THE BEE: OMAIIA, MONDAY, JUNE H, 1013. :1 HAPPY HOLLOW CLUB GOLF Bixty-Pive Enthusiasts Take Part in Handicap Medal Play. THREE TEE, POR FIRST PLACE M. W, nhondcn, A. P. Murtagn. nnd George noia Will llnvc to Vlnr Another lion ml (or First Honor. x .lldp. Net. nappy Hollow golf enthusiasts took part In an eight-hole handicap modal round for the prise offered by W. O. Ure, Owing to a rule that all net scores of lesa than 80 be counted na 80, M, W. Rhoadit A. P, Murtagh and G. IWna ties am will have to play another round to settle the tie. The courso was In Brent shape yesterday and about Rlxty-ttva players took part In tho competitions with the following results: Grose. M. W. Khoadcs 99 A. (P. Murtagh 101 George Ross , sr. J. a Weppner SI C. B. Jlced... . 98 P. N. Robertson 103 G. M. Durkee 99 E. A. Nordstrom 83 B. W. Arthur 100 B. B. Kimberly.. .....104 During tho week the matches in the first round of the "Beaton cup" were played, with the result that tho follow ing players meet in the second round: 1 D. "Vead against A. P. Murtagh. J. R. Webster against S. A. Past. W. W. Buchanan against J. 11. McKln non. B. N. Robertson against P. I. Elllck. Oinnhu Field Clnu. Several good scores were mode in the sweepstakes at tho Field club yesterday when over fifty golfers took part. The play -was handicapped and modal. 4pwlng tho scores: 20 14 IS 14 3 15 IS Fol- J. H. Conrad.. B. 1C Buck.... H. B. Morrill . II. S. Culver.... James Allen.... O. J. Bauman.. J. W. Williams. Gross. 90 93 ..... 92 ;i EC 91 91 S3 91 89 92 8S 90 .103 Hdp. 13 13 10 9 4 9 C 2 8 - 5 9 2 2 IS Net. 77 R0 82 82 82 82 85 83 83 84 83 83 S3 J. W. Huches... J. Carpenter D. L. Dougherty K. A. Hlgglns J. B. Lindsay Albert Cahn . O. E. Burmestcr. jr.. (ijiiului Country CIul). ' Several players took part in tho elght-een-hole handicap best ball foursome match played at the Country club vester day afternodn. Some gooa scores were mado by the older players. An interest ing match was tho final play for the president's cup. Gaines and Kedlck tloa ' up. Following are the scores: ,F. Gaines and J. Rcdlck, 9 up. S. Blaino Young and R. Ldwe, 8 up. F. A. Conndr and G. A Brady, 6 up. B. M. Morsmun and E. Sprague, 5 up. J. Magee and F. B. Hamilton, 5 up. R. Peters and F. H. Oalnea, 5 up, J. Scobio and George Smith, 4 up. T. L. Davis and H. A. Tukey, 3 up. W. T. Burns and W. J. Foye, S up. .Ben Gallagher and it. C Bums. 3 up. C. Colt and p. Lincoln, 2 up. - J. A. McSharte and T. J. Malioney, 1 up. Li. Drako and F. J. Burkley, even. J. A. McCluro and J. B.Rome, oven. C. C. George and J. C. French, even. Finals in president's cup, match play: Gaines Out 4 4 6 5 3 5 3 6 341 ' In 4 5 C 4 4 6 4 4 441-83 Redlck Out 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 6 3-39 In 3 4 3 4 8 E 4 4 5-3877 Second flight: Al Reed beat C. L. Deuel, S and 2. r Third flight:' R. C. IIowo beat Ben Gal lagher, 2 and 1. ILLINOIS SCHOOL WINNER , GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Oak Park High Takes Pirst at Inter-1 Wheat Talent Swallows Sensational scholastio Track Meet. .Crop Report from Kansas. DES MOINES TEAM IS FOURTH CORlf SENTIMENT 18 MIXED Iloyt of Greenfield, In., Huunls Uni versity of Chicago Record In Ono Hundred-Yard l)nh, Nino nnil Four-Fifth. While There Are n Mood Mnny nulls, Conmrvnllvcn Feel that -Thrro Una Ilcen Advnnce Enough In Frlce of Corn, LINCOLN PLAYERS PROVE TO BE BEST AT TENNIS Lincoln and Crelghton High schools Indulged in a tennis battle on the Crelgh ton courts, Saturday afternoon, tho bat tle' finally golrig to Lincoln by' a narrow margin, When the regular number of scheduled matches had en played, tho score" stood 'even, and tho two teams adopted a new method of settling tholi disputes. It was agreed that each team should pick its star man, and pit him against the best man of tho opposing team, upon the result of this match, which was to bo bu one set, was to depend the re sult of the battle. Lincoln chose Al brecht and Crelghton picked Rliey. Al brecht won the natch for his team by beating Riley 6-4. Watkins, GuenzeL Atkinson and Al brjecht, were the Lincoln representatives; T. V. Goodrich, professor of history at Lincoln High, had .the squad in charge. Schall, Epsten, Riley and Growney, played for Crelghton. Watktn of Xincoln opened tho match by beating Schall of Crelghton, 6-3, C-3. Epsten of Crelghton reversed tho do-, elsion in Jiis. match with Cucnsel of Ltn coin, beating, him, 6-1, 6-1. Riley of. Crelghton kept up tho work of Epsten and walloped Atkinson of Lincoln, 7-S, 6-2. Albrecht of Lincoln tied up mat ters by beating Growney of Crelghton, 6-C. C-l. In the doubles,, each team got one match. Lincoln, as In tho singles, started off With a victory. Albrecht and Wut Vlns of that squad outfought Epsten and Riley of Crelghton, finally winning, 6-4, 6-8 and 6-4. This proved to bo the prettiest match of tho afternoon. Bchali and Growney of Crelghton tied the match again by winning over Guen zel and Atkinson of Lincoln. 6-3, 6-0. Tho final match between Albrecht and Riley was won by the former, 6-4, giv ing theYiatch to Lincoln. The mauh was the first of the year for the Lincoln boys, .and tho second for the Crelghton representatives. FIVE NEGROES ARRESTED BY HUSKY PATROLMAN Policeman Johnnie Iiolden, formerly teacher of athletics at the Young Men' Christian association and now champion wrestler and boxer of the police depart ment, interfered in a seuffle at Four teenth and Webster streets early last night and an instant later found himself "fighting with five husky negroes, who a moment before were fighting among themselves. The patrolman wag badly bruised be fore he. could stop the attack. J. V. Ousely, J617 Grant, appeared to be the ringleader, and he bears severat dents Bbont the- body where the sturdy little 'officer landed. Ousely attempted to es cape after the patrol wagon came, but was caught by Holden, who fired sev- ' era! shots at him. Roy Jackson, Harry Kane, Millard Tolles and Newton Wilson were arrested also for being in the mlxup. MARSHALL FIELD, CHICAGO. June 8.-Oak Park (111.), High school won the twelfth nnnual interscholastlo track and field meet at the University of Chicago yesterday. Hoyt, Greenfield, la.-, equalled the University of Chicago record in the 100-yard clash, winning in 0:094. Hoyt broke the 2S0-yard dash record for this meet, taking the flnnl in 0:21. Cory of University High school, Chicago, set a new murk for the 220-yard hurdles, tnklng tho event in 0:24'i. the best time previously In the series of meets being 0:26. Goelltx of Oak Park was the Individual star, making fifteen points. Tho events were contested in a high wind. The Oak Park High school lads won tho meet with 2d points. The University High school took second' with 19V4 points. Uklah (Cal.) High school, IB, Stockton (Cal.) High and West High of Dcs Moines tied for fourth with 11 points; Greenfield (la.), 10; Hyde Park, 7; Lako Forest academy, 6; Harvey (111.), 6; Hector Minn.), 6; Central High, Toledo, 5; Jackv sonvnio (ill.), 6; Iowa City academy, E; Sprlngvllle(Utnh), 4; Lewis Institute, 3; West High (Minn.), 3; Ardmoto (Okl.), 3; Dixio High, St. George (Utoh), 3; Lebanon, 3; Central High (Minn.). 214; Parker (S. D.), V& North High of Min neapolis, 1V4; Gary (Ind.), 2; Rock Island (111.), 2; Raymond (111:), 2; Whiting (Ind.), 2; Hobart (Okl:), 1; Selby (B. D.), 1; Watertown (S. D.), lj Crane, I; LaGrano Grange, 1; Lake View, 1. Half mile, first race: W. Cummlngs, Hector, Minn., first; W. Gowcns. Har vey, 111., second; P. Hake, Gary, Ind., third; Wllmarth, Lakevlew High, fourth. lime, Half mile, second race: J. Allenby, Uklah, Cal., first; P. Schoenfeldt, Toledo High, second; K. Chalk, Rock Island, third; F. Smart, Lagrange, 111., fourth. Time, 2;09H. 100-yard dash: Hoyt, Greenfield, la., first; C. Haymond. SDHngvllle. Utah. second; J. Irish,-Oak Park High, third; n.. van, loiodo, u., lourlh. Time, New Interscholastlo nicord. Twelve-pound shotput. Caughey, Uklah, Cal., first; W. Rohm, Lebanon, Tenn., second; II. Ritterberg, Raymond, III., third; Besta, Crane Technic, fourth. Distance. 48 feet 3 IncheB. 120-yard high hurdles: II. Goeletr, Oak Park High, first; C. Qrunsky, Stockton, Cal., second; W. A. Ames, Oak Park High, third: E. Gluek. Lake Forest: fourth. Time, 0:16. Qrunsky won the nrat neat in v:u.i, DUt lost in the rinal. High Jump: Sheppard, Hyde. Park High, first; C. Larson, St. George, Utah, ....... U. Thompson, Minneapolis, and G. Allcn.,Clln. ion, iica lor lourin piaco. Height, 5 feet a mcnes. Mile run: G. Tenney, Dcs Molnesr, first; E. B. Yost. Harvey. 111., neennd! n. A. Sommers, Englewood, third; M. Aj Thle sen, Watertown, S. D.p fourth. Time, 4:46. Discus throw: H. Goelltz, Oak Park, first; P. Frina, Jacksonville, 111., second; E. Vater, Whiting, Ind., third; E. Caughey, Uklah, Cal., fourth. Distance. 117 feet. , Pole vault: F. Fobs, University High school of Chicago, first; F. Reavls, Falls "fi nu.i seconu; l. jsrwin, pamer, S. D., third.; J. Fisher, University High SChOOl. fourth. Helorht. 11 ft 9 Inrli.u 220-yard dash: C. llovl. nrponfiiOrl. in first; G. Parker, Stockton, Cal., second! v-uncr, university iiign, xnira; u. Haymond. Bnrlnirvllln. tltnli. fnnrth Time, 0:ti. iz-Douna hammer thrnw; tr. nlti Iowa Cltr. first: E. Caunhev. tlkltth. nni.. second; P. Prins. Jacksonville, III., iuuu,. nmner, eeioy, ts. u., rourtn. Dla- lance. xeot e mcnes. 220-ynrd low hllrrlVs! r!. fnrov TTnlv,.. I. ( f .' t7flh roi..nm . 1 C3.n1.,..H ft 1 . - 1 V ... A . nuiu; u. uciii, university lilcn, Chicago, fourth. Time. 0:24. Quarter mile: First race, Bhlrerick, Unl- vtjrauy men. unirjiirn. rirnt; j nvnnta West High, Pes Moines, second; C. Swelt, iur, viucHgo, iniru; v. iNtiaon, Ardmore. -Okl.. fourth. Time. AlMU. Second race, F. Blagle, Lake Forest. 111., academy, first; A. MoU'n, West niisn, ies Aioines, second, u. Parker, niuaiMiu, v-a.i., uura; J. uaiioway, 110 bart. Okl.. fourth. Time. 0:5S. High, first; B. Durst, Minneapolis, ec- unui, ociioniejai, xoicuo, tmrn; j, Allefiby, Uklah, CalM fourth, Time, Running broad fiimn: J. Xrtuh. Onlr Park High, first: S. Kablllar. Mndtll Hlcrh. I J. ........ U IllHUf jrDuii, uenirai iiign, Minneapolis, fourth.. Distance. 22 feet 4 Inches. RalayT race: Tlnlvprsllv Illo-li flr.f Northwestern academy, eocond; Oak i-arK, uiira. lime, W.Wft. Former Omahan's Art Masterpiece to Be Seen at Festival Solon Borglum, Crelghton, 80, well known as a sculptor In the east, has Just completed a work which he pronounces his masterpiece. It is a monument of Jacob Leister, the old Huegenot patriot. who founded New Rochelle N. Y Just 200 years ago. Citizens of the town ara planning a great festival to take place on June 25, the third centennial annl versury of the founding of the tojwn at which tlmo the monument will be un veiled. The festivities will last three days and continuous-pageants and pro. cessions will be held. Among the distinguished visitors will be President Wilson and Mayor Gaynor of New York. The mayor of "La Rochelle," France, the town after which New Rochelle was named, has been In. vited and many Frc ictimtn will be pres nt. OMAHA. Juno 7, IMS. With one blx culn the wheat talent swalloned tho sensational crop loss news from Kansas and they proceeded without delay to bid the prices of tho option up narpiy yesterday. When th.i fart la rnnotrloroit tVint W. L. O'Brien, state labor commissioner and. director of the state free employment bureau of Kansas has Issued a call for 20,000 harvest hands there Is considerable wuent to uo cut and housed. Mr. O'llrlen, in h special message, says tlit Harvest nir has hepn rnmtni.tirfv a nrt thnt It will bo general the coming week. The buying Of wheat was lamely on short nccount yestcrduy, while belling was mainly by those having profits. The southwest was again offering new crop wheat for July shipment and on tho same basis aa the sales that were mado on Wednesday and inursuay. It was the belief among wheat bulls that there has been enough damage In tho southwest to warrant a maintenance of the present level of orices. and with any material Increase in the speculative J nigner level is expected, condi tions have been nflvcrnn to thn rrpntlnn of old-Uma bull speculative conditions In securities Decause of the fear that some thing radical is to happen. v-usn wneat was uwws lower. Tho sentiment In mm nvwl nni U mixed. There are a good many bulls, but there is a feeling among conservative traders that thoro has been advance enough for the time being, as much of the bulge In tho last few days has been regarded as largely sentimental. Bulls say there will have to ba & greater pres urp of receipts to keep prices down. Tho young corn throughout the belt is reported as coming along nicely and grain mon nr hoping for a banner year. uisn corn was jiSfic lower. Cash oats were HW-Ho lower. ulearaUCeA Worn Anno huahal, nt tjr 169,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 274,000 bushels. Liverpool closed fcSftd lower on wheat and Md lower on corn. Primary wheat receipts were 4S1.00 bushels nnd shipments wero 685,000 bush els, against receipts last year of Z3.000 bushels and shipments of 244.000 bushels. . "imrjr corn recciptB were 1,154,000 "uoiiuio una snipments were SID.lxw bush els, asralnnt ronalnta Ian, 1 r via bushels and shipments of 434.000 bushels.- '".mij ums receipts wore SS3.000 bush els and shipments were 600,000 bushels, against rclnta ttiat vnu rt ir wi els and shipments of 456,000 bushels. Cnrlot Ilecclpta. ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. LEO All NOTICE. 'i'llB OMAHA. WATilU COMPAWV NOTIf B IS HDRHIIY QJVEN tbt all tU ot tindlns prior lUn bowl ef Th Oaih Wtlcr OmipiLnr. Vlue bond dsbKWKI 77, Til. Til. 1M W Tl. 7, TM. m tnd 75. will t ik Tof th auroir Trut Compr t Nw York. Nu. lW Bro44r, in n CUj ot Nw tJTsMa Wb bon4 will tbeo Vj THEOIK1HB t. WOvCUURy. fie. Victim of rirt Aid. They wero talking about the emit aamagn cone to personal beauty by au. inrann lad and i .un. , ri a ntm.. . . rr which recalled to Congressman MeCov of New Jersey a caee that once came to hts aiienuon. Uver tho telenhone. the comrreasman said, came a message that a man had been seriously hurt, and the specialist was urged to immediate attention, un entering the room where Die patient lay the grrat doctor pau'ed with a look of astomsnmem. ' -My dear man." he exelttmed to the patient, "I didn't expect to find you in a (onflltlon like this' What have you been doltig to yourelfT Was Jt an (uutomo- one I "Na doator. ' feeblr reolird tlu r.n tlent. "J w walking' along the street and dipped on a banana, skin." "fllinrW on n banana, skin" cried the doctor, with greater amazement- "lo you mean to tell .me that a banana skin did all this?" "No. doctor." wa the -weak rrjolnd-r oi me peueni. -wm-n i iei i was car ried Into a store aud treated by some tody who had studied flnst aid to the injured.- -rouaoeipjMa leiegrapa. Counterfeit Dollura buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy Dr. King's New Life Pills; for constina lion, malaria, headacbe and Jaundice, For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise ment. Uvfl Annies lend Tlrlfd IVnf4 NEW YORK. June 7 BVAPOUATED APPLES Market barely .steady; fancy, ;HiVi- choice, MfCHc IR1ED FJH ITi-Prunes, firm; itprl- rots. quiet, out steady, veacnes. iirm, raisins, auieu wnicago , .,., 29 Minneapolis jgo Duluth a Omaha 77 Kansas City eo St. Louis , Winnipeg ".190 542 104 62 7 280 TsfiUd; No. 3, 7s44d. Futures, easy, July. 7s Sd: October. 7a3Hd. December. 7s SHd. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed. new. 6s lid: American mixed, new kiln dried, Ss 4d; American mixed, old, 6s. FUturdS. easy: July La Plata. 4s 10-Hd; September La Plata, 4sllVd. M3W YORK CKNUUAI. MA11KKT OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef H0QS STEADY TO NICKEL LOWER zwstc; No. 2 durum. Mkn,8T. aurum, 8S6c. .Corn: No. s white. BMlc No. 3 wh te. EKtACTW.v.. V '"'iT!.09?.?! 55o: Nn. s i .?i,"'.V1'i'l.M r;;.rr . ino. a yellow. grade," jfW No!' ? standard. 37!lo: Nn. 9 .bit. iiiJ'A'SV-f'a'v 4 White. 361tffl36e. -M.i7 Ti7' ?.X coc: No 1 feS.i. 'I5iSr"V-. ""i"s'??a' No 3. 65c. ' " today-rw8,i Vtllf "Ported E5MC. No. S hnM w""lc,'tc! "l 4 hard Wiiter 1 AivVi-". c'-".?- ?vad, winteK l-car.'TSi; Smi r '"'' -I mixeu, i car No. car? KWn isitrr i-?.rni. No- 2 white, 1 car. g ' N0. 3 white, 1 car. KKc; il cars Kiic No. 4 white, I cars, 65c. No, 2 yol ow, 1 car, MKc: 2 cars, 64Vc. No S yel- 64c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 65o: 1 ear. W,nr cars. UTAc- No trrn do 1 roi: CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading: nnd Closing; i-riccs on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Juno 7 irnML.. ..... -SwaiS,.,n.0,?!a,nr.'J,r t0Jay to con. ; " "lu - oeioro tno arrival whefi-ab-ence" of ' SST'SS t"8"' &e2 market; under I t JkhL " cnV"V.K.S down, oats off 'to to fcc and provisions "" iw ueuune to an advance of 2vfcc. Besides good rains in Kansas and else, where In the winter crop belt, bearish news regarding wheat lncliMJ,. of heavy cargo arrivals at Liverpool and a notable gain in the English visible sun- ply. Furthermore, domestic primary re ceipts were more than double those of last year, being 481.000 bushels, against 239,000 bushels last year. At the same tlmo export clearances of wheat and flour were light, oqualllng only 274,090 bUBhels. Warmer weather In the spring crop territory had a tendency to nravrni nnv Important rally by the wheat market. In this connection a good deal of interest was aroused through assertions that July unliveries hi .aiuijieupuus wouiu oe on 'a large scale. Much of the 18.000.000 hush. els on band there was said to ba too moist and otherwise unsuitable to carry in' elevators through tho summer heat. In the corn crowd new buyers were few and former ones more disposed to sell man to ouy. uurai consignments were piling up and sales to the east scarcely worth mentioning. The oats market flat tened out under big receipts in all di rections. Pork dealers worried over signs that one of the big packers had control of July delivery. Commission house selling, inougn. maoe laru una nus easy. Quotation of hr liny nn Various rommoilltlra. NEW YORK. June 7.-FLOUR-Marhet steady with Very little doing; spring patents. Jl.Goyi.W: winter straights, 4. 41-t.W: winter natents. tt.7Str6.10: sDrlnc clears. 4.0ir4 20; No. 1 wlntir, extra, J3.S0 4.10; No. 2 winter, extra, J&7W8.S0; Kan ess straights. S4.20$T4.SO. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, l3.ftjtf3.S3; choice to fancy, $3.904.00. CORNMEAL-Flrm: fine white and yellow, l.S4fl l0; coarse, t.3ifl.35; kiln dried, 13.35. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 2 red, nom inal; No. 1 northern Duluth, Jl.OOU f. o. b. afloat. Futures wero eosler under Imurovinl (ran nnwa anil lower cables. July, 08 7-16c; September, WSc CORN Spot market easy; export, 0S'4e nominal, f . o, b. afloat. OATS spot market quiet; standard white. 46We. elevator: No. 2 white, 47a; No. 3, 46c; No. 4, 45c; ordinary ollpped white, 45y46Ho; fancy clipped white, 474? 47Hc UYK Quiet; No. 2 western, sc, c 1. 1. New York, export. BARLEY Barely steady: malting. 59065c; c. 1. f. Buffalo; feeding, 64c, nom inal, f. o. b. New York. tiurs-isasy; state, common 10 cnoico, 1912 crop, 161i22c; lll crop, 14c; Pacific coast, 1912 crop, 19i'20c; 1911 crop, lltfllc. HIDES Steady; Jlogota, 28HVic; Central America, 29c. J'KTltuijisuai sieaoy; reiineu, new York. bulk. to.CO: barrels, ts.70: cases. 11.00. wool quiet; aomestio noeco, ..v Ohio, 2728c. FEEliBteady; western spring brim, 100-pound sacks, J20.60G21.2S; standard middling, 100-pound sacks, 122.00. HAY Quiet: No. 1. L02!4U1.03; No. J, 90tr93c; No. 8. 75SSc. LKATlllSR etoauy; nemiocK iinis. J29o: seconds, 2702SC. PROVISIONS Pork. firm! mess. 22.00di22.M; family. 24.00$t25,00; short clears, UO.750S2.oa Beef, firm; mess. quiet; middle west. U.0M1M0; refined, steady; continent, J11.65; South America, $12.35; compound, firm; J8.504j8.7C. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to It lbs., TAT.T.nw Quiet: city, nominal: coun- . . --( 1 . 1 Ain try. miwoBti ww vv. BUTTEll MarKei sieaay; receipm, ,4 tubs; creamery specials, ziwosho; ursis. 26H4T27c; stato dairy, finest, 27o; good to prime. 2G37c; process, extras, 26 26V4c: firsts. 25Hoi imitation creamery, firsts, 25JTKc: factory current make, firsts, H'UYiC, paemng ciuuh, curmm make. No. 2, 21Ha CHEESE Firm; state whole milk white, pale and colored specials, 14Ua; state, wholo milk, averago fancy, 14c; skims, 'ittlOHc. EGGS Market steady; receipts, 17,412 cases; fresh gathered, extras, fOQXlo; extra firsts, 20H21Hc; firsts, 1919Ho! Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, as to slzo and quality, 23T25a; Pennsyl vania nnd nearby hennery, gathered whites, 2224c; western, gathered whites, 20323c. POULTRY Alive firm; chickens, broil era and southern; 27c; fowls, 18a: turkeys, 13c Dressed steady: fresh killed western chickens, 30o; fowls, 1G?1SHg; turkeys, 18019a St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUI8. June 7. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 red, L04l.oa; No. 2 hard, CORN-No. 2, 67HS6Sc; No. 2 white, 6O0. OATS-No, 2, S8c; Ho. 2 white. 40tfc. RYE-630. Closing price on futures: WHEAT-July. 87Hc; September, 87Hc Umt I.nmlm Tvnty-I'lv to Thirty Cents flintier Tbnn Last WooU'n CliiHp Wrrk'a llpcolpts llnthcr Moderate, 12.904 3S.917 13.3fl0 S.74J 4,2 3,173 4.42S 3.4M 3,04? 2,545 SOUTH OMAHA, Juno 7. 191S. ReeelDin ,- ,t,ii. miAnn. viiiicini jwonanv cik Qftlclal Tuemlay j.TJl Orrieifti Wednesday. .. 3.853 unicini ThuiB.lni' S.S37 OffldlHl 1-rl.lnv- estimate .atunlay 8,013 Six tiny fliU u ..l. ii ett ?i 'jsc 1AM1 Samo days Inst week..l2,M 63,071 18.&M sains days 2 wka ago.. 10,634 6t.08 14,021 game days 3 wks ago.. 11,010 57,091 28,933 Sum days 4 wks ago..l!,i3tt 51,712 27,709 Same dajs last year.. tt.bH 64,134 17.411 1 he following table snows the receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tho year to date as compared with last year: ton 1011 i vn c.ft'0 3S0.5S4 390,500 1 logs I,?ai,l(S 1,826.005 ....... 333.493 Sheep ..... SS2.7i S54.148 2S.612 folloln table snows the range ol PJ .i for, h0" nt 8uuH Omnlia lor tht last tew days, with comparisons. May 29. May 30. May sl Iiniu 1,. June 2.. Juno i. Juno 3.. Juno 4. June S Juno ti. June 7. CORN July. t8V4c: September. tS 6SC. OATB-July. !7o: Septembe'r. S7.c, POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 13c; springs, 23S36c; turkeys, Oc; ducks, 11a; BUTTER Weak; creamory, 23027c. EGG8-1614a FLOUR Unchanged. . BRAN Unchanged. HAY-Ttmothy. 312.O0iS16.OO. PROVISIONS Pork, Jobbing, $20.35. Lard, crime steam. S10.80O10.80. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 5,000 66,000 Wheat. bU 26.000 15,000 Corn. bu. 95,000 41,000 Oats. bu. ... ....1 44,000 20,000 Kan an a City Grain and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. June 7. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 red, 8&33Zc; No. S, SIHCSlo; No. z red, szijvsc; no. 3. swhzc CORN-No. 2 v.hlte, 6SJ4ci No. 3, 68c, OATS No. 2 white. 40V4C. WHEAT July, 64o; September, 84tt8 84c; DecemDer, mto. CORN July. G7Wc; September, 87Ho December. 64VS,04ic. OATH-Hentemtier. ZSHC BUTTER Creamery. 27c; firsts, 26c; seconds, 23c; package, 29e. Rons inrats. ibc: seconas. itc, POULTRY Hens, UWc; roosters, loo; ducks, 15fl broilers, 23c, iteceiuis. nmuinuiiiB. Wheat, bu W.00O 53,000 Corn. bU D-.WJ s, Oats, bu. 10,000 8,000 Mlnnenoolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 7. WHEAT- July, 889o; September, Die, Cash: n" hSl. ate. No. 1 northern. D0Vt OlWc; No. 2 northern. 88?T89V4c: No. 2 hard, Montana, 90V4Q01i4o; No. 8, 60 W 87Me. , jfjjuun uncimiiKo. CORN-No, 3 yellow. 66aG6V4e. OATS No. 3 white, 3737,4c, BRAN-Unchanged. RYE No. 2, 651B67C FLAX-J1.27Ql.2SHc BARLEY 4&3 68c, MllwnuUee Orain Market, MILWAUKEE. Wis., June 7,-WHEAT -tin 1 nnrtnern. ' iNO. 2 northern. 9Mr93c; No. 2 hard winter, 2b3c; July. CORN NO. a yeiiow, ummoi AO, 9 white, 000; ro, i, wswiicj juiy, tsvio September, Wic OATH vrsc. RYE 62c. BARLEY C7l968c, Artlclel Open. 1 IIlKh.l Low. Cloe.Yca'y. r Wheatl July 90IT1 8eDL!89iWl 00 89V4Mi Dec.1l(iiU2l S244I 91 Corn. I L....L..( July. 5S; "sw Wni Bept. Wltm W(P Die. 67W 68V4.I m.) Oats. 1 I .l Hl?V4V4)HOHlie91 IH VP 2SVi 37 1 July.J3SH44 Snnt.1S7Ttt5 Dee. 38W 881 S3V4I 8 Pork. I I l.Jw. 19 DO 80 1 w w I. 68 ml 38?l 3714(t8t July. Sept Lard. July. SeDt Oct. Ribs July. 11 Oct. 11 10 11 00 urn 10 95 20 67VS1 20 47J4J 20"47 20 45 I4 86 I 19 80 f I9 60 fl90 11 60 J 10 95 I 10 95 I 11 00 u 07-ioJ 11 tcwl 11 mm 11 00 JO S7, H72j 11 V4 u 10 W Vihij 10 Wbl 10 87V4 11 67H1 H 67541 U 70 11 35 11 S3 I 11 37H 11 i 1 11 1 11 10 rrhteaco Cash I 'rices Wheat: No. 2 red. liorrfi lXttW: No. Z red. 93fl9Sc: No. 2 hard. (.Vfrttte: No. 3 hard. 90fi02c No. 1 north- -.1 witvzcL mo. 2 noriuern. viuc: no. 3 northern, 90801c; No. 2 spring, MCMc; No, z spring, wyic. 110. 1 iiui. onjec; vel vet chaff, Wfl93J4c; durum, Wh'jU. Corn; v i. fAfl9l4c: No. 2 white. 9&QC0U' 1C0 t. vllnw. 6li&S9t4c: No. i. LtX.tLiisU.r- Mci No. 4. 68r68?ic; No. 4 white. IMt aBVic; no. yeiiow, uovsowc. vats: no. I white, vjvvqw, nv. wwiie, iaViUSWl Kr. t white. S8J33V4c; standard. AfysiiWjz. Bye; No. 2. 61c Rartey: CO&67C. Sedsi Clover, oominai; iimoiar, rorkt ?a.s. Lard: 110.92. Ribs: JU.7W3 12.21. BUTTER Irregular; creamerlei, 2M& 27l4e. ' KGGS Higher; reoetpts, I5.8SG cases; at mark, cases Included. J7&lSc; ordinary (IrstM. liW. uraia, ix. inri,TRT-Unsettled: hens, alive, lse? T(nc alive. 15c. receipts oi 01 u, ' uvw0 cars; pi ices lor new, Peoria Jtlarkrt. PEORIA. Jone 1r CORN No. 1 white. 68U0; t.'a. 1 white. M4c; No. 2 yellow itfSsttVic; No. 3 yellow. J4c. ' OAT8rN- s it, SSHc; staodarfl, 3Vc. U rpul Grata JIarJtet, LIVERPOOL. June 7. -WHEAT fipot, steady, No. X Manitoba, 78Vid; Na 2. Cot too Market. MEW YORK. June 7.-COTTON-FU- tures closed very steady. Closing bids; June, 11.090; Juiy. ii.tio; August, ii.eo; September, li.sw:; uciouer, ti.uoi jNovenv br. 11 17c: December. 11.17c: January 11.10c; February.; March, ll.21c. Spot nulet: middling uplands, 2.10c: middling gulf, 12.J5c: no sales. Cotton closed very steady, net v pomis lower 10 points higher. I.IVKRPOOL. June 7. COTTON Quiet steady; middling fair, 7.25d;.gpod middling, e.vio; miooiirig, v,uai iow miuunns,, good ordinary, 6.17d; ordinary, 6.83d uales, oaies. RT. LOUIS. Juno 7.-COTTON-QU let middling. lV-ie; sales, none; receipts, 202 bales; shipments, '421 bales; stocks, 25,215 . . NEW UlWEiArtD, June i.-vuriun- Bnnt. nuiei ana uncnaiiBcu; miuuunr. VI 3-16c; sales, 20 paies. CoffceT Market. view YORK. June 7.-CQPKBE-FU ned steady at an advance of 6 to 9 points on covering ana xoroign Duy inc which was supposed to bo Inspired by less favorable Brazilian crop reports and higher European cables, The mar. va worked uo another soveral points during the morning with the olose at a net advance pi jv w ppinio, BtMeu 28.7M bags. June ano juiy, Beptember, 10.34c; October, 10.8o; peeem ber. 10.38c; January, 10.40o March, 10.45o mIv 10.47a. Hoot steady; Itlo 7s. lotto Bantos , v., viuvd. HQ 17c, nominal. Oils and Ileal n. www vnnif. Juno 7. COTTONSKUD OII-Eosy; prime summor yellow, 7.20; July, F?,16; September, 16.28; December, itosiN-Easy;' strained, common .ii ti TITRPENTINI5 Easy; machine bar relsl WHc Tlrr Goods Market. NEW YORK, Jun 7. DRY GOODS Cotton goods marKots are steady with trade rnoaerajs. mi, yicwn iu,u una nu nr xmree In wantud shades for im Toi.tA delivery. Yarns rule aulet and easy. Jobbers arn to hold special sales during the Homing week. Metal jftnrket. NEW YORK. June 7. METALS 'f ha markets were dull as usual 011 Saturday, CoPPer nominal- Iron unahunged, HIV LOl'lH, June 7MHTAI.Lad. steady, at $4.30. Spltr, dull, at 35.15. Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher for the Week. Cents Date. 1913. 1 19U,liill . 1 1910. 1 19U9. 1 190S. 1 1907. S 414 S KJ 1 8 45U 7 26 6 74 9 M 7 01 6 34 7 1S 5 82 93S 626 ? 22 u 74 9 33 ' 7 11 727B 76 0 31 7 14 D35 5 77 9 lo 7 19 6 7 36 5 7S 9 09 7 26 6 23 7 Xi, 5 7.1 9 09 7 20 6 23 7S) 9067 34 626 7 2H16S3 7 36 5 31 7 35) A SS 9 01 5 20 7 43 6 So 9 15 7 32 U 33 6 01 6 OS ti 10 6 03 0 05 5 9J 5 93 5 93 6 01 and butclrtm. J5 43MS.OO, good IioaVj, 18 4"! tfs.TO SHKl-JP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts, 2,100 head; market, steady; muttons, 15.004? 5.76: yearllnus. 36 2MI6 60: lambs. S7.004T 7.40; spring laml. S.rrs-80. CHICAGO I.IVH STOCIC MAUKI4T Cnttlo Hli'iuly lliiun Slrndy lb Dliade llltclier--SliPcp Hlnw. CHICAGO, Juno 7.-CATTL10-Recslpts, 2M head; market, sleaily; beevos, J7.2W 38 SO; Texas steers, J5.704Jt7.76; western steers, J6.(RS.0; stockers nnd feeders, KPP08.OH; cons and heifers, J8.WS5.00; calves, JS.C091I.00. HOGS Receipts. 9,000 head; market, steady lo shade higher; bulk of sales, J!.BHr8.l; light, t.40S.T0; mixed. J8.3MT S70; heavy. JS.10fl8.05; roUKh. JSaOflS.M; pigs, Jfl.n84JS.30. 8HF.KP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts, 4.000 head: market, slow; native, JI.904T6.S5; western, JS.0046.0i)i vearlliiKS. Vi.504)6.50, lambs, native. J5.MVffi.40; western, JS.BOiif 7.W; spring, J5.36ifS.3r. I.lvr Stock In SI lit. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Receipts of live stock at tho six prin cipal western markets yesterday: South Omaha 8,012 800 St. Joseph..... 60 2.S00 Kansas City 100 1.500 St. Louis... , .7,500 V 4,000 sioux City m o.ox Chicago 0 9,000 NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Trading Listless, and Thcro is Small JJemand Evident. MOVEMENT IS IRREGULAR Decline Inflncncrd by Weakness of Can, Which Sells Off Threo Polntn to S.1 .1-4, a Neir I.oiv Figure 2,100 4.0 Totals .,70 31,312 6,900 St. Joseph I.lvr. Stock Sfnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH. June 7. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 60 hend; market steady; steers, J7 0CVC8.B: cows and helfors, $1.3608.35; calves, J7.0Ofri0.00. HOOS Receipts, 2.R00 head; market steady: top, JAM; bulk. JS.S508.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S00 head; lambs. J6.50O7.50. S 23Ui S19H a 19 8 31 8 279, Sunday. CATTLE Au (ft n.n.l, .... UV. af ,1.,?ro was ""thing of any conso tiueiico la the way ot beef, either trosh Sr..!?,' B?lu tuia l'10 market was .ViT1 " "toady ut tho weok's nilviitice. iif'"0' the. six days approximate 33.WO head or about 1.200 head more than last vek and 3, MH) more than the corre sponiling week of Juno 11 your iibo. Quality of tho offerings hits been exceptionally kuoa and tho demand, for the most Part. iieauny anil active. Trend of values has beell UPUIUlI frnin Ktnrl tn tlxiuh .. .,,1 closing uuotatlons are tully I0yl5c blither ....... nvvH Uliv, A cms8i8 of buyers hitvo favoied tho llgut and hanuy wuiKht f.-e' these In somo cuBes Bhuw a i5(UJ5a advunce for the week, choice your lings selling us high na JH.50. Ueiiorai un 4cl"on?, to tho market at the close was dtcldedly strong. Supplies of cows and heifers have been of very limited proportions, and, with a iiauiuua uuiniiiiu irom nil ciuss of buyers, thn muvrmnnl lina lio.. lr.. m prices on tho upturn all wuek, Choice hetfery grades havo hud th profersnco as usual, but there has been a free out let for nractlcallv nil tri-ml, ,111,1 ih., eneral market lor she stock shows a itw.5a advance for tho week. Veal calves conuuuo in active demand and firm, and there has been a good outlet and a steady market right along for bulls, stags, etc. Only a small business has bocn trans acted In stockers and foodors, as offer ings of this kind have bueu vary limited. uemuim noa neon very Keen irom the country, however, and prices are 254iWo higher than they wero two weeks atco. uuoiauons on uauie; tlood to aholco beef Steers. 33,2012i3.50: fair la cond Imnf steers, J7.h5O8.20; comniuu to fair bout steers, J7. 357.75; good to choice bolters, J7.25OS.00; good to ctioico cows, VJ.S0U7.t0, fair to good grades, JO.OOOCSO; common to fair grades, JI.00O6.W; good to choice stockefs and feeders, J7,tWOS.); fair to good stookers and feoders, Ji.1Mi7.G0; com mon to fair stockers and feederH, (HOU' 7.00; stock cows and heifers, ja.2507.25i veai uiuveK, i.wii'JV.w; uuns, stags, olO., I6.00O7.10. HOOS Recolnts were fair fur n Hut. urday. there being something like 115 cars, b.ui ueau, reiioriea in. 1'or tile weeK the total is 71,255, the largest for ui.-y week slnoe the first of February. This week'A supply is auout ,uuu lurgvr man i week ago, ahd over 7.WX1 heavier than a year ago, The 'Vnarkot opened about steady with yesterday's average, but after a small share of the hogs had been sold values began to Blip a little. From this tlmo on tne movement was very wow, anu wnon a little later on priceH took another slump trade stopped altogether. This was about 9:30, and after that tlmu It was slow work to even get a bid. sucn offers as were made being sharply lower, At 10 o'clock thoro wero about u third of the oueringa still in nrat Datum, una there wore no prospects of any Immediate change In tho condition of ho market. What sales wore mado up to this time landed at $S. 2618.35, with some good lights as high as $3.10. The market thus far was just a shade lower than yester day's general trade. Sellers held on for quite a while, but they were finally forced to cut. loose at the buysrs' figures. Prices paid on the close wero a big nickel, and in some cases 6OIO0 lower thon yesterday's general market, most ot tho sales being mado at Jg.25. Talcing the market as a wholu values are steady to 60 lower. The move ment on the close was Very draggy and at a Into hour there wore about half a dozen loads unsold, Tho week's tradu has been exactly the opposite of last wcek'B. The murkot has tioen aocnning sicuouy, aim vjiunjr no the only day that this liownwaid ten dency was overcome The demand has been In rather poor shape all week, and large receipts at this point have been mainly responsible for tho 80c break In vricL-B. . ' . KlilSlSl' A HO paCKOrs liuvu uuun t kuv... .r iiu iiaut luiiiliH this week for trade has been active and prices havo had an upward trend every uay bavkuv u Tuesday and, on that day the supply in point of quality was not quito an good as on the other days. Current quotations on such 'grades, weighing, from seventy to eighty-five pounds aim pi wis rignv jui ish and quality, are about 250 K5e above those a week ago, At the Nam time lambs crossing tho scalfH pver olghtlny- five pounds or only halt iai, are oriiiKina prices anywhere from steady to unevenly influx hlirhar than lust week H closo With the packers being very indifferent at that, declaring uch offerings too heavy or not suitable for their orders. What Improve ment HOB Ilcen Sliown in iiimuhiu iu u largely duo to niorteruto receipts, there being really not enough of the rlBht kind of stuff coming in to satisfy evon the packers' local demand. it mleht he mentioned that the local trade continues to hold a relatively hlKh position, as ollpped lambs at the closo of the week reached as high as 17.76, and a small bunch of clipped ewes brought as much bh J5.C0, Tho bulk ot the good to choice clipped lambs arojjuotably at $7.25 7.75. 1 , There ! tlll a very limited drmand for anything In the line ot mutton, but na only a llBht Bupply has boen in evidence all tho week, prices on the toppy stuff i & cents higher than e. wok apo. As f lambs, the demand is cen tered chiefly on the prlmo offerings pf light or hanaywoigni, an omur mnas oe Ing rather slow Rale and often having to sell at a disadvantage, , , Ouotatlons on shorn SEJJJJi1 !"bi Lambs, good to choice, ft.i&ffMSi, lambs, i1?ir n irnod. M.Wfrt 361 culls. J4.00fl6.00: yearlings, good to choice. J0.254W.50; year ) I lift, fair to good, J5.75O0.2S; wethers, good to choice, J5.60O6.7Bj wethers, fair to good, J5.a6frt.C0; ewes, good to choice, JJ.96OS.60i owns, fair to jiood, Sioux fltv I.lvu Stock Market. SIOUX CITV. Ia.. Juno 7. CATTLE Receipts, POO head. 1IOUS-1 Receipts, 6, head; market, ntrnilv tn Ro lowor! heavy. JS.20OTS.26: mixed. tS.26IT8.27Hi tight, JS.27M,O8.30; bulk Ot nales, J.t.W7f8.7IK. OMAIIA GI3NKIIAU MAH1CIST. nUTTlCR-No. 1, 1-lb. carton. 30c; No. 1, CO-lb. tubs, JUVic; No. 2, 27c. CllBKSli Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c: block Swiss, 24c; twins, 17c: daisies. liUc: triplets. V&oi Young Ainerlcus, 19o; bluo label brick, 17Ho; llm- uiWr 2lc l-lb ko; New 1 ora V 20c. l'lSH-Whlte. fresh, lBo; trout, fresh, 13c; largo arapplcs, fresh, 12c; Spanish muckercl, 15e; eel, 17c; haddock, lfo; fluundnrs, 12c; slmd roe, per pair, 40c; salmon, fresh. 10c: halibut, fresh. 9oi buffalo, 9c: bullheads, Uo; channel cat- lis'i. 11c; piHo, lie, picKeroi, 11c, l'OULTRY-llroilcrs. 33o a lb. J hen's. 16c; cocks, IBHiCi ducks. 13023c; geese, ii luriteys, 23c pigeons, per doz,, Jl.20: roosters, 9c; dtickB, full feathered. lOo; geese, full feathered, 13c; suuubs, No. 1, Jl.Ml; No. 2. 6O0. 11EKF) CUTS-Rlbs, No. 1, 17c; No. 1 n Jn lift! rhn.lf. V 1 . A... V'Z 2, 9Hc; No. 8, o. Ixilns, V'o. 1, I8H0; No. 2, 17V4c; No. J. lOUc RoMnds. No. 1, Mo; No, 2, 13H,c; No. 3, lSVJc, I'lates. No, 1, 8c; No. 2. 7Hc; No. 3, 7o. The following fruit and vegetable prices are rcjiariea uy 1110 uiunsKy null cum' nanv FRUITS Strowberrrtvi Arkansas, 'nls., per case, J2.50; Tennessoa Klondike, uts.. per esse, J:' 75. I'lncupples! Florida. 18, 24, SO, 30 or 42 size,' per crate, J3.00. ICxtru fancy California navolsi Ninety-six, JI.00; 126. J4.50: 150. 176. 200 and 216 tinea, tl.'ti: t50, J4.50; 2SS and 324, $4.00. Valencia; One Hundred anu tweiu-six, per nox, i.w; 160. 176. 200. 216. Del' box. JS.00. ADDlns: Utah Wlnesan. Der- box. J1.76; Utah Oanos aud Den Davis- ner box. Jl.50: vtra fancy Qano, circle brand, per bbt , sl.00; extra fanny Hen Davis, per bbl J3.50; extra fancy Wmtbup, per bbl., J3.50: extra rancy Missouri l'lppen, per bbl., JX.2&) Oanoa, small, per bbl., $2.25. Grapefruit: Florida, Indian River, 64 and 10 Us, J6.00; 64 size, JtW; 46 size, Jl.Wi 36 sUu, J3.75. Lemons! lSxtra fancy Southland Ucautles, 300a and 3C0s, per box., J7.50; extra cholco Justrlte. ner box. J7.U0: ex cellent brand, 300 size, per box, J7.25; extra fancy Mcsslnu, 500 or 300 size, JO W; Sun side brand, 309 size, per box, 4.76i extra Cholco Mcsslnu. 300 ir SCO slzo. $6,00. Dotatoes. uor bu.. 56a 1 lli .liver early Ohio, per bu., 60c. Onloiisi Large ited VBaisTAHLliS sitnneanoiia uru luver Valley Ohio potatoes: uolorodo Rural crate, jl.00Ol.2S- rionts: Tomatoes plants, per 100, C5c; cabbage plants, per 100, Wo; pepper plants, per 100. 75c; caullfiowar plants, tier 100. 76c; eggplant plants, pur 10O, J1.00. Tomatoosi Funcy Florida, per C.boskot crate. (4.00; oholce 0-birtkeL cratn. J3.50. aubcbluankuuo itea new potatoes, per hamper, JS.u; California Jumbo celery, per dor., J2.09; elder Moll's, per keg, 13. W; cider Nehawka, pur keg, J3.'.'S: asparagus, per doz,, U)cj ihubarb. Pr doz., 30c; onions, per dqx., 20a; new beets, carrots, turnlus. tier doz.. COc; parsley, ner duz., 40o; radish, per dos,, 40o; head IuUiioj, per noz,, i.wi nomsgruwn iuui ruiiuco, per doz., too; green pcppr. per buakot, tOa; wax or green buuns, per hamper, 14.00; hot house cucumbers, per dos,, J10OO1 2.00; cauliflower, per cratu, $3,50; venetlun gunio, per 10., nw, icxas new cauuugu, per lb., 2c 1 cggplan' per doz., J1.WJJ2W; horsorndlili. 2 dot . titles In cuso. ter caso, $1,90; dronieila. , In and dates, pkg,, 3.00; ' anchor bra'") dates, pkg., $2.25; walnuts no, 1 M,n hiilii, pur iu uc; medium pecans, p r lb., 13Ho; pecan Jumbo, per lb.,, i5c( giant pecans, Louisi ana paper ehell, por lb., 25ci filberts, per lb., 16c: Drake almonds, ier lb., 15c; paper sneu, io; urazus, tier iu., ivo; laruv washed, per lb., 12c; black walnuts, rtr lb.. 24o: raw No. 1 Deanuts, per lb.. OKc. jumbo peanuts, per lb., Be; roast peanuts, per lb , SVie; shell bark hickory nuts, per lb., '4c; largo hickory nuts., per ,b.. fa; wnlto rice popcorn, per lu., ac; iiiaiKers, per 109 pkg. case, Ji.iO: checkers, per CO pkg. case, $1.75; Loslle Berry naxos, qts., per L000, $2.76. NBW YORK, .tuna Ta I-?1? th vloY .tl,al tho r,so ln Prices 5'e- inJitZf.' j . M'"u w,ln ,n BPiritea Duying, 1 iiiutd J,,at a turning point had been rroohed after tho long decline, wero ds. appointed by today's market. Trading was listless and there was no demand for Stocks. SUoh im mli7h( InrllrnlA in. orenaed confidence In the outlook for the market. Compared with tho earlier days Qt the week, however, the market maje a. royorablo showing. There was none of tho previous heavy liquidation or nervousness. Huch pressure ns was di rected at tho list Beemed tu tome chlotiy from traders who were Induced to scil by the fact that there was llttio demand for Stocks cither for Invnatment nr for speculatlvo operatlons'on the long eldo ot mo maraei. For a time after the opening some ot the Important stocks ranged sl.ghtly ftbovo yesterday's close. Tho movement was narrow ana irroBUiar ana many became, downward. Tho decline wia in fluenced bv the weakness of Can. which sold off 3 points to 23, a new low fig ure. WOUKI1U83 of tins siock was .unKcu with a report that tho federal govern ment would Boon institute proceedings against the conipuny, but the report lacked confirmation and apparently was of the same character aa similar rumors affecting othor corporations which have been circulated tnrougu tno iinanciai ui trlct during tho wook. . ,, , Tho bank statement failed to disclose tho cash coin of $4,000,000 to $..,000,000 In- dlcated by known movements or cur rency, the actual gain amounting to only J400.UOO. Tha lu-avy liquidation of stocks during the week was reflected ip ascal- lug down in loans 01 neariy ij.vw,. Tho bond market was Irregular. Total .,. vol, ... 11.112 limy 1 nltea States 3s and ranama Sa advanced H on call lor tho week. . ...... ,,in. Number ot saies ami leauiua -on stocks today were: . "''' ..ti 11,300 t Amlzmtd Coppr . Aracrlcui Atrlculturtt Amrliu Hect 8ur. American t'n Araerlon Cm fll..... Amrrlotn C A V Anierlrn Cotton OH. Am. lea Heourltlti... Attierlca Unw4 Amerlctn lcomoti Aircrlcm H. A It,.... Am. S. a It. rM Am. amr lUtlntnx. . Amerlon T. Sc T..... Anxrlun Tobnooo ... Anaonnd& MlntnK Co. Atchlun 1,900 J0O 11, too 600 1,100 wo too too 400 l.SOO Q0 il li 41H i;h sou .10H . to Kansn- City Tr ock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 7.-IIOOS-Re. celnu. l.KW had; market steady; bulk ot .sales. J8.40fi6.50; heavy,, packers and butchers. $8.4608,60; Ught, $X.40O.5; pigs, $7.0007.76. CATTIB-Hecelpts. 100 head; market steady; prime fed steers, J8.3608.C5; dreysed VMf t. $7.208.951 western steers. $.60W.26. southern steers, $S.50fl Sin. Anw. 13.50417.26; lielfers. $6.5008.60: Blockers and fewlers. $6.608.00; bulls. $6.00 Off 76; oalv, JT.uuOlO.60. SHHHl AND LAM 1)8 Receipts, none; market fcteaay; lamus, r.vwo.v; year lings, $5.0006.50; wethers, $4.6008.(0; ewes, $4.0005 i stockers and feoders, J3.360.W. St. Louis! Stock Market, ST. LOUIS, June 7. CATTLB Ro- u4pts. 7,500 head: markut. steady; stock ers and feeders, $5.$&O7.60; cows mid hif. ers. I7.UOO.MI' "Wis, J'.w'i-; caivas. I6.00iS10.7S; southern steers, JB.W07.76, T'ni and hrtfers. $t.00fl7.00. IlOflS Receipts, 4.000 head, market. steady; plus and lights, $3.5508.60; mixed Atchlun tM AtUntlo Cotst Lino IHUIroore A Ohio llelhlehwi RtMl Ilrcsklm iUptl Tr Ctnullui rurltlc Central" Cbcupuk tn Ohio CMcuo O. W micno, M. & nt, lv... CtiIgo & N. W Coloriuo P. & I., ConiolliUUa Qu Corn TroducU IMUwir A Huflnon IMnvtr Hlo arnd... Utnrer ft It. U. pti.... Dlttlller' Securities ... Kris , , i:n it ptJ , Grit ti ptd , tlemrtl Klntrlo ........ Urtt Northern ptd. Grut Northern Urn ctli. Illlnoli Centrml Interborouzh Met Inter. Met. fd 'InUrnntlonil Ilarrttttr,. Inttr-Martn pti International Vaper . International I'ump Kanaas Cltr Southern.. Icled Oai Ihl()i Valler Loulavllla A NaahTtlle.. M., Bt. P. a B. Kte. M. Mlaaourl, K. A T..... Mlmourl l'acldo National lllacult , National teail K). It, It. ot M. 3d pfd. Now York central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk a WaiUrn,,.,,, North American Northern liclfle I'adUo Mali ,....... I'ennarlvanla People's Oa ,,, ,,,, 1'., C, C. & Bt. h l'ltlttmrsh Coal l'reiaed Bteel Car....,.,, ruiunaa I'aiace par...... Itenllng ItppuWIo 1. A H, Itenubllo I. & B, ptd..,. Hock Iiland Co Hock Inland Co. pti..,. Hi, I & B. V. ti ptd.. Hc-aboard Air IJne rlealxtarrt A. U. ptd...... HloM.8hef(le.ld H. t ,,, Bouthrrn rarlfle Buulliern Hallway ...... Ho. Jta(l war M TenneMct) Copier Teiaa & l'aelfts Union r-atllo Union Pacific Unltt4 BtaUs nealt..,. United Slate Itubber. .. UtltU'd Statea Hteel IT. H. Hteel ptd Utah Copper Va -Carvllna Chemical .. Wabaah Wabaah ptd Weatern Maryland Weatern Union .tlnithoueo Electric ,, Wheljgjr & Uke Erie.. too mn 1,100 316 too ii "Va s; IIT',4 aiii 00 100 too 1,700 lU ,T00 SJt 100 lli 2,000 MH too 11 tt 1,400 1UH "160 'n' too 111 300 84 10O ioo 300 1,(00 too : 10H 41 tm UVl 41 37 h a 107 iH 201 stH Mil 97 115W I2H "n . .. tt 31m ii MVl 11H 101 ltH SH m JO nst j; 'is I II 1. JO i 10 m I1! inn aw IH 87 itti Wi 11 . 103H 17 130 S 'iiii ti 10H sH 37 tOO 194U 1H ih in 100 isa1 (00 3tt 104 11SH 1,200 JSli 00 (IH IOO J01H IM 'iw ..... 1,100 157 H 100 too 121 UK MH 1IIH S 10H iso 1H yvr York Money Stnrkrl. NEW YORK. June 7.-MONKV-On call. nominal; nu loans, Tlmo loans, stronger; sixty days, AMWA per cent; nlnoty duys, 4'y44i per cent; Big months, tiWA per cent. I'll! MIS M1511UAINT1L.I5 1'Al'Klt b per cent. Sterling oxciianKo, firm, at $4316 for sixty day blllM and at $4.8686 for de mand. Commercial bills, $4.821. MlLVlill liar, wtic; Mexican aoiiara, 48c. t llONDH oovernmont, iirm;rnroaa, ir regular. Cloning quotations on uonus loaty wcr as follows: U. S. ret. 3a, r., . 1001, K, O. So, ref. te. MI4 do coupon .100 U 8. deb. la ltil.. ItTa U. a. 1". res, ..,,,.103 U I N. unl. 4a.... UU do eoutwn ., 10l it. K. T. let MH V. 8. 4a res ltH do 4He HV, do coupon 114 "Me. I'aolllo 4a, . CIH Panama la coupon.. 103 do conv. (a k0 A.-C let te ctta, H "h1 H It of M 4H 0 Ainer. As. la MIA ft. Y. C. (. JV4n.. Mil A. T & T- 4a..W!44 i0 deb. u rJH Am Tobacco e....ll N. r. N II, & 11. Armour ft t. f!2 ") .7a-T. rr. iai s, ia im AtrhUon n. 4a. eo vv ' a iev. , . do e. it A. (i L. lt 41. .. B, l. Ohio a do H tlropk. Tt. 4a.- lr.n nf fla. fia.... ren. latlinr la. UY, St. UAH. do or. 4a ....101 Ish. raclfle 4 H4 MTenn. cv. 4i Ills.. MH . i do con. 4a n 11 IUadlns BT 4i.... MU . 91 H St. U i. H.I p. 1. 4, ciu Che. & Ohio 4V. BjH to gtn. (a U do conr. 4Ha ejtf 'St. L. 3. W. 0. u 77Vi Chltaaa ft A- a.. ;. 1,. aaj. t.,,. ti C U. i Q. J. 4a... v no. rae. col. ia. do ten. 4a UVa do cv. 4a....,,., C M & H P o 4.H.100H do lat ref. 4.... O, It. I. A 1'. e. 4a..MV4So lUllwa 6a.... do rff. 4a Wt uo gen. 4a C & B. r ft e 4Vta. oiiUnln Paelfte f.. a ft II. v. U.... ) ; 11. 4a PLtlllere' 5 J IJrle p. I. 4a. da eeu, 4a TO Pa a. F.. "V.H t. 1 u. n. 1 MM MH 4a CIU ltubbr y. o. mivi w ee. . ye Va.-Car. (.htm. I., in; do C. a, mar. w vna . t at ca. 4a an III. Ceu. lat r. 4... .. !5"Ur Md. it,.,. 41 Inter. Mt 4Vi ... "H'J JjI. Blue. . $a. Inter. M M. Hit... , MW. tntral 4a.. 7H japan 4Va ". Hid. Ottered. lioiiilon Stoi-lt Market. LONDON, June 7. American (lecurjlloa opened steady with prlcra a fraction lowor. Covering followed and most of tho llBt advanced anu iiosea uuovo parity. Canadian raciuc jeu 74 Console. Btoner TlHlllUeti Central., ...Ill ,l .nonunt TS v-ia at.. ((. ft T Amal. Copper, 70H I'ennaylranla .... AUMina MW Head ln . Canadian Pacltlc. ..UH Bouttiern I'actflo uiwi 0. w ?;'"? p'" 3T pul ltU. H. Hteel peneer ft Hlo O.... "UVVebMh Eria H1)II lo lat ptd : .. lUud Mine nranil Trunk SliVKR -Har, nulut at Jttid per ounee. JlONBV-SOiW per .cent. The rate of dUcount In the open market for short and threo months' bills li 4U per cent- . mi wv, .mvi wit III 1KH M lit ,003 H wit no 123 m 110 i-'ii 101 tt i o l.H I ItH 7 h H 74 iuT HH II IJ (I ss ?5h T 34 eo ti m Clearing- llnnso Ilniik Mtaieinent, NBW YORK, June 7.-The atatement of tho actual conditions of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that thoy hold ,988,400 reserve in excess of legal requirements. This Is an incrcnBe of $2,779,900 from last week. The statcmont follows! Actual condition- Decrease. LOanS II rli iie AA,. .inniqnM Specie S41.22S.OOO 812 000 1 . P IT n I t 1, 1. on u. aah . . . . . . Net deposits. 1,762.890,000 ..utnituil ,,,,,,, Il a 11 k v cash re reservs In vault.... Trust companies' cash reserve in vaults Aggtegate cash re serve Excess cash reserve Trust companies' re. serve with clear, ing house members carrying 26 per cent cash reserve Summary of stats hunk.' ...... panles In Greater New York not Included in clearing house statement : Deer "aso ir 5HM? mlm f nn,.T . U U.,0 'U6BI IVIIUVJB.,.. ...... Total deposits ,, Increase. 1,100 tH l .,. ..... .... ,,.,. .,.. too It too a 314 100 113 103 ! 'moo iioiv ii t09 U!i I7H 1 tooo 103 !j loss ,.!. ,.. ' "S00 '1154 ' ii,7oo iitH iiiii 300 10W 19U 'moo 'isii 'u 100 U MH 30J 7H 7H '"W 'iilH 'ilH ' "i', 'i 'J5U i,oo nu 11. . tOO t 7 100 124 H ', iiiioo iuH itiii ' '"wo 'ii" . U.too cih MH 100 J04t, I04U , 3,100 41 4SH i Jjy. t;S ; " joi 'u" '14" S0 61 . . a 47,081.000 359,625,000 65,499,000 425,024,000 V,988,4O0 52,413,009 8,054.200 640,6QS,000 489.000 11.032.000 19,000 2,779,900 231.700 201,900 ,TO.900 Suiiar Market, NEW YOltK, June 7.-8UQAU-naw steady; muscovado, S.S0a.83c; centrlfutruV B'Sdy330' moiMaea' luilwk ARGENTINA PAYS BIG PRICE JF0R CRAGAN0UR LONDON, June 7. The sum pf J150,00t waa paid today by tho government of Argentina for the horse Craganour, which was first past (he winning poat in the Derby on Wednesday, but was dlaqualf. fled for bumping. Only on tour occasions has the price paid for Craganour, which is to be used fpr breeding purposea in Argentina, been exceeded tn the amount paid for a raco horso. These were Ormonde, which was sold for J156.2K) to an American sports man; Cyllene, which went to At English sportsman for J157joa; Diamond Jubilee, sold to an ArePt!n breeder for $157,500, nnd Flying fox, which ftplfls the reoord for thq price and was sold to French sportsman fpr $136,875. Offlrr for Judire DIokliiROn, WASHINGTON, June T-Major J J. Dickinson ot New York vaa today no- pointed by Secretary Bryan representa tive of tho Panama-Pacific exposition at $4,000 a year in tho State, department Major Dickinson's duties will consist of xpdltlng the bualpeso bsVvvcn th da-