Polly and Her UP j5CTnPRr f tSttE Him OF HMW' 4 THE. RI6HT LIVE. MOM PER 1 MILLIOM4I&E, WANT ADS Wen- nris" received" ut any time, lut to insure proper classification niitsC b presented before 111:00 o'clock in)on fur tlio evening edition and before 7:510 i. in. for morning nn t Hnnduy edition. Want ads re-c-clrod after such Iioiii-h trll. Iiavo their first Insertion under tlio head ing, "Too Lnto to llasslfy." CASH llATESFOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One Insertion 1U cent" per line. Two or inoro consecutive Inscr t!on i cent n uord. No ndvcr tUomcnt taken for loss than SO rents. Two or inoro .onso:utivo inser tion) o cents per lino. One lino per month $1.80. Twenty ccnta a minimum charge. Advertisements chnrged to pajrona having accountN nro measured by tho line. iu. by tlio word. NOTE Tho Beo will uot bo ro eponslblo for more than ono wrong Insertion tluo to tyiogruihicul error. Cluimu ror error cannot bo allowed utter tho ;uth or tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to bo run until forbidden must uo stopped of written order. Verbal pr telcpnouo cancellation cannot bo leceptcd. CliAil(ii"TtATKBJ Six words to tlio line. Ono Innei tiou ili teuts Der line. Two or moro consecutivo Inbcr Uonii 0 cents per line. One line per month, $1.80. Twenty eenls u mlnlmuui charge. AdvcrtUcmcntH charged to patrons having accounts n.o measured by Uio line, uot by tho word. Clerlvul uua uiliee. STKNqqnAI'HUU for mull ortfcr hurt now. mum bo good cornyuMmoiml.. all or spare time. - Address T Charles' F. Haanei. 1401 Syndicate; Trust illdg., Ht. Uouls, Mo.' ' . b'ntifft bilu r.ide. THE Nebraska Telephone company can use a United number or Klrls (a tne op tratluv (.epjitmeiu- Applicants must fur. dish references. Salary paid while learn .ns. Apply C. 1 Lamoert, District Traf. Clc Chief, toth ana Duugias Ht bKAMb'iiir.&n lor alteration worKi Heady Job. Apply aW teavenworth Ht. iiuitKJueperk Mud Uoiuettlu. THE SUnVANT QtrtL PrtOBLEM BULVED The Ue-wlll run a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad KKBB until you get tho dtsircd tesutu. This applies to resident u: Omaha, bouth Omuha and Council Bluffs. Hrlnt your ad to The Doe otnc u telephone ryier iww WAN'iKD AN experienced girl for trenerul housework to go tu the lakes; good wages; all expenses paid. Splendid Place. Must have references. Phono liar tiey tote, asto Lincoln boulevard. WANTED A girl for general house work, no washing. 1613 Hurt St., Douglus NEAT girl for general housework plain cooking; no washing. Thone liar tiey 406O. 203 & 31th. OIlll. to taka care of elderly lady and assist with housework. Apply Its 8. 33th bt. mornings or evenings. Harney hw ""MAID for general housework; no Uundrya. aood wages. 1'hone Harney 31W.- WANTED Experienced white second atrl, good wuges for competent help. i29 H 48th. Phone Harney 8y2. WANTED girl for general housework. Small family. Good wages. 18) 8. 37th. Tel J tarney 6711. I'OMI'liThNT cook: nldo nccond Klrl. Private family. 3171 Davenpgrl St. Phono Harney iti- WANTED -Maid for generul housework. Zalt Dewey Ave.. Apt. 5. Mrs. 8. D. Barkalow Harney X07. WANTED Girl to do general house work and laundry work; small family; highest wages. 306 Ho. 38th St WANTED Competent cook and second r:i (or the summer only. Mrs. F. A. Hrogsn 4016 Davenport 8t Tel. H. 827i. WANTED a good girl for general housework Clowry Court. Apt. C, 17th and Chicago. VANTED A girl for general house work, small family: good wages. Mrs. Mantel U0 H. 37th St. H. 571L COMPETENT girl for general house work. S In family Mrs. Lyman Sholes, no California. UIRI. for general hounewnrk; no wash iqg 'sll Harney 3624. 3310 Hamilton. W AN 'fKD Experienced girl (or second ork. at aoOS St. toy' Ave. NEAT glrPto assist with housework. Tel. Harney 45. B0 8. 34th Bt- MAID (or general housework. Apply JJ21 Poppleton Ave. OIIlL or middle-aged woman for gen eral housework. 2WS Franklin. WANTED A young girl (or genera hoiuework. liar. 2412. m N. 30th St UIRL to help light house work and go home nights. 1333 R 31st St - NTED-Olrl for general housework Family of 2. Tel. Harney 5710. WANTEDFor general houstvirork; good, wages. 6014 Chicago. Harney itS6. ailnerliaueuua. Wanted25 Girls Icing Rooms. Iten BiBcuit Co. IiOYAIj BEAUTY POWDER rst face powder on the market Ncthi iu: Injurious. Makes a lovely, cool- i)ttofnir. velvety complexion. My jrmK is easily wortn . out I sen it IIl. Almost every drug store In Coun- c t uiufis nanoies my powaer, tne nest ti-ade I have been a beauty doctor (or years, write or see time. Wilson, ki w. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. U S. QoVt positions open to women, big Pay. Write for list of positions. Vrankiin Institute, Dept. KL V. IWchesttr, T Pals The others Didn't Share the Joy of FUR rYTVfSlkESt S2m "erSelf DELI04! V'tooK VM4KE ME. WERVOUS, PfcTlU LIKE A UoLED UP dM LlkE HEM? WANTED FKMATB. Mlscvllnneona. ' siraiiffers are Invited tit visit the Younit at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th Si., whore they will be directed to suitable board lux places or otlierwlso assisted Iook (or our travelers' Rulde at the Union statlonj WOSIBN to do plain Bewfrii; at homo for a lurge Phlliidcllila firm: good money and steady work: no oanvaseltigi send reply envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Desk 1. Walnut St., PhUHdelhla, Pa.' uel"i watei .ii alb 3 Aufun, ilntfniiK-ji mill Millcllnrs. WANTHD Two expXionced snlcsmcn to twtl our factory, underwear, hosiery mill notion linen In Kebrnsita. We have a fair trodo ulrrady estubllHhed In this state. Give, references nnd state salary. Adilres Irwin-l'hllllps Co., Keokuk. la. WANTKD Salesman to take orders for our hlKh-grade nursery stock, pay weekly. Write for terms and catalogue The Clrlcsu Nurseries. Lawrence, Kan. YOUNG MEN can niako J3 to G per day without experience In our line. I will show you how. Leo A. Dye, 700 Urondels Theater. AOKNTH 15am 15 dally calling on au tomobllo owners, niver View Co., Sumner, Wash. t nnv . ..n . ..i ...i . 1. . i ,rii t. JJy i vvniiit:u, null uiwjruic, xovi rariiuin, Jtl per week. t I'lctoim, cash tor ola inaKaiines. W. 4111. factory mi it 'I'rudcu. ATTIC ND tho nkJHT SCHOOL. Lara est, best uiiuippcd nchuol and roualr shon In entire west. Price no more than any of tuo so-cauou scnooiM. tiuipmeni ana faculty not lu be coinparcu in any par ticular. NE11HABKA AUTOMOlllLE SCHOOL, 1417 Dodge. I'hone DOUK. .1043. WANT A TELEORAPH JOllV We have una waiting for you. You can quullfy for It In n few short months ut 1IOYLKS COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC R. It. TRAINING SCHOOL. We will supply you with a place to work for I'ourd wljlcli attending and frco tram- JU LUilUII IU UUI IIUDb nilUII UUt la completed. Send for our catalogue to il ay. DOYLE8 COLLEGE, XWJ Harney Vt., Omaha, Neb, GET Into the most profitable buslnesi of today, tho automobile business, and be come Independent. Our large, well iqulpped shops, offer tho opportunities of learning tho business oy uctual ex Pirlencu on dlfforcnt makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call National Auto Training association, 2814 N. 10th St., Omaha. Neb., phone W. WU. MEN wanted to learn the barber traue. Our mothod Is milck, cheap and thorough. Tools given. Wages whllo learning. Jobs always waiting. Don't delay. Call at onco or wrlto. Moler Uurbcr collcgo, 110 S. 14th St. . . r . VI ... ... n n.l..l. -I .In ..I. .- i. r a ' . . . . . ...... . . .. ...... ..vnnJm. r.A and kind of work desired. Tho Welnrlch .ouperase u.. jiui iiiitituii, iuw. WANTED An experienced, wldo-awako repairman for head man In garage at once. Good wages. Adams County Auto Co.. Hastings, Neb. WANTED Uuarrymen at Nehawka, Neb. Van Court Blona Co., 1600 Howard St. FOR GOOD HELP or a good Job of any kind, anywhere, see tho Omaha Employ ment Uurcau, 121 N. 15th Bt. ' Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst. Bee Illdg. MlJcelluiieuue. WANTED Foil U. B. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperattr habits, who can speak, read and wrlto tho English language. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Army Building, 15th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha, Neb.; 005 Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; 134 N. 10th St,. Lincoln, Neb. OMAHA Mill Carriers Wanted-Aver-age 190 month. Omaha examinations coming. Specimen of questions' free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 213 D. Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED Names of men wishing to become Omaha mall carriers; 867 month commence. Pull unnecessary. Address Y 143. Bee. COLORED Janitor and "wife" "for apt. house. References required. Address P 212. care Omaha Bee. FARM handi. laborers furnished free of i charge to employer. Evans' Employment. IVJIIl Wilier, juii uuukc. ioi. uuutf. ovu. WANTED A (arm hand. Danish ore- 1 ferred. Howard Wilson. Ralston. Neb. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. tlKLr WANTED MAM". AND FESIALlfi EXPERIENCED hand button hole maker on ihlrts. Albert Calm, 113 a 14th St. 2d floor. WANTED SITUATIONS A NO. 1 meat cutter wishes to get position In city; 20 years' experience and best of references supplied. Muritwl and strtctly sober, (lrorge W. Neely. oare of Windsor hotel. EXPERIENCED bookeeper and sUnov rapher; middle Hgd man; also expe rienced In general office work; good hab its and ran furnish best of references. Address P-13S. care Bee. WANTED Position by man and wife, colored, as Janitor In apartment house or smull place; can fire boiler; drop me a card. Mr. waiiace, ins Pierce. YOUNO LADY wants a place to work for board and room while attending KOtiooi. van uougias YOUNG ihuii 27 years of age wants steady position in city or country. Ad dress II-20S, care Bee. ANNOUNCR.MENT8. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. D. B. Orlfflth. wig mfr 12 Frvnxer Ulk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film xoh v-lOth and Deug. Mo Uon picture machine and (Urn bargains. AUTOMOBILES FORTY horse power Chalmers; must be sold at once, fully equUped first class running order. V. It. Wallace, 1(17 Dodge. 7 . THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUXE 16, HOW7H4' deuce. DOuAi 4 OLE. lEMME. DIE. ME OWW WAV AUTOMOHITiES. DRUMMOND'S Ills now Kurnue at 2Ctli and Farnarn. fore door:, SEAT COVEIIS. Electric Coupe at ono-tlilrd of Its valuo for cash. Will tiade (oi real estate. New batterlea and lu fine condition. Call 310 lice. Doug. ZHJ4. NEW e-pasbenger 1D13 Curtercar; J1.400 takes it. Cost 1,7M. . One 4h. p. Thor motorcycle 16, Lcliron Electric WorkB, 313 S. Uth. DEBT AUTO PA1NT1NQ lroro doors, slip covers, new topu and bodies built to order. WM. PKE1KFEH CAIUIIAQE Works, 2th Ave. & J.eavenworth. D. CU23. DAY storage; good servlco; polite at tendants, auios washed and polished at the Down Town Oarage, 1418 Howard St. I'OK HALE-Oidsmobllc, cost 3,200; ex cellent condition. Inquire Dr. Macrae, City Nafl Hunk IJIdtt.. Council Illufg, la 7-PASS. Ilmouiino body; fits any car; bargain If taken now. JJ. 3301. H. Peltdn. ONE ton trucK, boIiU tires, overhauled, repainted, KOO. II. 1'elton. 2024 Karnam. $100 toward (or nny magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Iluytdor(er, 210 N. 18th. taoturucles. 6UB-AQENT8 wanted for the Yale motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar giilns In all makes used inotorcyolea. Vic tor H. Itoos, "tho Motorcycle Man." liar-ley-Davldsou and Yale motorcycles. Z70J LeaVonwoith St., Omaha, Neb. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrltice my 4U-Uoiepower run about; never been used. Auurcan A il. care ilee. WANTKU-m liliv fn,. r-,..H ond-hand touring car. Address E 215, caro Bee. 11USINE88 CHANCE8. nri,To".m.ur.,0.u.1. OI.ousiness. call on MA.miiAu, im uee JtlUg. Xol. IJ. S477. 1M1T If A DMA lZZi. ... . : studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc iTiu iVi i .Ji"ir "oineB aajoining. ..w.. .yj,, m HHIIlljO IJ. tUM, Wra HAVIi n vnrG .1 7TT party who can Invest some money and TO QUICKLY sell your business or real cstutu. write the Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. lift r- . . " 1 -.iiii.- i, nn itiu-t-ariner, in omana business, to take one-third Interest. Address H 180, caro Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS llurhcra, TEN CENTS shave and neck shave, 6 cijiits shine. EUaBsor'a. 1617 Farnam St llalldera nnd Uoutraotars. Fi F, T-TTTTT, Contractor. Douglas 4651 iu. xj. xx u uu acnerat building contrao tor and repair work promptly tended to. Carpenters, builders. Shop 2711 N. 24th. Figure with J. F. Wilson Se Co. W. 4992. Creuuicrles, Dairies uud Snpplles. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D. 8461. B. BILLINQHAM. Crelghton Blk. D. 7M)j. iuaurunce. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Tyltr 1024 O'Neill's. 1505 Farnam Bt Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Mrs. C. T. Zwtslor. W. 4647. 4118 Parker. Dreaauinktnar. WANTED Address of lady who does fine tutting work. Call Webster 1180. Fashionable drcsse. Leone Apts. D. 78S& Terry Dressmkg. college, 20th & Farn&m. DRESSMAK1NU. Douglas 7931. PLAIN sewing. Harney 6724. Defective. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured 111 all cases. Tyier ura. Omaha Sec. Ser. Agcy. 42i Paxton. D. 1319. L. W. LONQNECKER. 517 Karbach Blk. Drnss. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Bverythtnir Electrical. NEW and Id-hand fans, dynamos, motors, gasoline engines; electric repairs LaBron. 313. Bo. i2th Bt. D. 3176. Vtortstsi C. Ederer. tlorlst. 2004 Bristol. Web. 1793. A. Donaghue. 1907 Farnam. Doug, loot HESS & BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam 8t. U HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. ISM. BBANDBIS cut turner dpl.. new store BATH'S tlorists. Boyd Theater Bldg. lnumlrtes; Omaha Iace Curtain Laundry. D. 7211. Law Mowers, LAWN MOWERS sharpened, 75c West. Look & Gun Co., 2420 Cuming St. D. 3731. LAWN MOWERS sharpened, called for and dolKtred. 31. Rear 2!0 Laae. W. i!. Nurseries null SeeUs., STEWART'S BEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. watruia.f us. - Alice Johnson. aOS-tt Brandtls The. BIdg. Patents. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tot Red 7UI. HIRAM A. STURQES, patont lawyer, M Brandels Theater BIdg. Doug. .3169. PatutluR- and Decora tlnu. CORONA Decorating Co.. 1818 St. Mary'. Ave. Satisfaction, guaranteed. Tyler XSSI. I'riiitms. DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. IViug. m CENTRAL 1 l.tNTINU U. UoJg. 3,i WATBRK-BARNHART Pig Co.. qual ity Printing Tel Doug. 219a l 8 13th. McGatfln iMAO. the PRINTER. D. SS3S. Pa -"8ht- There (Soes 1 'e PWotfe (30 See vjMo 11 K,PWl A. B. C. of Omaha A UKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity ft econ omy. 310 S. 15th. middle of block. 2d floor. A NCHOU FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 811 BELL Drug Co., sells everything you want from a drug store. Send or phono us your orders; quick delivery. Phone Douglas 2623. Empress ANY SEAT 10c ANY TIME KEKIl Abstract Co., 305 S. 17th St. Hotter be safe than sorry, Have Kerr do your title work. MITKirsi llepalrs and reflnlshers of UOi-jQ Pianos it furniture; 30 yrs exp. Our prices can't be beat. D.Ul'iZ NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, LEARN AUTOMOUILB ENGI NEERING. Write for now cata logue. 1415-17 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. NEUUASKA CYCLE CO., "Mickol's," l.'.th and Harney. Douglas 1G& Wo tent, repair, sell needles, parts of all Bowing machines, P AT? nTTi?lvPlV Floors. Now Is the x iUta5Ui-XXi- llme to have your old floora reflulslied and made llKetieiv. Pur quetto floors contracted. C. llunain. Tel. Red 5iS2, ILKO chlcl: food Seeds, millet, cane. rape, uiiuiiii, mnu -uuh torn. Wagner. Wl No. I6tn. HIP oui rubber, metals and rags to , Oinahu Metal anu lUibber Co., 101 bo Mh St., Omaha. Neb; V ACUUAl Cleaners sold and rented. Vucuum cleaning dono In the homo, Sanitary Scrvico Co. Tel. Doug. 2901. WE CLEAN, dye and reblock all kinds or ladies' and gents' hats. New York Shlno Parlor, 105 8. 16th., or post to Hoyden's. Vacation Hints. Br,i'Ultn, leaving lor your acatlon don't forget to have your pillows and Mattresses renovated. Omaha Ptliow Lu., 171 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 2167. H AVE your home protected. Foster- uarker uo., uurgiary insurance. Hrandels Jildg. Doug. 29. llEXTON'S PHARMACY 12th & Dodge. Flee delivery. Order your dtugs & toilet articles before vacutlon ar rives. We curry THE quality goods. D-600. LIVE at the Y. M. C. A. purK on Cartel lake this summer and reduce the cost of high living, a postal from you ad dressed to the Y. M. C. A. will bring full information. Tel. Tyler 1UD0. LADIES' STRAW and Psnataa hats bleached nnd reshaped. Ramser, 220 S. It th. D. 4652. BUSINESS PERSONALS. I'tt In tors. PAINTING wanted by day or contract, by honest workman. D. 6308. T. J. Turner, Plumber.. STANDARD PLUMB1NQ CO., Doug. 39S3. Steel Ci-lllnua. Carter Sheet Metal Works, 110 a 10th. Store nnd uffloa Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wo buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. 414-16-18 a 12th. D. 2744. f Trasses. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, ELASTIC STOCK ING. THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANY, ft..l .1 nKJ llnnr.ll..i Gil tMt lost 1410-12 Harney St. Experts In fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. SKILLED LADY ATTENDANT. Trunks unit Suitcases. FREL1NO & STE1NLE. 1803 Farnam St Wluea nnd Manors. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th Bt wiT.Tfiw tiiiHn.. tu.r. llniiora. clears. sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 201-3 S. 13th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In business. Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Servlco and Salesmanship. The cataloguo Is ready. Call, wrlto or phone (or It Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omana. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1815 Far nam bt. umanu, nto. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL, founded tu IW1- tHetiugraphy only. Pa tiunlzed by the welt-educated and experi enced. Individual attention. EVERY graduate succeeds. Catalogue ready, ijmaha. Neb. ' Danolntr AvoUemlea. Special summer rates at Macule's. Even ing & aftero'n classes. 1816 Harney. 1). 6146. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses antl Vehicles. Harness of all kinds, tho largest stock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson- uanrortn io.. a. w. lor. iun anu jones, 1. 400-1. U. team, wagon, coal box. I'hone Harney ss. LOSl' AND l)LKi) OMAHA A. COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CUMPANX. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Btreet Railway company to ascertain whether they text It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In ana mo company is anxious to reaior them to the rightful owlier. Call Doug las 45. PIT bulldog. 10 months old. brlnfle with I Willie, inroui. livmaru lur iriuru tu yiv ! u. .i- .i miiia.e bull In Dundee; an swers to the name Mokey. Call Harney 7 f,,-n rd The Persistent and judicious Use of ' Newspaper Advertising is the Road to i Business Success. I niK "w "zasswsu teem nts 1 1 1 ss 7mtsjmv. i wnmm ns TOT 1 udw 1' w 1913. 4 Drawn 1H00-R4V) MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures - les. fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curo guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write (or boon in rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. T. It TARRY, Bee BIdg.. Omana. MONEV TO LOAN Money furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments, u, ii. loiman. 33b Board; of Trade building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments nnd KInts. Gordon Van Co. S 219 N. 11th St.. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 331. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT "THE GEORGIA" 1040 Georgia Ave., a bonutltul location. convenient to car, all conveniences. t40. PISTEKS TRUST COMPANY FOR RENT, FURNISHED Very at tracts o u-room furnished apartments, In the Lorcnzen apartments, at 31st and Dewey. Will rent (or July and August nnd give Immediate possession If desired. Telephone Hornoy 1013. MODERN npartments near postofflce, SIS nnd upwards. a. I. STisuuiNo, iio unicago. six-ROOM anartment. completely mod ern, Bcnrgo Btdg., South Omaha, above MC North zitn. nan. w iiamge tiiaK. u. huu. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS, W. 4328. THREE large room flats, partly mod ern; good neighborhood. 1917 Elm St.: it. 6-ROOM apartment, completely modern, 200."! Lake St. Inquire 2008 Lake St SIX'ROOM apartment In tho Sherman. Web. 6765. OFFERED FOR RENT. Uouril ii n it Itooma. PLEASANT room with board, family of four, modern homo in Kountze Place, on best car line, terms reasonable. Two young men or man and wire preferred. References. 3802 North 24th. Phone Web. 991 MF.nniAM-3 nr 4-r.. private bath! also small suite; 1 or 2 single'. ' Karnlshril Rooms, ROOM and board for three young gen tlemen. Prices reasonable. Hanscom park district Call Doug. 2057. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1521. DODGE ST., 1816 Modern rooms. $2 up. Furnished lloii.ckceiiinn Rooms. PARLOR floor; ptanoj shade; first class; no children; $1.50. Phone Harney 1836. 004 8. 28th. DAVENPORT. 2018 Two nicely fur- nlshcd housekeeping rooms. DODOE ST., 1816 Modern rooms. Furnished Houses. vnn nRNT One of Omaha's fine homes, furnished; large house, beautiful grounds; cement driveway and garage; rent rea sonable; parties leaving the city. Tele phone Douglas iti. or answer iw, care Omaha Bee. Hotels nnd Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Houses nnd Cottntce.. Rtnriurn and Van .Co. uoods storea. shipped. 16th a Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. WEST FAHNAM. Harney and 40th, nice, clean, cool south front porches; newly decorated, Brick building, 7 and 8 rooms, close In. 2661 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern, two baths, nice yard. 210 8. 20th. 7 rooms, modeni. 619 S. 19th, 7 rooms, modern. Hurney.1459 or Tukey and Son. 2310 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern,. $50.00. 2SC6 Douglas, 8 rooms, suitable for room ing house, light housekeeping, $30.00. Flat. 2303 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, $20.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. A COMPLETE list of all vacant houses, apartments and (lata that are (or rent This is a list compiled dally and can be seen (rce of charge at -309 South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. SEVEN-ROOM house, an modern, first class condition. 2."th St., mar Prairie Park club. $30. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming, Phone uougias zota. TWU-tTlvl.il x oncK uai, on taw, noar California. Crelghton University. Doug- 1KB sM. KTt7ttf 1AvAm tirfV all mnriarn. tint water heat. 2623 Harney, $60. Inquire T. J, IJ June Us JJlurUPj xoir. uuunnw , t nnntt Knntfainw 9M1 Hliinnv: rnm. pletely modern: $25. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. Douglas 7408. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores arjJ ships household goous ana pianos, xjuus.cm . modem except heat; $20. 2611 Corby, wen. bow. m nli.. fi. Htrlntlv mnft.rn six rooms. One shade trees and lawn. Phone Douglas iiio k lionus and bath, strictly modern; very choice. 2825 N. 24th St. corner Locust. Owner. Webster 2613. TtP.TO.DATE. all modern. 7-ropra house; also i or 6-room flats. 220 N. 23d. ., l.vtnl. fi., 91 KA" Wfil.F paid. 210u Clark St Phone Webster 6733. T P "Roofl EP- Co- furniture modnj. d. Kj, IieeaXwo men. $1 hour. W. 274S. 7 ROOMS nnd bath. All modern. 1026 N. 83d. Inquire 2715 Chicago. A seven-room house, all modern, near cars. Phone liarney soas. V k... n.ritlv mrutprn. 3 veara old 1420 Hickory; wajklng distance. Red 7228. ilOUSGB cnlgh. Bona & Co.. Bee BIdg. ( ROOMS, modern. 113 N. 26th. D. 1717. I-ROOM modern. 2613 Chicago. P. 8H& COTTAGE. Y. M. C. A. PARK. D. &. stores and Offices. 8TORE8 & modern apartments near postofflce. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. STORE for rent; heat and water (ret. SSN Sherman Ave Phone Webster 233. Ill SOUTH l&TH-Steam heat. JOHN N- FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. ONE store-room. 2$03 Lake st Inquire S006 Laic Bt k V ! 1SBBBBBBBBTf BBBBBBBsVfT HbbbbbH JassmssWt.' HI for The Bee by v rau v in OFEERED FOR SALE 31 ii .leal Instruments. OWN A GOOD PIANO . We will help you. Hemline bargains No fakes. Wo carry In stock tho HENRY F. MILLER one of the world's greatest pianos. Laffatque, Story & Clark and othe. reliable, makes of pianos and play pianos G. H. HARR PIANO CO. 3d Floor, Old Boston Store. U. 2017. ELECTRIC piano, 3125. U!T N. 15th. 'l'rie rltern. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 months, 31. The Oliver Typewriter Co., Douglas 2919. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, Jfc CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer; visible; back space; key model; guaranteed. L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer Co., 1S19 Farnam rft. 'Phone Doug las 2213. REMEMBER THIS IS NEW LOCATION Mlaccllitneuua, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alloys and accessories; bar (tx tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St. STECK grand piano, cheap. Used two years. Family leaving town. Address B 225, care Bee. FOR SALE At right figures. 25V4 feet of chert y bank fixture. Good condition. Address Y-174, care Bee. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKelizle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney D. 2044 SAFES Overstocked; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Delight Safe Co., ISIS Far. St. For Sale Alfalfa, Phone Benson 6231. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. 8x8 air compressor. 612 S. 14th. PERSONAL 14 INVALIDS GET PENSIONS. 451 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, $1.60; S. E. Post. $1.50, and Country Gen tleman, $t&0, will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Pension Assn., which will Insure myself and fifteen other sufferers $10 a month each. Your renewal worth 60 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Tel. Douglas 7163, Omaha, Neb. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. JOHN AND DAISY' CLARY. Who resided at 670 Lydla Ave., Kansas City, Mo., in March, are .requested to comniunicato with tne undersigned re garding a matter of Importance. Pierre . 1'orter, Attorney, iuuu tscarnw BIdg., Kansas City, Mo, YOUNG women comlnir to Omaha as strangers aro invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they win be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look (or our travelers' aid at tho Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing; In (act, anything you do not need. We collect reDalr nnd sell at 131 N, 11th St., (or cost of collection, to the wortny poor. Tel. Douglas 4iz& ana wagon will call. WANTED to correspond wlth Mrs. Dr. Priest or persons knowing her where abouts. Mrs. J. Vance, Seneca, Neb. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MANICURING Face, scalp and mag netlo treatment. Miss Debar. 204 8. 19th. MASSAGE MRS. RITTENHOUSE, 303 Boston Store. Eve, and Sun, appoint s. T ASSAHTC Swedish movement its MAGNETIC HEALING, U29 VINTON. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D. 863. Massage, 1st f l.,r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele SALE OR EXCHANGE, R. E. All Going Out Nothing coming In, that's your auto; will give choice of fifty farms (or It. PALMER LAND CO., 1106 Vf. O. W. Building. A FIRST-CLASS quarter section only three miles (rom Huron, 8. D., a city-of over 6,000, to trade for good, well located residence lu Omaha. Land will bo worth $100 per acre in five years. Good reasons for making trade. Write O. H. M., 337 Omaha National Bank building. FOR sale or trade, foun, small gasoline delivery wagons, will trade for larger one. For sale, three delivery wagons, For sale, 9,000 feet of two-Inch lumber. To anyone who wants a bargain In this line, call at 213 AV. Bdway. Co. Bluffs. GOOD 3-ton Kelly trucks (or sale or exchange (or city property or acreage. STANDARD BRIDGE CO., 1S02 City National BAKERY and cafo for sale or trade. Address Box 152, Webster City, la, - REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLI3 REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 BrandMs Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOU SALE. READTHIS The Wakeley home, 19th and California two full city lots, 1S2 feet square; 12 room, modern house, complete basement 8 bed rooms; brick barn; beautiful trees. Fine for club purposes or apartments. Terms reasonable. A. C. WAKELEY, 560 Omaha National Bank. $8,000 Owner back from California for week omy; will sell splendidly built home, fine view, two lots, be$t part of elty. $5,000 CASH, balance mortgage. 334 No. 41st St Bee this house as It Is worth double what Is asked (or It 300 Feot of Burlinirton R. R. Trackage at Its Value. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Splendid Cottage Home W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. $100 DOWN. $20 MONTH 6 rooms, modern except heat; good neighborhood; near car line; lot 44x127. Inter-mountain Realty Co. 153 DoiigUs. Tax. Dour. 40SS, Cliff Sterrett HE. 64MT (2ME!( Ite'r $&T ,4 IMPORT MIT Htf ! IllliUliJUBij' ' J REAL ESTATE. PROPERTY FOR. SALE. CITY EASY PAYMENTS. 1500 cash 6-roorn cottage, 2706 Corby St 200 cash 6 rooms, 14th and Elm Sts. J300 cash 6-rooms, 32d and Pratt Sts". $200 cash 6-room stucco bungalow. $250 caah 6-room modern house, 18th md Vinton Sts. Inquire 413 Karbach Block. Phone D. 3607. BY OWNER Fine 8-room modern house with sleeping porch. Field club district One block from car line. Splen dld location. 910 S. 35th Ave. Call H. 1494. SEE our new house plan before build ing a home. No charge. Can save you 15 per cent In building. B 209, Bee. A BEAUTIFUL home for sale or rent at 2217 Fowler. You must see this to ap preclato it. If Interested, call Wob. 1304. FOR SALE Reasonable, to settle es tate, 821-23-25 S. 20th. Phone Harney 2925. FOR SALE 5-room cottage, $1,850. 3903 Ames Ave. Tel. Web. 4780. REPAIRING house; will divide room to suit purchaser. Webster 6718. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SHM JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FaRNAM ST. REAL ESTATE. FARM! RANCH LANDS FOR SALT3 California. our next 'Pvivate" Excursion to and ail through BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA Leaves July 7. Excursion rate. Make your reservations early. Karl Brehme E15 Bee BIdg., Omaha. CALIFORNIA LAND. Send for cata logue. Properties in all counties. Val uable, reliable Information. C. M. Woos ter Co.. I'holan BIdg., Son Francisco. CALIFORNIA land excursions every Tuesday. W. T. SMITH CO . 815 City Nat Bank. aiuntauu 73,000 ACRES FOR" SALE CHEAP. I have Just purchased tho Al Thomas ranch of 73,000 acres. This Is the last large tract of good land to be had in Montana. As a whole tract this' will run 90 per cent plow land. A new railroad Is to be built at onco through this land. I will sell this In any size tracts from 160 acres up. My prices are right and terms to suit purchaser. Wrlto for descriptive matter about the Lake Basin country. E. B. Kingman, Broadview. Mont Minnesota 160 ACRES, 45 miles from Minneapolis; one mile from town: 120 acres cultivated; balance meadow and pasture; heavy soil; (air set buildings: one good team horses; two cows, several head of young stock: complete set of machinery, chickens, hogs and everything on the place goes at $40 per acre, one-half cash. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth BIdg.. Minneapolis. Minn. .Nebraska. 400 ACRES, 6 MILES NORTH CURTIB, Neb. Well Improved, i tho wheat on 80 acres, H the corn goes with this If sold before July 1. This Is cheap at $30. Will take $22.50. One-third cash, balance six years. One-half section, 9 miles southwest of Curtis, about one-half in cultivation. Sod house, frame barr woll and mill, all fenced. Good stock ln. Can sell this at $16 per acre. Send for list of what you want as I have 30,000 acres In Frontier and Lincoln counties. For sale, from $8 to $70 per acre. Thli land will double in six months.Also have several bargains In city property. A GOOD DAIRY FARM 245 acres. Joining town of Curtis, Neb., where state agricultural college and farm is located, 6 acres on bottom In alfalfa. 80 acres plow land, SO acres hog pasture, balance cow pasture. Good 7- room house, barn and sheds. Small orchard. Indi vidual water system with water piped to house and feed yards. Other outbuild ings. Running water through place, Curtis Is a thriving little city, has water works, electric lights, good schools and churches. For quick sale will take $30 per acre. Part cash. Investigate this phenomenal offer. Address, W. W. Rockwood, Real Estate, Curtis, Neb. T WatshtnKton, "PRIZE-WINNER FORTY." 40 acres on Columbia river, Wash, Bplendid Improvements, complete equip ment Finest bearing fruit trees and vineyard. Within ono mile of three railroads; easy shipments to four large cities. Suberb model modern fruit farm; will produce this fall 60,000 boxes prize winning fruit Owners have other increasing business Interests. Address, 612 Columbia building, Spokane. Wash ington, REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN " ON OMAHA HOMES. NO DELAY. J. H. Mithon Co., INC 921 CITT NATIONAL BANK BLDG-. DOUGLAS 1278. MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms -and Omaha city property in any amounts. if W. BINDER. S City National Bank BIdg. HEAL ESTATE LOANS in any amounts. TV. H. THOMAS, 22S State Bank BIdg. MONEY to loan on Omaha homes. No delay. J. H- Mlthen Co., Inc., 921 City National Bank BIdg. Douglas 1273. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. LOANS on farms and Improvod city property, 5 64 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 16(3 Farnam 8t WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St GARVIN BROS.&g: $100 to $10,000 made promptly, F. O. Wsxd, iwiead BIdg., 18 th and Famanv A