THE OMAHA SrNDAY BUK: Jt NK S, 5T n The Dingbat s frXAYJNS SOME ffafcCY, PA FftH"H0W OFTBAA fi AIARV SAYS W-A-&-A, P-R MfeK- AW IVOBbSHe BASE-BAIL UorZd I 0P "TVlAT WASAJER. lAlUST I TEiC YOU, mcL 7 SfEiL5 VOGWEft -r -YoDAV, IS AOT PfcobUOAJS AJV f- ' (AA'AA- AAAAATT) VUSIC fcAUGHYEft. J (IS PROAJOUAJCED VO&AlER) VOGAIEtV iT IS - Cl WA6rvEfcS AW AttftE. (MV bAfe STbT A I PRE-rrX.SUCK CTT AAD W WAGMztVjydd VfS" WIJ J&&fr ANOErVlUAGNEfc4) THERE AlEVEfc ( tDbCATlOAf ' ' ;" SALE OR EXCHANGE., R. K. FOB uolfr or trade, four email gasoline JeHvery wagons, will trade for larger one. For Bale,, three delivery wngons. For sale, 9,000 feet of two-Inch lumber. To anyone who wants a bargain In this line, call at 21a W. Bdwav. Co; Bluffs. HAVE 1,000 acres fine farm and cattle ranch In northwest Nebraska; more than I can handle; want smnJlor place farther east In state. What have you? Address Owner, Q-131. care Bee. FOB SALE) or exchange, seottorr North Dakota, half section northern Minnesota wild land; good soil and water, near R. B. Box 284. Grand Forks, N. D. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE RU33D Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 203 Brandels Theater. AOHKAGI3 FOll SALE Acres Near v Omaha We have tho best list of acreage prop erty In and adjoining Omaha, In tracts of from one to ten acres, both Improved and vacant. It will pay you to call and let us show you what we have on our list. "We ara offering our acreage on very easy terms, so a person with small means can afford to Invest In a little piece of land near Omaha, which Is one of the best and safest Investments you can make. HASTINGS & irSTDKN, 16U Harney St. One Acre Improved Near Country Club Located within 6 blocks of Benson car line and Country club ground; one block from paved rood. High, sightly loca tion. Has 6-room cottage, bath, furnace, eleotrlo light, 125 bble cistern, barn that can be used for garage, large .chicken house. 86 full bearing cherry, trees; the best of varltlea; some bearing peach, plum, apple, crabapple; also grapes, gooseberries, currants, blackberries, rasp berries, and different kinds of shrubs. 40 good Bleed maple shade treeB In three sides ot the acre. If you want a nice lit tle home with bearing fruit and In a good location, close to car, school and paved read, this Is hard to beat. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1814 Harney -St Look at This 10 acres, 4 miles north Of Florence, fl-room house, large barn with loft, wlnd ir.tll, cistern, large cave, chicken houses, double corn crib, with driveway; all buildings are new; 800 apple trees, 125 cherry, 78 plums, S acres -blackberries, 1V4 acres black ruspberrles, 1 acre red raspberries, 2 acres grapes, 300 bushels of gooseberries and currants, about. 1 aero strawberries, all bearing; location hlsh and slshtiy and the price 1b rlsht JPrioe, WW. Good terms. Dome to Flor ence, tB beautiful suburban city on the NETHA.WAY, Local Agt Florcnoa, Nb. Tel. Florence 276. Acres Half Acres Near Elmwood Park Only a f aw of those choice lots In Cummlnns Heights unsold. If you want an acre In tho West Leavenworth district now la the time to bur and CUMMINGS HEIGHTS the plaoe. Prices $550 to $800. Terms $io cash and $10 per month. Call us up for nn appointment. The Byron Reed Co. Phont Douglas 297. 212 8. 17th St. Acreage Acreage Bom especially good bargains- In- 1, B, 1A DO and 40-a.cre Improved traots, espe cially In 80 and 40-aors tracts. Possession: OWN a MERRILL CO.. 181M2M Pity National Bank Bldg-.- Acreage 8 Acres and new bungalow well lo cated, W.7W; S. P. BOBTWIOK, tU South nth St iiSOi truck farm, fifteen acres: one rnlje from city limits of Omaha. Cheap: jail u, w. piuiiiuuB. Mei. jj. K&a.- C1TY" rHOPEIlTV VOll BALE. BOMB BARGAINS Ne. 86th and Grand' Ave., 8-room' oot age, modern, large lot, $2,200. Easy 8'if3ci6 Four-roem cottage, 1100 down, $10 per month, il,uo jnveroom coiiaec, aown, ih er month, ser wo fi-roora houses, modern ex i heat, p(X) down, $30 per month, wier going to Calllfornla and these baraalng, cent Owne mn ana Ha never occupied, striotly modern, Terms. Mnrv Sftvbold 21T MoCaguo, Omaha, Phone I4ed 41M. Hanscom Park District H Hint' ftt... ntoa K-mom cottaire. artl m rul ft rn. fiwnnr must bqIL Make ern. Efe, Price, $2,600, Price. $2,600, ), a OLSON, 1 NeeaBUC SWff. Douglas 10M. Nice Home east frpnt. 191B N. 34th St. ay terms. Dcuglaa U6S. iininiTKti acnm hcurWtt Farnam. $1000. i-reom house on BpauldlnK, $1.40a 8-room, Contrii Boulevard. $4,t00. For fwl parUeuiars on these and mrtny OANOEarrAD. H Bldg. D. StTtS "n. j" C0BNEJl Park Ave. and Jick son. will sell cheap. Best corner In rtty, Aadr Owner, F-1M, care B. o. a Family Speaking REAL ESTATE. citt pnupEaTV roil SAxn. Armstrong-Walsh Company 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. Tyler 1536 $ L250 Five-room cottage. Walnut mil dl strict. Has well water, eleotrlo lights, bath room, with tub Installed. Lot 44x140. Block and a half from. car. Rents for $15. A real bargain. $ 2,500 Hanscom Park Five rooms; built one year. Modern oxcept heat. Bost of plumbing, lighting and finish. Lot 50x130. One block to Windsor school. $ 2,500 Eight rooms, modern, at 27th and Mason Sts. Corner lot, 60x84, both streets paved and partly paid for. This house has always been held at $3,X0. For quick sale the owner has cut tho p rice and It Is the best close In bargain we know of. $ 3,000 West Farnom cottage of S rooms, near 42d on Farnam St. Thoroughly modern, except eloctrlo light. Lot 0x123; pavod street; excellent value. $ 4,350 Near Miller Tark. Beautiful now 6-room dwelling; finished In hardwood with beamed ceilings, fireplace, panelled walls; white enamolled woodwork upstairs; best ot everything. On the car line. Street paved. No. 5921 N. 24th St. $4,750 Cathedral district. New 8-room, 2-story square house, finished In oak down stairs; sweet gum. and white enamel above; oak floors: large living room with beamed celling; fireplace, bookcases and soats built In. Dining room In the front of tho house with pane lied walls; buffet typo of kitchen; full cemonted basement, with furnace and laundry. Large closets, clothes chute, linen closets. Very handso me combination fixtures; expensive and artlstlo decorations. Corner lot. E12 N. 41st Ave. $ 6,500 42d and Dodge, beautiful 8-room, hot-water heatod house. Finished In the choicest of oak with hand-painted .canvassed walls. One of the most at tractive and unique residences In tho city. Large corner lot with beautiful shade, flowers and otheV Improvements; street paved; on car line- and In every way desirable and attractive. $10,000 West Farnam residence. Ono of the most beautiful and artlstlo homes of Its size In Omaha. Near 41st and Davenport. Eight extra large rooms; tiled vestibule and bath. Sleeping porch; large cast front lot; paving paid. Bee this house and make an offer as somebody will get a bargain. Must be sold this week. $10,500 Field Club district. Beautiful stucco residence of 9 rooms: sun porch: sleeping porch; garage; hot water heat; canvassed and hand-decorated walls; hardwood finish throughout; very handsome fixtures; built-in side board, bookcases, etc. One of the most- complete houses In the city. Price reduced $2,500 for quick sale. $4,500 cash will handle. INVESTMENTS $ 3,500 Two 8-room houses on Cass St. between 25th and 29th, renting for $42.50 per month. Lot 60x130. A snap for cash. $11,600 Four nice brick flats on Dewey Ave. near 24th; five rooms each. Monthly rental $30, or $120 per month for the four. $1,440 per year or better than 13 per cent Each has! a separate furnace- and they are so constructed that repairs are very light Nothing equal to It for an Investment $5,500 cash will handle. VACANT LOTS 41ST AND DAVENPORT DISTRICT $ 2,250-60x128; south front on Davenport between 41st Ave. and 42d. Paving paid. Can sell anothor with this It dccld ed, making a boautlful corner 100x128. $ 3,20084x125, northwest corner 41st Ave. and Wakely. South and caBt front; pav- lne naltl on hoth. streets. A vrv c holes residence site. $ 6,760 S2xll0, east side of 41st St., 74 feet siae cost ovec jib,oou. An ideal loca uon ror a nanopome nome. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $ 1,500-63x123, southwest corner 35th Ave. paving on fnouio at. aewer, water, gas ana permanent wains. $ 2,100-60x160, east front on 33d between Pacific and Popploton: paving paid. Boulevard at, the back or the lot gives dounic rrontage. upienaia oargain. $ 4,750 33d St. between Dodge and Davenport; 100x135; east front: paving all paid. Ono of the choicest sites ror oloae in elegant and yet It-is within walking half from Farnam can Armstrong-Walsh Company Phone Tyler 1538. Glendale Lots $200, $225, . $250 and $300 Nnnn nvpr nne block from Daved road and car line. The best values offered! for a long time. Thlrty-ftve sold the last 10 days of sale. These lbts are lo rulnd In Florence alone the Forest Lawn car line, 6" blocks west' at Main street A number of nice, new homes are- being built adjoining- this new- addition. The price of Glendale lots are only about one hair the- prices asked for- lots-. In other suburbs, so close to car and paved street. Salesmen will dot on tne- grouna touay between 2:30 and 6:3a Tne terms are very easy. $5 Down $5 a Month HASTINGS & IfEYDEN, 1614 Harnfty St. West Farnarn $8,250 Eight rooms and bath, also large linen ciosei ana irun or oiuiao room; laundry and votable rooms In basement; Btrlrily modern In every particular; house. In excel lent repair. Eight shade trees, Including- four fruit trees, also some fine shrubbery on the lot. Located one block from Farnam car line. This certainly Is a bargain, as it would cost more than price asked to duplicate tha Improvements. Will sell for all cash 01 on easy terms. Do not miss tlvs oppor tunity to secure good home at on exceptionally low price. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, 308-305 S. 13th St, First National Bank Bldg. Phon Douglas 1161. Cozy Modern Home 3815 Marcy St. Has' 6- rooms and sloping porch; first floor beautifully finished In oak. TWs Is the last of four houses to be sold In this location. All the buyers are more than pleased with their homes. This one will please you. Go out todny and see It. Open for Inspection. Price $4,2&0 on easy terms. Payne & Slater Co. 61 OmahSi Nat.'l Bank Bldg. Special Bargain Five south front lots, two blooka from oar. with sewer and water; worth $360 HRohi will submit offer of $250 eaoh. Here Is a snap, Let m show them to you. a BOST WICK 218 S. 7th St DANDY BUNGALOW Mve rooms and bath; hot water heat; all modern; east front lot; paved street; nlee yard; fine enlghborhood; Just north of the Field club. Price. $J,360. BEMIS-CARLBERGr CO. 510-312 Brandets Tbeater FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, 27th and Sahler, easy terms. TeL Webster 6233. of Music, Hans Wagner HEAL ESTATE. CITY PIIOPKUTY POIl BALE. north' of. Davenport. Residences on each and Pacific; oast front: beautiful view: resmence in tne city; surrounaings distance ot downtown. Block and a 210-212-214 State Bank Bldg. Notice SALE OF LOTS IN SOUTH DUNDEE COMMENCING TUESDAY, JUNE 10 40, SPLENDID LOTS IN HARNEY PLACE ADDITION will be sold on the installment plan. Plat with prices, terms, eta, on the ground; TAKE WEST LEAVENWORTH CAR TO 53RD ST. WALK ONE SLOCK NORTH. TWENTY" MINUTE THROUGH SER VICE FROM 15TH AND FARNAM. S. Arion Lewis, FIFTY-SECOND AND JACKSON STS.. Owner Left City New Home Bargain Look at 4122 N. 21st St. today. Will be open for Inspection. This house Is only one year old; has 7 largo rooms and fine sleeping porcn. First iloor ilnishod In oak; second floor hurd pine trims and n aple floors. Good sanitary plumbing and furnace heat Large east front lot. $3,850 will buy tho place on terms of $000 casn, muance line rent, uon't fall to see this. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Hanscom Park $3,6007 rooms, modern, on corner lot 6)rlt0. pavlmr paid. $5,760 Practically new, 8 rooms, fully modern, with hot water heat, oak finish, four bed rooms and sleeping prch; den on rirst noor. unis is an excellent house, well built, well located and can't be beat ror value. Glover & Spain Ninth Floor City National. Two Lots & House. C ROOMS, partly modern, only one bloek to turning car line, located 4za ana Irani. Covered with fruit anil flowers. See us for terms, BLRKETT & COMPANY 423 B4 Bids. D. 4764. Public Can Line 'Em Out REAL ESTATE. CITY PUDPlOUTY KOIl SALE. Sholes' MUST GO Bargains Dundee Specials $.....4S01 Capitol Ave., 00x122 feet, corner, with extra good, well built. 2-story 6-room house. Tills must be Bold. Go out today and look at It and MAKE US AN OFFER. $ 4803 Douglas St., one of the very bast houses In Dundee, built by owner and' right, but having left the city permanently It must bo sold. Beautiful oak finish, oak floors, large living and sun room, four dandy bedrooms and sleeping porch, with tiled bath on second floor; birch finish and muplo floors: third story finished. This Is A-L Don't fall to Inspect this carefully and make us a. proposi tion; cash or terms. $6,600 Wo have choice of two very excel lent, won bunt, well arranged, mod ern, up-to-date homes, practically new, that wo would like to show you this week. They arc both good and worth, tho money. WEST FARNAM Wo have four dandy, good West Far nam homes, whioh wo want you to see if you are in tho markot, as they can all be bought right. One of 8 rooms, finely iliusneu, hot wator heat, $7,duu; ono or rooms, with hot water heat and finished in quarter sawed oak upstairs and down, with largo sleeping porch, and beautiful location, at $10,000: one south front with 10 largo rooms, extra fine arrangement and interior finish; two batlts, not water neat ana garage, fiz,uuo. Also ono wun 125x180 feet extra, cholca location; east front with 9-room brick house, $18,000. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT AND MUST BE SOLD $10,0001330 B. 33d St., a dandy, good look ing, well built, mod., up-io-aate, hot water heated house, large liv ing room effect, with flreplaco, two. baths and garago. Would consider a good: small' place In part. $ 7,6001338 S. 34th St., on the boulevard, just orr Woolworth Ave., a beauti ful spot and an extra well built, 7 room house, well .arranged,, but must be sold quick; special reasons; want an offer. $ 4,600816 & 37th St., a beautiful cast rront wxiw-root lot, wltn a 7-room, extra well built house, with fine hardwood finish, completely mod ern, all on one floor. Owner must have larger house, Dontt fall to SCO It. $ 6,009 A brand now, T-room house, fln- isnca in oaK. maoie ana Dircn throughout; four good sized bed rooms, witn sleeping porcn. Lot 63x120 feet An extra good buy. $ 4,0001104 a 35th Ave., a new 2-story, 6- room. house, oak finish. Ianra liv ing room and dining room, lot 68x 126 feet Must bo sold and wo want. an offer. Any reasonable terms VACANT SNAPS l l,40O-Oxl2O feet on 32d Ave., 50 ft. north or juarma hi., wun paving1 paia; cheapest vacant lot In town. 750 FOB' QUICK SALECO-foot west iront on 83a at, just norm or cen ter, $160 to $200 cosh; balance monthly. $3,300-84x160 feat. N. E. corner 35th and roppieton Ave., cheapest ulg cor ner for three houses, apartment or lints- oc anytning- orrcreu. D. V. Sholes Co. 913 City National Bank. Bldg. Doug. 49. W. H: Gates Room C44 Omaha National Bank Build ing. Phone Douglas 1234. Web. 2GSS. $1,500 Seven-room housu with water and gas at 3115 Uurdetto. UW casn. balance monthly. $2,300 A good six-room house with bath; on uocust street on small pay ments. $3,200 A fine eight-room, modern house on spruce streut near two car lines, schools and stores; houso Is , lrt best of order; large porcn; goixt cement walks, shade trees. Lot 60x127. A nice hamcllko place at a bargain. IN KOUNTZE PLACE Eight rooms, modern uud lull lot, $3,600, Seven rooms, new, up-to-date, $4,360. Ten rooms, modern, corner lot, $4,200. Eight-room, good house, 1903 Hmmet, $6,200. Ten room, brick, largo cornorot. Snap Home 3840 Seward Non-resident at sacrifice p balance $2,000 I in t- offers this property of $2,60, $850 cash. t: .March 1, 1919 with !i rooms, bath and fur- 6 per cent Hum nace heat Lot paid. See us at our office. Payne 616 Omaha 50x130; strcot paved and once about this. Key at & Slater Co. Nafl Bank Bldg. Farnam Street Bargain 44x137 fronting on Harney street, also at 4109 Farnam, $2,260. 644 Omaha National Bank Building. W. II. GATES. Phone Douglas 1204. $150 Cash Buys 6-room stucco bungalow, located on Ho. Central Blvd., south ot Hanscom park. This U an elegant new house; herd-wood finish and modem In every respent. Just far enouah from the boule vard to roaka It a very pleasant plaoe to live. Pries, $4,000. TWs must be sold at cnee. O'Neil's R. E. & Bis. Agency 1505 Farnam St TeL TyUr 134. REAL ESTATE. CITY PllOPUHTY 1"UII SALE. BUILDING LOTS "Prettiest Mile" The "PRETTIEST MILE" of Omaha's Boulevard system is botweon Ames Avonuo and Miller Park. This Boulevard has been built 20 years aud is growiug moro beautiful all tho time. Without any question, tho cheapest homo-sites in Omaha are located along this Boulevard as all of tho improvomemt is paid for by tho City and tho vacant lots are getting very scarco and increasing in value ovory day. Wo have tho following lots along that mile: CCzl2G, ciiBt front .$1,650 00x140, oast front, cornpr ....$1,500 51x400, west front - $1,600 50x110. oast front ..................... $1,200 44xlG5, oaBt front 44x105, oust front 44xlG5, o.iBt front GGxlOG, oust front 44x837, wost front (aero) CGx837, west front 00x120, bouUi front Outside of thoso lots thoro "Prettiest Mile." You can mako money on any of them. Charles W. NEW LOCATION, 21G Brand New 5-Room Bungalow At 4300 N. 33d wo have iust finished a daricly little- 6-room bungalow; full bnso ment, 24x3( and 7 foot high, guaranteed furnace, hot and cold water In basement: 6 large rooms, all on ono floor; vestl- duio, parlor ana dining room finished and floored In oak; bath room wlilta enam eled, wttli first class plumbing, fixtures and medicine cabinet Kitchen has a dandy built-in kitchen cabinet extending along thu entlro south wall. House Is wired throughout for elrctrlo lights, with switch In each room: stairway built-in to attic, which Is floored. This house Is papered with very pretty patterns, yard Is sodded and you will miss something good If you fall to rnmd out this after noon and look It over. lrlco $2,750, and wo can arrango mighty easy torms, Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. St. Louis Brick Flat One block from Farnam car lino and In walking distance, This property Is only 6 years old and is In fine condition: oak finish and oak floors In tho nrlnclnul rooms, and all modern conveniences, In cluding separate rurnaces. incomo ?ftu. Price for quick sale, $7,200. J. H. Dumont & Co. Phone Doug. 600. 1003 Farnam St North Side Bargain A nearly now, 8-room, all modern resi dence at 2124 Browne St. Hardwood fin ish throughout: full basement: hot water heat: south front lot, 40x100 ft.; only half block to car line. I'rlco ruduccd to $3,660, $400 cash, balanco monthly, will handle tho deal. Look at this today. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 207. 218 8. 17th St FOR SALE Dundee residence, new. Has living room, dining room, kitchen and refrigerator, room first floor; three bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch on second; stairway to attic. Living and dining room finished In oak. Full ce rnented basement. Furnace heat. Located at WI& Webster Bt Tel. Harney 4767. STOP PAYING RENT $350.00 CASH Balance $30 Monthly Brand New Home, Never Occupied In choice rcslilonca district and ana scnooi. NO. 3509 EVANS STREET ACTUALLY WORTH $4,350 Our Price $3,850 OPEN FROM 3 TO 5 P. M. TODAY Tills home Is full two stories, strictl with munlii floors iiiistalrs. Has lurge II fine dining room llxll. with window seat and handy kitchen with refrlgwrator roo moms, four closer. screiied-ln slcopln ISusy utitlrway lo storeroom in attic. F fruit cellar and unclosed coal hiii; twin iiuo and plumbing; nifty combination llg WELL BUILT This is an exceptionally wH built home, nothing but the Best of material used. Vou oould not build It better If you had done II yourself, This hoina will be open from 3 to a p. m. today or can be seen by appoint mailt any Uma. Maku arrangements to see this, for It must bo seen to be ap preciated, and we are sura It's a home you will like. Good lot taken at Its cash value as first payment For more Information phone CHA8. HORN, OWNER. HARNEY 6210. Note At 2330 So. 34th street we have a duplicate of the nbovo at tlia sains price, and will be ready In thirty days. Drawn for The Bee REAL ESTATE. CITY PllOPUHTY Poll SALE $1,050 $1,100 ......$1,250 .v.. .$1,000 $1,000 ........$2,500 ....$1,000 is very little for sale on the Martin & Go. Omaha Nat'L Baiik Bldg. Bungalow Beautiful Hanscom Park District Slx-room bungalow, nil on ono floor, finished this spring and reudy to move Into. This bungalow Is a beauty In ap pearance, arrangement and superiority of wnritinanHiiit). lion or reception room: Marge living room and. dining room, fin ished In oak, with boam ceilings; dook case pedestals In living room; plato. rail and panel strips in dining room; good sized kitchen; two fine Bleeping rooms and batli room. Tho soutli bedroom haH several windows, malting a splendid sleeping room during hot weather and flho sun room In cold weather. Largo -coinontcd hasomont; first-class guar anteed furnuco; laundry facilities. Nice Bleeping porch In front part of attic, Front ward sodded. Paved street, paving paid. Located at 2SC3 Harris St. Harris St. Is tho first street north of Popplo ton Ave. SCOTT & HILL ' Phono Dougtns 1000. 307 McCaguo Bldg. SPECIALS FOB TO'DAY IRIS Evans JU'.. 6-r. and sleeping poroh, oak flnlHli, lot 60x128. It's new ar,d up-to-ilnle. 14.600. 605 H. 31st, nearly new, 6-r. and sleeping porch, oak finish. TmnK or tno location cinlv (4.600. 6927 N. 2lth St., new 6-r. oak rinlsu, alj modern. 13.860. 3O30 Ames Ave., 6-r all mod., nearly now, paving all paid, lot 60x128. Prtcff out to $3,100. 2109 Miami St.. C-r.. new and all mod.. oak finish, lot 60x128. Price cut to $3,100 $250 cash. Tho abovo arc alt priced far below their actual valuo, but. they must bo sold. See them nt onco. Easy torms nrningcd or good lot laKen on any or tneni, RASP BROS. 105 McCaguo Bldg. Doug. 1653. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Six rooms, all modern, nlco lot. beautl ful yard, close to car lino and school. Owner leaving city anxious to sell. Storm sash and screens. Located on 38th Ave. Price, $3,860. Iooklng for tome thing nice? Here It Is. BEMIS CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brnndols Theater Bldg. among good homes, near car, church y modern, ouk finish on first floor, pirn vlng room 38x11. with colonnade oDenlnir. ana piate rail, neat ueai or an wing room in. irront and baek stairs; three good bed g porcn ami mod uath on eucoml floor. uil cement liaHement with cellar drain, unt walks anil ssreens. uuzranteod fur. ht fixtures; paved street, lance lot, 4&xl20. IN EVERY WAY by Herriman REAL ESTATE. FA USt Jt RANCH 1,V.ns FOIL SAI.I3. Dundee Omaha's Residence Suburb Where you have all tho conveniences of the city without its nolso and dirt. Where public Improvements directly benefit tho property owner and full value Is received for even dollar spent. Whero property Is being developed along the latest and most artlstlo lines. The now boulavord from Leavenworth St. to Izard St. Is an example of what scientific development along artlstlo lines has done. Tho following are a few of tho best located lots near the now boulevard and Happy Hollow: $i.ojo-ixi2D feet, north front on Burt St.. near 62d. $1,10060x135 feet, south front on Izard St, between 61st and 624. $1,10960x136 feet, south front on Izard St. botweon 61st and 6d. $1,86060x135 feet, south front on Capitol Ave., near 61st St. $1.830 S0 feet south frontage on Cali fornia St, in Happy Hollow, opposite sub stantial residences, only l block from the car. Very cosy terms can be made on these lots, some of which can be sold with only $110' cash and $11 a month. George & Company Tel. D. 768. S03-U City Nat. Bank Bldg Glover & Spain 9th Floor City National. Doug. 39C2. Dundee Bargains $3,900 6-room bungalow, near tho school) excellent arrangement, nicely fin ished, deoorated and nalt finish. $1,200 T-room, 2-story, hungulow stylo living room arrangement; den first floor: three bedrooms, oak finish; lo:atlon good and but ono block to car. $5,2006107 Underwood Ave., very good six-room nioaorn home; well built: well arrangod; oak finish. Owner building a larrer house. $5,200tO10 Davenport St., up-to-date bun galow witn one bed room on first floor with disappearing bcd.i throo bedrooms on second; oak finish; nicely decorated and excellent lo cation. $8,0006013 Capitol Ave., a very attractive six-room nouse. large living room with brick fireplace; leased to Sep tember, but well worth waiting for at this low nrico. $S,BOO-S0O4 Chicago, an elght-roum, fully mtmerii noma wun tour oea rooms nnd sleeping porch; four rooms first floor, besides tho reception hall; oak floors throughout. This Is real good value, and tho location la fine. WJCO-Cttllfornla St. between 4Sth and win, a rooms, 4 bed rooms and Blccninir noreh. $0,600-ttlfl Dodgo St, at this price Is a ueciuea bargain; s largo rooms with tho living room arrangement; brick flreplaco; two sets of plumb ing, bedroom first floor; hot wa ter heat; largo basement with laun dry tubs. etc. $7,000 Brick and stucco, nine rooms, ex tra wen nunc ana one of the best nrranged. best finished houses on our list; first floor In quarter sawed onk; living room with large fireplace: beamed ceilings; sun room; breakfast room; buffet kitchen: four dnndy bedrooms and sleeping porch. Very attractive In Bid and out. Vacant Lot Snap Full corner, 60th and Capitol, $1,175, Glover & Spain 9th Floor. City National. High-Class Homes On Easy Terms Hero Is the biggest bargain In the West Farnnm district fill 8, 36th St, a prac tically now 7-room, all modern residence, well built lt evory particular; large front and side porch; corner lot, south and west front, beautiful shade trees an both sides: ono block from W. Leavenworth car line and only a short dlstanco from the Farnam line. Think this house is only a stone's throw from property that soils for $100 per front foot, or $5,000 for a fifty-foot lot- Columbia school, one ot tho best, is two blocks west. Owing to a special deal we aro able to quote a price of $3,000 and sell on terms of $400 cash and $35 a month; Interest at 6 per cent 3161 M.EON ST. Six rooms, rccoptlon hall and sleeping poroh. all modern; oak finish In recep tion hall, living room and dining room; kitchen and ixuitry In hard pine and maplot floors; three- bedrooms and bath room upstairs, trimming beautifully done In white enamel, glass doorknobs, ceramic tile floor In bathroom; clothes chute from bathroom to basement; sleeping porch on Bout,h. 8x12, sereened; complete with fix tures, Bcreens. wulks. etc.. $4,760; J1C0 ensh, balancw monthly, . The paving is paid In full. Immediate possession. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug 307. S12 So. 17th St. Dundee A fine 8-room thoroughly modern houss on Davenport street between 4Sth and 49th; oak finish, fireplace, sleeping porch. Only $5,800. . A fine 9-room thoroughly modern house at 6014 Capitol Ave.; finely decorated; large sleeping porch: finished attic; gar age. Only $5.780. Terms. Fine south front lot on Capitol Ave. between 60tb and 61st Sts. Will build to suit E. W. Stoltenberg Douglas 1510. Bargain $3,650 rooms, reception hall and bath. Mod ern In every respect. All newly painted and papered. The nicest location In tha city. Easy terras. 2310 FOWLER AVE. Webster 25UJ. Owner INCOME property, close la; walking dis tance, a new double brick house; rents for $S40; a good safe Investment. Sc owner, 2609 Marcy. Fhon D. SO.