THE OMAHA STNDAY BEE: JUNE 22, 1913. nu silk Crepe de Chines 76c yard values, in all now stroot and ovenlng shades, black and white inoluded; while they last at, choice, yard OC Beautiful Tub Silks For cool Summer Dresses," 3G Inches wide, In fine assortment of new pat Foulards and Messalincs fl.26 yard values, 36 inches wide, In halr-llno stripes and polka doU; blue and white, black and Black Chajjneuse Messallne A beautiful soft, clinging silk, 36 inches wide, regular $1.00 qual ity; very popular for one-pleco Ladles' Handkerchiefs A Great Vndirprlclnr Monday. 10c Ladles' Handkerchief .Bo ISc Linen Handkerchief 7Mo 15c Bmbroldered Handkerchiefs . .lOo SOc Lace Trimmed Handkerchief 25o Big Assortment for Selection. white and brown and white; on ealo at, yard. dresses and BUlta vard 88c 78c terns, regular $1.00 qual ities; on safe at, yard. . . . 68c V BELTS AJflD NECKWEAR Silk, Satin and Fancy Leather Bolts, mndo to sell nt 25o to. 75c, at . 10c, 15c and 19c Beautiful Summer NeckwearA big line of 50c to $1.25 values; oivsalo Monday at 25c, 49c and 75c 75c LACES AT 25c Monday we place on sale, a beautiful line of the finest Venice Bands, Cotton Clunoy Bands and Edges, fancy Wash Lace's, Allovers and Nets, goods worth from 50c to $1.00 O JTy. yard, nt, yard ....( &JL A Tremendous Clearance Sale of Desirable Summer Millinery 10-B White Goods Linens Specially Priced $M?'' White Ratine, full 40 inches wide, regular $2.00 values, yard $1.25 White Pique, assorted welts, most desir able skirting, 75c values, yard 45c Assorted lot new White Qoods, French and Persian Lawn, etc., to 46c values, yard. .25J Hmstitcbed Fivo O'clock Tea Napkins, pure flax, $4,00 values, dozen. 82.50 Dew Bleached Dclfast Satin Damask, full 72 Inches wido. puro flax, regular $1.60 quality, yard SI. OO Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, slip 22x22 inches, to match, $6.00 values, dozen. ..... .' S3. 50 Turkish Towels, bleachod or unbleached, good size, 16o values, each 1Q Over $20,000 worth of 1,000 Stylish Shapes, values to $3, 25c and 49c The season's best ideas in fine Hemps, Ajours, Milahs, Velvet Flanged, Chips, etc., everything in cluded. 4 Panama Hats at $1.98 Pour smart blocked styles, in small and medium sizes, all genuine imported bodies. $50 WHITE CHIP SHAPES tfc The very latest up-to-the-minute blocks greatest value ever. desirable Millinery Goods to be sacrificed regardless of cost in this without question the most phenomenal millinery bargain event ever known in Omaha. Selling to make room for incoming mid summer stock is our only consideration. Costs-lost sight of in pricings. 1,200 Beautiful Trimmed Hats That sold up to $10.00, artistically trimmed with ostrich plumes, ostrich fancjes, ribbons, flowers, etc, both black and colors entire stock divided into 4 immense lots, at, .choice 49c, 98c, $1.98, $2.98 Plume Snaps , Flowers BALL-MASON FRUIT JAR SPECIALS 1-pt.tMason Jars, dozen. .45c 1-qt. Mason Jars, dozen.. 55c Best Jar Covers, dozen. . .20C Good Jar Rubbers, dozen. .5c 1-pt. B-Z Jars, dozen 75c 1-qt. E-Z Jars, dozen. . . . ..95c Hardware for the Preserving Season BPSOUX KAX.B yKBKXHTIHQ XETTXiSS S-quart enamel preserving kettles ao 10-qt. enamel preserving kettles 3o 12-qt, enamel preserving- kettles 4So Cherry Stensrs llollman pattern, Q9o Enterprise pattern .7So l-qt. tin fruit cans, per, dozen .... .990 to pkgs. pontlUs sealing wax. 3 pkgs. for ......... ...60 tSTXT X.ASBXM AT WDUCBD HkXOSS A 6-ft. well made ladder oo Beat 6-fL atep ladder made, an Iron rod fastened with a steel plats on side under each step, with ' shelf, at ... 7-fL ladders as above Sl.M 8-ft ladders aa above .fi.TS OO. AXJs )J 1,50 ovens, special at $1.76 ovens, special at 1 m nvit,f. Hnclttl at is.SB ovens, aneclal at ...... v. .9 ou k smvm . .rr.M. . ttt.M 1M Any alia or style, 3-bUd mower, everyone of warranted quality, worth up to 4.00. at ... Any else or style 4-blade ball bear ing lawn .mower, worth up to tt.tO, at ......... 9 Any size "Champion" S-blade ball bearing mower, worth up to $10.00, at WarraataA Kusvsr Hois, per foot, u from ......... ......So Icrssn wire, black, per square foot, at , ao Galvanised screen wire, per fquara font ......3o Any size .hardwood green screen door at ,..91M Any size hardwood fancy oiled door at , tl.OO Adjustable window screens, all size, up from . .88o WHITS MOUKTA1X aunrauassATOSB rkvi" 3flft alt and UD from . .f.a& "Stone wwt" wmts Mountain frtmratcra are lined with Ich Ice than any other sox made, all pries up to ao.g , y Hand made stock, ostrich plumes, 18-hv long, 7. inch wide,-$3 values, on sale, at, choice $1.66 Traveling men's sam ples and our own stock, values to. $1.00, over 100 doz., in two lots 5c and 9c Charming and Distinctive Style and Beautiful Fabrics as well as remarkable bargain pricings will make a strong appeal to every woman in oxr Monday sale of Summer Dresses and Suits. Thefrarest bargain opportunities this season -.j MONDAY SPECIALS In the Domestic Room 10c Percales, 36-in. wide, light colors. .5c 18o Mikado Crepe for kimonos. . . .12M:C Hc Serpentine Crepe, good patterns. .lOo 6c Anthracite Blue Prints. 3Mc 25c fancy striped Voiles, good pattern 19c 22c Curtain Scrim, fancy borders 15c 25c Costume Crepe, pretty colors 18c 10c Hope Muslin, 36-inch wide. . . . .7MiC 8MjO Unbleached Muslin, 36-in., wide, 5Vac 28c Aurora 9-4 Bleached Sheeting. .2IV2C 39c Blea. Table Damask, 58-in. wide, 25c 25c linen finished Dress Suitings, assorted colors, yard ID 15c Pillow Cases, size 42x36.. 10 5c Turkish Knit Wash Rags, two for. Over 1,000 Beautiful Summer Dresses, colors and white, are $10 to $12 values, in delightful assortment of beautiful designs and most wanted of summer dress fabrics Wonderful lot of values, at sale price $5 Over 200 Beautiful Summer Dresses, that sold at $20 to $45, in $75.00 Tailored Suits $37.50 $55.00 Tailored Suits $27.50 $50.00 Tailored Suits $25.00 $45.00 Tailored Suits $22.50 Ladies' and Misses' Pretty Balkan Blouse Wash Suits or Dresses, regular $7.50 vnl uos, 100 of them in the lot, at, ohoice $2.95 Ladies' Summer Coats, pretty length Linen Coats and Long Silk Coats, mado in the very newest styles, regular ,$7.50 and $10.00 values, on sale, at, choice ....$5.00 OVER 500 HANDSOME SPRING TAILORED SUITS AT JUST HALF RETAIL PRICES Klosfit Silk Underskirts Broken Jots from our regu lar stock, snaps Monday, at-, choice $3.95 Imported Japanese Kimonos, beautiful patterns, special, at $2.95 Ladies' Silk Underskirts, protty styles, mado to sell at $3.00, choice $1.39 Monday's Sale at just V2 price. $35.00 Tailored Suits $17.50 $25.00 Tailored Suits $12.50 $20.00 Tailored Suits $10.00 $15.00 Tailored Suits $ 7.50 Children's Wash Dresses, neat styles, made to sell at 50c, good colors, all s'izes 1 to 6 years, at 19c Long Lawn. Kimonos, just the thing for summer, made to sell at 75c,. choice . . . .39c La'dies' Wash Underskirts, regular 50o values, on sale Monday, choice 19c trWBT rwjMTHBC xn araw xcwtaf Don't forget -that It will never be furnlahed complete without you have A "JOBW SOW or aome other good machine. You'll find many advantages In the "New Home," none of the disadvantages let us demonstrato to you why we con- tilder It the one best Sewing Ma chine on, the mar ket today. - V show them In all the popular woods to match our furnishings. rices sea. ?3, 49. SXS and B3B. Kew Xomo OaVl&ot. handsome oak case, special ....$48.00 d. Xaw JTome Tan Vt to Visitors Monday. UHH4 F Riad Hayden's Mammoth Grocery Sale tor Monday Embroidery Bargains Narrow Embds. .2c, 3c and 5o Wide EmbdB. 71c, 9.c and 15c 45-in. Plouncings, new patterns yard. . .25c, 49c, 98o'andJ$l49 27-in. Plouncings 19c Allovers at 49c and 98c he Meraa of the People Is Try Xaydau's 71rst, Xt rays 83 lbs vngar best granulated VtlKBr ...... i..t...ivl 48-16. sacks best high grade Diamond It flour, nothing finer for bread, plej or cakes, saek .1.00 E lbs. fancy Japan rice, 100 quality SBo 10 lbs. best white or yel low cornmeal ISo 6 lbs. best hand picked navy beam , ....88o Tall cans Alaska Salmon, at lOo t rans oil or mustard sar dine 35o 8-lb. cans baked beans with or without snuce ..81-3o l-)b. cans nesorted soups, at 7Ho The brut domeetto maca roni, Vermicelli or spagh etti, pkg. 7Mo 16-ox. cans Columbia, St. Charles, l'et or Carnation milk ...81-3o Large bottles Worcester sauce, pickles, assorted kinds. horseradish or mustard, bottle . ...81-ao Blue Label Catsup, bot. 19o 4-lb. pkg . Star Naphtha washing powder . ,.17Uo Fancy Queen olives, qt. 3So 10 bars Heat 'Km All, Ola mand C or Lenox soap 30o 10 bars Laundry Queen white laundry soap ,.3So 7 bars Itsrkln Bros.' Elec tric Spark soap a So The best tea slftlngs, lb., at lOo Qolden Santos coffee, lb., at 80o Wild cherry phosphate, root beer or pure lemon Juice, bottle ..loo The Best Strictly Fresh rggs, per dosen lBo The best creamery butter, carton or bulk, lb. . . .33a The best country creamery butter, lb :..S8o The beat No. 1 dairy but ter, lb .SBo Full cream Wisconsin cheese.' lb .180 Jenny Bros, famous brick cheese, lb." ....SOo Imported Roquefort cheese, lb ...35o Imported Swiss cheese, lb. at 3Bo Neufchatel cheese, each 3e Pays Try HAYDEN'S First p,y8 The Greatest Vegetable Market In the West for lbs People. New potatoes, IB Ids. to the peck SSo Always See that you get 15 lbs., the law. requires It 6 heads fresh leaf lettuce at So 3 heads fresh head lettuce at ........5a 6 bunches fresh onions nr radishes So 4 bunches fresh boots, car rota or turnips Sc 4 bunches fresh Kohl rabbi at Bo 2 bunches fresh .parsley So Fancy wax. string or green beans, lb 7Ho Fancy marrowfat peas, qt., at Sc Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. So Watch for the big Calif ornia apricot, plum and peach sale. Special Clearance Sale of Royal Doulfon China - Bon-Don Dishes, Cups and Sau cers, Sugars and Creamers, Nut Bowls,- Tea Pots, Tobacco Jars, Water Pitchers and all size Plates. These pieces sell regularly from $1.00 to $5.00 each. Special OFF New Rugs and Draperies Greatly Underpriced The most delightful lino of splen did values In now, perfect goods, offered Omaha buyers in ninny months. Price economies go hand in hand with guaranteed qual ities. $22.50 Seamless Velvet Rurk, also 9x12, big line of patterns for 8oloctlbn: Monday $16.08 $10.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, in 9x12 size, 8-wlre quality, big as sortment of patterns. .SB12.0& $30.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 12x15 slzo, 10-wlre quality, beautiful- patterns., on sale Mon day at . . . . . . . . .$24.98 $4.00 Axmlnster Rugs, size 36x72 -Hn sale, choicg. 4 $2.98 Bath Rugs, in blues, browns and greens,. 27x54 size, at 98 ? $1.80 Lace Curtains, 45 inches wide, 2 hi yards, long, good as sortment 6f patterns; on sale at, PMr.. i--"7Sfi $8.00 Cable Net Curtains, 3 yards wide, 52 Inches long, pr.g2.00 80c Curtain Scrim, plain centers and fancy borders, yard . . . 19 Fancy Cretonnes for drapery and upholstering, fine patterns, per yard $0.00 Quality Sunfast rortJeres, all colors,' Just the thing for summer; special at, pr. .$4.50 i MISSION SCHOOL AT THE UHI SJiird Session Starts ianiay with Children's 'Xtug Meeting. lUlfY .CHURCHES TO ATTEND V4II Dispense irlth Their lUgiUr Safefcatk KvenlKK Kerrices, Gtv- Iks rariakaners Opgortan ' - Itr to Mr at Opening. 3?he third session of (he Omaha Summer School of Mlwlons begins Sunday aftpr tion with a children's mass meeting In tSe gymnasium building of the. Unlver Ry of Omaha, Twenty-fourth and Pratt Weets. ffhls meeting and evening servlqe are egen to all. Many churches have agrn'fl ta dtepenie with their regular Sunday err rung service that their members may aRend the missions. Seorge G. Wallace will preside at the ttBernoon meeting and Jtev. F. T. Rouse. 3X D , First Congregational church, at tSr evening. The afternoon meeting will Present a program of juvenile exercises Pa -which a good deal of preparation la ta34 to have hen expended. The featur ot the evening event 1ll be an Illustrated Jdress on "Lights and Shadows In th? East." by Dr. Arroenag 11. HalgUtan of Kynlt, Alia Minor. This summer school of mtsiloni is enn iHClrd under the auspices ot the Omnhu TComen'e Mlulonary federation, compoted c women of various Protestant churchea. Tte women announce several notable and pgine eihlnent speakers this year, chief of 'tfhom is former Vice President Charles "p. Fairhnki, who speaks on "A World Jflurney. ' Tuftday evening. Another tjeaker of International renown U Dr. Wwln A. Stelner. the great Immigration Spert and eoolologlst. on whom the na nal government frequently rail for Hreelal service. Dr.- nitirier speaks of Jrhe Struggle for Brotherhood." Mpndsy Sight Ills address before the millions )Et year was retarded" as one of. If' not t& most, popular. " "Drl liobert X' Fetter- mmi of Eelfait. Ireland, the' "Cateh-My Sal" cru4dpr.. wlHe,Rn-unqu. figure. Hfeaklng Thursday evening. in I I i 'i The VeijotT I'erll, Jaundice malaria biliousness, Vanish ha Dr KlBf Kew Ufe rills -arc ken. Kasy safe, guaranteed. 36c For SVM v smkm urug wo-Aavruaini. Zion Baptist Church is to Be Built Along. Institutional Lines The colored congregation ot Zlon Bap tist church, Twenty-first find Orant streets, will build -a ), Institutional church to replace the building blown down by the tornado last Easter Sunday. C. w. Wlglngton has drawn the. plans for the church and these have been ac cepted by the directors. According to IUV. W. t 1'otts. th pastor of Jilon Baptlit church, the new edifice will contain a completely equipped gymnasium, a swimming pool, lecture room and a large auditorium. Work on the new building Is to begin within the next few days. Construction work on four concrete tanks, each seventy feet high, for the Uncle Sam Hreakfait Food company Twenty.elghth and Saltier streets, has begun- The tanks will cost HE.C00. An addition to the Brandels theater building to cost J1M.W0 will be erected lm mediately west of the building. Work of excavating for foundation la under way. Omaha Students Who, Won Gash Prizes and Medals for Essays on Temperance in the Recent Contest Two Congregational Churches to unite The two Congregational churches whose parishes overlap between Lake. Street and Ames avenue-Plymouth and 6aratogahave decided to unltu In one body. This is In part n result of the tor nado, which destroyed the Plymouth church building and compelled the con gregation to hold Its services at the Uni versity of Omaha, seven blocks nearer 10 Saratoga church. The final artton was taken hn paratupu cliurvh voted to disband 1 organisation and to unite, with Plymouth church; also to ll Us property at Twenty-fifth, strtt and Ames avenue and spply the proceeds to a common rebuilding fund. The, property auiultts of a lot tixlXH feet, h church building and a resident u formerly used as a 'parnouage. Saratoga vauiya wai organised In IWS and hm doov a grt-at deal ot good during the twontt iJgt years of Its Independent lite. The ehur.-h building whs greeted In Mi on the, op-Mi prairie and is now next to one of the busiest corners and street car junction In tb city, r I vLaaiw.M'sss"'-' ""s av ', ' vsawignjsssvf i yyiv"wsf - isu. Catherine Goss T XTarJIZa Case urtiycxsirr or en aha T Geo.J&.jE'eTcival umvmstvt rofA con emits -The schools ot 'Omaha have submitted CRHys nuimlemcntlng a course of atudy on hygiene to n Kpminltteo of judges ooin poscd uf retired teschers. phyelolans, clubwomen and clergymen. The follow ing Is a report ot the uontest and the 'nsmes of the winners: Umnhn I iilrrll Cuuleal, Miss NclUs Rjan, SUT Bewsrd sueet. Won the Mrs. F. D. Wtad prUe of V& In gold. . . Ooorg A. Perolval, SOlt Wlrt.strett. anl Mprlila Catc, zm .Hawthorn? avenue won the Mrs. i, Bcklus.JirUe of MS In gold. - The paper winning first prise. In Oniaha univert lias, been j'laevd in jMinjpetltlon for the state prise or J In gald. known u the ' lins Sullhan Memorial prlx and the paper winning first prise In the I stats will bs placed In competition tor the national prise of-JlOo In gold known as the "SuaSn J. Steele" prise. Illlib Sfhoul Uontrat. Miss Mabel Franeon, 41W North Seven teenth itret. on the Dr. W. O. Henry of SID in gold.. Miss MarJorie Menold. lot South Thlrty-thlttl street, guld -medal. The p&ier winning first ' prise In the high school contest has bven placed In competition for the itate prise uf 2 In gold known as ths "Gladys A. Fatton' prize and the paper winning first prize In the state will be placed in competition tor the national prize of $30 In gold; Grade School Cpnte. CASS SCHOOL. Seventh grade, honorable mention. Bernlce Sallg. Si7 Nt rth Eighteenth street Fourth grade, honorable mention. Bar air Cohen, 1H1 North Seventeenth street. CLIFTON HILL SCHOOL. Fourtn .trudb stiver medal, Carla Fischer, $T Military avenue. Eighth grade, honorable mention, Itobeit Booth, School for the Deaf. Eighth grade, honorable mention, WIN lard Hoffman. 4224 Ersktne street. COMBNIUS SCHOOL. Eighth grade, silver medal. William J. Boukan. 1227 South Fourteenth treet. Seventh grade, honorable mention. Walter lngersoll, H10 Dorcas street. Seventh grade, honorable mention, Mar garet Leonard. Fourth grade, honorable mention, Mary Martlnek, 1234i4 South Thirteenth street. EDWARD HOSBWATER SCHOOL. Sixth grade, honorable mention, Mann Fred. Fourth grade, honorable mention, Elsie Welland. Fourth grade, honorable mention, Mamie . Pecha. FA UN AM SCHOOL. Seventh erode, cold medal, Catherine uoss, in Kortn Tnirty-nrei avenue. seventh grade, nonoraoie mention, Delia Erlxon. 2t6 Chicago street. Seventh grade, honorable mention, Al fred Mayer, w3 South Twenty-ninth street FRANKLIN SCHOOL. Sixth tcrade. sold medal. Edwin C. Mun- son, 3406 Burdette. Eighth grade, honorable mention, Ruth Parker, sui unants sireei. Seventh grade, honorable mention, Vivian Hanson. 3424 Hawthorne avenue. Seventh grade, honorable mention, Vera Sullivan, 3319 Franklin street. Sixth grade, honorable mention, Virgil E. Northwall, 3715 Lincoln boulevard. Sixth grade, honorable mention. Louisa A. Woodford. 1702 North Thlrty-slx ttreet. Eighth grade, honorable mention. Laurence Smith. 2201 Douglas street. Seventh grade, honorable mention, Stella W Woolfson. 2114 Burt street. Sixth grade, honorable mention, Anna Penchansky. 2201 Douelaa street. Fifth grade, honorable mention. Bessie Israelovltch, 140) North Twenty-third street. Fourth grade, honorable mention. Movie Chuhblck. 1613 North Sixteenth treet. Fourth grade, honorable mention, Dora Barmlsh. 1123. Fourth grade, honorable mention. Vera Rush, lilt Cuming sttrei. Fourth grade, honornbre mention, Mer- relta Moon, ills isorm Mnnwemn oircei, L.1NCOLJ 8CHOOI- Fifth grade, Bllvcr n'Wal. Gladys May. 17M South Ninth street. r-DTimoi1 schooi Eighth grade, henorable mention. Jennie Stewart. l onn Tweniy-snvenm urei. Seventh grade, honorable mention. Joseph Armstrong. 2101 Plnkney street. MASON SI'HUUL. Sevtnth grade, honorable mention, Ab i,nbSf' r2620" Wawy-street; Hasei E i J?' Leavenworth street. p i.., nonoraois mention, Ruth Elizabeth Newcombe. Sit Smith rr,.,,. second street. MONMOUTH PARK SCHOOL. Fifth grade, honorable mention. Knrilo O'Neill, 3323 Manderson street. ' PACIFIC SCHOOL. Eighth grade, honorable mention. Ver nal Wycoff. Seventy grade, honorable .mention, Eva Colombo, 613 Pierce street. PARK SCHOOL. Fifth (trade, gold medal. Mary Lonlst Crocker, 1U7 South Thirty-second street. Sixth -grade sliver medal, John Sullivan 2S17 Poppleton avenue. Seventh grade, silver medal, rrancct Wahl. 112S South Twenty-eighth street. Eighth grade, honorable mention. Mar lon Leavttt, 1003 South Thirtieth avenue Lillian Over, 1314 South Twenty-eltfhtr street. beventh grade, honorable mention. Car olyn ReOfiwIck. 2S12 Shirley street. Filth grade, Albert Jefferis, 1023 South Thirtieth avenue. SARATOGA CHOOI Seventh srade. honorable mention. Aline Matthews, 4115 North Twenty-third street. Katherlne liuber, 2311 Ames avenue. Sixth grade, honorable mention. Mar garet Thompson. 2132 Templeton street; Esther oney. 4sw North Twenty-fourth street. Fifth grade, honorable mention. Ruth Halter. 2520 Fort street: Vernle Rav Coy 3906 North Twenty-first street: Gladys vernabie, 2036 urand avenue. Fourth grade, honorable mention. -.Elisabeth Kelly. 2014 Ames avenue. . s- VINTON SCHOOL. Fourth grade, gold medal,. Katherlri' Kriss. 3320 South .Twenty-third street. Eighth grade, honorable mention, Lotti Grobeck. I70S Van CaniP .avenue. Kourtn grade, honoraoie-mennoni mh Brizxl, 292S South Twentieth street: Mar garet Geellng. 3330 South - Twenty-flft! street. WALNtH" HILL SCHOOL. Sixth grade, hoporaDlrf' mention, Esthei Nordstrom. Fifth grade, honorsble mention. Frank F. Fry. 401S Charles street; Ruth Jones. 4130 Hamilton street. Honorable Mention. The schools deserving honorable men tion not "given above are Bancroft, Du pont. Lake. Sherman and Train. One essay has been placed In competi tion for the state and national prizes. The paper winning, the first prise In thi grade schools has been placed In compe tltlon for the state prlz ot S)0 In gold and the paper winning the state prist will' be ploced In competition for' (he na tional prize ot $10 In gold, known as the '.Mary C. fpham" ptjze. . Ureal praise Is due all competitors for the excellence of the subject matter, the style, urammatlct.1 construction and cen ters! appearance of the manuspripU. X