1 2b 1 1 51 b f ic 1 ( 01 a j t i is Polly and Her HE DRUG Ctf-K Hlff HERE. DOPtl MlrJtfffe fMME IFRZCKIES? J AUTOMOBILES. $1,350 $1,350 Ohio Cars New 1913 cars, catalogue, price, $2,260, for 51.350. T-Hoad motor, 40 II. P., built by Northway, unit power plant, threo-polnt suspension, raultlplo disc clutch, full floating axle, electric starter, light and horn, full equipment, Including $50,00 spoedometer. Hero Is a high grade car at a medium grado prlco; tho best value over oferod In America. Ohio Motor Car Co., 2417-19 Far nam St. DRUMMOND'S Big nsw garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOOB BEAT COVER8. Electric Coupe at one-third or 1U valUu or Utah. Will trade lor real estato. Mow battorles and In fine condition. Call 310 Bee. Doag. 2W4. WANTED Men who understand auto mobiles to uso and sell "Bpcedmakers" new device saves 23 per cent to 0 per cent of gasoline. Ouarantoed. Demonstrate rlsht on purchaser's cor before ha buys. Not high priced; sure money saver. Write for agent's proposition. Jewell Auto De vice Company, Dept. B, Frankfort. Ind. only ;tu per ACRE. Buys CM acres Btato School land In 4 Cherry Co. Would make, a good stock ranch. Good terms. Write owner, I C. Crandall, 405 First National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Neb f ONE 1912 TORPEDO ROADSTEIt ONH 1910 CADDLUAC. s ONB 1S10 KIBISIj. ' MAUION AUXO CO.. 2101 Farnam. DEBT AUTO FAlimiiU Foro doors, Up covers, new tops and bodies bu.lt to x order. WM. FFK1FF1IU OAmUAaiS Works, SSth Ave. tc leavenworth. P.wq aSNTLBMAN'S roadster cheap. Oet a car with a record. Good condition. Ad dress It. It. Crlssman, awt Farnam. NEW S-pasoenger 1IU Cartercar; $1,490 takes It Cost. U. One 4-h. p. Thor motorcycle, 7i. loUron Kloctrlo Works, il..s. , PULUetANX. U40. CASH ON1.Y. OUR MOTOR GAUik CO., Stir FAR NAM DAY storage; good service; polite at tendants; autos washed and polished at the Down Town Garage. HIS Howard at " FOR SAbU-OldsmobUa, cost (3.200; ex celltnt condition, Inquire Dr. Maorae. City Nat'l Hank Dldg., Council Dluts. Ia. 7-PABM. limousine body; flu any car; bargain It taken now. D. 1301. II. l'elton. ONS ton truck, solid urea, overhauled, repainted, $500. H, l'elton. Xi Farnam. Ull M'KISNTUUS. C-passenger; $1,460; price. $SS0. Doug. Hit. cost 1911 FORD roadster; good condition. UJouc..HU. tiM rawtrd for any masmeto wa can't re pair. Coll repairing. Oaysdorfer. 210 N. llth. VI I I i i p Motorcycles. SUB-AGENTS wanted tor Hie Yal motorcycle tn nearby territory. Also bar gains in all makes used motorcycles, Vic tor H. RooS. ''the Motoroycle Man." llsjr. ley-Davidson and Yale motorcycles, sm lUeavenwortlt bt., Omaha. Nab. I'OI'JJ MOTORCYCLES, pretty, power ful and speedy; proven magnificent hill climbers; four models, $1S3 to $00; bar gains In used machines. Good proposition for subagents. Write for catalogue or call for demonstration. THE D11CR3 CYCLKItY, SCO N. 2th St. Bouth Omaha. ONS Studebaker five-passenger, light touring car with complete equipment, top and seat covers, for $400; a bargain. Albert E. Blhler inc.. 1W7 Douglas Bt WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKF.L8' NURRA8KA CYOL3 CO., 15TH AND HARNHY, MBCONB-liAISD .AUTOMOBUiES WILL sacrlflc my iO-taorsepower run about; never been used. Address A 42, ars Bee, WANTED To buy tor cash, good sso-ond-band touring car, Address U XK, car B. BUSINESS CHANCES, TO set In or out of business, call on OANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. TeL D. UTJ. Iowa Company Manufacturing Pro duct Used by Farmers la offering to Investor t per cent ttrtt mortitago sold bona, Interest pay bio JAmUflnniiatlV. Tnn4a avvmt. 4M V. .nnt, a. nit 'Vitus V 4W VBAU SJkitU with sach $) purcbassr ot bonds win us aKra par vaiue iiw or tns capltsi stock, fmiy paid Ui and non assessable. Shis Is an Iowa corporation. safe Interest earning Investment, It you have rsady cash $100. jaw. here is your chancs to molca )t earn good dividends. 1 .Cll I n W lisnVa miA hn.ln... Ua.. dorsa our Investment This requires iwnip Knioa io secure you lew of these bonds. For further Information, P. P. Box 117, Marshalltown, Ia. ; Patent That ' Protect and Pay Books, adrioa and searchss Tree. Bend yketch. or model for soar oh. Highest ref erences, best results, promptnws assured. Watson IS. Coleman, Patent Lawyer. (23 INViiBT YOUR SAVINGS IN FARM . UORTOAGE8. 7 ttv Wa net our 4 pr cnt oa if Jnortgagwi oi V Nebraska amounts froi our Invsstors choice first on improved rarms in amounts from isea to H.C No loans for over 30 per cant jnaxxeiauie viuu ox tana, KLOKB JNVETMKNT CO., m Oauaba NaUonal Haak Bldg Ossaaa. Pals--Freckles? This Stuff Would Eemove a Safe 4lQ l Dob . tT- ", -lljt3 T- 5HE 4WT 6bT AJO HE'o BACK (LV BUSINESS OUANCES. Auction! Auction! Morlts Meyer Cigar Co., 1SH Farnam, stock and fix tures; stock consisting of ci gars, tobaccos, pipes and candles. Appraised at fS,000. To bo aold to th highest bidder either aa a whole or in parcols; on Monday June 23, at 10 a. m., by order of tha court B. A. VAN ORSDEL, Tnistoo.3 IN St Paul, Minn., an old established retail dairy store doing ft successful bust ness dealing In butter, eggs, cheese, poul try and other dairy products; manufac turlng Its own butter and ice cream; sell ing direct to tho best families in St Fault Ice cream and baking- department the largest In the city and big money makers) dally receipts nearly $1,000. all at retail at big profits; occupying the best retail KiuTiaiuii turner in ine city ror me last IB years and have long lease at a rental . ..VBV "I1 '"wer man present value; beautiful, substantial store; fixtures and wviiieiuio ciiuiiimeni vaiuea at $5,000. Owner wlih,, tn ntin , a- -.- - ...... - ....... w uiivv. 4.11 yy. step into a big successful business. Ad- WiMTun TI, ,.!..- . . .. E83BNKAY. SSENKAY Is a tire filler; Lt.,.taJj!.,.lhe..Dlace ot oJr-lled tubes in automobile tires. Imnosslbla to hnv VnCiU.r.e-'' biTfouU. Rides like air. tiro troubles. A chance for the rinht S?. lDi 5 b,K Paying business. Essenkay Products Co., 2763 Wall St. IMPMCM1BMT 1 1 . IIRnnd nvi lu'.n.u.fin. .nH.. t tt ings or real estate; good clean up-to-date stock! Will ft nn Uood reason for selling; you pay only Jor-what you get; good Neb. town of 8,000: lnvolco about 113.000: terms can be' made with good paper. Address Cox M, Omaha references, wants to buy outright, or at least good working Interest In some staple business, preferrably In Omaha; z"if. '" i ruin i.ouu 10 ao,uw; answers will ba treated absolutely confidential; c.re Ree. . sc-rch of- patent offlco records, tlow io uuiiun r patent ana wnat to invent, with list pf Inventions wanted and prises of- icu tor inventions sent rree. i'atents Victor J. EvanCo.. Washington. D. C. WOULD Vnil llltn In rtwn crrmA mu. InK mall order hunlnnuf W h,v, a. line that gets repeat orders all tho time. You can start In spare time. Invest a dollar or two a week and som own a nice business nf vnur own. Writ tnr particulars. Nadlco, 1CM Uelmont Ave., Chleaffn nnoYorArisu, in a good small Iowa town for solo. Has good circulation and advertising patronage. Will be sold very Rhftan tnr ciulh. nr m1Kt mutrf Mfi Income property. FRANK J. LONCJ. GU atlsens' Nat'l Dank Dldg., Dcs Moines, in. EXCEPTIONALi opportunity for rent part ot store In a well established dotti ng Business, best location in tha city for gents' furnishings or hat department. Op posite, largest department store. Address P 2Q5, care Deo. IF YOU arn Innklnir far n. hunlnnna In which to Invest some money and service I have the best proposition you can ttnd. Absolutely safo. Can gtvo best of refer ence ana expect same, stato age ana salary expected. Address E 189, la. BIG SACRIFICE Cafe, rooming house and lea cream Plant must be sold at onco. New fix tures for less than ono-haU original cost Box 152, Fowler. Col. Borne rrocery stores, lumber yarda real estate, for Investment and real dences, an office business paying nicely and other business deals. Ceil or write Kennebeck Co., Deo Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FINE chanca for man understandlna garage business. Halt Interest In largest ana nest equippea garage in Cheyenne. Doing fine business. Investigate. For particulars address Y 177, Bee. WE CAN OET IT. If you want aomethlnsr and don't know where to get It Write. U1U2UIA1M SELLING-BUYING AGCY, m uDerty tn.. New YorK. ELEVATOR, store and coal bualntas. No competition. Good locality. Must sell. Two good Johnson county farms. Address McKee, Peck Building, Olathe, Kan. 1607 FARNAM 6 rooms. mmDlahW iiivurriti buiiuui locniion lor v.ucea studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, eta. tor ionnis wisiuns nouics aajoinmg. itaii uisu wo., vu iiamse. u. ituti. FARM machinery manufacturers can find In western Canada a most tnvlUna- xicia lor meir enterprisea writ in- austriai commissioner, Calgary, Alberta, tor special report. I Vl! 1 T' I , V . .u k h . n -. V. . I.. MH competition: bower: sood town and irri gates country in Neorasaa; monsymaaer, at a low prtee; owner has other interests. Adores- y Mi. iiec. MILLINERY FOR SALE A flna stock of millinery foods and fixtures at a bar gain; good live town ot 3,600; lady must sen xor personal reasons. Aauress x if, ues. FOR BALE Bet ot abstract books ot Fremont county, Iowa; price. $7jOO0; or win sen one-nan iniereai tor w.wm. w oress ioca uox sre. pianey, ia, FOR BALE General merchandise stock In small town, western Nebraska; excep tionally gooa traae. Aauress x iu, uee. TO QUICKLY sell your business on real estate, writs tns .Kenneoeca wo Omaha. TO aet In or out of business or to sell or buy real estate, call at 409 Paxton uiocK. mono Doug, uis, WANTED To lease, sell or locals first cia- rouer smiting equipment Address uox sag. Minaen, Net), uivs relerences. A PINE oucnlns In narthtm Wleonln i or a uanaer wun anout iu,w to invest Aaaress x-iii. iiee. FOR BALE Lumber nd coal yard In good westeot town. Qoo4 bargain and op- nunuy, ahuww x-uv, care Alee, MILLINERY stock for sala In llva No braska town, bargain If sold sooa Ad areas x ix, isee. The Persistent " and"' J udlcluus'Jse" o Newspaper Advertising ia Um Rsul to 7 1 I maw. ..rr Btr Mfc- dbT AWE. 6d1 0AE, BUSINESS PERSONALS. Ilarbers. TEN CENTS sbavo and neck shave, I cents shine. Elsassers, 1617 Farnam St Hankers. CAPITAL Private banking house will consider additional financing of going corporations; capital furnished for pro jected enterprises Indicating good earn ing power. Address P. O. Box 976, New York. Dullders and Contractors- Carpenters, builders. Shop 2711 N, Hth. Figure with J. F. Wilson & Co. W. 41 Chiropractors. J. C.Lawrence, D.C., 2322 Howard. D. SlCt 8. DILLINGHAM, Crelghton Blk. D. 750S. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1608 Famam. Douglas 64T. Mrs. C. T. Zwlsler. Web. 4fi47. 4418 Parker. Creameries. Dairies and SappUe. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Drcaaraaklns. Fashionable dresses. Leone APts. D. 7SE4. Terry Dressmkg. college. 20th & Farnam. Detectives. Tltva Hlf.lM 1 Mavllla T1IV 1M, denrf secured In all cases. Tyler 113$. Omaha Sec. Her. A gey. 423 Paxton. D. 1319. L. W. LONONECKBlt t!7 Karbach Blk. Draffs. DitUGB at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Urerylhlnir for Women, TURKISH bath. 1802 Farnam. D. 6896. XSverrthlnir electrical. NVTVV and Zd.hand fans, dynamos. motors, gasoline engines; electrlo repairs. lAHron, 813, bo. ftZtn at. u. ana. Viorlsts. C. Eiderer. florist. 2904 Bristol. Web. 1796. A. Donaghue. 1007 Farnam. Doug, loot HESS St 8WOBODA. 141S Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 124a. BATH'B florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. lasaraaao. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Tyler 1024 O'Neill's. 1KB Farnam Bt INRUIIANCE. Fire. Tornado. Auto. Dan It' Smith, 32C Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 970. A STRONO old reliable English Fire InatirMnrn mmiunv wmilri llkn tn make a sale agency connection for tha city ot Omaha. Address E 206, care ot Tho Bee. Furniture, CinNA cabinet, earl? EnKllah style. fumed oak: $18.00. ' Coll Harney 447C Laundries. Omaha Lace Curtain Laundry. D. 7211. Furniture Itepnlrs, MUSES' Piano and Furniture hospital. 2623 Leavenworth. D, 64G3. First-class work Nurserlea nnd Seed. STEWART'S BEEDMAN. 119 N. ltth. Palatine and Ucuoratlnu. fTartONA Decorating UU St. Mr'i Ave. Batlafaotlon guaranteed. Tyler list. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson, $03-9 Brandels Tha Bldg. Patents. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. TL Red 7117. ftft.ftWWA A. nAW,ftMU. tft.V,l. ... 4 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. HO. i-latls. DOUQLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Ml Prtntlasr. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Doug. $761 triniini.ninwiiiTiT pttf. cn mint. tty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th. Tho Babor Printing Co. 2SueKPhioi8? BEE BLDO., ENTRANCE ON COUKT. McQaffin MAC). ths PRINTER. D. 2S38. Painters. ftft..ftft. nftMW. "MHftVH by honest workman. D. taos. T. J. Turner. numbers. BTANSARD PLUMBING CO.. Doug. $991. Sheet Metal Works. Carter Bheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. 3 'I'rnsse ARTIFICIAL UMBB ELASTIC STOCK. THE W. G, CLEVELAND COMPANT, Hunricai ana Hospital ouppucs. , 1410-12 Harney St . M Kznarta ' In flttlnir trusses, detormltr braces, elastla hosiery and supporter. BlULLOUU UlUI .-. I A jut, uah x-. Trunk and ttuttcaaes. FRELINQ A STEIN LB, 1803 Farnam Bt Store and Ufflo ariatttraa. nicRKR. safes. BcsJea. showcases. shelV' Ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Ftaur ana tiuppiy to . m-io-u o. um. Wines and Ltuaura. VIRGINIA DARE win. e a large bot tle. Klein Liquor Mouse, sa n. ma WILLOW springs berr, liquors, cigars, sanawicnes. Altx jstsa, lut-a n. wn a KDUOATlONAIi BOYI.ES college. SAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. , Cnmnlate courses In business. Book Vnltiv Hl-nnirtnhy. TelearaDhy. Civil Hftrvloa and RalaaraanihlD. Tha catalosu is ready, call, wruo or pnone tor it. uoyies w-onegs, utn ana iiaraey aim.. Oman a. nto. MOSHEE-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsuruassed classts. Finest auartera Graduataa are auaranteed icood noaltlons. Work for board. For free catalogue ad. dress Mosher-LamPman College, DOS Far nam Bt omana. nd. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. founded m 1S9L t Bteburaphy only. Pa tronised by the well-educated and expert. encsa. inaiviaua. muduuu. swti graduate auccteas. wataiogue rcaay, Omaha. Nan. Daaeu.se AoaSinats, sweciai luofflu nuw a cui a. cva tss atura'a rUisses UX Uaraay. D. UA4. Copyright, IMS. National lj n - 1 : 1 f LIVE STOCK FOK SAIiE lloraea and Vehicles. Harness of all kinds, the largest stock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in tho streftt cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 4S. LOST A blue coat on Monday evening; between 13th nnd 29th on Leavenworth by way ot Harney St. Coat contained papers and 2 Pair ot classes. Kindly re turn to 1307 Leavenworth or phone Doug. 79. LOST Friday p. m., on Farnam car, black handbag, containing money and keys. Liberal reward. H. 4918. LOST One United States wallet Finder please return to cashier at the U. B, Ex- press oiiice tor rowara.- LOST Gold cross and chain, Friday, be tween 15th and 16th, on Vinton, or In ball grounds. Phono Bouth 800. Reward. MEDIOAI. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures les, iistuia ana other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curo guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. T. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Bnkor Medical Offices V DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street, Omaha. Neb. MONEY; to IX)AN LADY "WILL LOAN on Improved Omaha property at 6 per cent interest bee ner- agents, aman commission. No extras. D. R. BUCK te SON.. 912 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. E22& Money furnished salaried people and others ucon their own names, cheab rates, easy payments. D. H. Tolman, S3S uoaru ot -rraae ouiiaing. OFFERED JTOll HE NT. Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Co. Mf: ouinti,". 219 N. llth St.. or 210 d. 17th St Tct D. 8J4. ft.- ftftn.ftkjft IPT.ATfl 415 U. 19th Ht, tnira iioor, rooms, modern except heat only $10.00. rooms In caoli, mod., ex. heat; will uecoraie. fia.w. w ana m a. wui ai., n iuuu. uu Louts flats, 6 largo rooms and recep. hall In each. $35.00. ' APARTMENTS. m . ... r. rr. . . i T tl'M ,n.W C3, , n ft X 11I2J Oft JliIVXJX1! W, MM Ave, Excellent 3 to 6-room itpartments. MX modern. Janitor service. Newly decorated. Call us or Janitor of building Tyier 1662. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, unaer x' irni nuu jjuim. ouj-u a. mm uougias not.- FLATS. 625 B. 17th Avo.. 8-r.. modern, $45. 623 8. 17th Ave, 8-r., modern, $45, 1954 Hnrncy St.. 6-r., modern, $10. 621 8. lath St., 4-r., city water, $15. 1212 a 27th Bt, 6-r., city water, $18. 1912 Lake Bt, 6-r., mod. ex. tur.. $12.60. 2608 tLako Bt, 6-r., mod. except tur., $12. 2214 57 South Omaha, 6-r., city water, $9. 2004 T. 27th St, 4-r., city water, $9. HOUSES. 2617 Chicago St. 4-r city water, $12. , 30S7 Center St. 4-r., well, $8. 2316 Hickory St, 3-r., well, $8. ROOMS. 715-21-23 North 16th, socond floor, $50. GARVIN BROS.. 845 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STANDARD FLATS. COOL IN HOT WEATHER. rVmUr than R-nnrato houses. 6-r.. hot water always. Steam heat Summer, $23 up. Bonus to permanent people. Refer ences, l'AYNJfl BLATilil. t'U., Omaha. Nat. Bank Bldg., Office. STANDARD, 1101 No. 18th St APT. In the Maewood. 2511 Harney. Particularly desirable for summer, large windows, living room, with disappearing tvvtt larsn closet, with full size mirror: kitchen, with gas range and Ice box; flna bath foom; plenty or not water; storage room In basement.. Summor rate only $30. Ernest Sweet 1236 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ISOfl-S Farnam St. 6-room flat modern except heat Each $-5. 8701 N. list, e-rooms, 7.w. 146$ a 16th. 7-room flat, modern except heat. $20. 3510 jaoxson, s-r., modern, jja. W, FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St FLAT. 127.60. 6-r.. all mod., oak finish, 2512 Sherman avenue. APARTMENT. fctt.00. 4-r.. apt The Ivy, ISth and Sherwood avenue. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 1718. Ware Block. S ROOMS, conservotorv and sun room. Uvlntr room, all finished with oak; built-in bookcase, turret; ueamea ceilings both In living room and dining room, with spot lights and aide lights tn living room: modern In everv respect: located at SSth and Dodge, GRAVES BROS.. 705 Omaha Naft Home mag. itea mi. wea mao.- fJIVHE IN irLAT3 FOB RENT Two 7-room flats. 603-610 North 23d Street, modern, walking distance, $27.60 per month. oRonnn & company. 90MJ City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug, 768. MODERN 6-room apartment In Davldge building. Uth and Farnam. $35. 3 rooms In Davldge building, suitable for office or llvlnc rooms. $26. JOHN AV. ROBBINS. U0S FARNAM ST. FIVE nOOM APARTMENT 1044 Georgia Ave., a beautiful location, convenient to car All conveniences. $40, PETERS TRUST COMPANY. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS. Modem 3 and 4-room apartments, rent from $20 to $30. See today. Wright Blk., 3is norm lmn Bt.' FOR RENT Newly decorated, strictly modern. 4-rooni apartment In the Maples," 2501 Harney St. See janitor. CHOICE APARTMENTS in the California, See Janitor. Douglas 6237. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. ELEGANT Bl'RROUNDINQS. W 4s. 8-ROOM apartment completely modern, Z Lake Bt laaulra MN Lake St. Drawn N-wi Service. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments nnd Flats. SO. 26th AVE.-6-rom upper flat. Doug. 6451. Baud nnd Rooms. - - . . ww.. .a ,nim Kuw nome cooking; modern. 2621 Harney St. MERIUAM--S or l-r prlvato bath; also BOARD and room. 207 a 24th St Furnished Rooms. .4 VERY desirable strictly clean, mod ern rooms in Private home; furnished Cftmnlot, tnr Hark '!. ?vie 'S,1 filVJft n,co yara- Webster ww. -wii .. lam ot. 0 NORTH 22d St, enUre floor. 4 rooms; private bathr finely furnished. nunuuin a ciup ot genuomen. 320 I. Inren rnnm .!... 41.. suite of rooms. Phone Doug. 7001. 819 SOUTH, 20th; furnished room in prlvated family. 2S20 CAPITfir. AW Rnutk tt ' with piano, reasonable; near all car lines. FURNISHED mnm mgann.hl. . HUA N. 23d St NEWLY furnllhnd rnnm. kAn. 1708 Jackson St Tyler 1521. Furnished Apartments. 7TOT PWMrp TTTT3VTTOTJT7.T l, - - .... . .) u.M.AuuiMi very at tractive 5-room furnished apartments, in ""i "ouicu uyiuimcnu, at JIB i ana Dewey. Will rent for July and August NICI3 G.mAm flat, nil aiimm., n 4 ...I n apartments. Web. 1406. Hotels and Apajrtmenta. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Af 1TTNTC alr.mnm itnnla. nr.nv. . screened porch, east and south front near Hanscom park, from July l to Oc tober 15. Mrs. W. P. Harford, 1660 Geor gia Ave. Furnished Ilouaekeeplngr Rooms. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 807 S. 24th. No children. 2 ROOMS tor housekeeping. 2013 Doug las. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT during the summer, new 6-room house; comfortably furnished. Vary desirable location near Harney car. Rsasonablo to responsible' party. jvoiereiices requireq. a zi, llee. KTirTNin nlap. .ftw ftal..ak1ft I w - ' -... . w. J w.vw.w.w, ft rooms until September 1. Web. 2612. Houses and Cottage. $45. 9-r. 1814 Emmet St. all mod., iraa and elec; garage; fine yard; close to car. $40. 621 Park Ave. 8-r., modern; fine piace. $25, 8-r. 4216 Farnam Bt, all mod.: flno. $14. 8-r. 1S17 N. Central Blvd.. mod. ex. heat $16. 7-r. 2817 N. 27th St.. mod. ex. heat. $14. 6-r. 2616 N. 31st St. mod. ex. heat $17.60. 6-r. 824 a 22d St. mod. ex. heat $12.60. 8-r. m N. 17th St., mod. ex. heat $7.60. S.r. 40th and Hamilton St.. 2d floor, rETJSHS TRUST CO.' A VERY desirable 7-room modern house on paved street and boulevard, $35. two b-room nouses in Prick block oi four houses, $25 per month each. These houses are almost new; have separate furnace, water sewer and sras: are fin ished in natural birch upstairs and down, and the floors are finished for rugs. o rooms, moaem except neat, near Hanscom pork, on S. 28th St, $20; large lot with plenty of room for garden. C-room cottars on the Harney car line. $18. 6-room, all modern cottage, close In, .bo. J. H. Dumont & Co. Phone Douglas 690. 1G03 Farnam St 3 BOOM NEW ONE STOEX" BRICK HOUSES $12,00 Am ready to receive application now. Houses open for inspection all day Sun day and next week. Extra large rooms. grained In oak. Painted floors, elegant wall papers and fixtures, cement basements ana walks. tine snaue. Gas ranges: electric liahts: no heat: water paid. Families without children preferred. References required. Two blocks south of Vinton on 18th. FINS FOR STREET CAR MEN. A. E. WOODMAN. Phone Douglas 4349. 418 McCague Bldg TPTTYL7T TrP7 Storage and Van Jf IJLJJiJLl 1 Jl Co- Qo0d8 stored. ww. ... Aa,a oa MWMqn Q1B. JJOUg, 1US. ItRN.SaKf MVKDO r.n 8-r 1819 N. 17th St; bath. $1160. 4 roomN S917 Elm St. $8. 6 rooms, 2615 Dodge St, $16. 6 rooms, 2811 Dewey Ave., mod., $25. 5 rooms, 1U0 Farnam St, modern. $20. 8 rooms. 1737 Park Ave., modern. $& 8 rooms. 1S04 South 2StK St.. $35. 10 rooms, 1041 Park Ave., $. 4-r.. Alpimnt AnAr-m.,. I. i. - tt . . N-,1 " ........ ,i, .no j.iui uiu. . W. cor. 7th and Jackson SU., $40. UD.iou.l ax Al.XftlUi (,o, 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. J-4-r. 4S1S Underwood Ave. Modern. $35.CO-e-r. 2S24 Rugsles St. Moderru g.M-r. 2S Burt St Modet?u $J7,60-i-7-r. modern flat 610 No. 23d St $37.60-8-room. 2308 Fowler Ave. Modern, tlit.Q J 4sVl U. $47.60-7-r. apartment $20 a 16th St aUUUVI SI a, JUIUtUl oni riVOi . 1 1 aas(y Stfta sMkl.VVl.Va 4Uf $&aoo-12-r. ltU-13 Howard St. Modern except heat Gtnan a rmrtArv. 902-12 aty Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 768. 6-ROOM modern cottage, 3538 Dodge, fins lawn and shade, a neat little horns for a small family, jPbona Doug. 3770. 1541 a 29th Ave., 9-r., all modern, fac Ins Hanscom Park. $33-00. 6-room apartment, strictly modern, 40th ana arnam, iw. 933 N. nth Ave., 5-r., partly modern. $15. a P. BOSTWICK. Tyler 150$. 2 South 17th. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT 1040 Georgia- Ave., a beautiful location. convenient to car. ah conveniences, no, PSuTKKA TRUST COMPANY for The Bee by 6ood MicJfrr OFFERED FOR RENT. Houses and Cottage. LIST OF BARGAINS. 8335 Maple, 4-r partly modern, $12. 3303 Ohio, 7-r., gas and electric light $15 210 S. 28th, close-in, 6-r., cottage, In nice shape, $15. 2420 Bristol, 6-r., all mod. ex. heat Good neighborhood, $18. 436J Dodge, 6-r., strictly modern cot tage, in a desirable, residence 'district $25. 1418 Madison Ave-, a 7-r., strictly mod ern house, newly Uqco rated throughout; b argon at $25. 1621 N. 40th.. a bcoUtlfhl 6-r cottage, strictly modern In every detail, In a Very choice residence district $25, 2734 Caldwell, an 8-room all modern' except heat detached, house. In good resi dence district: largo yard, good born, reduced to only $20. This ' is a bargain, sea. it at once. 4232 Douglas, a 7-c strictly, modern de tached house in choice, resldenca district;, only two blocks of? or the car line.' Bar gain at $3X60. See this at once. 414 N. Slst, an 8-r. strictly modern house in fcood residence district;- largo yard, good barn, reduced to only $20. This is a bargain. Bee it at once. 4232 Douglas, a 7-room strictly modern detachod house. In choice resldenca dis trict; only two blocks off of the car line. Bargain at $32.60. Seo this at once. 414 N. 31st an 8-room strictly modern house In a very choice residence dls--trict $40. 1803 Emmet, a beautiful new stucco house, furnished completely. 160. FLATS. 1610 N. 20th, a 6-r. strictly modern "Bt Louis" flat, only $22.60. See this at once. 2043 Howard, 4-r., strictly modern "St Louis" flat Very close In, $28.60. 221 B. SOth, a cosy 6-r., strictly modern "St Louis" flat in good residence dis trict and also close In. $30. 1007 S. 30th Ave., a beauUful 6-r., strictly modern "St Louis" flat In Han scom Park district, $32.60. Key at 1014 S. SOth Ave. 608 N. 21st, a beautiful 9-r. strictly modern brick dwelling, very close in, newly decorated throughout $12.60. 2961 Farnam, an 8-r. strictly modern brick dwelling, West Farnam district $42.60. 3123 Padfic, a very choice 6-r. strictly modern up-to-date heated apartment in tho Field Club DlBtrict $12.60 to Oct 1. 625 S. 18th., a close-in 4-r. strictly mod ern up-to-date heated apartment In the Carlyle. Hot and cold water the year round. Janitor services, gas range, re frigerator furnished. We have others. Bee our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Uldg. Harney and 40th. nice, clean, cool south front porches! newly decorated. Brick building, ,7 and 8 rooms, close in. 2661 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern, two baths, nice yard, 210 8. 26th. 7 rooms, modern. 619 a. 19th. 7 rooms, modem! ..m.icjf ui- ftuiiey eg oon 660 So. 41st, 4-roonv cottage, $15. 8936 No. 21st. 7 rnnma n !1 mnHwrn mM... lot, paved, at $23. AMKJUUAN BECTJRITY COMPANY, Brandols Theater Bldg., Ground Floor. o. w. uor. inn ana uougias Hts. Phone Doudaa E013. Open Saturday Evenings until 9 o'clock. 2813 Wool worth, 8 rooms, mod., $25. 3116 Chicago, 4 rooms, mod., shades, $23. 712 N. 22d, 7-room mod. brick, $36. 2409 Cap. Ave., 7 rooms, mod., $35. 2SS3 Burt 6 rooms, bath, $15. 2218 Clark, 4 rooms, $10. RINGWALT. Brandels Theater Bldg. 2719 Capitol Ave., 9-r., all modern, $30. 1470 S. 16th Bt, 4-r., part modern, $12. 909 .N. 17th St, 6-r., all modern. $30. 1620 Cuming. 4-r., all modern, $25. 418 N. 18th St, 5-r., all modern, $22. RASP BROS.. 106 McCague Bldg. 4107 DODGE, 6-r., modern, $30. 1613 N. 32d., 6-r., city water. $10.60. 4319 North 29th, 7-r., well, $12. CREIOH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. A COMPLETE list of all vacant housea apartments and flats that are for rent This is a Ust compiled dally and can bt seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St OMA11A VAN AND bTUllAUtS CO. 2310 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern ,.$50 25C6 Douglas, S rooms, suitable for rooming nouse: ltgnt nouaeneeping..ju Flat, 2303 Leavenworth, 6 rooms $30 JOHN N. FRENZEIt Douglas ISA. FOR RENT Balance June It takon now, 0-room with city water, 17th near Chicago; also. 2 and 3-room with several lot each, colored or wttlte. Doug'. 2107. SEVEN-ROOM house, an modern, first class condition. 27th St, near Prairie Park club. $30. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming, Phone Douglas- 2049. apartments, S rooms, 6, and 4 rooms. $7 1920 S. 10th St Telephone evenings Doug las 7640. uirisiiHimn rant tn small family. w.kA ...1)1 alA .nftlftl .(i r. nf anV n-WlV decorated 6-room, modern house In fine neighborhood. Aaaress a m. -pcc. te (.mnm nil modern, nloe. clean corner flat 1903 a 10th Bt 11. A. VJftB. 433 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8061 ' TWO-STORY brick flat on. 28th, near California. Crelghton University. Doug las 2320. 415 NORTH 25TH Furnished single or suite ot rooms; first class board. Doug. 6473. NEW 10-room modern brick house; hot water heat 2633 Harney Bt Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Douglas 1216 or Harney 1094. 4 ROOMS and bath. $15. 3 rooms and bath, $3. 5121 No. 23d 8t NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hot water heat 2423 Harney, $09. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Harney ltiL Douglas 1311 FOR RENT 6-room cottage on car line, $12. 6513 Leavenworth. Phone Har ney 1429. TO get In or out of business or to sell or buy real estate, call at 409 Paxton Blk. Phone Douglas 4J1S. 6-ROOM bungalow, zs&l Binney; com pletely modern: $25. Hall Dlst Cat, 433 Ramge. Douglas 7401 MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships houaanoia goods and plsno. Douglas ,1496. 1-ROOM7lat 3d floor, 2308 Cuming St 7-room houso at 972 N- 26th St O. C. Redlck, Att'y. 1517 Farnam Bt UP-TO-DATE, all modern. 7-room bouse; also or 6-room tiats. -v n. mu. J Ci -r J Exp. Co., furniture moving. TTnn eiq In all parts of the city. HOUSeS Cfe.-h. Sons & Co.. l?s Bldg. nB .iv nrA una a.van.riMm houft: all modern; Dundee. Phone Harney 2658. 725 a 37TH St. Strictly modern house; electrlo lights. Phone Webstsr 2690. lis south 30TH ST. Lame, cool front parlor, desirable location. Cliff Sterrett , ' OFFERED FOR RENT. Huuaea nnd Cottaires. 7 ROOMS and bath. All modern. 1021 N. 83d. Inquire 2715 Chicago. JULY 1, new, strictly modern 8-roon house; 18th and Spencer. Call W. 1898. NEVER WAS ANYTHING SO QOOD TO DRINK AS FRUIT OLA. A BEAUTIFUL Dundee home, 4S31 Webster. Tel. Harney 6245. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. 8-ROOM modern, 2512 Chicago. D. 8145. Stores and Ulflces. STORES FOR RENT 2549-61 Farnam St New building. Roon 40x120 feet. Full basement, $200 pet month. 2553 Farnam St., 20x120 feet. Full base ment, $100 per month. . 613 South 16th St, 22x60 feet Full base ment $85 per month. 141$ Dodgo St. 22x120 feet, 2 stores and basement, $100 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 756.' 1 NEW centrally located hall, well equip ped for lodge purposes, 150S-10 Harney. Three office rooms on 3d floor at 150C Harney St Store. ZISM So. 15th St ' Offices at 1617 Farnam St, 2d floor. Store, 1020 No. 16th St Two stores, 2104-6 Cuming St Store, 11U Harney St. Store at 33G No. 26th St. So. Omaha. O. C Redlck, Att'y, 1517 Farnam St. DRUG STORE. Corner. Good location. STOREROOM and cellar, 1714 Nicholas. BAKERY Store and bakeroom. Extra oven. BASEMENT, 20x28. Plumber, etc HOOK. 1101 No. 18th St FINE LARGE STORES. 1813 St Mary's Ave. Good location. Wll' decorate. Only $25. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA Under First National Bank. 303-5 So. 13th St Douglas 1151.' 3-STORY and basement building, with trackage, 1110 Douglas St, $140. Btore and living rooms. l6s S. 14th, $85. 2-story and basement brick building, 1213 Howard St, $75. 1 JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST.' STORES, $35.00 Nice, new, all modern, large ston room and full cemented basement. 160S Cuming St H. A. WOLF, 432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8068. . CLOSE-IN STOREROOMS Most' reasonable storeroom In the, City. Slse 20x60 . feet. Full size basements 705-7-9 a 16th St . PETERS TRUST COMPANY CLOSE IN STOREROOMS Most reasonable storerooms In the city. Size 20x00 feet Full size basements. 70S-7-9 So. Uth stret. PETERS TRUST COMPANY Store room for rent Retail location. Near 16th and Farnam. Occupied now, Will lCaBo. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. STORE for rent; heat and water tree. 2S2S Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 233. ONE store-room. 2003 Lake St Inquire 200S Lake St. Ill SOUTH 15TH; steam heat. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. OFEERED FOR SALE i Furniture. RUGS and furniture for sale on ac count ot moving away. 623 South 26th Ave. Dealers need not apply. Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. $125. 119 N. 15th. Typewriters. RENT an t c. Smith tt Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back space key. guaranteed .'.-1 machine. L. w. Smith & Bros .Typewrit r Co.. 1819 Far nam. Phono Douglas 2213. Remember this Is new location. Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy terms. Butts Typew'er Ex., 1S05 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, $3. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 months, $1 The Oliver Typewriter Co., Douglas 2919. MlsocllHuaosia. Wra til T V Tft onif. BaaAaA.liana carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and 'accessories: bar fix. tures of all kinds; easy payments. Ths Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 407-409 a 10th St for SALE Iron lathe and aasollne engine; a bargain It taken at once. Ad dress P 179, care Bee, FOR SALE Roll ton desk and office chair; a bargain. Call 642 Brandels Theater Bldg., Monday forenoon. FIVE carloads of beer bottles for sale. 4th and Pine. Nathan Stienberg, 1019 Har ney street HAPPY HOLLOW membership at a re duction. Albert Edholm. Doug. 1962, EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bes Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam Sts. SAFES Overstocked ; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1818 Far. St HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKansle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D. 2644. A T.ARnE. handsome elk head at a bargain. Address C 208. care Bee. 8x8 air compressor. 612 S. 14th SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. PERSONAL 14 INVALIDS GET PENSIONa 451 subscriptions to ths L. H. Journal. $t0: a E. Post $1.50, and Country Gen Ueman, $L50, will cam $3,000 for the In vallds' Pension Assn., which will Insur myself and fifteen other sufferers $10 a month each. Your renewal worth cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Tel. Douglas 7163. Omaha, Neb. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. ROYAL BEAUTY POWDER Best face powder on the market Nothing injurious. Makes a lovely, cool. Ing. soothing, velvety complexion. My formula Is easily worth $25. but I sell tt for JL Almost every drug store In Coun cil Bluffs handles my powder, the best made. I have been a beauty doctor for years. Write or see Mm a. .Wilson. 421 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia! YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. LADIES don't pay fancy prices for foot powders; make a large quantity at little expense; formula sent for lOo. W. Weber, 29 Edw'.n Place Buffalo. N Y Massage, 1st t-,r. t, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steels Business Sueotasv