M-W.siHI.JIUsTTsTT Us Boys Shrimp and Skinny Shaner Will Have to Wake Up Drawn for the Bee by Tom McNamara POOD FOR. FAN5 COOKED AMD ST. 6EE.THE Bfi GIVEB ME A AtfFUL. CAa DOWN FOR LATE FC& WORK itSTcHOAT ' OH WELL, (SOL DING IT, VJE PLAY THE 'WNKIES" T l -S n Otf THE HQME 6 ROUNDS TO- DAf AND IF I GET A CHANCE lit D0SOME THIM6 FUNNY AMD TRY AND SQUARE MYSELF : S.JL 1 3 ( HY EMILY, GT OOTER. I tHERe. ( AND MS HAVE v( To DO AsTuNr! SHE USED UP EUEW7 B(T OF SPACE 1 ' GEE , TO-DAYS SERIES SPOILED NOW. WE MI6r 6ET CANNED I - MAfARA - SKWftf SHANER G006LY DEP'H O(0 SUNDAY. AJi T WHEN fOO'HE SHAKERS BEAUTY SECRETS ALU DRESSED L5 DONT 00 WEAR. A mUP PUDDLE MY is a cam&lE Like a Henpecked hdsbinm- rrcoEs our. FROty TOBlE LINK- CW AVE UWflM 16 J HMkOF WOOD LIKE A KINOf- Ansujer. Tb-Moewu) JIEAJj ESTATE. CITY PUOI'EIITV FOIl BALIS. RKAIi UHTAT.K. CITY l'HOI'HItTY KOIl MAMS. , IIKAIj K8TATU. CITY IMIOIMCIITY KlUl SAM?. COME OUT TODAY TO LAURELTON Take 24th' street car, get off at Crown Point Avenue. . Ono block south of Miller Park and wost of 24th street. ' . - 1 ' y Large Lots, Low Prices, Easy Terms $600 to $750 : ' ., ' For beautiful-lots, with all improvements paid for, in this rapidly developing res r idenco section. - . ,....J J. - Public School Only Four Blocks ' STREET CAR LINE ALONG THE ADDITION All improvements are being put in and paid for. ' . , , t ,' COMPARE . these lots with any lots offered you anywhere. Consider the size, improvements,, re ; striotions, ' street car service and other things tha will make a first-class homo site and you' will see why others are buying in LUARELTON . Start saving for a home, $100 will make the first -payment on any lot in Laurel ton addition and the balance can be paid in easy monthly payments. ... CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO, Phbno Douglas 3832. Sunday Douglas "8370. NEW LOCATION, 216 Omaha National Bank Bldg. RKAIj estate, city mioi'eiity run sale. IIEAIj ESTATE. city property for SAIjE. REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY KOR SALE. REAIj ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY TOR SALE. . - - , Webster 4638. West Farnam Modern Brick and Stucco Residence This Is a well built, artlntlc, 8-room residence, located on a nightly lot with beautiful ihade trees. Tho large UvlnK room with brick flreplnco opening Into the dining room with Its panelled wains coting mokes on attractive and conveni ent arrangement tor entertaining. There are 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on the Id floor and servants' quarters with bath on tho 3d floor. The first floor Is finished In oak: the second In -white enamel. Iot 56x110 feet. George & Company Phone V.VA tol-13 City Nat. Dk. Bldg. A Bunch of Homes "Tukey's Terms" We otfer (or a quick ealo (our houses at the following prices: . 2601 Franklin Street. .. .11,800.00 2303 Franklin Street.... 1,760.00 2505 Franklin Street.... 1,725.00 2507 Franklin Street.... 1,725.00 These are alL modern, large flvo room cottages, located right In the heart o( the city, and convenient to carllnes, school, churches and only a short distance from the business points of the city. Each house has a (ront hall, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath, all on the first door. All im provements in and paid (or, includ ing paving. This is & rare oppor tunity to get a home at a low price and on your own terms. These cot tages now rent (or 1 18 and 20 per month. See us on Monday as stich bargains as these will not last long. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-442 Board of Trade Building. Phone D. 2181. SNAP Dundee home, 7 rooms, 2 lots, built 3 years ago. No. 5010 Hamilton. $3,500. Owner mov ing to New York. Clyde W. Drew Harney 478 or Douglas 1946" Sacrifice Sale Almost new 6-room modern up-to-date In every respect, oak floors throughout, with Ufa bath and vestibule, full base, mmf. sleeDlne norch. larire lot Uxl38. no.vt streets, oermanent walks, shades. walls decorated and screens, cannot be beat In city at price, U.W. terms; this property cost II.KiO when built eight mnnthi rrv. situated on N. 16th St. sur rounded by new homes: no hot air about this, but a real bargain. See It and be convinced. Phono owner. Harney .' COUNTRY UOilE-W.710. We can show you the, prettiest five acres of land you ever saw, with two acres of alfalfa, XVi feet high, the balance solid fruit, all bearing. A good six-room house, fine, large barn and garage; els tern piped to the kitchen and good well, with gasoline engine- The owner has been tlx years in getting this property In Us present condition and it Is now a money-maker as well as a beautiful home, located about one mile from Uenson car. Keystone park You will want it If you '"PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Doug. 17& Third Kloor. Ware Dlk. SNAP Bungalow, 7-Rooms Just off Florence. Blyd.' Can buv from owner and save agent's commission. Price $4,000 : Smal payment down. Harney 478 5014 Izard St. Dundee M.000 This Is a well constructed house, having 6 Mama rooms, Including living room. Ux2U ft., with brick flreplase: beamed celling; bum-In bookcases; good sized dining room; finish uiiartor-sawinl white oak; conveniently arranged kitchen. 1st floor; 2 large attractive bedrooms, one with two closets, and complete bath room, zd floor, uign. signtiy lot boxiu ft Reasonable terms. George & Company Phone D. 168. KB-1! City Nat nk. Bldg. New Bungalow N. E. Corner 22d and-Fowler .Ave. Blx'-roqm now bungalow, entirely mod ern, oak finish in living room and dining room, both rooms- good sized; nice kltohcn und den (or bedroom) downstairs; two flno sleeping rooms and bath room upstairs; full cemented basement; south front; corner lot; paved street. Price, HAM. SCOTT & HELL Phone Douglns 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. A, P. Tukey & Son Two Cottages, One North; One South 4947 North 36th St., a new four room bungalow. Large (ront hall, living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and bath, hardwood finish. Full basement cemented. Hot air furnace. Large lot. Cement and stucco outside. Price $2,000. 2006 Bancroft, (Ive-room story and a half house. Throe rooms on tho first floor and two bedrooms and bath on the second floor. All mod ern, except heat. Lot 40 foot (ront Price, $1,600. Cash Payment, $100. Monthly Payment.' 20. A; P. Tukey & Son 1 ll-l-i- Hoard of Trade Building. Phono D, 2181. Omaha's Latest Subdivision 'An addition of rare beauty com manding more natural attractions and advantages for perfect residen tial sites than any other tract in all Omaha, PABKWOOD is situated on a high tableland, extends north along 24th street from Miller Park to Bead street, overlooking tho Mis souri river, Florence and Carter Lakes. Florence Boulevard winds through PABKWOOD to the heart of tho .city. ALL IMPROVEMENTS ABE BEING PUT IN, BUILDING RESTRICTIONS to make this addition ideal. MONEY INVESTED IN PABK WOOD "WILL BE A VEBY PEOF ITABLE INVESTMENT. . IT SPEAKS VOLUMES FOB PABKWOOD when we can an nounce unsolicited advance sales to the following .prominent Omaha people, who intend building fine homes in this addition. Watson Townsend, City Engineer. Jas. 'T. Dunlap, Gen. Mgr. Nob. Farmers Journal. J, P. Bacon, CalK. Fruit Growers Ass'n. J. M. Bromwell, Sales Mgr. Cartercar Co. Cbas T. Johnson, Capitalist. Jas. A. Blaba, Woodman Circle. Jas Corr, Corr Electric Co. Charles Neff, Neff's Laundry. Forrest W. Clark, Guarantee Fund Life Association. H. B. Jones, Street Ry. Co. unas. u. Larson, Decorator. j Ti i ' Don't Be Shortsighted Look at tho records of other high olass additions in Omaha. Look at NOBWOOD (our addition adjoin ing PABKWOOD on the south) where lots have nearly doubled in two years. It has been tho history of all our cities, that after the city is established, then those who want an ideal site for a homo go to the outskirts. LOT SALE 1 REAFmm&f. Close-In Investment CS-foot frontage by 160 deep, within Improvements; well rented- Paying 6 per ceni net. ana uouna 10 ini-rcusn in vuiui Owner removed from city; must and will sell for cash. Peters Trust Co rrvrr m in 5 t J 1 - ' ' ' " - - -fi.r i I J 4 S sx r ft J - t 1 t jf rtu - , n 'for l n , I t -"''I 1 f y- 1 t " a 3 ! Ctor- w 7X! rtf E i a. ! s - 1 il rl g , "... mt a, U ry- PXn CJ- kJL sai I UZ I v rs LjLi- I-t- ? a i I a I t I to I U 5 A nr . ?l t - J I ff 1- 3 Do not le; this chance for a . investment slip by. PRICES $500 to $1,100 which includes broad cement walks and .water. , , TERMS $50 to $100 Cash Balance in easy monthly payments. How to Reach PARKWOOD Take North 24th street car to 24th street entrance to Miller Park, walk one block north to our Parkwood office, 24th and Bedick Ave. Sale con tinues all daA today NORRIS & NO 400 Bee Building Telephone Douglas 4270 NHW HOMBS PIUOED IXV. 11EMIB PAUK DISTHUT. M.sn-Iok at 1315 North a&th. It's a beautiful property, surrounded by fine homes. The house Is practically now, con tains 7 rooms, is equipped with every modern convenience, and Is an Ideal plttee to live. are corun stobbt. Brand new T-room house on fine south front lot. built by the owner for a home, and everything Is first claw. The price baa been cut to IS. ISO and Is surely a snap. Oo and see It or call us up and we will take you out. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Doug. 1781. Ware niock. MAP OP OMA11A STREBT8. Ideaed. free at our office: two stamps by mall. Charles B. Williamson i'a. Ileal Estate. Insurance, care of property, Omaha Also Omaha Red book, vest pocket size. This fine, new. pirlctly modern and up-io-date 6-room house wHh sleeping porch, ouk floors and finish, plenty ot closet spa.'e. On paved street, i-loee to cur. stores, school and churches and within easy walking .distance. I-ot 50x Kt Is one of the finest buys offered today, lias two large, cool, comfortnble jtorches. Just the ilace to be these hot days. Prices right. 1500 cash and US per month. 911 Bo. 7th St. 8e today sure. Ask about the new 5-room modern house at 4tth and Wirt streets. You can buy this on very easy payments Is only one block to street oar. rilKiail. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 300. 60S Dee Bldg. FOR SALE Five-room cottage. Soft water plant and gas In tho house, cellar cemented, chicken yard, coal shed and a cave. J1.SS0. 31)03 Ames Ave. Phone Web tur ma Price Reduced $1,(00 to $1,500, 5-r. cottage, comer on alley, paved St.; 11th and Arbor; part cash- $3,300 to $3,000. 27th and Indiana Ave.; B-r. house, partly modern; lot 9IxlM, corner. $1,500 to $1,300 ; 6-r dwelling, modern ex cept furnaco and bath; Kth and Blnney, easy terms. W. Q. 8H RIVER, 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg! Northwest Hill S r. and hall down, 4 r- and bath up. Iaundry In full basement. Brlok founda tion; floor cemented. Combined fixtures; floored attic Best furnace and plumb ing. Nearly new, well built, square style. $500 cash, balance $35 monthly. 6 per cent. O'KEEFB RBAIt ESTATE CO.. 101$ Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. Evenings H 33S or H. 61U VACANT. 3 splendid south front lots 40x300 each, 30th and Larlmore. only $300 for both. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY." Brick House 5 rooms, combination figures! well and cistern: fine shade trees; large lot, 50x17 feet. No. 2860 Miami street. Price $2,350. - W. Farnam Smith & Co. KM Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. LOOK THESE UP VACANT LOTS CHEAP Two full lots near 41st and Ames Ave, both $250. One full lot near 45th and Parker, 50x150, $210. S lots near 31st and Ohio; sightly; each $IS0. 3 lots comer Sth and Ohio, both $450. Large' lot. traokoge. Belt Line on 41st. $000. Cor. 30th and Blondo, 56xl. $300. Cor . 109x130. 47th and Burt. $$C0. Florence lots. West It street lots; and probably Just where you want- Will sell on payments, Call at my office. 412 Bee Building, or phone Dexter Lv Thomas. $2,650 will buy 2 6-room cottages, all modern except heat; corner lot; paved street; walking distance; renting for $34.00 per month. $600 cash, balance less than rent. $14,000 will buy a residence with a halt block of frontage; It cost the former owner In the neighborhood of $35,000. A garage which you Cannot duplicate for $3,000; the house Is too large for the present owner. If Interested will show you through at any time. J B. Robinson 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Dpug. S097. t-v, tv. r-.tr T.- llTTv-n A 1 riU' tl.TM. It's a beauty, and large enough for a good sited family and not too large for a small one. Contains 7 splendid rooms and located on a fine south front lot on Dodge street. If you are looking for something extra good, see this. ho. 5132 Dodge St. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Doug. 17SL 3d floor Ware Block. On Boulevard 6 rooms, modem; near car line. East front on boulevard, surrounded by fine homes. No. 4508 N. 20th St. Phlce only $4,000. This Is a bargain. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 104. $300 Cash BALANCE $35 A MONTH. 8)6 N. 34th St., corner Locust, 6 rooms, strictly modem; guaranteed construction; growing In value every minute aa a busi ness comer. Price $3,330. It will make you money as well as a good home. Its rental value la $30 per month. Owner, Webster 2611 FOIt SALE Beautiful east front lot In Clalnnont addition. 45th and Maple, on car line und paved street. High and fine view. Easy terms, low price. J. T Dunlap, 334 Board, of Trade Bldg.. Phoo Douglas 102U