THE OMAHA STNDAT BEEi JT'NE 22, 1913. 5-0 REAL ESTATE. FAnai A KAM I! LANDS POR SAL.I3 Nebraska. onx.y $1.60 ran. ache. Buys 610 acres State sohool land In Cherry Co. Would make a rood stook ranch. Good term. Write owner. I O. Crandall, 40G First National Bank Bids'.. Lincoln, Neb. FOtl SALE-MO acres, all level, rtoh dark soil, no sand; six milts from Wal lace in Perkln county. Neb., to close partnership. Price $17.50 per acre Fred Blake, Jr., Hastings, Neb . FOR. SAL.B-320-acre, clote to Iawrence, Nh.s 100 nnres In cultivation. 33 In al falfa. Ideal stock farm. Price, 0,000. n. B. Aiomure, Lawrence. jeo.- FARM TO BENT on a 4-year lease, SO acres; halt farm land; halt alfalfa. Box 7i3, Genoa, Neb. Orcaion. "We are owners of a 700-acre, three-year-old commercial apple orchard, located In .Douglas county Oregon, non-Irrigated and In high state of cultivation. Will sell It In 100-acre tracts or multiples thereof to responsible parues aesinng a nrst class retail proposition. Detailed Information and terms furnished. SUnnydole Orchard Company. 1303 Plymouth Bldg., MInnca polis. Minn.' Hontk Dnkotn. $23 TO $35 per acre for choice Jim river Valley South Dakota land with crop share. Easiest terms offered. Write owner, w. M. Hunt, Aberdeen, a. D." Texas, PATENTED state school lands, McMul len county, Texas. Fine climate, fertile soil. It B0 per acre. cash, balance 10 yearly payments. F. A. Conable, Trustee, 4S4 Commercial Bank Bldg., Houston. Tex. PATENTED state school land. McMul- lon county, Texas. Only $15 per acre $1.00 per acre casn, oaiance 10 annual pay ments. F. A. Connable, Trustee, Houston, Tox. FOR SALE CHEAP West Texas graz ing land, any quantity, one section to 100 sections. Biard Development Company, Dallas, Tex. HOUSTON suburban lots only J25. Cash. II monthly. Write today. Cypress Pork land uo., Houston, Tex. lo n. H10 PER ACRE. 5 miles of Council Bluffs, troort 100-ocra farm, with fair bulldlnirs: fine orchard and vineyard, about Z acres each; 20 acres aiioira, 6 acres pasture, oaianco in cultivation. No wot land and only a fow aores rough. Good level road to city. If you want a farm close to Council mutrs ana umana. it will pay to eeo uns. Easy terms If desired. M'OEIE READ ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl 8L, Council Bluffs. S-ACRE HOME. Council Bluffs, M mile from car line, city school and paved street, comfortable 7-room house; good barn; fruit for homo use; about H fine -garden land, balance suitable for grapes or other fruit. Fine location for gardening, fruit growing, small dairy, chickens, bees or green houses, or can bo sold as lots In a few years, 'mis is a root Dargain ai w,ou. M'GBE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. IVuantnuton. "PRIZE-WINNER FORTX." 40 acres on Columbia river, Wash. Splendid improvements, complete equip ment Finest bearing fruit trees and vineyard. Within one mile of three railroads; easy shipments to four large cities. Siiberb model modern fruit farm; will produco this fall 50,000 boxes prize winning fruit. Owners have other increasing business interests. Address, 612 Columbia building, Spokane, Washington. 4,000 ACRES sultablo for fruits, grapes; North Hood river valley, Washington. 20 per acre. Easy terms. Apply E. A. Harris, 1018 Douglas St., Victoria, British Columbia. REAIi ESTATE LOANS. Wanted City Loans Peters Trust Co. 1622 FABNAM ST. MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms 'and Omaha city property in any amounts. U, W. BINDER. 823 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS In any amounts. W. H. THOMAS, 228 State Bank Bide. MONEY to loan on Omaha homes. No1 delay. J. H. MIthen Co., Inc., S21 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1278. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL, ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. LOANS on farms and improved city property, 6 64 and 8 per cent; no delay. J. H. TJumont & Co., 1603 Farnam St. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. 1100 to J10.WO made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wcad Bldg., IStli and Farnam. GARVIN BROS.ilfaTata"Bdaug: UtX, CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co., u7 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. HARRISON b MORTON. 316 Om, Nat STEAMSHIPS ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Ocean passage Vn days. Moderate rates. For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS,, Gen. Agts.. 25 W. Randolph St, Chicago. OR ANY LOCAL AQENT. Wanted to bits Dolgof f 2d-hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. . OLD .coins wanted. II to 11,000 paid for hundreds of rare coins to 1907. Many In circulation. Get posted. Send stamp tor large coin circular. Numismatic Bank, Dept. B 6, Fort Worth. Tex. FARMS wanted in the north. What have you for sale? Address the Farm ers' Land Market, 323 Mermond-Jacard Bldg.. St. Louis. WANTED Room with refined lady.' Shares expenses. Professional preferred. Address Y 184 care Bee. WANTED A butcher's fee box. One to two tons capacity. Phone Webster 437. SECONDHAND clothes, shoes; pay best prices. Tel. Tyler 1100. WANTED TO BORROW WANT $1,250 to build a new small bung alow home; will pay 7 or 8 if no com mission to pay and can have privilege of paying back $100 any time. Am ready to use part of money at once. Address at onoe. 0-174. care JJee. ijvb stock" market cjF"west Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. litvo Stock Communion Alerchauu BYBRB BROS. & CO.. Btrong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. RAILROAD TIME TABLE UNION STATION Tenth Jb Mason. Union Pacific- Depart. . I. CO am -a 4:10 pm Orerlaad Limited California Mill Port, A Fa. Bd. Bxprtea....all.OS am Los Angeles Llaallad all;ISam Com epUl '! Colorado Speaial all! am Colorado Bxpreea i CM pa Baa Fran. Limited a .45 an I'aclflo United all: SO am Oregon-Waahiagton Limited a I :iS am forth Platte Local a I 11 am and latand Local a 1 ,10 pm SMubors Local .t.bll;U sot ArriT. 1:41 pm a 4:40 pm a : am a l:Wpn all:09 pm ll:44 am a t oo am a 4:00 pm aT Mpta a 4 U pm a 444 pm alt: am sioassi RAILWAY TIME CARD. . ChlcaKo. Hock Iiliull A rnclflc XkST. Itocky MeoataJa Limited ,... liMtn alt:7pm Chicago Local Pat. ....... .bl:H am blO-ll pm Chicago Dar Ripreta .......a IMS am i:Upm CilKa Night Kipree 4:t0p ml :40pm D Molae Local Fait. a4:npra altillpra Chicago-Neb. Limited a (:09 pm a 1:00 am WEST. Chicago-Neb. Llm. to Lis- col a res am pn Oslo, ana Cat, Kxpreas al'.Mpm altOOpra Okla. A Teiaa Xxpret a 4:11pm all:0am ItoekT Mountain Ltmlttd ..ellillpm 3:47 am Missouri Pcltt K. C, A St L. Exp.. a 1:00 am a 7:11 an KtC. 4 81 U Exp ellMtpm al:llpn K. C. A St. laul ...ell:S0am a 1:10 pm iVnhnah Oraaha.St Louis Exp a Istopm a 1:11 am Mall and Express ...........a T:01 am allrUpm Btanberrr Local from Ck B.)b 1:04 pm bll:ltam Illinois Centmi Chics Limit .............. a 8:00 pm at :10am Chicago Expnas .....a t'.JO am il:tl pm -Chloaso & Northvrestern NonnmouND. Twin City Expraaa ..........a 7:45 am 10:10 pm Dakota raiwnsrr bT:4Sam a:J0m Bloux Cltr Losat ,. il:3pn 1:11 am Minnesota Eaprms a 7:0 em al0:t0am Dakota Eiprna ....a 7:00 pm al0:10 pm Twin Cltr Limited a:Mpm at :13am EASTBOtTND. Dcnnr Bpaclat 1:00 am aT:I0m Carroll Local a 7:01 am a 1:00 pm 1lawkT vxpraa a 1:40am all:rm Chlcaso Local , ..allitOpm MiUpa Carroll Local ...a 4:10pm al0:00am Chleaco Special .a 4:00pm at :10 am 8an Francltco Limited a:llpm a 1:11 pm Onrland Limited a 8:00 pm at :10 am Oreton-Waahlniton Limited .a -M pm a l:U am Lot Ancclra Limited ...... .all:lS pm allMOam WESTBOUND. Cbadron Local a 1:00 am Lincoln-Dallas a 1:00 am a 1:10 pm Llncoln-Lom Fin a 1:11pm al0:ll pm llattln(i-8uprlor b 1.14pm blitOpm DeadwoodOIo. tfprlnti a l:U pm al:IOpm Twin Cltr ExprMa a 7:41 am al0:t0pm Cuper-Laadar a t:U pm all: 00 am Alblon-Oakdala b(:0pm b 1:15 pm Glilrniro, Mllivnakee A St. rani Paclflo Limited a7l50pm 13:15 am Chicago Bpaclal a 4:00 pm 7:11am California Mall a 4:90 pm t:M pm thlcago Daylight Special... .a 7:40 am bll:0S pm Denfer-Portland Bpaclal ....a 5:00 pm ll:tt pm Pcrrr Local a 4:10 am 11.(0 am Cbtcauro Great Western Twin Cltr Limited a (:10pm a (:10am Twin Cltr Bxpraaa a 7:44 am al0:40 pm Chicago Expraaa 400 Pn a 1:10 pm BURLINGTON STATION Tenth Jt Masou. Burlington Depart ArrtT. Denrer lilmlted 4:40 am a 7:00 am CWcago-Omaha a 1:10 am Denier A California a 4:10 pm il:l(pm Puxet Sound Expreaa a 4:10 pm a 1:45 pm Nebraaka PolnU ':?iun :0pm Ulaok Hllla a 4:10 pm a 4:45 pm Lincoln Mall b l:pm alMt pm Northweat Expreaa UiMpm a 7:00 am Nebraaka Expreaa : am a 1 :10 pm Lincoln Local ' aJ:Mpm a :Ct am eSuiler-Plattimonth b(:0Spm bl0:am Plattamouth-lowa 4!l(am a(:B0am ntleru-riattniouth alt:S0pm a l:(0pm Chicago Special liV-Uim lMfm Denrer Splal .aU.JS pm Chicago Expreaa a4:I0pm a S :55 pm Chlcaao Fat Expreaa a 6:10 pm a 4:00 am , b(:10pm bll:0(.m ill I. K. C. Special a 4:35 pm all:C0am K c. ' St. Joseph allt45pm a (:50 am K. C A St. Joaeph a 1:15 am a 4:10 pm WEBSTER STREET STATION PW. teenth an "Webster. Missouri rocltle . Depart. Arrive. rail Cltr Pasaanger... b 4:10 pm bl0:45 am Local Freight ..b7:05 am b 4:10 pm OhlonRO, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha Depart. Arrive. Sioux Cltr Expreaa bCtSpm bll:5Sam Twin Cltr Paaaenger b 4:25 am a 4:45 pm Sioux City Paaaanger .o(:tSam Cmeraon Accom b (:00 pm b 1:10 am (b) Dallr except Sunday, (o) Sunday only. (a) Dally. IN HEAVY DAMAGE SUIT Judge Leslie of the district court ex cused the Jury which heard the evidence In the 140.030 damage suit brought by Frank R. Bowen against the Milwaukee railroad for a beating alleged received at the hands of a brakeman at Canton, S D., In 1910. The Jury was unable to agree on a verdict. The case went to the Jury early Friday afternoon. SOME BIG FAMILY RECORDS Authentic Account of Italian Woman Who Was the Mother of ' Forty-Nine CHilldren. A recent news item records that ThomaB Ellison More of Newton county, Arkansas, Is the father of an even titty children. He has been married threo times. English papers have recently been discussing big families In England and elsewhere. k Ono was that of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Chlswlck, who can boast a family of no fewer than twenty-nine "little" ones, though these are by two mothers, the present Mrs. Rogers being the second wife of Charles Rogers. The proud father, aged 74, might have been seen carrying his latest Infant to Its baptism a short time ago, and Chlswlck support ers did due honor to the occasion. The other case was that of T. A. Black of Purley, Surrey, who, curiously enough as a coincidence, can also claim to be the father 6t twenty-nine children, and all of them are alive. Capital as these examples are, as show ing that even In this age of bishops and Judges who rail at the decaying birth rate, yet tho nation Is not wholly going to the dogs In this matter, the instances mentioned do not form anything like a 'record" for Great Britain In thH fashion. There was that stalwart Scot hatting from Cromarty, Thomas TJrquhart, who not only know himself as the father of thlrty-slx chlldren.but had tho supreme satisfaction of living to seo a large num ber of them gain very high positions and become quite eminent. Of tho thlrty-slx no fewer than twenty-five were sons quite an unusual proportion of the kind. Sunderland Just now seems to be try ing to either break the record In another way or to qualify In decent time for a place amongst the notables already men tioned. For the wlfo of a small shop keeper In the Wearsldo town recently presented her spouse with twins, which would have satisfied most fond parents as the product of one twelvo -month. However, when It Is learned that this same good woman had already borne an other set of twins less than a year pre viously one may be forgiven for saying that, at the rate of "four a year," to such a youthful couple, tho claims of Mr. Rogers, Mr. Black, or even Mr. TJr quhart, appear In much danger of being soon excelled. In the annals of "Numerous Children," by Boyle, there Is a case given of a Paris lawyer who had do fewer than forty five; and history also states that a baker In France could boast of twenty-one children born at seven births, and at! within the astonishingly short space or seven years! What a family this would .have been for winning the good graces of the prelate of London or the former bishop of Rlpont Of course, the actual "record," so far as authentlo history can give It at all, surely belongs to Slgnora Qrantn, the wife of an Italian living at Barcelona. This real "mother In Israel" did her duty so nobly to the state that, at the age of CO, she could look round and count something like forty-nine olive branches who were as delighted as pos sible to .jialt her "mother." Slgnora Oranta undoubtedly holds the record still; and our English parents of twenty-nine-nay, even the Scottish ones of thlrty-slx will have a long way to go t ovartake 1L Kansas City Star. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Has Wcakett Dav of Week in the Pit Friday. CORN HAS MUCH NEEDED RAIN Moisture I'nts Those on the null Side In the Lead an Seller of (he Yellow Cereal Features of the- Trndlna". OMAHA. June 21, IMS. The weakest day witnessed in several weeks was soon In the wheat market yes terday. While prices closed only W to He from tho top levels, with July He higher and other months H to So lower for the day, steady support was given to the market on all weak spots. This support was doubtless the result of a wish on the part of the larger holders of tho July wheat to dlsposo of the remnant of their big lino at as great an odvantago as pos sible. Some sections of the wheat grow ing country tost of Chicago and which have been taking cash grain in Chicago In goodly amounts during the past year or more, were offering to sell that grain, not only in Chicago, but In New York for nearby shipment. It was said that part of these offerings were old and pRrt new wheat, tho former for July and tho latter for September shipment. Mis sourl was again a seller of wheat nt Chicago for July and August shipment, 100,000 bushels ot No. t red winter wheat chnngtng hands there yesterday, and thero wcro additional purchases by Chi cago houses of a round lot of new hard wlntor wheat from the west, but tho de tails were not obtainable. The first car of new wheat received at Chicago this year was on the exchange yesterday, and consigned to the Armour Oraln company from the southwest Cash wheat was o to lc higher. Tho much needed rains In Nebraska and Iowa, with a promise of further precipi tation to cover tho entire corn belt dur. Ing the next day or two were the wenk-enlng- influences in that market yester 2RK' Those who have adhered to the pull side of corn for some time past, were In the lend as sellers. Theue people sold long corn and some of the old time bulls put put short linos. Cash corn was H to lVlo lower. There were price losses In oats yester day on account of the rains in the west and the promise of ralna east of the Miss issippi river, whero moisture is badly needed. Additional new oats were sold In Chicago yesterday f6r August ship ment at H to 1 cent under the September option for No. 8 white. Cash oats wcro Mc lower. . CLe.ar5?ceB were: Wheat and flour equal 316,000 bu corn. 11,000 bu., and oats, O0uQ uU Liverpool closed with wheat unchanged and with corn unchanged to Hd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 6J9.O0O bu. and shipments of 479,000 bu.. against re- SiHiJl f J2'000 bu- and shipments of 222,000 bu. last year. , , Primary corn receipts were 922,000 bu. and shipments of CSS.000 bu.. against r celpta of 771,000 bu. and shipments of 847 00) bu. lost year. Primary oats receipts were 1.O12.000 ,bu. and shipments of 600,009 bu., against re ceipts of 448,000 bu. and shipments of 338,- 000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPT8. "Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 78 433 M Minneapolis .152 guluth M Omaha 47 SO 0 Kansas City - M 55 4 St Louis 27 55 M Winnipeg J35 Omaha, Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, 85Vi85io; No. 8 hard, 844Jc; No. 4 hard, 8lS3c; No. 3 spring. 8t84Ho: No. 4 spring. 8082o; No. 2 durum, 84GS5o: No, S durum, 83i84c. Corn: No. t white, B7Uoi No. 3 white, 67o: No. 4 white, 66 66Ho; No. 2 yellow, 669660; No. 3 yel low, 55066oi No. 4 yellow, 55G?ic; No. 2, 6Co; No. 3, 65Ue65ttc; No. 4. MHSKo: no grade. 60S67c. Oats: No. 2 white, S9 J39Uoi standard, 38c; No. 3 white, 38Wc: PJLY""6,:,874380- Barley: Malting 8430V4o: No. l feed. 42HS45Hc. Rye; No. 2, 55W960c: No. 3. 65066 Vic. The following cash sales wero reported todayr Wheat No. 2 hard wlntor: 1 car, 8Gc; 4icars, tWtC No. 3 hard winter: 2 cars, 85o : 2 cars. 84io: 1' car, 84c. No. 4 hard winter: 2 cars, 82o; 1 car, 8lHc Re jected hard winter: 1 car, 79cj 1 car, 75o. No. 3 spring: 1 car, 84Hc. No. 4 spring: 1 car, 80c. Corn No. 2 white: 2 cars, 67Wc No. 3 white: 3 cars 67c No. 4 white: 2 cars, 66Mc; 1 car, 64(4c. No. 2 yellow: 4 cars, 66V4o; 2 cars, 66c. No. 3 yellow: 6 cars, 66o; car, 56c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 66c; 1 car, 66Hc; 2 cars. 65c. No. 3 mixed: 1 oar, 66Ho; 4 cars, 65Hc No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 66c; 1 car, 51c: 2 cars, 64Ho. No grade: 1 car, 63c. Oats Standard: 1, SSHc; No. 3 white, 1, 38Hc; M, SSc. No. 4 white: 1 car, 3SHc; 1 car, 38Vio; 3 cars, S8c; 1 car, 370; 1 car, 37Hic. Barley No. 1 feed: 1 car, 61Hc. 1 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading? nnd Cloalnjr Prices on Board ot Trnde. CHICAGO. Juno 21,-Balkon difficulties received some of the credit today for an advanco in wheat Unfavorable weather In both the spring and winter crop terri tories did the rest. Closing prices were steady at c to 1o higher. Corn finished Ho to S1Aa down, oats off Ho to Wo and provisions varying from 2'u decline to an upturn of 67c Wheat traders, who have recently been Ignoring cables, were confronted today by reports that consols had been disturbed by demands for 200,000,000 Indemnity to the opponents of Turkey. The security market on this side was also satd to re flect fear of serious European trouble. Bull speculators here wero not slow to apply the news to the wheat situation. Rain Interference with the Kansas har vest and lack of moisture for the grow ing grain in South Dakota were suffi cient additional incentives for big houses to take all wheat 'offerings, A brief dip In prices nt tho opening' former the only exception to bullish control of the mar ket Corn weakened on account of the break ing ot tho drouth in a large part ot Illi nois. The trade was cautious, however, ahnnt nresslnir the selllnK side until tha final extent ot the rainfall became known. Wetting or important sections Hereto fore dry eased oats. Steadiness In the hog market held pro visions within a narrow margin. Lard monopolised most ot the business. Artlcle.1 Open. Ulgh.l Low. CIose. TeB'y. SOW Slty WA W 90 90W4 91H 1H WH 80 nm 9ih 03M,oMi mi 0HH6181H 61H 60 00 61HWi 62H 61U 61 61 50 69 6S 68$4 6tQ 41B41W 4i 41 41H . 41 422 42V4 41 42 42H&43 43 4lii 42 43 20 70 20 77 20 70 20 77 20 80 20 40 20 47 20 35 SO CH 20 45 1107H 111 U07 U 12 U 07-10 U 22 11 30 U 22 U 27 U 22 11.27 11 82 11 28-27 11 32 11 27: 11 70 11 75 11 70 11 76 11 70 UC2tt 1175 U.63 11 78 11 72 U 47H 11 66 11 46-47 11 65 11 47-60 Wheat July. Sept Dec Corn. July. Sept. Deo.. Oats, July. Sept Deo.. Pork. July. Sent 1 July. Septj Oct. Ribs. I July. Septi Oct. Chlcnso Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red, ll.CO81.04; No. 3 red, 94QSc; No. 2 hard. 9tW6Q3c; No. 3 hard. 91S92ttci No. 1 northern. 93Vt05o: No. 2 northern. MVi B95c; No. 2 northern, 92G94e; No. 3 north ern. 9W3c; PiO. z spring, ireuroc; no- spring, 9ie02c; No. 4 spring, S&ftOOc; vet vet chaff, 9193c; durum, SlQWc. Corn: No. 2. die01o; No. 2 white, 62Sttc: No. 3 yellow, tSHJlic; No. 3, 041c: No. 3 white, 6Mi2tto; No. 3 yellow. eitfClMc; No. 4. XSC0c; No. 4 white, 61c; No. 4 yellow, 6O0Oc. Oats: No. 2, 8O0: No. 3 white. 42342Vc: No. 3 white. 4141vie; No. 4 white. 4034I0; standard, 42c. Rye: No. 2. 61c. Barley: 6O0ttc Tim othys t3.6OS4.60. Clover: Nominal. Pork; Lard: 111.07. Ribs: SU.7&$12.iS POTATOESNew. market hlcher: (S1 SOo; receipts, 20 cars; otd unchanged; receipts, 8 cars. POULTRY Alive unsettled: hens. 1414c: springs, 26c; turkeys. 17c ICanana Cltr Grain nnrt rrovlnlon. KANSAS CITV. Jur. V. -OATTLK- Reretpts, 200 tiaj; market steady; prime fed steers. 3X.26C4.7S: drctiftd beef Hears. J7.60fl4.25 western steors, S7.s63.C0; southern steers. U.OOirt.bO. cows. U.&i 7.26; hotfers, SL7t$V.t0; stockers and feed ers, tS.608.1S', bulls. 5.K87.C0; calve. 3S.76fi9.60. HOQB- Receipts, I, WO Head; market aUidys bulk, It.e9gt.i0s Utrr, LH&Us packers and butchers. 3StWN.iO; light i54j7t.. pigs, troifriOft. H1IRBP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market steady; lambs, i&S07.73: year lings, s&.0Ofi.: wethers. 44.6tm.96; ewes, l.264.7; stockers and feeders, t3.COG6.00. Knusns Cltr Grain and Provision KANSAS C1TT, June 21,-WHBATNo. 1 hard, 87mHc; No. 3. 8683o; No. J ed. 8S9$o; No. 3, 8S92o. gORN-No. 2 White, S0c; No. 3, 68H OATS-No. 3 white, 41o; No. 3 mixed, iHc. Hi'E tTnOhanced. GOUo. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $13.60 Futures closed sa follows! WHBAT July, Wo; September, SSUci December. Sfl44r$0G. CORN-July, c; September, 60lSic; December, 69c. , OATS-September, 41o; December, 41 BTTBR Creamery 1 7o; firsts, 20c; seconds, 36c: packing, 21c EGGS Firsts, 18c; seconds, lie. POULTRY Hens, 13o ; roosters, 10c; ducks, 15c; broilers, 23c. 1 1 1 St. Louis General Market. ST. -LOUIS, June M. WHEAT No. 3 red, 9;d9so; no. 2 nara, wfuwo. CORN No. 2. tUo; No. 2 while. 62c OATS-No. 2, 40ffUr, No. 2 white. 42c RYB-lc Closing Prices ot futures: WHBAT J uly, 88c; September, S9c SSc. CORNWuly, 6OH0; September, 61K C61c. OATS-Julv, 40So; Soptemebr, 4142o. FLOUR unchanged. . BRAN-acked, east track, SlflOlo. HAY Unchanged. Receipts. Shipments. Flour. DbU 1O.C0O 13.000 Wheat, buA 32,000 66,000 Com. bu 09,000 a.000 Oats, bu US.000 9,000 POULTRY Steady; chtckens, lSVio; springs, 20o; turkeys, 16o; ducks, 16c; geese, lie. DUTTiaR quiet; creamery, 17c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Juno 21. WHEAT July, 90Hff91o; September, IlVic; Decem ber, 96tto; No. 1 hard. P3c; No. 1 north ern. 92W39JC; No. 2 northern. WVlfi91o; No. 2 hard. Montana, 90Q01o; No. 3, iSK 89c. FLOUR-Unchanged. BRAN Unchanged. CORN No. 3 yellow, 57(fj'C:e, OATS No. 3 white, 3S4jo. RYE No. 2. 64r05c. FLAX Unchanged. BARLEY Unchanged. I Liverpool Grain Market. LIVEKPOOL, June 21, WHEAT Spot, steody; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 9d; No. 2, 7s 6Hd; No. 3. 7s 4d; tuturcs, dull; July, 7s Gd; October, 7s 3d; De cember. 7 4d. , . CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, nominal, no stock; American mixed, new kiln dried, 6b 4d; American mixed, otd, 6s; American mixed old. via Galveston, 5s 8d; futures, dull: July, LaPlata, 4s 10d; LaPlata. 4s ld. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 21,-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, 95ffi96c; No. 2 northern, KWP 94o; No. 2 hard winter, 91Q93c; July, 91o; September, 914c. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 61Qlc; No. 3 white. C3c; No. 3, 00Slc; July. C0o; Septombor. 61e. OATS-WieWio. RYE 00C0C. BARLEY 6OQ6S0. ' Peorln Market. PEORIA, June 21. CORN No. S white, Qe; No. 2 yellow, 6lc. ... . M OATS No. 2 white. 41fl4Mio; stand ard. 41& Cra and Wheat Reann Viullettn. United States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 a. m., 76th mcredlan time, Baturday, June 21, 1913: OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. Temp. Rain- Station. High. Low. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.. SO 67 .00 Pt. C loudy Auburn 90 60 .25 Pt. Cloudy Broken Bow.... 77 62 .60 Clear Columbus 74 64 .63 Cloudy Culbertson 83 65 .00 Cloudy Falrbury 91 60 .00 Pt Cloudy Fairmont 78 04 .33 Cloudy Grand Island... 72 61 .OS Clear "Hartlngton .. 74 62 .88 Clear Hastings 79 63 .25 Pt. C oudy Hotdrege 82 63 .00 Pt. Cloudy Lincoln 83 68 .00 Cloudy North Platte.. 80 60 .00 Cloudy Oakdale 73 03 .19 Pt. Cloudy Omaha S3 9 .08 Cloudy Tekamah 70 65 .95 Clear Valentine 76 58 .00 Clear Alta. Ia 75 63 .04 Clear Carroll 78 67 .48 Cloudy Clarlnda 93 60 1.60 Cloudy Sioux City 76 66 .01 Cloudy Not Included In averages. Minimum temperaturo for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a, m. DISTRICT AVERAGES No. of Temp. lain- District Stations. High. Low falL Columbus, O IS Louisville, Ky... 22 Indianapolis, Ind 14 Chicago, 111 24 at Louis, Mo.... 19 Des Moines, la.. 22 Minneapolis ..... 61 Kansas City 26 Omaha 17 General Weather Conditions. The weather Is cooler In all except the extieme southern portion' ot the corn and wheat region. Ootid general rains oc curred last night In all except the St Louis and Indianapolis districts. Falls of one Inch or more occurred at the follow ing stations: In Nebraska Plattsmputh, 2.95. In Iowa Creston, 3.00; Cedar Rapids, 1.10; Clarlnda, 1.70. In Minnesota Roch ester, 1.70. In Wisconsin Lacrosse, 1.40; Milwaukee, 1.10; Watertown, 1.20. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. 92 63 .80 98 70 .40 90 68 .00 86 64 .60 98 72 .00 84 66 .70 SO 61 1.10 93 M .20 80 64 ,60 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 21.-COFFEE-Futures opened steady at on advanco of 5 to 7 points In response to higher European cables. The advance met considerable selling, part ot which was rumored to be against Jlrm offers from Brazil, and prices soon eased off to a net loss ot 1 to 8 points under renewed or continued: liquidation and local pressure. The de cline was checked later by reports of a steadier situation in Santos ana European buying. Closed steady. July, 9.26c; Sep tember, 9.bCo; October, 9,50c; December, 9,67c; January, .71o; March. 9.77c; May, 9.82c. Spot easy; Rio 7s, 95c; Santos 4a, ll?ic. Mild, dull; Cordova, 1316o. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 21, COTTON Fu tures closed steady. Closing bids: June, 12.04C, July, 12.07c; August. 11.97c; Septem ber, 11.72c; October, 11.48c; November, lt42o; December, 11.47c; January, 11.42c; February, 11.43c; March, 11.63o; May, 11,68c. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 12.40c; middling gulf, 12.65c. Hales, none. Cotton closed steady at a net loss ot 12 to 21 points. LIVERPOOL. June 2t-COTTON-8pot, unchanged and dull; middling, fair, 7.37d; good middling, 7.03d; middling, fi.79d; low middling, 6.63d; good ordinary, 6.21d; or dinary, 6.67d. Sales, 4,000 bales. ST. LOUIS, Juno a.-OOTTON-Steady middling, 1215o; sales, none: receipts, fJi boles; shipments, 1,037 bale-; stock, 23.278 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 21.-METALS-DU11 and practically nominal; lake copper. 115.00315.25; electrolytic. 14.S7'16.00; casting. 314.76. Iron: unchanged. ST. LOUIS, June 21. METALS Lead, firm; $1.20. Spelter, dull; 36.00. I London Htook Market. LONDON, June 21. American securities onened lower and declined steadily undar realizing. The closing waa weak with prices ranging from unchanged to 1 below parity. Money and discount rates were sicaay. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June a. DRY GOODS Many small mall orders are coming in on cotton goods for the Jobbing trod Prices ruled steady. Underwear and hosier)' orders for spring are light. Linens are held back by apprehension of tariff changes. Raw silk Is steady. ISvnpnrMt4 Apples nml Urlrd Fruits NKJW YORK, June 21.-HVAPORATED APPLES Steadier; fancy, 7UJSe; choice. fr$;c; prime, 5tf6c. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes. firm; Ore- cons, 69a AprlooU, peaches and rslalna, qulL OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET All Xindi of Cattle Art lower far the Week. H0QS DROP FIVE TO TEN CENTS Week's I.nmh Trnde Dull, with Cur rent Prices a Dollar Lo er Than a Week Asjo and nt the Low est rolnt of the Year. n , 80UTH OMAHA, June 21, 1911 Receipts weret Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8 !R! MndJ' 3.933 6,648 4.130 " 0 a T.u?dy 410,5 ,'lffi 8;;,lc.lnJ )Sunday.... 3,054 11.27 2,627 Thursday 2.611 8,437 1.7SS "e'l Friday ., 7 7.7S3 617 Estimate Saturday 103 11,421 600 Six days this week.... 13.273 C7,(2 11.743 Samo days last week,. 12.18S 42,975 15.3S5 iuo uaj- z w K8 ago.. 13,449 71,368 17.4G3 Samo day 3 w'ks niro. .12.203 65.074 19.603 bmo daj's last year,. 9.702 40,931 8,643 fT0 following table shows the receipts """" "k una sneep ai souin umana live stock market for the year to dats as compared with last year: 1913. 1912. Ino. Dec. Settle 406.543 409.411 3,449 "ogs 1.39S.7IO 1,765,497 361,777 Sheep 910,433 SS2.S77 2S.0W The following tabio snows the range ot Prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: IM ... 1 tt M H IM 1 M U IU ... tto 1 4 M H .. 4 40 t; nt ... 140 " 4 l I (0 140 Jt S? i2 II . Ill . I 44 TT IM ... 4 tf II ... .lit IH IU Tt 414 W IU 47 044 IM 141 tt Ill ... IK . in too 1 m tt M4 ... I 41 74 04 ... I 44 11 3M M I 4TH 41 Ml 100 4 l't (I.......1M KO I 47V 71 Ill m Date. I 1913. Il12.l:ui.il910. Juno 11 June 12 June June Juno Juno 161 June 17 June June June Juno S 47U 8 62)4 8 69k 8 66 8 60 S 40 safe 8 43H 7 3 7 26 7 31 7 35 716 7 Si 7 29 7 35, 6 Ml C 90 6 79 5 7 761 5 78 6 0 71 6 92 6 99 40 6 13 9 23 9 27 9 40, 9 38 9 21 9 30 m 9 43 9 40 19W.190S.19O. 7 391 7 39 7 62 7 67, 7 66 7 61 7 01 7 63 7 63 6 4t 6 91 5 48 5 91 6 521 6 79 1 5 85 6 60,' 5 l b 01 6 53 6 67 6 64 6 00 5 91 6O1 6 91 I 6 91 6 69 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition ot live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-lour hours undlng at 3 p. m. yestorday: it-ublPTS-CAUS. Cattle. Hogs. Shoep. H'r's. C, M. & St P. ity .. 4 T. Mo. Pac. Ry 1 ., Union Pacltic It R, .. 29 ,. C. At N.-V cast... .. a U. tt N.-W., West.. .. 66 ,. 2 C, St. P., M. & U.. .. 9 ,, C, 14. & it-, east.. 3 4 3 ,, U., 11. c L); wtMt., .. 24 .. ,. O., R. 1. & r., cast. .. 4 Illinois Central lty .. a .. .. o. o. W. ny 3 .. 167 3 2,:i3 Mil 2,012 231 l9i 'i'.itu Total receipts. 3 DlSPOaiTION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co .. l.uOj .... uwiit una uo Uuduhy backing Co Armour & Co Schwartz Co..... J. V. Murphy Armour & o iC. C 76 Cuuuliy. Sioux City awiit, St. Joe ...... 690 Total 76 12,373 690 CATTLK There was nuthlng of any consequence In tlie way ot beef on sole steouy ut the week's decline. Boot truuo has ueen In very unsatlstactory snapo this week, not so mucn on account or local conditions as because of tho demur-, nil-Ail ..tie. Km ,ir,lv hnv. Ih. eastern beet markets opened In bud shape. havo boen surtelted wltn nait-iat cattle from lowa. Illinois and Missouri, wnere n alifarn Hllt Vi nvUta ntlil ndMI lir4 H Trt suiuiu utuv vaa whs a- msim 1 pretty well burned up. Strictly choice I. ...... I .. t. 1. WUn -.. V. n V cattlo havo not dectlu.a more tftan loP 26ij3So on the ordinary run ot medium and heavy cattle, as well as on plain yearlings ana ngniwciRius. xemauu and prices have ruled lower In sympathy with tho severo decants at easturn mar- A comparatively small proportion ot tha receipts tills wcuk had been maue up ot cows and hellors, but this fact has not served to sustain values to any appru clable extent and while choice dry-lot hellers and cows are not otf more than , r tt a .Uu-a hn ham. n HnrllnM fir JlimJ 6O0 on tno ordinary run of grassy ana liail-IBl COWS WlUl I1UVO (UIVUU.KU m bulk ot the offerings. Veal calves havo also suffertd a 2MjKJ decline tind best -nln,,.. nrnilnrl alu.Z3. 11U11S. etogs, etc., havo found a vory tair out let at not far from steooy figures. Alinougn DUBincsa " iuy.i. era has oeen very light the market has sharply lower all along the line, frime fleshy iceacrs navu wwi u r'w" ", havo not sufterod so much, nut tho orui nary run ot stockers show a iWfWo de cllne for the week. Quotations on cattle; Good to choice 1,1. .t.ra. m.HV8.K0: fair to good beef steers, 38.loeb.20i common to lair beef WW 10 Chile; rciwi. 46.607.28 la r to gooa jjr:", fo.iuvi w......... srockoBr. and leeders. toW. fair to common to fair etockera and eederB, ftuw avtt.4Us llOCK vuwff 1 VOHI V.44,4 V- BTOCKERa AND FEEDERS. NO. A, . .. w. - 4 . t0 ia CALVES. 1 HO 7 4J 1. .......... 144 10 21 l " Ut 19 24 DULLS 1 1100 4 00 , COWB. 1 . . 140 IH 1 110 4 00 t.. hi 4 44 HOOS-Recolpts were llboral for a Sat urday, amounting to 164 cars, or 11.4J1 heUd. This included some lirteen cars which were consigned direct to packers. For tho weea me 101m is ui.iv, n.w U.500 larger than the corresponding week a year ego. , ... The mantel openou morning, and prospects were that values . .i. C: 1 ,... Whan narkan mods their first bids It was on a otflOo lower basis, and' wniie salesmen wc. ifovi ii, a slight decline they were not looking for any such break as this. Consequently trade was very dull this moTnlng. and as buyers refused to raise tholr bids, the most ot the sates were made at the de cline named. Shippers and speculators did not buy nearly so heavily as they have on the two preceding days, and with nearly all ot the generous supply at their dlsposat, packers had tho mar ket Just about where they wanted it. . . , 1 ., MM ti,, f! aba w.rA wMUnr than at any other time, and tho movement at this time It anymins, in uroasim uiwi was during the early hours, lluyers did .' M n I. a In anv hnrrv t n cl.Ar thn uu h aociu v ... " yards, and It was well along towards noon ueiore me ai dic Most of tho sales were made around iR4fL.45. Some fancy lights brought the top. u . TftO weflKB iraue iuuwi uwmw fully lOyitc. As compared with both a weok ago and a year ago. the week's run t IH....I n h .1.4 4fth fetnnlr demand on most days, and sharp breaks at other point, has forced values down- Wara, wuamy nam uuen t uiiutoii mil week, and while on most days thero have share ot the supply has been mode up of tne mixeo. una iii uiub u. the heavies weighing as high as 450 pounds. AT. ...JV6 44.. 40.. 44.. 40 II 114 48 m .240 ....HO 141 aa.. 40... 40. 44. 41. M. .110 .....a ...!! ... .Ml 404 40.. TT.. 44. . TO.. 74.. 40.. 41.. II 46.. 71.. 44 ... 4i aa 70.... 47 41.... 41..., II.. . 4S...J..JU .til ...M7 ..til ...144 ...Ml ...140 ...141 ...III ...CM Ui .. 447 . IM .444 8b. Pr. ' Ko. A. 8h. Tt. 10 I 49 71. ......440 40 I 43 200 4 II 41 ......111 ItO 4 41U ... 4 44 77 til 10 4 41 ... I 44 C4 MI IW 4 ny, it I II .. .....370 40 I 4IU ... I II 41 140 40 I 40 I 15 n til 10 I 4tU 40 I 14 XI 244 40 I 41 ( 110 4 44 74 Z4I 110 I 44 ... I Stil 74 til 40 I 44 40 I 47ft 44 ill 120 I 41 ... I 44 47 104 40 4 41 140 t 40 4.... ...Ill 140 4 41 40 I 40 41...... .244 ... I 44 120 4 40 It 177 ... 4U 110 4 40 t4 tU ... t 41 40 4 40 70 114 ... 4 it 40 4 44 44 ill ... 4 4S 40 4 49 al 244 ... I 44 ... 4 40 71 Ill ... 4 41 ... 4 40 71 244 ... 144 110 4 44 44 214 ... 4 44 40 I 40 10 Ml ... 4 41. 40 4 40 41 Ill . . 4 44V 40 4 40 44 til ... 4 44 44 4 40 40 24 4 40 4 41 ... 4 40 71 Ill ... 4 44 44 I 40 71 m 40 I 41 44 4 40 14. .. 214 .., 4 44 40 I 44 44 104 ... I 44 ... 4 it 41 C44 40 I 44 , m I 64 J4I Mitt 400 I 47 U l I I7U ... I 4114 41 K m i iiu. ty It... . .114 .. llltt 4 M ttfi .:...::!s & " q - gg " M HO I4IU V. il! !" "t74 iio Ulli 377 JM 4 40 S !, II X41 40 4 40 !' !i M 74.. .....n4 130 IM t! ! JJ 5"H 71 m 0 4 40 IJ""" iJ M ;H l 114 40 1 40 .0.,.,.BI , I i 404 so 1(0 M J' J " H 40 147 40 4 10 I KJ tOO I 4IU 71 330 ... I 40 74 14 110 I4ti B.. ...til . M J ItO I42H II IM 40 Sm " ' lH 0 116 ... 1(0 47 444 40 I 4IU 71 ... .Ill .,, I 48 8HRBP The only receipts this morning were two oars ot Inmbs which wero hipped direct to ono ot the packers. The supply being not lnrgo enough to make a market, values aro quotably the samo as on Frlnday. This woek the packers havo hral little difficulty In forcing a big reduction In prices all along tho lino and. n a result offerings at the close of the week chnnged hands at tho lowest point ot tho year and around ft dollar lower than a weok tw?o. On Monday practically all grades of lambs and what fow muttons showed up tilt tho toboggan and have been sliding downward every day. tho week closing with a decidedly bearish feeling In tho trado nt current prices, This has all oc curred In fnco of the receipts showJng a decrease as contrasted with ono ana two weeks ago and traders oo no signs for any Improvement during the early part of next week. Tho depressing Influaj! has been due mainly lo the liberal arrivals of southern lambs at southern points and also to generous supplies at Chicago. Southern Inmbs nro dressing out exrep tlonally well and moro ot them than usual nt this lime of the year havo been Staoed on tho mnrket, owing to tho routh stricken areas In the south. While the local receipts havo been rnther light, the general quality has been npthlns extra nnd right prime offerings pf handy weight have hern very scarce Idaho contributed a fow shipments ot spring lambs nnd clipped owes on Mon day nnd Tuesday, but since then It has been largely a clipped lamb market, with only a few odds and ends of aged sheep being offered. According to ro ports there aro a fow moro Idaho con signments In eight tor next week, the number being not expected to exceed those nt tho opening of tho current week. Quotations mi sheep and lambn: Spring Inmbs, J8.60fi7.C0; Inmbs. shorn, 10.00177.15; yenrllngs, shorn, 15.CGJK00; wethers, shorn, 36.OOtfJ6.60: ewes, "shorn, 34.25H6 34: cull lambs, H.0O4JS.2S; cull sheep, 32.60 3,75. St. Jnappli Live Stock Market. 8T, JOS15PH, Juno 21, CATTLE Re ceipts 100 head; market, steady; steers, 37.26fi8.76:, cows and heifers, St.OOft8.S0; calves, $7.0039,00. HOOS-Ilecelpta 6,000 head: market, 8o lower; top, 33.70; bulk, 38.658.65. t OMAHA GUNHltAt. 3MIUCIST. . nUTTER No. 1. Lib. carton. Ste; No. 1. 0-lb. tubs. 2SHo; No. 2. 26c. FISH-Whlto. fresh, 16c; trout, fresh, 12c; largo croppies, fresh, 12a; Spanish mackerel, 15o; eel, 17o; haddock, 12c; flounders, 12o; shad roe, per pulr, 40c; salmon, fresh, 16o; halibut, fresh, 9a; buffalo, 9ci bullheads, 12c; channel cat tlih, 13a; pfks, He; pickerel, 11 c. CHEESE Imported Swiss, S!o; Amorl can Swiss, SGo; block Swiss, S4o; twins, llo; daisies, 18a; triplets, 18c; Young Americas, 19o; blue label brick, 17!ic; llm burger. 2-lb., 21c; Lib.. 22c; Now York white, 20c. POULTRY Broilers. 35a a nniiniV hn lOftc; cockB, 12ttc; ducks, l&tf20oi geese, minora, awtua; pigeons, per uoz., 11.20; rostors. Do; ducks, full leathered, 10o; geess, full feathered, 13o; squabs. No. 1, 31.60; No. 2. 60c The following trult ana vegetable prtoei are reported by the QUinsky Fruit iMnv pony: , FRUITS Hood river strawberries, per 24-quart caso, 33.60: California red rasp berries, per Til-quuxt caso, 1.W; CallfornU Logan berries, per 24-quart case, 33.00; California blackberries, per 24-quart case, 13.00; apricots, per 4-basket crates, $1.76; plums, per 4-basket crato, 12.00; poaches, per box, $1.60 to $1.76; California blaok or red cherries, per box, $2.00; California cantaloupes, pony crates, $5.60; California standard, per crate, 30.00; homu grown cherries, per 24-quart case, $2.00; home grown gooseberries, per 24-quart case, $2.25. Oranges, Sunulst Valcnutas, 120, 2&S sites, per box, $0.00; 15t, 170, 200, 210, 260 sites, per box, $0.60; fancy Vutenclas, 126, 2SS -lies, per box, $6.00; Valenclas, 160 sizes, per box, $5.60; Valenclas, 170, 200, 215, sizes, iter box, $6.00. APPleB, extra iancy Qano, circle brand, per bbl., $6.60; extra fancy Wlnosap, per bbl-, $6.60. Evaporated cranberries, carton contain ing 36 packuges, per carton, $2,70. Lemons, extra fancy Sunklat, 800s and 300s, per box, $9.00: oxtra choice rod ball, SOOs und SCO, nor box, $8.60. VEOUTAIILES Largo new potatoes, Ser bu., $1.00; 6-bag lots or more, per u., 90o; rural, per bu., 00c; red river early Ohio, per bu., 60c California crystal wax onions, per crate, $1.60; Texas Uormuda, per crato, $1.00, Fancy 'rexus tomatoes,, per 4-buokot crate, $1.00; 6 crate lots, 95c. Clearing Home llanU Statement. . NEW YORIC, Juno 21. Tho statement of the, actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for tho week shows that they hold $13,609,660 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This Is an Increase of $4,997,160 from last week. The statement follows; Actual condition Increase. Loans :. $1,831,161,000 11,410,000 Speole 367,847,000 6,751,000 Legal tenders 85,016,000 1,106,000 Net deposits 1,762,821,000 6,623,000 Circulation 47,032,000 3,000 Hanks' cash reserve In vault 379,282,000 Trust companies' cash reserve In vault 63,680,000 Aggregate cash re Serve '. 442,862,000 Excess lawful reserve 43,809,650 4,997,150 Trust companies' ra servo with clear ing house members carrying 25 per cent cash reserve 67,055,000 Summary of state banks and trust com panies In areater New York not Included In clearing house statement: Loans $567,401,400 $8,477100 Sped , 66,866,100 '483,605 Legal tenders 7,600,200 306.400 Total deposit 632,025,700 1,433,300 'Decrease. London Htook Market. Oonaola, neaay,. TSlI'llllllaola Central. . do account 72M., 1C. & T. .... Amal. Copper 44!4N. Y. Ctntral.... jltablaou 44 1 aooaylnnla .... Canadian Pultlo,.320tillaa4tnc ......... Chlcaro O. W. ...... llliHoutbern paeltlo. K. Paul 104tiVnlon I'aclflo.... Eam & IU O.,., HViU. 6, gual Brit ZtViWabaaa , to lat pfd ,,, ItVtDaUaara J0! Grand Trunk 21 Hand Mints i SILVER Bar. nulet at 6Hd Der ounce. MONEnr-3Vi314 por cent The rate of discount in the open market for short and three months' bills la 4 5-16 64 per cent. j Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Juno ?1.-The condition ot the United Stales treasury at the be ginning of business today was: Work ing balance. $ifl,066,996; in bank and Phlllp- flntw, 350,022,212: total of general fund. 137.373.S33; receipts yesterday, $2,510,740; disbursements. $2,146,675; surplus this fis cal year, $12,831,066, as agalnat a surplus of $3,610,208 last year. The figures for receipts, disbursements and surplus ex clude Panama canal and publlo debt transactions. Hank Clenrlnffs, OMAHA, June 21. Hank clearings for today are $2.3S0.189.61 and $2.000,3S5.04 tor the corresponding day last year. Bank elearjngs for the week ending today are $16,606,316.07 and $U.661,78.3e for the cor. responding week last year. Nrir York Mlnlnir Stoeka. NIflW YORK, June 2I.-Closlng quota tlons on mining atook s were' Cmnatotk T 8 ,1 Uttls Chlat 4 do bonds.. . .10 Mexican 44 Con. Cal. & Va . Ontario .200 Iron Uliier . .100 Opklr ... 14 Laadillla Con ,.. I Tallow Jackal II OXIaiao. HEW YORK J3T0CK MARKE1 Quotations Soaled Down by an Out burst of Selling. DECLINE IN U. S. STOCKS ABROAD ICnnvrn Mnvementa of Cnrrcncy Dnp Ins; the "Week Point to Larger Onln In Cash by the Hanks. NEW YORK. June 21. Quotations were scaled down generally today under an outburst of selling which, in some cases, foroed stocks nearly to tho low level caused by the sovore break of last week. Trailing was much more active then oo recent days und the market waa un settled throughout tha two hours' ses slon. Tho chief reasoh for renewed sell, trig wns tho refusal ot the Interstate Commerce commission . to reopen the freight rate caso In th petition of east ern roads for a 6 per cent advance. While tho action ot tho commission, modified by tho statement that tt would conduot an Inquiry on Its own account Into the mater ot present rates, ftva newt hnd an acutely disturbing Influence, The market's burden was Increased by a decline of American securities In Lon don before tho opening here and evi dences of further unsetttemont of th4 foreign markets. In London, Consuls fell to a now low record, and the cables brought reports ot serious conditions In tho linlkans. lipitr traders made the most ot thes4 conditions, attacking the whoto list at tho opening. Such stocks as Union Pa cific, Northern Pacific Reading. Steel. Amalgamated and Smelter broke 2 to 1 points. Stool dropped to 50H. within a point of last week's low, and the preferred itt 102H oqunled Its previous low. Amalga mated came wit 111 n a fraction ot Its re cent bottom figure. Trading grew quieter toward the close Known movements of currency during tho week had pointed to a largo gain In cash by tho bonks, so that today's state ment showing nn advance ot $$,R)0,000 in actual cash holdings was in lino with oxpectatlons. Tho bnnks continued to pllo up reserves, adding nearly $5,000,004 to tho surplus. Bonds wero Iwavy. Total sates, par value, were $617,000. , . United Stntcn 3s, registered, declined ft ouid Panama 3s, coupon, H, on coll on the week. Number of sates und leading quotation! on stocks today wero: saiea. nun. ktw . ,io 17,400 44Vt 4IH 100 4.100 600 400 300 tt 2414 44H 41H 14 100 4 11 IH 0i 14 "iii 'ioii 1.100 lit too til 2,400 42H 3,100 too 100 1,100 IK tv 111 em 400 311 soo tou 3,400 IIH 100 It 4.200 10JU 400 111 100 S4T4 TOO 400 10 100 111 111H ,u.. JlH l4 H in IMt 'it" n iB 1444 1H Ui, 111 100 3,000 400 II 14 13 n 14 400 lll 1,100 111 700 H 400 104 Vi 3.100 US' W v 1 1 sm 3400 109V4 IK HIS lion t lom "5 IKU ..... 1,100 34H UH Amaltatnated Copper .. American Asrlcultural, An,tilian t Sugar Ainfrlcanl (Tan American Can pfd American C. & K. ...... American cotton nil... AmVrlcan lea Bacurltlea American Unaenl American l.ocomotlra . ..... American 8. & 11 3,100 41K American H. A 11. rM ..... ..... Aricrican sutar Kenning American aTl. A Tal... American Tobacco .... Akaconda Mlnlnf Co.. Atohlaon AUfclion Pfd Atlintto Coaat Line.... llatllmere A Obi Delhleham 8twl Urootilrn Rapid Tranalt 1,800 Canadian racmo Central Leather , Cneaapeaka A Ohio Ctilcato Qreat Weatern Chi., Mil. ASt. P Chi. A W. W Colorado Fuel & Iron.. Conaolldatad (las Corn rl'oducti Delaware A Itudton..., Dtnter A lllo Grand.. D. A It. O. ptd Dlattllerar Stourttlrs.... Krlttt . i.4tti44t(44 Krl lat ptd Krla M pld.. neneral Klectrlo Great Northern ptd 0 1 eat Northern On etta Illlnota Central Intorbi luih-Met. .... Intarborouah-Met. nfd. Inttrnatlonal HarreaUr. International Marin ptd International Paper .. International Pump .,, iv u, Bouinem Laoled Qa ,, Lahlah Valler . Loularlll A N'aahTllI. M., St 1. A O. Bta. U. M., K. A T Missouri Paeltlo (National Dlicult National Lead N n. ot m. td pm.. tNer Tork Central .... It. V,, O. A W Norfolk A Weatern, ... North American Northern Paeltlo rltle Mall Pennajlranla reople's Oaa Pitt.. C. O. A 8t. L. I'lttsburth Coal Prewed Steel Car Pullman Palaca Car... Iteadlnc llepubllo 0. A I Itepubllo I. A B. pfd.. Hock Island Co nock laland Co. ptd... St. L. ft B. F. M ptd . Seaboard Air Line Deabotrd Air Lin pfd.. Hloia-Blietflold 8. A I Southern Paclflo HouUiera Hallway ttouthem Stallwar pfd.. Tennaaae Copper Texas A Paeltlo Union Paclflo pfd United Btates Itealtr ., United mate Rubber. . "United statu Steel .... United States Steel pfd, 3.200 Utah Copper 1,100 Virginia-Carolina Chem. too Wabaan ,,, Wabash pfd , ,, Western Mainland WMtam Union joo Witlnghouia Electric... loo Of fired," lh 3400 too too 1,300 1,100 i.ioo too 1!U 141 110 30U 14K IIH UK 1M4 ..... II 11 ioiu i,'too l'etu jot" siioo iit" hi too 21 KH u.'too ism! Uiii 1,400 111 It 300 71 71 7,100 11 II M UH 34U ... ..... .... "ioi iVt t.iio "ti" 'tvi 1,200 2014 20H 400 74 74 U 1.100 2IU V 17,400 144H 141H 400. 40 0 '"too, 'iiii n.ftoo aiu tnf. 101 10JH 41 44U 34ti U "sit it 44 21 ( 44 40 i II 2 40?) 104 137M. HIM II', tl S4T4 M sim to (4 ity 100 121 1441 insi IH : nif tt ti it IMW lSBM It lotM HM ni 101 ti ilii V4 7 11 HUv lit 1110M lit 1 lot 444 UH tt lot MH 101 11M 10T( 107 tl 11 ill lit lll 17 K 7IH II 14 li4 41H to r& It his to to 14 40TI 10311 40 lii tOi 4441 Nevr Vork Money Markflt. call" nominair no" "loans; time" tS S0,leri,f-I5,,.y ,,ay- Per cent) ninety days. 34iM Per n. ,lr "t'if.V, per cent; PIIIMK! nln. cent. .-o per STEULiINO BXCIIANOSJ-Stesdy. with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.81 for sixty-day bills and at $4.tpS3 for de mand! commercial bills. $18!. 488IVBH-Bar, 68Mo( Mexican dollars. lioNDS-aovornmeni, steady; railroad, The closing quotations for bonds were as follows: V. B. Ttt. ta rf... 100 Japan 4s 4444 do ret. Is coupon. 100 K. c. B. rsf. la. MU V. a. is ,e jOlVaL, 8. dei. U tm MH do Is coupon.... 101 tiU AN, un. (a. tl 8- 'J'"" K. A T. 1st 4, tOU do 4s coupon lll do gen. 4Us. ... u r.n'm.'1 ?" fOBPoa-lOMi'Mo. Paclflo .. .43 A.-C. lat 1 4t do eonr. ta Am. Ag. 4a tUfceeN". It. of M 4U o A. T. A T. er. 4s UMN. Y- C. . 4H . tju Am. Tob. ts 114 d0 dab. 4s Iji, Armour A Co. H..tO U r.. K. II. A II Atchison f Is.... tl er. ....?? 77 do cr. 4s (1140) t8HN. A . er. 4a loiu do er. la HVi do lat con. i,. twL At. C. U 1st .. ItViNo, Paelflo 4t . tl2 ti. o, ti ti d is . lis do m I40. S. L. rfd. U. IT'i Dr. Tr. r. it llUd'win. er. IU (UU) tl O. of Oa. U do eon. ft...... ' ttu Oen. Leather Is 104 (Reading gtn. 4a. ttu O A O. 4Us MKia L. A S .T. t, in 17 S do eon. iHt 40H da re a. ti,..., uS C A A. IMt II 3t. I 8. W. 0. ta, T2 C. D. A Q. J. latlHB. A. L. Ui. laT 7014 do gen. 4s ItUEo. Paclflo col. 4s.. tt! O M A 8 P o. 4 Ha 101 da er. 4 I2 C. 1L I. A P. e. 4 44H do 1st rf. 4s. 4741 do rfr. 4 7H4Bo. nr. 101U C. A tt r A IH to3 da ge V..":.. 74 Del. A Hud. er. 4attMUaton Pactllc 4a. D A n. O. ref. 4e44 do ct. 4 ...... tIK Dlrtlllsr la. tti do 1st A r. 4s. It ErU p. I. 4 M O. 8. Ilabbex Is. 100 do gen. Is 44 V. S. steel td la. . II do ct. 4e r. D.. 44 Va.-Cr. a Is, .. tli II. C. 1st ref. 4s.. 40 Wab. Ut A . 4a. 10 Int..Ue4. 4Hs, 1l.Wrt. M4 4s, ?7 Int. U. M. 4H.. II Weat. El. tr. $a... It Did. "Offend. Wla. Can. it. ... MH Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, June a. Closing quotations on bonds were: Alloues S)S Mohawk 41 Vi Amal. Copper ...... Uf Neeada on it A. Z. U A B.... It Mplslng Mines .... IH Axis. Com 3ViKorth Butt 31 11. A O. C. A 8. M. 30 North Lai IU cal. AArlrona .. tlUold Dominion it Cal. A Heel ....410 Oaeeola 71 Centennial 10 Qulney ........... 47 Coper Ilanse CL C. IIH Shannon ,. 7u Eaat Butte C. M . i Bnpartor J2U Franklin 4 i Superior A B. M . t airoux Con. , 1 Tamarack J Qranby oCa U V. 8. IU A MNN" 44 Oreen Canaaea ..4 da pfd 44V4 UI. Ilojall (a).- II Utah n. TU Kerr Lak tUUuh oppr . ... 404 Lak Cop par llyVflnoa xui altasU vypr 14 WolTtrtas 44