Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 48

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S 'IHf . yi ' . ""'sigsa'sigMSMi
Guaranteed to v ear at least
15 Year
andSbtagle Roofing
(QwiU CWl-ifMl-OwtiUiUgr GiuwaMtW)
Tbamodororoef evrio$ adapted
for JJ Idods f Lvulduoff ccwls
lew od laU leaser.
Look for the Certain.
B fcccf label on each roll and
crate of Shingles it 6 your
quality and price protection.
If you contemplate
building, get our book of
U I&as b4 Ham" it illus
icU vk U nU Altera rl u
Crfl"'1f?4 DjuuLut, tin Inat
1 run Nt (M ttKmUt cUt Ilui
Geaeral Roofing Mff. Co.
jxs nmrs Tit is
Unheard-of Introductory Price
Wall Tenia F"llwllit,8ot,DwV,duuLu
... Up Kaw. cwitTWta with tent
77M,.M-M 12xH,,ltt.M
7Jf.. ....... M I4xl...... 10.00
6xli itO 14x14...... 175
There Exceptional Bargains
r utt f t for lwrt IIm mlr. Bar tnu&ty 1
fMlui'M f TjtiU, Aj.nlHf. u Vmyn,' ounUoin
iUt M Ull rvu our uw Wur.lf ia4 MiUtw
iMfcM ,ui yiU ll.t tw verytW nu4 .
T)'.''""', "' '
Itia T.I..)., OM
Rider Agents Wanted
a mil M IM HUU H IIHII. KLltt
U l. (' . ,(. tffir.
L Htl (MtUl IMtk, fiw luiPlu Him,
nil i.f initiiw, , ZOMiC
All IIMkMMul UUMmU, 4fa A o
mm! ns iim. ,u .00
""All I'VCf.ll it).. Ilil. r-IOI. rlilmoi, III
t Jftip on Approval a
D Af sit, fir hi xlAi, .! lkw
lllirji, itwalwItrnltH rrar r'"'i
I. I
IM) N(ir IIUV Mill y4 1 IW ttlt'
Pn.1 ikaliili far rrx Mmll (if l'Unl CMtlM llwrtll.
"If OkUln a rtttnl anil Wktl Invent with
lltl l lAvftlUia wtl4 im! rrli tr.r.l tot iuita
Hum Mitt frx. rl.nt .l.rllt Cocn
n.l fur oar lll i( TaUiil Uaytrt.
VICTOH J. EVAN.1 tk CO., WatMn.ton, D. C
PATENTS Tllllmwia
Wltton B. Coleman, Mf.4t)yr.WittilnBln,D.O.
gttng tlmm In JSvury ne knew lie
liua thm But a v-muim'" flmucdint;
J8 wi'nd juuturt; 1q a vumun lihe
Uimw; Ue Voe Tiic iiiory vi thulr
!!' was a sxwne. UUud. flbt mnup
thtmi lu iw ltUn," ,ooni4ufld
'".Hire VJttU uonvltrtion. "tnfl thim luu
I u liur iuug tank tif inutliuriug thum
jar oior vtiiuur' acumrw.
Jjawava was ainawifl at the raiAeHty
or luir j-eaaouaug. "VVliat liafl botsn in
wliUcaWt ,lntfre -was liwiomiiig aluj
pie and .vbriouE.
Anfl Hum,, lie liaEardefl, "wlitm
tiae Juad j-ittrd thtua, pwliajis tbey
vuamdbd. and t tbem liuuk
acfiu lie oaurdemfl "
V'yt too Jaut. tthe cautlont)L
Thtok agalii Inilore you iiBe tliat
word laurder. IX it liad Iteen murder
tlt&t M'as intended In litis mw lrrtr
laurli more jeureiy it laitut liare btien
iuvae xj zaore urtiuu ioeuioae, or
ereo Vy juore ucleittlOc metliodE. ICo.
it Is ioy iudgmtiit lli&t jwur-Jer "vras
aerer ixtteaded,"
Blie EtODDed as If to ruftoTiBtnifr
Jlie cese la Hie new liglit- "Liouiee
le Voe itad prouaWr retired lor lie
iilsdit w earl of lhp t. n rl r " tvo -iri.ti
osu '"Xor It was 3r)u tie nigbt tiat
uie -were to get melr itwot previous
varwtli a&d Mieteaa&ce. BOujI ciilo
ride was clioseu becatise U was a qjkk
and r-ure auesthetic. A Jer ineooads
at tlie most asd tie would svreir le
uaooosclous. A few seconds more and
the HOW reiurenstf! nfsrlit im11 tw
slipped or cut off ber neck. Another
wniff of the tbyl chloride would
insure anesmesia tor enough min
utes to escate. It also caused her
The sale thmuirh Marrof ( an.
Other blind ? lhp ru la tmrtar-t -
cried Law son entbusl&sticaUjr.
"Clare, you are a witch. It la oer-
"No." the answered i-nntlnimlv
"not until I llHir 1mm I'm r In I
make no more, accuse no one until
men. win you meet me at my office
tonight after dinner? I shall cer
tainly hare some word by then."
rriIEV were silting In ber cozy little
A office when the door opened and a
messenger of the French cable com
pany entered with a cablegram.
"Kfgn for It, please," asked Clare
as she tore It open and read It. Sbo
bad decided Instantly on ber course
of action, adding, "Will you call a
cab while I telephone the Prince
An hour later when they hurried
Into the hotel, Detective Callahan
had provided a small private parlor
for their use. Already Gaston Margot
hod been summoned, Wheaton bad
been found also and had reluctantly
consented to make good on his prom
ise to aid her, by bringing tho replica
of tho Valdoremo pearls. Ah they
waited, Miss Le Compte entered, hav
ing been released after an urgent re
quest to tho manager of her theater.
Claro greeted her frankly. Without
mincing matters she plunged Into the
revelation she was about to mako.
"I have naked you to be present,
Miss Le Compto," she began, "bo-
causo of a remark that you made tho
other day. You said that Miss Do
Voo had been foolish ever to wear
the Valdoremo pearls,"
"Why yes," bIio admitted. "I saw
her wearing them onco on tho boat
coming over."
"Would you rccognlzo them?"
"I think so,"
Tho door opened and Margot
stepped In. "Good evening," ho said
cuttingly. Ho seemed purposely to
Ignoro every ono in tho room except
Claro, to whom ho evldontly attribu
ted tho summons. "I am sorry you
aro not satisfied yet with what I told
you of tho replica."
"Oh," sho smiled, "don't let that
worry you! I shall not dotaln you
At length Whoaton arrived in a
high dudgeon at being dragged away
from a dinner party into an affair
every connection with which ho had
boon so anxious to avoid.
"Miss Kendall," ho remarked, with
difficulty concealing his annoyanco,
"1 thoueut you Baifl thut you Tvurt
truing to carry Ihls thing rthruugh
yiuuUy " He nluit u clunee of uur
prise ut Marmrt. and ul diirtxunt at
Mi He lt CunijiU'. "1 am nure," lit
added, "J liuve fluue iny beitt to fcutip
it ajdut and uovnr up the ucaudal.'
Muraot met lilt guze dufianUj
"Ware the two playing at lioottlity?
Had Margot been Hlnijtlr a high uluse
"luuee" ior the dinpuBaJ and ood
Tturient reappearance of Btolun goods?
Apparently the wlmle thing was an
uxdgma to Miss Le Campte who
looked from one to the other with
-Startled astonishment is her big
brown eyes.
"Have you the pearls ?" anted Clare
"Wheaton Bulltsnir laid them down
on the table in their beautiful new
jewel ease. Clare opened the case
and held up four loops of pearls, per
fect in their beauty. From the small
est loop hung, pendant, two of the
largest pearls any of those in the
room had erer Been. There they were,
the wonderful Jewels which for gen
orations had charmed and aroused
the cupidity of two continents. They
hone like things of life and purity,
jet what black tragedy was it that
they oorered?
"Miss Le Com Me." asked Chore in
cislvely. "1 this the necklace you
caw miss ue voe wearing?"
Clare looked at her keenly. The
girl hesitated, "It looks very much
like It," she admitted at last, "exactly
iifce it In design. But those pearls
were darker and a trifle shriveled,
I thougbL"
Margot who had been glaring at
her as if her very presence was an
offense, smiled with an air of tri
umph. Wheaton moved In bis chair
nervously as If be wanted to ter
minate the scene at once, but said
They were dark and shriveled,"
repeated Clare as If to herself. Then
she added, addressing Violet but
really including all In the room:
"You have never heard that dark and
shriveled pearls can be restored?"
Violet shook her head doubtfully
as if she did not understand.
"That some people are 'oearl
mothers, so to speak, and by wear
ing mem can Drlng them back to
life and health?"
""PUSH! " interrupted Margot "You
1 refer to those fool stories that
have made so much ink flow regard
ing the famous necklace of Madame
ThlerB in the Louvre. All bosh
bosh! A short time ago, I am In
formed, the French ministry ordered
an examination made by some ex
perts. They found that the pearls
are all In perfect condition and have
never been In better health. I believe
It is all bosh about restoring pearls.
Once they begin to go, it can't be
"No?" queried Clare. "You will
excuse me, Monsieur Margot, but I
shall ask your opinion later. Mean
while, since Miss Le Compto seems
to know nothing I wish to ask Mr.
Wheaton when It was that he last
called on Miss Do Voe at tho Prince
Henry and under what circumstances
tho last time," she repeated.
Wheaton was visibly confused. Ap
parently he did not relish even ad
mitting having called on tho girl.
"Miss Kendall," he remonstrated,
"I must decline to involve myself
further In this case than to say that
for days before I saw ber dead body
in your presence I bad neither seen
nor beard from ber."
"To whom were you Indebted for
tho Information that a replica," sho
laid special emphasis on the word,
"of tho Valdoremo pearls was on sale
at Margot's?"
"That I can not answer," he said,
avoiding a hasty glance of Inquiry
from Mis.-. Le Compto. "I have said
I must decline to have my name in
volved any further In this unfortu
nate case."
It waB evident that his reluctanco
was creating a very unfavorable Im
pression. Margot smiled sardonically. "I
am afraid you aro mixing up three
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If yon are faonect and am bit Ion vrltt
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L niisunl ODDortttnltr for men n 1th-
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ticulars Tree. Write to-day.
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