Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 13, Image 49

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affairs which have no connections
with each other, Miss Kendall," ho
remarked, "the orlglnnl Valdoremo
pearls, the replica here and tho sui
cide of Madamolsello Do Voe."
"It was no suicide," cut In Lawson,
laying down on tho table tho frag
ments of tho glass tube which Claro
had brought to him. "Miss Do Voo
was murdered unintentionally, I
believe, but actually murdered In
an attempt to get tho pearls which
she was wearing at tho time."
"Whllo restoring them," added
Violet looked oven more wide-eyed
at the Information.
"Since Mr. Wheaton denies having
seen or heard from Miss Do Voo for
days before tho tragedy," went on
Clare, "I must ask her friend what
sho knows. Miss Le Compte, do you
know whether Miss Do Voe had any
visitors on the day or night before
tho tragedy?"
Wheaton llxed his eye on her. Sho
did not meet It. "None that I can
swear to," sho answered, evidently
much to Wheaton's relief. Margot
smiled again.
"You know of nothing that could
have Impelled any one to use such an
instrument as Dr. Lawson has shown
us hero on tho table?" pursued Claro
mercilessly. No man would havo had
tho heart to badger tho trembling
stage beauty further in seeking evi
dence. It was just hero- that Clare
showed her superiority over a man
Violet shook her head.
""PIIERE are in Paris," resumed
Clare, facing tho wholo room,
criminals among tho higher ranks of
tho Apaches known as endormcurs,
sleep makers. To become an ctulor
incur one must possess, I am told, a
high education and knowlcdgo of so
ciety as well as courage, while tho
principal qualification in a woman is
beauty. With a tube of kClene or
ethyl chloride, such as vas used in
this Instance, they will rob in broad
daylight In cabs, In private dining
rooms and compartments of railway
carriages, almost anywhere. The only
thing Is to get a victim in such n
position that they can get at him and
then get away without attracting at
tention. Now, a hotel Is not the most
easily entered place in tho world."
Clare paused. Callahan nodded.
She had como at last evidently to n
question as yet unanswered In his
own mind.
"Mr. Wheaton," sho hurried on, "I
know your story. You havo been
blackmailed. You havo bought back
tho real Valdoremo necklace which
cost you so much to havo restored.
It is not a replica. Even at that
price you can not purchaBo silence.
Mr. Callahan, call 4,000 Main, police
headquarters, and ask them to send
a couple of Central Ofllro men here
directly. Dr. Lawson, you are Inter
ested In tho scientific and criminal
aspects' of this affair. Suppose you
read that."
Clare had tossed tho cablegram on
the table. Lawson picked it up and
read: "Paris pollco report Violet
Le Compte very friendly last summer
Apache Andrade, believed now New
York assumed name."
Violet Lo Compte had as suddenly
regained her composure as she had
lost It. Sho was Indeed a consum
mate actress, whether as a trembling,
tearful, guileless Ingenue or a tower
ing, scornful woman of tho world,
blinding justlco by her sheer regal
brunette beauty.
"It Is of no use to assume that
haughty air of Injured Innocence,
Miss Le Compte," concluded Clare.
"You were the only person known by
the hotel employees to havo had ac
cess to Miss Do Voe's room that
night. You can not escape Dr. Law
son's sclenco and tho Intuition that
prompted me to cable to Paris."
A growl of rage burst from Margot.
Claro turned to him.
"Margot you may havo become in
New York," sho flashed. "In Paris,
Andrade. Be quiet. Wo aro two to
ono against you and your accomplice.
Besides, hero are tho police."
Hoof and Claw
Continued from Page 3)
fused scuffling mixed with groans, and
then into a wild crashing of flight and
pursuit. The fight was ovor; but Mc
Laggan perceived with n thrill that
the flight was coming his way.
Half a minute later, the fugitive
broke out Into the trail and came
dashing down It, wild-eyed, nos
trils blowing bloody foam and
flanks streaming crimson. McLaggan
stepped politely asldo to let him pass,
and he passed unheeding. Ho had no
eyes even for tho arch-foe, man, In
this moment of his defeat and hu
miliation. But not so tho victor! Tho most
splendid specimen of a bull-elk that
McLaggan's eyes had ever - rested
upon, he stopped short in his pursuit
at sight of tho gray, erect figure
standing there motionless besldo tho
trail. McLaggan expected him to turn
and fleo back to his cows, and hasten
to shepherd them away from danger.
But tho great beast, now in tho hour
of his triumph and his most arrogant
ferocity, had far other intention. Ho
stood staring at McLaggan for several
seconds; but McLaggan saw that
there was nothing like fear in that
insolent and flaming regard. Tho
bull stamped sharply on tho sod with
one knife-edged fore-hoof; and Mc
Laggan, knowing what that meant,
glanced around discreetly for the
easiest tree to climb. Ho was now
furious at tho lack of his rifle, and
vowed never again to go without It.
Fortunately for McLaggan, tho
great bull was no mere blind and bru
tal rufllan of a fighter. Like all his
aristocratic breed, ho had a certain
punctilio to observe in such affairs.
Ho had first to stamp his challenge
several times, Bnort vehemently, and
advance his antlers in fair warning.
Then he camo on, at first daintily and
mlncingly. And only after that for
mal preliminary did ho break Into his
furious rush.
But already McLaggan had swung
himself Into tho tree, just out of
reach leaving his pack at the foot.
For a little McLaggan was en
grossed in wondering if ho really was
qutto out of reach, so vigorous were
tho roarings and thrustlngs of his
enemy, so agllo tho high strokes of
thoso lino, destructive hoofs. Then
out of tho tall of his eyo ho caught
sight of several elk cows tho herd
stealing warily down the trail to see
how it was faring with their victori
ous lord. They halted, noses in air
and ears pricked forward anxiously,
wondering at their lord's strange
antics under tho tree. Then, nil to
gether, they wheeled about sharply,
as If worked on a single spring, and
fled off In enormous bounds over and
through tho thickets. McLaggan
stared after them in surprise, won
dering at their abrupt flight. A. mo
ment later it was explained to him,
as ho saw the tawny head and shoul
ders of an immense panther emergo,
for Just tho fraction of a second, Into
the trail.
McLaggan was gratified at this con
firmation of his woodcraft, but ho was
now a little anxious as to what was
going to happen next. He realized
that in traveling without his rlflo he
had fairly coaxed tho unexpected to
happen; and It seemed to him that
this particular panther was not going
to play by tho accopted rules of the
game, or ho would never havo been
so audacious as to reveal himself,
even for that Instant, in tho open
trail. Ho looked down upon his mag
nificent adversary raging below him,
and felt a generous Impulso to glvo
him warning of tho peril lurking in
tho undergrowth. As between tho elk
and the panther, his sympathies wero
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