10 Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit fBHRl4ft 'ftS " . . ' TOST WO OVE- "JAW - ?MSOSr- lll ' II v li WANT ADS Won, ads rcccifcd at any time, bat to Insure proper classification must t presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads re ceived after niicIi hours wi.l hava their first Insertion under the head ing, "Too Late to (. iasslf y." CASH RATES FOIl WANT ADS KEG I! Li Alt CLASSIFICATION: Ono insertion 1- cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 1JS cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than -0 cents. Two or more -ousecutivo Inser tions 0 cents per lino. Ono line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured uy tlio Uue, m,. by the word. NOTE -The Bee" will not bo re sponsible for more than ono wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims tor error cannot bo allowed otter the -Oth of tlio following month. An advertisement inscrtoQ to be run until forbidden must bo stopped uy written order. Verbal or telepnoue cancellation cannot be accepted. CHARGE BATES: Six words to the lino. Ono insertion 12 cents ccr line. Two or moro consecutive inser tions, 1) cents per line. One line per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons haviug accounts aio measured by tuu line, not by tho word. . J -3 DEATHS AND V UN -UAL KOTIllliW BAUGHMAN-Justlna7 beloved wife of J. Albert Baughman, on Saturday, June 14, aged 46 years. . Funeral from mu Franklin street Tubs- day mornlnc, Juno 17, at 10 o'olock. 111HTH8 AND DDAT11S. Blrths-Georgo and Lottie Dorvey, 3314 Spalding, boy; Frank and Dorothy Holob, 802 Dorcas, girl; II. G. and Trade M. Johnson, 230 Charles, girl; George and Itachel Vercuysoe, Benson, boy; Hobert and Julia Wells, 2610 Chicago, bDeaths-J. Lallc. 2 years, hospital; U. Henry. 78 years. 1613 Chicago; Llsile Vehrs, 43 years, hospital; Julia Allen, 50 years, 100 South Seventeenth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permits to wed haVo been Issued. Name and Residence. Age. Cecil C, Watts, Courxll Bluffs 27 Dora E, Tamlselca, Council Bluffs 23 Henry Meier. Ds Moines. la 26 Hoso Strandell, Des Moines, la........ 27 James W. McClaren. Elmo. Mo......).. 21 Lealha L. lionakcr. Atnsworth 13 Anthony P. Koops, Omaha 30 Mary Reh, Omaha 21 Illll.DlMl PERMITS. Nat Melster. 309 North Fortieth avenue, frame dwelling, H,600; Omaha National bank, alterations, 12,000; Jacof Deurdotf, 3868 Chicago, framt, 2,000; David Lepsey, 5019 Cass. Cranio dwelling, ?W Sarah Johnson. 2S30 Fort Omaha avenue, frame dwelling, 31.500. HELP WANTED FEJIALE. euulurx uuil iruuu THE Nebraska Telephone company can use a limited number of girls In the op, crating department. Applicants must fur hull lefeiences. balary paid while learn .n. Apply C. F. Lambert, District Traf in. Chief, mh anu Douglas St . bEAM tjiUbsS tor uiteratlun work; BUady Job. Apply 2907 Leavenworth St Jluuveuecyra muU Hunt estlk'S THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM tiOLVED The Beo will run a Servant Gill Wanted Ad FHEE until you get Ui dtiired it suits. This applies to residents ut Omaha, couth Omaha and Council mulls, tiring your ad to The lice office ur teiepuone Tyler twu. WAMbU-AN experienced girl fur general housework to go to the lakes; good wages, all expenses paid. Sp.enUid place. Must have references. Phone Har ney a04. 35a) Lincoln boulevard. WANTED A girl for general house work, no washing. 3070. 1613 Burl St.. Douglas NEAT Klrl for general housework: plain cooking; no washing, 'Phone Har ney wau. Mi a. jun. GIHL to tako core of elderly lady and assist with housework. Apply 128 a. 35th bt. mornings ur evenings. Harney ttso. MAID lor general housework; no laundryq. Good wages. Phone Harney WANTED Experienced white second girl, good wages for competent help. 430 N 48th. Phone Harnoy 892. WANTED girl for general housework. Small family. Good wages. 120 8. 37th. TeL Harney 6711. COMPETENT cook; also second girl. Private family. 3177 Davenport St Phone Harney 2041. W ANTED Maid for general housework. 3Q2 Dewey Ave.. Apt 3. Mrs. 8. D. Barkalow. Harney 3007. WANTED Girl to do general house work and laundry work; small family: highest wages. 305 So. 38th Bt WANTED A girl for general house work Small family. Good wages. Apply at once. iu eo. asm au WANTED Competent cook and second flrl for the summer only. Mrs. F. A. Brogan. 4016 Davenport St Tel. IL 227L WANTED a ifood rirl fnr rnrl housework. Clowry Court, Apt C, 17th ana wnicago. WANTED A girl for general house- worn; small family; good wages. Mrs. Mantel. 130 li. I7th Bt it. 671L COMPETENT girl for general house work: 3 tn family. Mrs. Lyman Sholts, auo tjauiornia. OIRL tor general housework; no wash- so vau .Barney sen. wuf Jiamuion. HKLP WANTED KEMAl iE. HoMNvUeeitcrN nnd Domestics. WANTED-Experienced girl for second work, at 2005 St. Mary's Ave. N'KAT Rlrl to axKlst with housework. Tel. Unrney 304S. MO 8. 34th 8t. MAID for general homework. Apply 3231 I'opplPton Ave. GIRL or middle-aged woman for gen eral housework. 3503 Franklin. WANTED-A young Rlrl for general housework, liar. 2012. 407 N. 30th St. GIRL to help Hunt house woik Bo home nights. 1333 8. 31st St and WANTED Girl for general housework Family of 2. Tel. Harney 571ft WANTKD For ucncml houstvork; Rood wages. 6014 Chicago. Harney 4236. WANTKD Experienced Rlrl for general housework. Good wages. No washing. Tel. Harney 1831. 130 Ho. 38th St. WANTED Ilellable person for general housework Splendid home for right party. Call evcnltiRs, 2711 Howard St. WANTKD A , girl for general house work. 2S28 California. MUiTllnnroui. Wanted 25 Girls Itcn Biscuit Co. ROYAL BEAUTY POWDER nest face powder on the market. Nothing injurious. Makes a lovely, cool ing, soothing, velvety complexion. My formula Is easily worth 326, but I sell It for 31. Almost every drug store In Coun cil Bluffs handles my powder, the best made. I have been a beauty doctor for years. Write or see Mme. Wilson, 421 W. Broadway. Council Dluffs, la. U. S. Gov't, positions open to women, big pay. Write for list of positions Franklin Institute, Dept. 661 D, Rochester, TOUNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boardlnir places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE ' AschUi salesmen nuU Milleltors. WANTED Two experienced salesmen to sell our factory, underwear, hosiery and notion lines In Nebraska. We have a fair trade ulrcady established In this state. Give references and state salary. Address Irwtn-Phllllps Co., Keokuk. Ia. WANTED Salesman to take orders for our high-grade nursery stock, pay weekly. Write for terms and catalogue. The QrleBa Nurseries. Lawrence. Kan. YOUNG MEN can inako (3 to IS per day without experience In our line. I will show you how, Leo A. Dye, 700 UrandeU Theater. AGENTS Eurn 15 dally calling on au tomobllo owners, ltlver View Co., Sumner, Wash. Dor. BOY wanted, with bicycle, 1S04 Farnam, Jj pur week. Plgtoua. cash for old mugaxines. W. 4141. Faetorjr nd 'I'rnites. ATTEND the ItiaHT SCHOOL. Larg est. best equipped school and repair shop In entire west. Price no muiu than any of the eo-ciilieu schools, Equipment ana faculty not to be comparod tn any par ticular. NEBUA8K.A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1417 Dodge. Phone Doug. 3043. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOBT We have one waiting for you. You can quullfy for It In a low snort months at UUYI.KU tUliUtAlU Uf l'JUlAl, UPilUH PACIFIC It R. TRAINING SCHOOL. Vb will buiid y you with a place to work tor board which attending una free trans poitatlon to your Post when your course is compietcu. acnu tor our tuiaiusuu iu-day- BOYLES COLLEGE. 1809 Harney vt., umana, rxeo. nET into the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, and be come Independent. Our lurge. well equipped shops, offer the opportunities of learning the business oy actual ex- Pirlence on uuicreni mases oi cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call ; National Auto Training association. 2S14 N, vtii St., Omaha, Neo., phone W. till MEM wanteu to learn tne uaruer iruue Our ini'thod is quick, cheap and thorough Tools given. Wuges while learning. Jobs utways waiting. Don t delay. Call at once or write. Molur Barber college, 110 8. 14th St. WAXvlED ngnt ana siuck coopers, steady work; stuto ago and experience HI1U KIllU Ul VYUIIV UCBltCUi ,fU.l.t.V,. Cooperage Co,. Burlington, Iowa. WANTED An experienced, wide-awake repairman for head man In garage at once. Clood wages. Adams County Auto Co.. Hastings, Neb. WANTED Vluarrymen ut Nehawka. Neb. Van Court Stone Co., IMG Howard St. FOR GOOD HELP or a good job of any kind, any whet e, see the Omuha Employ ment Bureau, 121 N. 15th St. Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst. Bee Uldg, Allacelluneuua. WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages . of It and 35; cltliens of United States. Nt good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Army Building, 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb.; 005 Fourth St, Bloux City. Ia.; 130 N. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Names of men wishing to become Omaha mall carriers; 367 nronth commence. Pull unnecessary. Address Y 149. Bee. COLORED Janitor and wife for apt. house. References required. Address P 312, care Omaha Dec. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. UKLP WANTED MA 1. 13 AMI FUMALIS EXPERIENCED maker on shirts. band button hole Albert Calm, sn & 14th. St.. 2d floor. WANTED SITUATION B A NO. 1 meat cutter wishes to tret noaltlon ln city. 20 years' experience and best of references supplied. Married and strictly sober. George W. Neely, care of Windsor hotel EXPERIENCED bookeeper and stenog rapher; middle-aged man; also expe rienced In general office woik; good hab its and can furnish best of references. Address P-2ZS. c Bee. YOUNG man, D, employed In office during day. wishes to take care of lawn or do general work around the house for board and room, Can furnish best of reference. Address, L SCO, lit. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE Just Then the Roar WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTEDFosltlon by man and wife, colored, as Jahttor In apartment house or small place; can fire boiler; drop mo a card. Mr. Wallace, 1323 Pierce. YOUNG LADY wants a place to work for board nnd room board nnd room wlillo attending school. Call Douglas 3050. YOUNG man 27 years of age wants steady position In city or country. Ad dress 11-203, care Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gibson's Buffet 322 South ISth St HAZED DEAF PILE CONBS-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 50c postpaid; samples tree. Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. D. B. drlfflth, wig rr.fr 12 Frenxer Blk, Wedding announcements. Doug. i'tg. Co. PUIIL1C UCTION OF POOD HALL 7 tables and 2 barber chairs and full equipment, Saturday, June 21, 2 p .in., at 414 8. 15th St., next to Orpheum Theater. Arthur Iloscnblum, trustee. Tel. D. 1S87. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film uxch., 10th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES FORTY horse power Chalmers; must bo sold at once; fully equipped first class running order. D. D. Wallace. 1417 Dodge. v BEST AUTO PAINTING Fore doors, slip covers, new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFEH CARRIAGE Works, 2Sth Ave, fc Leavenworth. D. 6t)23 DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOORiU SEAT COVERS. Electric Coupe at onc-thhd of its value for cash. Will trade for real estate. New batteries and In fine condRion. Call 310 Bee. Doug. 2904. NEW 6-passenger 1913 Cartercar; 31,400 takes It. Cost fl,7G0. One 4-h. p. Thor motorcyclfc, S7S. LeDron Electric Works. .13 S. 12th. DAY storage; good service; polite at tendants; autos washed and polished at the Down Town Garage. 1418 Howard St FOR SALE Oldsmoblle, cost 33,200; ex cellent condition. Inquire Dr. Macrae. City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Council Blurs, la 7-PASS, limousine body; fits any car; bargain If taken now. D. S301. 11. Pelton. ONE ton truck, solid tires, overhauled, repainted, S500. H. PeltonN 2J2! Farnam. $100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210N.a8th. --r Slataroyoles. SUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yale motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos, "the Motorcycle Man." liar-ley-Davidson and Yale motorcycles. 2703 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about; never been used. Address A 42, care Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, good second-hand touring car. Address E 215, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. Iowa Company Manufacturing Pro duct Used by Farmers Is offering- to Investors 8 per cent first mortcane Bold hnmU lnt, o. 'able selnl-annuallv. nnri with ...h im purchaser of bonds will receive one share of the capital stock, fully paid up and non-assessable. This Is Iowa corpora- tlon, and ! offering a rare opportunity .u , unci cm rui ning investment. Leading banks and business houses en dorse, our investment. This requires prompt action to Becure you few of theso bonds. For further information, address AUDITOR, P. 0. Box 117, Marshalltown, Ia. T9?t,Jnr oul of business, call on OANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S47I. 1WT FARNAM 6 rooms, rnmnl.i.l. modern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, otc7. ...... vvj., VM IUUHXB u. iuu. WE HAVE a very eoad nnnilnn tn party who can Invest some money and work up In the business. Must ait HUivnij. t nee. TO QUICKLY sell your business or rci csiaie. wnie me it,iitifitecir rn Omaha. wivpn , - .... . "--' IHKI, 111 W11M1U UUBJIieiS, to take one-third fntrrAnl AHiir n aou, wre uce. BUSINESS FEBSONALS llarbcra. , TEN CENT8 shave and neck shave. 6 cents shine. EUasser's; 1S17 Farnam St Uullders nuil Contraotors. E. E. HULL contractor. Douglas, 4654 tor and repair work promptly tended to. Carpenters. hiiitrtm Rhnu mi N'. 2iih i iguio wrni j. wiison & co. w. Chtrupructoro. J. C. Lawrence. D. C, 2328 Howard. D. MO. 8. BILL1NOHAM, Crelghton Blk. D. 7t01 Lhlroitodlata. DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 4J7. Mrs. C T. ZwMlcr. W. 4647. 441S Parker. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies, DAVID COLE CREAMERY COM PANT IlressuiaklBff. Fashionable drease. Leone aws. D. 7SS6. Terry Dressmkg. college. tli 4 Farnam. DRESSMAKING. Douglas 7931. PLAIN Mwlas. Harney VL Broke Out Copyright. A. B. G. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity econ omy. 318 S. 16th. middle of block. 2d floor. BELL Drug Co., ells everything you want from a drug store. Bend or nhnn. ill vr.ilr nrHnta' ntllnk (lAllVerv. Phone Doughis 1623. Empress ANY BEAT 10c ANY TIME K EP.lt Abstract Co., 303 S. 17th St. Better be safe than sorry.' Have Krrr do your title work. N1 EllltASKA AUTOMOW1LE SCHOOL, LKAllN AUTOMOBILE ENGI NEERING. Write for new cats. logue. 1416-17 Dudgo St.. Omaha. Neb. N EBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," l&th and Harney, Douglas 16o2. We rent rclialr. sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. PAliQUETTli SSSt b?.?Wir8a floors ref Inlshed and made like new. Par- quette flours contracted. C. Hansen. Tel. ilea bWi. O ILKO chick food Seeds, millet, cane. rape, alfalfa, lawn grass, kafflr fiirn. Wairner. SOI No, corn. 16th. HIP your rubber, metal3 and rags to Omaha Metal and Rubber Co.. 101 Bo. kth St., Omaha, Neb. VACUUM Cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In the homo. Sanitary Servicn Co. Tol. Doug. SM. w E CLEAN, dyo and reblock all kinds or. ladles una gents' nats. New York Shlrio Parlor. 105 S. 16th., oppostto Hayden's. Vacation Hints. , j.'UUh ,(.,tv,iiu tor your vucatlon don't torget to have your pillows and .MattresocD leuovated, Omaha Pillow -u., 1721 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 2it7. H AVE your iiome protected. Foster Barker Co., Burglary Insurance, lliaiidels Bldg. Doug. 29. BBXTON'S PHARMACY 12th & Dodge. Fito delivery. Order your drugs &. toilet articles before vacation ar rives. We carry THE quality goods. D-6&0. LIVE at the Y. M. C. A. park on Cartel .ake this summer and reduce the cost of high living, a postal from you ad dressed to the Y. M. C. A. will bring lull Intorniation. Tel. Tyler 1600. LADIES' STRAW and Panama hats bleached and reshaped, .luunser, zta a. it in. u. nw, BUSINESS PEHSONALS. lietei-tlvea. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Bit Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1131 Omaha Sec. Ber. Agcy. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. L. W. LONQNECKER. M7 Karbach Blk. Drugs, DRUGS, at cut nrlccs: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Bhermtfn & Aicconnell Drug Co., umana. nod. Everything for Women. TURKISH bath, lfc02 Farnam. D. BS95. Everythlntr Electrical. NEW and 2d. hand fans, dynamos. motors, gasoline engines; electric repair Lauron. sis. so. :;tn at jj. zrie. f jurists. C. Ederer. florist. 2904 Bristol. Web. 1795. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. Doug, loot HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St U HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 12S1. B RAN DEI 3 cut flower dept. new store BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Trier 1024 O'Neill's. 1S05 Farnam 8t Laundries. Omaha Lace Curtain Laundry. D. 7214. Lairm llancr, LAWN MOWERS sharoened. called for and deiTvured. $1. Rear 2220. Lane. W. 2326. Nurseries sua bccUs. STEWARTS 8EEDMAN. Ill) N. Mtn. ustropatUs. Alice Johnson, S03-9 Brandels Thk Bids. Patents. IJ. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HIRAM A. ST URGES, patent lawyer. (46 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 34BX Pntntluu and Decorating. CORONA Dtcoratln o.. 1818 St. Mary's Ave. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tyler U84. rrlnttng. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Doug. 37M. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. qual- lty printing. Tel. Doug. 90. 624 8. 13th. McGaffln (MAC), the PRINTER. D. 2838. Painters. PAINTINU wanted by day or contract by honest workman. D. 8308. T. J. Turner. Plumbers. STANDARD PLUM Bl NO CO.. Doug. 38. Trusses. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ELASTIC STOCK. 1HU. THEW. a. CLEVELAND COMPANY aurgicii ana nospiiai ouymic. 1410-12 Harney St. Experts ln fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. SKILLED LADY AliaJi UAfii. Trnnka nnd Suitcases. FRBL1NG & STEIN LE. 1S03 Farnam St Store and Office Fixtures, DESKS, safes. scales.'showcases. shelv ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Flxtur and Supply Co. 414-16-13 S. Uth. D.2744. Wines nnd Liquors. 1 VIRGINIA DARE wine. 65o a targe bot tle. Klein Liquor House. s n. mn w. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 & 13th St. EDUCATIONAL THE VAN BANT SCHOOL. founded m 1S3L tKeliuicrunhy only. ? tionlxed by the well-educated and expert. enced. Individual atlenuou. KVKiit graduate succeeds. Catalogue ready. Omaha. Ntsx 17, 1013. IMS. Nnatlonal News Service EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ftudy. Call, write or phone for It Bovles College. 18th and Harney Sts.. Omaha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed clasBtn. Finest quarters. Graduates aro guaranteed good positions. Work for bourn. For free cntnlriaUA aA. dress Mosher-Lampnian College, 1815 Fnr nam at. umana, iseD. UsiiuIiik A IMdcUlM. Special summer rates at Mackle's. Even ing & aftero'n classes. 1816 Harney. D. S44S. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse ana Veulcles. Harness of all kinds, the largest stock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson Dan forth Co.. S. W. Tor. Kith and Jones. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they tett It lu the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Ib anxious to restore them to the rlgntful owner. Call Doug las 48. LOST Between the fish hatcheries and Gretna a lady's coat. Return or notify US wherj wo can como and get It. Joseph Uarktr, Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Phone Doimlas, 29. Reward. LOST A brlnd.u bull In Dundee; an swers to the name Mokey. Call Harney D5U7. Reward. LOST Pearl dinner ring In Kllpatrick's store, Saturday afternoon. Call Benson D63 W. Reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures tes. fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curo guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. T. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Money furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheab rates, easy payments. D. II. Tolman, 335 Board of Trade building. ' OFFERED FOB RENT. Apartments und Flats. Gordon Van Co. Si! 219 N. 11th St.. or 210 S. 17th St Tel. D. 334. FOR RENT, FURNISHED Very at tractive 5-room furnished apartments, ln the Lorenzen apartments, at 31st and Dewey. Will rent for July and August and give Immediate possession if desired. Telephone Harney 1019. MODERN apartments near postofttce, $18 and upwards. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago. SIX-ROOM apartment, completely mod ern, 8cargo Bldg., South Omaha, above 610 North 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS. W. 4328. THREE large room flats, partly mod em; good neighborhood. 1917 Elm St.; . 6-ROOM apartment, completely modern, 2003 Lake St. Inquire 2008 Lake St. SLX-ROOM apartment ln the Sherman. Web. 6765. Board and Itooms. PLEASANT room with board, family of four, modern home In Kountze Place, on best car line, terms reasonable. Two young men or man and wire preferred. References. 3S02 North 24th. Phone Web. 931. MERRIAM 3 or 4-r., private bath; also small suite; 1 or 2 single. Furnished Rooms. ROOM and board for three young gen tlemen. Prices reasonable. Hanacom park district Call Doug. 2057. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1621 DODGE ST., 1816 Modern rooms. 12 up. Famished Housekeeping: Rooms. PARLOR floor: piano; shade: first class; no children; Jl.60. Phone Harney Jk36. 604 8. 28th. , DAVENPORT. 2018 Two ntshed housekeeping rooms. nicely fur DODGE 8T 1816 Modern rooms. FOUR ROOMS for light housekeeping on second floor, 40th and Hamilton. Tel. Uar. 4i . Furnished Apartments. A PINE six-room duplex apartment. ftnnr: laree screened porch, east and south front; comer lot near car and Hanscom park, win lease 10 gausiuuiuiy parties from juiy i to uciooer io. wu. W. p. ttartioro, ioav uwn Hotels und Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Houses nnd Cottages. FIDELITY Storage and Van Co. Goods stored. moved. paCKed shipped. 16th it Jackson Sts. Doug. lils. 6-ROOM modern cottage, 2638 Dodge, tine lawn and shade, a neat little home for a small family. Phone Doug. 3770. WEST FARNAM. Harney and 40th, nice, clean, cool south front porches; newly decorated. Brick bulldlni;. 7 and 8 rooms, close In. ICiil Douglas, 11 rooms, modern, two baths, nice yard. 0 S. 24th. 7 rooms. modern. 619 a 19th. 7 rooms, modern. Harney 14M or Tukey and Bon. 2310 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern, SS0.00, 2666 Douglas. ( rooms, suitable for room inir houue. llEht housekeeping. 330.00. Flat. 1308 Leavenworth, fi rooms, 120.0a, JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. TWO-STORY brick flat on 26th, near California, Crelghton University, Doug las ta Brawn for The OFFERED FPU RENT. lluuaei nntl CottaKe. A COMPLETE list of all vacant houses, apaitments and flats that are for rent. This is a list compiled dally and can be seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. CO. 8EVEN-ROOM house, hrt modern, first class condition. 27th St., near Prairie Park club. 330. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming, Phone Douglas 2049. ' NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hot water heat. 2G23 Harney, J60. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Harney 1S94. Douglas 1316. S-ROOM bungalow. Dletely modern. (26. 2881 Illnney; corn Hall Disc Co., 433 naniRg, Douglas 7406. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores arjl ships household goods and planoB. Douglas 1496. PRICE reduced; good 8-room house; modern except heat; 320. 2511 Corby. Web. E0C0. 253S Dodge St. Strictly modern six rooms, fine Bhadg trees and lawn. Phone Douglas 3770. 6 ROOMS and bath, strictly modern; very choice. 2825 N. 21th St., corner Locust. Owner, Webster 2612. UP-TO-DATE, all modern, 7-room house; also 4 or 5-room flats. 220 N.23d. Groom modern brick flat, J17.60; water paid. 2106 Clark St. Phono Webster 6725 T n "Rporl ExP- Co., furniture moving. O. j. iM.tuTwo men Sl nour w 7 ROOMS and bath. All modern. N. 33d. Inquire 2715 Chicago. 1026 A seven-room house, all modern, near cars. Phone Harney 2558. 6-R. house, strictly modern, 3 years old. 1420 Hickory; .walking distance. Red 7228. T-Tmicnc: ln all parts of tho city. i-LUUSia Creigh. Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. S ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. 8-ROOM modern, 2512 Chicago. D. 8145. COTTAGE. Y. M. C. A. PARK. D. 4512. 110 S. 26th Ave., 12 rooms, all mod., 350.00 1128 S. 36th St., 7 Joms, all mod.,.. 30.00 S24 8. 20th, 6 rooms, all ox. heat.... 20.00 2517 Parker, 6 rms., all mod. ex. heat. 20.00 3308 sward, 6 rooms, mod. ex, heat 18.00 2725 Charles, 7 rms.. city water, gas. 18.50 940 N. 24th, for good colored family, 6 rooms 17.00 2416 8. 16th, 6 rms. mod. ex .heat.. 12.50 McCAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. Phope Doug. 415. Stores and Offices. STORE for rent; heat and water free. 2S26 Sherman AVe. Phone Webster 233. 111 SOUTH 15TH-Steam heat JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. ONE store-room. 2003 Lake St Inquire 2003 Lake St. OFEERED FOR SALE Musical Instruments. OWN A GOOD PIANO We e will help you. Genuine bargains, fakes. We carry In stock the HENRY F. MILLER No one of the world's greatest pianos: Laffarque, Story & Clark and other rename makes ol pianos and play pianos. G. H. HARR PIANO CO. 3d Floor, Old Boston Store. D. 2017. ELECTRIC piano. 125. 119 N. 15th. 'I'ypcwrlterm. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros. tvie- writer, visible, late model, back sDace key. guaranteed .-l machine. L. smith & liros .Typewrit r Co., 1819 f ar nam. Fhoa Douglas 2213. Rememben. this Is newVjocatlon. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 months. 31 The Oliver Typewriter Co., Douglas 2919. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months, to. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. MlscellMneou. 8TECK grand piano, cheap. Used two years. Family leaving town. Address B 225, care Bee. 8x8 air compressor. 612 S. 14th. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and cowling alleys ana accessories; oar na tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 407-409 S. lOUi St FOR SALE At right figures. 25V4 feet of cheny bank fixture. Good condition. Address Y-174, care Bee. EMPTY ink barrels for sale. Apply. Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney D. 2644. a APES Overstocked ; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1S18 Far. St. For Sale Alfalfa. Phone Benson 6231. SAFES 2d-hand, American Supply Co. TEKSONAL Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat , D. 863. 14 INVALIDS GET FENSIONR 1R1 nhanrlntlnns to the L. II. Journal. 11.60; 8. E. Post. $1.60, and Country Pen- tlemon, Il.bo, will earn o,wu lor mo in valids" Pension Assn., which will Insurs myself and fifteen other sufferers 81 a month each. Your renewal worth j0 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Tel. Douglas im umana. neo. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. vniiN'n women comlns: to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and 8t Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitaDie Doaraing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing; lu fact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 45 and wagon wm. can. WANTED to correspond with Mrs. Dr, Priest or persons knowing her where abouts Mrs. J. Vance. Seneca, Neb. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. MASSAGE-MRS. RITTE-NHOUSE. 303 Boston Store. Eve. and Sun. appolnt's. MASSAGE Swedish movement 418 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6372 MAGNETIC HEALING. 14- VINTON. Massage. 1st fj;j6.JT23 jdjJJ'!le. BALE OR EXCHANGE, R, E. All Going Out Nothing coming in. that's your auto; will give choice of fifty farms tor It PALMER LAND CO., 1106 W. O. W. Building. BAKERY and cafe for sale or trade. Address B Webster. O'- Ia. Bee by Tad eiALl? OK EXCHAAWK- FOR falo or trade, four small uasollne delivery wagons, will trade for lnrger one. or sale, tnree delivery wagons. For sale. 9.000 feet of two-Inch lumber. To anyone who wants a barHln In this line, call at 21S AV. Bdway. Co. Bluffs. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOIl SALE. $8,000 Owner back from California for week only; will sell splendidly built home, fine view, two lots, best part ot city. o,uuo CASH, balance mortgage. 334 No. 41st St. See this house as It Is worth double what Is naked for It. $100 DOWN. $20 MONTH 5 rooms, ' modern except heat; Rood neighborhood; near car line: lot 44x127. lntennountain Realty Co. 1523 Douglas. Tel. Doue. 4025. EASY PAYMENTS. 8200 cash 6-room cottage, 2700 Corby St. 200 cash 6 rooms, 14th and Elm Sts. J300 cash -rooms, 32d and Pratt Sts. 1200 cash 6-room stucco bungalow. $250 cash 6-room modern house, 18th ind Vinton Sts. Inquire 413 Karbach Block. Phone D. 3OT7. HAVE a client that will pay from 33,000 to 34,000 spot cash for 8 or 9-room houn In Kountze Place or In any other good location. MYRTLE DEUEL, 2T02 Brown, Tel. Web. 1052. SEE our new house plan before bulltH Ing a home. No charge. Can save you 15 per cent In building. B 209, Bee. A BEAUTIFUL home for sale or rent at 2217 Fowler. You must see this to ap preciate it. 4t Interested, call Web. 1304. FOR SALE Reasonable, to settle cs tate. 821-23-25 8. 20th. Phone Harney 2325. FOR SALE 5-room cottage, Ames Ave. Tel. Web. 4780. 31,850. 3903 TO BUY', SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FaRNAM ST. REPAIRING house; will divide room to suit purchaser. Webster 6718. REAL ESTATE. farm; a ranch lands for sale California. our next "Private" Excursion to and ail through BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA Leaves July 7. Excursion rate. Make your reservations early. Karl Brehme , 615 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. CALIFORNIA LAND. Send for cata logue. Properties In all counties. Val uable, reliable Information. C. M. Woos ter Co., Phelan Bldg., San Francisco. CALIFORNIA land excur. every Tues. w. x. QMiTti uu, bib :ity wat Bank. Jlantnna 73,000 ACRES FOR SALE CHEAP. I have Just purchased the Al Thomas ranch of 73,000 acres. This ts the last large tract of good land to be had ln Montana. As a whole tract this will run 90 per cent plow land. A new railroad Is to be built at once through this land. I will sell this ln any size tracts from 160 acres up. My prices are right and terms to suit purchaser. Write for descriptive matter about the Lake Basin country. E. B. Kingman. Broadview, Mont Minnesota, 164 ACRES, 45 miles from Minneapolis; one mile from town: 120 acres cultivated; balance meadow and pasturo; heavy soil; fair set buildings; one good team horses; two cows, several head of young stock; complete set ot machinery, chickens, hoes and everything on the place goes at 10 per acre, one-half cash. SCHWAB BROS., 1B28 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. WMaZiIim tun. "PRIZE-WINNER FORTY." 40 acres on Columbia river. Wash. Splendid Improvements, complete equip ment. Finest bearing fruit trees and vineyard. Within one mils of three railroads; easy shipments to four large cities. Buberb model modern fruit farm; will produce this fall 50,000 boxes prize winning fruit Owners have other Increasing business Interests. Address, 612 Columbia building, Spokane, Wash ington. REAL ESTATE LOANS- MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. V W. BINDER. 823 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS In any amounts. W. H. THOMAS, 228 State Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Omaha homes. No delay. J. H. Mlthen Co.. inc., v.ny National Bans: mat. ougma OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. u 0,,vr c 'ffpAI. ESTATE CO.. toi Omaha National. Douglas 271$. T-iwa nn farms and Improved city property. 6 6H and. 6 per cent: no delay. J. If. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam 3t. WANTED City loans and warrants W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1330 Farnam St T?V1 V TVRfiS f-oans fcoo mm up Al.tV.liN JA.0maha Nttt. Bnnk 1100 to 310,000 made promptly F. l Wead, Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam. iifo CITY LOANS, Bemta-Carlberg Co.. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bide- LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros HARRISON MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. STEAMSHIPS ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Ocean passage 7Vi days. Moderate rates For book of tours, rates, etc . apply U HENDERSON BROTHERS., Gen. Acts., i' W. Randolph St Chicago ANY LOCAI AOET.