Polly and Her p . . j I I 31 """ I nij" aat OANGE8TAD. 404 Doe Bldg. Tsi. D. 77. Patents That Protect and Pay Book, advice And Marches free. Send ketch or model for search. Highest ref. erences. best results, promptness assured, Watson E. Coleman. Patent Lawyer. 623 y St., N. W., Washington. D. C BUSINESS PIECES FOR SALE, ALL KINDS. HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, CIGAR STORES, bakeries, confectionery stores, barber shops, drug stores, grocery stores, hardware business, well drilling and plumbing business, fine cigar factory, laundrle'J. Ilvcry business, machine' shops, meat markets, manufacturing business, pool halls, automobile business, racket stores, transfer business, lea business, moving picture shows, department store, general merchandise, i stores, bottling" works, ladles' stores, dye works, colthes cleaning business, rooming houses and other lines of business, all sizes and prices. No matter what you want, tell me. State whether you want city or town lo cation, about what Investment you wish to make provided you are suited I will try my best to suit you. Unless you tell mo about what amount of money you wish to Invest, provided you are suited. It Is hard for me to know what to writs you about. If you are In the city, call on me. if out of Omaha, write me. WIL LIAMS. 411 McCague Bid., 16th and Dodge fits., Omaha. FINE opening for men with J300 to 1&00. There Is a big opportunity awaiting the right man to control the local business of the Kennedy Needle Shower Bath, 'Which Is sweeping the country. It's the only shower that doesn't need a curtain. Can be attached to any bath tub without tool. Retails for only t(J. Advertised In all magazines. A big money maker. No competition to fight. Will close with the ilrst man who has the right Qualifica tions. Write today, draeff Miller, Pres., Itedden Specialty Co., Inc, S3 w. Broad way, New York. WANTEDt-Man In each locality to open up branch office In our name. Can make from H.000 to 17,000 yearly, Investment ot J100 necessary to start with. We furnish Instructions and get business for you. Bend 10o postage for full instructions and contract. (Curiosity seekers keep your postage). This la a business proposition, o c; Co., Dept 91 inc.), potts Camp, -OR.8ALB..chc,ll, for M tent. 40x9 picturft machine, fully equipped for road .-ir. "..? "na. nw moving c:' urr no wi, iirana asiann, . 1 w u. FOR SALE Auto garage, with fun equipment and small stock of supplies: "en w'W'nf. JTOxlM.feet, with cheap i h. F?r "ny 'nformatlon write or call. ouuimiiuiii mregii uotnenourg, eo. EXCEU.RNT nunln.. ' tures hoots and shoes, tanned leathers, SlSJ?!' MnntS? Kooa' overalls, eta. In middle Canadian west. Write Industrial v....,,n,ui,Br, vnisary. wiDerta. paying business for sale: Invoice $1B,000, but can be reduced; nice, clean and up i?2atfc. IW'fl. l McCaguS ""i i 'ui mm tonge ots. Wldland hotel recently. To buy or sell a t'?,.e.2r .?."'. business eall on me. WIL- uijxoid. in jicv.ague uiag. XC"VT fX" 1 . 1 J ' " ...... J-w!" ""J"1"""" sunny soutn. in vest j8,ooo and make J10.O0O annually. MUlpiroveiitJ,Sft wn0"", 'or MlllKf. JsZ. P. lTrnli1 YT1 Dan rr.v - "-- ..t WW) A J In Big Horn Basin, Wyo.. for 'small bank ri ;r. 'AssLv"" meon & auye, ... 'T It ' ul,r uusiness or no jienneoecK ca. r- SlernaT NeV ' r "ammona. FOR RALE Bakery, confectionery. . Ice USINESSrER80NALli Uarbvrs, TEN CENTS shave" and neck shave. 6 cents shine. Elsasser'a. lSlT Farnam 8t! Builders and Contractors, B.E.HTTLTj Contractor. Douglas 4M tor and repair work promptly tended to C.ArTYtmWt tililMau C3s.A. w a fe. ' '."!.' IMI1MI CI V.O. Y. Creameries, Unlrle and anpplles. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Chlrquractor. J. & Lawrence. D. C. an Howard. D. MO. Chiropodists. PR. ROY. 156S Farnam. Douglas r. Mrs. C. T. gwlsler. w. WT. 4U Parker. DressntaklBff. Fashionable dresses. Leone Apts. D. Tffls, Terry Dressmkg. college. 80th da Farnam" Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, til Neville Blk. Er. oencs ecureq in ail cases. Trier 113 Omaha Sep. Sr. A gey." 4 Paxton. D. Ills. L. W. LONQNECKKR. 817 Karbaelt Ulk. Drags, ..PP8 at ?. Pricw; freight paid on w vrusrs, caiaiogue tree, onerman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Bvcrylblntf Ulrctrlcal. NEW and Id-hand fans, dynamos. iu 1 luoMin miiines, eiectrio repaira Cturlau. C Ederer. florist, tXA Bilstnl. Web. 111 A. Donaghue. laoT Farnam. Doug. 100L HKSK A S WO 130 DA. 141& Farnam flt K HENDERSON. W Farnam. D. IB BRANDE1B cut flower dept.. new store BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Insurance. .TORNADO INSURANCE - Call Tyler ,''' v uw nanism ei. Patents. I. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 1117 HIRAM A. STURdES. paunt lawyer, vu oranacia -xneater uiog. uoug. ims. BUSINESS CHANCES IlUSINESfl PERSONALS. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. I OFFERED FOR RENT. j OFFERED FOR SALE. Pals Pa Crudely Insults an Artist Wfl WWW' CowrW,t u SptfFOVUD IT I MURDERW THE ramo urfH Lawn MowprH Sharpened, repaired. LAWN Lock St Oun Co.. Sua Cuming St. D. I76L LAWN UnWUHO .h.ni. II... and delfvwred. 11. near 3320 Lake. W. tm. Nnrsrrles and Meeds. STEWARTS SBEDMAN. 11 N. leth. Oateopatns, Alice Johnson, M-8 Brandels The. Bldi. Palntlns and Ueooratlnar. w V. 7rv' vu,i wary s Av. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tyler lMt. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Ml WATISUO-IIAILKHAHT Ptg. Co., qua. Ity printing. Tcl7 Uoug. 21M. cat a 13th. CENTRAL PR1NTINU CO. Doug. 3764. Plumbers. STANDARD PLUMB1NO CO., Doug. 1381. Steel Ceilings. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 a 10th. Store and Uffloo Vlstures. Twmta .n.i.. .u.,.. Ing, etc. Wo buy. we sell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply Co . U-16.1I B. lith, D. 3Ui. Trunks and Hultoaana. FRBLINQ & STH1NLE. 1803 Farnam St. Trusses. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS ELASTIC STOCK- THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANV, Surgical and Hospital Supplies. itivu uarncy oi. Kxtifrts In fllllnif trusses, deformliv braces, elsstlo hosiery and supporters. HKILiLilSD IjAUY ATTENDANT. Wall l'aper. owners, real estate agents. Closing ou surplus stock previous to 1913 season at -T. rAf .ml t n yj n mm I... ,k.n r. yi wvtt lu w f, V V . . l(ll W tory cost Bargain prices for large lots. M A...-, w Will, . I. L. Omaha. Wines and Llqaonu VIRGINIA DARE wine, tie a lam bat. tie. Klein Liquor House. 5!1 N. 16th St. IT . . KJil,l,ea MWI, ,V,UUt VieaH sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 13th Bt. uri, , nur aM,nH 1 1 .. ... EDUOATlONAli BOYLE3 COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Comnlete courses In rmlnM. nnnV. keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil service ana csaiesmaninip. ine catalogue Is ready. Call, wrlto or phone for It. Boyles College. Wlh and Harney SU., Omaha, Neb. MOSHBR-LAHPMAN COLLEGE UniurnuiM rlajiici. Tlnat murUr. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For fr rntfnrii .H. dress Mosher-Lampman College, im Far. nam ai. umtna, nto, THE VAN BANT SCHOOL. founded in 3tf9X. O-.enograpny only. Pa' tronlted by the well-educated and expert enced. Individual attention. EVKIIY graduate succeeds. Catalogue ready. Omaha. Neb, Danolasc Academies. drome, ask them to save the coupons and V..nM . . . 1. 1 ... IT... ... ,,iu iu iimvnta. iirnay 01., and get a term of dancing free for them. SDec.lal summer r at Mnrkli.! Pivn. ing & at tero'n classes. Ul Harney. I). 54(4. LIVE BTOCK FOR BALE Horses and Veblcles. liunof,, uuuu i ana JiAUMJKis broke, single or double and excellent aouuier. ino toppirst single driver In th, rltv. 'Tarffl, it AimimA V T chnorr, 518, Broadway, Council Bluffs,' Harness of all klnas. In the city at utliacilve ptICm. johnion Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. Pith and Jones. LOST AND FOUND' OMAHA St COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET ItAlliWAl laUMfANY. Persons havlnr Inst anma artlnla wnuM do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Btreet Railway company to ascertain whether they leu it In the stren cars. Many articles each day are turned tn and the company Is anxious to restors them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. toilet, W. O. W. Bldg.. Saturday, please aiurn t'ufip to ai ivuinnu afsrimanK Keep money; no questions asked. LOST .Boston Terrier, female, dark brlndle with white markings, Call Doug. lu 519$. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN Money furnished salaried people and others upon their awn names, cheap rates, easy payments. D- H. Tolman, 335 Board ot Trad building. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures les. fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book pn rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. T. TL TARR.Y, Bee Bldg., Omaha. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Plats. Gordon Van Co. fm 119 N. 11th St. or no 8. 17th St Tel. D. in. FLATS. 23 S. 17th Ave., k-r., modern. Its. tat 6. 17th Ave., 8-r modern, Its. 2954 Harney, f-r. modern, W tn 8. th St .r.. city water. 115. 1212 & 27th.. E-r.. city water, lit O03 Lake St., 6-r, city water. 812. 2004 N. 2lh. 4-r . City water. 39, DETACHED HOUSES. 20 N. Uth. ll-r.. modern. I00. S8Sfi N 14th.. 6-r. modern. 330. 3027 Center, 4-r well. I. GARVIN BROS 315 Omaha h'at'l Bank Building " ELEGANT, new, strictly modern St Louis flat Phone liar 7d. r-nw if . g. & gassr i ' i saigas tw m mb a an or a n SBSBsasasagsaai - rr atr . sa Um Mower. I Apartmentx una Flats. House und Cottauea. I ituuaea una Cuiiuucb. Houses and Cottages. Miscellaneous. CUt .1 ' . I w- , I HI W " til BTaTaTaTaTasTafl .9 I I I 1 I FLATS. . 415 So. 19th St, 2d tl., 4 rms., mod. ex. heat, 310.00. 416 So. 19th St., 3d ft., 4 rms., mod ex. heat, 310.00, 171? Leavenworth Bt., 6 nice Urge rooms, mod. ex. heat, 2-1 ft., 325.00. 17M Leavenworth Bt, same as No. 1752, 323.00. Will lease both flats to one tenant If desired. too Bo, ISth St., 6 rms. and rec. hall, all mod. St. Louis flat, 333.00. (06 So. 19th St., same as No. E06, 333.00. APARTMENTS. TUB STERLING, lth and St. Mary's Avo. Look at these delightful 3 to 5 room apartments. Only a very few va cant. Newly decorated. Janitor service. aii moaern. can us or janitor oi ouua log. Tyler 1662. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, Under First Nat. Bank, 303-S So. 13th St. I'none uougiaa 1101. BENSON & MYERS CO. 2019 Clark, 3 rooms, 310. 1821 N. 17th 3 rooms, 313.CO. 1830 N. 16th, 5 rooms, 322.60. 2809 Dewey Ave., 6 rooms, 315. 2615 Dodge. 5 rooms. 315. 1110 Farnam. 6 rooms, 320. 1204 S. 25th Ave.. 8 rooms, 323. 1011 Park Ave., 10 rooms. 330. 1737 Park Ave.. 8 rooms. 325. BENSON k MEYERS CO.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 741 THE STANDARD. COOLEST FLATS IN TOWN. 1 t v. . ...... ....... kmi... A In ran rooms, fine light, ventilation, woodwork, . '., ...... . . .. n 1 . uecorations, atcuin uuui, now ways, iixamine tnese n a wnu that counts. Summer, 325 to 32S. Bonus to permanent tonants. References. Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. Office. STANDARD, jiwi no. ism 01. THB LEONE, 834 6. 24TH ST. Very cholco 5-room apartmenU, mod- mrr. I n aifarV rnnit. tnnnv flnft S U 111 til P T features, the rent Is very reasonable. WM. If. SWAIN UAUJV. 214 8. 18th. D. 1422. T t - iL. M.a i (-tn.4 n m tin A TnlcpH. olaa four-room apartment In Omaha: -it-..... .1.. .t ..I.aVU ah aiimmart nn and cold water, Janitor v!c; vacant on or befora Juna 15s rent only SiS. Call Doug. iaa oao tor iur"3t fciu.ifctuia. aeta UfAnl MAflh fi TinmH mnfl.. 12r. S027 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod., shades, J. Jin Chicago, 6 rooms, mod,, shades,' 828. 318 N. SSd, 8 rooms, mod.. 335. 712 N. 22d. 7 rooms, mod., 335. 715 8. 17th. 6 room. 320. RING WALT. Brandels Theater BMg- "EOROIA AVE. APARTMENT "THE GEORGIA" 1040 Georgia Ave., 5 lari;e rooms and big entrance hall. Everything In fine shape. Tiled bath, gaa stove, refrigerator. PETERS TRU8T COMPANY. CLOSE-IN FLAT 701 8o. 16th St.; 3d floor; only vacant flat In that neighborhood; 5 rooms, all modern. 325 summer. 3.40 winter. PETERB TRUST COMPANY. MODERN 5-room apartment In Davldge Dldg., 18th ahd Farnam. 333. 3 rooma tn Davldge Bldg., suitable for unite ut ll.aaiis iuuiiii JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1803 FARNAM ST. 1M7 FARNAM a rooms. comDletely modern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7403. FOR RENT Six-room apartment, com pletely modern; Bcargo building... South Omaha, above 615 North 24th, Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. U. 70. BTRICTLY high clans 5-room apartmont oni West Farnam street, with ateam hoat a nH lanllAr service. JOHN W. ROBIUNS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. reasonable. See today. Wright Blook, 318 N. 18th ot.". MODERN apartments, Ulond upwards; near pottoUlce. G. P, Stebblns, U10 Chicago. .jruir inirim.nl. rnmnlptelv modern. a3 LaKe nt. inquire aw u at ELEOANT SURROUNDINGS. W. 433. ... . . . i -. . flat. nnrllu nIArl, ern; good neighborhood. 1917 Elm 8t: 39. ihaii tk i KTrn A fVrt I frntit nnnttTftnt In the Troy. Tel. W. M. Hellen. liar. 5330. in tha CalUornlae Beo janitor. Douglaa S237. lloarU una liootua. r wibi TjT FAAfn wtth hnarii In nil modern house In Kountse Addition. 8mal lamuy. iisierence rsul:u. Webster Wl. S0a Ko. 14th; MHURlAM-3 or 4-r.. private bath; also small suite. 1 or 3 single Furnished Rooms. nfivwen Va, . w 1 . v , . ahar fur. , sa, a . u.it. . .. References required. West Farnam Ja- . . . . n ,JA . . . , ., a r.mnr. mni front room: finest loca tion, facing park; for one or two gentle men, lis goutn s.st Ave. SMALL front Bleeping room, modern. 2319 Douglas NICELY furnished rooms. 1904 Web ster, 'i'none u. mx. xtnnvrxj rnnma. close int reasonable. KTi tl. Kin Ave. KfM)Viv2irtfrt mmlarn nrlvata family. Mi W .... . ... , ..,... . . . . . - . rrva uewry Ave. 11. uoi. ftirntahed lloueUeptntf Rooms. PARLOR floor handsomely furnished. modern, shade, very reasonable. 604 Bo. zsth st Hotels and Apartments. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated rooms. 12 per week and up; free bath. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. I 'room modern, nicely furnished house; tine repair, good location. Lease to October 1, 1913, GEORGE AND COMPANY. Phone D. 7W. 902-11 Clt Na. Kk. Bldg. FOR HHNT l)urlnc the summer, hew six-room house, furnished tn good taste; very dean-able location; reasonable to re sponsible party, references required. Ad' areas tt no, care isee.- PARTY leaving city for the summer; will rent their furnished home reasonable. 3070 Mason Bt H. 3658. FOR." RENT During July and August comfortably furnished 7-room house near Hth and Farnam. Address. D. ITS. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising, IT OUX wmott IT! CUT T i miiurriii is i j laeasaaaaaaaai i i i ywwwn III! jM I gSBBBBBl I -aiTaTaTam Hl OUTMJ 7J NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. The lot Is an east front on pretty street of all new and modern homes, all side walks In, a good, sightly lot, full size. The style of the houae la that of a bun galow, neat and attractive. Front porch Is 7 feet wide and 22 feet long, with heavy square columns. Good front door with bevel plate glass opening to cosy living room, wide mission opening to pretty south side dining room, two splen did bedrooms with, large closets, very convenient kitchen and pantry, Inside en trance to tull basement under whole house. Nice bath room, low down water closet, city water, one-piece porcelain sink In kitchen Electric lights, with pretty electric fixtures, four light shower for living room, artistic amber dome with beaded fringe for dining room. Finished throughout with selected finish lumber, floors aro red oak, smoothed, varnished and polished to high gloss. Well built In every way, all dimension lumber No. 1, floors are double over No. 1 shlplap with red rosin paper between, tar felt be tween atl outside walls, clear red wood siding, clear red cedar shingles laid 4H inches to weather. Here Is a comfort able, well arranged and neat little home, that you can own. Let your rent pay for this home. Price only 32,303, 3165 cash and 823 per month, the monthly payments Includo the Interest, and 323 per month actually cavers all required payments. See me at once today or any evening. Cottago advertised last week sold Mon day, Take car now and coma today. Also navo one very una six-room, on terms that will please you. Take Benson car, get off at Halcyon Ave., and come south to No. 115. Phones Benson 122 and 202. Como to 115 South Halcyon Aye., Benson, O. TUUULdNUKll.' Omaha Express Co 418 North litn. uouglas 3254. Moving vans, wagons, fireproof storage, furniture packing and piano moving. X7TPVT7T trT'T Btorage and Van P I J Jl, I1 I Y Co. Goods stored, u. , . A moved, packed shipped. 16th & Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. 822.50 4-r.. 4813 Underwent Ava mnri. ern. ' JSSi'r-' H?l Ru"l St.. modern. lU--t'T' 2803 Burt Bt. modern. 330.00-7-r, modern flat. 608 No. 23d 6t 130.00--r.. 807 So. 3ist St., modern. 330.00-7-r., 1512 So. 29th St., modern. l37.C0-8.r., 2203 Fowler Ave., modern, nice yard. 140.00 7-r. hiinE-iilntu In rknnrf v.n, ter heat 347.60-7-r. apartment, Si0 So. Uth 6t, modern, Janitor service. 35a00-8.r 33M Harney St, modern, fine location. 350.00-lJ-r., 1U1-1S Howard St., modern except heat. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902-13 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 766. HEATED APARTMENT FOR RENT 135.00-007 So. 31st St.. five rooms; second floor, Hard wood finish; heat and hot and cold water furnished. Porch front and hark. 312.60-3129 Pacific; five splendid big rooms on me nrst noon corner. Hard wood finish; fire place.:, elegantly decorated. Steam heat, janitor ser vice, hot and .cold water after Oq. tober first. ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1536. 219-12-14 Stato Bank BJdg. 145 9-r., 1814 Emmet St., Just put In ex cellent condition, new fixtures, repapered throughout, garage. A fine location. 140-8-r., 3i Park Ave., all modem, good location, close to Park car line. 325 8-r., 4216 Farnam St. all modern. Juet repapered and painted Inside and out. A bargain rent 318 5-r. cottage, 824 So. 22d St. Il4-6r., 2515 No. 81st 8t, mod. ex. heat PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1622 Farnam St. Doug. 898. 3624 Lafayette Ave., 7-r., mod. bungalow, 135. ) 6927 No, 24th, 8-r, new, modern, ISO. 2619 Capitol Ave., 9-r., all mod., 830. 2116 Spencer St, 8-r., all mod.. 330. 900 No. 17 St. 7-r.. all mod,. 330. 414 No. 18th St., 5-r.. all mod., 121. 2923 So. 18th St.. 6-r.j all mod., hot wa ter heat, 320. 1470 so. letn at, 4-r.. part moa.. us, RASP BROS., 108 McCaguo Bids. I am considering applications for rental of the new strictly modern brick dwell ings, with sleeping porches, at 42d and poage streets, wnicn win soon oe com pleted. Stop In and see them. Rtrlntlv mndarn hnutn. nAwlv rjainted and beautifully decorated, and finished inrougnoui in narawooa, i ho. za St., only 1S5.0O. s-room house. ZMt ur'enport St., wj.60. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1502 FARNAM BT. AP'T. tn the Maewood. 2511 Harney. Particularly desirable for summer, large windows, living room with disappearing bed, large closet with tun size mirror, Kitchen with gaa range ana ice dox, nne bath room, plenty ot hot water, storage room in basement Bummer rate only 330. Ernest sweet, 1236 City Nafl. Hank Blag. 315.00 Six-room mod. home, 2350 Pierce street 316.00 Five-room modem corner flat lVt? Rn. 10th fit. Eix-room moaern oncx im, iuu no. ism Bt. H. A, WOLF. . . 432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8068.' 1906-8 Farnam St.. 5-r. flat, modern except heat, each S. 3701 N. net rooms. 117.50. 1168 8. 16th. T-r. flat, modern except Mat. zw. 510 Jaakson. 8-r.. modern. 125. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. ITnrnam flt 1006 Pacific, 4-r:. water, gas. toilet 115. 024 Maple, 7 rooms, all modern, 833. 2423 MaDla St.. 8-r.. all mod.. 827.50. lOOSH So. 23d St, 5-r., mod. ex. heat. $17. DO. BIRKETT A COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Dougl 4754. North 33d, I-r. square, on car line, SS. 30th and Farnam. 8-r. brick. 140. 2423 BrUtol. T room and bath, large yarn. i. 24th and California, 5-r. nart.. 831 50. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715. FOR RENT SSd and Martha, sr.. strictly modern houie, corner, block from car line, nne location, water rent ana iw. 2021 so. 19th tit.. 5-r. cottage, water, gas, toilet in house, lit W Q SHRIVER, 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. STORE ROOMS 850.06 for new alor room 18x60. on the northeast corner or 15th and Capitol Ave. IIQ.OO for tine store room located at lith and Nicholas, corner ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 153& 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house; located at 3T49 llth Ave., oak finish downstairs; newly decorated tarougnoot Kay X lap Loth- rop or can weMur Ja. Drawn News AfLVK SPECIAL INDUCJ4.UENTS ON ALL THE FOLLUWUNG UOUttfcaO AiND cOl'iAGES: 3303 Ohio i-r., puitly moaern, 315. 2124 BrUtol o-r., mod. ex. ncttt, IS. is.! ftottn 17th St D-r., moaern except heat, ISO. i'M Dodge Strictly modern 6-r, cottage; goou lesidence district 125. 16ol Madison Ave. i-r., modern except heut; larae yuru; good barn; reduced to 822.60. iola Madison Ave. 7-r., strictly modern, fiist-cluss condition, 825. 234 Caldwell IM-., all modern except heat. Will put in tlist-class condition for KikxI party; large yard, good barn; bar gain at 325. l&g Douglas 7-r., strictly modern de tached house In the West Farnam dis trict, 332.50. 2U70 Pacific 9-r., strictly modern de tached house In the Hanscom park dis trict, 335. This house has an excellent ar rangement; beautifully decorated through out and is tirst-class In every respect. Key at 1011 South :Mh Ave. FLATS. 1510 North 20th 6-r., strictly modern "St. Louis" flat only 322.60. Open for In spection. 219 South 30th A coxy 6-r.. strictly mod- i ern St. Louis flat; hot water heating) I plant; 830. 1007 South 30th-A beautiful 6-r., strictly ! modern "St. Louis'' flat in a very choice I residence district, 333-60. This flat has I an Ideal arrangement and Is up-to-date In every respect. Key at 1014 South 30th ' Ave. 1310 Pork Ave. A 7-r., strictly modern brick dwelling In the Hanscom park dis trict. 337.60. 608 North nt A tirst-clas 9-r., strictly modern brick dwelling, very close in, 112.50. Sl Poelflo-A beautiful, strictly mod ern. heaWd apartment In the Field club district. This noartmsnt has an Ideal arrangement, all rooms being outside rnoma. and la beautifully finished off: quarter-sawed oak; also has private front porcn. oca u at onco n you aro iwami lor eometning very cnoice. IV a. h.vA ntYiara. Raa nur mmDletA printed list before rentlifg. 618 Omaha National Bank Bldg. tJEVEN-ROOM house, all modern, flrst class condition; 4 rooms on second floor: bath and toilet separate; 3 large rooms and reception hall, first floor. 27th Bt, near Prairie Park. 132.50 per month to good party. No children. Chris Boyer. Tel. Douglas 2049. HE8 6. 25th St, 6-r part mod., 315. 2231 6. th St. 5-r., city water, 112. 1813 No. 37th St., 6-r., city water. 310.60. 4319 N. 29th St.. 7-r., well. 112.00. CREIOH, SONS & COMPAN. . Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. YOU CAN BUY NOW WITH RENT MONEY. See our Special ad In For Sale column Bee and World Herald Rent Talk. It la worth reading. Charles E. Williamson Co. YOU CAN BUY NOW WITH RENT MONEY. See our special ad In for sate column Bee and World-Herald. "Rent talk." It Is worth reading. Charlea E. Wlllam son Co. 7-ROOM flat, 3d floor, fCfld Cuming Bt. a-room house, at 1563 North 17th 8t 7-room house, at 973 North 2th St Brick garage, at 910 North 23d St O. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1817 Farnam St. CLOSE-IN COTTAGE. 211 So. 23th Ave,, $ nice rooms, all mod., only 325.00. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. Under First Nat. Bank, 303-5 So. 13th St. Phone Douglas 1151. FTtTCR RBNT-To carnenter and nalnter to fix up small house near 36th and Cur tis Ave., evenings and mornings. Also tull credit for the work. Large ground for chickens, eto. Address P 163, care Bee. VRETic nf.NT to earDenter and calnter to fix up small house near 36th And! Curtla Ave,, evenings and mornings. Also full credit for the work. Large ground for chickens, fitq. Address O 164, care Bee. 1541 S. 29th Ave. 9-r. all madern. fac- ing Hanscom Park, 337.60. 5-r. heated apartment, Wh and Faxnam, 135 In summer. t0 in winter, H, r, UOBIWIUK, glS JBouth 17th Stret EIGHT-ROOMMODERN SQUARE UD-to-date. full two story, high view. cool rooms, attlo and laundry. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715. A COMPLETE list of all vacant houses, apartments ana flats that are for rent This Is a list compiled dally and can be seen tree of charge at 309 South 17th 8t OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 2310 Douglas, 11 rooms, modem, 160. 2566 Douglas. 8 rooms, 130. Flat. 2303 Leavenworth. 5 rooms. 830. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglaa 654. 616 South Uth St. etora room. 22x40. water, (ewer, 115.00. BIRKETT A COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. ONE SEVEN and on six-room house. all modern. Near cars, Dundee. Phone iiarney . California. Crelghton University, Doug las 2320. NEW 10-room brick, all modem, hot water heat 2623 Harney, 160. Inquire T. j. unntn, Marnoy is4. uougiaa ma S.ROOM buns-alow. 18&4 Ulnnev: com. pletely modern; 2S. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Hamge. uougiaa ii . i nn vr.KT . dtao inn " packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1408. 0IIV;U( CVUnlVi aMt MVlt Vt lUVViw weeept hAt Call at 116 B. Uth 8t. a4tar V AAU maul KJaW TftaKltaraa iAJt VlVh UnA Cass. Tel. Douglaa V3A. Tom Kalley Co., UP-TO-DATE, all modem. 7-room house; also I or 5-room flats. 320 N m w J... t-l. ,,.. tJ-f ... u.ap paid. 2)06 Clark St Phone Webster 731 7 P T?nfri EP- Co., furniture movlnf. Hou icoq In all parts of the city. OCO r,..l. c... A r'n . na IIMr SEVEN-ROOM modern house, first- ciaaa conatuon. xwi jones ts(- 7 ROOMS and bath. All modem 1026 N. 33d. Inquire 2715 Chicago. 6-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. 1030 SOUTH S3D BT TEL. DOUQ. 4435. TJS 8. 37th Bt Strictly modern house. electric lights. Phone Webster 3590. VERY choice 6-room modem house, 3515 Bun 01. Knone uougiaa FTVB ROOM house, modern except neat. ijs o. tiin.- for The Bee by 330.85 PER MONTH. FOUR LARGE BOOMS AND BATH. This Is an unusual Drooosition. This Is a good, well-built and nice appearing cot tage, locatea on an extra tine lot, ciose to car line; cement walka all In; large shade trees tn front fruit trees In back, and also good little barn. This Is In a splendid neighborhood and nice surround ings. It's a cozy little cottage with nice porch, vestibule entrance, large living room, big dining room with extra deep bay window or alcove, fine large bedroom, nice kitchen and good bath room with complete plumbing, water closet, porce lain bath tub, lavatory, hot and. cold water. Electric lights throughout, with pretty celling showera and domes. Gas for cooking. Full 9 ft 8 In. ceilings, and rooms are all very large. This Is a good buy. Lot Is full 60x33, south front, and with large shade trees, etc., Is very de sirable. Do not fall to see this pretty little place. You can own It easier than paying rent downtown; it would rent for at least 320, Ready to move right into. Take car now; Come look It over. Terms, 3S5 cash and 120.85 per month. The monthly payments include the in terest. Also have a new five-room bungalow, modern, tor 1133 cash. See me at once, today, for these properties sell very quickly. Two sold last week. Take Benson car, get off at Halcyon Ave., come south to No. 115. Phones Benson 123 and 202. Coma to U5 South Halcyon Ave., Benson today or any evening. F. S. TRULUNGER. ' FOR RENT Splendid modern, alx-room house; good location, 3558 Jones. DESIRABLE, modern and convenient bungalow In Dundee. Call D. 791 Monday. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 3717. 8-RQOM modem. 2512 Chicago. D. 8115. COTTAGE. Y. M. C. A. PARK. D. 4512. Stores and Office. Will Build to Suit Tenant 60x150 feet on Harney St., east of 24th. Owner will build a store building to suit tenant. Trackage lot 33x132 ft, on Dodge St., between Uth and Uth Sts. Owner will build warehouse to suit tenant. J. H. DUMONT & CO. Phone Douglas 690. 1603 Farnam St NBW. centrally located hall, well equipped for lodge puroosea. 1600-10 Har ney St Tnird floor at 1K6 Harney St (new). Store, 3JSH South 15th St Offtcea at W7 Farnam St, 24 floor. Store, 1020 North 16th St Store, 2104 Cumtng St. Store, 1411 Harney St. Store at 339 North 26th 8t, So. Omaha. O. C. REDICK. Attorney, jaw irarnam at." a x uiixj (vuuii iijkw, ivwj juvauvu ur drug store, grocery, restaurant etc., 106 8. 14th St., near Dodge, 60 . DTAnm n i . i .i.. ... OUU xn UMAOA oniviv DlUiVC, ROOM. 662 8. foth St. 110. 17 A yjctnrwr mnv Yrj"aTrtT.Ti?' m rooms, modern, nearly new, fine location, 136.00. inquiro of b. A, BEARLE, owner, 54s jarny 10a or .uougiaa wj E.ITE nlntllrM al.nu, rnnm b Ria 24th St. South Omaha. New front and newly decorated) unexcelled location: room for SflO ohalra nn nnratl-, chines; excellent opportunity for experi enced showman. Hall Dlst Co., 4S3 DRUG STORE Corner: steam heat. ex. ctllent location. inviUSROOM and cellar. 1H4 Nrcholaa. BASEMENT. 20x23 ft. .coed for nlumber. etc. HOOK, 1101 North Uth fit SO, 16 STREET STOREROOMS Most reasanahl atOrernnma In tha lv 20x60. Fall cemented light basements. Mora canines pass inn pomt than any other street In city, 705.7.9 S. 16th. PETERS TRUST COMPANY S-STORY and basement bulldlne with trackage, 1110 Douglas St.". 3140. . 2-etory and basement brick building, im Howard street. 375.00. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. STOftW rrttivn tnr rant TjAtalt' Una Near 16th and Farnam. Occupied now! Will lease. W. FARNAM SMITH S CO., 1310 Farnam St t M-Iair lialaV al... !,.'.... .-I.L. trackage, at 1012 No. 16th St II. A. WOLF, 432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8068. 6NE store-room. 2003 Lake" Kt. In. quire 2008 Lake St STORE for rent: heat and water free. 2328 Sherman Av. Phoie Webster 233. OFEERED FOR SALE STuriiltare. FOR sale, household furniture, two sables, one typewriter: after 12 m.. 208 fi. S6th St Mnsleat Instrument. LESTER piano, good condition, 1100. Call Webster 6365. ELECTRIC piano. 3125. 119 N. Uth. Typewriters. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix turea of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balks Collender Co., 407-40 a 10th St TYPEWRITERS for rent! 1 months. IS. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 months. II The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Douglas 2919. ISiscel Imbc-oma, Septic Tanks Write ua for Mu prints and shet of instructions for Installing your septic tank. Our aeptle tanks are used In a. number of states and are the simplest or any. A handy man can Install one In a few hours, and they are better than cess pools. Idea) for country homes and vtl Uses. 100 In one town, all working. Ad dress P. E. McCoy, Hastings, Keb. UPRIGHT piano, only flOO. Biggest bargain In Omaha, 2219 Blnney. Cliff Sterrett WW nuwE vc V' FRESH H,Na; TWO 70.H. P. return tubular bolters: tn first class shape; complete full flush rronts ana ail iittings. size Doners mxis Inches: have lust been Inspected and guaranteed ninety pounds working pres sure. Baker Ice Machine Co. FOR SALE Two tickets to Grand Juno tton. Colo. Bargain. 604 No. 22d. South Omaha. FOR SALE Haxelton Square Piano, 4Q cash. Must be sold. Bellevue, Neb. Phone Beuevue 39. Mrs. urunaige. FOR SALE Bicycle in first class eon dltlon: coaster brake, cheap. 320 N. 20th Ave. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sunday. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzIe Ptg. Co., 1407 Harney D. 2641. BAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. 8x8 air compressor. 612 S. llth. Kindling. 34. H Oross. lumber ft wrecking. ONE billiard table cheap for cash: leav ing city. Harney 205. ' Ipersonal 14 INVALIDS GET PENSIONS. 431 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, 11.60; S. E. Post. 11.50, and Country Gen tleman, 11.50. will earn 33,000 for the In valids' Pension Assn.. which will Insure myself and fifteen other sufferers 310 s month each. Your renewal worth 54 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Tel. Douglas 7163. Omaha. Neb. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look foi our travelers' aid at the Union station. ALASKA ROOT POWDER. In 3 minutes your headache Is gone after using our newly discovered catarrh root powder. Money refunded in every case of failure; 3 months' treatment 50c postpaid. Address Chase's Catarrh Rem edy Co.. Lock Box 950, Seattle. Wash. MILLER'S HAIR PRODUCER Dandruff cured In one week, hair re etored by six months' application, torn bottles sufficient: sworn testimonials II desired. Price 32 per bottle. G. Miller, 640 Madison Ave., N. Y. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing;. In fact, anything you do not N. llth St, for coat ot collection, to the worthy poor. Tel, Douglaa 4125 and wagon will call. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warta and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 621 Bee Bldg. GUITAR Biayer would meet mandolin Player or another guitar player. C 159. care nee.- TUAMTl-rt T.oriv naftnai tuitv.n ?t and 42 with mnnev. in r.ew business. Ad- dresa D 16S, Bee. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy, llth and Dodge. MAKlfitmiNO Face. scalD and mag netic treatment. Miss Debar. 201 8. 19th. MASSAGE-MRS. RITTENHOUSE. 30S Boston Store. Eve, and Sun, appolnt'a. TTTWK1SH baths; ladles only. Weight x UXVIVIOXI r-dueed. Ant. 8. 1802 Farn. f A JUS A (VK Swedish movement 418 SCIENTIFIC massage. 1723 Dodge St Massage, 1st fl r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat D. 8S3. i POUITRY AND SUPPLIES 76 single oomb White Leghorn hens from prize winning stock: must be sold to make room naxt ten days; only 31 each or 110 per dozen. Send check or money order, F, O. B., Florence. Houston Poul- try curm VP.. norem.-e. meu. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs from heavy gg-laytng strain. II, Mr 10 from utility mating; others half price; mating (1st Tree. Ahlqulst Bros., Box C. Ames Aye. Station. Omaha, Neb. pnono Florence 104, WHITE leghorn baby chicks. Flo. 21S. PET STOCK. FOR SALE Pet stock. Very fin? registered Boston terrier female. Phone Harney 6222. THOROUGHBRED female collie for sale. 110. W. 1644. 2724 Caldwell 8t. SALE OR EXCHANGE, R. E. For cheap land Cement stone build ing, three stories, 42x110 ft: excellently located in good Iowa town of about S.ooo, Price 318.000. Mortgage, 85,000; cotid be reduced, to 13.000. Frame building In good Iowa town, well located with vacant lot adjoining Included, 82.000 clear. Ten acre fruit farm in suburb' of Jack sonville, Florida, undeveloped; also resi dence lot n Denamore, Fla. All clear; 11.200. county seat town of Iowa; fine spring . 1- U . IMIU UJ Vtll.,111 Mt .... water; an laeai chicken farm. Price lnoumorance 11,800; easy terms. Druj stock, Invoicing 11,000. located In smalt Iowa town; Invoice furnished. Seventy-one acres nice level land in. cated close to town In Butler Co., Iowa. Price 87,100. Incumbrance 12.700. Three hundred and twenty acres; every foot fine land i located near Goodland, Kansas. Price 39,600, incumbrance 13.300. Building 60x100, used as garage and rented until December 1. 1913; should be sold with 20-acre tract Price IL200 clear Five-passenger automobile In good, serviceable condition. Address M. M. Heptonstall. Y. M. C. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. -itO AdREd In Kimball county, nice, smooth, level, blaclt loam soil. Prio, 830 per acre; part cash, balance time. 46173 acres, with good set of Improve ments, located two miles from a thriving town on the main line of the Burlington road; has small encum brance. Will trade equity for house and lot, or stock uf merchandise. 13 Two-story hotel In Iowa, having good first-class trade. Tarty will sell for part cash and give terms on the bal ance, or will trade for small piece ot Improved property worth the money, 623146 acrea half a mile trora high echoo', Glenwood, la.; fine orchard. 30 arvej In alfalfa, 16 acres nice blue grass pasture, balance rood farm land. This Is a bargain for someone who time on oajanee. OUN & BEVARD, 4SS Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb All Going Out Nothing coming In. that's your auto; wU give choice of fifty farms for It PALMER LAND CO., U06 W, O. W Building.