.v In AH iH i. ' nf Hip rl'incTffc t-lmf Inrlr ?nw - 111 m V Habit has made you careless of the dangers that lurk inw . a bristle-shedding tooth brush; of the harm that a single Bristle can do when ;T . swallowed or lodged in the T, gums or throat. V-- Why chance the dangers, now that f. all risks of loosened bristles are elim- inatcd by the RUBBER SET y TOOTH BRUSH. The RUBBERSET way is the only positive, absolutely lasting method ot tastening bristles into a brush so that not a single bristle can escape. '0jJ UT to 3i? The bristles in the RUBBERSET TOOTH BRUSH are first dipped in soft, pure Para rub ber. This rubber is then vulcanized on super heated electric tables to a flint-like hardness, and when so vulcanized, is absolutely impervious to liquids, chemicals or age. Each bristle is guar anteed to hold in this base forever. If is for this reason that the RUBBERSET TOOTH BRUSH M is the barety loom Brush Every RUBBERSET TOOTH BRUSH is made of the finest imported bristles. The handle is made of Alberitc ivory and correctly shaped. The shaping of .1 i ; inc lulls is most precise anu scieniinc, insuring me cleansing of the teeth and of the crevices between the teeth. Each RUBBERSET TOOTH BRUSH is sterilized and packed in an individual dustproof carton. If you arc unable to buy a RUBBERSET TOOTH BRUSH from your regular dealer send us his name and we will see that you arc promptly supplied. RUBBERSET COMPANY B.c..T.c..rTO.. fsfc.j. Malennrm'nnEnseTShaetHqnnithtii.nVnnEIWETXattnruthtiJUlinEnsKTComnlrrlon ItruthtBt JtlDUEIlSETUome llruthci, UVtWEHSEr JXttut Uruihtl and clheramou, ULUUEUHET prodiuli. CONFIDENCE Only confidence could prompt you to buy the first jar of this delightful "cream of flowers" but when you once try it, remembering its true worth, you will cling to it then like some old-time friend whom you know. The name ELCAYA represents a standard of honor which is loyally upheld by every American druggist and back of that name is a guarantee of quality and purity which is fortified by an unrivalled reputation among well-groomed women everywhere. Creme Elcaya makes the skin like velvet, keeps it soft, clear makes its texture refined and lovely. If applied night and morning, it fortifies against sunburn, preventing irritation, soothes the skin, keeps it cool and comfortable. ELCAYA doesn't cost any more than the best of the ordinary creams and it assures you a complexion that will be admired by all on every occasion. Demand the best, ask for ELCAYA. Trial size jar by mail 1 Oc in parcel post stamps. All Dealers, Nation-Wide, Sell ELCAYA CREME ELCAYA, CERAT ELCAYA. SAVON ELCAYA. POUDRE ELCAYA Let Us Send You This Trial Package of ELCAYA Rice Powder by return mail, exactly the size pic tured here. You have never seen anything like it before an absolutely sterile Rice Powder packaged without the powder being touched by human hands. It serves every purpose better than the finest talcum and equals in effect the highest grade face powder. Elcaya Rice Powder "Scented and Unscented" The "scented" ii like an old fashioned garden of flowers. It give the complexion that well-groomed effect without showing the slightest trace on the skin it positively does not cause the shiny appearance common to tal cum. After the bath, it gives that clean, natural, comfortable feeling so much sought so hard to obtain. The "unscented" is used in the nur sery to keep baby's skin cool, prevent chafing, rash, prickly heat. It does not cake on the skin or Crinkle like the tal cum. It is absolutely safe free from contamination the acme of purity and quality. Like all other ELCAYA toilet helps, it is the best your money will buy. Enclose 10c in parcel post stamps to pay mailing charge. James C. Crane, Sole Agent, 108 Fulton Street New York W ?A;lB Town Su.e James C. Crane, 108 Fulton Street New York Dt Sin 1 enclose 10 cents Micel port Umc to pay miili'nff chmrtzta on the Ira u'i iucLim of ELCAYA nice I'owclM dvcrtliwl June a. 3JY11- MONTHLY MAGAZINE Scented Untccnled My Nmie . Street AdJn Mr Dtussut HUts HcooWi of l'nw.'uteil,