an area of several miles in extent In all direc tions from tho town. Heavy In I'lnces, Crete reported 2.W Inches; Htrung, Fre nic nt. Wymoro and Plattsinnuth, 1.60 In dies, nnd Nebraska Oily, Halcni, Endicott, Tallin Rock, Hickman. Beatrice, Red Cloud, Harlan, York, Tecumseh, Hold rege, Auiora, Mlndrn and a dozen other towns recording an Inch or better. Along thn Union Pacific there was a perfect delugo of water nil the way from Hhelton, east to Fremont, the measure ments being from ono Inch to 2.&0 Inches, with about tho same fall over tho Cal laway, Loup City and Albion branches to tho north. To tho south It was still heavier, the precipitation running ns much as threo and four Indies over the Con cordia and HI. Francis branches In Kan sas. Over tho' Northwestern, thero was an Inch or more of rain up the Mlssouil valley from Omaha to Emerson and out across tho Wayne branch to Norfolk, ex tending up the Illack Hlllr. line as far ai lUscett, with nearly an Inch over the Hartlngtoii and Rouesteel Hue. Down tn thn southwest, toward Hastings and on the Lincoln branch, It rained all night, tho recoided precipitation being from 1.50 to 2 inches nt tho points reporting. Tho Missouri Paclflu territory In tho feouthcast corner of the sUte got Just as much rain as other parts of the state. The. heavy rainfall commenced at Platts iiiiuth, whoro there was a fall of two In ches, and continued about tho same right on through to Hiawatha, Kan. Over the Union and Lincoln branches It was still heavier, many points reHiitlng butter than two Inches. Aviator Flies Across the Baltic Sea STOCKHOLM. June JD.-The Fiench aviator. Marcel G. Rrlndejonc des Mnu linals, who recently made the flight from Paris to .St Petersburg, arrived in the Swedish cupltol this morning. He crossod the ilaltlc In his aeroplane from Iteval in four hours, 'Including the time spent In making a descent on the SwedUh ccast In order to ascertain his where abouts. He Intends tn start again on June '.7 for Copenhagen on h's wuy buck to Paris. TROOPS ARE READT TO PROTECT AMERICANS IN CITY Of EL Two Regiments of Cavalry AvaiJabli in Case They Are Endangered by Attack on Juarez. BLISS IS EMPOWERED TO AC1 General Will Concentrate His Forcei When Necessary. ATTACK ON CITY DELAYEL Pancho Villa Cannot Reach Juarez Before Monday. ANOTHER BATTLE IS PENDING I.nrtte Federal Army In Snlil to He Itenily to AttncL CnnntStutlunnl IIn Opposite l.iircdn, Trim., WASHINGTON. Juno 36. Represent tlve Smith of Texas, appealed to Presi dent Wilson today to seo that Americans In Kl Pnso would not suffer In the threatened battle at Juarez between tho Mexican federals and tho constitution alists, who are steadily ndvnuclug on the city. Tho president referred Mr Smith to Secretary Garrison, who told him that two full regiments of cavalry could bo assembled on the Texas Una within twelve hours. Already at Fort tlllss. Just across tho Rio Grande from Juarez, arc five troops of the Second cavalry In addition to thn machine gun platoon of that regi ment. The remainder of tho Second cav alry Is doing patrol duty between Kl Paso and Hlerra Hlancn, while the Thirteenth cavalry Is guarding the bor der between HI Pnso and Lang's ranch, Now Mexico. llilgadlur General Taskcr II. llllss, has full authority to concentrate his forces wherever necessary for .protection of American lives. AttncU on t'lty Delayed. KL PASO. Tex.. June X. Advance guards of Pancho Villa's rebols have not yet appeared In sight of Juarez. It is glwn out today In rebel circles that Villa has been delayed In his inarch on account of lack of water and that he cannot arrive In tlmo to attack the border city Thursday, as ho threatened. Saturday night or Sunday Is the earliest he can get within striking distance of Juarez, It Is declared Two yonrx ago n score of persons In Kl Paso were killed or wounded during tho fighting in Juarez. Kinlssarles of Vcnustlano Carrnnza. loader uf the rebellion In the nortll nre uttnmptlng tu reach VIHa-to- ak.4lm -in CarranzR's nnmo not to attack Juares. Carraitza. Is opposed to the plan In the Interest of International pence, as he fears Involving the United States. Another llitttle l'eudlnir. Preparations for a battle, which may Involve four or five thousand men about Nuevi) Lnrcdo, opposite Inredc, Tex., were begun toda" by constitutionalists at Pledras Negras. The federals claim to have four thousand men either at Nuevo Laredo or within rallying distance and have announced a campaign of ex termination against constitutionalists who radiate from Nuevo Laredo. Troop trains today began carrying the first of a force ot 1,500 men with n bat tery of artillery from Pledras Negras, going in the direction of Nuevo Laredo, Governor Carrnnza announced he would take iHirsonal charge of this campaign latnr. OJedn Attempts Nortle, DOL'OUS. Ariz., Juno a.-Declaring' earlier reports that OJcda and his federal army weio retreating towaul Guayma were misleading. Governor Pesquicra of Snnma telegraphed shoitly before noon today that tho Huerta commander had attempted to break through the rebel cordon and regain his base, but had been repulsed with great loss. He added that the federal situation was such that tho"" surrender of OJeda might bo ex pocted at any time. Pesqulern said also that representa tives of several wealthy Guaymas fan! tiles who had come out to cougratulute OJeda when ho hud telegraphed that the rebels wero beaten, wero forced to re main with the federal unity, and ur now suffering extreme privations. They had been refused permission to return, to auayamas, ho said. Arms Held lit iVevr Orlennn. NKW ORLKANS. La., Juno 25. A car load of war munitions, on Its way from New York to tho camp of Venustlano Carrnnza. the state leader in northern Mexico, Is hold In New Orleans pending decision by tho Department of Justice as to whether to allow It to proceed. The consignment 128 rnpld-flre guns, several hundred cases of ammunition and . iiuantlly of sldn arms wan said to be part of a contribution from relatives ot tile late President Madero, Local representatives of the Carranzj government denied today that the cur of war munitions whs the property either of the Moderos or Carinnza' Krnest Fernandez Arteagu, constitution alist consul at New Orleans, declared fit knew nothing of tho consignment be yond bolns certain that It was not, as reported, a gift from the Madero family to the constitutionalist cause. "The constitutionalist urmy," he Bald, "Is at present In need of neither arms nor ammunition. If tlie revolution lasts, wo may send some war material from this country, but In case we decide tu do so. h American government wilt be flrBt notified of our Intention." Bandit Rods Kansas City Man Second Time KANSAS CITY, June . William De motress, whllo searching early today for a man who robbed him ot !9 yesterday afternoon, was held up at the same place where tho robber)' took place yesterday by the same man. A watch valued at 11 was taken. "You're the man who robbed me be fore.' said Dcraetress. The holdup man then set uton Denetress and the victim It in a hospital In a wrious condition.