8 SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT YSLL-l'AiDWORC0 WOVJ A WO 1 DViTCrX IWA. jtev- OU0- TO NEJVQ PT- fAAMOC I CA.W OrftAS A.U l4-rnirM UP TrteRH - J flrri imafwrn-TMCS HAWK - I cow up -mere- I AAio-MT co? I WANT ADS sr. Writ nils received at any time, "htit to insure proper classification Ijnust ht presented before liisOO t o'clock noon for the evening edition ; ond before 7:!10 p. in. for morning r anl Sunday editions. Want ads ro z: Cf?lvnl after such hours wl'-l lmvo 5r their first Insertion under the head -SST-Uiii, "Too Lot to UnMdfy." r. " CASH RATES FOR WANT Al3 REUULAIt CLASSIFICATION: One Insertion 1- cents per line. r- Two or inoro consecutive Inser tions 115 cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than -0 cents. - Two or more -onsecutlvo inscr- tlong 0 'cents, per line. On a line per month $1.80. Twenty vents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having account are meofturcd by tho line, u-. by tho word. NOTE Tho BcowJU not bo ro snonslulo for more than ono wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cunnot bo allowed after the 0th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to be run until forbidden must bo ittoppcu oy written order. Verbal or lelepliouo cancellations cannot bo accepted. CHARGE RATES: Blx words to the lino. One insertion 1- cents Dor line. Two or moro couhccuUvo Inser tions, I) cents per lino. Ono lino tier month. SI. 80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts' uro measured by tho lino, not by tho word. UK.Vl'iiB AMI '1.411AL JJoTAC'hi- Wffl HELP WANTED FEMAltK, Aicrnta and HitleaiTOinen. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In waists and muslin underwear depart- ments. Apply at once to. Superintendent, lirandels Stores. ( Clorlval nnd Office. STENOOHAI'lIEIt AND CLEltlC In wholesale house, excellent chance, for ad vancement. Salary to start JflO. Olve ox ' perlence and phono number. Address F 183. Bee, Factory nud Trades. - . THE Nebraska Telephone company can trse a limited number of girls In the op erating department. Applicants must fur nish references. Salary paid white learn .ng. Apply C. F. Lambert, District Traf fic Chief. 18th and Douglas Sts MAN and wife, cooks, G5; cook, 17 wk.; 23 maids, S, C, 17; IS Iioubb girls, S3, J6, J7 wk.; chambermaids, 823, 820 mo.; walt Tesses, 87. 88; laundress, 83S; 10 kitchen ;; iri. $5. JG,M; pantry girl. ,2G. Martin ' .1 Co., 1324 Capitol Ave. WANTED A flrst-olass demonstrator In drug department; only those who have fcrhad exnciicnco need apply. Apply at g' onco to superintendent Brandds stores. WANTKD Experienced cook for family of two; no laundry work; wages $6. Mrs. :.C. 8. Montgomery, 133C 8. 35th St Phone llurncy 24G2. WANTED Girls at tho Omaha Paper Stock Co. Call Doug IK). ISth nnd Morcy. FItUIT OLA, that "refreshing" drlnlt, .at the leading grocers. Housekeepers nnd liomestlua. THE BEItVANl GIItL PROBLEM ..SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant , Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tho desired iviults. This applies to residents ot Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring yolir ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 100Q "aiUL or woman wanted for general housework, small family; a good home to right party. 1920 Capitol avenue. OOOD white girl; references; small family; good wages. Tel. Harney 2974. Call 1014 S. S2d. WANTKD-A young girl to assist In general housework, no laundry, no cook Ing; to. go, home nights. 2I0S Bristol. V- G1UL for general housewrk; small family; best wages. Inquire 2S23 Capitol-Aye. YOUNO girl to assist with general housework; no washing or Ironing,1 Call Harney . 3824. 3310 Hamilton. COMPETENT "girl for general house work.? No washing.! 3224 Dodge. Tel. liar, im WANTED-i-Young .girl to assist. In housework; small apartment Call 609 8. Sjth St . GIRL or woman for general house work, where there arc children. 2448 Manderson. . WANTED A good girl for general housework. Oood wages. Small family. Mi Bo. th St. WANTED a competent girl for gen eral housework. No wushtng. Phone JlariMty S009. V ANTHD First class laundress. Ret- 1'iiweeR required. Mrs. B. M. Morsman, 224 Nft JJd Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family ot two. Mrs. Lyman -Sholes. 3010 California Ht. COMPETENT girl for general house uork; no laundry work. 3312 Burt' St . WANTED Colored woman for general! housework. Rowing Club caf- Manawa. ' WANTED A young girl for general House worn imr. ;su. wi im. win at. NEAT young girl to assist In general . n .-Mt .54111. GOOD girl for general housework, farrt WANTED A white cook. Harney 100. Ill H. MllU WANTED A girl for general house- none. coJifonua. A Mmpktknt ulrT fot' ini nn.nl ihT. DodT n,l9SS godge.H. 1CTS. work. No washing. 384 OIRL fo general housework; no wash- i c. 41. Jiurtiej- .cv. TfofJNO mrl toissistthouMWSrkT 4119 Ixard. Tel. Hamsy 8543. iWSrffrk at unre" - " - . 9YAKTD-A waitress. 103 goutit 10th. L . OwlTtte) f Sid-VoU Af.fi 1 . tilf tV of HELP WANTED FEMALE. Bllsoellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlstlnn association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at t lio Union station. U. S. Gov't. positions open to women, big Pay. Write for list ot positions. Franklin Institute. Dept. 661 13. Rochester, uelp WAirnoi male Avenli, anli'smeit und solicitors. AGENTS WANTED To sell Flbrsllk neckwear, 100 per cent profit. Samplo 15c. Write for proposition, Fisher Knitting Co., Utlcu, N. Y. WANTED Salesman to take orders for our high-grade nursery stock, pay weekly. Write tor terms and catalogue. The Qrlesa Nurseries. Lawrence. Kan. WANTED Two more live solicitors for road work. Good proposition. "OS lirandcls Theater. nors. i'lgeons; cash for old magazines. W. 414L Clerical mid OfIce. STENOGRAPHER and CLERK, prefer single man (if good personality. Salary 87S to sturt, Rood chance for advancement AddreBs J 202, Beo. Factory ana Trades. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOD? We have ono watting for you. You can quality for it In a few short months at BOYLE8 COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC It. 11. THAiNINU SCHOOL.. Wo will supply you with a place to work tor hoard which attending and (res trans. fiortatlon to your post when your course s completed. Send for our catalogue to day. BOYLES COLLEGE!. 1809 Harney Vt. Omaha, Neb. OET Into the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, and be come Independent. Our lurge, well equipped shops, offer the opportunities ot learning the business toy actual ex- iierlence on different makes of enrs. lur terms are moderate. Write or call National Auto Training association, 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha. Neb., phone W. 6M3. ATTEND the BIGHT SCHOOL. Larg est, bent equipped school and repair shop In entire west. Prtco no more than any of the KO'Cslled schools. Equipment and faculty not to bo comnared In any par ticular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 Dodge. Phone Doug. 3043. FIIEE rent to carpenter and painter to nx up smau nnuse, evonmgs, aiso run credit for work Large ground for chick ens, etc. Address C-240. Bee. MEN My Illustrated catalogus explains how I tench the barber trade In few weeks; mailed free. Write Moler College, 110 H. 14th Ht. BIUCKLAYKU8 wanted; five or six to go out of town. Apply Friday morntnrr before 12 o'clock. 8010 Bherman Ave. WANTED Quarrynien ut Nehawka. Neb. Van Court Stone Co., 1600 Howard St. Ipitl 'U1UH iqot :t(tu aaois 3njq Mlnocllnneoua. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages ot 18 and 35; cltlsens ot United States, ot good character and temperate habits, who can Bpeak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Army Building, 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; COS Fourth St, Sioux City, la.; 130 N. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Names ot men, 11 to 45 wishing to become Omaha mall oarrlers. Commence, 8C7 month. Address y 178, Bee. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. KELT WANTED MALI? AND FKMAI.K EXPERIENCED maker on shirts. 14th St.. Id floor. hand buttun hols Albert Calm, m a WANTED SITUATIONS A YOUNG lady would like to assist mornings In a private cottage at Lako O, KoboJI, for room and board. Address Ada Meyer, General Delivery, Omaha, Nob. WANTED Position rm stenographer by young lady, who has had one year and six months' experience care Omaha Bee. Aaareag 1-137, WANTED Bookeeplng evening nnd spare time. Bee. and auditing, Address P 205, WORK wanted by elderly lady to as sist with housework or the cars of babv. Web. 6711. ' WANTED An oxDenenccd cook. Mrs. Ai B. Jonas. Harney 614. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gibson's Buffet 328 South 15th St remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 60c postpaid, samples tree. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha nKI.lfinitS In rirlnV Vriil. oi. n.. onstrated at Courtney & Co.. Hayden uros. ana urKin uros. D. 8. Griffith, wig ir.tr. U Frsnzer Blic Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. ATTRACTIONS WANTED CONCESSIONS, for big Fourth ot July celebration; also merrygo-round; we have the best na tural park and live town tn the state. Address Sec. Commercial club, Sutton, Neb. MERRY-ao-ROUND wanted for a big Fourth of July celebration. Concessions Committee Gibbon. Neb. Railroad Juno, tlon. CONCUSSIONS for sale; Fourth ot July attractions wanted. Glenwood, la. Address T. J. Jones, chairman. OMAHA film excli., 10th and Doug. Mo tion picture muchlnu and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES My 1311 Studebaker 20, 5-nassenger tcurlng Car. has been driven less than 4.000 mllea: Ih Perfect condition: nevitr i been wet but once; has hail most careful e; is as good as new; complete equlp- ment, with extra Inner tubes and 3 new i outer casings and one extra rear casing; ' outer casings ana one extra i I PresUllght. speedometer, etc. p M BATON. 1623 Lol Lothrop. Tels. Webster 4318. Tyler 20. Al MUMUUlLfci. i Danforth Co.. a W. Cor. 10th and Jones. I EXPKHT and guaranteed repair work 1 2"mJ!!& "rep.".": caM. e5M .baigalus In used ars. J5CATE8 MOTOR j CAR cu liU Dodge, f THE BEE: VPOER. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOOE BEAT COVERS. Electric Coupe at out-tliiiu oi Ha value lor uidii. Will tlade tor ical estate. New batteries and In fine condition. Call 210 Bee. Doug. 2tui, I3EBT AUTO FAINTING Fore doors, slip covers, now tops and bodies built to oruer. WM. FFLIFFER CARRIAGE WorKs, 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. &U. GENTLEMAN'S roadster cheap. Oet a car with a record. Good condition. Ad ureas 11. L. Crlssman, 'Mil Farnam. NEW 6-paBsenger 1U13 Cartercar; 1,400 takes It Cost 11.700. One 4-ti. p. Thor motorcycle, 7o. Lollron Elcctrlo Works, M S. mh. PULLMAN SIX. 31,500. CASH ONLY. OHll MOTOR BALES CO., 2416 FAU NAM. DAY storuge; guod service; polite at teridants, auios wuttned and polished ut tho Down Town Uaruge, HIS Howard Bt. FOK SALE Oldsmoblle, cost 3,200; ex cedent condition. Inquire Dr.' Mucrae. City Nut l Hunk Uldg.. Council Blurs, la 7-PABS. limousine body; fits any car; burguln it taken now. U. 2301. II. Pelton. ONE ton truck, solid tires, overhauled, repainted, iUH. II. Pclton. 2024 Farnam. 1012 M'KENTUvE, 5-passenger; cost IM60; J)ricel WW. Doug. 1442. 1912 FOHD roadster; Doug. 1442. , good condition. $100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorter. 210 N. 18th. Motorcycles. 6 U 13-AGENTS wanted lur the Yale motui cycle lit nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Boos, "the Motorcycle Man." liar-ley-Davldsou and Yale motorcycles. i'lOJ Leavenworth St., Omaha. Neb. POPE MOTOIICYCLEB, pretty, power ful and speedy; proven magnificent hill climbers; four models, f ICS to 8250; bar gains In used machines. Good proposition for subugents. Write fur catalogue or call for demonstration. THIS DIEUS OYCLEHY. 309 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. ONE Studebaker five-passenger, light touring car with complete equipment, top and seat covers, for 8600; a bargain. Albert E. Blhler Inc., 1907 Douglas St. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKELB' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TII AND HARNEY. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 40-horsopower run about; never been used. Address A 42, care Bee. WANTED To buy for dash, gobd second-hand touring car. Address E 215, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TSJN'i "r out ot business, call on QANOE8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S477. IMPLEMENT and coal business estab lished over twenty.flve years; no build ings or real estate; good clean up-to-date stock; will sell at Invoice; no bonus asked. Ciood reason for selling: you pay only iJL w.lmt .JOU .Bct; f0 Neb- town of 6.000; Invoice about 813,000; termB can be made with good paper. Address Box 08, Hastings, Nob. NEWSPAPER, In a good small Iowa town for sale. Has good circulation and advertising jiatronage. Will be sold very chmv for cash, or might toko good smalt Income property, FRANK J. LONG, 613 Citizens' Nafl Bank Bids., Des Moines, EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for rent part of store In a well established cloth ing buslnoss. best location In the olty tor gents' furnishings or hat department. Op posite largest department store. Address P 205, care Bee. IF YOU are looking for a business In whloh to Invest some money and service, 1 have the best proposition you can find. Absolutely safe. Can give beht ot refer ence and expect same. State uge and salary dxpected. Address E 1S9, lUe. 1E07 FARNAM 5 rooms, completely modern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etix, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 740& FARM machinery manufacturers can find In western Canada a most Inviting field for their enterprises. Write In dustrial Commissioner, Calgary, Alberts, for special reinirt COUNTRY newspaper at a bargain: no competition; power; good town and irri gated country tn Nebraska; monsymaker, at a low price; owner has other Interests. Address Y 181. Bee. MILLINERY FOR SALE-A fine stoak ot millinery goods and fixtures at a bar gain; gooa uve town ot 3,v; lady must sell for personal reasons. Address Y 1S7, Bee. FOR SALE Set ot abstract books of Fremont county, Iowa; price, 87,000; or win sen one-nun interest tor v-i,wd. ao dress Lock Box 642. Sidney, la. FOR SALE General merchandise stock in small town, western Nebraska; excep tionally good trade. Address Y 152. Bee. TO quiCKLY sell your business or real estate, write tho ICennebeck Co., Omaha. TO set In or out ot business or to sell or buy real estate, call at 409 Paxton uiock t'hone Doug. 4315. WANTED To lease, sell or locate first class roller skating equipment Address Box 223, Mlnden. Neb. Give references. FOR SALE Lumber and coal yard In good western town. Good bargain and op portunity. Address Y-lso, care Bee. MILLINERY stock for sale In live Ne braska town; bargain If sold soon. Ad' dress Y 15. Bo, BUSINESS PERSONALS. HarlMura. TEN CENTS shave and nec.k shave, I cents shine. Elsasser's. 1617 Farnam St Builders and Cuutrnclor.' Carpenters builders. ShoD 2711 N. Sllh Figure with J. F. Wilson St Co. W. 4311 Chiropractors. J, C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard.. D. 84Q. S. BILL1NGHAM, Crelghton Blk. D. 7604. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1506 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Mt. C. T. Zwlsler. Web. 71j4US Parker. CreauirrtvH, Dairies und Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANJJ. , A GJr i'"- wamc to ) . "" I .. .- I . .w. - -T 1 flilnU AQIl-eO I ..'LriTt3j!!lWV ( S ft ft iEfc RJ3T & I OMAHA, MONDAY, JTTpTE Copyright, 1913. National News Service. A. B. C. of Omaha ARION'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity & ccon omy. SIS 8. 16th. middle of block. 2d floor. BEDDEO For J1.00 per vcek clothes the entire family. 1417 Doug- lus St Empress ANY SEAT 10c. ANY TIME KEIUl Abstract Co., 305 S. 17th 8U Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. N EUnASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," 10th and Harney. Douglas 1G62. Wo rent. reDalr. sell nceoli'S. narts ot all sewing macnlnes. PAKQIIITHMt'' Floors. Now Is "ths floors reflnished, like new. Parquutto floors contracted. Hansen. Tel. lied 5782. HIP your rubber, metals and rags to Omaha Metal and llubber Co., 101 Bo. nth St. Omaha. Neb. VACUUM Cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning donu in the home. Sanitary Servlco Co. Tel. Doug. 2904. w J3 clean, dye & rcblock all ladles' ec gents' nais. iNew lorlt shine par lor, IOC S. 16tn, opposite Hoyden's. Vacation Hints. BEFORE leuviug for yuur vacation don't forget to have your pillows and Mattresses renovated. Omaliu 1'iliow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 2487. H AVE your home protected. Foster- uaraer uo., liurglury Insurance, lirandels Uldg. Doug. 23. UEXTON'S PHAKMACY 12th & DltUut. FlX'u (lAllViirv. IItHap vnll drugs & toilet articles before vacation or- nvts. we carry the quality goods. D-ittO. L1VS at the Y. M. C, A. park on Cartel aka this summer and reduce tne cos; of high living, a postal from you ad dressed to the Y. M. C. A. will bring lull Information. Tel. Tyler 1000. LADIES straw & Panama hats bleached & reshaped. Itarascr, 220 S. 14. D. 4052. OLD SAXON INN, MILLARD, NEB. Auto tourists' headquarters. Paved roads from Omaha, free auto shads, watt ing rooms for ladles and gentlemen. Storz beer that made Milwaukee Jealous on draught Phone your dinner orders. Fred Marode. Prop., Bell Phone Millard 6. BUSINESS PERSONALS. DreaantaklaB:. Fashionable dresses. Leone Apts. T. 78S6. Terry Dressmkg. college, 20th & Farnam. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Omaha Sec. Ser. Agcy. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. Drafis. DRUGS at cut orlces: freight paid on 810 orders; catalogue free. Sherman. St McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb Kverythluur for Women. TURKISH bath. 1S02 Farnam. P. 6895. Everything: Klrctrlcnl. Ninw and M.hnnd fans, dynamos. motors, gasoline engines; electric repairs. Lauron. 3is. bo. an hi. v. im. Florists. C. Ederer, florist. 29Q4 Bristol. Web. 1796. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. Doug, loot HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1238. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Iitsaranee. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Tyler 1024 O'Neill's. 1506 Farnam St INSURANCE. Fire. Tornado. Auto. Dan R. Smith, 326 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 970. A STRONG old reliable English Fire Insurance company would like to make a sale agency connection for the' city of Omaha. Address E 206, care ot The Ltfee. Loundrles. Omaha Lace Curtain Laundry. D. 7214. Furniture Ilepnlra. MUSES' Piano and Furniture hospital. 5623 Leavenworth. D. 6462. Flrat-class work Nnrsrrlea and seeds. STEWART'S BEKDMAN. 119 N. 16th. I'KlBtiair nud DeuoratlBif. CORONA Decorating .. ISIS St. Mary's Ave. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tyler US. Usteopatlia. Alice Johnson. 306-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tet Red 7111. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer, (46 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3463. Printlas. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Printing;. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Doug. 3784, WATER3-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. qual tty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th. Tho Habor Printing Ca &iTm BBE BLDG.. ENTRANCE ON COURT. McGaffln (MAC), the PRINTER. P. 2S38. i'alutera. PAINTING wanted by day or contract by honest workman. D. 5303. T. J. Turner. Plumbers. 8TAN3ARD PLUMBING CO.. Doug. 3993. Sheet Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. . 1'rnssea. ARTIFICIAL LIMB ELASTIC STOCK- THE W. G. CLEVELAND COMPANY. Burgical and Hospital bupplles. 1410-11 Harney St Experts In fitting trusses, deformity braces., elastic hosiery and .supporters. SKILLED LADY ATTENDANT. Trunks and Suitcases. FUELING & STEIN LE. 1KB Farnam 8t Store and Uffloe fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv- tnk- tr y h.. we sell. Omaha Fixture land Supply C., Ut-l-J4 S. Wta. D.JI44. 23, 1913. The Lady BUSINESS PERSONALS. Wines and Liquors. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 6Eo a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 18th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAH. Complete courses In business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, wrlto or phone for It Boylcs College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha. Neb. MOgHER-L A MFMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1S15 Far nam Ht. Omaha. Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL, founded in U9L Stenography only. Pa tronized by the well-educated and experi enced. Individual attention. EVERY giaduate succeeds. Catalogue ready. Omaha, Neb. Saaolnsr Academies. Special summer rates at Mackle's. Even, lng & aftero'n classes. 1516 Harney. D, 6446. UVE STOCK FOR SALE HorseM nnd Vehicles. Harness ot all kinds, the largest stock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. LOST A blue coat on Monday evening, between 13th nnd 29th on Leavenworth by way of Harney St. Coat contained papers and 2 pair ot glasses. Kindly re turn to 1307 Leavenworth or phone Doug. 79. LOST Friday p. m., on Farnam car, black handbag, containing money and keys. Liberal reward. H. 4918. LOST Gold cross and chain, Friday, be tween 15th and 16th, on Vinton, or In ball grounds. Phono South S6G. Reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cureB les, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical oporatlon. Curo guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. Pit. T. It TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. MONEY; TO LOAN Money furnished salaried people and others upon their own "names, cheat) rates, easy payments. D. 11. Tolman, 335 Board of Trade building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments nnd Flats. Gordon Vail Co. BB. 219 N. 11th St.. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 394. FLAT. jr7.ro. 6-r., all mod., oak finish, 2512 Sherman avenue. APARTMENT. S5C.O0, 4-r., apt The Ivy, 16th and Sherwood avenue. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 1718. Ware Block. FOR RENT Newly decorated, strictly modern, 4-rooui apartment In the "Mnples," 2001 Harney St. See Janitor. CHOICE APARTMENTS In the California. See Janitor. Douglas 6237. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS. W. 433. 6-ROOM apartment, completely modern, 2003 Lake Bt. Inquire 28 Lake Bt 654 SO. 26th AVE. 4-rom upper flat Doug. 6451. ' Hoard tnd Rooms. FINE, cool rooms with good home cooking; modern. 2621 Harney St. MERRIAM 3 or 4-r., private bath; also small suite; 1 or 2 single. BOARD and room. 207 & 24th St Purnlsbed Rooms. 4 -VERY doslrable strictly clean, mod ern rooms In private home; furnished complete tor light housekeeping; suit able for two adults; nice yard. Webster USO. 2603 N. IStll St. 410 NORTH 22d St.. entire floor. 4 rooms; private bath; finely furnished. Suitable for a club of gentlemen. 819 SOUTH 26th; furnished room In prlvated family. FURNISHED rooms, reasonable. 6121 it . au di. mwwt.v fiirnlahpd rnnml1. utram tieat 170S Jackson St Tyler 152L Furnished Apartments. vnn hent. FURNISHED - Very at tractive 5-room furnished apartments. In the Lorenzen apartments, at 31st and Dewey. Will rentf tor July and August and give immediate possession u aesirea. Telephone liarney wiv. viph r..rnnm flat, all summer. Majestic apartments. veo. ivx. Hotels and Apartments. PODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonabls. A FINE six-room duplex apartment; screened porch, east and south front, near Hanscom park, from July 1 to Oc tober 15. Mrs. W. P. Harford. 1550 Geor gia Ave. FurnUbed Housekeeping llooms. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING iwmu. 207 8. 24th. No children- 2 ROOMS for housekeeping. 2013 Doug- las. l T TXT TV X.- nlnr. v'.rv rilrnh1 six ..u . .-. . - rooms until September L Web. 2612. Houses nnd CottaKes. T7TTYRT TTV SSWSiJ& t X. J. J. m0 ved. packed 1 shipped, lith & Jackson SU. Docs, 1518. t Cops at Newport Are Bears OFFERED FOR RENT. lloosrs and Cottages. 6-ROOM modern cottage. 253S. Dodge, fine lawn and shade, a neat little home for a small family. Phone Doug. 3770. WEST FARNAM. Harney and 40th, nice, clean, cool south front porches; newly decorated. Brick building, 7 and 8 rooms, close In. 2661 . Douglas, 11 rooms, modern, two batlls, nice yard, 210 S. 26th. 7 rooms, modern, 619 S. 19th. 7 rooms, modern. Harney 1459 or Tukey & Son. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT 1040 Georgia Ave., a bountiful location, convenient to car. All conveniences. J40. PETERS TRUST COMPANY A COMPLETE list ot all vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This Is a list complied dally and can be seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 2310 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern 850 066 Douglas, S rooms, suitable for rooming house; light housekeeping.. 830 Flat. .303 Leavenworth, 5 rooms. .....820 JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 554. BEVBN-ROOM house, att moaern, first class condition. 27th St., near Prairie Park club. 830. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming, Phone Douglas 2049. TO rent to colored people, two modern apartments, 3 rooms, 6, and 4 rooms, 37. 1920 S. 10th St. Telephone evenings Doug las 7649. REASONABLE rent to small family, who will take special care of my newly decorated 6-room, modern house In fine neighborhood. Address S 194. Bee. TWO-STORY brick flat, on 25th, near California. Crelghton University. Doug las 2320. 415 NORTH 25TH Furnished single or suite of rooms; first class board. Doug. 5472. NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hot water heat 2623 Harney, 360. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Harney 1894. Douglas 1316. FOR RENT 6-rdom cottage on car line, 812. 5513 Leavenworth. Phone Har ney 1420. TO get In or out of business or to sell or buy real estate, call at 409 Paxton Blk. Phone Douglas 4318. 6-ROOM bungalow, 2S84 Blnney; com pletely modern; 825. Hall Dlst Co., 4&I Ramge. Douglas 7406. HAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. UP-TO-DATE, all .modern. 7-room house; also 4 or 6-room flats. 220 N. 23d. JO T?irl BxP- Co., furniture moving. "Rnncoa In all parts of the city, Crelgh, Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. ONE Bix and one seven-room houso: all modern; Dundee. Phone Harney 2653. 115 SOUTH 20TH ST. Large, cool front parlor, desirable location. 7 ROOMS and bath. All modem. 1026 N. 33d. Inqulro 2716 Chicago. NEVER WAS ANYTHING SO GOOD TO DRINK AS FRUIT OLA. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. S-ROOM modern. 2612 Chicago. D. 8145. Stores and Offices. CLOSE IN STOREROOMS Most reasonable storerooms in the city. Size 20x60 feet. Full size basements. 705- 7-9 So. 16th stret. PETERS TRUST COMPANY STORE for rent; heat and water free. 2S26 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 233. ONE store-room. 2003 Lake St Inquire MS Lake St. Ill SOUTH 15TH; steam heat. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. OFEERED FOR SALE Mualcal Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. 3125. 119 N. 15th. Typewriters. RENT an r C. amlth & Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back space key. guarc teed .' -1 machine. L. Smith & Bros .Typewrit r Co., 1819 Far nam. Fhonj Douglas 2213. Remember this Is new location. Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy terms, Butts Typew'er Ex.. 1803 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. 83. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 months, 84. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Douglas 2911 SJUcelluueo us FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Ths Brunswick Balke Collender Co.. 407-409 S. 10th St. FIVE carloads of beer bottles for sale, 4th and Pine. Nathan Stlenberg, 1019 Har ney street. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam Sts. SAFES Overstocked; second-hand; all makes. J, J. Derlgbt Safe Co.. 1618 Far. St HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & M4Knslo Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D. 2641. SxS alt compressor. 612 S. 14th. SAFES Id-hand. American Supply Co. WANTED TO BUY Polgoff 2d-hand store pays highest prices tor furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. FARMS wanted In the north. What have you for sale? Address the Farm, ers' Land Market, 323 Mermand-Jacard Bldg. St Louis. A A klltflh.. If-A IwiY Drift to two tons capacity. Phone wepster ia. best prices. Tel. Tyler 1100. PERSONAL 14 INVALIDS GET PENSIONS. 451 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal. 31.50; & E. Post 81.50. and Country Gen tleman. 3L50, will earn 83.000 for the In valids' Pension Assn.. which will lnsurj myself and fifteen other sufferers 810 a month each. Your renewal worth 50 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Tel. Douglas 7163. Omaha. Neb. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave,, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Unl6n station. Massage, 1st tX,r. , 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Susls PERSONAL. 5LOYAL BEAUTY POWDER Best face powder on the market Nothing Injurious. Makes a lovely, cool ing, soothing, velvety complexion. My formula Is easily worth 825, but I sell It for 31. Almost every drug store In Coun cil Bluffs handles my powder, the beat made. I have been a beauty doctor for years. Write or see Mme. Wilson, 421 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off Clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to ths worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4125 and wagon will cai.. TO Whom It May Concern I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Margulrlto A. Novak, from June 21, 1913. Dr. J. W. Novak. M" ARS A fl-F. Swedish movement 418 amoOAVTHj Bee BldB Douglas 6372. MASSAGE MRS. RITTENHOUSE, SOS Boston .Store. Eve. and Sun. appoint' s. MANICURING Face, scalp and mag netic treatment. MIds Debar, 204. S. lfth. ELECTRIC car rldas. 60c. Web. 2236. Convalescents. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat D. 868. "MAGNETIC HEALING, 1S29 VINTON. PET STOCJC FOR SALE Pedigreed Scotch collie. So. 645. SOO N. 12th, South Omaha. SALE OR EXCHANGE, B. E. FOR sale or trade, four small gasoline delivery wagons, will trade for larger one. For Bale, three delivery wagons, For sale. 9,000 feet of two-Inch lumber. To anyone who wants a bargain In this line, call at 218 W. Bdway. Co. Bluffs. MY new bungalow cottage, 6 rooms, all modern except furnace, near new" fine school, purks. and cars; want good auto to value of 8700, balance monthly and easy. Am moving to coast Address D 190 care Bee. BAKERY and cafe for sale or trade. Address Box 152. Webster City. Ia. ' - ' REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE - REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY KOH SALE. HOMESON EAST PAYMENTS Bungalows in various parts of city ranging from $1,MX to 83,600. Small pay ment, balance like rent. T RAVER BROS., 705 Omaha Nat. Bk. Red 4721 or Web. 4SS5 1C0 ACRES at 85 an aero J SOO, to actual settlor only; must have your flllnB rights; level land, 8 miles out; rich soli; 1C0 acres broke; nil fenced with two wires; small car roof frame house; on mall route, near school; only SSOO. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, i Neb. I 1623 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 4025. SEE our new houso plan before build ing a home. No charge. Can save you 15 per cent In building. B 209. Bee. EASY payments; 3M cash, 6-room cot tage. 2707 Corby, Inquire 413 Karbach Blk. Doug. 3007. FOR SALE Lot 50x134 nnar 29th and Fort Sts.. 8375. Call Web. 6266. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEB1 JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1X02 FaRNAM BT. REAL ESTATE. FAnai A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. CALIFORNIA land excun. every Tues. W. T. SMITH CO . S15 City Nat Bank. Iown. SOUTH IOWA FARM. Flno 200-acrn farm, this oounty. Two Bets Improvements; 5 acres orchard; 5 wells, three-fourths black level prairie, balance fine bluegrass pasture, scattering timber. Four miles to two R. R. towns, one. twenty-five hundred. Will carry back ten thousand. Only eighty dollars. No trades. LAW BROS., owners, Cenierville. Iowa. Slinucbutu 160 ACRES. 45 miles from Minneapolis: one mile from town; 120 acres cultivated: balance meadow and pasturo; heavy soil: fair set buildings; one good team horses: two cows, several head of young stock: complete set of machinery, chickens, hogs and everything on th place Eves at 340 per acre, one-half cmli. SCHWAB BRO.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. ftetimiiku. A BARGAIN. 320-ocre farm, good soil, in Custer county, 2 miles from town of 1,000. All fenced, cross-fenced; 40 alfalfa; 120 cul tivation, in crops. Barn, house, shed, cribs, hog house, good orchurd, grove, 1 hen houtes, 150 pasture, windmill, 2 tanks, underground pipe. Toko J2.000 trade, bal ance terms to suit. 310 per acre. C. E. Varney, owner. General Delivery, Grand. Island, .Neb. FOR SALE-320 icres, all level, rich dark soil, no sand; six miles from Wal lace In Perkln county,. Neb., to close partnership. Price 817.50 per aero Fred Blake, jr.. Hastings. Neb . FARM TO RENT on a 4-year lease, 820 acres; halt fmn land; half alfalfa. Box 743. Genoa, Neb. Wusklnittuu. "PRIZE-WINNER FORTY." 40 acres on Columbia river. Wash. Splendid Improvements, complete equip ment Finest bearing fruit trees and vineyard. Within one mlla of three railroads; easy shipments to four large cities. Suberb model modern fruit farm; will produce, this tall 60,000 boxes prlro winning fruit Owners have other Increasing business Interests. Address tit Columbia building, Spokane. Wash ington. ,REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. Jv- BINDER. 823 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE EOANS in any amounts. W. H. THOMAS, .223 State Bank Bldg. rMtMV a n l -I delay. J. H. Mlthen Co.. Inc.. 921 City y a. S. y Rational uanK Uldg. Douglas Hit OMAHA Iiu.nes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. LOANS on farms and Improved city Property. E 6U and 6 ter cent: no delay. J H. Dumont A Ca. 1603 Farnam St "HARRISON & MORTON, Sl Om. Nat."