Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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PlTT III 1 1 yjsj
Published Each Tuesday
AND INSTALLATION WORK neatly, quickly and
satisfactorily done with the most modern equipment
and best workmanship. Call by telephone:
WOLFE ELECTRIC 00 Tyler 1414
E. 0. BENNETT & 00 Doug. 3816
:. J. LANKTREE Tyler 1011
Edison Says it is "Only Thing"
that Has Been Eeduced.
The duck lays an egg without making any
The hen makes a lot of racket about the
little task.
You may admire the duck for its quiet
way3, but you buy the eggs the hen lays, for
you know that the hen lays eggs the noisy
fowl keeps you awaro of the fact all the time,
and you naturally ask for the goods that you
hear of often.
hear of often.
So, you see, it pays to advertise,
you be a hen.
even if
The house wired for
electricity is the one
that gives the tenant
entire satisfaction
If your house does not have elec
tricity let us move you at once into
oneitHat does. .We give complete
satisfaction in our moving, and dis
patch work with care to every ar
ticle and without damage to the
most fragile piece of furniture.
Moving, Storing and Packing
Modern Equipment
Store your goods with us this summer in
Fireproof, Ratproof and Dirtproof Vaults
The Beat Storage in the West.
Omaha Van & Storage Company
Greater Efficiency of Muslin Llnht
Makes It Superior to All Other,
While Costing le to
Electric Iron Saves
: Summer Home at
Rate of Nine Cents
The fire In the furnace has died out and
Ehe,bls coaj cookBtove, which stands
Beside the gas range, haa not had a fire
for a week. On Tuesday morning Mrs.
frugal finished her Ironing earlier than
Visual. It was the first time since last
October she had used her electric iron,
iwith a nice big coal stove, sizzling hot,
U had always seemed a perfectly natural
thing to set her old flat Irons right on
and let them "heat up."
J But comparing the time she had finished
today with tho time she had finished a
week ago, she began to wonder It she
had not been a wee bit foolish all winter.
-She knew that her electric Iron cost
Just about 3 cents an hour, and beginning
ijt S and finishing at 12. as she did this
morning, she would pay about 12 cents
day for her ironing, or S6 cents a month.
Ihe four extra hours she gained seemed
to her well worth the 86 cents the Iron
Ing cost. Four hours a month at a cost
if 9 cents an hour looks very good to any
nc 'during the n'elterlng days of sum-
Man Arrested for
v Low Bills Gives
Good True Reason
A man was brought Into court in an
Illinois town, the other day, charged
(fith tampering with his sectrlo light
meter- He was the owner of a small fac
tory and it had been noticed that his
tlectric light bill had suddenly dropped
ffnd had remained low for several
yThe engineer explained that his light
ing system had formerly been crude,
wasteful and Inefficient lie had had
It overhauled by an expert illuminating
uiglneer, with the result that his bills
were considerably decreased. As there
was nothing against the man tut the bill,
tha judge promptly acepted his explan
ation and discharged him.
Electric light Is the only thlnr I know
of that has become any cheaper In the
last ten years. Thomas A. Edison.
Mr. Edison's reputation as a student of
life, and as the nation's leading Inventor,
adds authority to a statement which
might otherwlso seem open to doubt or
The increasing cost of living is a recog
nized universal condition. Tho price of
every commodity which enters Into tho
every day life of the people appears to
have advanced. The one notable excep
tion, now suddenly called to our attention
by the great Inventor, who is certainly
qualified to know, should be fully ex
plained so that everyone may take ad
vantage of It. First, let us know all the
facts. Information furnished by the
United States bureau of commerce and
labor, applying to every commodity usu
ally Included in tho "cost of living" Is
shown in the accompanying chart, to
gether with the average cost of electric
lighting throughout tho United States.
Coat of lilfcht Down.
The result Is especially surprising If we
consider that many of the commodities
which are chiefly responsible for the In.
creased cost of living enter Into the pro.
ductlon of electric light also. Coal, la
bor and copper form the principal Items.
From 1S02 to 1907 coal Increased V4 per
cent; within the same time labor ad
vanced Si per cent, while the cost of
copper Increased approximately 35 per
cent. Nevertheless the cost of electric
light has gone down, more than twice as
fast as the cost of living haa gone up a
decrease of 60 per cent as compared with
an Increase of 23 per cent.
Two reasons may be stated for the re
suiting decrease In the cost of electric
light to the consumer; first, betterment
of central station machinery and meth
ods, and second, Improvements In the
electric Incandescent lamp Itself.
It Is especially noteworthy that patrons
of tho lighting companies have always
benefited by any Improvement In operat
Ing methods whereby the cost of service
could be reduced. An official of one of
the largest lighting companies In America
recently said: "Wo have always striven
to give our customers the benefit of any
Increase In efficiency within our com
pany. As a result our rates have been
repeatedly reduced, and I am safe in say-
ingi that there will be further reductions
as improvements in operating and dlstrlb
uttung methods enable us to do so."
Improvement In Lamps. ,
The second cause for the phenomenal
reduction In the cost of. elcctrlo light to
the consumer, haa been the Improve
ments In the electric lamps themselves.
Turning again to the chart we note
sharp decline between 1892 and 1838 due
chiefly to the reduction In tho price of
carbon lamps which were then being per
fected; the drop from ISM to 1902 was
due to reduction in power rates of elec
tric lighting companies; the sharp drop
from 1905 to 190S was due to the Increased
efficiency of the new types of lamps then
being developed, tho Gem, Tantalum and
finally the Mazda. The final decrease
from 190S to 1912 may be ascribed to re
duction In the cost of the Mazda lamp
and to the greater efficiency of this latest
and most perfect type of illumlnant.
In taking advantage, however, of the
economy afforded by electric light the
purchaser must bear In mind that only
the Mazda lamps are the most economical.
Nctv Lnmim Hot Alnnyi Used.
Many peoplo are still us:ng tho carbon
or Gem, because they are not yet aware
of the advantages of tho newest lamp.
The Edison Mazda lamp consumes for
an equal quantity of illumination only
one-third as much current as the old style
lamp for example, the. operating cost of
a 40-watt Edison Mazda lamp at the pre
vailing rate for electricity amounts to
but 4-10 of a cent per hour, and fur
nlshes 31 candle-poWer of light as
contrasted with only 1.8 candle-power
from a 60-watt carbon lamp costing
S-10 of a cent per hour. The difference
may be expressed more concisely; for
each candle power of light from a carbon
lamp M watts of electricity are required,
while for each candle-power of light from
An Edison Mazda lamp but 1.00 to 1.10
watts of electricity are required. The
slightly greater cost for renewals of the
Mazda lamp will not be found to affect
these figures materially.
Tho Edison Mazda lamp therefore gives
three times tho amount of light for the
same expenditure of current and money
is the old style carbon lamp. '
Movies Puzzled Her
So Much She Rushed
Toward View Screen
If your Imagination Is good you may
be nblo to picture the sight that was
witnessed by several hundred persons In
a San Francisco theater a few years ago
when Geraldlno Tawmsen. now a mem
ber of Tawmsen's Hawaiian singers, who
Electrio Fan Docs Work in Brilliant
On Warm Days Test Una Found Elec
tric. Device, to lie All that Deal
ers Hare Declared It
to He.
Do not confine the electrio frtn entirely
to the parlor or to tho bedroom or to the
summer poroh. It will do Just as good
service. In tho kltohcn and perhaps you
can find even more uses for It here than
you can any place else In the house.
A great many women use the elcctrlo
fan to keep files away from tha kitchen
door. If you know that tho kitchen door
Is going to be used very much during a
certain period, bring out the elcctrlo fan,
or If you know that the cooking is going
to be of such a nature as to attract tiles
to the kitchen door, bring your electric
fan to tho kitchen and direct Its breezes
towards the door. Even If the door Is
Have a Heart!
ELECTRIC FAN. Mako her labors lighter.
The Electric Shop
are appearing as a stellar attraction at
the Gayety theater, saw moving pictures J
for the first time and roso up In her
seat and yelled In astonishment.
This young Hawaiian, for sho was
young then and Is not more than 23 now,
had Just come to this country from tho
land of her birth, where Queen Lydla
Lllluokalanl was bothering the life out
of American officials with her many
claims. This young girl had novcr heard
of the great Edison Invention, and he
was mystified beyond description when
Bhe saw the persons moving across tho
white sheet and she could not contain
herself. 8he hardly understood what they
meant. She roBe In her Beat and started
toward tho screen with the Idea of seeing
Just what the film persons were mado of.
She was drawn back, however, oy ner
companion, who explained to her the best
he could Just what the movies wore.
Since that time In the California city
Geraldlne Tawmsen hos been a steady
patron of the movie houses, and now,
while she Is appearing at tho Gayety In
special cabaret numbers, she watches tho
films each day. 8he is delighted with
the good .views which are shown at this
house and Is a great admirer of the elec
tric wizard, Thomas Edison, a person
whom she met when she was appearing
in a cabaret on Broadway a short tlmo
To Itemovfl Tarnish.
Obtain a plate of pure zinc about four
Inches In diameter. With a hot soldor-
Ing Iron place several beads of solder
around the circumference. Lay the zinc
plate In an aluminum pan resting upon
the beads of solder. Fill the pan with a
quart of water In which dissolve 1 table-
spoonful of baking soda and three table
spoons of Bait. Bring to a boll and lay
silverware In bottom of pan. Five minu
tes will be sufficient to remove the worst
tarnish. Mrs. Underwood.
A JVctt Style Dabe.
Modern Mamma Is dear little Murtilla
Modern Nursomald I started his cleo
trlc cradle, gave him his high pressure
milk bottle and automatic baby rattle.
Modern Mamma Then go to bed, Marie;
it ne needs anything else let mm sena a
opened the files cannot enter against
such a strong breeze.
If you do not wish the odors of the
cooking to spread to any other part of
the house, place the electrio fan In th
doorway leading from the kitchen to tho
other parts of the house, with the breeze
directed from the other parts of the
house. Cooking odors will not penetrate
to the other rooms of the house.
If It Is a warm day and you are work
ing in the kitchen, bring out the electric
fan and let it keep you cool. It will do
an much for you in tne Kitcnen as u
will any place else.
Light Housekeeping
Now Done in Lunch
Rooms and Cafes
The afternoon tea rooms and evening
lunch rooms In some cities have a new
attraction In the form of electrio tea pots
nnd coffee percolators placed right on
the table, whero the' guests msy super
Intend tho making of their own hot
A catering shop In Denver, where the
electrio percolator has been placed on
the various tables, has found Itself to be
a busy host, especially after the theater.
Tho pleasure of having the coffee pre
pared before their very eyes is much ap
predated by the guests. The novelty of
the preparation, tho anticipatory pleasure
in watching the bubbling, listening to the
cheerful sputtering and In sniffing the
fragrant aroma, together with the all
around satisfaction of presiding so closely
over the entire operation seems to satisfy
more than hunger.
Electric Fans For You
Tho fan that you want tho kind that will servo you
longest and givo you every degree of satisfaction is
hero. Prices range to suit your purse.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha.
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Small Klrelcsa Cooker.
In the electrio tireless cooker the
greatest contribution -yet made to house
hold economy there Is accomplished not
only a saving of fuel, but also a conser
vation of the food, which, it It be meats,
for Instance, Is an Important considera
tion. A roast prepared In on electric
tireless cooker Is practically of the same
weight when thoroughly cooked as when
placed In the oven. More than that, Its
flavor Is delicate and all Its Juices are
Why You Should Havo
a Private Branch Exchange
To give a quick and constantly clear track to
all telephono calls from the outside to any part
of your establishment.
To avoid delay and extra steps in sending
out telephone calls from any part of your placo
of business.
To make your telephone service flexible and
adequate to meet all your needs.
Let Us Explain the Service and Rates.
4t JOf
Omaha Electrical Works
Electrio Elevator Repairs
Westinghouse Motors
inn. la w. lit n Wlinn nnnir. unv
But if you have an electric fan in your office, you aren't worrying about the heat. You, aro cool.
There's Nothing Like a Fan To Bring
Comfort on Sizzling Hot Days
It not only cools you. It also makes you comfortable and gives you pep for doing your day's work. GET A PAN TODAY. For sale by No-
braska Cycle Company and all other dealers
tOl Omaha VU Bant aiflg. fi aan
Baltimore Purifies
Its Water Supply
by Eleottic Means
Baltimore Is one of the first cities li,
the United States to adopt the electrical
method of sterilizing the city water sup.
Purifying; water by means of ozone gat
has been found to be a quick and effi
cient way and for large qauntlties;
such as a city supply, the saving ot
space occupied by the plant and the easy
Installation are in its favor.
Ozone is a powerful deodorizer and
purifier of either air or water. It quickly
unites with any dangerous organic sub
stance and reduces it to harmless water
or ash.
The Datllmore Installation is one of tie,
first in this country, but ozone has been
extensively used for the sterilization , ofj
water supplied In Europe for several
years and with great success. Foremost
among these installations may be men
tioned the cities of St Petersburg, Paris,
Chemnitz, Nice, Madrid, MlJan and
Paberhborn. Extensive plants are also in
operation In other cities, St. Petersburg!
will Increase the size of Us plant at an
expenditure ot $5,250,000. The advantaged
of this method are obvious, particularly
in low cost of operation, simplicity and
the total absence of poisonous residue or
Table for Use of
Telephone in Home
in Highest Favor
The telephone has become much a
article of th,e home equipment that fur
nlture manufacturers make specially de
signed tables for it These are built ta
harmonize with the different types ot
furniture. In the illustration the swing
Ire wooden bracket leaves the sUrfac
of the table for writing; purposes and,
also lessens the chance of Injury to th
telephone by Its being accidental!
knocked off.