Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 51

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    "A TIZ Bath, My Boy"
NEW ucl !
Can't Be Beat for Corns. Bunions
and Aching Feet.
- ,. . ,
Send for Free Trial Package Today.
Without Lesson or Knowledge of Music
Any One Can Play the Piano or
Organ in One Hour.
Wonderful New System that Eren a Child Can Use.
He "You surprised mel You told me yesterday
you couldn't play a notel"
She "I couldn't! I learned to play in one hour
by the wonderful 'Easy Method Mullet'"
Imtovlllo, you say? Lot us provo It at our
expense. Wo will teach you to play the piano
or oivau and will not ask ono cent until you
can play.
A musical (renins from Chlcaco lias Invented
a wonderful xvstein whereby anyone, can learn
to play the I'lano or Organ In ono hour. With
this now method you don't havo to know ono
note from nnotlier, yot In an hour of practice
you can bo plavlnif the. popular music with all
the flniwrs of Ixith hands and playlne It well.
The Invention Is so simple, that even a
child can now master music without costly In
struction. Anyone can havo this now method
on a free trial tiorely by asking. Simply write
saying, "Send mo tho Kasv Form Music Method
as announced In tho Semi-Monthly Magazine."
The complete svstein together with 100 pieces
of music will then bo sent to you Free, all
charges prepaid and absolutely not ono cent
to pay. You Keep it seven (lavs to iiioroucmy
prove It Is all that 1 claimed for It. then If
you aro satisfied, send us $1.50 and ono dollar
a month until ft5.50 In all Is paid. If you aro
not delighted with It, send It back In seven
days and you will havo risked nothing and will
be under no obligations to us.
Do suro to stato numlcr of whlto keys on
your piano ororgnn, also post ofllco and express
ofllce. Address Easy Method Music Company,
3(4 Clarkson ilulldlng. Chicago. III.
Do Away With Bands
of Steel and Rubber
Stuart's PUPAIrf AOS sre different from
the truit, belnc mrdlclne applies.-
Silrp,buckleiortprinc cd-
ton madMlf-b4hftlfpurpotely
to holdtbe partnecurely in jiace.
not llp, to runatcliaf or com
mtu acalmt tha cubic bone.
ThouiandiliaTCtucceiBfullT treated
Mbemnlrn at home without hindrance from
(work and conquered the rtioit obstinate cam.
Vx. 1909 t.,i.i. 1'roceif of recorerr li natural.
IDT-TP".- m .n-rtonoiurtheruielortru. We
InlAL OF PLAPAOpro. whitu m l; .ending
yon Trial of Tlanao abiolutely FItKE Write name on
coupon end lend TODAT. Jtedrtta
FUPAO LABORATORIES, Block 413 St. Louis, Mo
Btturn Mall will bring Free Trial I'Upta .
More Vitality
For You
Oar Maroetlo A.H.omtiml and
Kleiner Vltiiliser due what all tbs
medicine on earth cannot do. It rlrea
Lite, Tone and Vlfor to the Mood and
nerves, ore rooming congestion, aoe
ne and uala lu parte core red by thli
It la a won.lirfitl Invention aclen
tlflcally en m true ted and flood the
rtem with mtcne-ttim which tlree
Streiuctli to the llurk. Kleiner.
Liver Stomach and llowela. In
atllllDff baoyancr tone and re) n Ten at
lnf vitality Into the whole onanism
making yoa feel like a new being.
Send for free book and fail Information. Peacrlhe yonr
cam fully. We adrtae yon bow to apply Magnettim for
ireaimi any ro-m or weasne-M or aiaeae,
tiiaciicr maovhtic 8ninr,n co.
Suite 481 ltOKo. Wnlmali Ave., Clilrnro. Ill
Thlt department it a General Exchange or Idea for our readere. Nearly
everyone hae worked out or happened upon a belter way of doing eomething than
the utual wayt tome new wrinkle, t If you know any new wrinkle, give other the
advantage of if, and at the tame time benefit youreelf. Two dollare will be paid
for each new wrinkle accepted, Addreit NEW WRINKLE BUREAU, Room 1263
Fifth Avenue Building, Naw York, N. Y.
eipreu to yoa on Free Trial. If
satisfied, send !: If not, don t.
(llf inrMi nfflrf . Write todsr.
BTEKMNK, 17 Poplar St., Sidney, Ohio
Wo bought a lambswool brush for
our hardwood floors and had used It
several times when wo discovered
that tho wool was literally alive with
vermin. Tho directions for uso which
camo with it read that hot water
would Injuro the wool; but wo used
very warm water and soaked tho
brush for several hours in it, then
picked it over carefully with a short
pleco of coarse-toothed comb, until
every trace of lyo was destroyed and
removed. The soaking was repeated
twice afterward at Intervals of a
week, and wo had no further trouble.
Tho brush camo from ono of tho best
department stores in the country,
and there is probably no way to bo
suro tbo wool does not become in
fested when tho brush is mado or
while It awaits sale. So, every house
wife who wishes to prevent tho
spread of insects in her house should
examine such brushes carefully be
fore she uses them. No doubt some
mild chemical preparation could bo
used In tho water, without hurting
tho wool, but wo found tho above
treatment all that was necessary.
J. F. P., New York.
What to do with mutton fat was
lonp a problem, our fondness for
lan.l keeping us supplied with this
commodity. I tried keeping tho
scraps for soap-making, but found
them unpleasant to havo around in a
city flat. I now try out tho scraps
as they accumulate, consigning tho
"cracklings" only to tho garbage can,
and keeping tho clear fat in tightly
covered pails. Sufllclont Is collected
before It has time to become a nui
sance, uiid is quickly converted Into
hard soap by tho uncooked process,
two granite preserving kettles beins
all tho utensils necessary. Lye and
fat. are melted separately, then while
lukewarm aro stirred together. In
this way I make fine soap for dish
washing that Is "clean enough to
eat," mid all for tho prlco of a can
of condensed lye. M. E. S. II., Michigan.
After trying numerous ways of
keeping patterns, I found tho follow
ing to bo tho best schemo: Duy largo
manila clasp envelopes, such as may
be had at all stationery stores. Spilt
tho pattern envelopo down ono sldo
and across tho bottom, and paste It
on tho manila envelope. In this way,
both sides of tho pattern envelopo
with instructions and chart, can bo
seen at once, which is a great advan
tage while working. Then slip tho
pattern into tho manila envelopo. It
is very easy to keep it in order in
this way, as tho pattern need not bo
folded as small or as accurately as
when returned to Its own envelope.
Fasten tho manila envelope with tho
cord or clasp, and tho pattern will bo
In neat and convenient shapo when
you want it again. C. M. T., New
Aro your polished floors disfigured
by tho water dripping from Btcam
radiator vents? Wo obtained at tho
local flve-and-ten-ccnt store several
aluminum Individual molds, shaped
like toy ptll3, and approximately two
Inches high. Wo coated each of theso
neatly with radiator paint, punched a
small hold on cither side, attached a
handle of wiro thread, and hung tho
completed device from tho offending
vent, close up, to prevent spattering.
Theso little pails matched tho radia
tor, were so small as to bo scarcely
noticeable, and effectually proventcd
tho spotting of floors. Wo now havo
them on every radiator. Thoso at
tached to the leakiest vents seldom
require emptying oftener than onco
a month. H. A. A., Jollet, 111.
Tako a board fourteen by eighteen
inches and ono inch thick, and put
on four casters; tack a strap at ono
end, set in the kitchen and it will
como In handy many times a day.
When mopping, set a pail on it and
it can bo canity moved around; when
washing, set the clothes basket on
It, a tub or pail of water. A sack of
flour or potatoes can bo easily moved
in this way. E. II., Chicago, 111.
Hoof and Claw
Continued from Page 14)
what ho cculd not understand,
prodded tho cau with an ovlscerating
atif,er He prodded It so hard that
not onl oka prong but a tiny project
ing fork also went clean through the
tin. Then ho throw up his head
sharply, expecting to toss the wreck
into tho air.
To his surprise it refused to bo
tossed. It just clung where It was,
and began to pour its contents down
In a sticky deliberate stream, all over
his head, and ears, and face. Ho
shook his antlers indignantly nnd
tho can thereupon threw wider its
suavo coils of richr.ess, till they laced
his neck and his gashed flank. Find
ing that tho insignificant but ob
stinate thing would not let go, he low
ered his antlers and struck at it In
dignantly with ono of his hinder
hooves. When this attempt proved
futllo ho fell to rooting and prodding
the ground, till tho stickiness had
gathered a copious tribute of leaves
and twles and dirt. This process not
accomplishing his purpose, ho lifted
his head and glanced about him with
a worried air, his faith In his own
prowess apparently for the first time
McLaggan shrieked. He flung both
arms and legs about his branch to
keep from falling, and clung there
At tho strango sound of his laughter
tho bull returned beneath tho branch
and gazed up at him no longer, as
it seemed to McLaggan, insolently,
but reproachfully.
"Go 'way, durn ye! Or ye Ml bo tho
death o mo yet!" gasped McLaggan.
Onco more tho bull's eyes blazed;
and again ho shook his antlers in do-
fiance. But as he did so the can, now
qulto empty and resonant, gavo forth
a hollow clatter. Tho flro faded f om
the bull's eyes, and ho jumped ankle
nervously. Tho can clattered again,
still In tho same place. The bull
jumped yet again and shook his head
violently. Tho can gavo volco more
clamorously. At that tho courage of
the valiant fighter, whom neither rl
val bull, nor panther, nor man him
self could daunt, melted to skim milk
He broke Into panic flight through
the bushes; and tho hollow protest
ings of the can kept timo to tho mad
ness of his going.
McLaepan, with achim: ribs, climbed
down from his refuee, and stood sur-
vnvlng the wrpekare of his sunnlies
There was nothing left worth picking
up, excent his axe.
"I 'm obleei;ed to ye fer lcavin' mo
the axe," said he. "But yo might 'a'
took it an' welcome. Tho show was
worth tho price!"
Sural 1 Use TIZ
Eery Time for
Any Foot Trouble."
When your feet aro so tired they feel
like stumps, when they ncho so that they
hurt way up to your heart, when you
shamblo your feet along nnd it seems as
though all tho misery you over had has
settled in your feet, look at tho happy
TIZ man in tho picture.
You can bo happy-footed just tho Bamc.
This man used TIZ, and now ho has no
moro tender, raw, chafed, blistered, swol
len, tired feet, corns, calluses or bunions.
As soon as you put your feet in a TIZ
bath, you feel tho happiness soaking in.
iNUlIllIiy msu uut Liu wuii (;iu juu Liua
happy foot feeling. Don't accept any
substitutes. Demand TIZ.
Mr. A. Coon. 123 W. 112 St.. New
York, says, "I havo tried everything that
could bo bought, and spent hundreds of
dollars for advico and treatment, but I
finally found relief in a 25-cent box of
TIZ. 25 cents a box, sold at all drug
stores, department and general stores, or
it will bo Bent you direct if you wish.
Money back if TIZ doesn't do all wo Bay.
Write today to Walter Luther Dodge &
Co.. Chicauo, 111., for free trial packago
of TIZ and enjoy real foot relief.-
Dr. Hall's new and complete book of
(niuitrattd; only fl.OO)
Tells all about ttx mitten i
what young men need to know ;
wliat young women need know!
what young wives should know!
what all husbands should know!
what patents need to know,
and to tell tliclr children t
explains many things about sex
Bmmmammam known bT medical men only.
Ily Wlnflcld Scott Hall, I'li.D..M.D..(Ulpzlg
Prol. ol rhyslology.N. W. U. Medical School (Chicago)
Woild-Famous Lecturer and Authority on Sex Problems.
Sexual Knowledge tor every woman, girl, wile & motheri
Sexual Kuowledge tor every man. boy, husband & lather)
Alunnne volume, In plain, simple, Inoffensive language
320 l'asesi Price, Only J 1. 00, Postpaid
(Mailed under plain wrapper)
lilcrailtoMl Bible Mouse. Dept. B-o Perry Bldg. Phlli. Pi,
New Book All
Need to Read
I Was Deaf 25 Years
sssV . A
I Can Now Hear
with these soft, artificial
ear drums. I wear then
Inmy ears nlftit and day,
rtiev are perfectly coin.
fortable. No one sees
them. Write ins and I
will tell yon a true story
Htsltslid (ar trur
I'sl. Nov, S, 1MW
bow 1 rot deaf and bow I made myself bear.
Address Artificial tar Drum Co.
OEO. P.WAY 46 Adelaide St.. D.lrclt.Mlch.
DocfoM Chiropractic
Male $3,000 to $5,000 a Year JB wu
umiuI prafoMsoti in your spr Um br awl l
bontsi mnd in el. Th court l imtuAjL ut
rally tUmim!, and with 13 tlir cttaru-afi r to
rvvrr iudni mk an atMorbifirr lUidy of thm
unutn body anil It ailn(. Coureauuirklr mW
to rr fur iUffir. Or. Wltrt a rraduat. ntatla
flf ifM ftrsil lf.rsa tnitnthi VVHtas tOslaV fur
perial t run in ivtrm now, ft lllutratd raU
Km iii and pronf or wodtfui rMMiai, g
and Ananclal succcm of our iraduaUa,
JNsttonal Bchool of Chlroprsotlo
Papt.322. BBW.MdUowt.CMci
Get YOUR Home In the North
fcat atttartnt to Northern Pmete fUlNray-.tha ht dvalops4
pvruonii 01 nm rsonn -in mini
rood arhooU:
invnt bom!
irtji dfdx
ulck for 1 1
I .bout thae ''PrnaDantr Ptatra of Airaiica --aay hat ftato moat
ritaraata you. Aik about low (mrf. L, J. HrW-hfr. ln' moiTft
Uett Avaot. ZU Norttarn I'svclAa Wdj., &. Paul" iluui.