Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIJQ OMAHA, l'tlJSIY, .11 10, I'll?.
Published Each Tuesday
J ! 1
imnniinninnnmnnmininismnsttmnmumniiimnEnREaintni Rnnroniffl nn nnmmrBi
Busy But Cool
And Comfortable
No need to put off house
cleaning until cool weather
an electric fan will make
"cool weather" for you at anytime.
Go right ahead and do your
cleaning during the summer-time
when it's more
comfortable to stay in the
electrically cooled house
than to roam around outside
the blazinc sunlight.
Then you can rest and really
enjoy the mellow Autumn
days, when the very thought
of work is unbearable.
.Nobody kaawt tie real confer! el a
C-E Eltttrie Fen tmtil they n etc
We hTD all lists and itjki si tkeee sea
Mtrtiae pi cmoe in aid (elect rem.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Harney and 15th Sts.
Bl. OS
When you are buying some
thing that does not go out of
style, it pays you to get the best.
It means economy for you in the
cost of operation, upkeep and
length of service. That is why
there are more than
1,200 USERS OP
Tiie "1900" Electric Washer
in Omaha.
We place our Self-Working
Washer in, your home on a FIF
without, any expense to you, Wo
ask no cash in advance nor any
security whatever. Whether you
keep the washer or return it,
there will bo no charge for tho
use of it during the trial period.
Take the outfit do two big washings with it If it
won't, do all we say it will, notify us and we will call
and get the machine without a cent of risk or expense
to you. Wo will even help you get started right and
also-aid you in the future if occasion arises. Order
one now and be convinced.
(Either Cash or Easy Payments.)
Tyler 1011. 308 South 18th. E. B. Williams, Mgr.
Henry X want an
I'Ve been cx pec-ting
this every day now
N since.
Wofcta YOU care! You'd
grind me down -to no thin1
juvt -to beridm'
fgTJc 'wv 'an
Ot Yoo DO !
Jjo yuj?v
Hys. Smi-tk -took you
bwt viding m hers:'
Aint T poo enough;
"Sleeping So Sweetly"
"What a blessing this electric fan is to
the baby! Just like the touch of a
cool, gentle hand.
"I wonder if everybody knows
how much real comfort they
can obtain at the trifling cost of
only three or four cents a day. ' '
We handle all sizes and styles
of G-E Electric Fans The
Leadors of the Market.
Mid-West Electric Co.
1207 Harney
Fan Hints for Keeping Booms Com
fortable on Any Day.
Device of Great Valne Ventilator
and Can Be Placed Near Win
dow and Uaed to Blow
Smoke from Room.
The electric (an was more of a curios
ity than anything else until a very few
years ago. Only in the higher priced
hotels and In the private offices of the
wealthy were electric fans to be found to
any extent Now they ore common
enough everywhere and we enjoy their
gentle breeze in railroad and subway
trains, in dining rooms, reception rooms,
offices, shops and stores and In the home.
The electric fan needs no care other
than an occasional oiling. This olHnK
should not be too generous, Just a drop or
two now and then will be sufficient. Too
much oil will leak out and run down the
fan pedestal or will be whirled out on the
blades and spattered over everything
within range. The location of the fan
where It will do the most good, and th
least harm, Is all Important. It is not
good policy to place the fan so it blows
directly on a person. The steady breeze
will cool the body too quickly and Is apt
to lead to colds and lameness. If a breeze
is desired the fan should be so placed
that the air is "reflected" from the walls
and thus thoroughly scattered to all parts
of the room. Turn the fan towards the
wall, at a sharp angle, and In this way It
will move all the air In the room. The
fan can also be placed on a high mantel
so it will keep the upper air, which is al
ways the warmest, In continuous motion.
Often enough the temperature outdoors
will drop very quickly, Generally the
change follows the going down of the sun,
or a thunder shower. This will leave the
house full of hot air. If there Is no wind
blowing it would take a long time to cool
Count Your
Employes Then Count
Your Telephones
Adequate Telephone Equipment Is Necessary
To give a clear track to all calls for you
from the outside.
To avoid inside delay in sending your calls
to the outside.
To do away with "busy" reports.
To make your telephone system flexible and
.adequate to meet all your needs.
Let Us Explain Private
Branch Exchange Service.
410 NT
Any Player
Roll for
Any Playor
The Hospe collection
of player piano rolls is
unexcelled in the west
for choice of pieces.
You can get any piano
selection that you want,
from the familiar pieces
of olden days to the
popular song and
cabaret numbers of the
present day.
A. Hospe Co.
off the Interior of each room without the
aid of a fan, In this case place the fan
on the window led bo so it can pump out
the hot air. By opening another window
opposite the fan the coot outdoors will
rush In to replace the expelled air. By
placing a good fan In a window upstairs,
the entire house can be quickly cooled In
thli way. Generally the nights are cool
following the hottest day. The thermome
ter will show that It Is the house which
Is hot, not the air outdoors. By replacln
tho heated air of the house interior with
the cool air outdoors the rooms can be
quickly cooled and made comfortable for
sleeping purposes.
The electric fan Is also of great value
as a ventilator. By arranging a bracket
In the kitchen near the top of a window
the fan can be used to blow the smoko,
odors and heat of cooking outdoors and
the kitchen can be made more tenatable.
The odors of cooking, steam, fumes, etc.,
gather In the upper air near the celling.
By placing the fan near the celling these
fumes can all be blown outside. This will
keep the kitchen cooler and prevent the
odors from permeating the entire house.
The electric fan Is also of value in keep
ing flies out of the house. Flics do not
like the electric fan. They will not re
main where the fan Is buzzing.
It is rather difficult to operate a fan
In the average bedroom. It cannot be
safely placed on a chair, as It will
"creep" and fall off. If placed on the
dresser It will make too much noise,
owing to the sounding board effect of
hollow furniture. The best way Is to
fasten it to the window ledge with two
small screws. Every fan Is provided with
holes for screwing It fast as desired.
Those thumbscrews can be easily and
quickly adjusted, making the fan secure
and In no danger of falling off the win
dow in the night. The cord and switch
can be located near the head of the bed,
within easy reach of the sleeper, so that
the fan can be turned on and off at will.
If placed on the first speed the fan wilt
make practically no noise and can safely
be operated all night. It Is Immaterial
whether the fan punT?fresh nlr Into the
room or sucks the'usSa air out, the effect
being the same.
The first cost of an electric fan is not
great. The small eight-Inch Is large
enough for a small homo and the twelve
Inch fan Is large enough for any size
house. They can bo easily attached to
the electric light socket and consume no
more current than a small elcctrlo lamp.
In fact, the eight-Inch fan can be used
for a quarter of a cent an hour and tho
twelve-inch fan for half a cent an hour.
Practical Presents Are the Things
that Count These Days.
Donor Are Advised Not to lie Old
Fashioned, tint to Select Wisely
and Get the Dent for
Their Money.
Off the Bleetrle Wire.
California has a trackless trolley.
Motor-driven pumps were in demand in
Dayton after the recent flood.
Fourteen submarine cables nnw mn.
nect America with European points.
The Island of Java Is equipped with a
complete automatlo telephone system.
Permits have been granted for thn
development of 700,000-horso power within
tne national forests of California.
The French language is more easily
understood over the telephone than the
English language, providing you under
stand French,
The smallest commercial motor wrlrfea
less than two pounds. It Is used where
a little power Is required, such as for
dental drill, etc.
Tho world's largest electro-magnet Is
being built In Paris at a cost of I40m
The magnet will be placed at t?le dis
posal of all scientists for experimental
101 Omaha ITat, Bank Bldff. S 3810.
We can't help, even If we want to,
thinking of those two high-headed, Im
perious creatures who this month will
line up beforo us. The attractive qual
ities of the June bride and tho graduato
seem to pull from every direction.
These two people, lot us hope, are pre
paring to be very practical from now on
and forever, and will appreciate any
"substantial" suggestions from best
The times are most propitious for prac
tical gifts to anybody. Whcro the bride
or the graduate of a few years ngo must
be pleased with a plain frying pan or
chafing dish these' very articles havo
boen turned Into things of beauty as
well as service The frying pan has
assumed many different disguises and
now stands on the dining table polished
and smiling bock at those who smllo
at It.
The graduatJ who now receives a
chafing dish Is not necessarily hampered
xorever after with smelly bottles and
"don't burn down the house." Sho gets
a silk cord right with It which supplies
It with all the eat and drink It needs,
that Is if there is an electric light socket
or basoboard receptacle to draw upon.
muu ui ducii very modern
gtfta as these Insure pleasure to any
one who receives a modern gift Do not
be old fashioned merely because you wish
to be practical. For, who
wouldn't like a curling iron which Is
always ready and can't burn or smoke.
Omaha Electrical Works
Electric Elevator Repairs
Westinghouse Motors
108-13 Jr. 11th at. rbone Sour. 1181.
The greatest success in,
this world has been at
tained by tho persistent
chap. He who is on the
job day after day and
who follows up a day's
work with a second, a
third and an infinite
So it is with advertis
ing. He who succeeds
is he who follows up one
good advertisement
with a second, and many
This page has lined up
business for many mer
chants. "I think it one of the
best pages of its kind
ever published," com
mexited an Omaha ad
vertiser last week.
If you are selling elec
trical goods, do consist
ent advertising on this
page. Be represented
here each Tuesday.
l,.?HMiU r "MSST BMKiESd
Time Comings
Special Tablo Fans. A new design. Give a gentle
breeze in all directions. Fans from $10.50 up.
Wolfe Electric Co.,
1810 Farnam Stroet. Tyler 1414.
The man with on electric fan is the man
who does not have to keep mopping his
brow. He also is tho man who does more
and better work all because he is cool,
and feels like doing work. If you have
electric fans for your employes you will
got better work out of them.
The house wired for
electricity is the one
that gives the tenant
entire satisfaction
If your house does not have elec
tricity let us move you at once into
one that does. We give complete
satisfaction in our moving, and dis
patch work with care to every ar
ticle and without damage to the
most fragile piece of furniture.
Moving, Storing and Packing
'.Modern Equipment
Store your goods with us this summer in
Fireproof, Ratproof and Dirtproof Vaults
The Best Storage in the West.
Omaha Van & Storage Company