The Omaha Sunday Bee Wm PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLHI-NO. 1. Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit r THOSE NEW SfclRTi TOO BAD rtA&RV iwr merit Tjor ?UBS HE'i OUW VJlTHTHc WOj MAIL ORDER BUSINESS NO WORE MATCHES No matches a bright flah: thousands of lights without refilling! made ot gun nwtal with beautiful tlalth. an ornament wber erer placed; does away en tirely with dangerous aiA coslljr matches. Bent post paid upon receipt of 2G eta. Cut agents' proportion ever offered. Write for particulars. The Rexor tales Co. DEFT. O. 903 WOBLD nr.DO., NEW YORK CITY. TAPE-WORM KxnsllsA; aIIts In mlnnUi wiW Jutd. or Be fee. No fatting. 63 pan Hook for n (tamp. SsMSSX iiTn,8peclalit, 110 MJllaBttXoUMto LtuA'na .kltA a u.M.UAL ttOTlV SEYMDUR-MlnnleJune 17. 1913, aged a years. Funeral services will be held from the residence of her aunt, Mrs. A. T. Slg wart, 1254 Park Wlldo avenue, Sunday, June 22, at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends ln rlted. Interment Prospect 1I1U cemetery. 1 1 CARD OP THANKS. . WES DESIRE to thank our relatives and friends for their kindness and sym pathy i.own us during the sickness and death of our beloved baby, aUo for the beautiful floral offerings. . MR. AND MRS. GEORGE PAGE. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Jesse and Emma Wilson, 4112 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Ralph and Lent White, Thirty-fifth and Fort, boy; Karem and Vadoa Said, 1415 CaBs. girl; Harry and Sarah Raphael. D005 Capitol avenue, boy; Adam and Clara Manila, 2316 Valley, girl; Max and Sarah Levy, 1923 Paul, girl; Frank, and Mary Jordon, 914 Jackson, boy; Foy and Marie Com eron, 8922 North Thirty-third avenue, boy; Jasper and Lulu Ilrewer, 1840 North Seventeenth, girl; John and Marie ltruce, 2005 Hickory, girl; W. II. and Mary Bryant, 1725 SpragUe, girl. Deaths L O. Parkhurst, 68 years, hos pital; O. A. Johnson, 64 years, Tenth and Mason. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tho following marriage licenses were granted: Name and Residence. Age. John II. Herndon, Omaha. 21 Bertha West. Oklahoma City 20 tWJlllam A. Crawford, Chicago 41 Frances H. Eller, Omaha. , 30 John R. Shook, Omaha 27 Pearl Blakely, Norton, Kan 23 Harry Van Gorder, Sioux City, la.... 30 Ella P. Bnyder, Sioux City, la 27 Benjamin Bursteln. Omaha 23 Rose Altman, Omaha. 23 Melvln L. Smith, Omaha ,.., 2H Angelina E. Stepanek, Omaha 18 hVllllam Minlkus, Omaha 26 Helen Inda. Omaha 20 Bernard A. Kennedy. Omaha 23 Clara Price, Omaha' 21 Emmet G. Miller, Omaha 23 Flossie M. Harpster, Omaha 23 John C Stubbs, Omaha 27 Elizabeth A. Hemphill, Omaha 26 George A. Spetman. Omaha 37 'Emily R. Letchford. Omaha 33 BUILDING PERMITS. F. W. Mokry, 2223 South' Eleventh, frame dwelling, $2,400; J. B. Spellman, 4617 North Thirty-sixth avenue; frame dwell ing, ,2,100; .Patrick L- Dove, S93S Gordon, frame dwelling, $1,600; J. R. Kozol. 3018 South Thirtieth, frame dwelling, $1.000. HELP WANTKD FEMALE. Accnts null Saleswomen. LADY to travel In Nebraska. Groceries, candles, jewelry. Good pay and tailored ult or twenty-year watch free In 90 days. Experience unnecessary. McUrady & Co., Chicago. LADIES to Bell our stylish corsets; good pay. Illustrated booklet and particulars sent free. The, B. & R. Corset Company, Fifth Ave., New York. WANTED Experienced saleswomen in waists and muslin underwear depart ments. Apply at once to Superintendent, Brandels Stores. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER for mall order busi ness; must be good correspondent; all or paro time. Address Chas. F. Uaanel, 1404 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Wo. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, 365; stenographer and clerk, SCO; stenographer experienced in office work, fJ5; stenog rapher, wholesale, $50. (WEST. REFERENCE & BOND A8S"N. 762 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg." LADY CLERIC who is capable of taking charge of dry goods department. Good alary for live wire. Give references and experience in first letter. Address LeBlano ft Bona, sterling, Colo. BTRNOflTlAPITTfTf itm cj .v.nv in .wholesale house, excellent cli&nca for ad vancement. Salary to start WO. Give ex perience and phone number. Address y 188. Bee. Stenographer. $00; Bkpr. .and steno., $45; stenographer, 335. f CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Bank Building. WANTED A lady to answer 'phone and attend office;' 330 to start; state age. Address K 201. care Bee. Factory unci Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company can use a limited number of girls In the op erating department Applicants must fur nish references. Salary paid while learn .ng. Apply C. V. Lambert. District Traf flc Chief. 18th and Douglas sts MAN and wife, cooks. $63; cook, 37 wk ; V, maids, 35, 36. 17; 16 house girls, 33. 36, (7 wk. , chambermaids, 325, 330 mo ; watt' resses, 37, 33. laundress. 325. 10 kitchen jrtrlir. 35. 36, 37 pantry girl, 325, Martin & Co., 1234 Caltol Ave. WANT ADS Wan ads received at any time, bnt to insure proper classification must bo presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. ni. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads re ceived after such hours will have their first insertion under the head ing, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive inser tions 1 cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. i 'Two or more .onsecutlvo Inser tions 0 cents per line. One lino per month $1.80. Twenty tents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by tho Line, lit., by the word. NOTE Tho Bee will not be re sponsible for more than ouo wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims lor error cannot 0e allowed after tho .Oth of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to be run until loruiuden must bo btoppcu by written order. Verbal or teleptione cnceiiuuoiut cannot bo accepted. CHARGE RATES: Six words to the line One insertion lit cent ser lino. Two or more- consecutive Inser tions, 0 cunts per line. ouo line per monui, i.o. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patron having accounts tuo measurea uy the line, not by tho worn HELP WANTED FEMALE. liouaekeeuera uuu, uoiuestico. w,mcn Tf vmi run iron will teach you how to' press. Wages paid . .. - -A crnnri naV nnrt Steady work alter you learn. Call tor Cogley. 2211 Farnam St.- ......... , .,,it ,ii manhlna irlrla lor tent aim ins ". J permanent. Address The Colorado xent Una Awnlne Co.. 1W2 Lawrence St., Den ver,. Colo. . - . nf Inn frlrl Trff (If fl Hft WAIN A iUU AH u.. " t m - - who has had experience in dry cleanlnt, and dyeing business. Good position, call for Cogley. zzu uarnani di.- AN expenencea aitauj and suits, or general merchandise. In a growing western town. Capable of . t m itJaa let 1 rtBlPM filling a reBponsioie iwuu. 11-176, care uee.- ur.vTfTtnn a firt.finja demonstrator In drug department; only those who have had experience need apply. Apply at once to superintendent Brandels stores. WANTED Experienced cook for family of two; no laundry work; wages 36. Mrs. C. 8. Montgomery. 133 S. 28th St. Phone Harney 2462. t AT-.fi7a ntA . Vi no cH rl nan decorate sofa pillows at home; good pay; experl flnce unnecessary. Call forenoons, 2307 B. 13th. wiwrmn . n.nt clrls. ArjDly at 7 a, m. Monday morning. Loose-Wiles Bis cuit CO., lun ana vavenyvrt out.- enced In dyeing and dry cleaning busi ness. 2211 Farnam. WANTED Girls at the Omaha Paper Stock Co. Call Doug 169. 18th and Marcy. FRUIT OLA, that "refreshing" drink, at the leading grecera. " Housekeepers tiud Domestics. THE 8ERVAN1 GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Glr) Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to Ths Be office or telepnone xyier enn .imi twnrlr wompn nnd domestic help, cooks, butlers, chauffeurs and pri vate placemen; call Douglas 2257. GIRL or woman wanted for general housework; small family; a good home to right party. la- waoiwn avenue. wanted A middle-aged woman for housework. 607 N. 23d 8t nnrtrt ... v. 1 , n cH r! rnferAnces: small family; good wages. Tel. Harqey 2974. Call 1044 S. 32d. lU.uirrn A Aiini7 trtel in asnlst in !,. . . j w m . .B O - - general housework, no laundry, no cook ing; to go nome nignts. iW9 wibwi family; best wages. Inquire 2623 Cap itol Ave. -VnTTien clvl r noataf wltH r,T1ral housework; no washing or ironing. Call iiarney .!. mm ximiiiuuu work. No washing. 3224 Dodge. Tel. Har. 1876. WANTED Young girl to assist in housework; small apartment. Call 609 8. 3btn bi. s-imT. " ..-nm a n tnr nArAl hnllfl. work, "where there are Children, 2418 Manderson. WANTED Young girl for general housework; foreigner preferred. Phone Harney 2612. 407 N. 40th St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. Phone Harney 1061. WANTED A good girl for general housework. Good wages. Small family. 615 So. 29th St. WANTED a competent girl for gen eral housework. No washing. Phone Harney 2009. WANTED First class laundress. Ref erences required. Mrs. E. "M. Morsman, 224 No. 32d Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family ot two. Mrs. Lyman Sholes. 3010 California St COMPETENT girl for general house work, no laundry work. 2316 Burt St. OMAHA, His Honor's Glims Go HELP WANTED FEMALE. lionet-keepers ttnd Domestics. WANTED Colored woman for generntl housework. Rowing Club cafe, Manawa. WANTED A young girl for general housework. Har. 2612. 407 N. svtn St. NEAT young girl to assist In general . . ojtl. . , ( VJ. .Hint GOOD girl for general housework, fam ily of two. Harney 1740. WANTED A white cook. Harney 100. 212 S. 34th. WANTED A girl for general house work. 2S2S California. A COMPETENT girl for general house work. No waBhlng. 3224 Dodge. H. 1876. WANTED A girl for general house work. Phone Harney 2289. GIRL for general housework; no wash lig. Tel. Harney 780. YOUNG girl to assUt with housework. 4119 Izard. Tel. Harney 6543. GIRL for general housework at once. S25 s. 37th. Harney 2771. . WANTED A waitress. 1019 South 10th. Miscellaneous, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St, Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. LADIES If you want to make money In all or spare time on something strictly high grade; a proposition of real merit; work you will be proud of, write for the special summer offer I am making now to ambitious women. C. E. SwarUbaugh, Box. A, Toledo, O. LADIES Make shields at home. 310 per 100. Work sent prepaid to reliable women, Particulars for stamped, addressed en velope. Eureka Co.r Dept. 89 B, Kalama zoo, alien.- WANTED Lady to manage mall order business; must be fairly good corre spondent; all or spare time. Chas. F. Uaanel, 1406 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. LADIES, make shields; 320 per hundred; can make two an hour; no canvassing, American Co., Sheffield Station, Kansas City, Mo. U, S. Gov't, positions open to women, big pay. Write for list ot positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. C61 D. Rochester. WANTED Girl in chocking department Call for Cogley. 2211 Farnam St. WANTED TO KNOW WHAT IS A SARCOPHAGUS? HELP WAirTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL COMPLETE LINE OP PAINTS; SALARY OR COMMISSION. ADDRESS REPLY TO STANDARD PAINT AND LEAD COM PANY, CLEVELAND, 0 AGENTS' wonderful opportunity. A.ot quick, sell "Ambrew" Concentrated Beer Extract; makes real, genuine, Intoxicat ing beer right at home by adding water. Saves 109 per oent of brewers' prices, Not near beer, not a substitute, but real lager beer. Btrlotly legitimate; no lloense re quired. Small package; carry week's sup ply; deliver as you sell. "Ambrew" Is the concentrated ingredients of real latger beer same materials used by all brew ers tor brewing the best beer; big seller; enormous demand; large profits. Just send postal, we'll show you how to make money qjulck. The Ambrew company, Dept. 2506, Cincinnati, O. RELIABLE AND ENERGETIC SALES MEN WANTED No Investment re quired. Co-operative plan. We furnish everything. You do the selling and take half the net profits. Business well ad vertised and established, line staple. Ex clusive territory, Company financially responsible. An old company adopting new selling methods. An ideal plan for all concorned. Full particulars upon application. THE RHODIUM MANU FACTURING CO., Minneapolis, WANTED A man to form a dis tributing company to handle our product in Douglas county. Man must have a successful business record and be broad enough to handle a big proposition in the right way. Will require an Invest ment of 35,000, Will have entire control of his company. Proposi tion will pay a substantial salary and large returns on tne Invest ment. Territory protected,;, busi ness practically without competi tion. Address N 198, care Bee. LET the parcel post help you. Add (315 to 325 weekly) to your present Income. Start during spare time and build up a permanent business of your own. We show you how and help you make good. No canvassing; experience unnecessary. Returns quick. Write today for valuable free booklet, "Mall Order Success," Pease Mfg. Co., Inc., Dept 42, 66 Broadway. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Several high-class 1 and salesmen for a 44,000-acre proposition, now being placed on market; to operate In Nebraska and Kansas territory. For very best land proposition on the mar ket In the United States today for live men. Write for literature. G. W. Archer, Merchants Hotel, Fairbury. Neb. CAPABLE salesmen and men experi enced In mercantile lines. Exclusive ter ritory. Champion complete accountant (fireproof) an all steel combination ac count system, cash system and desk, which, -when closed, forms a fireproof safe. Our men are making from 3500 to 3800 per month. Tho Champion Regis ter Co.. Cleveland. O. WANTED High class salesmen. We I have the best rock-bottom and flawless I proposition to offer. Going concern, pay ing 8 per cent dividends payable 2 per cent quarterly. Over 400 bankers In . terested. Answer quick Texas Stock isxrnange, x commonwealth Bank Building Dallas. Tex STl'DENTS and others'to call on farnT ers. Inquire m Uotn Carlton. ur"eiM- ' l AS!u6 h0eu6. 5S$n5V" Spur 3iw SJ both- I cporMS0 - - . "r:tA v sk Srs r oe y SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE Wrong A. B. C. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity & econ omy. 316 B. 16th. middle of block. 2d noon S rnr,,u 11,7 nmitr. las St. Empr ess ioo. KERR Abstract Co., 305 8. 17th St. Better be sale than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," If.tli and Harney. Douglus 166! Wo rent, repair, sell needles, parts ol an sewing maunines. PARQUETTE lloors leflnlshcd, liKe new. Puruuettu floors contracted. Hansen. Tel. Red 68i. HIP youi rubber, metals and rags to UU.4UJM. iucuu turn i.uuusr wu., avi Bo. 8th at, Omaha, Neb. V ACUUM Cleaners sold and rented. vacuum cleaning done in the homo. Sanitary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2901 w E clean, dye & reblock all ladles' & gnts hats. New York shine par lor, 100 B. 16trt, opposite Hayden's. Vacation Hints. BEFORE leaving for your vacation don't forget to have your pillows and Mattresses renovated. Omaha a'Uiow Co., lm Cuming. Tel. Doug. 2167. H AVE your Uiome protected. Foster- uaraer to,, xiurgiary insuiauce, Brandels Bldg. Duug. 29. BHXTON'S PHARMACY 12th & Dodge. Fruu delivery, uiuur your diuga & to Ilea articles betore vacation ui rivta. We carry THE quality goods. D-wo. LIVE at me Y. M. C. A. park on Cartel akit tms summer and reduca the cost et high living, a postal from you ad dressed to tn Y. M. C. A. will bring tull UUurmauon. Tel. Tyler 1600. LADIES straw & Panama hats bleached & reshaped. Ramser, 2to fl. 14. D. 4662. OLD SAXON INN, MILLARD, NE"B. Auto tourists' headquarters. Paved roads from Omaha, free auto shads, wait ing rooms tor ladles and gentlemen. Storz beer that made Mllwaukeu Jealous on draught. Phone your dinner oruers. Fred Marode, Prop., Bell Phone Millard 6. HELP WANTED SIALE. Audits, Halesutc-u ttnd Solicitors. AGENTS Amazing Invention: 58 dally; 160 per, cent profit. New business. No competition. World's best home mas sage machine. Works by wator-poWor, Delights both sexes. Write for full par ticulars and free book in "Beauty and Health." Address JJlackstone Co., 726 Meredith Bldg.. Toledo, O. WANTED Men and women desirous of qualifying for positions which pay 1,(a to 35.1100 Der Vnar. Master our scientific salesmanship and personal success course in a few days at home. We send the course tor your examination and approval u you senu cents lor exprcus ana pacK Ing. New Century Co., Enid, Okl. AGENTS can remit when goods sold. If active and responsible. Ure-Bolvent Hand Soap and Uko Stove, Shoe and Metal Polishes. Sell at sight, because superior value. Large profits. Write today, if you mean business. Est'd 10 years. Utility Company, 640 West 44th XX St, Now York City. SELLING BY MAIL Pleasant, profit able business that means Independence. Start at home. Spare time. Begin now with established corporation. We fur nish best sellors. Factory prices. Write for FREE booklet today. Mississippi Valley Company, Inc., CO E. 6th. Pitts burg, Kan. . ARR yoit worth 1100 to 3600 PER MONTH T We have position- open that win pay it. XMewest, snappiest ana uest ever offered general retail trade. Live men investigate. Liberal drawing ar rangement Permanent. Write at once. Commercial Jewelry Co., Chicago. wanted-Advertising novelty sales men that want a red hot seller for the next 90 days. Season Is on right now. State territory. Side line or exclusive. Liberal commissions. Samples free. Write today. Biggest seller of the year. The Bedgwlck Specialty Co.. Newton, la. WANTED State agent for Nebraska to appoint local agents for the best vacum cleaner manufactured; an excep tional opportunity for a man capable ot handling a big proposition; small capital required. Yaxley Mfg. Co., 1006 Wash ington Blvd., Chicago. AGENTS 350 weekly. $4.60 profit each order; sell 3 dally; every home needs one; country rights to wide-awake men; crew managers in large towns; biggest money making proposition of century; easy to sell; write at once. Q, Yale Mfg. Co., Chicago. WE start you in business, furnishing everything; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating; our "New Bysiem spe cialty Candy and Popcorn Crlspette Fac tories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Ra'gsdale Co., Drawer D, East Orange, N. J. WANTED Immediately for Nebraska, salesmen to sell domestic deluxe and Imported advertising calendars, novelties and leather goods. Every business man a prospective customer. Commission large. Address sales manager, United States Calendar Co., Cincinnati. SALESMEN traveling to sell a spe cialty to merchants; does away with twine; makes neater packages, costs less and advertises merchant's business. Liberal commission. Old Colony Sales Co.. Old Colony Bldg.. Chlcago. WANTED Salesmen to sell fancy fruit ciders to grocers, confectioners and gen eral stores in the small country towns. Salary, $125.00 per month and expenses. Crown Cider Co.. Dept. 4, 207 B. Commer ced SjU St. Louis, Mo.' AOBNT8 New free sample and cata logue just out. New. easy, qulcjt, prof, itable repeat orders ' seller. II. A. C'trrlftht's Household Necessities & Strelght's Household Necessities & V yo. $100 salary a month and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our new com pound:, no competition. Straight, honest business. W. H Metzger Mfg. Co., Dcpt C-S4, Quiocy, 111. 22, 1913. Copyright, 1913, Nnatlonol News Borvlce. . HELP WANTED SIALE. Aeut, Sult'sina-n atlit Sollultoas. HUNDREDS make":) io $75 weekly selling guaranteed hosiery for largest manufacturer In America. Why not youT Complete outfit free Write quick to our city office. Madison Mills. 486 Broadway, jNew York. WANTED- An oirrressive. live wlro specialty salesman for Otnalm and sur rounding tenltory. Single man, between ages of 21 nnd 40; references required. Address Puritan. 4W Exchange St., Roohestcr, N. Y. AGENTS innko too per cent profit selling our new "illuminated Day and Night Gold Signs." Sell everywhere. Ex perlcnco tinnpccmsary. Samples 10c. Par ticulars free. Sulllvnn Co., 1234 Van Utiren Bt., Chicago, III. AGENTS 1500 monthly. Tremendous demand for Woodwatd Power Tire Pump. Latest auto accessory. Agents "cleaning up" overywheru, Quick action necessary, Get busy! Woodward & Bon, Nicholas Bldg., Toledo. O. TWO TO FOUR HUNDRED monthly salary or commission selling our high class paints, varnishes, white lead and many o"he exclusive specialties, with no competition. The Finishing Products Co., Cleveland. O. I NEED good men, everywhere, part or all time, learn my business; make money with mo; no experience needed; desk, typewriter and outfit free. W. M. Ost rander. Dept. 73, 12 West 31st St., New York City. Live Agents Soason now'on. Wrlto Jaeger Mfg. Co., 007 Brandels Theater Bldg. GOVERNMENT examinations. Most thorough preparation, (5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Amer ican Civil Service School. Washington, D. C." . AGENTS Make 90 pur cent. Ball bear ing, self-sharpening shears. Guaranteed 25 years. Bell 76c. Sample w,lth premium 43c. Refunded tf wanted. Bemple Bllver ware Co., Pierce Bldg., St. Louis. AMBITIOUS SALESMEN, neat appear ance, call on merchants In their ter ritory; elegant sideline, convenient to carry; good commission, prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Competent to sell a 75-cent article and mako 200 per cent; house to house nronosltlon: attractive to indus trious agents ot ability. 1. w. Pershing, Gen. Del., Superior, Wis." WANTED Manager for mall order business; must bo fairly good corres pondent; all or spare lime. Charles F, Haanel, 1407 Syndicate. Trust Bldg., St. Louts, Mo. AGENTS wantod for splendid selling spoclulty. Easily demonstrated. Easily carried. Write for full particulars and got to work at once. Beatrice Merchandising Co., Beatrice, Neb. COLLEGE students durlngvacatlon have proposition that will produce good earn ings during vacation. Can earn $26 to $30 weekly. Address M 199, care Omaha Bee. Give telephone number. TRAVELING salesmen wanted. Best sideline yet. Pays all expenses. Pocket sales outfit, Easy seller. Prompt com missions. Tcmby Javelry Co., 2005 Mich igan Ave., Chicago. WANTED Subscription solicitors to devote all or part tlmo to established trade journal; liberal cash commission. Address, stating experience and refer ence, American Artisan, Chicago. WANTED Ambitious young men to become Traveling Salesmen. Hundreds of good openings. Wrlto for particulars, Bradstreet - Training System, Rochester, N. Y. ORGANIZERS-$60 to $76 weekly, or ganizing Red Eagles, Fastest growing social and fraternal society. Exclusive territory. Address Rod Eagles, Detroit, Mich. $100 TO $600 PER MONTH selling our high grade, oils, greases, pure Unseed oil paints and varnishes. Do not bo sat isfied. Get our proposition. Inland Oil Works, Cleveland. O. WANTED Experienced lace and em broidery salesman with established trade covering state of Nebraska. Apply with full particulars to Wohl, South & Co., 162 Fifth Avenue, New York Cltyj AGENTS We have new leader; big profits earned quickly. Write for free sample and new summer catalogue. Bol ton Specialty Co., 217 Oth St., Sioux City, la. AGENTS To handle high class rapid seller. Needed In homes and offices. Send for particulars. Mountain View Specialty Co., Box 291, Los Angeles, cnl." EARN 150 weekly selling collection cabinets to merchants. Write for free samples. Bayers Co., 662 Laclede Bldg,, St Louis, Mo. AOENTS Ask us about our snappy household specialty line that will clear you $30 to $80 weekly. National Aluml nurrr Mfg. Co., Box 1903, Lemont, III. SALESMEN Office specialty. Belts for cash. No orders. One-third extra profits on all summer business. Experienced men only. Sales Manager, Box F, Newton, la. ARE you wanting a good, substantial agency? Chewing gum sells alt year 'round. Apply for our proposltlpn today. Helmet Gum. Co., Cincinnati. $50 WEEKLY earned selling our needle cases. They sell themselves. Samples, 116 needles, 10c. Particulars free. Na tional Importing Co., St. Louis. WANTED Commission salesman for South Dakota to sell patented suitcases las a sldo line; big seller. Apply P. Becker f & Co.. 337 W, Monroe St, Chicago. $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust I worthy people to travel and distribute I samples; big wholesale house. Emery, 1733 Sherman. Chicago. I BECOME DETECTIVES Big pay; easy work; traveling opportunities. Write Frederick Wagner. 1243 Lexington Ave., New .York. 1 CANVASSERS to Hell automatic screen door catches; big money; exceptional proposition; sample catch postpaid 26c. Auto Catch Co.. Harvey, III. ' AGENTS WANTED To sell Flbrsltk neckwear; 100 per cent profit. Sample 16c. Wlitu far nriinimltldn Pisher Ivillttlnir i WANTED- Two more live solicitors for Iiv.u nui n uuvu vvn w V... iw wi.iiuti. Theater. SINGLE Drawn for The Bee by Tad HELP WANTED MALE. Aaeuta, Snlesmen nnd Solicit!-. AGENTS Wanted Own your own busi ness; sell Frlteh's Vegetable Soap; write for frco sample. J. A. Frltch, Bt Louis, Mo, WANTED Salesman to take orders for our high-grade nursery stock, pay weekly. Write for terms and catalogue. The Grlesa Nurseries. Lawrence. Kan. SALESMEN Do you want $10 a day side or main lino retail and Punch Board deals? Ten propositions. American Fac tories Co.. St. Louis. WANTMl-Tltil irnrl.l advnrtl.lnr anllnlt- ors. permanent position, on Omaha paper; make first letter cover everything. Give jiiiuuo umireas. x ibu, nee,- ANYONE, anywhere, can earn money writing at home. Steady work. No can vassing. Encloso stamp. Superba Co., uepart. a i. uaitimore, flia. -".... ,v .viiwi, .num bers and organize lodges. Order of jyit nuuui jioiiu. Arm.- MWnMnTIVll flram.n K,1, . wages about $100: oxperlonoo unnecessary. Uoys. Pigeons; cash for old magazine.. W. 4141. Clerical and Office. BALES MOIL, MFG. PLANT, $160; ARCHITECTURAL DIUH'SltAN, $160; BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL STlSlilL DRAFTSMAN, ,3126; TRAVELING SALESMAN, PLUMBING BUPPL1ESL $100; TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR BUTCHER SUPPLIES, $100; TRAVEL ING SALESMAN, AUTOMOBILE TIRES AND ACCESSORIES, $100 CITY SALES MAN, AUTOMOBILES, $160; ELECTRI CAL SUPPLY SALESMAN, $125: TWO TRAVELING SALESMEN, EXP. UN NECESSARY, $S; MGIt WAREHOUSE, $C5; COLLECTOR, $00; RETAIL CLOTH ING SALESMAN, $715; RETAIL I LDW. CLERIC, $00; BOOICKPR, WHOLEUAL19, $125; BOOKKPR AND CABIUER. $855 LEDGER CLK., COMMISSION, tC&; LEDGER CLK.. WIlOLlflSALB. $8); RTENO., $76; ASST. BOOKICPltTBANlC, $00; BOOKKPR, GOOD PENMAN, INa, 330; STENO., BEGJNNER, $15; OFFICE CLK., $40. WiisT. REFERENCE) & BOND ABS'N., Originators of tho Reference Buslnssa, 762 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. WE ARE UP AGA1NBT IT. and unless we make desperate efforts we w in not begin to meet the aemana upon us for help this week. OPEN NOW. THREE BOOKKEEPERS. $60-$80: FIVE STENOGRAPHERS, $65-$75; MUL- TiuiiAPii operator. n: uiri'iciu CLERK. $60; ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman, $75; FIVE SALESMEN, $75-$100, B. F. MARTI, l'resiaent CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-10 City National Bank Building. WOULD Ilka to correspond with can able young man stenographer who can earn $76 to $100. Prefer bookkeeping ex perience. Inclose stamped envelope. A Boll Co., 1005 Lumber Exchange, Minne apolis, Minn. WANTED, at once for the west ten R. It Frt Acct Stat. Clerks, $75 to $100. We also have good openings for stenog raphers, salesmen, ledger clerks, hotel clerks, draftsman, eto, THE CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee Bldg. STENOGRAPHER for mall order busi ness, must be good correspondent all or snare time. Address Charles F. Haanel. 1406 Syndicate Trust Bldg.. St Louis, Mo. STENOGRAPHER and CLERIC prefer single man of good personality. Salary $75 to start, gooa chance for advancement Address J 202, Bee. leaotory and Trade. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOBT We have on waiting for you. You can quality for It In a tew short months at BOYLES COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC It R. TRAINING SCHOOL: We will supply you with a place to work for board which, attending and freo trans portatlon to your post when your course is completed. Bend for our catalog u to day. BOYLES COLLEGE, 1809 Harney vt., oman a, nto. ef today, the automobile business, and be come independent Our large, well equipped shops, offer the opportunities of learning the business oy actual ex perience on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call National Auto Training association, 2314 N. 20th St., Omaha. Neb., phone W. 6343. ATTHMn h fiimiT KfMlfini ,a.rir. est best equipped school and repair shop In entire west. Price no mora than any of the so-called scnoois. .Equipment ana fsntiltv not to be compared In any par ticular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1417 Dodge. Phone Doug. 3043. iriv xj a wpwn in litf-n wniAhmakinr. engraving, the trade that pays $26 a week. up. Htuaents earn wnua i, iw stUons secured. K. C. Watchmaking School, 833-W, E. lztn at., Jvansaa lyity, Mo. CARPENTER A $200 contract for a carpenter who wants a couple good $200 lots on edge of city or a 8 or 4-room bungalow. Aooress u i&t, uee.- . .... i . . H n r tO I1X UP B.I.U.U I1UUBV, WTDllllliDl IWJ AUli credit for work. Large ground for chick. ens, etc. Aauress xice. Illustrated catalogue eXDlalns how I teach the barber trade tn few weeks; maliea rree. write juoier woueso, lio h. mn ot nnlniT IVITDO flVA nr l r in go out of town. Apply Friday morning . . ... ,. A,n , . . OCiore it o c.pck. jviu niicrms.ii avo any kind, anywhere, sea the Omaha iitfnpioytncni. ajuiciau, aa-a a. auha uw- w ANTED Quarry men at Nehawka. Neb. Van Court Stone Co.. 1KB Howard St EXPERT lumber teamster by Inde. pendent Lumber Co., 40th and Leaven worth. Drug store snaps; lobs. Knslit. Bee Bldg, Miscellaneous. WANTED FOR V. S. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of H and 3o; citizens or uniica mates, oi rood character and temperate habits, who can speuk, read and write the English language, tor information appiy io lie crultlng Officer, Army Building, 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb ; COS Fourth St, Sioux City, la.; 130 N. 10th St. Lincoln, Ntb. COPY ITVE CENTS. HELP WANTED MALH Miscellaneous. ADVERTISING MANAGER, first class man. thoroughly experienced tn the farm Implement business. Must bo experienced In wriUng catalogues, circulars, advertise ments and placing advertising direct with largo farm papers. Man who has had deal er's campaign experience preferred Open ing is with largo stationary farm engine concern about to put a kerosene tractor on the market capacity two to four Plows. Exceptional opportunity to right party. State thoroughly experience and references. Factory located In Detroit. Nobody except a high grade experienced party satisfactorily recommenueu win be considered, F. E. Waltman. P. O. Box 161. Detroit, Mtoh. REAL ESTATE office wants at one each ot following, who has time for out sldo contracts; lathor .tinner, cloctrlo wlrer and ono helper, Address A 193, Bee. MAN for part time to do odd jobs Ilka house cleaning .sorting lumber, cutting weeds, etc. Wont him to rent ot us or buy good home lot on easy payments, Address B 192. Bee. MEN of Ideas and inventive ability wrlto Immediately for new lists of needed Inventions and Ideas wanted. Randolph & Co., Potent Experts, Washington. IX c WANTED Names of men. 1& to 45 wlshlnt? tn hAcnm Oma.)iA. mail cnrt-lai-ii. Commence, 367 monlh. Address Y 178, Bee. GRADING and haultne by real estatu omce. 'Address is-ir-i, care Bee. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. HELl WANTED MALE AND I'KMAJ.I! v vw uw luj iTTiiuuin men tutu women ftjrenta; samples and complete outfit free; credit Riven; easiest, fnateet. call. Alt of M61lne, III., averaged $1 an in...,, A'nuii ui oi, x-aui, Aimn., worKea only part tlmo, averaged $125 a month for J months; Sill ot Laredo, Tex., made A.i in eigni nours ana says, "Anyone willing to work can make from $5 to $10 ft day;" 40 per cent profit to you. Fui """.no A4wr auunsfl jjuiv oatOS WO. WA N T R rv M an n .n.v. . - 1 1 n, . newspaper subscriptions and stationery supplies, mostly In rural dlsTrtcts. Must be Industrious, Btrlotly honest and have had successful iYrtAi-lAnr.a nM. .. commission wanted and mention refer ences. Herald Publishing Company, M JilJ. 11UU,T RVtinilTWTjrtT-nP. hanrf twT.'a '1' ". '' Mth Bt. Zd floor. CM TV nnllrltrtrw Hnn1ln a-..t 1 810 Bee Bldg. "a" w WANTET -flrauATION8 A "VfTTVfl tlrlv.tTmi.l 111,- ' J ""TUn mornings In a private cottage ot Lake O. Kobpjt, for room and board. Address Ada Moyer, General Delivery, Omaha, WANTWnPn.lllnn . at.l-. v.- w ' ' . " tin "tuiiufii tas'IICI uy young lady, who has had ono year and bijw iiiuuiu exiwrience. Auaress 3.Z37. core Omaha Bee. WANTED Bookeeplng and auditing, evenings and spare time. Address P so;. Bee. WORK wanted by elderly lady to as sist With housework or th rar. nt h.hi. Web. 6712. . ' WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. A. 8. Jonas. Harney 614. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gibson's Buffet 823 South 15th St. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles: 60o postpaid; samples free. ac msunncu Ajrug iu., yimana NOTiniT All trnnAm n.,... . t In 30 days from June 20, positively going ?.: ? bu.lneiul' Riverside Loan Office, 1121 Douglas St DELICIOUS to drink. Fruit Ola. Dem onstrated at Courtney & Co., Hayden Bros, and Orkln Bros. WANTED TO KNOW WHAT 18 A SARCOPHAGUS D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr. 12 Frenxer Ulk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. ATTRACTIONS WANTED CONCESSIONS, for big Fourth of July celebration; also merry-go-round; we have the best na tural park and live town in the state. Address Sec, Commercial club, Sutton, Neb. WANTED Clean concessions and amusements for July 4th at Kearney. Merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, stands, eto. Address A. L. Berblg, chairman. WANTED All kinds of concessions ex cept refreshments for Fourth of July, big crowd assured. Address F. M. Keleay. Vllllsca. la. BTROMSBURu will celebrate Fourth of July- all kinds of concessions for sale, no gambling or games of chance. W. A. Barnard, oh. Con, Com. WANTED To correspond with good tent show for Fourth of July engage ment; good proposition. Address Box 132. Brule. Neb, MERRY-GO-ROUND wanted for a big Fourth of July celebration. Concessions Committee. Gibbon, Neb, Railroad Junc tion; CONCESSIONS for sale; Fourth of July attractions wanted. Glenwood, la. aggress a . J. Jones, cnairman. "IXfAJIA film, Ifl.V. ...... ,1 , tlon picture machine and film bargains. Il,..'i., , ; , i., -1 AUTOMOBILES My 1913 Studebaker 20, 6-paasenger touring car, has been driven less than 4.0C0 miles; In perfect condition; never been wet but once; has had most careful use; Is as good as new; complote equip ment, with extra Inner tubes and 3 new outer casings and one extra rear casing, prestollght, speedometer, etc. C. M. EATON. 1623 Lothrop. Tels. Webster 4319. Tyler 20. AUTOMOBILE. Danforth Co., S. W- Cor. 10th and Jones. EXPERT and guaranteed repair worn on all kinds of cars; battery charging and magneto repairs;- castings welded bargains In used cars. SCATES MOTOR CAR CO., 1416 Dodge.