Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8-C, Image 33

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Modern Home-Builders and Home-Furnishers of Omaha
Home Bidders' ModeJ Home
Only 8 Days are Left
In which you can purchase! HOME Bt;i.DKItS PREFKnitED BlIABES at
the present price 11.05 pelr share.
ON JULY 1st the price of shares will bo advanced
In accord nice with the actual cash value as shown on our books, which
are subject to your Inspection
Invest lnthese shares N'dw and-eairi, this extra, profit In addition to
the i
Remember You Have Only 8 Days in Which to Act.
Let Us Show You
some of the attractive bungalow and dwelling Junt being completed which
we are bulldlnir to order for the owners. We Know that you will pronounco
them honest, well-built houses which any person would be proud to call
his home. Our endeavor In to build, not the cheapest) but the best homes
that can be built for the money.
Tlie New Way
Our booklet, "The New Way." eltplalns fully Home Builders' plan and
how to necure a home on easy monthly payments, built to suit you on any
lot you select. It la free for the ashing.
American Security Company, rivcjtl Agents.
Xrandels Theater Bid?., Ground "Floor, B. W. Cor. 17th
Douglas 6013.
Boutins Bts.
Money to loan to build houses', to Improve business property or to
pay existing; loans. Borrowers may pay from 10 to 20 per cent on loans
on Interest dates. Interest ceases on amounts when paid.
Loans closed promptly. Tour business oollclteil,
Douglas 1643. 838 State Bank Blag.
KtohchvN Co
Lit Th Fidelity Sttragi
Ywr Usui tli til Iteris
Most centrally located Storage Warehouse in
the citylowest insurance rates well lighted and
ventilated storage rooms separate locked rooms for
those who want them. Largo vans and regulation
wagons for moving only competent and experienc
ed workmen guaranteed service moderate rates.'
For full Information, telephoneDouglas 1516.
FiWity Sttrin & Van Ct.
In the Evening
you should make yourself just as comfort
able as you can because tho more rest and
enjoyment you got tho bettor you will fool
for next day's duties. Ono of our
Couch Hammocks
will afford you luxurious ease in your porch
rest. From $G,50 up to $12. Drop in and
see them.
For samples of Awning and Porch Cur
tain Materials just telophone Douglas .
338 or 882 and a man will call.
SMtt-lnritnr Mfg. CISS
Jjr IhM Seat ft JkWHtaw 6.
Tho house wired for
electricity is the one
that gives the tenant
entire satisfaction
If your house does not have elec
tricity let us move you at once into
one that does. We give complete
satisfaction in our moving, and dis
patch work with care to every ar
ticle and without damage to the
most fragile piece of furniture.
Moving, Storing and Packing
Modern Equipment
Storm your good with m thie summer in
Fireproof, Raipreof and Dirtproof Vaults
' The Best Storage in the We$t.
- 0ika V & Storage Cenpany
BP t "jf
If rt
I !.
LIVING l't-e-ol)M 'I
i! !.
iy ! i ft ki
fliilliiiiiiiiiMlmi Mi
H -
1 " ' JLBL I '' tl! (iis)i i ifl
i T n Hp-f EE"n ROOM. I
flTTTfrrf halu ji I . .
vjTt 1
3COiSD ffUOoR FLivr
The house Illustrated above Is one of
the most popular houses being built at the
present time. It Is so popular because It
hat all of the modern conveniences com
bined with an economical arrangement
that can be found in the medium priced
home. The house on the Ground is 28x23,
witir an addition in the rear lor entry and
breakrast room. It has a large porch
across, the front and a vestibule entering
Into the living room, which Is 27x11 In
the living room Is the massive fireplace
with book esses on eaoh side ant a heavy
wood mouth' shelf. At the i other end of
the room the open stairway leads to the
second floor. The living and dining rooms
are separated by a large cased opening.
In the dining room the walls are paneled
six feet high with strlps'and a neat Plato
rall 'runsaround the-room at the top of
the panelwork.
In tho end of tho dlntng room Is a built
In scat with a lid that raises up, giving
a place to store different articles that are
bound to (accumulate In every home. From
the dining room one passes directly Into
the kitchen, which Is as complete as a
kitchen can be with Its bulltln cupboards
and work table. Its disappearing Ironing
board and broom closet built Jn the wall.
In the entry there Is space for Ice box
and closed for storage purp&ses. The en-,
try leads to the small porch at the rear
of the home.
Opening off tho kitchen Is the break
fast room, which Is as compact as a room
used for this purpose can be. The table
Is hinged at the window olll and may be
folded up out of the way, but the seats
on each side are permanent fixtures and
are built In such a way as not to Inter
fere In any way with one when be sits
down to the table.
On the second floor are three large bed
rooms, a sleeping porch and a bath room.
Each bedroom has a largo closet and a
linen closet Is provided for off the hall,
In the bath room, over the lavatory 1 Is
the medicine cabinet built In the wall
and a cloth chute which leads tq the laun
dry In the basement. This plan Is from
the office of Everett S. Dodds, architect.
mound floor Brandels Theater building,
Omaha, Neb. Any one desiring informa
tion relative to the cost of this house,
price of plans, or the designing of a new
home, modern and up-to-the-minute, may
write, phone or call on the architect, who
will be glad to render his" services.
Trust Companies Hit Fakes
Tha postmaster general of the United
State, In hts last official report, states
that wildcat" securities and "fake" In
vestments to the extent of $120,000,000
were sold through the malls during the
last year. Newspapers recently gave ac
counts of a number of spectacular raids
made by postal inspectors on the offices
of promoters and "professional swindlers
who wore using the malls to Induce peo
ple to urchsa spurious stocks or In
vestments. In some cases these pro
moters maintained an elaborate system
of private wtres and had elegant offices
In many cities. The "eeeurltles" they
offered consisted largely of peeudo shares
In Industrial, mining and land promotion
Despite the numerous statutory safe
guards whloh have been enacted for the
protection of investors and control of
corporations, or enterprises offering
stocks or bonds for sale, there are many
subterfuges whloh the unscrupulous pro
fessional promoter utilises to swindle In
nocent women and men. The question,
then, follows, naturally, as to what Is
the most Important agency In discourag
ing Improper Investment and promotion
schemes. Answer "the trust company."
Further consideration of the growth
and work of trust' companies In the
United States reveals the fact that they
have exercised the greatest influence In
limiting the field of operations of the
professional promoter. "Fake" promoters
have been taught by experience that they
cannot enjlst the co-operation of trust
companies' or secure their services as
trustee, depositories, registrar, transfer
agont or In any capacity. If one of these
promoters goes Into tha , office of a
reputable trust company and lays his
plans before the executive or trust
officer he soon finds out that his scheme
will havo to undergo an add test and h
ihlc8 himself away.
Trust companies now generally main
tain investment departments, through
Which they offer Invaluable services to
their clients and the general public
These departments are primarily main
tained in connection with Investments In
connection with handling trust funds,
and for the purchase or sale of se
curities for the trust company's own
account But frequently such depart
ments handle. original security and bond
issues. The manager of this department
Is a roan especially skilled to Judge investments.
Peony Farm Is the Mecca for Prop
erty Bayers on west Dodge.
Another Restricted Subdivision in
Happy Hallow Is Being Prepared
for the Market br Gearsa
dt Company,
The twenty-five acrea bounded by podge
on the south, Chicago on the north,
Fifty-second street on the east and the
Happy Hollow boulevard on the west, Is
now being graded and In about ninety
days will be subdivided into six blocks
with winding roadways and irregular
shape lots, the lots having street frontage
ranging from sixty to IS feet These
six blocks will, be added to, and will be
called Happy Hollow.
The first three blocks of the Happy
Hollow subdivision directly east of the
nappy Hollow club were platted and
placed on the market about three years
ago and already fifteen attractive houses
have been built on these blocks.
All lots, blocks and streets In the new
subdivision will bo brought to established
permanent grades before the property is
platted, and all street improvements will
be In, Including sewers, sidewalks, curbs,
gutters and paving. It is said that when
finished this wilt be the most beautiful
strictly high-class addition to Omaha.
Building restrictions will require houses,
when built to cost not less than 16,100,
They must be of brick, brick veneer, stone '
or combination thereof. No one-story
bungalow and no frame houses will be
permitted. These six blocks overlook Elm
wood park and the Happy Hollow golf
course and have about one-third of a
mllo frontage on the new Happy Hollow
About 11,000,000 was expended In the
Happy Hollow-Dundee district during the
years l$li and 1912 on public Improve
ments and new houses, Included In which
improvement was the laying of eight and
one-half miles of asphalt paved streets.
It i estimated that about 100 new houses
will be built in this district during 1913.
The pork department assisted by con
tributions from property owners in the
vicinity, opened up last year one of the
best pieces of boulevard work that has
ever been given to the public here. This
boulevard Is about one and a quarter
miles in length and extends from Leaven
worth street on the south, skirting along
ths east line of Elmwood park up through
Happy Hollow and Dundee to Hamilton
street and three blocks of the boulevard
between Underwood avenue and Cuming
street have been converted Into a sunken
garden, which will be one of the beauty
snots of Omaha in the future.
Peony Fnrnt I.nrrn.
To get persona Interested In property
on the West Dodge road and adjacent
parallel streets, real estate agents have
found that the peony farm Is one of their
best lures. When that twenty-five acre
tract Is In bloom thousands of Omahana
and visitors ake automobile and buggy
trips to view It, with the result that prop
erty along the way attracts them.
The peony farm Is Just five and one-
half mOas west of Sixteenth street The
full twenty-five acres of peonies have
been In bloom during the last two weeks,
and as many as fifty automobiles stop
there in an evening to get armloads of
the beautiful flowers.
The place Is owned by J. F. Rosenfleid,
who came hero three yearn ago from
"West Point where ho was In the same
business for many years. The place was
an ordinary unattractive pasture tteld
when he took it and now is one of the
largest flower gardens in the country.
It is enclosed by a rose and shrub fence,
which will add still more to the beauty
of the place In a year or so.
With the Ileal Estate JUen.
Miss Lorona teeka of Thurman. Ia,,
has bought the home of Dr. J. C Soukup,
6301 Florence boulevard, on the "Prettiest
Mile." It was built by Charles Martin &
Co. She paid $8,009 for the place and will
occupy It as her home. There are two
acres or ground with the house, which 1
designed after an English country Home
and finished in white stucco.
Business is very lively on th north
side, especially along the "FTettlost Mile"
and in Xourelton, which waa put on tha
market six weeks ago. The new addition
is now about halt sold, Martin reports.
The following persons have bought lota
there: Merrill H. Garrison. $760; Ida A.
Fllnn, S60; W. I Fulton. $775; Maurice
Garrison, $1,600; William Nevotti, $SG0; B.
I Michael, $T50; H. P. DJany, $750; A. B.
Palmer, $750; W. A. HaberstroK H.50O;
F. A. Miller. $700; O. P. Applegate, $600;
Glen P. Fratt $S00; F. U Gallup, $760.
Awnings. Tents, Flags, Camp Cots
and Stools, Canvas Porch Curtains, Etc.
Of top-notch quality, nnd that no better can be made Is evidenced
by our phenomenal growth since 18$. Have us estimate on your work.
Our prices aro right Workmanship guaranteed.
pjjoam nouoLAS gov
We have a great variety of Awning
patterns to select from, materials all dur
able. Telephone ns and we will send a rep
resentative right out to you with samples.
Porch Curtains, too, and Couch Ham
mocks. See our Couch Hammocks before
you buy, jfc7.50 to $15.00.
Gate City Tent & Awnin Co.
314-16 So. 12th St. Tel. Douglas S?45.
Peters Trust Company
Established 1886.
Organized for the performance of Fiduciary Work
under the Statutes of the State of Nebraska
This trust company is organized to act in the following
fiduciary capacities:
1 A Administrator of Estates or as Executor or Trustee, under
2 As Trustee under Agreements in writing including trusi deeds
securing the issuance of corporate bonds.
3 As Guardian of Estates of Minors or incompetent Persons.
4 As Trustee under Life Insurance Policies.
6 As Custodian of SeourlUes, with or without control and In
vestment 6 As Treasurer or as Agent for the Treasurer of Charitable and
other Similar Associations.
7 As Manager of Estates during tho temporary or permanent
absence of the owners; or for persons who are unable for
- an r.eason to Klve personal attention to their property,
collecting income, interest,, dividends, coupons, bonds, mort
gages, keeping the funds invested, paying taxes, etc;
8 As Registrar and Transfer Agent for Corporation Stocks and
Is known all over the West for its Character, Strength, Responsi
bility and Efficiency.
Summer Time is Paint Time
Sherwin-Williahis Paints
Wo have sold it for 15 years. Been on
the market for 60 years.
Vi pint Family Paint 15 a
1-gallon can Outside Paint- 2 OO
1 pint good Varnish 7 .isX
1 quart Inside Floor Paint hoi
1 quart Mar-Not Varnish
Smoky City Wall Paper Cleaner io
StanHM & McGiMifil Brag Of.
Xtnry 8.
Xate Trpbriin
Auto Covers
you prices on your
Phone for our aalea-
We re .t your servlffe. Why not havo ub give
neeasT it places you unaer no ooiiffaauon 10 Duy,
man to call.
Vhoii SonfflM 3841. 1701 Leavenworth.
Newspaper Advertising ta the Road to
Business Success.
YOUR race Brick ProV.ea UV TP IP Y RDIPIf
Cti Be SsUed Witk ... 1 I - I MLtk JLlIxlVI.
Hydraulic Press Brick Co.
Ash For Our
Vases and Flower Boxes of Cement. Do not crack or crumble. We
have a variety or designs, colors and Bizes.
Visit Our SlspUy Xeoms, 1708 Cumin St.
rnone Douglas 4438.
XttsJc Barker Ai. O. Barker 0orjr Barker, Jr. Joseph Barker, ad
Barker Brothers Paint Co.
Paints and Varnishes
1609 Vs Farnam St.
Tel. Douglas 4750.