14 fE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1H13. Polly and Her , jSffltl SbMEBoDDVi- SorrciiEotMl yoar "WE Vfeii EVES kol" S m I rf A ni.iA Sterol (Sol DM6 n OWMSoiHT' I EM ) o?r A TH1W6 MR. A yflu Seem p s i W y?Lr2rZ' , Jfl WS FEME . rartff Here ou "THl I MIMUIT WITHOUT . "? jfiffl 1 OUTR46EJ -TM4TS- Ilk or MV Ags Ai SgJ "Jgf . rr pvt wv ftMBPtwi MV SPECKS' JISltt . w n i! WANT ADS Wan ads received at any time, bnt to insnro proper classification must bo presented before 13:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and beforo 7:30 p. ni. for morning and Sunday editions. Want wis re ceived after such hours wi'.l have their first Insertion under tho head injr, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One insertion 1- cents per line. Kuo or more consecutive Inner tions 1 cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cent). Two or more consecutive inner tions 0 cents per lino. One lino per month 51.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts orolueasurcd by tho line, ui by tho word. NOTE Tho lice will not be re sponsible for nioro than ono wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho iutii of tho following month. Au advertisement lnserteu to be run until foruiudeu must be stopped uy written order. Verbal or telephone cunceiiatious cannot bo accepted. CHARGE RATES: Six words to the line. One insertion 1- cents ner lino. Two or nioro consecutivo Inser tions, 0 cents per line. One line pec mouth, $1 SO. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having account ate measurcu by the line, not by tho word. UKATU8 ANU FUNERAL WOTWiW RANCK Emily, beloved wife of Howard Hanck, died at residence No. W5 N. 26ih at. June 10, IMS. , , , Funeral from Dodder's chapel, Cumlngs and Twenty-third Sis.. Saturday, Junu 14, at 10 a. m. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. LODUE NUT1CIS3. Attention, all members of Magnolia camp, M. W. A.: Wo build tho nouse of Fred Storms widow und orpnans next Saturday and Sunday. Oet otf Florence, car one block north of Forest Lawn turn, going two blocks cast, tnen bucklo to It with hammer and saw. lloyal Neighbor serve all meals free. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births B. and Dora Fleishman, 718 North Twenty-flrai, boy; Joseph and Madeline Dewltt 2728 North Thirty-sixth, boy; John and Lena Amstler, 1033 Dominion, girl; Otto and Anna Arrlens, 1804 Webster, boy; Dan and Katlo Capasa, boy; V. and Frances Kuty, 1110 south Twentieth, girl. Deaths Sulvatore Trapene, S years, hospital. BUILDING PERMITS. Carl Q. Johnson, 6618 Howard, frame dwelling, 3,000; Preston Modlll, 21W Bahler, frame dwelling, $2,200; OroVot-Wharton Construction company, two .'iaine dwell ings, 12,000 each; F. J. Flsch, 4510 North Thirty-sixth avenue, three frame dwell lngs.Jl.700 eachL HKlTVATED FEMALE. Aacnta aau aalearruuiva. WANTED First class saleswomen thoroughly experienced In selling jewelry. Apply superintendent. Brandels Stores. Factory- and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company can ttse a limited number of girls in ths op erating department Applicants must fur nish references. Salary paid while learn ing. Apply C. F. Lambert, District Traf- tie Liiiii. iin anu uougias ms wiNTitrk-ntfii.. hn Li. i. I pressors. Call at U Farnam street' Ask for Mr. Vernon. WANTED Experienced dining room checker. Apply cashier's desk Green uwro imc nranueis mores. UouseLteeuers una Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Dee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get ths desired results. This applies to residents at Omaha, South Omaha and Council Stuffs. 11 ring yoar ad to Ths Dos offlcs or telephone Tyler 1000. GOOD girl or middle-aged woman for general housework. No objection to col ored. No cooking and a nice place for the right party. Private family. 2113 Cass. WANTED A good, experienced white girl for general housework; family of two. 121 S. SSth street Telephone Har- WiKTKIl .tMrlennil athll. "M .H.I first-class wages for competent help.' 120 N ISth- St Tel. Harney K)2. WANTED girl to do 2d work and take care ot elderly lady. US S. iith St Phone Harney ttso. WANTED A girl for general house work. Mrs. II. Bernstein. 2003 Dodge. Harney 2fi5. WANTED A young girl to take care of child 3 years old and wash dishes. 291 Farnam. Harney 4966. WANTED experienced girl for general nousewora at once, iiarney en, Mrs. fi. A. Benson, 18th an Dodge. OOOD girl for general housowork. Small family. No washing. Oood wages, uaroey nn, 11 N. Wood. 1061 Georgia Ave. H. 3268. WANTED A young girl for general nousewora- nor. ztui. ur in. wth st WANTED an experienced cook. No washing. Mrs. Fred Met. 660 8. 2th Bt WANTED a laundress for Mondays. References required. Tel. ""WANTED Olrl fpr general housi" work. 1613 Dodge. WANTED Olrl for general housework; APPiy ai once. m po. aotn nt. WANTED-Bxperienced girl for genersl Itousewora. mooq wages ana no washing. lei. iiarney wu. i ny. tn bu- WANTED Olrl for general housework. ae iaiuo'ia. f tlcellanccaa. TJ & Gov't positions open to women, bis iay Write for list of rxultlona Franklin institute, Dept 661 D, Rochester, Pals There's a" Conspiracy Against Pa . i -1 1 .1 ii - i 1 . . .. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Miscellaneous. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to vUlt the Young Women's Christian association building at 8t. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tho Union station. UKLP WAPtTED MALK Aucuu, Dulvimrii una huiiuilura, SALESMAN WANTED To sell our line if novelties and calendars tor atlvcr .Islng, c A liuiiimond e Co., JO Cnurch YOVNO MEN can inako 13 to IS per day without experience in our line. I will sliow you how. Leo A. Dye, 7w! Brandels Theater. WANTED Salesman to take orders for our high-grade nursery stock, pay J? Ay'i Wrlle tor terms and catalogue. viic.tt Hurwrm. Lawrence, ian with mgr. In northern territory. Apply room 61, Midland hotel. Hurt, BOY WANTED Apply with written references. Omuha Hotel Supply Co., law Howard. l'loii, cash for olq magminej. W. mi. Kaotorjr und Trades. WANT A TELEUltAl'll JOB7 We have ono waiting for you. ifou can qualify for It In a tew snort months at UOt Leo CULMSUK OFFICIAL UNION i'AClf'K' It. It. lltAlNlNu SUllOJU We Will supply you wun a placu to wora for board winch attending and tree trans portation to your post wnen your coiiihu is completed. Bend tor our catalogue to day. UOYLE8 COLLEGE, ItMl rlarhoy St., Omaha, Neb. OET Into the most profitable business of today, tne automobile business, and be come independent. Our lurge, well equipped shops, offer tne opportunities or learning tne business oy actual ex perience on different mattes ot earn, uur terms are moderate. Write or call National Auto Training association, &i, N. 20th St., umnim, Weo.. paone W. Wl. WANTED An experienced, wide-awake repairman for head man III garage iu once. Oood wages. Adams County Auto Co., Hustings,, Neb. WANTED Porter to work In bllllaru room; references required. 313 8. ltlth. Drug store aiiaps, jobs. KneiSt. tie Uldg WANTKD Tight and slack coopers, steady work; state age and experience and kind of work desired. The U'elnrlcil Coopera ge Co.. Uurllnston. Iowa. Miscellaneous WANTED FOR U. &. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men between ages ot m ami a&: citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read ana write tne unguan language. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Army Building, 15th and Dodge ms., uniana, r, eo. : two tourm au. Bloux City, la.; 130 N. 10th St, Lincoln. Neb. OMAHA Mall Carriers Wanted Aver age Stt month. Omaha examinations coming. Specimen ot questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 213 D. Roches ter, N. Y. . WANTED Names ot men wishing to become Omaha mall carriers; 167 month commence. I'ull unnecessary. Address Y Ui. Bee. FA11M hands, laborers furnished free ot chargs to employer. Evans' Employment Office, 1817 Dodge. Tel. Doug, Mil. WANTED A farm hand. Danish pre ferred. Howard Wilson, Ralston, Neb. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. HKLr WANTED MALE AND FUMALB EXPERIENCED harvd button hols maker on shirts. Albert Calm. 311 sX 11th bt. Zd floor. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO MAN, 19, wishes to get In some office as clerk; has fine record and habits and understands bookkeeping to some extent; wishes to get In place wnere there Is no night work, as he Is head clerk from 5:30 till 10 p. m.' The Bee office. Address a IS7, Bee, or Ueorge Robb, care ot nee otnee.- wutHT.r'T.ARH chauffeur wants Dost- tlom reference furnished. Address A 210, care uee. colored woman wants work as chambermaid, Harney 4110. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gibson's Buffet u buuln 15th at VnTini.' TV PAMTIlAoWtllfl. c TKltlai will fin r&railuH hv trim OCAICU UtUI rsssa a a.j-w t v j uoaru OX iTueiccB ui vcuur ivni'tuat ito btuika. for the conttructlon ot a two- WhImIt Intvti hull laftt ts flD tAmsnt 91UI J tun l ss-ss " -v....e- - ilu i m arA smerlririsllrrisi nn file In the office of the village clerk. aim 1. 1 a a a. 1 1 .Jt u,U K Ih F . iCn st All D1UB IU HO 41 village clerk, by July 16, 1HU. Each bid must be accompanied h" certified check tor 35U0 as guarantee. Ths Board ot nviiatura reaervn the risht to relect any or.au oius.. .,.. Cedar Rapias, JNeorasaa. ..-.. t u.At.- tsiT.in nnM v-mHiZm rf incur wr ivwiniia, ""Y"'". w lng plies; OOo postpaid; samples free. . .. - - i,.i,ini. nrAtrtlfi. Bhennau et aicvonneii uri v,u,. D. 8. qrlftith. wig mtr. U Franser Blk. Wadding announcements. Doug, t'tg- Co. ATTRAOTION8 ""OMAHA film each., loth and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 1813 Studebaker 20 for immediate sale. This four-passenger ... ...p. I I.I . Intn rftftflalAI with nmnlM carrying space in rear. Auurcu, 0. iu, uee. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at Tith ahd Farnaa. FOBE DOOKIi BEAT COVERS. Electric Coupe at one-third of its value tor cash. Will trade for real estate. Now batteries and In tine condition. Call 310 Bee. Doug. 2301. NEW 6-passenger 1313 Cartercar; 11.400 Ukes it Cost 11.760. One 4-h. p. Thor motorcycle, fiS. LeBron Electrlo Works, :i3 s, utt A UTOMOU1LEB. DEBT AUTU 1'AlN'ltNQ -Fore doors, slip covers, new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFE1FFER CARRIAGE Works, 26th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. Ktti DAY storage; good service; polite at tendants; autos washed and polished at the Down Town Oarage. Ult Howard St run BAL,IS-Uldsmoblle, cost 3,20u; ex cellent condition. Inquire Dr. Macraa f.... X. .... I T I .... I - 111J J rl .. . i ...... - yiKj ..ni i xaqiiiv mug., council xjiuib, la 7-I'ASS. llmounne bodv: run nnv mr: bargain If taken now. D. 3301. H. l'elton. ONE ton truck, solid tires, overhauled, Repainted, tioo. H l'elton 2021 Farnam. OA RAO E for rent Large enough for four machines! Call Harney 817. W reward for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th. Motorcycles. ' SUB-AOENTS wanted for the Yale motoicycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos, "the Motorcycle Man." Har-ley-Davidson and Yale motorcycles. 2703 Leavenworth St., Omaha. Neb. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 40-hoisepower run about; never been used. Adartso A ii care Bee. ' WANTED-To buy lor cash, good sec care Bee ,0Ur,nK can Address E Hi, BUSINESS CHANCES. TO get in ui out oi uusinenH ohIi nn QANOaSTADt tot lieu Bid "" ""i'. D. 34?7 1200 Iiuvh a hii.m... rrrr - vhiiTiS-iL"?10"- t-f" on d. . . tAtun x:uiit room I3U. AN ntirinrtiinlftu .. V, , 1 dent tut.' TV. .'f Kf'n:"'clun nnd a cellent opportunity tor mi location or a good physiclmi and a good demist. Ad men fiiiMiu-t noaern . m i bTe "lSfouffi ftnan'? rooms'." WE HAVE a vory good posTion for party who can Invest some niS Sy and TO on imrtTv -In . . . rea.earerlte"nh.'KenkMCo: siaii!r-,P.,"1UA"B MALE, inSumv" f3"..u.p.fr.c:eAt' ?W build- 211. Care Bee. " " uu,u" AUU- N r.f.rr;r. ":z ."u" "e. nee, good 1.11! "ii nuiiuiiK interest In n. ObU2tecareWB,l,e.,nV"t - BUSINESS PEltSONALS Barbers. TliN CENTS shave' and neck shave, cents shine. Elsasser'a. 1K17 warn TsT' llallders ami Contractors. E.E.HULL Contractor. Douglas 66t tor and repair work piomptiv tended to. viCmCPe.n,i?Es'. b"1'de"! Shop 2711 N. 2Uh. Hgure with J. F. Wilson & Co. W. ISS2. C'reuuierlcs, Dairies und auiipllea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Cklropraetora. . C. Lawrence. D. C. 232 Howard, p. no. a BILL1NOHAM. Crelghton Blk. D. 750i. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1608 Farnam. Douglas tin. Mrs. C. T. Zwlsler. W. 4617. 4IU Parker. DressninklaaT. Fashionable dresses. Leone Apta. D. 78SS. Terry Dreasmkg. college. 20th & Farnam. DRESSMAKING. Douglas 7931. PLAIN sewing. Harney 72l. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville nik. ttvt. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Omaha Bee. Ber. Agcy. 423 Paxton. D. 13U. I W. LONONECKER. 617 ICarbach 111k. Drass. DRUQS at Clil nrlces: fr.lnht naJ.l nn ilO orders; catalogue free. Sherman & IcConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Everjthtnar Elrctrlcnl. NEW and 2d. hand fana. dvnamna motors, 'gasoline engines; electrlo repairs i.auron, sis, . tsa izxti Bt o. uts. Sfiurists. O. Ederer, florist. 2904 Bristol. Web. 1796. A. Donaghue, 1007 Farnam. Duug. 1001. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1U Farnam. D. 1266. URANDEI8 cut flower dept. new store BATH'S florists. Uoyd Theater Bldg. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Trier lOZt-O'NeUTs. 1606 Farnam Bt tans Matters, Lawn MoWPri harpened. repaired. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. 75c West. Lock &. Gun Co.. 1420 Cuming Bt D. 1761. LAWN linWl'IIU .horn.n.rf ...II... and delvred. 81. Rear 2220 Latin, W. 23JB, Nurseries aud Seeds. BTEWART-B BEEDMAN. 119 N. Itth. Uaceupattta, Alice Johnson. 308-8 Brarfdels The. Bldg. Palntlnir and Decorating. CORONA Decorating Co.. Hit Bt Mary" 4 Ave. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tyler list Patents, P. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7111. HIRAM A. STURGES, patent lawyer, 646 Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. Hit. Prlutln. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TsU Doug. 64 1 WATERS-BAlCfHART Ptg, Co.. quai Ity printing. Te Doug. MM. 624 3. Uth. CENTRAL, PRINTING CO. Doug. 3I6t WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel. poug, zan. i a. utn. Copyright, 1818, National A. B. C. of Omaha A R KIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity & econ omy. 316 8. 15th. middle of block. 2d floor. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 81t BELL Drug Co., sells everything you want from a drug store. Send or phone Uh your orders; quick delivery, l'hone Douglas 2823. Empress Z'CZ I NVAL1DS' Home; best attention and care; private nurses If desired; all mod. conveniences. 320 N. 23d. D. 7001. KERR Abstract Co., 306 S. 17th St liotter be safe than sorry. Have Keir do your title work. Ml TSIIOsJ Repairs and reflnlshers of UOXjO pianos & furniture; 30yrs. avli flu- nripuu rnn't m hsmf D filtiS. IX I EBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, l L.KARN AUTOMOIllQ; ENGL 1 NEBRINO. Write f6r new cats. ukuc. 1416-17 Dodge Bt, Omaha, Neb. NEBRAB1CA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," lDth and Harney. Douglas lfft!. We rent, repair, sell needles, parts ot all sewing machines. PA WflllliyFrh' Floors, Now Is the rUVVjJUJ!iXXJl Ume to httV8 your old floors retlntshed und made UKe nevv. l'ar quetto floors contracted. C. Hansen. Tel. Red 6782. ' 1LICO chicle food Beeds, millet, cane, I rape, alfalta, lawn grass, kafflr corn, wagner. sui no. ibiu. ' HIP your rubbor, metals and rags to l Omaha Metal and Rubber Co., 101 ' So 8th St, Omaha. Neb. V ACUUM Cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co. Tel. Doug, m. Vacation Hints. Bi'.l un.'. ituvtng .or Juur ucatlon uon't torget to nave your pillows and Mattrenses renovated. Omuha Pillow v.u., 1(21 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 2107. Jd AVE your home protected. Foster Barker Co., Burglary Insurance, xtiatmeiH .mug. uoutf. a. URXTnM'H PMAHMAnV 12th Si Dodau. Ftue delivery. Order your diugs & toilet articles beforo vacation ar rives. We carry THE quality goods. D-&0. LIVE at tne Y. M. C. A. para on CarUi laku tins summer and reduce the cost ot high living, a postal from you ad dressed to thu Y. M. C. A. will bring lull information. Tel. Tyler 1C00. LADIES' STRAW and Panama hats bleached and reshaped. Ramser, 220 S. 11th. D. 4662. BUSINESS PERSONALS. 1'utntern. PAINTING wanted by day or contract, uy honest workman. D. 6308. T. J. Turner. Plumbers. STANDARD PLUMBING CO.. Duug. 39M. Steel Ceilings. Carter Bheet Metal Works, 110. a 10th. Store and Xf f loo Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co,. 1U-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2744. ' Trusses. ARTIFICIAL LIMBB, ELASTIC STOCK INQ, THE W. Q. CLEVELAND COMPANY, Surgical and Hospital Supplies. 1410-12 Iiarney St. Experts In fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. SKILLED LADY ATTENDANT. Trunks ana Suitcases. FRELINQ & STEINLE, 1803 Farnam Bt Wines and litquora. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 660 a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th Bt WILLOW springs buet, liquurs, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 8. 13th Bt EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIOHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College, 18th and Harney Bts., Omaha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates arts guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, US15 Far nam St Omaha. Neb. THE VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL, founded in lbtfl. Stenugrapny only, Pa li onlxed by the well-educamd aud uxperl. enced. .Individual attention. EVERY gruduate succeeds. Catalogue ready, Jinulia. Neb. Danulas; Acasdenslea. BDeclal summer rats at Mat kln's. Rv,n. ing it aftero'n classes. 1816 Harney. J). 61(6. LIVE STOCK FOK SALE Uoraaa and Veniules. Harness of all kinds, tho largest stock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson Danforth Co.. a W. Cor. loth and Jones. 1.400-LB. team, waeon. coal box. Phone Harney 3S82. LOST AND FOUND LOST Monday, 2 p. m., 13th and Far nam. In mix-up with bicycle, gold locket, containing picture of two little girls, English letter 11. on one side locket Re turn court uouse. court room No. 2. LOST Papers ot no value to anyone but T. J. Turner, the name on papers: rward at Bee office. LOST A brlnd.e bull In Dundee; an swers to the name Mokey. Call Harney 5W7. Reward. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET Persons having tost seme article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to acerta:u whether they tett It In tho street cars. Many articles each day ar turned in and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rlgnttul owner- Call Doug las 4. PIT bulldog. 10 months old. brlndle with white throat Reward for return to 410j Nicholas. Harney sfM, Drawn News Service LOST AND FOUND LOST A silver necklace, between 29th and Park Ave. and 30th Ave. Return to Bee office MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarr cures les, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for booK on rectal dlsennpB with testimonials. DR. T. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEV TO LOAN Money furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. D. H. Tolman, 335 Board of Trade building. OFFERED FOB RENT. Apartments nnd Flats. Gordon ViLnCo. Storace. 219 N. 11th St. or 210 S. 17th St Tel. D. m. 6-room apartment, 112.50, brick mantel and gas log In parlor, mirror door; all rooms beautifully decorated; plate rail and paneled walls In dining room; oak finish, oak floors throughout except kitchen; refrigerator and gaa range; window shades, curtain rods; Janitor serv ice, heat, hot and cold water. This Is the basement apartment In Harlan Apts., 2201-03 Sherman Ave. Ask to see It SCOTT & HILL, Douglas .1009. 307 McCague Bldg. STRICTLY high class 6-room apartment on West Farnam street, with steam heat und Janitor service JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT Modern eight-room house at 609 South 25th avenue. Rental 140 per month. Get key at 2521 Jones street SIX-ROOM apartment, completely mod ern, Bcargo Bldg., South Omaha, above 61G North 24th. Hail, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS. W. 4328. THREE large room flats, partly mod em; good neighborhood. 1917 Elm St; 89. 6-ROOM apartment, completely modern, 2003 Lake St Inquire ZOOS Lake St. GEORGIA AVE. APARTMENT "THE GEORGIA." 1040 Georgia Ave., 5 largo rooms and big' entrance hall. Everything In tine shape. Tiled bath, gas stove, refrigerator. PETE-US TRUST COMPANY, Hoard and Itooins. MERRIAM 3 or 4-r., private bath; also small BUlte; 1 or 2 single. 638 8. 27TIL Rooms with or without board. Kurulahrd Apartments. A FINE six-room duplex apartment, second floor; lurge. screened porch, east und south front; corner lot, near car and Hanscom paik. Will lease to satisfactory parties from July 1 to October 15. Mrs. W. P. Harford, 1550 Georgia Ave; Famished Rooms. LEAVENWORTH, 2572 Neat front room, 11.50 weekly; bath, gas. Phone Douglas 6997, NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, 170S Jackson St Tyler 1621. i.'urnlshed Housekeeping Rooms. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms with pantry. 2213 Douglas. DAVENPORT, 2018 Two nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms. Hotels und Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE, two rooms; gas range. 2228 Farnam. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; neatly fur nished; modern. 707 S. 16th. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT All or part of 8-room fur nished house for the summer. Corner house, south and east facing; good porch; near Farnam or Leavenworth car. Walk ing distance from, city. Address G 204, care Bee. FOR RENT One of Omaha's fine homes, furnished; large house, beautiful grounds; cement driveway and garage; rent rea sonable: parties leaving the city. Tele phone Douglas 161. or answer L 1S5, enre Omaha Bee. lluuses nnd Cottages, T?TTT?T TTv7 Storage and Van MD-bLll I S,o. fluau. stored shipped. Kith ue juokson .Sts. Doug. 1516. FINE KOUNTZE PLACE HOME FOR KENT. 7 rooms, all modern, choice location: put in first class condition throughout Rent 136.00. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 17th St A COMPLETE list of all vacant houses. apartmeuts and Hats that are (or rent. This is a list compiled dally and can ba seen free of charge at 209 South 17th Bt OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 835 fi-R. SQUARE. Harney line, paved street. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat'!. Douglas 2715. SEVEN. ROOM house, an moeern. nrst class condition. 37th St., ntar Piatrl Park ciub. 3a cnris woyer, iza and cuming, l'hone Douglas 2049. 6-ROOM house. Modern except heat Full lot Fruit and shade. Chicken yard and barn. 3024 Emmett. W. 498. 7-ROOM modern house, 136. J. H. DUMONT ft CO.. Douglas 690. 1603 Farnam Bt TWO-STORY brick flat on 2ath, near California. Crelghton University. Doug laa 232a NEW 10-room brick, all modem, hot water heat 2623 Harney, ISO. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Harney 1894. Douglas 1211 6-ROOM bungalow, 2SS4 Binney, com pletely modern; 325. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. Douglas 7406. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods ana pianos, uougiaa ivstu Till f O X7S a-AS ii r ' tnnrl tt-utm K nil a A modern except heat; 320. 3511 Corby. Web. 6000. UP-TO-DATE, all modern. 7-room house; also 4 or 6-room flats. 220 N. 23d. Sroom modern brick flat. 817.60; water paid. 216u Clark St. Phone Webster 6721 Jf! T?aH EP Co., furniture moving. TTniiciiq In all parts of the city. liUUfcua crelgh. Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. 7 ROOMS and bath. All modern. 1026 N 33d. Inquire 2715 Chicago. for The Bee by OFFERED FOR RENT. Housrs nnd Cottages. ,8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. 8-ROOM modern. 2612 Chicago. D. 8145. COTTAGE. Y. M. C. A. PARK. D. 4612. 845 9-r.. 1614 Emmet St, Just put in ex cellent condition, new fixtures, re papered throughout, garage. A fine location. 840 S-r., 621 Park Ave., all modern, good location, close to Park car line. 125-8-r., 4216 Farnam St.. all niodorn. Just repapered and painted Inside and out. A bargain rent PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1623 Farnam St. Douglas 898, 19.60 MONTH l-room cottage. 1810 How. ard. 2024 Maple, 7 rooms, all modern, 825.00. 2423 Maple St., 8-r., all modern, 827.50. 1006 So. 224 St., 5-r., mod. ex. ht, 837.00.. Blrkett &. Company, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4i64. Stores and Offices. ELITE picture show room at .616 N. 24th Bt. South Omaha. Now front and newly decorated; unexcelled location: room for 360 chairs; no operating ma chines; excellent opportunUy for experi enced showman. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. D. 7406. stores & modern apartments near postofflce. ,. , U. if. oteDDins, mm vimaK, omnni? . .-. V.oqI anrl watnr free. oiuiiu . i 2826 Sherman Ave. fnone w poster w. nun otorft-rnom. 2003 Lake St. Inquire 2008 JBKebt. cifi nn 1STH ST. Store room. 22x40, water, sewer, 815.00. Blrkett & Company, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. OFEERED FOR SALE Furniture. Home and Fur niture For Sale Leaving city must sell immediately furniture and contents of home. Walnut bedroom sets, rugs, dining room and, par lor 'furniture, best mahogany Apollo player, in perfect condition; library, kitchen appliances, range, etc.; also home; well bulit, modern, complete and convenient, Terms easy, luqulre on premises, 1328 Georgia Ave. Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. $126. 119 N. 15th. Typewriters. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Douglas, 2919. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months, ia. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balko Collender Co., 407-403 S. 10th St FOR SALE At right figures. 23 & feet of cherry bank fixture. Good condition. Address Y-174, care Bee. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney D. 2644 SAFES Overstocked; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Delight Safe Co., 1814 Far. St. For Sale Alfalfa, Phone Benson 6231. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. 8x8 air compressor. 612 S. 14th. PERSONAL Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elea treat D. 863. 14 INVALIDS GET PENSIONS. 451 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal. 21.60; S. E. Post 81.50, and Country Gen tleman. SL60, will earn 33,000 for the In valids' Pension Assn., which will Insure myself and fifteen other sufforeis 310 a month each. Your renewal worth 60 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Tel. Douglas 7163, Omaha. Neb. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will he directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; lu fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 141 N. 11th St, for cost ot collection, to the worthy poor. Tel Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MANICURING Face, scalp and mag. netlo treatment, mibs Debar, zot a. lath. MASSAGE MRS. R1TTENHOUSE. 303 Boston Store. Eve. and Sun. appoint'. Till i . , , baths; ladles only. Weight o-u-i JKJi reduced. Apt 8. 1803 Fara MASSAGE Swedish movement 418 lU.xyoo-rc.ui-i Bee Bldg. Douglas 6372. MAGNETIC HEALING. 1829 VINTON.' Massage, 1st f t.,r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele SALE OR EXCHANGE, R. E. All Going Out Nothing coming In. that's your auto: wm give choice ot fifty farms for it PALM EE LAND CO., 1106 W. O. W. Building. FOR sale or trade, four small gasoline delivery wagons, will trade for larger one. For sale, three delivery wagons. For sale, 9.000 feet of two-Inch, lumber. To anyone who wants a bargain in this line, can at zis w. noway. Co. Bluffs. GOOD 3-ton Kelly trucks for sain or STANDARD BRIDGE CO.. 1302 City National. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS) UK TITLE REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandrls' Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS. Indexed, free at our office; two stamps by mall. Charles 10. Williamson Co.. Real Estate. Insurance, care ot property Omaha. Also Omaha Red Book, vest pocket sire. A tlRAT'TIFT'L homfl fnr snla nr r.nt ( predate It If Interested call Web. 1301. Cliff Sterrett REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY I'UIl SALU. Dundee Homes At Right Prices $4,000 for 6014 Izard St, well con- iiuuoc, iiuviiis o targe rooms, in cluding living room 15x26 feet with brick f I rr.nl Oft. V.nn . .1 . .. 1 1 1 . l.. .11. I . ,....( wcMt.lvv. UUMI-1II ijuim- cascs, good-slsed dining room; finish quarter-sawed white oak, conveniently arranged kitchen, first floor; 2 large at tractive bedrooms, one with two closets and complete bathroom 2d floor. High, 'Bhtly lot 60x185 feet; reasonable terms. 34,300 for 6018 Cuming St This is a 6 room, 2-story square house, having living room across the entire front, dining JP.m' pantry and kitchen 1st floor, all nnlshed In oak except kitchen, and 3 well arranged bedrooms and tiled bath room, 2d floor; stairway to floored attic, cemented basement with hot water heat 'iu1?1 lot. 50x135 feet5 reasonable house8: lnve88tPga?ee. 'nClUdeS Pa'nt'nS th fn. ... r-. mi. I , v " ol a's is a. new, v .?"rPon.house' bulIt ot stucco on th,,,... "1 11 B wajl' iin'sned in birch h?rl!gi10u,,i havlnB Iare llvJnK room, Si,med ,Fe'11,nR1'' dining room with pan fci??t,a,,,8i &rBe Pan'ry and good sized iih e" l8t floor; 3 attractive bedrooms. tu.Vi. c,0,set,and complete bathroom 2d noor, oak floors throughout: sun porch Thuai mU8t b? "?en t0 be appreciated. Tl?f ce ?8 pr,lcfd vei-y low account of ?rrnfk7Sy,?nrvesetiUi.ty $5,200 for 6118 Burt St This is an at tractive bungalow of 7 rooms, having &!mil,v,n,S rooA wlth brlck fireplace. SJJu't1 nf1 and bookcases, dining room y'JJ1 iu H'inuburfet' a11 "nlshed in oak; .i? "Ifed bedrooms on the 1st and two .M.i.th 2i n?r; Lot 60x135 eet. House built by day labor and conveniently ar ranged. George & Company Tel. D. 766. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Lots In Ak-Sar-Ben Hill $175 to $350 Located within three blocks of 40th ano Grand Ave. and 5 blocks of 42d and-Grand Avenue new school building.. Every, lot lies high and sightly and are the lowest priced lots that can be had In this' part of the city. Ix)ts much farther from car line are soiling for much higher prices, addition lots If you want lots at a low v.ic ..moo iu ociiuui una car line. Alio terms are $5 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Dandy Little Home Only $1,775 3316 Rugglcs St., 6 dandy rooms, soutl front, large lot. 60x130, with 7 fine large shade trees and 8 fine cherry and plum trees bearing fruit right now; nice lawn, beautiful view, rose bushes and other flowers, screens, chicken house, furnace, city water and gas. House newly painted on the outside, two coats, and each loom newly papered Inside. Owner's wife In bad health; must leave Omaha. This little property Is a "world beater," and you can buy It on very easy terms. Go out and took at It right away. Take tho Dodge or Ames Ave. car. The owner Is living there and will be glad to show you through. Opportunities like this aro mighty few. Payne & Slater Co., 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Home and Fur niture For Sale LEAVING CITY, must sell Immediately furniture and contents of home walnut bedroom sets, rugs, dining room and parlor furniture, best mahogany Apollo iilayer In perfect condition, library, iltchen appliances, range, etc.; also home, well built, modern, complete and conven ient Terms easy. Inquire on promises. 1328 Georgia Ave. READ THIS The Wakeley Home, l!)th and California two full city lots, 132 feet square; 12 room, modern house, complete basement, 8 bed rooms; brick barn; beautiful trees. Fine for club purposes or apartments. Terms reasonable. A. C. WAKELEY. 560 Omaha National Bank. 82,800 7-room modem cottage, 2620 cap Ave. Webster 1249. BY OWNER Fine 8-room modem house with sleeping porch. Field clUb district One block from car line. Splen did location. 910 S. Sath Ave. Call H. 1494. Strictly modern, paved street walking distance; 11,000 cash, balance to suit pur chaser. Smaller houses, easy terms; call. D. R. Buck & Son. D. 6226. 912 Omaha Nat KARV PAYMENTS. 8200 cash -room cottage, 2706 Corby St 200 cash 6 rooms, 11th and Elm Sts. 8300 cash 6-rooms, 32d and Pratt Sts. $200 cash 6-room stucco bungalow. $260 cash 6-room modern house, 18th and Vinton Sts. Inquire- 413 Karbach Block. Phone D. 3607. FOR SALE Fine residence In West Farnam District 8 rooms, $3,600, 8350 cash, balance like rent IL H. HARPER, 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 2636. BUY a 6-room home, cheap, and stop rent; full basement, modern, except fur nace. $2,800. Part cash. It will pay you to see It Webster 207a INCOME property, close In; walking dis tance; a new double brick house; rents for $810; a good safe Investment See owner. 2009 Marcy. Phone D. 2523. TO BUY, BELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN V. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE. FARM Jt RANCH LANDS FOR SALE California CALIFORNIA LAND. Send for cata logue. Properties In all counties. W- table, reliable information, i ai wooj. ter Co., Titian Bldg. 3an Fruqcisco.