THE BriE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1913. ( i i Wednesday Morning at 8 O'clock We Place on Sale a Rare Collection of Exquisite Silk Fabrics, Trimmings, Partly Made Waists and Gowns, Hand Made Laces, Ge?iui?ie Hand Embroidery, Made-up Robes, Wraps, Negligees, Fancy Linens and Art Needlework Entire Slock of the Importers Exclusive Specialty Shop ot Vlme. Frolunan ,i;' Waldorf-Astoria of New York Bought Through A. Gluck (Si Co. of New York Af Just A Fraction of Its Aefual Value In this Btock may be found scores of partly made robes, partly made waists and unfinished costumes which may be bought for a fraction of their original worth. Thcso creations vi many of them the original designs of Madamo Frohman herself. They aio made of the richest silks and satins and tho rarest hand embroid ered and real lace trimmed fabrics. They need only the work of a skilled needlewoman to transform them Into finished garments of In dividuality and exquisite boauty. I. High Class Imported Novelties, Laces, Bands, Galloons, This is a stock that was tho prido of fashionablo New York on ae account of its exclusive character. Madanio Frohman 's exolusivo shop is ono of tho most fascinating features of tho famous Waldorf-Astoria. There "was not another collection of imported fabrics and apparol in all Now York to compare with tliis. Madarao Frohman socles only tho patronage of tho olite. Sho is in touch with tho world's best sources of supply and it is her joy to assemble for her appreciative patrons robes and fabrics or rare boauty and splendor. Our sale which begins at 8 o'clock Wednesday will bo ono of tho most romarkablo merchan dising events in this country's history. Mm, Frohman la known in tho chief mar kets of tho Orient as ono of tho foremost col lectors of exquisite hand work In this country. Hor personal representative uponds his entire time In tho mnrkotB of the Far Bast seoklng particularly boautlful specimens of Japanese embroidered fabrics, oxqulslto hand work from the Phllllplno Islands and the rich embroid ered stuffs from China, where hand embroidery has boon tho work of adopts for conturlcB. Semi-Made Robes Of Crepe de Chine and Chiffon Cloth Handsome single robes from Mme. Frohman's stock, made of beautiful materials, crepe canton, crepe chiffon, hand embroidored in black, white, grey, helio, pink, with all the required elaborate trimmings to match $r $B50 $fl A Silk dept., at each robe , I J 111 Partly Made Waists From Mine. Frohman 's stock. Hand embroidered crepes, 'chiffon cloth, Shanghai and Canton Hab u'tai with all the trimmings for each waist Mine .Frohman 's price 59 $t)S9 5995 $ h. I up to $25 each, at each .Real Hand Embroidered Linen Robes at $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98 Neat, artistic designs as well as elaborately em broidered patterns on fine imported Irish hand kerchief linen some are unmade and some are partly made worth up to 098 J 98 $C9l $15 each, at the pattern. . . . TC O Seal Irish Hand Embroidered Waist Patterns Beautifully embroidered on sheer linen fabric in white manyaro worth $5 each, some are unmade and some are partly made, jj rn . CA specially priced at PJ.wv J Po0V Real Irish Linen and Japanese Linen Hand Embroidered Panels Now in great demand for trimming robes and dresses Mme. Frohman 's prices up to Aft $3.00, at each tOC FANCY LINENS Genuine Hand Embroidered Table Covers Made of pine apple linen, hemstitched border, 4 yards long. Mme. Froh man 'b price $125; our special 2Or7 Ei"i price pO .DU Real Hand Embroidered Japanese Center Pieces Embroid ered corners, hemstitched edge. Mme. Prohman's nn price $2.50; our price. aOC AUtvers, Nettings, Trimmings, Etc, From Madame Frohman's Exclusive Specialty Shop in the Waldorf-Astoria. Eeal crochet, real cluny, real macrame and real Princess laces, also rioh simula tions of real laces in crochet, Venise, filet, ratine, macrame and retecilli dainty patterns in filmy shadow laces beaded nettings silk nettings chantilly all overs and flouncings crochet, Venise, Oriental and shadow allovors, flouncings, bands and edges gold and silver effects rich gold and silver embroidored trim mings beaded trimmings, East India and Persian trimmings, also crystal bands. All novelties from Mme. Frohman's stock at a fraction of former prices. Arranged ,Trd28c,'39c, 59c, 98c and $1.3 Real 'Irish Crochet Hand Made Laces froBry rs".Sman lic-39e : 59c Picot edges, insertions and bands in narrow widths, Vz to 11 - u : ,1 n . j J-72 luuuc!) w me, uu mum iiuui, yuru w j Real Irish hand made lace, edges, bands and insertions, up to 4 inches wide, in a score of the most exquisite designs that will delight $ 50 $ 98 a $ft25 all lovers of these fine laces, at the yard " S 45-Ineh Embroidered Skirtings in French Voile, Crepe, Ete. French voile the new snow flake crope batiste and Swiss fabrics in dainty baby lnsn ellects, Jitngush eyelet and new combination designs. AQ J M CA Mme. Frohman's price up to $3 a yard, at the yard BUTTONS Plain and" fancy trimming Buttons rhlnestone, buttons buttons of ev ery kind at lesa than Mme. Frohman's price. GALLOONS Sheer B a 1 1 s t e and SwIib Galloons, In beautiful open work patterns, "worth up to 66c a yard, at, qq the yard..... C Embroidered Waist Frontings 1,000 pleceB In 94 -yard lengths; crochet, Von lse and Irish effects many to match; worth 76o at, OC each muC BANDS Richly colored om- broldored B u 1 garlan edges, points and bands In a wide variety worth up to qq $2 yd., at. yd. O&C Hand Embroidered Silks, Canton, Shanghai Crepes, Mandarin and Shantung Silks M $1 and $1!! Yd. These exquisite silks which Mmo. Frohman imported direct from tho Orient are worked out in beautiful designs in tho stunning Oriental colorings- the most per fect dyo. Rich brocades and satins. Many exolusivo patterns. This is a rare op portunity to sccuro those fine silks at a fraction of tho 4g CA tf Q real cost. Mndnmo Frohman's prices for those oxtromo 11 novelties was up to $10 a yard, at yard. . ; Real Philippine Islands, Hand Embroidered Gauze Silks Thoso silks are woven with bonutiful floral and Oriental effects, bordure effects, etc., in every tone of tho rainbow, specially adapted for party gowns IZ and waists. Madarao Frohman's price on theso dninty silks was up jlf C to $1.25 and oven $1.50 a yard our special price, yard $2 and $2.50 Fineiiauze and Radium Silks, Tinsel Silks, Etc.. 69c and 98c Yd. Ts'rioftl otlL-o HintvTifil ntSnfwl lfiinnnn ara nnrl hrnrmrlnH SlmilG'lhn.i Rllkfl. ToklO silks in faBt dyos, stunning printed soft finished foulards, pure dye hand loom taf- I iotas, peau do oropo and plain weave canton cropos, dapanoso,uninese ana rnuip pino printed silks in beautiful effects, from Madnmo Frohman's AQ ftfj stock at, yard , ''" 44 to 50 Inch Printed and Bordered Chiffon Cloth Unlike anything over shown distinctive effects In whlto, clel, maize, hollo, Nell rce, Nile, coral, amethyst and black grounds with corresponding designs. These chiffon irg dit AO cloths were sought for by the most discriminating women In Now York's Ji II f,jU .ftf fashionable sots. Madame Frohman's regular prlco was up to 42.50 yd., av v w Chlncso and Japanose EPONGE SUITINGS The height op fashion. Soft, cling ing fabric in Russian blue, amber brown, russet, navy, whlto, natural, and tan Mme. Frohman's &4 price up to $2.00 3k I a yard, at yard v Unmade Canton Robes Ready Made Robes, Wraps, Coats, Negligees, Infants5 Wear Etc., Frtm Mme, FrohgaiVs Stock at Prices Less Than Actual Cssl to Import Hundreds of made up Raiment? of various kinds from Mmo. Frohman's stock offered at the most amazing bargains ever known Robes, Wraps, Negligees, Coats, Infanta' Wear, etc. Every garment Is an exquisite creation. 14 Hand Embroidered fine Japanese Summer Shawls, Madame Frohman's price was $25, our special prico $5.00 29 Suits Ladies' Pajamas, plain and brocaded Shantung Silks, Mme. Frohman's pride up to $20.00, our price $5.00 15 Fine Japanese and Shantung Pullman Sleeper Robes, beautiful work, Mme. Frohman 's price $15.00, at . . $5.00 1 Fine Extra Large Black Crocheted Silk Shawl, Madame Frohman's former price $125.00, at $39.00 12 Long Hand Embroidered Silk Shoulder Scarfs of rich texture, Mme. Frohman's prico up to $20, our prico $5.00 1 Pink band embroidered Silk Shoulder Shawl, very dainty wrap, Mme. Frohman's former prico $45, our prico $15 1 light blue hand embroidered Silk Coat, a specially imported wrap that Mme. Frohman priced at $50, our price $15 1 fine embroidered pink Evening Coat an exquisite creation which Mme. Frohman priced at at $60, our prico $15 39 fine Short Hand Embroidered Silk Kimonos, very dainty, Mme, Frohman's former price $10 to $20, our prico $5 18 Long Hand Embroidered Fancy Crepe Klmonoe Mme. Froh man's price up to 930.00, at . . . , SIO 13 Long Hand Embroidered Fancy Crepe Kimonos Mme. Froh- man's price up to $7B.OO, at 825 10 Long Hand Embroidered Fancy Crepe Kimonos Mmo. Froh man's price up to $40.00. at SI 5 12 Children's Silk II and Embroidered Kimonos, worth up to $13, at S3. S 14 Children's Silk Hand Embroidered Kimonos, worth up to $10, at ....... S2LOS And hundreds of odd garments impossible to 88 Infanta' Short Embroidered Kimonos Mine. Frohman's price up to $10.00, at S2.50 85 Infants' Short Embroidered Kimonos Mmo, Frohman's price up to $12.50, at S'J.50 41 Infanta' Short Embroidered Kimonos Mme. Frohman's prices up to $8.00, at SI 8 Infants' Fine Quilted and Hand Embroidered Carriage Robes, worth $12.50, at S5 8 Infants' Fine Qnllted and Hand Embroidered Carriage Robes, worth 810.00. at SJt mention at redactions lust as wond erful as tlieie. Robe patterns of axquisito texturo with all hand embroidered panels and trimmings to match. Aimo. jjTonman'B prices up to siu-uu eaon, our Bpecml prices, at .$2.50-$3.9S-$6 VEILS an SCARFS All the Imported French Lace Veils, the- fad in Pans from Mme. Frohman's (g tf-g pa stock, many stylos at, eaoh $1. "$.!)" Ohiffon Automobile Veils and Scarfs Large size veils and scarfs in all tho fashionable colors somo extra heavy quality; Mmo, d (gQ. aq Frohman's price up to $10, at. ., , . . vl"VueJO HANDKERCHIEFS All the handkerchiefs from the Mme. Frohman stock in roal Duchosso, real Princess, point Lire and Point Venise, at 50c, $1, $1.50, $2.i0 NOTIONS J. 0. King's best grade 200-yard spool foread, extra special, the dozen 15c Genuine Hand Painted Silk Table Set Two doren doll ies and center piece. Mme. Frohman's price 25; our special price Wednes- gj day only............ pO Embroidery, on pure linen, Genuine Japanese Hand Em broidered Table Set Center piece with three dozen doll lea, embroidered In white or colors. Mme. Froh- J" Q man's prloo $60, at. P 1 0 Genuine Hand Made. Maderia extra line work all sizes Genuine Hand Made Japan ese Battenburg Lunch Cloths 54-lnch size. Mme. Froh man's price 3.60; $- 70 at 1 Genuine Hand Embroidered Chine with hand knotted fringe. Mme. Frohman's price $46; our price, each. TET to $15 Japanese Bamboo Baskets In all styles for ferns, rosei and fruit and Sandwich Baskets, prices from 76c 9? 50 to O Piano Scarfs, on Crepe do $15 PLATE DINNER In Pompeian Room Green Room Cafe, 25c a Plate. Every Day From 2 Until 5 P. M. Attractive Menu. Opening Week in Our New and Enlarged Drug Bept The success of tho first day of our spring salo was phenomenal. Thousands of Omaha men and women who appreciate genuine values thronged the aisles of our enlarged drug and toilet goods section and took advantage of the scores of amazing bargaina Throughout this opening week extra specials will be featured every day in this section. Lydla Flnkham's Vegetable Comp. Peroxide of Hydrogen; 1-lb. bottle Fletcher's Castoria: at the bottle S. S. S. for the Blood; $1 size bottle , Mennen's Talcum Powder, at, can Woodbury's Facial Soap, at cake 12 Java Rice Powder, all shades, for 10 Quinine Egg Shampoo, at lBd Witch Hazel, full strength, pint bot 156 20 Mule , Tram Dorax 1-lb. package together wlUi trial size of SO Mule 7 Team Ilorax Chips all for C We Are Official Agents in Omaha for MUNBING UNDERWEAR for Womm Msa Shoe Repairing Rapid work perfectly equipped machinery for repairing shoes. Moder ate priced. FLAGS for Decoraton Day All kinds In Uasement, la up. Mending Tissue, regular 6c package, for 2 Inside Belting, white or black, 6-yard bolts, at Ffi Roberts' Gold Eye Needles, Be grade, at, the paper. . 1 Rick Rack Braid, assorted sizes, at, the bolt....XOJ Rustproof Hooks and Eyes, at, the card , ,2H Dress Shields, on sale, at, the pair 5-k Featherstitch Braids, Worth 16c, at, the bolt 54 Celebrated Wilson Dress Hooks, the card ....... Waved Wire Collar Supports 3 on card, the card,... Cold Storage for Your Furs When your furs are in our new, dry cold air vaults they are absolutely safe. Perfect protec tion against moths, fire, heat, moisture, dust and burglars. Each fur piece in. storage is hung sep aratelynot crowded in. Better conditions and better attention than your furs could possibly get, at home. Tho risk is ours not yours.