Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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Get Into Fnis Over Resolution Intro
duced by Water Committee.
bne DelleTea In "Cntchlnir Kites
Trtth Mol.Hfi" Other WonU
Use JiHvr to Cntrlt the
Witter Iloard.
A g row wi precipitated nt tho
Weekly meeting of the Real Estate ox
change Wednesday noon when a resolu
tion was Introduced by the water com
mlttee that a suit be started against tho
Water board to test the rule of that
body requiring; owners of property to sign
contract guaranteeing the payment of
water bills by tenants. The polemic
wound up by a declaration of F. D.
Wead, member of the Water board, that
he wot) "sore" at Harry A. Tukcy, chair
man of the water committee, for Intro
ducing such a motion.
Following Us Introduction the argu
ments started and the exchongo split In
twain. C. W, Russell toojc the floor and
Bald that If the organization started such
t suit he would resign his membership,
as he hod "too much respect for F. D.
Wead and i the Water board" to be a
party to any such action. A fow other
friends of Wead sided with Russell and
declared against such action. Russell
said he believed In the old saying that
"you can catch more files with molasses
than with -vinegar."
Won't nlte on Molasses.
"But," replied Harry Wolf," the Water
board won't bit .on molasses. There Is
not enough humanity In this Water
board. Its laws and rules are Immutable.
l was talking with a. representative of
a prominent law firm the other day who
told me that his firm would be glad to
take such a suit for any real estate
owner. There Is no reason 1 to this rule
of requiring the owner of property to
Stand good for all the water his tenant
"There Is absolutely no reason la It,"
ft&ld W. H. Green. "The owtior Of a
building might as well sign a contract
mlanuitoelng the payments of all his ten
atttV debts. There would be Just. a much
reason In' It"
L. D. Bpauldlng suggested that the
Water board get a bonding company
to guarantee all Its losses through tho
rioh-parmcnt of .bills by tenants.
"(J. a. Carlberg declared that even that
Was not necessary. "The losses of the
Water board in that way does ndt
atnount to 1-100 of 1 per cent," he said.
Motion Withdrawn.
The motion that tho tost com be made
was withdrawn by Tukey. He said ha
hod Introduced It at the behest of Presi
dent Hastings so as to get F. fi, Wead
"Started" and they could leant where
the board stood. Tukey brought In the
resolution In his report on a meeting
with the Water board recently to dis
miss the question. Ha reported that the
attorney for the Real Estate exchange
was not given a chance to make a state
ment for the organisation because of
Interruptions from Water Commissioner
HoWell. He said the meeting had started
out amicably, but when the exchange's
.attorney attempted to state tho cose, the
Interruptions started. Howell, he said,
would not listen to any of the argu
ments their attorney put up and he
thought some action must be taken on
the subject, hence, the resolution.
Brook's Clearance Sale of
Clothing Brings to Light
Many Characteris
tics of Men.
All Seek to Securo Clothes at
Lowest Price Limit.
Urook's Present Clearance) Clothing
Halo In tho Largest Hvcnt Kvcr
Pulled Off In n fltoro Itoom
of Similar Capacity.
It takes a gigantic sole of clothing to
bring out tht odd and quaint buying char
acteristics of man.
TheSspresent Clearance Snle of Oeorge
Brooks, the Clothier at 16th .and Harney
flta., has proved conclusively thnt a man
Is just as eager a bargain Meeker as a
woman, although gTanted that he goes at
matters In a different wsiy. ,
Men will not Jostle and crowd Uko wo
men; they will not "grab any old thing"
just to prevent a neighboring shopper
from getting It; but they do read bargain
ads,( case at show windows and attend
sales early Just as do their wives, moth
era, sisters and daughters.
But Omaha men have had plenty of
excuse for acquiring the "Bargain Bale"
habit lately; Brook's Sale would convert
oventhe hardest of them.
Brooks, In his pretty, little City Na
tional Bank building shop. Is offering a
line of clothing that Is unusual In the
first place; qualities are better here be
cause Brooks purchased his stock origi
nally with an idea of appealing only to
the "sweller" trade. But overt tho
"swellot" trade did not buy clothing aa
Utey should this spring. Tho chilly foro
part of tho year wo have Just passed'
through has left Brooks with a stock
that must be moved at practically what
ever It will bring.
Male shoppers are hero all the time;
the Store Is never empty; racks And
shelves of clothes ore dwindling fast;
mon wilt look at suits, oak the alse, then
the price; then will slap down tho coin
before some other observing rnan will
have an opportunity to do so, They do
not sail In with such force as women,
but they are equally determined. Arid
it is alt because of the values offered.
Omaha has never had values like them;
at least Omaha clothiers have not been
given to offering similar outs In prices
until after the "Fourth of July" at least.
And the "Bargain Instinct" of man Is
fur-there awakened by tho fact that he
will be able to get a few weeks' addi
tional wear out of his suit. Buy a
Brooks suit now at a reduced jirlce and
wear It away on your vacation, or have
It ready for "Ifourth of Juuly," Ktther
do that or pay some other clothing con
cern a regular price and a regular profit
Xot Awsr. of friction. ! " ,ner" f "? ,nUr COn
Wild renlled to this By saving that he i rn uiearunce prices on every
was not aware of any friction at the
meeting between the water committee of
the exchange and the Water board. The
board, he said, has to listen to so many
different opinions, so many absolutely'
divergent minds. He admitted that It Was
distasteful to him in his own builliess tii
have to sign contracts guaranteeing his
tenants wator bills, but he "would not
let his own business Interfere with any
policies the Water board should pursue."
Harry Tukcy said his committee was
asked to prepare a plan of guaranteeing'
the payment of water bills and submit
It 'for the action of' tho Wator board.
That was the result of the committee's
meeting wttlt the Water board. There
were only four members of the board pres
ent. Including II r, Howell, ho said, and
Mr.' Howell had most ot the talking to
"That Is untrue." sold F. P. Wead, IJ
had a fqw questions to ask at that meet
ing, myself." .
WonU Start Suit.
C. d. Carlberg, who seconded the mo
tion of the chairman, of. tho exchange's
water committee, withdrew his second
when .Tukey withdrew his motion. "I
want ' It understood, though," ho sold,
"that I think this rule ot tho Water
board Is absolutely wrong and I bcllevo
that If wo can't get the question set
tled then we should start a suit I don't
believe thero Is a court In the world
that would find Justice In the rule. Ttioy
can't make me guarantee anybody else's
bills, whether for water or anything else.
Finally the exchange agreed to let
the matter drop Until some action on the
rule Is taken by the Water board. As
expressed by some of, the members,
''the exchange does not wont to be placed
In the attitude ot opposing the Water
utt In the house. That Is, they are not
doing so now, although sales will be
common enough after the "Fourth of
Just as a memory Jogger, Brooks ap
pend his sale prices herewith:
All suits that formerly sold at 120.00 r
now going at IIS.W.
All suits that formerly sold at 126.00 are
now going at only llfl.60.
All suits that sold up to JSO.OO form.
erly will now be offered at $19. GO.
All suits that Bold up to 3G.O0 and
$10.00 will now go at only IO.G0.
It's a real sale with a real reason, In-
ugurot6d by Brooks, who Was the first
to "Swing tho Axe" on prices this season.
Golf to Be Taught
at Special School
Pupils who will attend the special boys'
school which Superintendent draff and
President E. Holovotchlner will cstab.
lUh next fall will play golf and all other
known gomes In addition to learning all
the manual trades.
B. D. Qepson, who will be the head nt
the new school, says such an Interest has
been displayed in the new Institution that
It looks ltke a rush to get in.
This school will be for the boys wno
have not been making good In their regUV
lor school work.
Members of "the national state board
oj examiner In optometry have launched
a campaign against unlicensed peddler
et optical goods. A law legalising the
practice ot optometry only under license
ras passed In 1)07, and under Its pro
visions will the state board pros t cute.
The fine Is 1100 or thirty days In Jail, or
Circulars opposing the passage ot the
dollar gas ordinance will txi gotten out
Vf the Real Estate exchange to he sent
out in the mails to the members.
V D Wead Introduced the resolution
ut&orUjlag the Issuance of the circulars.
Florence Business
Men to Investigate
Officials' Actions
At a meeting of tho Commercial club
of Florence yesterday a resolution was
adopted ordering a committee to In
vestigate the actions of city offtlcals and
of the peopU bringing Injunctions against
the city officials whenever they Btart to
do anything for the city besides drawing
their pay. Tho committee appointed, con
sists of W. R, Wall, president Farmers
Bute bank; II. T. Brlsbln, cashier of the
Bank of Florence, and C. II. Barnhart.
editor ot the Florence Tribune. They will
intorview city offllcals, petitioners for
the various Improvements, applicants for
Injunction and their bondsmen and at
torneys, as well as others having knowl
edge, of city affairs. They will report
back to the club, which will then take
action to straighten matters out,' even
It criminal prosecution Is necessary.
Davis Says Power
Canal Will Be Built
Fred II. Davis, one ot the promoters
of the Platte River Power and Canal
company, says the supreme court decls
Ion on tho franchise ot the electrlo light
company will havo po effect that he can
see on that proposition. The canal Is
under way. he says, arid he can see no
reason why It will not go through so
far as the electrlo - light franchise Is
Isoaa Congdon, attorney for the power
and canal company, also believes the
supreme court decision will have no ef
fect on that company.
The local representatives ot the com
pany have not heard from the Kountse
brothers or any of the other eastern
men Interested in the power canal since
the decision. They declare, however,
that the bonds will not be affected and
the canal will be built If nothing more
serioua than the recent court ceclslons
comes up,
Arthur Mullen, attorney for William
Murray, acquitted n federal court re
cently where he was tried for violating
the Mann not. announced In pollceNsouit
that he will file charges with the city
council against Detective Dunn and
Kennelly and Motorcycle Officer Wheeler
on behalf ot his client MulUn asserts
that Murray was falsely orrecUd.
Nicoll's Standard Blue Serge Suit
With an Extra Pair of Trousers
Tailored in the Satisfactory Nicoll Wayti Our Risk
The exceptional quality of this guaranteed fabric makes this
offer unusually attractive.
A smart Blue Serge, Suit for either (
town or country wear, is now almost
a social necessity. j-
There is occasion where
MADE TO ORDER same is not appropriate.
That Extra Pair of Trousers
Without Extra Cost to youwill serve to double the life of
your suit. Two pair of trousers 1 share the wear. Slightly
worn coats and badly worn trousers are. an unnecessary waste.
We will tailor a hundred or more of these Blue Serge
Suits with extra pair of trousers during the coming
week. Will yours be one of them?
Ear bach Block.
209-11 So. 15th St.
aieruinar fiiinlifvQiinnrinr :&nrimn.3
nsvuiiuij 111 5 yHuiuj vhuviivi ..www.
Saying Prices Are the Secrets of Our Success
President Naih Gives His Version of
Readinoai-to-Sorvo Charge.
Light Man Defends ttatos Iter us
No tl Ifc her TnM EUoVrhere,
with I'osslbly o Pew
Bo far as what you say In Tho Bee
gives the Impression that our company Is
overcharging customers, or that our
method ot fixing the charges la not fair
or Just, you are all wrong," declared
President A. Nash or the electric
lighting company. "Our averagu rate for
light In Omaha Is as low as It Is In any
other city In the country. Of course, 1
am speaking generally, for there may be
a few exceptions, and when we reduce,
as wa are going to, to. 12 cents, there
won't be another city where the cus
tomers are nerved cheaper.
"Tou are all wrong, too. In taking excep-
tlon to the method by which our charges
are measured. This Is what Is known
as the charge for rcadlness-to-servo
whereby we exact a higher rata accord
ing to the lamp capacity of the customer
supplied to compensate us for our In
vestment, and fixtures nseded, to do
ready to serve him to full capacity on
demand. We could charge, aa they do
some places, for 100 per cent ot this
capoclty, when, as a matter ot fact, we
charge only 60 per cent of It. Tou
wouldn't have us make you pay the same
as we would charge Mr. Joslyn, would
you, If the meters at your house and his
showed the same amount ot current con
sumed? That wouldn't be fair to you
because we have to be ready to light the
Joslyn castle with every lamp turned on,
and that takes a great deal larger Invest-
ment In machinery and plant than to
light all the lamps In your house.
"Another thing, wa don't sell a com
modity. That's where we are different
from a water company or gas company.
They can store their water or gas, while
we have to be ready to manufacture the
electric current as It Is wanted. We sup
ply a service, not a commodity, and we
have a right to charge tor being ready
to supply It.
Charnre for Betnir Ileadr to Serve.
"I want to tell you that , this principle
of a readlnesa-to-serve charge has been
approved as fair and Just by every pub-
Ho utility commission that has ever
acted on lighting rates well, perhaps
they have not sold other methods of.
charging are unfair but this Is the
method generally adopted, and even tu
those cities that do not base the charges
on lamp capacity, they get around It
by a sliding scale, and the average charge
is Just as high or higher than ours. An
other thing, there Isn't another city In the
country where the public get thenr street
lamps aa cheap aa we furnish them here.
"About the power canal, I don't know
much about It It may be built now It It
looks aa it It could be made to pay on
the Investment The fact Is the Kountse
people have an option to buy our plant,
and our folks have an option to buy
their water rights. It's a buy or sell
proposition, as I understand It. but I
don't know whether the options will be
exercised right1 away or not"
' Dynamite Wreeka llulldlnajB
aa completely aa coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Cure thero quick with Dr. King's
Hew Discovery. COo and U. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
Cold Storage Refrigerator
Special Easy Terms on Payments
Any size Ufa to 20. tu
S3 por month. 75c por wook or a
cut prloo for cash. Any slzo from
?24 to ?32. $4 down and $4 por
month, SI por wcok or a cut price for
cash. Any sizo from S3 5 ,to $45, at
$5 down and $E por month, $1.26
por rook, or a cut prlco for caBh.
Wo mean tho Famous Cold Storage,
tho Refrigerator that received high
est Prt2b at tho St. Louis Exposition
for bolng tho bct Refrigerator
made In America. It is a real hot
wqather Refrigerator., It don't molt
tho ico- half as fast as others do In
hot weather. It keopa tho price of
ico down to 40c per 100 lt8. and
don't melt it so fast that. It coats
you 60c per 100 lb3. after you havo
bought it at 40c, like other Refrig
erators do. Nothing ever spoils" in
thp 9qld Storage in hot weather. It
Ja tho only Refrigerator made on
which the white enamel will not
scalo off or smell. It is tho only
Rofrigerator made that haa the pat
ent glass trap.
Mr. Davidson, S876 Charies, safs about the Gold Storage:
"When I bought my Cold Storage about six years ago I thought
you were Btretching things a good deal, but I have compared
it with others. You don't claim all you are entitled to."
Stoetzel Stove Co.
2 for 25 cts.
Blackwood: ?F,xcpton ?tylc'
p""c 3 -In. Back 1 -in.
Danish Societies to
Erect a New Home
ti. n...ih ntilMlnf- soalety. wltll a
capital stock of f000. has beon organise?
for the purpose of purchasing a lot anu
erecting a suitable home for the Danish
societies In Omaha.
The location Is to be central and a
fmir-Binrv modem structure is con
templated. The officers of the incorpora
tion are Chris Jensen, president;
lAvnon, secretary; N. J. Nielsen, treas
urer; while C. Jensen. J. Knkeboll, P. V
Lauon. P D Thompson, tV. K Nielsen,
J. Jacobson, A. E. Wlndberg, Dr E. X
Rasmusaen and James K. Nodskov are
the board of directors.
Nearly 5,000 Pretty Summer Dresses on Sale"
at Less Than Half Regular Prices
Several Special Purchases Divided
Into Four Big Lots for Thursday
Wash Dresses made to sell at $2.00 to
$3.50, plain colors, checks and stripes,
in most popular materials, ig
t Wash Dresses made to sell at $4.00 and
$5.00. linens, nhnmhrnvs. liiwnn. rt.n..
Nija IT in big assortment of dolors, both
iKni plain and fanbies, 1 QC
choice 91-99
Wash Dresses made to sell at $6.00 to
$7.50, beautiful designs, in InwnB,
linens, ratines, ginghams, etc., lard
and embroidery trimmed, plain
white and colors, tfC
choice 9.90
480 Beautiful Summer Dresses, ex
quisite designs, in fine marquisettes,
ratines, linens, voiles aud dainty
lawais, made to sell at $10.00 and
$12.00, both white, and colors, in broad assort- fA
ment, the bargains of the season, at, choice. . . .9SJ"9v
June Clearance of Tailored Suits 275 handsome Spring
Tailored Suits, made to sell at $25.00, $35.00 and $40.00,
diagonals, serges, tweeds aud other popular fabrics, in
cluding a choice lot of crenin serge suits, titf") fi
on sale, to close, at .ipl JsvU
75c Flouncings 25c S
This la a fine line of full 1C
inch Embroidery Flouncings,
worth fully 76c yard, nice
lino of patterns for your se
lection; we reserve the right
to limit quantity, at,
yard uOC
50c Flouncings, on sale . .23c
$2.00 Flouncings, on sale 08c
$3.50 Flouncings. on sale 1.08
J2.00 Allo'r Embro'ies 40c
16c Linen Flouncings at . .Oc
10c Loom End Strips, yard 5c
Mid-Summer White Goods
Silk finished French and Per
sian Lawns, in endless var
ieties, values up to 5 Op yard,
at 25d
Pllsse .Grope, very deslraDie,
75c values, yard 386
Ratines for Summer Suits or
Dresses, values to $1.50,
yard S1.00
Bengallnes, Piques and Hod
ford Cords, is correct for
waistlngs $1.00 values, yard
at .........50
ia the Big Busy Domestic Room Thursday
18c Fancy Orcandics and Ba
tistes, on sale, yard ...12
10c Hope Muslin, full 3C inchoB
wide, at, yard 7te6
7c Dress or Aprons Olnglmms,
at, yard . .............. 5
Men's and Boys' GOc Laundered
Shirts, chambrays or ginghams,
collars attached 35 d
GOc ileauy Almlo Sheets, Blzo 72x
90, speolal 39
25c Striped Voiles, fine line of
colors, on sale l&tJ
25c Dress Tissues, good colors
and patterns, at yard ..18f
Men's llnlbriggnn Undonvoar,
shirts or drawera, to 50c val
ues nn-1 ?d
A carlond of extra fancy Florida
Pineapples shipped to us to sell for
the grower.
We ftdvlso our customers to buy
now! If j'jou nro thinking of putting
up this UHlcloua fruit.
Extra fancy, largo size, each. . . .12Vio
Per dozen 91.40
Kxtr.t fuicv. medium size, each 10c
Per dozen , 91.10 J
Extra rancy, medium small size,
each 7V5o
Per dozen O5o
Prlco per crate, every slzo ...,93.25
S3 lbs. best granulated j QQ
48-ln. sacks Vent hUh'erade Diamond
II flour, nothing finer for bread.
pies or cakes, sack SI .00
10 bars Eeat 'Em AH, Diamond C or
Lenox soap-... ,.,... 35o
10 bars Laundry Queen soap. . . . , .25o
7 bars Hssltln Electric Spark soap
at 250
Advo Jell. Jellycoti or Jell-o. pkc.
at , 7Uo
Skinner's elbow or Btralght macaroni,
vermicelli or spaghetti, pkg . ,7Ho
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, pure
tomato catsup, .pickles, assorted
kinds, or mustard, bottle ....Oi-3c
8 Psy
Try Hayden's First
The Season's 6hoicest Wash Fabrics
Every weave, every coloring which line received the
approval of tho world of fashion, is here in prodigal assort
ment for your 'selection at most moderate pricings. Ratines,
Bulgarian and Balkan Prints, Dolly Vardens, Crepes,
Plisses, Batistes, Organdies, Dimities, etc., from the most
inexpensive, but beautiful weaves, to the very finest import
ed productions just what you want at lowest prices.
8 cans oil or mustard sardines ..25o
3-lb. 'ranB baked beans, with or with
out sauce . , .8 l-3o
16-oz. cans Columbia, Pet, Carnation
Or St. Charles milk, per can 8 l-3o
Yeast Ftam ..30
The best tea sittings, lb. ....... ,10o
Golden Santos coffee, lb 25o
Strictly Fresh Sgffs I Rn
nothing1 finer, per dozan .... I OU
The hest creamery butter, carton or
bulk, lb. , 32o
No. 1 dairy butter, lb 2So
Full cream cheese, lb loo
The .Oreatest Vegetable Market la
Omaha for tho Foopls.
Fresh spinach, per peck.... ,5a
New potaatoes. lb So
Old potatoes, 15 lbs. for .,15o
G luinchos fresh radishes So
6 bunches fresh onions A 6o
1 bunches fresh beets .....6o
4 (bunches fresh turnips So
5 heads fra3h leaf lottuco Co
2 neads fresh head lettuce Co
4 bunches fresh Kohl Rabbi 5c
Fresh wax or green beans, lb. 74o
Fancy ripe tomntoe. lb 7Mo
Home grown cherries, box '?c
Black raspberries, box 12Vio
1800 Faraam St.
Bamc OffUs. Phone Don it. itxo. .
John B. Van Boaklrk -was given s, ver
dlot of Jl.&O by a jury tu Judge Paj'a
district court In a suit which he brought
against Dr. A. 8. Pinto for alleged In
proper treatment of a broken ankle. P
Pinto's attorneys said that tt they falie
to secure a new trial they would appeal
to the supreme, court.
Van Bosldrk originally brought suit
for 1X1,000 against Dr. Pinto apd V
Samuel K Spalding, but the case against
the Utter was dismissed during the trial.
Extracting 25c t?p
Filling Ooclp
Orldcework J . . $2o fn
Crowns ...... S2.BO Vp
VUtfn 2,oOl p
MKMne Tcrtn supplied
without Platen or Itrtilgr
rork. Nerve removed
without pain. Work k'uor.
anlecil ten ytars.
Hay - Grain
Buyers, ana Shippers,
Cbolco Upland Kansas and
Nebraska Hay, also Irrigate4
Alfalfa Hay always on hand,
Storage Cap&city 000 Tons.
Doug. r0. 1223 Nicholas St.