THR OMAHA SUNDAY BEB: .JUNE 8, lf)13. 30 ECONOMY IN jHE USE OF GAS Expert Tells How Automobile Fuel May Be Saved. NEEDLE VALVE IS IMPORTANT mnll I.rnk Cmmr II Ik bona of nnnollnr- Cnrlmrrtrr linn a Grrnt Dcnl io Do Trlth Cnnnuniiitlnn. "Kconomtcal operation with a slx-cylln-dcr car, or In fact any car, may be said to be attained when about fourteen miles on one gallon of gasoline Is the average over a fairly long period in the ubo of that car," aaya Arthur Holmes, chief tnglneer of the H. H Franklin Manu facturing company. ' "Gasoline economy Is but ono of tho many economies that can nnft should be worked for on a car. It Is possible but very seldom obtained by tho average 1 man, no matter what ar ho owns. This merely Indicates that he has not the knowledge of the different things that go to mako up economical use of gasoline. "In general. If one understood the com bustion of fuel In the cylinder, ho would havo ull that Is necessary to understand economical operation. He should know inai a certain amount of fuel, and this mil prncucaiiy in every case bo gasoline. 'unra nir mixca wun it in order to have It burn and thus produce power. 3t Is necessary that it should have tho correct amount of air, although a llttlo excess of air does very little harm. It Is necessary In order to have economical operation that each cylinder have a riir reot mixture, and this problem is one of distribution. If a perfect mixture were made In the carburetor, distribu tion would be easy, but In general today 11 Is a mechanical mlxtlirn of crnimllnn and air, and tho correct distribution of this Is not easy. , "Ignition Is another feature of gasoline economy, and Ignition should always be at a point that would give maximum rower. DrlTlnsr Important. "How a man should drive Is Important. I If the operator holds out his clutch when Eolng down a hill, and allows the engine to run under Its own power, ho Is need lessly using gasoline. If he holds out the clutch when ho Is slowing up the car. In stead of closing the throttle, he Is need lossly using gasoline. In fact -every time that tho brakes are used on the car and the throttle not closed, and this can hap pen by holding out the clutch and leaving the throttle open, ho Is wasting gasoline. teases, this valve should be adjusted to the minimum possible and still have Kood operation., Adjusting this needle valve to the minimum really means get ting tho right proportion of gasoline and tilr, and today even In warm weather, the gasoline Is so hard to vaporize that It Is absolutely necessary to use the needla valvo under soveral different adjust ments when " starting up, and until tho engine Is well warmed up. In tho win ter tlmo the valve may be opened up to twice Its regular opening In order to get good operation when everything lis cold. It Is very likely that If the necdlo valve Is not closed down and the motor warms up, from two to three itlmcs as much g'asollno Is used as is lseccssary. , "Another big source of gasoline lost Is In small leaks. Very frequently tho gasoline valve or some of tho unions leak just a drop now and then, but Inasmuch as this drop Is going on for 54 hours a day, It amounts to a great deal. For this reason all such places should be examined at regular Intervals to liote their condition. "Naturally tho carbuetor has a good deal to do with the Bnsollne-conaumptlon, but with a standard carburetor there Is not a great deal of difference In Its use of gasoline. But there are quite a few things about a carburetor that can pro duce economical operation, such as leaks In tho float or air leaks around the car buretor, and for that reason It Is very desirable to give this part enough at tention to know that It Is clean ana in good operating condition. " Touring in the country gives the best possible chance for economical opera tion, as It allows the motor to hn u?d at a more economical point In Its power. At the same time, driving at high speed In the country does not give ecenomlca operation as far as gasoline Is concerned, because the wind resistance increases so fast that tho amount of gasoline used In covering any particular mileage Is very much greater than If that same mileage was covered at a slower speed. Probably 20 miles per hour represents the best speed for economical operation." Eight Automobiles For the Montreal Fire Department Montreal, Canada, has appropriated funds and awarded a contract for the pur elms of eight htgh-powered automobiles for the use of the deputy fire chiefs of the city. The Cadillac Motor Car company was awarded tho contract for four of tho machines and tho Abbott Motor company the contract for tho others. Tho eight cars for Montreol are to bo of tho fifty-horsepower artillery roadster typo and are to bo painted fire red, trimmed In gold, and nre to meet a test requirement providing for a speed of forty-eight miles per hour, when fully equipped for duty, and are required to climb tho hill through the main thorough fare of tho McGIll university of Montreal, which Is considered a very sovorc test for an automobile, on high gear. Hoth companies have cars already In official service In Montreal and have mado pre liminary tests to tho satisfaction of the city officials. GOOD CARS NOT RAVENOUS CONSUMERS OF GASOLINE Good TROUBLE AUTO TRUCK HURRIES TO THE RESCUE Detroit pedestrians who have Inad vertently wandered along the populat ed streets instead of keeping to the safer suburban districts, have recently discovered that tho art of tree climb ing Is handy thing to have "around tho house. For ever and again they have been startled out of their phll'- sophical reveries by a sudden and noisy apparition that has approached with the speed, apparently, of the Twentieth Century IJmlted and all the Indifference of an Intoxicated Individ ual who cares not whether he takes the sidewalk or the street. Tho apparition In question Is noth ing more than the latest development In "trouble wagons" as applied to the equipment of a street railway company and When 'It rushes by nonchalantly hurdling a curb to take a more easy riding sidewalk for a block or two, the; pedestrian from his safe perch on tho lower limb of a handy tree now real izes there Is something doing down the line in the way of a fire, a derailed street car, or, mayhap, a serious- acci dent to somo unfortunate who has fal len beneath the wheel of a heavy car. AN INTERESTING MOTOR EXPERIMENT IN OMAHA As an Instance of the precision with which motor car makers are construct ing their engines these days, so that they run with the minimum of vibration, an Interesting little fact, was brought to light In the garage of he local Midland Motor company's representative yester day. An ordinary pencil was 'stood on enl on top of the engine of a six-cylinder Midland car and the speed of the motor Increased from 175 revolutions er mlnuta to over 2.C00 revolutions per minute with out causing sufficient vibration to jar or shako the pencil from Its upright position. Tho runic! development of the motor car In tho last few years has brought about a surprising number of Improve ments and refinements that have great ly InM-onaed the reliability, tho sim plicity of operation. But ono of tho most Important results attained in tnis steady march to perfection Is reduction in nnt- of maintenance. In the early days of tho Industry there was an Irnjires- Slon prevailing mm mo plenum n uii n Iiiviii.ii Vin tnvkf rnltlrl nffnrd bo- n od i. i i.-'i'i j ... . ( cause, for one reason, an automobile consumed an unconscionable qunnltlly of gasoline nnd oil. Tho situation whether based on fact or not, suggested the king with thho clepnant on nui hands, tho beast eating him out of house and home. There can be no mlsapprchenson on this point today because tho well made cur Is. not a havenous consumer of fuei. Its appetite has steadily decreased un til it Is now reasonably proportionate to tho amount of power demanded. WATER KEPT AWAY WHEN TIRES ARE BEING MADE When water works Its way beneath tho tread and breaker strip and Into the car cass of a tire premature deterioration Is certain to follow. "In building up the carcass of a tire out of frlctloned fabric, which means heavy cotton cloth Impregnated with rubber, we are extremely careful to use only thoroughly dry material," says C. B. Whlttelsey, superintendent of the United States Tiro company's Hartford factory. Jnplln Mnn Wind net. In a veteran Studebaker car that had been driven more than 60.000 miles, E. D. Hopper made a privately conducted re liability run from his homo In Joplln, Mo to Detroit and Is now on his way back. The trip won a big wager for Mr. Hopper, as tho car required neither re pairs nor adjustments between Joplln and Detroit. Threo observers were carried, one of whom was the stakeholder. UNDERSLAJrVG The Safest Car on Earth "Every day you rend of cars turning turtle and people getting killed or seriously injured. Until the Regal appeared in the field all undeslung cars were high priced cars." People couldn't afford to uso them, so they had to take their chances in getting spilled. T IS DIFFERENT ! The Regal in undorslung construction is sold at a price within tho reach of all. No one can nfford to take chances riding in any other style of car. Underslung construction gives riding qualities not possible in overslung cars. Underfilling construction means straight line drivo, and consequent big saving of power. Underslung construction means low center of gravity freedom from skidding and a consequent big saving in tire wear. t Underslung construction means elimination of side sway of body, and consequent comfort to occupants and 25 per cent longer liie to tho car. H. L. CRISSMAN, Local Agent, 2024 Farnam St. The. T. G. Northwall Co. Sound Reasons Why Your Choice Should Be el Cadillac A car that is MANUFACTURED and not merely an assembly of com ponents. A car whose make is one of reputation and of stability. A car whose parts are thoroughly standarized and thoroughly inter changeable. A car of unsurpassed mechanical accuracy. A car ef dependablity and of durability. v A car possessing a factor of safety so liberal that it withstands far more than should be expected of any car. A car of luxury, a car of comfort, a car of convenience, A car of elegance and of refinement. A car simple and of easy operation. A car ef minimum depreciation and of maximum value as a used product. A car with which there is obtainable a real "service", both frem the maker and from the dealer. A car which offers the maximum efficient service for the maximum time at the minimum cast. A car which is "Different" and which by reason of the "differences" - commands a position uniquely its own. A car whose merit is not confined to one or a limited few "talking points", but rather a car of super-excellence in its entirety. A car which will uphold in abundant measure the wisdom of those who have honored it with their seals of approval. A car whose distinctive characteristics are obtainable only in tho Cadillac itself. A car represented Iby an organization that can'give you SERVICE. Gaclillac Touring Oar, 5-Passenger, Including Top, Windshield, Demountable Rims and Full ; Equipment; Price $2,050, P. O. B. Omaha. V CADILLAC COMPANY OF OMAHA. Geo. F. Reim, Pres. 2054-56-58 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 4226. 1 Announcement "UR friends and patrons are invited to visit our new show room, located in the heart of the New Automobile District on West Farnam street. We have just received shipments of both Abbott-Detroit and National automobiles and we invite your inspection of these famous cars. Traynor Automobile Co: Phone Douglas 5268 2512-14 Farnam Street. V 1 914 Jones St., Omaha, Neb. 1st and Pierce, Soo City w 11.1 vannBwni