Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    rmra Tivnr.. rrrr fntrrrrcffTiAv tttxtt? k 101 a
Gets One Per Gent for Handling
State Warrants.
.ABTeenient Among All Institution
it Capital City Apparent, and
No One in Able to
Break It.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Juno 4. (Special.) Regis--tered
state warrants are making trouble
I for some of the banks of Lincoln and
jnay result In giving people -who have
them a chance to get them cashed at
their face value at those institutions.
State warrants when registered draw 4
per cent interest The banks of Lincoln
have been charging 1 per cent for cash
ing the warrants, making a 5 per cent
revenue from their purchase.
The other day a prominent official of
the state bouse went to the bank where
bo haa been doing business since coming
t Lincoln with his warrant registered in
the regular way and put it in for deposit
! mia InnrmM thnt tha WalTtJlt WOUld
"not De accepted wiuiuut u. piimo i
per cent He tried to make the DanKer
believe that aa he was a regular cus
tomer that be ought to be allowed the
Iface of the warrant on a deposit, but
the banker demurred, with the result that
!the gentleman told the bank to go to,
land withdrew his deposit
I It Is understood that tho Lincoln banks
have an agreement that no state warrants
will be received unless the owner agrees
' to a 1 per cent shave, thus giving them
n 5 per cent revenue on the warrant.
Depositors are objecting to paying 1 per
cent shave and some of them declare
that they wll Isend their warrants to
their home town banks for deposit rather
than submit to the shave.
Notes from Beatrice
I and Gage County
BKATRICE, Neb., June 4. (Special.)
O. H. Dodge of the bureau 'of public roads
kit Washington, D. C, ajylvcd in the city
yesterday and with the special road
jcommlttee of the county board of super
visors will go over the roads of the
county that are being graded and offer
suggestions in regard to the work. Trips
will be made over the roads which have
toeen graded and the work Inspected.
At a special meeting of the Board of
Education Monday night Prof. Tlllltson
of Abilene, Kan., was elected supervisor
of music In the public schools to succeed
Prof. I F. Moddard, resigned. Miss
Flora Do Ban and Miss Emma Brown
.were elected teachers.
Judd Carpenter and Miss Ethel Elliott,
both of this city, were married last even
ing by Rev. C. F. Stevens.
The cases of Dan O'Donnell and D. F.
Wheeler of "Wymore, charged with com
( pllcity in the robbery of the bank at
Hanover, Kan., a few years .ago, were
called at Washington, Kan., yesterday
and set for hearing on June 23. The de
fendants were released on bond.
George Randall and Miss Nellie Chllds.
lormer Beatrice residents, were married
at Bridgeport, Neb., today. Theij wljl
epend, thcln.honeymoonth Denver.? nmk
Ing the trip In their touring car. - '
Crete feusiness Men 1
Want Reformatory
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DINCOLN, June 4. (Special.) W. 5
Collette Andrew Dredler. M. E, Halght.
C. W. Weckbush and Ray Shephard
representing the business Interests of
Crete were before the Board of Control
this afternoon with a proposition to have
the new state reformatory located at
that town. They have a brick yard
there which they think could be utilized
for the manufacture of sufficient brick
to keep the prisoners busy, but had no
definite proposition at this time to offer.
was passing. Ills collarbone was broken
and shoulder dislocated.
The York county Institute opened Mon
day morning with all the Instructors
present and about 100 teachers In attend
ance at the first session. In the after
noon Prof. Hunter discussed the subject
of "Citizenship and Morals," In the even
ing a reception was held In tho Metho
dist church.
Locusts Appear
in Otoe County
LINCOLN. Neb... June 4.-Val Keyser.
formerly connected with the University
of Nebraska department of entomology
and now Interested In a large orchard In
Otoe county, Nebraska, today reported to
the State .Horticultural society that seventeen-year
locusts are overrunning or
chards In the vicinity of Nebraska City
and Wyoming, In that county. The mat
ter was at once called to the attention
of the state entomologist' department
and measures will bo taken to stop the
ravages of the locusts.
SIDNEY, Neb., June 4.-(8peclal Tele
cram.) Sidney voted today for the Issu
ance of $22,000 bonds for electric light and
steam heating system. Municipal owner
ship was carried by twenty-three majority.
Dental Offices Bobbed.
MADISON. Neb., June l.-(8peclal Tele-gram.)-The
dental office of Dr, E. .T.
Hoopman was robbed last night of gold
and .other mineral valued at 1309. At the
same time an attempt to rob Dr. Tlght's
office was made. Chief of Police Ken
nedy and Sheriff Smith have no clue to
the robbers.
Police Captain and Court Officer Are
Reduced to Ranks.
Detective Zalondelt and Officer
' Henry Carey Promoted to Cap
taincies, While Corrlgan
Gets Dlask'a Job.
Iowa Highway Commission Meets
in Des Moines.
Police Investigation neveala Start
led nrtorta to niock War of In
qnlry Which Mar Ilrlnnr In
Junction Law Into Effect.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., June 4. (Speclal.)
The State Live Stock Sanitary board was
in session a short time this afternoon for
the purpose of making a preliminary or
ganisation, electing J. II. Bulla of South
Omaha president and John A. Berg of
Pender secretary. These two constitute
the board with Alex Burr of Pulman, F.
C. Crocker of Diller and W. J. Prltchard
of Falls City.
The board will recommend later the
name of some veterinarian as secretary
of the board to fill the .place now held
by Dr. Bostrum.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 4. (Special.) A tele
gram from Adjutant General Hall to As
sistant Adjutant Haysel this morning
states that in company with Quarter
master Jamison, he is at Waterloo look
ing over the grounds lntenued to be used
Xor maneuver and camp grounds for the
guard this summer. General Hall has
looked the matter up at long distance
quite thoroughly, but decided to iutltt a
personal Inspection before deciding
definitely in the matter.
Police Captains Henry Elsfelder and
John Dworak of South Omaha, were re
duced to the ranks last night Court
Officer Joe Dlask met the same fate
and in their places three members of the
present police forco were named, who,
It Is undestood, were on the right side
of the political fence In the recent elec
tion. The new officers are:
Captain John fcaloudek, formerly de
tective. Captain Henry Carey, formerly patrol
man. Court Officer William Corrlgan, for
merly Jailer.
Jailer Tony Smith, formerly patrol
man. Members of the Board of Fire and
Police commissioners of South Omaha
held their meeting last night to-dlscuss
the matter of patronage and the long
expected fait of the guillotine was
heard. Henry Elsfelder Is one of the
oldest members of the police force In
point of service and for years was a
detective. He, has been a captain for
three years. He is one of the most cap
able officers on the South. Omaha police
force. When he learned of the board's
action, he was determined to turn In his
star at once, but refrained only at the
express desire, of Chief Brlggs.
It. Is said that an effort Is still be
ing made to get Chief Brlggs' place
though this did not come before the meet
ing last night
The police, department Is under .the civil
service ruleB. It Is said that with only
one or two exceptions everyone on the
force took some part In the election.
It Is understood that Fire Chief John
McKale will file charges against Fire
Captain John Kubat and Firemen Anton
Spevak and Anton Buglewicss.
Chicago Man is
KUledby His Wife
CHICAGO, June 4. John B. Van
KeUren, 62 years old, was shot and killed
today by his wife, Mrs. Louise Van
Keuren, from whom he had been separ
ated when he attempted to force an en
trance to her home at 817 East Sixty-first
street Mrs. Van Keuren told the police
she believed a burglar was attempting to
break Into her home. Van Keuren went
to his wife's home and after knocking
several times without getting a response,
he broke the glass In the door with his
hands. She then fired.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, June 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The State Highway commission,
after an extended session with city and
county officials here today secured an
agreement that there will be a Joint meet
ing of the county board and city council
and an effort mado to havo co-operation
In the building of roads and keeping them
up. Tho commission visited tho roads
about the city and reported that they
are the worst roads Urat have ever been
seen. They declared there was no evi
dence of their ever having been dragged
at all. -
The officials agreed to get busy. Tho
action was taken largely as an example
for derelict officials elsewhere In the
Trouble -with Poller Inquiry.
The Inquiry, Into corruption In Dcs
Moines police circles resulted In three
more police officials being placed under
suspicion today by the chief, and dis
closure that a strong effort Is being made
to cause embarrassment to the Investi
gators. The chief discovered a number
of now witnesses and also that some of
the witnesses have been coached as to
what not to say. It was also found that
the state law for Injunction against dis
orderly houses Is to be Invoked because
of the revelations made. Four of the po
lice force are now out
Connldera Lthrnrlen.
The quarterly conference of liaads of
the state Institutions today was largely
a library meeting having relation to the
Institution libraries. Miss Robinson, who
has chargo of the libraries for the stnt9
Institutions, told of the needs of such
libraries and how to get the best results
from them: Miss Carey of Minnesota told
especially of libraries and books for the
Insane and declared that these books
should be not only attractive and enter
taining, but have a moral effect and end
well -to make the best Impression. Tho
preparation of libraries for the Etato lnstl
tutlons has become quite 'nn art and a
great deal of attention Is being given to
this phase of the work of the state for
the unfortunates.
Retrenchment In State Coal.
A saving of nearly P.OOO a year could bo
effected by the state of Iowa In the coal
burned at the heating and lighting plant
of the state by installing new machinery
and methods at a cost of $18,000,. accord
ing to a report of the efficiency engineers
made today to the retrenchment and re
form committee of tho Thirty-fifth gen
eral assembly. The experts report in
favor of a great many changes, Including
a switch track to the plant and Installa
tion of equipment for testing coal and
buying It by the heat unit Instead of by
the ton.
The committee on retrenchment and re
form asked the attorney general for an
opinion on the powers of the committee.
Conference on Vnlnntlon.
There will be a conference In the of
fices of the railroad commission Friday
Artistic Device Bring Out Hidden
Figure by Changing
and Saturday of this week, relative to
valuation matters.
Representatives or the railroad com
missions from Wisconsin. South Dakota,
Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Min
nesota will attend.
This Is the fourth In a series of con
ferencca which havo been held by these
Itertiicrrt Itnten for Fair.
The State Board of Agrlculturo has pre
pared a petition to the railroad commis
sion asking that the commission order
the railroads to put in the reduced rate
to tho Rtate fair as authorized by the
legislature. It Is understood the rail
roads havo refused to make any reduction
In rates for state fairs or similar gath
orlngs. The legislature authorised the
commission to decide whether such rates
are proper and, if so, to order them
adopted. The" railroads will resist In the
Supreme Court Decision.
Drainage ifletnct No 5, Ed Ryr
against Board of Supervisors Boone and
story counties: story county, Judge Al-
orooK: ainrmea by Kvans.
T. C. Mof fltt against George Fltier. an
pcllants, Cedar county, Judge Trctchlor:
assessment oramca property, roverseu by
John Boone, appellant against Ematlne
noono, Dalian county, judge fiihey; will
settlement; affirmed by tho court.
M M. Wilson against J. A. Bock, ap
pellant. Dickinson county, Judge Ballto;
to quiet title: affirmed by Wlthrow.
Bessie Farnsworth, appellant, against
Musntlno Produce and Pure Ice company,
Muscatine county, Judge Horiin; action
to secure money back for stock pur
chase; reversed by Wlthrow.
George Cosson, attorney general, against
Judge Bradshaw; certiorari from Mar
shall county! annulled.
Attorney General Winner.
Tho supreme court annulled tho order
of Judge Bradshaw, In tho suit. In which
Attorney General Cosson tried out his
right to nijpear before a grand Jury In
Marshall county. The court held the
Judge had erred In refusing to permit
the attorney general to go before the
grand Jury.
Judgo Bradshaw had hold that tho act
of tho legislature, which Attorney Gen
eral Cosson, while a state senator wrote,
did not give the attorney general "Au
thority to go before a grand Jury; and
this all hinged on the meaning of the
word tribunal as found therein.
"In the light of tho evident purpose
of this statute," said tho court, j'and
In recognition of the fact that our court
and other courts In speaking of this
body, tho grand Jury, have denominated
It a tribunal, there Is no escape from
he conclusion that the legislature In
tho use of this word referred to and
Included tho grand Jury."
Killed by Fnlllnir Timber.
L. D. Bruner, 45 years, laborer; em
ployed on tho state fair grounds, was
struck and Instantly killed by a fall
ing timber this morning. Bruner was
aiding In demolishing a building. A big
timber, slipping from Its hold fell and
struck Bruner Bquaro In the back of the
neck, breaking It. He was dead when
workmen picked him up,
GRISWOLD, la., June 3. (Speclal.)
Thls locality was visited by a heavy
wind storm about 2 a. m. Sunday, which
was accompanied by a deluge of rain.
Fields were badly washed and corn plant
ing, which had not been finished, will be
retarded. Considerable damage was done
by the wind, telephone poles and trees
being blown down, and small outbuild
ings destroyed. East of town the silos
on the following places wero blown
over: William Forsythe, Grant Mackrill,
The weather says: "Wear 'em"
Hundreds are obeying the command, and
you're next. Just drop in nnd sny to ono
of our expert Hntters, "Straw." IIo's on,
and you'll walk out with as classy n hat
as has ever beon your pleasure to wear.
Sennits. . .$1.00 to $3.50 Splits $1.00 to $5.00
Milans. . . . $4.00 to $5.00 Panamas. . $5.00 to $7.50
Bangkoks $5.00
16th Street
for Display.
Jake Olltlns, Rube Halt and ICmll Rabe.
Tom Glltlns' largo barn was leveled and
numerous windmills blown down.
Skillful Mlccr Tell Whnt He Cnn
Do nml la Hired on the
Mr. Underdone Cutlets, proprietor of the
Spoedy Cafe, was notoriously hard
hearted. The most weeping widow who
ever graced a melodrama couldn't have
wept a sllco of stale bread out of hla
restaurant without the price. So when
a pale and timorous bum approached thi
desk and made a faltering appeal, It
was no surprise to the lunch fiends to
hear a curt "nothing doing. Beat it."
"I'm not a beggar," retorted the hun
gry man. "I'm willing td scrub floors
or wash dishes. I'm Just out of prison,
and nobody will give me work. I'm
The proprietor betrayed a faint Inter
est. "What were you In ferT" he asked
"I'll tell you the truth." explained the
ex-convict, "I was a kind of a. counter
fetter. I used to take a hundred dollar
bill and split it In two with a raror.
Then I'd take a one and spilt that and
then paste the halves together, so I'd
have two centuries. If the sucker didn't
look on both sides. It took 'em five years
to catch me."
Mr. Cutlets beckoned the ex-prisoner
behind the bar.
"Order what you like on tho houe,"
ho whispered. "I've got a steady Job for
you. I'll give you thirty a week to slice
the ham for my sandwiches." Llppln
cott's Magazine.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
is nothing
in Goodrich
that isn't in
Goodrich Goods
BEAVER CITY, Neb., June 4. (Special
Telegram.) The annual convention of
the Fifth district of the Degree of Honor
convened here today with .fifteen lodgs
represented and 114 delegates registered.
The visiting women were given a abn
quet this evening at the Presbyterian
church. At the business session this
afternoon the following officers were
elected: President Mrs. George Osborne;
secretary. Mrs. Rose Hunt; treasurere,
Mrs. James Manley. all of Edison, where
the next annual convention will bb'neiO.
Nerra Notes of York.
YORK, Neb., June 4. (Special.) Miss
Glzella Day became violently Insane Sat
urday evening and was taken to Ingle-
side in the afternoon.
Sunday evening at the home of. the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jack
son, their daughter, Mlna A., was married
to Thomas Pyle of Oconto.
Sunday afternoon aa Ray Kerwood was
riding a motorcycle a horse became
(Tightened and leaped upon him aa ha
A graduate of the Moscow School for
Painting, Sculpture and Architecture has
invented an Interesting artistic device,
which may be used with much effect on
the stage, and perhaps can be utilized
for the homes. This Invention renders
It possible to paint several different
scenes on one canvas. When the light
on the stage Is changed the decorations
also change.
A panel was exhibited at the Moscow
Artistic theater which represented a
scene with beautiful autumn tints In the
red light of a sunset. The light was
changed; the scenery changed " at the
same time, and a nymph was discovered
in front of a tree, bathed in moonlight.
The Invention Is based on the physical
law concerning the complementary col
ors of the spectrum. It is claimed that
wall paper printed by this method Is one
color in daytime, different during twi
light and changes again by moon or
lamplight. The changes can be brought
about by switching electric lights, Con
sular Report.
A Town now.
"What's the wrangle .about In Plunk
villef "Some of the community want to main
tain mudkole and swell their private for
tunes by hauling automobiles out Others
want to Improve the highways, pinch 'em
for speeding and apply the proceeds to
public works of all kinds," Washington
Moat Food la Polaos
to the dyspeptic Electric Bitters soon
relieve dyspepsia, liver and kidney com
plaints and debility. Price 60c For sale
by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
Goodrich Tires
are best in the long ran
Not because the makers of practically
half 1013's output of new cars have
bought Goodrich Tires to equip them
Not because so many well known car
makers have always equipped their
output with Goodrich Tires
Not because thousands and thousands
of more-than-satlsfied tire users rec
ommend them enthusiastically
Because the Goodrich principle or
unit molding, which was crystalized
from our twenty-seven years of ex
perience in rubber manufacturing
before we made the first American
clincher tire and which we have never
changed, demonstrated its soundness
Irom the start
And because our long experience in
selecting the best crude rubber and
compounding it gave us the ability to
give it tougnness and durability
ana at tne 6ame time keep the
buoyant life in it
And because we make Goodrich
Tires of the finest fabric that can
be woven of Sea Island Cotton
fabric that costs as much as
silk and of pure rubber
And because Goodrich unit
molding makes the whole tire
one .Integral piece a unit
which wears uniformly and
gives long, comfortable service.
The thick, tough tread, being if
the tire nnd not merely on it,
naturally cannot strip or peel.
Our single vulcanization makes
all the tire at once a unit and'
frees you of the danger from weak'
spots or dead places caused bv over
vulcanization cooking the life out
of the rubber.
Your tire dealer will supply you
with whatever style of Goodrich
Tire you need but there is only
one una ana quality.
Write for free set of folders telllnir
you how to get the most service from
your tires and how to avoid the com
mon tire injuries.
And, if you plan a tour, let us send
the Goodrich Route Book covering it.
The B. P. Goodrich Rubber Co.
Omaha Branch 203-1 Fariiam St,
Factories: Akron, Ohio.
Branches and Service Stations in All
Principal Cities. Dealers Everywhere..
Write for Goodrich
Route Book, covering
the auto tour yon se
lect These books are
sent free on request
111 1W
ill 1H3) 1
111 1' II
11 1 11 1U5) 1
11 1 ' U 1
i w i. i i nil uu w
1 IWUi 1 crrf 1
1 1 IWWtt 1 & 1
1 1 IttttW Ilea
im it i
urn i n II
1 V I
V s s
You Can Have
a Cool Dining .Room
Why not enjoy your meals in cool
comfort this summer? An Electric Fan will
mako your dining room tho most pleasant spot imagin
able. Tho gentle, refreshing breezes will give you a
bettor appotite make you feel contented and happy in
mind and body during tho hottest summer weather.
,An Electric Fan Is Convenient
in Every Part of the House
You will find an Electric Fan useful not only
in the dining room but in any other part of the house.
Used in tho bedroom, un Electric Fan insures quiet,
restful slumber on tho most sultry nights. In the kitch
en, an Elpctric Fan is decidedly convenient it clears
the air of heat, smoke and odors keeps tho flies away.
It Costs Very Little
With all its advantages, an Electric Fan is
about the cheapest summer comfort you can find it
costs less than a cent a minute to use. YouScan pur
chase an Electrio Fan in any stylo or size at if very mod
erate price. Why not do so today? r
For sale by dealer and principal stores
1 4a
lttle Liver 2q
I's'llalV Cfl
Tonlo JU
26c Lyon's Tooth
Powder ,,.
25c Carter' Little Liver
J 1. 00 Undeldnd's Hair
11.00 Ilexall Celery and
iron Tonlo ror
$1.00 Pinkham'M Compound
11.00 Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for
$1.00 S. B. 8.
$1.00 Wine of Cardul
$1.00 Fellow's Byrup
$1.00 Red Clover Blttera
EOc Genuine Syrup Firs
COo Caldwell's Syrup
60c Pape's Dlapepsln
60c Healthtone
EOc Rexall Kidney Cure
86c Fletcher's Castorla
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 39c, 17o Qq
Delft Peanut Oil at Half Price
Cigar Specials
At Omaha's Four Leading Cut
Price Drug Stores
?.ox.B..?:i,Tor0' Porto rucon....ixo
10c Hall Marks Club House ...... So
10c La Marca, box of SO for S9.BO
10c El Palencta, Havana So
lOo Chancellor Magnolias 6a
Box of 25 Permits to Smoke 78o
Box of 50 Little Preferences ,,91.60
Box 60 Manila Media Regalias. .91.33
Box of 25 Preforenclos Perfectos. 15a
slse , 93.13
I Bee Us for Bare Drugs and
I Chsmloals. We Have Them. I
Sherman & McDonnell Drug -Co
4 Prominently Located Stores
w xr same OXIM Phona linn., inn
I BOO Farnam HU
25c Up
$ i v
02.BO t'p
92.00 V0
Missing Teem supplied
without Plates or. llrldgc
work. Nerves removei
rrlthout pain. Work guar
auteed ten year-
If you are looking for a house to rent, or a house to buy,
you will find just what you want in the real estate colmuns of
today's want "Want Ad Section. Look and you shall see.