Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 14, Image 50

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semi-monthly magazine
24 Hours
72 Hours
This Is the new Thermos Uotlle.
It Is comentloss. nodlcss and nancrless. nil
abtorbont material dispensed with. This
now glass Thermos tiller Is seven times n
heavy at tho basa as tha old model. It Is '
practically unbrcnkubln by reason of tlio
shock absorber at tho base. Tim Intruding
tlon of this shock absorber nt tho baso l'l
niailo possible by tho new Wulker-llurrons
process of niiiniifneture.
1 lis cae U I all nickel, of the separable type, per
mitting the Imertlnn of mill hj the nser In less
than a ratnnto. Kcllltx st all ileslcrs,
lie new Thermos cshaut aistrm Just Installed
In our seven-acre plant at Norwich, Conn., enables
nstoiecnre a higher vacuum than has heretofore
been poulblei this means bottles that will keep
u. or coiu n srraier icnsin or lime.
In these modols tho conaumer secures the 1-eneflt
oi not oniy a greatly improved product but a
uiucu iuwcr price.
91. BO
lit Norwich, Conn.
New York, San Francisco, Toront i
The Standard Quality for Twenty Years.
Warranted. Satisfaction or money bach.
2 Si
2,5 a
v -
m m
11 f
'P? JaBatfaHPsssBaHTrl S .
Up toDste Dealers will supply F.B. Manicure Ooods.
(Ml. "Needlepoint" f'utlelo Scissors . 1.00
1MI. I'loxlhln Iklniilrtiro 11 le MS
I'ollllKln Null rollalilns- I'nate , . . .'-in
1 urougu Alitlacptlo Null Uleueli . . .US
All Bent Free of l.xpress Clmreos.
Sm Hint you rot Mniilciiro Good stampeil
F.H., tlio nutria of quullty,
llo suro It's lMI. Tho Ilcst tliero Is.
Jr. JLi- KIS lfnrelli' Wlreet, N.V. I T J-J-
Thousands have successfully turd
tins lurmuiB to remove
traces of sii. Illness or
worryi i oi. oi purs
dlunlv-fMl InUtiL wltrh hacnl
une m a face uh, The effect
It turnout mm leal. Lktxt vtrlnklea, crow'
BbbsV I
Make S2Q a Bay
witn our wonderrul cnampien
fMcturw Machine. Takes, develops
nnlaUea photo In half minute: 800
an hour. No dark room, &rpm
net amsMMsary. l'hoto lost
Oanls sol liutlons all the rate 1
You eola moety saywhars. Email In
swtoicoti blgpro&ta, BayosrowaUMS,
Vrrlta for Frae 0k. Taitlmimlala, ale.
MHOHra It.. rw0l k 111 rhlcam. 111.
WrttB to-day for FREE BOOK Uescrlblnif
The Ideal Comb" a European Invention that
restores tray hair to natural youthful color
by simply comblnt. Host practical method In
tts wurld. Kothln I ran be compared with It.
IL D. COSB OX. DesL 91, US L 2Sis St. Ktw TmV
all with tho elk, In spite of that mis
guided beast's extremely inconvenient
"Instead o' strotctoV yer fool neck
that way, tryln' to t,r at wtc," he ex
postulated, leant., r 1 om his branch,
"yo'd a sight basc-r bo keepln' y.r
eyes peeleri fer yer ovvn h!dc. Tin re
a durn big palut.-r Md!a' sori.ewi v&i
In the;n buabas yander. oh" 'vliUo
ye 're n-claivin' ,:fter mo--wal(U
ain't no use at all ho '11 be gettln
his claws Inter you, first thing yc
But It was plain that the bull did
not understand English, or at least
McLaggan's primitive variation on
English. Ho seemed to grow more
pugnacious than ever at the sound
of these mild exhortations. He made
the most extravagant efforts to reach
McLaggan's refuge with horn or hoof.
Convincing himself at last that this
was impossible, he glared about him
wrathfully till his eyes fell on Mc
Laggan's pack lying near by.
Appearing to regard it as part of
McLaggan, ho fell upon It triumphant
ly. His edged hoofs slashed It and
smashed It, his pronged antlers
ripped It wido open; nnd in a dozen
seconds ho had sent tho contents fly
lng in every direction. Tho contents
wero miscellaneous, as McLaggan had
been in to tho Settlement for the pur
poso of replenishing his stores. They
included, among other items, a two
gallon tin of molnsscs, a llttla tin of
popper enveloped in a flaring scarlet
label, a whlto cotton bag of flour, a
paper bag of beans, and another of
sugar. Tho beans and the sugar went
all abroad at tho first attack, tho big
and the llttlo tin rolled away, and tho
bull devoted his attention for a mo
ment to tho bag of flour. Ho ripped
it wido open with his antlers, then
blew into it scornfully so that tho
flour puffed up into his face. Having
accomplished all this with such sur
prising case, ho seemed to think ho
might now succeed in getting at Mc
Laggan himself. Ho camo under tho
branch onco more, and glared upward
through what looked like a pair of
whlto goggles, so thickly wero his eye
sockets rimmed with flour. Ho
snorted fresh deflanco through wido
red nostrils nicely fringed with
McLaggan was now too angry to
appreciate tho extraordinary appear
anco of his foe. At the scattering of
his precious supplies his sympathies
had gono over completely to the pan
ther. Ho spat down upon his adver
sary in impotent indignation.
"I hope tho palntor'll git ye after
all," ho cried, with a bunch of ex
pletives too vlrllo for tho cold expo
sure of the printed page.
In reply tho bull made another
earnest effort to reach him. Then,
onco more disappointed, he returned
to tho pack to seo what further satis
faction ho could get out of it.
Finding that there was no resist
ance left in tho beans, tho sugar, or
tho bag of flour, ho went after the
littlo scarlet tin of pepper, which had
been thrown some distance nnd lay
under n neighboring tree. Ho slashed
it open with a stroke of tho hoof, then
jabbed it with a prong of hi3 antlers
and Hung it into tho air. It fell on his
shoulders, emptying most of Its con
tents Into tho long hair on the ridgo
of his neck. Startlod at this attack
he jumped around sharply, and was
Just in tho middlo of pounding tho Im
pertinent thing viciously under foot,
when, to his annoyance, ho began to
sneeze. It was such sneezing as ho
had never experienced before. Ho
spread his legs wide, and devoted him
self to it with all his energies.
This was too much for McLaggan's
wrath. He forgot it in an ecstasy of
delight. He was just on tho point of
explosion, when ho saw something
which made him check himself with
a choked expletive.
The panther waa creeping out upon
a great branch almost over tho sneez
ing bull's head.
The next moment it dropped from
tho branch, and fastened teeth and
claws in the elk's neck.
Tho bull was just in tho middlo of
a terrific paroxysm, but the cruel
shock of this assault brought him
to. With a grunt he bounded into the
air, coming down upon all four feet
again, stiff-legged, like a bucking
l)'rtii', as If thinking the jar might
ri,aki his assailant off. Falling in
i 1 he sprang violently sideways;
1 a. tho same time, being a beast
us reKOjrce, ho struck back with tho
prongs of his antlers by Jerking his
muzzle sharply upward.
In tho meantime tho panther was
clawing and biting savagely, and
seemed likely to maintain his hold In
spite of tho clever tactics of his adver
sary. But just at this point tho pep
per In the bull's mane began to take
Irresistible effect, both In eyes and
nostrils. Tho amazed panther let out
a screech of protest, which ended In
a convulsive sneeze. In the midst of
this convulsion the bull side-stepped
again with distressing energy; and
the panther, half-bllnded and wholly
bewildered, was thrown to the ground.
The manoeuvre was almost equally
disastrous to McLaggan, who, rocking
with laughter, all but fell out of his
The moment he had shaken himself
clear tho bull, undaunted, whirled and
struck llko lightning with his for
midable fore-hooves. With equal alert
ness tho panther succeeded In elud
ing tho stroke. Ho doubled llthely
nslde, and sprang again, seeking to
recover his former advantage. But
being half-bllnded ho fell short and
only got a grip with his front claws.
As ho struggled savagely to make
good his hold against the plunging
and tho thrashing antlers of his an
tagonist, once more tho popper in his
nostrils began to work with power.
In splto of his passionate refusal of
the gigantic tltlllation, his head went
up in the air, his spine straightened
itself out, his Jaws and his claws
opened and tho huge sncezo ripped
stridently from his lungs. It ended
In a screech of rage and disappoint
ment as ho found himself onco more
rolling on the ground, striking out
blindly with futilo claws.
As ho recovered himself he warily
bounced aside, lightly as a loosed
spring. But he was not quito quick
enough. Ono of those battering
hooves that were playing for him so
nimbly caught him on tho haunch.
It caught him aslant, or It would have
shattered tho great joint beyond hope
of recovery. But it was enough for
his catshlp. With a scream he darted
off beneath a low-branched thicket,
ran lamely up another tree, and crept
away from tho place of his discom
fiture by tho path of tho interlacing
branches. Ho wanted no elk-meat
which tasted llko that.
Tho victor stood glaring after him
for half a minute, snorting, and shak
ing his triumphant antlers. Then he
camo and glared up &T, McLaggan, as
much as to say:
"Did you seo that? That's tho way
I 'd fix you, too, if only you 'd come
down hero nnd stand up to mo!"
As for his cruel wounds on flank
and neck, ho seemed quite unaware of
them. Hut he was evidently a llttlo
tired, for ho made no further attempts
to reach McLaggan's refuge.
"You're suro some punklns!" de
clared McLaggan admiringly, wiping
his eyes on his sleeve. "Who'd over
'a' thought any bull elk could lick a
painter that quick?"
Scorning to bo conciliated by com
pliment, tho bull turned nway to seo
if there was any further damage he
could inflict on McLaggan's belong
ings. Ah, yes, to be sure, there was tho
bright, unsullied tin of molasses, Just
where he had burled it. He pranced
over and slashed at it, in spite of Mc
Laggan's appeals, and opened a gen
erous gash through which the amber
brown stickiness came bulging forth
phlegmatlcally. The bull eyed this
phenomenon, and then, scornful of
Continued on Page 15)
W Si
The Keturit
To Health
is fraucht with crave dancer of relaDse
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is recommended by leading physicians as
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Highly nutritive, pleasantly flavored,
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it supplies the very elements needed to
Insure a speedy return to normal
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Order a Doien From Your Drufgist
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FRER booklet. "Heath Darts.' tells all uses
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the Unique Magazine of the Sen
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Land of Promise, the Land of
Opportunity and Happy Homes,
brilliant with sunshine and opulent
in fertile fields, rich fruits and
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$2.6o a year, 10 cents a copy.
New Times Building; Lot Angeles
Sample Copies Sent on Request
Don't send me one cent Just let
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I claim to hare the most successful
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FOOT RCMCDY CO. 3309 W. telh SI. Ckleane
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sowarsars. write as encs.
THOMAS MFQ. 00., 8888 Osrny St., Dsylen, O.
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You can do as well. It takes 8 i'im
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KUf'-JItLyKTEK' ""-n tola saw bk-
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YANTtD Big money writing
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