Polly and Her Mwrare have, voonz HAVE I GoltA PuT OM Khese Years 1 ME Co4X! WHO WANT ADS TPant ads received at any time, but to insure proper classification smut bo presented beforo 12:00 o'clock noon for Uio evening edition and beforo T.UO p. in. for morning and Sunday editons. Wont adit re ceived after such hours will iiavo their first insertion under tho head in, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH RATEsVoit WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION! One insertion lis cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inner tlons 1J cents a word. No adver Utcmcnt taken for loss than 1M) cents. NOTE Tfco beo will not bo re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after the 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inaexto to be run until forbidden must bo ttopped by written order. Verbal or teiepnoBo cancellation cannot be accepted. 01IARaTlATESj Six words to tho lino. One nsertloa 1- cents per lino. Two or mora consecutive lnsci tlons 0 cents pcrxllne. One lino per month $1.80. Twenty ccntu minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts ore measured by the line, not by the word. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICK The funeral of Mrs. Martha E. Sanders will be held at the Presbyterian churcn, Twenty-third and J streets, south Omaha, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Inter must, Laurel 11111 cemetery. LODUU NOTICES. M. W. A. DEDICATION. , South Omaha Camp No. 1U. Modern Woodmen of America, have erected ft beautltul monument tn Uraceland Park cemetery, which will b formally dedi cated at 3 o'clock p. ro. Sunday, June 1. All Modern Woodmen camp, also head officers of tho order. have been invited. The pubUo is cordially Invited to attend. Take cross-town car to end of line, walk west to entrance, 44th snd "L" streets. OAKD OK THANKS. To our relatives and friends we wish to otter our sincere gratitude for tua kindness shown us during the recent illness and death of our beloved father and uncle. Mil. AND MI18. W. H. MAI LAND. MISS ANNA MEYERS. B1UT11S AND DEATHS. Births W. 1". snd Bessie Decker. ISM Horth Sixteenth, boy; C. and Winnie Sorcy, StM North Forty-fifth, boyj lc L, and Pearl Kssers. ttm North Ninteenth. girl; Claudo and Dorthy Parkinson, hos pital, girl; Louis and Frances Nlok, liOoft North Twenty-fourth, lnj John and Katherlne Natso, 6021 IJIondo. boy. Deaths Henry Gibbons. 26 years, hos pital; D, A, Bedman, 6 years. Hospital; Mrs. Martha E. Landero, 51 years; D1S North Twenty-second; Mathews Wocelc. 67 years, hospital; little Watson, 3332 Cal ifornia. HJSL1 WATKD FKMALH. Clerical and Uffloa. THREE good stenos.. M0-0-!i. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 lleo llldg. Factory aud Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company can use a limited number of girls In the op erating department. Applicants must fur nish references. Salary paid while learn ing. Apply C. F. Lambert, District Traf fic; Chief. 16th and Douglas Sts ttaasckecyerk and Domestic! THE BERVANT QIRk PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant atrl Wanted Ad FREE unUl you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your -ad to The Bao office or telephone Tyler 1WQ. WAN'l'KD An experienced whlto girl lot general housework; no laundry. (34 bo. 40th. Harney 4338. AN experienced girl for general house work. 2 tn family; small house, 31st near Farnam, good wages. Tel. U. 3115. Mrs. Farnsworth. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Mrs. DeRoy Austin. Harney 26S3. tii So. 33th Ave. WANTED, a nurse maid to care for two children. Good wages. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Tel Harney CSS. WANTED girl for general housework. Mrs. C. u. Bturtevant. in a. stn ei. work, avi mi. a. mam, lei, wta. WANTED A girl for general house Work. Doug rm. WANTED A slrl for general house work. One who can go home nights. Ap ply 2310 Hamilton street. Tel Harney MM. WANTED A young girl for general Housework, tiamey ku. WANTED A girl for general house- wages. References reijulrad. Mrs. Frank Crawford. Apt 7. The West Farnam, 38th street and Dewey Ave. Telephone Harney WANTED A young sir! to assist with housework and care ot child. 3913 Far nam. Harney &. woman for general housework; good horns tor the right party. IPC No. 24th. WANTED A airt for general house varlv. good wages; no washing. Ca)l WANTEJU A middle-aged woman for nousework. us norm zttn bi.- WANTED Maid to take care of nurse's noma. Apply cisraaon nospitai.- WANTED Experienced girl for gen era! housework, uooa wsgta no wain Ing. H. UL 138 & 3Btn HI' S(taenaaeosta, TOUNO women eseatag to Omaha as strangers are invitee to visit the To una Women's ChrtsC assoelatlon building at Rt M.iVa A v -td 17th St.. whera they will be direetee to suitable boarding places or ettoerwlse oe4sie4. Look tor our t uaveiere; guide ax tne uawa swuon. I I 1.. IN I I I LTVAI WOULDUY V w 1 - ' 1 i- r-er r f 1 1 uaiM. PalsPa is Tender - irr mi W PETE 11EL1 WATKI) FK3IALK. Mlncellaneoua. ti. 8. Gov't, rtosltlana oDen to women. big pay. Write for list of positions. Franklin Institute, Do it. GC1 D, Rochester, N. Y. UEL1 WANTEU AIAXiB Aueulu, tulemutu ana liuliultoilib A ItARE opportunity ror agents, both sexes. No risk of any kind. Most pleas ant, profitable work. For full particulars tddress Post Box 335. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman i . . i . V. I ... I ..... . " . Av.tAiMAn and references. Address, Y 100 Uee VOUNO man tor city sales work. Call on large dealer. Commission basis, but pleasant anu protltauie worn, .uoress ri-129, care Uec. WHIV aalesmen, have you" specials Ilka these? feet Java. 85c; better one. HOC Will sell for J1.00 and J1.7S dozen. Uot next to our new, manufacturing pro- csa riitht now, pecx wnip uo., ivansas City. Mo. lloya. Pigeons; cash for old magailnes. W. 41U. WANTED 4 boys with wneels. Must be over 10 years of age. 307 So. 14th St. Clerical and Office. FIR3T-CtA8t) booKkcopor, I'M. Three H. K. accountants, rib to fl(W. Office clerk, Ledger clerk, D0. Bod a foun tain mgr. (out town), JSO. THE CANO AQENCy, 600 Beo Bldg. factory wnU 'i'ruttea. 8PHINU rush Is commencing in the automobile business; learn now by prac Ileal experience In completely euuipped shops; Jiw to & earned muntnly by good men. W;-lte National AUtomuoiie Train ing Ass'n, 2Mi North 29th St., Omaha, tYAiliVv-'A iiva ciikiijcv. turn 111- chlntst to take care ot 1M) h.-p. engine, generators and motors, boilers, inocnine repairing ana steam titling. A good place for u competent man. No other need apply, Olve ugo and references. Address D-126, caro Bee. WANTED Competent plokllng cellar man, also a awd lard and tank man, state experience, waxes expected, agq and give references trom present and former employer. Address Box 700. Og den. Utah. Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelat. Be Bldg, WANTED Experienced Gordon press feeder, l. a. aieuiar lo,, u . mn.- itp umtflrnn.iiu,.nt fnilnilFV fir- man; also one bencn molder, tilvo ref erences, oxperlonco and salary expected lu first letter. J. W. Worrlcu, general manager Hastings Foundry and Iron Works, Hastings. Neb. WANTED A reliable printer, not a booro fighter. Register, Oconto. Neb. WANTED At once, an experienced car pet sewer; good position for a capablo man. Apply Superintendent, Brandels mores. wWTPh .irsrnjift lamln mnn flnnd wages to right party. Apply Immediately. R. C. Phelps, Candy Dept., Brandels Stores. jklUcelluneoBS. WANTED FOR O. B. AHMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 11 unA IS clllzana of United H tales, of good character ana temporals habits, who can speoK, rcau anu wiuo iu uiitiu lonuuaae. For Information apply to ilo- crultlng Officer, Army Building, Uth and uoags Bis., unna, rsco. vw rouriu au, Sioux City, la.; 1J N. luth St., Uncoln. Neb. nf AHA Xfnll n.rriHr. Wnntlui-Aviftl m pt .fvi tYinn.ii nmnh, &mtna.tlona coming, specimen of uuestlons tree. Franaun institute, uepu m u. jhkum ter. N. Y. WANTED-Names of men wishing to become Omaha mall carriers; K7 month commence. Pull unnecessary. Address Y 1U. Bee. FA nil hands, laborers furnished free ot charge to employer. Evans' Employment uttlce, MH uouge. tui. iuug. sun. HELP-Call Omaha Employment Bureau. HELP WANTED MALU AND FEMALE EXPERIENCED hand button hole maker on shirts. Albert Cahn, 213 a. 14th St, 2d floor. WANTED SITUATIONS DAY work wanted. W. 4717. POSITION wahted by band instructor and director. A 1 cornet soloist, strictly temperate, tell all In first letter. Ad dress E. C. Crotty, Tama. la. WANTED by colored Janitor and wife an apartment blouse or small place. 1323 fierce. MAID or general housework tor neat colored girl. Phone Doug G345. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HAZ El, LEAF PILE CONES-BeSt remedy tor Itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies; 60o postpaid; samples free, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY WE BUY NOTKd 310 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas UJOt union ixisn '.a. Gibson's Buffet .122 South 16th St NATHAN'S loan office aulta business. 109 a 13th St Call for your goods. D. a Griffith, wig mtr. 12 Fronser Blk. Wedding announcements, Doug. Ptg. Co. AUCTION WILL START AT A. M.. June 2. Watches, Jewelry, clothing, trunks and suitcases win be sold to the highest bidder at Friedman's Loan bank, 12U Douglas St, Omaha, Neb. ATTRACTIONS. OMAHA film exch., 10th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargslna IfACKIETH oDenlnsr for the summer nonces, Bunaay, June i. uarney. ATJTOMOBILKS DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOOES. BEAT COVERS. One ton truck, solid tires, overhauled, repainted. 1600. It Pelton. 9024 Farnam. ONE ROADSTER, 40 H. P. 'car. naw 113 raoaaL neta tna money, now muca wiu you giver r k. omaba use, l THE BEE: Hearted About His "Motah Call" PPPIHi! Drawn LIZZIES firtoJ AOW fWUkERlW t'CoCK WoWST VfeR- , I'Di BUT DOfJT FERSIT HE' V6R.I ' FAWERjj A. B. C. of Omaha A TtiaN'S KOSHER CAFE Btnnria for nualltv. auantlty St econ omy. 318 8. 15th, middle of block. 2d floor. ANCHOR FENCE CO. iron and wlr fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 314. BELL Drug Co,, sella everything you want from a drug store. Send or phone us your orders; quick delivery. j-nonc Douglas DJ your cleaning, pressing & altering of ladles' U gents' garments at Schmidt. . i. - 1 1 I. .... - . i rA. r uyt .fin uiiur. ouu, yipmcui ww. Empress ANY SEAT 100 ANY TIME toil auctioneering of all kinds of Jew elery and gen'I mdse. writs H. A. Roth, 1819 No. 17th. 20 years experience. GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co. All kinds laundry, dairy, second-hand ma chinery, pipes, shafting and belting. I NVALIDS' Home; best attention and care; private nurses If desired; all mod. conveniences. 320 N. 23d. D. 7001. JOHNSTON'S Chocolates to suit every taste. You will never know how good candy can bo until you try them. Buy aome now. Horn Candy Co., disc, Omaha. KERR Abstract Co., 303 B. 17th St Better be safe than sorry. Have lfrr An vnur tltl wnrlc. Ml INir.Sl Repairs and reflnlshers ot UOLJO Pianos & furniture; 30yrs. exp. Our prices can't be beat D.8461 "K EBRA8KA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, i LEARN AUTOMOBILE KNGI 1 NEERINO. Write for new cata logue. 1416-17 Dodge Bt, Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's," 16th and Harney.. Douglas 1662. We rent repair, sell needles, ports ot an jewing macninea, S1LICO ohlck food Seeds, millet cane, rape, alfalfa, lawn grass, kafflr corn. Wagner. 801 No. lth. AUTOJIOHILKS ONE 4-passeuger car; never used ex cept as demonstrator, electrlo headllgnts and tall light UU moaoi. x.uts at (i,ao, V takes the car. Won't lust tung at this price. J Sw, Omaha Bee. 3100 reward for any magneto w uau 1 1 pair. Coil repairing. Baysuorfor, 210 N. 13U FOR SALti One tlvo-pasenger 40 11. P. car, new HIS model. Must sell .this week (or cosh. What will you givof K nil, umana Bee. BEST AUTO PA1NT1NU. Fore doors; slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFU1FFER CAR1UAOK Works. 26tn Ave. & Leavenworth. D. CiU. AVERY truck tor sale, price 31,600. A bargain; truck in good condition. Address Y lo7. Bee. rvwui TnN Timoic. solid tires, over- i.auipalnjed,jooelton, Mit Farn'. DAY storage; good, service, polite at tendants; autos washed and polished at the Down Town uarage, nn jiuwuru 1 1 I t I nnMiiP ... alllf H II H f downtown location. Paul F. Skinner, 12th and Jackson Su. Motorcycles. BUB-AGENTS wanted for the Tela motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains in all makes used motorcycles. Via tor H. lloos, "the Motorcycle Man." Uar- ley-uaviuson ana xaie motorcycles. iv Leavenworth Bt, Omana, Nab. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOlULKd WILL sacrifice my tO-horsopuwr run about; never been uteu. Adurass A U. euro Bee. nAAiAV-ig uuy ivr oaau, uwu au- ond-hona touring car. Address K Hi, cala Uee. GOOD cars tor sale, first-class condi tlon; must be sold at once. Scates-Motor io., HW Dodgo Bt BUSINESS C1L1KOES. TO gi in or out ot business, call on OANQE.TaD. 4U4 Beu Bldg. Tel. D. 3177. MUST sell my grocery and meat mar ket doing good utltlnesa and my roeda brick residence. Snap tor soma on. A 242, ilea. WE HAVE a very good position ter party who can Invest soma money and work up in tho business. J. 3M, Bee. FOR SALE Pool hall, now being operi atcd at 414 at. 15th, near Orpheuin theater; sevon tables running; a bargain It taken at once. Arthur Hosenblum, trustee, loot city .National. Douglas 1SS7. FOR SALE Patent and dies tor manu faclure ot household necessity; also 1000 manufactured. For price apply to Box ui. juaraiiaiitown. la. ONE-HAiiF interest In two hardwaro (tores in Irrigated district of South Da kota. Uood cnance tor man with experi ence In the business. Reason for selling; present owners don't know the business. Address, B 127 Bee. WANTED! HOTEL! Hotel lust burned.' Liberal cash bonus to one who builds good hotel. Population UOO. Splendid op portunity; no oiuer noiei. iu u. men- uios. secretary commercial ciud. New castle, neo. dandy, for 3360. Gongestad, 404 Bee Bldg. u tll. llaoutlutc lliiunt tor Sale. TEN-ROOM rooming house and furnl. ture tor sale, very reasonable; tree from encumbrance. 607 & 30th St Telephone uougias mis. BUSINESS PERSONALS Barbers. TEN CENT8 shave and neck ah&va. I cents shlue. Elsaascr's, 1617 Farnam Bt Uatldera sail Coatractors. A. M. OFFERMAN. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CO. Plumbing and heat supplies to every body. Special prices on the installation ot iixtures to contractors, noma omiasra ana apartment bouse owners. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 210 N. 26th bt. So. Omaha. Neb. So. 431. R K WiIT,T,-c-"tttor. Douglas 4CS1. Li, L.nULU3tntrl building contrac- tor ana repair worn promptly tenaed to. Carpenters, builders. Shop 2tU N. 27tu. Figure with J. F. Wilson & Co. W. 13 IX Chlropruotors. J. C Lawrence. D. C, 2321 Howard. D. StO. ChlropodUts. DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam. Douglas $417. Mrs. C T. Zwlsler. W. 4447. 4413 Parker. Creameries, Dairies and Sappltes. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY OMAHA, HATTBDAY, MAY .Treat 6iws, 5URPRD WHEW I Tell her 4 Pout, 3 OiiR yUToMcTBiLE y 7 BUSINESS PERSONALS Coraetlcrs. RPIRALLA corset shop, room 314 Web, Sunderland Bldg. D. 1806 for corsetlero. Detectives. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy.. bonded. Suite 418-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases, Tyler 1136. L. W. LONQNECUER, 617 Karbach Blk. Dreasmaklnsr. Terry Dressmkg. colllege. 20th & Farnam. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Kverythlnir ISlectrtcal. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, Igniting dynamos, motors, re palrs. U Bron. 313 S. 12th Bt. Doug. 3175. Florists. C. Ederer. florist 2904 Bristol. Web. 1795. A. Donaghue. 1607 Farnam. Doug. lOOt HESS & BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. DRANDE1B cut flower dept. new store. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Tyler 1024-O'Nelll's. 1606 Farnam Bt tun atovrers. F jiwn "MnxeArn Sharpened, repaired. iawn mowerB Carl Jarl 170J Uvnw LAWN MOWERS sharpened, 76c West Lock & Gun Co., 2420 Cuming Bt. D. 37CL LAWN MOWERS sharpened, called for and delH'ored, 31. Rear 2220 Lake. W. 2S2& Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S 8EEDMAN, 119 N. 16th. Key to tho situation Bee Advertising. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson, 3CS-U Brandels The. Bldg. l'nlntlnu" and Decorating;. CORONA Decorating Co., 1818 Bt Mary's Ave. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tyler 1604. Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HIRAM A. STURUKB, patent lawyer, (48 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 34B9. Plainbera. ) STANDARD PLUMBING CO., Doug. JD93. Printluor, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Low W. Kabor, Printer, 5 BEE BLDU. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATEltS-BAltNHAKT PtK. Co.. Qual ity prlntlbg. Tei. Doug. 2190. CU S. 13th. CENTRAL PH1NT1NU CO. Doug. 3754. Sod. BOD for sale Sodding done. Web. 49S0. Steel Ccllluiis. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. - Store and Office Plsturea. -POOL, tables, atora. restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, 2110 N., South Omaha. Ing, etc. Wo buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 411-16.13 8. 12th. D.Z144. Trunks aud Snttcmses. FUELING & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam Bt Trasses aud Appliances. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, ELASTIC STOCK- INGB. TUB W, G. CLEVELAND COMPANY. nurgicai ana Hospital Buppies. 1410-12 Harney Street Experts In flttine trusses, defarmltv braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. HH.1L.LEU UAUX ATT1&NDANT. Wall fapcr. TQ wallpaper dealers, large nronertv owners, real estate agents. Closing out surplus atook previous to 1913 season at 25 per cent to 60 per cent less than fac tory coat .Bargain prices for large lots. W. L. Yetter & Co.. 1U1-17 Howard St. Omaha. Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Rnrtnra h,r. llminra sandwiches. Alex Jetea. 201-3 B. 13th Bt VIRGINIA DARE wine. 66c a lama bat. tie. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. Uth Bt EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER TEEM MOSHEB-LAMPMAN COLLEGE OPENS JUNE 2. Unsurpassed classes. FDlneat Quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. work tor ooara. nor tree catalogue ad' dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1815 Far. nam si., umana, neo. THE FIRST SUMMER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS JUNE 2. Complete courses 'n business, bookkeeo. Ing. stenography, telegraphy, civil service and salesmanship. Call, vrrite or phone lor H. uoyies uouege istn ana xiarney bta. umana. nan. THE VAN BANT SCHOOL. founded In 1531. Stenography only. Pa- tronitea oy tne weii-eoucated ana ex pen encea. inaiviauai attention. isvtiU! graduate suoceeds. Catalogue ready. umana, nto. Dauclust Academies. LITTLE EFFORT on your part Term ot lesson tree at aiacKie s. Doug. mm. LIVE STOCK FOK SALE Horses and VeMelcs, Harness of all kinds, the largest stock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson Danforth Co., a W. Cor. VHh and Jones. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would doT well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. lM 41 31. 1913, rt - v Brewery LOST AND FOUNO LOST Between Gretna and Fremont; one Electrlo Auto Headlight. Finder please notify L. F. Seaton, Fremont Re ward. LOST Blank bookB containing papers, receipts of owner and razor, on N. 24th or BurdMte. Call or phone Bee office. Liberal reward. RTlTT'M I ) -Arthur IS. Dunn, commercial VVJUViU ,hotographer. 1727 Howard. Flatlron Blag. O. 338S MONEY TO LOAN MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names: cheap rates; easy payments. B. II. Tolman, 603 Omaha National Bank Bldg. $10 TO $100 TO LOAN TODAY It you need any sum from 310 upward you can gel the money from us TODAY. We'll serve you quickly, quietly and politely. Costs you nothing to. Investi gate and very little If you borrow. Call, write or telephone Douglas 2293, OMAHA LOAN CO., Formerly Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 1603 FAENAM ST. Room 113 Board of Trade Bldg. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures Piles, Fistula, and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curo guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrlto for book on rectal ilseases with testimonials. Dr. E. It TERRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. OFFERED FOtt KENT Apartiueuta uud ii'lula. Gordon Van Co. Sil Ms N. 11 la at, or W o. qi. at Tel D. 34. 1807 FARNAM 6 rooms, completely modern; aultable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, eta, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall DUt Co.. 433 Jtamge. D. 740V. FOR KENT Six-room apartment,, com pletely modern; Scargo building, South Omaha, above 616, North 24th; Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. BTRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS. W. IS2S. 6-ROOM modern brick flat 2310 So. 34th. 323. Tel. Harney 4711. BTRICTLY modern 6-room apartment In Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam, 336. 2 rooms In Davldge Bldic suitable for office or Uvlnx rooms. 323. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1& FARNAM ST. CAPITOL AVE.. 2506-ElcaantIy fur nished, cool, comfortable; light house keeping roooms. FLAT FOR RENT. CLOSE IN. 6-room St. Louis flat near soth and Far nam streets, 332.60. Almost new, very de sirable. J. H. DUSIONT & CO. Phone Douglas 69a 160Q Farnam St Board anil Itooms. MERIUAM 3 or 4-r.. Drivate bath: also imall suite; 1 or 2 single. 1529 PARK AVE., most desirable loca tion In Omaha. A large, nicely furnished room with excollent board In an all mod ern home. Farn Jsaed Xloouts. ONE large room for 2; 115 a month. VJA St Mary's Ave. . ' DOUBLE narlor. Piano, beautiful sur- roundlngs. 320 No. 20th street ' newly furnished rooms: ateam heat. 1708 Jackson St. Tyier ibii himk. nnnM furnlflhnd houu In Dun dee for the summer; references required. Address, L UB, care nee. 2662 HT. MARY'S AVE. Very desirable elegantly furnished suite suitable for four gentlemen. Beautifully furnished. Parlor all south exposure. iarge porcn, pienty shade. Price reasonable. Walking dis tance. FURNISHED, modern, private family. 2705 Dewoy Ave. H. 3931. Furnished Apartments. WILL rent during summer one of the most attractive 6-room apartments In Omaha. TeL Harney 2019. or call at apartment 6. the Lorenaen. llotela ausd Asruieuta. niTiirnnNiA HflTET -Steam heated rooms. 32 per week and up; free bath. DODGE HUT-.L--Aladarn. reasonable. Houses and Cottaaea. BEVEN-ROOM houso, all modern, first Class condition; 4 rooms on secorfd floor; bath and toilet separate; 3 large rooms and reception hall, first floor. 27th St., near Prairie Park. 332.60 per month to goodparty. No children. Chris Boyer. Tel. uougiaa iw tiixu Burt St. tenant left city, a 6-room house and toilet 312.50 per month; must furnish reference; Inquire at 5418 Burt St Omaha Express Co 414 N. 17th. DoiUla 3254. Morlnff vans, wagons, fireproof storage. furnuurtt pacmnic ana piwa iuuyui.. tirn a. a v. . V li s A ra rlr nri fnrtaet lal V - KV a ls ly, LaXO ill IS lUUllUCt smbm avMMv www ot hUhUvlns. a postal from you ad- V. r. - V.l.l mil mnjan hnt water heat 2CU HarneY. 360. Inquire T. j, u iincn, iiaroajr r 1 s - r-iC kimnalnnr V lllnrtAV! CVTtTrtm pletely modem; 325. Hail DUt Co.. 433 liamge. lhubikb i . vnTU i xrn HV. it: all modern- T.room bouse; 6-room nat. mi t. wu. Vi'inmnn VM iMn RTnn AOR m packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. 8-ROOM modern house, 323 South 25th street Jn -p,,,,,! Exp. Co., furniture mov- rTmicaa In all parts of the city, MOllSeS crelgh. Bona & Co.. Bee Bldg. wnrA.flTfnV KHlr flat nn SSth n..qp California. Cretghton University. Doug- las goo, WEST FARNAM. 4006 Harney St, an 8-room modern at tached house; south front lot; large porch; only one block from the Farnam car; nearly new and In tine condition, right on the West Farnam hill; only 34160 per month; we will make some con cession to the light party taking a long lease Call on owner at 4004 Harney or A. P TUKEY SON, TeL Douglas USt ) ') sfSP A, for The Bee by hE 3r VtfHILE. I (3ETOM ! HE'r HERE,4W HE' LJPLE r MOUTH I T" OFFERED FOR RENT. JIuUNea HUil CoiiMaea. A COMPLETE list of all vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list Is complied dally and can be seen free of charge at 305 a 17th St OMAHA VAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 2tith. D. 2717. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, first class condition. 3568 Jones St NOS. 614 and 616 a 2Jth St. 9 rooms each; 3 floors; can occupy one floor; rent two out for more than the rent 325. See James Neville, Neville Block. HIGH GROUND NEW MODERN 8-room square, full 2-story, Harney line, 35. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1010 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715 Evenings II 33S or H. 6134. BRICK house, 2613 Dewey avenue. 7 room, modern. MOYER STATIONARY CO. 1616 Farnam Bt FIVE-ROOM modern house, 31& Phone Webster 5691 6 ROOMS, all modern. 1026 N. 33d St; Inquire 2715 Chicago St ELEGANT 8-room house In Hanscom park district; strictly modern; gas and electric lights. Phone H. 615. 2813 Woolwortb Ave., 8 r., mod. 327.60. 3027 Chicago, 8 r., mod., 335. 3116 Chicago, 6 r., shades, mod., 323. 318 N. 23d., 8 r., mod., 335. 2G30 Davenport 6 r., 312.60. HI nE wait Bros., Brandels Theater Bldg. 2423 POPPLETON AVE. Nice 6-room modern house, corner lot garage, 323. Phone Red 6363. Stores nnd Offices. ELITE picture show room at 518 N. 84th St, South Omaha. New front and newly decorated; unexcelled location; room tor SCO chairs; no operating machines; excel lent opportunity for experienced show man. Hall DIst. Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7403 NEW store room, 15th and Cap. Av, 60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. Th..EE modern stores, 325.00 and up ward. Near postotflce. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. WAREHOUSE storage, 16,000 square feet 3160 per month; or one-half, ISO; low Insurance; sprinkler system. Call at 1118-17 Howard St. or Tel. D. 376. DESK room. 4U Bee Bldg. Dexter L. Thomas. . NICE front office. 414 Barker Blk. OFEERED FOR SALE furniture. HERE IS A SNAP. MUST sell beroro 8th of June my high grade household furniture and furnish ings. Apply owner, 623 So. 17th Ave., between 6 and 9 r. m. HOUSEHOLD goods, furniture and stoves for storage charges due Bargains In everything needed to furnish a home. GORDON FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Ar. VAN CO.. 219 N. 11th St. Phone D. 394. 6-BOARD bed. sanitary couch and other turwture. pub q r-KT n . i.avlni. ,1tv hmiaAhold goods, also aquarium and ferns. G. E. McFarland. 3320 Cummlngs. Dong. 164. Musical InstraBKBts. ELECTRIC piano. 3125. 119 N. 16th. Type-writers. pi-v nTmt riT ' Ta fr,T 9 month tS. CENTRAL, TlPICWKtTiaK t.Av.nAuc ... m K ri 1 , . 9 tnintha Si The Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 2919. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Bolke CoUender Co., 407-409 South mn bt. Publishing company, 17th and Farnam streets is A intra fi(-tfn If atri M.hanrf &. all makes. J. J. Derlght Co.. im Farnam 3t & McKensle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. P. 2644. SAFES 2-hand. American Supply CoT 8x8 air compressor. 612 3. 14th. Kindling. 34. H Gross, lumber & wrecking FOR BALE Complete set of black smith's machinery and tools, at a bar. gain. Wrlto or phone W. H. Baker, 202 lumming- j-nunp will sell for 3U5. One man s and one ladles' solid gold watch. Is worth 3100. will sell for 360. Diamond rings from 35 up. Friedman's Loan Bank, 1211 Doug las St. Omaha Neb. EDISON extension model moving pic ture outfit ror sale ai a Dargoin. rmino C. A. BannelU D, 1645. 615 Bee. PERSONAL. t INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 4S7 subscriptions to the L- H. Journal, 3L60: 8. E. Post 31.60, and Country Gen tleman. 3L60, will earn 33.000 for the In valids' Pension Ass'n. which will Insure myself and fifteen other sufferers 310 a rnonth each. Your renewal worth M cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. ""ft.... n.l.. 71 f J Om,hlL r- II li 1 1 1 waaw - QORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for cur travelers - - -.--- off clothing; In tact anything you do not need We collect repair and aell at 131 N. lith St. for cost of collection, to the TV " Dhnii. TViUKlaa 1123 and woriny - - wagon win - Dr. rorassiau iieuu.w wishes to announce i uia haa changed his office rooms from 205-6 to rie-uio 1 ..... - - Thanking them for their past patronage. MASSAGE TAT'-vlk Tt A V 11 1 jrn RHMEDT. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. MAGNETIC liX3 us vTi-TTniKn.Psir apB Yn nnd TnAJsT netlo treatment. MUs Debar. 204 B. Uth. icmnit-uns niTT-RNHOUHEL 301 Boston Store Eve- and Sun, appolnt'a, mTTOirTClW baths; ladles only. Weight 1 UKiSaoil reduced. Apt 8. 1801 Farn. MASSAGE Salt G-, Mme. Allen iui a. nth tt. it ism. I MASSAGE ilaUld mDolaLss-l lu-wv--j,, laf, Douglas 6371 Cliff Sterrett ,4 uToMoBTlLE. I - -.1 3 I -w PERSONAL SCIENTIFIC massage. 1723 Dodge St Mossage.lst fl.. r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steels Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec treat D. 863. POULTRY AND StJTPLIES BUFF urplngtoti eggs, aud broody hen. Webster 1926. SALE OR EXCHANGE. R. E. All Going Out Nothing coming In. that's your auto; will give cholca of fifty farms tor it PALMER LAND CO., U0 W. O. W. Building. FARMS, ranches, for sale or. trade. E. J. Dannatt owner, Alnsworth. Neb. Merchandise Wanted "Will Exchange Iowa Farm LOOK! LOOK1 LOOK! SEE THIS FARM, 240 ACRES. Good Iowa farm In good part of Iowa. Want a good running 310,000 to 312,000 stock of general merchandise or hard ware and Implements. Will exchange 240 acroe improved farm. This Is a good farm, well watered and well suited for general farming and stock raising. We can offer It In exchange for next 20 days at 3110 per acre; can arrange good loon back It wanted. Coll on us or write. B08SERMAN BROS.. Murray. Is. OWING- to having other business that needs my attention. I will sell or trade my newspaper. I have a good plant In a good little Nebraska town, with a good patronage. A good deal for some printer-editor. Address Y 161. Bee. GOOD vacant lot to. exchange for motorcycle in good condition. Douglas 216L REAL ESTATE AOIUiAam FOH BALES. FOR Florence property Tel. Flor. 276. C. L. Nethaway, Florence, resident agent ABSTRACTS UK TIT LB. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALH. Glendale Lots $200, $225, $250 and $300 None over one block from paved road and car line. The beat values offered for a long time. 35 sold the first 10 days of Bale. Will take you out any time. Call and get plat showing unsold lots. .HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St Less Than Cost 3even rooms, all modern, hardwood fln h, south front fine view, walking dls nce. 34.600. Gallagher & Nelson 483 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 3382. H. W. Binder Eastern Company DlfiCAM Of llmfl n O. rrnri-if .kUU la. a anxious to sell. Ask for list 39th and Farnam Finest romftr In irvmm Mtl. ... or apartments, two lots, three street frontage. 312,000. Faim Bargain .Only 340 per acre for 150-aero farm on Military road. 13 W. Gannett Mgf. Real Estate Dept City Nat'l Bonk Bldg. Tot Douglas 1261 Dundee $5,500 We have Just listed an excellent 8 room strictly modern home In one of the best blocks in Dundee, never offered for sale before. Has reception hall, liv ing room, dining room, library and kit chen on first floor. Four large bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; large sleeping porch: oak finish and oak floors throughout Must sell at once or not at all. Glover & SDtain. tia-SO City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 3943. Make Cash Offer on lot 3, block S3, Omaha, on Tenth, be tween Douglas, and Dodge. Owners, P. O. Box 806, Omaha. TWO NICE LOTS 44x137, bt 4109 Farnam, also fronts on Homey. Price 32,260. 60x176, at 3507 Burt. Price. 32.100. W. H. OATE3, Room 644 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 123 L MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed, free at our office; two stamps by mall. Chas. E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, Care of Property, Omaha. Also Omaha Red Book, vest Docket size. LARGE CORNER CLOSE IN the southwest corner of 26th and Charles 8ts., 63x120 feet with 7-room cottage Might take some Omaha city property In exchange. Make offer to owner. W. H. Griffith. 2523 Chicago St HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS, Have bungalow at SS21 No. 20th St and 3822 No. Uth Ave; also one at 321S De catur Bt All have oak finish and beam celling in living and dining rooms; sre built right and priced right. 8mall cash payment, balance monthly like rent Look these over and coll In and see us Of phone Red 4721 or Web. 4835. TRAVER BROS.. 705 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. L,'RCOM ttage, sleeping porch, shrub: 1 bery, large lawn. Easy terms. Web. UK.