Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Can Jeff Play
it ro mg . cwr. Keep
MM6UiHT. I'M groom
fctG Polo MAVCH.
Thirteenth Day of June Brings Bad
luck to Rourke's Ball Players.
Locals Srore Two linns, While the
Visitors rile Up Sertn Dnr-
In the Afternoon
True to IU heralding. Friday tho 13th
nuro waa & hoodoo to tho Omaha team,
which hammered Pitcher Knapp of Lin
coln for eleven safe hits yesterday and
managed to got but two runs across the
platter, while Lincoln with eight hlta
slipped MVen runs over, winning tho acc
end game ot the aeries.
Omaha made enough hits to win nine
names out of ten, but Juat at tho time
when hlta would he of tho grcateat ad
Vantage, Knapp tightened up and the
Rourkcs went back to the field without
runs. Knapp kept hla hlta well scattered,
with tho exception of two Innlnga and Ir
these, Omaha made one run each.
Olavenlch went Into tho box for th
ttourkes with all kinds ot stuff and
retired the first three men without thr
least trouble, but In the second Inntnr
two hlta and a walk netted two runs
In tho fifth Lincoln got two men on
bases from frco passages when Pettr
was pressed Into service and Olavenlch
retired to the bench. But I'otora was not
In much better form, although ho went
fairly well after the fifth.
Lnarii Clinnces to Score,
Omaha had two. chances to score, cut
off by quick work on the part of Dowllng
the Antelope shortstop. He mado three
errors dujlng the game, 'but, was? there
when things looked- 'dangerous for his
team. In the sixth Omaha, '.had the base
full when Shestak hammored a hot one
to Dowllng, who tnads a sensational one
handed tie p. tagged second and shot th
ball to first, getting Shestak. In thr
next frame ho duplicated his stunt when
Peters hit what looked to bo a aafo ont
through tho box, but Dowllng hopped
on It and retired tho Rourkes.
Congatton played as pretty a gamo yes
terday as has been sech In the outer
garden this season. He only had one
chance, but this was ft hard one. It war
In the eighth Inning when. Knapp hit
a Texaa leaguer whtph Congalton grabbed
after a hard spring a few yards back of
first base. - At bat tho former Columbia
Player slammed out three hits, Including
n double, in three times to bat
The Wsr Ther Played.
Lincoln got two In tho second. Mc
cormick walked and went te third on
Cole's double. Dowllng stnglod, scoring
both men. McCormlck singled In the
fourth, waa sacrificed to second and
registered on - Daker's single.
Mullen and Collins strolled in'the fifth,
"Cobb forced Mullen at third. McCormlck
mam m mmm
gBIBBjKSpPjEit - M ' 'MBlilssssssssB
Polo? Well! Does a Duck Swim?
Ta Mb c- V
-rc nr'riMinweY
doubled scoring Collins and Schlpke't
error of Cole's easy grounder scored
obb and McCormlck. Dowllng scored on
Baker's single.
I-or Omaha Thomason doubled, In the
alxth and scored on Kane's single. In
the ninth Schlpko, doubled, going home
on Johnson's single. Score:
ADl It, H. O. A. K.
Justice, ss. ........... 4 -0 0 1 4 1
Neff. If .-4 0 1 4 0 0
Thomason, cf 6 12 2-00
Kane, lb 4 0 1 S 1 0
Conaglton, rf., .8 0 3 1 0 0
Shestak, C...J. 4 0 0 3 1 0
Orubh, Jb.... 4 0 2 3 3 0
Schlpke. 2b 4 114 2 1
Olavenlch, p , 1 0 0 0 0 0
Peters, I 2 0 0 0 2 0
Coyle 1 0 0 0 0 0
Johnson- 1 0 1 0 0 0
Totals 5f 1 S 5 5 1
AD. h. I J. O. A.. E.
Mullen, lb 3, d 0 11 0 o
Colllna, rf .'. 8 1 0 2 2 0
obh, rf 6 1, 0 f 1 0 0
McCormlck, If...:... 4 S 2 4 0 0
Cole, cf 4 2 2 2 0 0
larbour, 8b ',. 2 0 0 1 1 0
Jowllng, ss 4 0 3 4 6 8
laker, c 4 0 2 2 0 0
vnapp, p 4 0 0 0 6 0
Totals....- 33 7 7 37 IJ "j
Hatted for Peters in the ninth inning.
Batted for Justice In the ninth Inning,
Ituns 0 0000100 t 3
Hits 0 2 1 1 0 8 I 0 3-11
Run 0 2 0 J 4 0 0 0 0-7
Hits 0 3 0 2 2 1 1 0 C8
Two-baao hits: Conaglton, Neff, Cole,
tcCormlclc. Bacrlflco hits: Neff, Cole.
Jouble plays: Dowllng to Mullen (2).
'Its: Off Olavenlch, 4 In fpur Innings;
ff Peters, 6 In five Innings. Struck outt
ly Olavenlch, 2i by Knapp, 2. Rases on
mils: Off Olavenloh, Bj off Petors. 1;
ff KnapP. 1. Hit by pitched, ball: Bar
our. Left on baaea: Omaha, 7; Lincoln,
Time: 1:45. Umplro: Blgler.
Ilneenuan Prores strons 1st tbe
Tisxht I'laoea. i
SIOUX CITr, June U.-Denver scored t
Its twelfth straight victory today by hit
ting Pitcher Doyla of the locals oppor '
tunely. The count waa 7 to 6. Hager
man was strong In most of the tight
filled. j. rninsiorm aiocpea ine came
if ntteoit minutes In thu eighth inning.
hen tho BIoux went to bat in thu nuuu
hey batted In three tallica before they
rere stopped. Score:
, 1 lrT
tag, rf 4 1
?ooney, 2b 6 0
Imlth, ss , ,,4 2
Clarke, if a i
Oovldson, cf. 3 0
.aunnan, so ,., 4 0
iV'oolum, lb 6 -1
2ftPPr o 4 0,
Doyle, p....... s . 0
Vhlte. p l o
'Stange ...,......,, l o
tlllmnm. If a
Cassldy, rf 4 - 3
vimuncii, CI. ........ 0 0
Qulllen, 3b ,. 3 1
French, lb t',,,.3 - 0
Coffey, s , 6 0
Fisher, lb 4 n
Spahr, c , 6 i
- . .....HQ CfKUlll.
Sioux City 0 02000008-6
Denver I 000210S0-7
ih1 8,0UX CUyJ ,,: Denver.
9. First base on errora: Sbux City. 2:
2JLnwft 3 8lf'e8 hits: Cassldy. David!
son. Two-base hits: Callahan, Caasldy.
Thrce-baae hit: French, stolen i bassa
Woolunia. Ollmore (2). Coffey. Hak
mant Hits: Off Doyle. W In telsht l
" o WhlU, 3 in one Inning. Double
Plays: Doyle to Smith, Clarke to RaDD
Struck out: By Doyle.' 3; by HaiermSE
6. Bases on balls: Off Doyle 4- off"
Hagerman. 6. Passed ball: npahr Hit
by pitched ball: 'Qulllen T(t). CafiahVn
Time: 2:15. Umplr7i ctailflown
Few Hlta Interreiitnsr Helps Some-
IVhsit In
TOPEKA. Kan.. June 11-Two errors In
h Innln. one losing a change for
Wichita 'a v.ctoUryroUthmen;Ubaed
b?trtder.bSwrVi,Cmt'0 unched
AR. R. It O A, E.
Cochran. 3b o Aj BA
rorsyinr, u 6I2OO0
4 13 10
ucur. it 4 1 2 3 0 O
Hanns. Ih 7 ,? V S
1 ICIIVU, B3 u I 2 6 1
b"?i c 4 116 11
Bmltn, Id 4 0 3 0 4 1
Fullerton. n sin i 1 I X
r ------ - - - - - v a V
vucrenam, p.... 1 o l 0 0
uoLrry ....v....... 1 o 1 o o- o
-AicAinsiar 1 0 0 0 0
ToUls .37 "? 14 27 18
AH. IL II h ! .
T1...I.. -L. ' - ' -
-iiuiar, u , d a 4 1 i
uuis. ri oviio
aiiuuHon, c(... 0 1110 0
Koerner, lb 6 1 2 14 1 o
ughos, 2b 5 112 4 0
l-oiusrew. ir 4 l l 8 o 0
Castle.Rapp, as 4 0 0 3 4 0
Castle, o 3 3 0 3 1 0
Stelger. P ,.. 4 1 0 0 3 0
Ragan, p 0 0 0 0 1 0
Totals .40 "a U 27 18 "l
uattea ror- oear in ninth.
Batted for Smith In ninth.
i Topeka 0 2 I 0 2 0 2 0 0-7
Home run: Gear. Three-base hlta:
Smith, Mlddleton. Burke, Hughes, Petti
grew. Two-base hits: French, Crist,
liurke (3). Sacrlfloa hits: French. 1m
Double plays: Smith to French to lUnni.
Hughes to Happ to Koerner, Ragan to
Cattle to Koerner. Stolen bases: Lee.
Mlddleton (2). Hits Off Fiflterton, 9 Jn
seven and two-thirds Innings: off Cocre
ham, 2 In one and one-third Innings, off
icisi( a in itrtu laauiOt oil xiagan.
H. O. A.
3 10
12 1
12 5
2 12
12 0
12 3
2 9 0
17 2
0 18
0 0 0
0. 0 0
u if iii
If. O. A.
0 2 0
3 10
2 3 0
1 1 2
2 2 1
3 4 1
0 8 1
2 0 8
' 27 1
I 1 i
Standing of Teams
Phlla. SI U .7U
New York.37 19U .CS7
Chicago ....2? 24 .529
Brooklyn . 23 ti .Ml
Pittsburgh .24 M .480
Ht. Louis.. .52 SO 73
Boston 20 V, .435
Cincinnati .11 it .353
Columbus ..31 21 .0S
Milwaukee .31 23 ,67ft
Louisville .-21' 2S 627
Bt Paul. ...28 2,' .619
Kan. City. .30 -Jti .508
MlnneapolU tt to .104
Indianapolis 31 ,415
Toledo 21 S3 .389
Denver . ..3-1 14 .720
Ht. Joseph .32 SO .616
Lincoln ...z u .w
Omaha ....IS 25
Des Molnes.26 24 .6C0
BIoUX Clty.21 28
TopekA ....19 32 .273
Wichita ...14 .2S9!
W Ul'ct
Phlla. S3 11 780
Cleveland .35 17 .'J73
Chicago ...29 25 .f.37
Wash ton ,27 24 .629
Boston 24 25 .490
Detroit ....21 31 3X21
Bt. Louis.. .21 .17 .Ml
New York.. 13 M .265
Auburn ....22 7 .750 Superior
Neb. City.. .14 15 .483 Kearney
Humboldt .11 18 . 379 Hastings
Falls Cltv.,11 18 .379 Reward
..1 8 .G92
.17 11 .07
,.14 13 .619
,12 15 .444
'York, 12 IS .480
Fremont ..11 15 .423
Columbus .10 18 .385
Gd. Island. 12 16 .444
Yesterday' Results.
Denver. 7: Sioux City, 6.
Lincoln, 7: Omaha, 2.
Wlchtta, 9: Topeka, 7.
S(. Joseph, 4; Des Moines, 17.
Boston, 8; Cincinnati, 4.
Brooklyn, 6; Chicago. 7.
Philadelphia, 6; Bt. Louis, 2.
New York, 3s Pittsburgh, 2.
Bt. Loufa, ; Boston, 7.
Detroit, 2; New York, 4. ,
Cloveland, 1: Philadelphia, 2.
Chicago, 6; Washington. 4.
Milwaukee, 2; Toledo, 7.
Kansas City, 7; Indianapolis, 5.
Ht. Paul, 3; Columbus, 7.
'-Minneapolis. 7; Louisville, 3.
Hastings, 6; York, 6.
Seward, 1; Superior, 3.
Fremont, 3: Kearney,. 6.
Columbus, 13; Urand Island, 8.
Palla City, 0; Nebraaka City, 16.
Humboldt, 1; Auburn, 7.
Games Today.
Western League Lincoln at Omaha.
Wichita at Topeka. St. Joseph at Des
Moines, Denver at Sioux City.
National League Boston at Cincinnati,
Brooklyn at Chicago, Philadelphia at St.
Louis, New York at Pittsburgh.
American League St. Louis at Boston,
Detroit at New York, Cleveland at Phila
delphia. American Association Milwaukee at
Toledo, Kansas City at Indianapolis, St.
I'aui at uoiumous, Minneapolis at Louis
ville. State League Hastings at Kearney.
York at Columbus, Superior at Grand
Island, Seward at Fremont.
Mink League Nebraaka City at Falls
City, Auburn at Humboldt
1 in two Innings. Bases on balls: Off
Fuiierton, 5: on nagan, l. lilt by pitched
ball: By Stelger, 1. Time: 2:10. Umpire:
Wiilety Gets His Tenth
Straight Viotory
AUBURN. Neb., Juno 18.-(8pecial Tel
egram.) Auburn won a fast game today.
Willey was in the box, winning his tenth,
straight game. E. Bright and Kranlnger
each got a home run. Score': H.H.E.
Humboldt ....0 0000010 0-1 61
Auburn 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 -7 10 1
Batteries: Thomas and Muaser. Willey
and Kranlnger. Umpire: Meyers. Time:
NEBRASKA CITT, June 13. (Special
Telegram.) Nebraska City shut out Falls
City, with McKnlght In the box. McNeal
of Nebraska City knocked a home run
with the bases fulL Falls City plays here
tomorrow with a double-header. Score;
Falls Clty,...0 00000000-061
Neb. City.. ..2 0 3 1 0 9 0 1 -15 16 1
Batteries; Mears. Schrum and Wheat:
McKnlght and Goldwalte. Umpire:
NEW YORK, June 13,-It was an
nounced here today that the indefinite
suspenalon imposed on Manager Jen
nings of the Detroit club of the American
league by President Ban Johnson had
been lifted on payment ot a (Ine. Jen
nings was set down for using allegod
abusive language to Umpire 'Ferguson In
a recent game.
Auej-tcan Association.
At Louisville R. H. E.
Minneapolis 7 10 0
Louisville , 3 s l
Batteries : Patterson and Owens; ZabeL
Ellis and Clemons.
At Indianapolis R. H. E.
Kansas City , 7 9 3
Indianapolis 6 10 1
Batteries: Powell and Krltchell, O'Con
nor; Mere, Redding and Clark.
At Toledo- R. H. E.
Milwaukee 2 6 3
Toledo ., 7 9 0
Batteries: Dougherty and Hughes; Col
lamore and Devoghl.
At Columbus R. H. E.
Bt. Paul 3 7 2
Columbus , 7 9 3
. Batteries: Walker and James; McQuil
lan and Smith.
Illldroth Wins.
HILDRETH. Neb., June 13.-(8peclal.)-Hlldreath
defeated Mlnden in a well
played ball games here today. It waa a
pitchers' battle throughout, with Hlldreth
supporting their pitcher in grand shape.
Score: . B.H.E.
Hlldreth . -.3 0003100 -6 si
Mlnden 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 2 4
Hlldreth and Blue Hill vj play bail In
Campbell on Sunday, June 16.
THe pieUS-.
, . MAN. BRINt i ..
j p
Dodgers' Bagged Playing Throws
Close Game to Chicago.
Allen Injures Himself In Attempt
ing to Field Brers' -Dunt nnd la
Cnrrled to the Club
Brooklyn played a rogged game In the
field today and errors, coupled with
bunched hits, gave Chicago tho long end
of an eleven-trinlng contest, 7 to6, and
also third place In the pennant race. The
visitors bunched hits off Pierce in one in
ning, but through the game he pitched In
fine form.
Ragon becamo unsteady and was re
placed by Stack, who had the bases filled
in Chicago's ninth Inning, and Allen took
tho mound and retired tho side on strike
out. The finish resulted from a base on
bulla, and an error by Allen, who Injured
himself in attempting to field Evern'
bunt. He was carried to the clubhouse.
A single followed oft Curtis and Leach
scored the winning run. Zimmerman ar
gued with tho umpire In regard to a de
cision at third base and Manager Evers
ordered him to the clubhouse. Archer
was hit on the finger by a foul tip and
had to retire: Score:
Mann, rf... 5 L 0 0 0 AD.H.O.A.E.
OuUhtw, Jb 111 U4th. rf,.. I 0 t 0 O
Ktenctl, cf.. (14 0 OEtirs, tb.... 4 114 0
Wtittt, If... 0 4 0 OHchulte. rf.. ( a 0 0 0
Dautwrt, lb. 4 I 10 0 OZImrman, 3b t 0 10 1
Smith, Jb... t 1 0 1 lFhtltn, Jb.. 1 0 1 I 1
Flther. u... 10 11 OStler. lb.... 4 0 It 1 0
Brwln, c.... 4 1 10 t ICorrldtn, ss. 1 0 0 3 0
JUin, p....l 0 0 0 OMItchttl. If, 3 1 1 0 0
Hummel ..1100 OOood, If,.,,. 11100
SUck, v.... 10 0 1 ODrldwtll, nil i 10
Alltn, P..... 1 0 0 0 lNee4h'm. lbl 0 1 0 0
Curtis, p.... 0 0 0 0 OAretier. c... 1110 0
Drf intbn, e 1 0 2 1 0
Tot4ls 4t J4U TrVte. p.... 4 0 1 1 0
Tetsls 4110UU
Batted for Ragan in fourth.
None out when winning run scored.
Brooklyn ....0 006000100 0-0
Chicago 0 031010100 17
Two-base hits: Evers. Stengel. Hum.
mel. Hits: Off Ragan, 3 In three In
nings; off Stack, 8 In five and ono-third
Innings; off Allen, 0 In one and two-thirds
Innings and none out In the eleventh; oft
Curtis. 1 In one-third Inning. Sacrifice
hits: Pierce, Smith, Evers. Sacrifice fly:
Rreanahan. Stolen bases: Evers (2),
Schults. Mitchell, Cutshaw. Double play:
Corrlden to Evers to Needham. Lett on
bases: Brooklyn, 7; Chicago, 11. Bases
on balls: Off Pierce, 3; off Ragan, 1; off
Stack, 2; off Alen. 1. Hit by pitched ball:
Daubert, by Pierce. Struck out: By
Ragan, 2; by Pierce. 4; by Stack, 2; by
Allen, 3. Time: 2.40. Umpires: ttren-
nan ana uason.
Cnrdlnnls Lone to Phillies.
ST. LOUIS. June 13. Brennan whs In
vincible 1 nail but the final Inning today,
while Harmon was hit when hits meant
runs, Philadelphia winning the second
game of the series from St. Louis by a
score of 6 to 2. The locals' defeat to
gether with Boston's victory over Cin
cinnati sends the home team Into seventh
place In the league standing.
Philadelphia made three runs In the
third Inning with three singles, a sac.
rltlce and another single. Magee's double
and Cravath's single In the next Inning
counted ono more for the leaders. In
the ninth Inning Magee tripled and after
two outs scored on a triple by Doolan.
Outfielder Magee of the local team
hurt hla side during the workout before
the game and was out of the game. In
the second Inning Cathers, playing right
field ofr St. Louts, after catching
Cravath's long fly. crashed Into the
fence, fracturing his left arm. He prob
ably will be out of tho game for several
days. Evans took his place. Score:
AU.Il.O.A.E. An.H.O.A.B.
lluiftos, lb. ( 1 I I onikirt, cf.. 1 0 7 0 0
Bhtcktrd, If 1 0 1 1 ODnUn.- T. .. 4 1111
Otkci. cf....4 0 1 0 P "S... t i a
Mowrr. tb. 4 0 0 1 Ut(M, If... 4 8 1
K'netchr. lb 4 111 1 I ..... a I i u u
Cathtrs, rf.. 0 0 1 0 0 Ludcrua, lb. 4 0 7 1 0
mui. n.... u j o o Dooun, is.. 4 114 0
0'Lrr ss. 1 0 4 1 ODootn, c 4 110 0
McLean, e.. 1 1 3 1 OBrenntn, p.. 1 1 0 2 0
Harmon, p.. 11110 I
WhUted ...1 1 0 0 0 Totals 11 10 27 II 1
IUuar .. . 1 t 0 0 0
Totals 1! 7 It 0
Batted- for Harmon In the ninth.
Batted for 8heckard In the ninth.
Philadelphia 0.0 3 1 0 0 0 0 15
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
Two-base hlta? Magee, Konetchy.
Three-baso hits: Lobert, Magee, Doolan,
Sacrifice hit: Paskert. Stolen base:
Lobert Double plays: Huggtna to
Konetchy to O'Leary; Doolan to Dolan
to Luderus: Mowrey to Huggins to
Konetchy; Lobert to Dolan to Luderus.
Left on bases: St. Louts, 3; Philadelphia,
3 Bases on balls: Off Harmon, X.
Struck out: By Harmon, 2; by Brennan.
4. Time: 1:45. Umpires: O'Day and
Emslle. ,
Boston Trounces Reds.'
CINCINNATI, June 13. Boston, by
bunchtng hits when they counted most,
won the second game ot the series from
Cincinnati today by the score ot 0 to f.
Boston started scoring In the first Inning
with four runs, knocking Ames out of the
box. They made three hits In this In
ning, two ot them being home runs by
Myers and Mann. Packard succeeded
Ames and pitched fairly good ball, hold
ing Boston to two runs and seven hlta
Purdue allowed four runs and eight
hits, all being scattered, except in the
fourth and seventh innings, Myers car
ried off the batting honors, making three
hits, including a home run.. Scoie:
Marmntlt. as 4 1 2 flUUs, cf. . . 1 0 0 0 0
Mien, lb. 1 I I DTer. cf... 1101
Cbnnellr. If. 1 1 0 0 eManaas rf . 1 110 0
Lord. If 4 0 1 0 0 Dewhcr, if.. 4 1 1 a
BiNHr. lb I 1 It Ollobllti'l, lb 4 1 11 0
Tttui. rf ...l 1 OAlmtlda. tb. 1 o I 4
Mnvcl. .. 110 tflroh. lb.... 4 1 1 I 0
Ixtlla, tb.-1 0 0 1 OBrshamr. aal 0 1 1 0
Whaling, c 4 0 T 1 sciir. e.... 4 0 7 1 4
Purdue, p... 4 1 0 1 1 Amit. p o 0 a e
-Packard, p.. 1 1 0 1
Totals IS 10 27 10 1 Kilns 1 e C
Total n 1 17 1! 1
Batted for Packard in ninth.
Boston 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-6
Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0-4
Two-base hits: Oroh, Bescher, Tltua
Three-base hit: Maranvllle. Home runs:
Myers, Mann. Hits: Off Ames, 3 In two
thirds inning; oft Packard, 1 in eight and
one-third innings. Sacrifice files: Al
... . .-ib. Marnn
viue, Myers, Mursaua. Double play: Berg
hammer to Oroh to Hoblltzel. Left on
bases: Boston, 7; Cincinnati, 6. Bases
on balls: Of Purdue, 3; off Ames, 2;
off Packard, 3. Struck out: By Purdue,
3; by Packard, 7. Time: 2:05. Umplrest
Klem and Orth.
Clarke Hoodoo Pirates.
PITTSBURGH. June 13.-Fred Clarke
selected Frlray, the thirteenth, 1913. as
the day for his return to active playing
after hla retirement In 1911, but despite
his presence In left field, New York took
tho second game of the series, 3 to 2.
Sensational work by the visitors1 outfield
saved Demaree on several occasions.
Adams struck out seven men, but was
hard hit. On fourteen hits Now York
scored only three runs. The first of these
came In the second Inning when Murray
doubted and Meyers singled. Merkle's
double and Murray's single brought an
other In the fourth. In the ninth New
York neded a run to win and got It when
Meyers doubled and Herzog, running for
the Indian, scored when Snodgrass
doub..led to center. IPttsburgh got Its
two runs- I nthe fourth when Wagner
singled and Miller hit for a home run.
Pittsburgh used Coleman, Its catcher
secured from Davenport In tho Three-I
league. He threw out thre Giants who
tried to steal and handled himself well
for a youngster who never saw a major
leaguo game and who was put to work
Immediately on his arrival because nil
three Pittsburgh catchers are unfit for
work. Score:
Burns. If. .. 5 0 S 0 ODrrnt, lb.,. 4 110 0
Shafer," lb... 4 111 OCarejr, uf... 4 1101
Fletcher, sa 4 1 1 t uVlox, 2b. ... 4 1 1 1 0
Doris, lb... J 111 OWacner is.. 4 1111
Merklt, lb.. 4 3 7 0 OMIlTer, lb... 4 100
Murray, rf.. 4 2 1 0 0o. Wilson, rf 1 0 1 1 0
Meyers, e... 4 4 11 0 Clarke, If... I 0 1 0 0
Ilenoi .... 0 0 0 0 OColeman, r. 1 0 4 0
A. Wilson, oO 0 0 0 OAdams, p... 1 0 0 10
SnodgTas. cf 42100
Metaaree, p. 4 1 0 0 0 Totals S2 T 17 14 3
.Totals S It 37 0
Ran for Meyers In the ninth. .
Now York.., 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 13
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Merkle (2), Murray,
Meyers, Snodgrass. Home run: Miller.
Stolen bases: Meyers, Snodgrass. Left
on bases: New York, 7) Pittsburgh, 1.
Bases on 'balls: Off Adams, 1. Struck
out: By Demaree, 1; by Adams, 7.
Double plays: Fletcher- to Doyle to
Merkle; Wagner to Viox to Miller. Time:
1:61. Umpires: Rlgle and Baron.
The match play ugalnst bogey for the
J, C. Burkhart prize has been completed
at the Miller Park Golf club. None ot
the golfers was able to beat or equal
bogey and A. Falconer won tho' prize
with a-score ot 2 down.
Down. Down.
A. Falconer 2 CO. Dooley 7
C. C. Burdge 3 W. J. Hlslop 7
J. Burness 3 J. McTaggart 7
L. L. Hamlin 3F. M. Sherwood... 8
A. Dick IP. E. Rudolph.... 8
L. B. Clough 6 J. W. Hogan 8
A. T. Cajacob 6 J. E. Merrlam 0
H. J. McCarthy... 6 P. Kendall ......... 9
J. K. O'Nell.. 6E. M. Tracy....,. 9
W. Shields 6 R. Warren 12
O. Hurst 6E. J. Hatch ...13
Pairings for the Brodegaard cup at the
Miller Park Golf club are the following:
A. Falconer plays C. B. Gaunt
E. J. Hatch plays J. McTaggart.
J. E. Merrlam plays E. M Tracy.
A. J. Cajacob plays C. C. Burdge or F.
M. Sherwood.
PHILADELPHIA, June 13. Miss Edna
Wlldey of Plalnfleld, N. J., and Miss
Dorothy Green of Philadelphia were the
winners In the semi-round ot the cham
pionship singles In the woman's national
lawn tennis tournament today at, St
Martins. They will meet In the final
round tomorrow and the winner will op
pose Miss Mary Brown of Los Angeles
in tho challenge round for the cham
Saturday evening will again he an
open night at the rooms of the Omaha
Chess and Checker club, 400-402
Barker block. Upon, this occasion at chess
La Rue Williams ot South Omaha will
play all comers. For him a match has
been arranged, whereby, simultaneously,
he will play against ten opponents.
Yanks Defeat Detroit.
NEW YORK, June 13.-New York today
again defeated Detroit In an exciting
game, 4 to 2. Ford had a little the better
of Dubuc In a pitchers' battle though the
New Yorker got the better support. A
spectacular stop and throw by Peckin-
faugh pulled Ford out of a tight hole in
he seventh. oFrd's support faltered, how
ever, in the fifth, when singles by Cobb
and Galnor were followed by wild throws
by Midkltf and Daniels, both runners
scoring. Midkltf was spiked In the hand
by Bush In the sixth Inning, and retired
In favor of Derrick, who drove in New
oYrk"s fourth run. Manager Jennings re
appeared on the coaching lines, his sus
pension having ben lifted. Score;
Dush. ts....l 1 1 1 IDanlela, rt.. 4 1 1
VIU, tb. .. 4 1 1 1 IWoller. cf..l O 1
Crawford, rft 0 1 0 ePecktnpa. as 1 0 1 1 0
Cobb, cf 4 110 OUorton, lb... 1 1 10 1 4
Veach 4 0 0 0 Ollartiell. If, 1 1 1 0
Oalnor, lb.. 1 2 10 0 OMidklft. tb. 1 0 1 1 1
Morlartr tb 0 J 0 0 Derrick, lb.. 1 1 1 0
MeKee. C...J Oil oMeKthle. lb 4 lit
Dubuc. p....l (01 OSveenejr. c. I 1 4 1 0
Ford, p 1 0 1 1 0
Totals M 114 111
Totals tt t II II 2
Detroit 00002000 0-3
New York 0 1 0 1 0 t 0 1 -!'
First base on errors: New York. 2,
Two-base hit: Hartzell. Saontlce hits:
Borton. Pecklnpaugh. Stolen bases;
Bush, Cobb (2). Oalnor, Veach. Lift on
baaea: New York, 8; Detroit. 4. Bases
ou balls: Off Ford. 3; oft Uabua, 3.
Struck out: By Ford, 3; by Dubuc, 3.
Wild pitch: Dubuc. Time: 1UJ7. Pm
pires: Connelly and McOreevey.
Knpltallsts Take Oaime.
Butte. 4. Ogden. X
Great Kails, 13; Helena, a
Missoula. 4; Salt Lake City, It,
Drawn for The Bee
v -
TJtr ts
Philadelphia Wins, Two to One, in
the Thirteenth Inning.
Sclmnsr Follorrs vrlth Bant, Scorlncr
Clinching- nun After "Wild Throvr
by Knhler Bonder nnd
Mitchell' n nor.
thirteenth Inning of tbda"s game Barry
hit for two bases ahd" Schang followed
with a bunt on which Kah'er made a wild
throw which allowed Barry to score, al
lowing Philadelphia to- win " from Cleve
land by a score of 2 to 1. In the first in
ning Walsh got a triple because Jackson
played It badly In right -and -then Land
made a wild throw to catch Walsh off
third, which let In the first run. In the
ninth with two lout and Johnson on third,
Baketf ma'de a bad throw to first and the
run that tied up the game waa scored.
Mitchell and Bender both 'pitched great
ball. The former was taken out of the
game In the ninth to make room for a
pinch hitter. Kahler, who took his place,
also pitched cleverly. Score:
Johnston, lbl lit 0 OWalah. rf.,. 5 110 0
Turner, as.. 4 l 1 ooidrlnc, It.. 10 10 0
Olaon, lb... 10 14 0 Colllna, tb.. 4 16 6 0
Jackson, rf.. 4 0 0 1 ODaker, tb... 12 14 1
Lajole, lb... 13 2 1 OMclnnli, lb, ( 0 17 0 0
nran, cf.... 6 110 OStrunk, cf... 1 0 1 0 0
Oranej- If.. I 0 2 0 0 Carry, as-... 1 11(0
Land, c 2 0 4 1 lBchanc, c... 4 0 4 1.0
Carlech. c... 10 10 OUender, p... 4 0 110
Mitchell, p. 10 0 10
Kahler, p... 1 0 0 0 1 Totals 41 7 19 10 1
Lellyelt ... 1 0 0 0, 0
Lei bold ... 1 0 0 0 0
Totals.....!! 439 11 2
None out when winning run made.
Batted for aLnd 'n ninth. . -
Batted for Mitchell in ninth.
Cleveland ,. 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0.10 0 0 0-1
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 O" 0 0 13
Tworbase hits: Ryan, "Barry. Three-
base hits: waisn uj. tilts: uir Aiucneu,
6 in eight Innings; off Kahler, 2 In four
innings (none out, in mirieeninj. .uoudib
nlnv. Barrv to Schamr. Left on bases:
Cloveland, 6; Philadelphia, 6. Bases on
balls: Off Mitchell, 1: off Bender, 4. First
base on errors: Cleveland. 1: Philadelphia,
1. Struck out: By Mitchell, 6; by Kahler,
1: by Bender, 4. Timer 2:35. umpires: n
debrand and Q'LoUghlfn.
Browns ' Lose to Cbnmps.
Hits tor extra bases In the ninth in
ning today enabled Boston to tie the
score at C to t), and Bt. LouU went down
to defeat in the thirteenth inning, 7 to 6.
The visitors secured a big lead In the
eighth when O'Brien weakened, four
singles, threa bases and a sacrifice
counting for five runs. Hall succeeded
O'Brien in the ninth and allowed but
four hits In the last five Innings. Two of.
them came in the tenth when with one
out, Wallace hit for two bases and went
to third on Agnew's infield single, Hamilton-struck
out, and Shotten hit to Wag
ner, forcing Agnew at second, rettrlc
the a.tde.
An opportunity to score was afforded
Boston In the eleventh. Yerkea reached
first on an error by Walsh, but Speaker
forcer him an o grounder to the short
stop, A muff by Walsh when Speaker
started to steal, left the latter sate on
second. Lewis, drew a pass and both
men -moved up on a passed ball. Gardner
was not eljual to the occasion, howevor,
and was out on a grounder to Pratt.
In the final half Inning, after Hooper
had been retired by Walsh, Yerkes and
Speaker received bases on balls, the
- U
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. 1 I
by "Bud" Fisher
former scoring the winning run on Lewib
single to center. Score:
Batted for Balentl In eighth.
Ran for Compton In eighth.
One out when winning run scored,
Batted for O'Brien In eighth.
St Louis 010000060 0, 000-6
Boston ..0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 0" 1-7
Two-base hits: Wallace (2). Speaker (2),
Engle, Yerkes, Lowls. Three-base hits:
Speaker, Gardner, Wagner. Hits: Oft
O'Brien, 9 In eight Innings: off Hall, 4
In five Innings. Sacrifice- hits: Pratt,
Lewis, Stolen base: Wagner. Double
Plays: Englo (Unassisted), Gardner to
Yerkes to Engle. Left on baser: St.
Louis, 11; Boston, 13. Bases on balls: Oft
Hamilton. 8; off O'Brien, 7. First base
on errora: St. Louis, 1; Boston, 1. Struck
out: By Hamilton, 7: by O'Brien, 3; by
Hall, 4. Passed ball: Agnew. Wild pitches:
Hamilton, O'Brien. Time: 3:30. Umpires:
Evans and Egan.
Sox Take Exciting Game.
WASHINGTON, June 13.-Chicago to
day won the second game of the series
here In an exciting affair, C to A. For
a time It appeared that the visitors would
make a runaway of the game. They
scored four runs and knocked Hughes
out of the box In the third, but Mullln,
who relieved him, held them rupless while
tho locals crept up within one ot the lead.
Walsh, who pitched seven Innings for
Chicago, was relieved by Russell when
he began to weaken. An extraordinary
play occurred In the eighth. Weaver was
caught between third base arid home and
run down. Shanks, Washington's left
fielder, making the putout at the plate.
The fielding of Chicago was fast ahd
spectacular. Score:
Rath, tb,.., 110 1 OMoeller, rt.. 114 0 0
lord, lb.... 2 1 0 t OMortan, tb. 4 1 1 1 1
Chess, lb... I 1 It 0 OMllan, cf... 1110 1
Collins, rt... 10 10 OOandll. lb... 4 1 10 0 0
Hodle, If.,.. 4 110 eiportt, tb. 10040
Mattick, cf.. 1 0 4 0 OBhanks. if... 10(00
Wearer, as.. 4 til IMcDrlda, it. 1 1 ,1 1 1
Schalk. c... 1 OKI OHenrr, c... 4 1110
Walah. p.... 1 10 4 OHughes, p: . 0 0 0 I 0
Ruell. p.. 0 0 0 0 OMullIn, p... 4 0 0 4 0
Easterly .., 1 0 0 0 O'WIlllama ..10 0 0 0
. Totala... 127 101 Totals tl"l27l7'"l
Batted for Walsh In the eighth. ,
Batted for Mocller In the ninth.
Chicago 1 0 4-0 0 0 0 1 03
Washington ."0.,p, 2,0 0 2 0 0 0-4
Home run: BodleVf Hits: Off Walsh,
7 In seven Innlngsi-of f 'RuAtell, 1 In twe
Innings. Sacrifice-1 hlts:-vcdlllns. Rath,
Schalk, McBrlde, Milan. BAirH'ce files:
-Lord, Matttck. Stolen bates; ' Collins,
Weaver, Chase. 'Double Way: Chase,
unassisted. Ieft on bases: Chicago, 7:
WaBhrlngton, 7. Bases on. balls: Of I
Walsh, 3; off Hughes, 2; off Mullln. 3.
Bases on errors: Chicago", 1; Washing
ton. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Rath, by
Hughes; Moeller and Shanks, by Walsh.
Struck out: By Walsh, 3 by Russell,
2; by Mullln, 2. Passed ball: Henry.
Time: 2:20. Umpires: Dlneen and Fer
STANTOTJ, Neb,, June IS. (ijpeclal)
yesterday afternoon Stanton waa s.galn
defeated by Battle Creek by the score
ot 3 to 1. B6th teams played league ball
throughout the game and showed Up
about equal strength. Battle Creek bested
Stanton a little In being able to bunch
their hits. The pitching ot Hoffman of
Battle Creek and of Hartman for Stanton
was the feature of the game. Score:
f R.H.E.
Stanton ..,. 0001 00000-1 6 S
Battle Creek 00100110 -3 6 1
Batterlesf Stanton, Hartman and Gllss
man; Battle Creek. Hoffman and Scott
Struck out: ly Hartman, 4: by Hoff
man, 11. Basis on balls: Off Hoffman,
4. Two-base hits: Doerlng, Letdel. Um
pire: Boney Hoffman of Battle Creek.
Key to the Sltuatlon-Bee Advertising.